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    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 30 November 2019

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 30 November 2019

    [RAGE THREAD] 30 November 2019

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:07 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pokemon Home should be a safari builder where your Pokemon can live in happiness in their nature environment

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST

    Here's how it would work for say ghost types...

    1. Importing 5 ghosts would build a graveyard for them to wander
    2. 20 imported ghosts would make a haunted house
    3. 40 imported ghosts would build a haunted mansion Etc

    For grass types

    1. 5 would build a long grass field
    2. 20 would build a woods
    3. 40 would build a large forest Etc

    For water types... 1. 5 would build a pond 2. 20 would build a lake 3. 40 would open access to the sea Etc

    You'd be able to wander around the safari and interact with your Pokemon, as well as transferring them between games as usual. Most importantly they'd be very happy bois

    Game freak I'm free for hiring x

    submitted by /u/TheGilbeeno
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    Twitch-streamer and Video Game challenge run player GameChamp3k just beat Pokemon Blue without taking a single point of damage in the entire game.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST

    Today, on November 29th 2019, with a gametime of 222:18, GameChamp3k beat the game. He never got hit. Never got poisoned, never got confused.

    It was ridiculous to watch. It was a lot of grinding against Metapod, hours of back-and-forth biking with pokemon in the daycare, meticulous calculating of stats, making use of dumb AI programming and praying to the RNG gods for the 1/256 glitch not happening.

    You can watch it all in his archive on Twitch.

    Edit: here's his YouTube channel with a bunch more ridiculous challenges


    And the link to the finale on Twitch


    Edit2: to clarify: if he got hit, he deleted the save and started over. Savescumming was NOT allowed.

    submitted by /u/BlackFenrir
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    What would you guys think of a dynamic rival?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PST

    Just an idea I was thinking of. Like a rival who's team adjusts to counter yours as you progress through the game. For people who change up their teams a lot, it may not be super impactful, but I feel like enough people use one team throughout the game that it would be interesting to deal with. I don't know how plausibly it could be implemented, but something like each of their 6 changing to types that counter your 6 based on every time you fought (consequently, I'd assume you'd have a lot more encounters).

    submitted by /u/roiscool10
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    Summing up the Pokemon drama in a prequel meme

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:32 AM PST

    Eternatus height comparison

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    The Curry Dex is a joke

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:09 AM PST

    The more than half of the National Dex gone, so they give as the Curry Dex and guess what? There's 151 different curries you can make! But it turns out that the same curry have 6 versions of itself with just different colour effect + extra single curry (Gigantimax Curry).

    By using this simple calculation (150÷6)+1 we get a total of : 26 Curries

    The 25 curries (without the Gigantimax Curry) can come with three different forms, so the total of designs they need to make is : 75 Design (+1 for the Gigantimax Curry)

    Idk what to say anymore about this game nothing seems really that special.

    If you still don't believe me here's a video of all the curries : https://youtu.be/y9qwuZ0xcVs

    submitted by /u/baderA34
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    I Etch A Sketched Brock's finest moment [OC]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:55 AM PST

    If you ran a Pokémon gym, what would be your type, and your signature Pokémon?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    As for me, my favourite types are Steel and Dragon. However, Fire is a top contender I focus less on compared to the 2 above, so Fire would be my type.

    My gym is going to be the last of the 8 in the region, meaning I would hold less back before the challenger goes to the E4.

    As for the layout, I want to make it a really cool gym. There's going to be 2 floors and a platform on floor 2. There's going to be fake lava that you'll have to jump over. The trainers in the gym are all going to have level 45 - 50 Pokemon, and the Pokemon aren't too strong, like: Magmortar, Houndoom, Talonflame and Turtunator.

    submitted by /u/Shesshines
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    What's the point of giving and letting me buy these different gym challenger uniforms IF I CAN'T USE THEM IN THE GYM CHALLENGE

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:16 PM PST

    See title: You earn each gym's respective outfit for defeating them, you can buy all the minor league ones right off the bat, and beating the game gives you one similar to Leon's. But when you actually do gym challenges you're stuck in the generic one you put on from the start. I'm the fucking champion now let me wear my tacky champion outfit.

    submitted by /u/Chemical-Cat
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    Second Shiny since Green Leaf...

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:00 AM PST


    Why does a Braviary level 60 have whirlwind? Just... why? At least is a fun anecdote eh? ha ha ha....

    submitted by /u/Etheon44
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    Mythical Pokémon are fucking stupid, and should be abolished

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:52 PM PST

    Legendary Pokémon are tough and unique Pokémon, and acquiring them is always a rush and feels like a milestone. Mythical Pokémon are Pokémon that are also cool and unique, but game Freak has arbitrary locked them. The fact that you need to do a special event at GameStop, or risk missing out on one of your favorite Pokémon is one of the worst practices that game Freak gets away with. Did you know that Arseus has never been given away legitimately? All that these events do is encourage people to hack the games so that they can have them. It permanently cheapens having them because you have to hack them or wait in line, not earn them through a cool battle. Delta episode did things right with deoxys.

    submitted by /u/Camman227a
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    Breaking News

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Gigantamax Meowth irl

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    Who ever made these raid ai/helpers needs to be fired

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    EDIT/UPDATE:thanks to a person named jade I finally beat the darn thing, I was waiting for over 3 hours after this post was made. I would have rather solod the thing then deal with so.

    Its absolutly stupid I cant beat a 5 star diggersby because he knows earthquake and every ai brings weak ass pokemon. It wouldn't be an issue if people were joining the raids but im guessing the game is dying in terms of people doing the raids. Whoever created these ai needs to be fired and replaced. Ive enjoyed 40+ hours playing but ive absolutly hated the raid system in place. Even paying for online noones joining. The online is an absolute joke between not updateing and no one joining

    EDIT/UPDATE 2: wow didnt realize this would explode thanks guys. Glad to know I'm not the only person that thinks this. Let's hope by some miracle they see the outrage about it and do something(a man can wish lol)

    submitted by /u/turtleinstitute
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    Marnie (Nanoless)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:49 AM PST

    After 999 encounters, I finally found my first shiny Pokémon

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:00 AM PST

    After exactly 999 tries, I finally encountered my shiny Growlithe! He's my favorite Pokémon so I'm hyped af, I was already giving up hope cause I've read some comments about shiny hunters, being at 3k+ encounters and still no shiny. Never give up hunting guys!

    submitted by /u/Fishosophy
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    TL;DR: Galar is not an interesting because region because the Wild Area is flat and Pokémon in the overworld have no personality.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    I'm sure this has been discussed before but I want to (re)iterate that the Wild Area has two issues that greatly depreciates the potential for being a great feature. They both involve the two essentials—the region and the Pokémon living in it.

    1. Wild Area is mostly flat.

    This especially feels like a step backwards in the series because the previous entry had a very 3-dimensional geography. In SM/USUM, you can go to a cliffside and see a beach and/or mountains, most of which are accessible. You could crawl through a hole to enter a cave or a hidden area behind tree. Ambrette Town is my favorite place in XY because it shows off Kalos as a scenic region. (I might have a thing for cliffs.) I don't remember there ever being a location where you can appreciate the Wild Area as a scene.

    Because the Wild Area is so flat, there is no thrill of discovery. Most areas within the horizon is visible and few are hidden. Zelda: Breath of the Wild developers explained they designed Hyrule by deliberately placing triangles (as in mountains) to force the player to be curious what is behind. See their GDC talk on the topic here.

    Just as the topography is flat, the colors are too muddy. The only design I see is just a hodgepodge of terrains. There isn't much pop of color, at least not as much color the world of Pokémon I think should have.

    2. Pokémon behavior in the overworld is also flat.

    Pokémon are EITHER aggressive (the high-level ones) and chase after you OR they just stand/walk around in a patch of grass. Ambush Pokémon is just limited to shaking berry trees. You can't sneak up to easily-spooked Pokémon like in ORAS because, well, Pokémon in Galar just don't get spooked. I miss SOS Battles because you could imagine it being something Pokémon would actually do. I mean, wouldn't you call for help if you were in trouble, too? Shouldn't their behavior be as diverse as each of their personalities are unique?

    I think this is Game Freak overcompensating at the criticism that random encounters are annoying/exhausting. In Sword and Shield, you deliberately have to walk into an exclamation mark to encounter Pokémon "randomly" but it diminishes the surprise factor for me. I know time and resource limits what you can do when developing a game but having two or three Pokémon being surprised and hurriedly trying to run away from the player would have been so memorable... but I'm starting to sound like a armchair game developer.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that Pokémon don't interact with each other at all. If Pokémon are visible, I want to see a few of them to either play or fight each other as any animal would do.

    Edit2: Apparently, there are counter examples to my point on overworld Pokémon behavior. This changed my mind a bit.

    As much as I appreciate the QoL changes for making a competitive team, I feel this regrettably is a missed opportunity.

    submitted by /u/anonxanemone
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    Which Pokemon was your first shiny ?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    So I have played one game from each generation till Gen 4, but never encountered a shiny(except the red Gyrados in Gold, but that doesn't count).

    So recently, I was playing Renegade Platinum. I was training my Pokemons in the Eterna Forest with Cheryl healing, when I encountered my first shiny.

    It was a shroomish. I was so anxious while trying to catch it, because I was afraid Cheryl would KO it. Trust me NPC battle partners have no regards for a shiny( as I came to know later, but that's another story). But in the end, I managed to catch that shroomish, and I was so happy.

    So what is the first shiny that you caught/encountered ?

    submitted by /u/Ar_Pachauri
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    5 Star Obstagoon Max Raid Battle

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Someone please tell me how this is supposed to work.

    I have never encountered something so broken.

    Obstagoon starts the max raid battle with a 7-hit shield. STARTS. You don't even get any hits in before it shields itself.

    Not to mention.

    It uses Obstruct.


    It gets to attack and protect...EVERY. TURN.

    From there, I dynamax my Pokémon and I get six of the shields down due to Max Moves surpassing protect moves.

    However, I'm stuck on the final shield. No one can get through. Even with allies like Mudbray, Hawlucha, and Jolteon that attack every turn, nothing can break through its Obstruct.

    Am I dumb? Is there supposed to be a way to beat this? I've gone up against this beast 8 times and have never inflicted damage to it because my team is always rawdogged before it uses up its Obstruct's PP.

    Help me. Please.

    submitted by /u/lordpag
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    [LORE RAMBLE] Gardevoir vs Hatterine

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    I´m an emotional person. The older I get, the better I´ve become handling them.

    When Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire were released I was 12 y-o, and fell in love with Ralt´s evolutionary line because they were the emotion/feeling pokemon. Empathy is their concept, for the four of them. Then Gallade was introduced, Gardevoir received the Fairy type and both gained mega evolutions. When I started my competitive team, I was beyond happy that Gallade and Gardevoir made a good team, and I could use my two favorite pokemon side by side.

    I always saw Gardevoir´s opposite in Gothitelle´s line. Green/White vs Purple/Black, girly and psychic, three stages evolutionary line. While Gardevoir was all about empathy, Gothitelle was about foresight and divination.

    But now, reading SWSH pokedex I find the true opposite of Gardevoir´s line; the Hatterene line. The enties say:

    Hatenna- Via the protrusion on its head, it senses other creatures' emotions. If you don't have a calm disposition, it will never warm up to you.

    Hattrem- No matter who you are, if you bring strong emotions near this Pokémon, it will silence you violently.

    Hatterine - If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch.

    Meanwhile, Ralts line be like:

    Ralts - If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly.

    Kirlia - If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about.

    Gardevoir - It has the power to predict the future. Its power peaks when it is protecting its Trainer.

    Gallade - Sharply attuned to others' wishes for help, this Pokémon seeks out those in need and aids them in battle.

    So while Ralts and his family can capitalize en positive emotions and defend its trainer, Hatterine loathes strong emotions and violently shush them.

    submitted by /u/klauszen
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    Why is Play Rough still the only physical fairy type move?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Like you can make a mythical and magical physical attack without it needing to be googoo gaga baby. Special has moves like Dazzling Gleam and Moonblast. Just even off the top of my head as some ideas:

    • Seelie Sword
    • Fey Claw
    • Spriggan Fangs
    • Boggart Bash


    submitted by /u/Chemical-Cat
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    Thought this needed to be a gif

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:26 AM PST

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