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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 02 December 2019

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 02 December 2019

    [Weekly Questions Thread] 02 December 2019

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:08 AM PST

    Have any questions about Pokémon that you'd like answered?

    If they're about the anime, the games, the manga, or anything Pokémon related, feel free to ask here -- no matter how silly your questions might seem!

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I made a Garchomp based armor design

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:51 AM PST

    After 90+ hours in Shield I've come to accept that while I love the game, have enjoyed every hour spent playing, it absolutely lacks the polish I really wanted.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:41 PM PST

    While I kept up to date on all of the controversy prior to the release, I was mostly ambivalent to the discussion. I was ultimately excited for new Pokémon. Today is the first day since it came out where I haven't played basically all day. Not for any particular reason, just wanted to take a break from the breeding and grinding. I decided to pick up where I left off in Dragon Quest XI (about 25 hours in), and was immediately reminded of what a good polish looks like. The level of detail in the characters and the variety in setting and monsters is astounding. For a game that has such similar history and style, it blows my mind how much better Dragon Quest XI is than SwSh.

    Edit* Holy shit. This blew up over night. This is now my highest upvoted post of all time. How fun.

    EditEdit* Looks like all the neckbeards are coming out of the woodworks. If you leave a nasty comment, I will report and block you. Simple as that. Be civil or keep it yourself.

    submitted by /u/Oocheewalala
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    When you live next to a gym in the Galar Region.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:09 AM PST

    Pokemon eating air is a fucking joke lmao

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:53 AM PST

    Pokemon Camp!

    I get it would be difficult to animate all pokemon eat all the dishes but wow just replacing it with air huh. Not even an empty plate?

    We're living in 2019 while Gamefreak is living in 2004.

    Imagine showing that image to a friend who isnt an avid fan of pokemon, you'd probably get roasted lol

    submitted by /u/YammaTamma
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    Review: Pokemon Sword and Shield are fun games, but they're not good games

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:44 AM PST

    I've posted something along the likes on other threads, but I thought to put this in one post.

    Sword and Shield are fun games, I have been enjoying most part of it, but honestly, the games are not good.

    The fun parts of the game are cruising around, seeing pokemon waddling around, seeing some beautiful environments, having the battles as before. The gym battles felt like something a proper gym battle should be, with hundreds of people cheering you on, being interacted with by the gym leader etc. Hell, I even enjoyed Dynamax for what it's worth. It elevated this rather small pokemon battle to something big. There are some huge howevers on this that I'm going to elaborate on further down.

    The Wild Area, though pretty small once you have the bike, gave a sense of bewilderment, that I wanted to explore more and more as much as I could. Sometimes the sudden shifts in weather are jarring, but it was nice to have multiple kinds of environmental effects changing battles. The strong pokemons were something worth to try, and more often than not try to avoid, but it felt rewarding to be able to finally tackle them once you got more powerful pokemon.

    Some areas were really beautifully designed, and I thought that some areas really got a huge amount of detail. Towns like Ballonlea, the starter town, Turrfield were really beautiful.

    The Raids were a fun experiment with the formula, and give some change of pace to the normal interactions with pokemon.

    The characters were pretty okay, Hop was not as unnerving as Hau was, Leon was an admirable champion, though it felt like he was more like a cheerleader at times, and the professor(s) give some nice direction to the story.

    I had a blast with the pokemon designs. I basically like all of the new ones. Even the apple, because it's such a good play on the 'wyrm' in the apple. The starters end stage were a bit lackluster, but they got enough personality to make up for it. In fact, most of the designs had some kind of personality attached to them, instead of just being 'an animal'.

    Now that that's out of the way, why aren't these good games? Oh boy... I think most of it comes down to just such small attention to detail. To aggrevate this, is that they even cut away some pokemon for balancing, animations, ... of the current pokemon. But why does it feel like this hasn't happened at all?

    Pokemons in the camp area just felt ripped straight out of Amie with no alterations to their animations. They awkwardly turn around using the normal walking animation when trying to face you. Sizzlipede/Centiskorch, Weezing and any other pokemons with long horizontal body parts are really eggregious in their movements. Roaming pokemons have like 5 preset walking AI's? Zigzagoon and Linoone are the only ones who have a pattern that seemed to be designed for them. All the rest use 'curious','afraid', 'chasing' AI with some mindless walking around if not triggered by the players. Sudowoodo should stand completely still, Ninjask should be zip zooming around (even like zigzagoon), Noctowls shouldn't be hovering over the ground... And when not looking at the movement patterns, there are some really awkward moments where it looks like pokemon don't have any personal space. In the area behind the Lake of Outrage, a group of huge seismitoads and galvantula are just rubbing against each other in some kind of boring walking orgy. Leave some space between the pokemon for heaven's sake!

    There is no consistency on what battle backgrounds are gonna show up and what aren't. The white or colored void just happens at some places, and at the other side of the door, the whole background does get rendered. This happens in so many places, with seemingly no consistency. During attack animations other trainers and pokemon randomly disappear, depending on the attack and reappear afterward. And when catching pokemons on the water, would it be so hard to let the pokeball float in the water instead of on top?

    Cities and towns are so underwhelmingly underdeveloped. Worst being Hammerlocke which is just one huge facade. You get to explore none of its parts that make it seem so cool! Spikesmuth? Oh dear, one hallway with a pokemon center... Practically no cool nooks and cranies to search. And then, some of the towns are really beautifully crafted, and you get to spent a good 5 minutes in them. I feel like the graphic designers got to do so much for some areas, but were just ripped of by the gameplay team who then choose to let their area appear for a miniscule amount of time, and it feels like at some point, they just gave up because their beautiful areas were gonna be pointless regardless of time invested.

    The story is completely all over the place. You don't get to be the actual hero that does shit in this game, except for the random breakin into Rose Tower and the battle with Eternatus. The rest? "Oh, we'll handle this, you do your gym challenge". I mean wut? And the events don't even seem to matter. What happened at Hammerlocke? Who knows and who cares? What about the pokemons randomly dynamaxing? Who knows and who cares? The mining facility of Rose near Motostoke? Oh who gives a crap. Why do we keep getting treated to maybe some story, only to be it completely denied in our faces? Hell, even the break-in into Rose Tower was completely pointless padding, and seemed just to show of that Garbodor has a gigantamax form. Oleana was being completely ridiculous for nothing, telling her plan with giving the key to one of the fake gym assistents, and then you go on for the most stupid form of hide and seek I have ever seen. Only for it all to not even matter, cause there was nothing going on with Leon and Rose and your intrusion did not have any impact on their decisions at all. Let's not even talk about the ridiculousness of Rose's plan.

    And dynamax, dear dynamax. I have such a love/hate relation with you... Why were you even in here? You are such a weird thing, both in story, setting, design, ... Not to even mention the decision that not all pokemon with special forms can gigantamax. It is so horribly executed on so many levels. I'm not even sure if dynamaxing was even important to the story. They could have done the complete doomsday scenario without the dynamaxing shenanigans.Dynamaxing is a cool visual effect, and gives way for some cool moments, but having your water starter one-shot a big-ass fire mountain by pointing at him is just... well, laughable.I feel like dynamaxing was done to give some sense of grandeur to the battle, some good weight to it. But instead of making the pokemons do some actual movement in a fight, they just thought that making them bigger and the animations bigger would fix it all.

    Barely any postgame has been noted by everyone here, and it is a bummer as well.

    And then, the absolute lack of differences between sword and shield. The last pokemon game I replayed before this one was Black 2, and it has some big differences between it and White 2. Now, it's just some pokemon and a gym...Come on, are we back in Red and Blue? What is this? It actually infuriates me. Put some m-effing effort in a game(well, two games). All of my points lead back to this. This game was basically abandoned before it even got started. There is so little effort done in this game in points it could have mattered, where you could have delivered a more life-like world, but no. This project was a rushed-out piece, with a director who is so completely out of touch with his own series, fanbase, ... I can only say he must be in it for the money, cause he sure as hell did not put any effort in it, and it shows. That this kind of game still gets released on the Switch, even with Nintendo saying nope to the first Metroid Prime 4, delaying Animal Crossing, this just feels terrible.

    All in all, I had fun with the games, but I would never recommend this game to anyone.

    EDIT: I forgot to include the amount of omissions they have made, and the changes to online/GTS etc. It just makes this game feel less and less worth than 60€. Hell, even less than the 40€ that I paid for previous games.

    There's still a lot of other bad points that can be made, and if other people can bring positive points, I really want you to bring good points so I can have some saving grace for this game.

    EDIT 2: after rumirumirumirumi's comment, I wanted to share a list of less subjective shortcomings to the game:

    Day/Night cycle only exists in the certain areas. Others are in permanent day (for example motostoke and route 3) (EDITED)
    Horribly working online system, downgraded from previous iterations.
    Popping in of certain objects (outside of pokemon)=
    Underdeveloped areas (cities, 'dungeons') compared to previous games.
    Arbitrary popping in and out of pokemons and trainers during combat, combined with arbitrary backgrounds in some spaces.
    Hiding of settings behind a pretty random npc/character (sound settings)
    Really wonky shadow rendering. In some areas it's fine, in some combats it's not even there, and in others it's downright horrible.

    EDIT 3: It's been a delight reading your comments. I have been harsh on this game through the filter of nostalgia? I have been playing some of the older games last year, and all in all, especially compared to older ones, this game really falls short in my own opinion.

    submitted by /u/antoton
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    Hail Snom

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:17 AM PST

    Follow Joltik's example.


    submitted by /u/CountofBolts
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 27, 28 & 29

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:12 AM PST


    My hot take on these boys:
    Grimger < Trubbish

    Drowzee > Munna

    Voltorb < Foongus (but Amoonguss is a nerd)

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    I noticed something about a certain character's clothing, and it is very fitting.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:14 PM PST


    Mismatch shoes for the person who makes mismatch fossil pokemon

    submitted by /u/sthollis
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    To most people Team Rocket’s Meowth is just an urban legend.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:18 PM PST

    Pikachu as budew makes me very happy

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:15 AM PST


    That is all. I hope you have a wonderful day 🌱

    submitted by /u/Neonify
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    After finishing Pokemon Sword today, all I can say is ...

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:36 AM PST

    ... this is it?

    First off, I'm a Pokemon fan since the beginning. I beat Pokemon Yellow when I was 7, even tho I didn't know English. I actually learned English from playing games like Pokemon.

    I've been with Pokemon every year, except Gen 7, and I know that the games were never an example of superb story writing, but Pokemon Sword really felt lukewarm to me. More than every other title.

    I am happy at how gyms were portrayed. It really felt exciting to face the challanges in these huge stadiums, everything leading up to the semi-finals and finals. It gave me a feeling of awe. But aside from that it felt like this was the whole story.

    There were problems mentioned through out your journey, but they seemed to be mostly solved by Sonia and Leon, as to not have you bother, but instead focus on the league. This really sucked for me because the last part felt rushed to me. Here, Oleanna was trying to protect Rose, Rose wanted to do this so he interupts the league, oh no, he now released Eternatus, just go defeat it and wow, we're back at the championship ...

    Again, Pokemon never had that great of a plot, for me the best was from Generation 5 ... And I don't expect to have massive plot twist thrown at me. I just wanna feel involved.

    I was bothered by how easy the game was as well. I hit a wall facing Bea, she actually kicked my ass two times, but that was that. I was able to steamroll through every other trainer. And yeah, the way Pokemon battles work really doesn't let the games to have much freedom in that aspect, but at least tone down the advanatges or something? It was really funny when I one shot Gigantamaxed forms.

    And there's no need to constantly tell me where to go. Let me explore and find some hints, give me the option to choose my path.

    Pokemon Sword surprised me by having amazingly designed creatures, I loved mostly all of the new ones, tho I still wish there were more of them. It had some great music and many of the locations looked great. But the bad story, easy difficulty and some technical issues, combined with the whole dex cut, really made me wonder if this is it.

    submitted by /u/BabysitterSteve
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    "Wow, this ghost uniform is cool, I wanna wear this!" "Hey, how come I'm still wearing the white uniform?" "I can't find where to change my uniform. I'll google it, I guess?"

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:43 AM PST


    Are you



    kidding me?

    The game has a uniform system where you wear a damn uniform to do the gyms, and you unlock uniforms from beating gyms, and they sell uniforms for 18,000 DOLLARS in the damn gyms, but you...can't use them as uniforms? Are you serious? What the hell is the point of them if you can't actually use them in the gyms, in place of your uniform? How stupid can they get with this stuff?

    submitted by /u/Intern_Waffle
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    Scyther I drew

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:11 AM PST

    Every time you meet up with Sonia

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:43 AM PST

    Would you go back to 2D for more content?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:39 PM PST

    Game freak has clearly getting weaker and weaker since the 3D generations began, having some of the best games right before the transition.

    But now we no longer can even "catch'em all".

    Maybe the strain of 3D is a factor, maybe not. But it's not a lie that since x and y, the series has been getting weaker.

    Would you go back to more content 2D games or stick with increasing visual quality 3D?

    Personally I would, my favorite games were d/p through b2/w2. Even though I had never said it out loud till now x/y was weak, sun and moon were far too dialogue heavy to fill in content, and I imagine we are all familiar with the problems of sword and shield.

    3D was an inevitable transition, but perhaps it happened too early for GF to keep up. I'm in no way defending them, but clearly there is not enough of something within the studio to give us a proper game that isn't severely lacking in any aspect.

    What's your position on this?

    I would love for some 2D/3D artists/developers to weigh in on what went wrong with the series.

    submitted by /u/Jericho-7210
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    [OC] Mimikyu is a dead Milcery, I will not be accepting questions at this time

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:38 AM PST

    I tried to draw Rillaboom in the style of the Gorillaz! [OC]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:55 AM PST

    I attempted to draw him in the style of the Gorillaz because it just seemed like a perfect fit!

    submitted by /u/Alili1996
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    SwSh are the most fun i’ve had since B&W

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:47 AM PST

    I have picked up every pokemon game since diamond and pearl all those years ago when my friend introduced me into pokémon and i was hooked on the franchise. i've played every game and enjoyed my time very much. But after playing sword and shield i've realized i haven't had fun with a pokemon game since black and white and i was so happy to be playing this game. It is very far from perfect (extremely) god god dam if this isn't a game i'll be playing for hours and hours to come (63 clocked rn).

    submitted by /u/JacksonToodd
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    Game Freak heard the fans

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:06 AM PST

    Fans: We want our Pokemon following us

    GF: http://imgur.com/a/UlLNXWX

    Fans: wtf just for Hop?

    GF: We heard you, but we aren't listening

    submitted by /u/Chrome_Claymore
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    I drew Marnie! What do you think?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:41 AM PST

    [OC] This year, I made our favorite Pokemon into ornaments for our tree.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:00 AM PST

    To the person I PP stalled for 30 turns today on Ranked Doubles, I’m sorry

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Today I just won a Pokémon battle in the worst way ever.

    I was playing Doubles online and it came down to a 1v1 situation between my Milotic and a Ferrothorn.

    I thought I was screwed until I remembered that the Ferrothorn has already used Power Whip about four times out of a minimum of ten. Plus, I had just gotten a burn on it the turn my other Pokémon went down. So I made the decision to try to stall him out.

    My Milotic had Leftovers and Recover.

    Ferrothorn was burned but had Leftovers and a Leech seed on me.

    It became a full out PP stall. Protects, Scalds, Gyro Balls, Icy Winds, Power Whips, Recovers, and Leech Seeds over and over again.

    Here is the fateful moment when the Ferrothorn killed itself around thirty turns later.

    Norbiit, if you're out there somewhere, I truly apologize for putting us both through that pain. But my Milotic did what it had to do.

    submitted by /u/PrinceWest
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    [OC] Really doubt we’re gonna get one at this point.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:29 AM PST

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