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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 11 April 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 11 April 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 11 April 2020

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Never played Pokémon before...which game should I start with?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:05 AM PDT


    As the title says, I have never played a Pokémon game before and I would like to give the series a go. I have a Nintendo Switch.

    I was about to purchase Sword last night, but I saw the user reviews on Metacritic were super low.

    Should I still go with Sword? Should I start with Shield or one of the others available on Switch? Would my cash be better spent on another Nintendo IP at this time?


    Edit: I went out to mow the grass and came back to this kind of blowing up! Thank you all so much for the well articulated thoughts and suggestions. It seems like I've picked a good community to join :)

    Typically, I try to go through and reply to each person, but it's a bit much on this post. Just know each comment is read and very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/zdws19
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    6v6 singles has constantly been thrown to the side, and it pisses me off.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Throughout the story, the majority of your battles are single battles, so this is the format that most players are familiar with. The Pokemon Company hosts official events for 4v4 double battles (VGC) because the games are much shorter than your standard 6v6 single battle. However, a large portion of the community prefers the other format. The emergence of Smogon and its efforts to balance the games shows that balancing 6v6 is near impossible, but it also shows the large community of people that would rather play that way instead of VGC.

    6v6 allows you to use all of your Pokemon without having to leave some of them on the bench and it allows longer game plans and strategies. 3v3 singles and doubles are often matchup-based. If you lead with the wrong Pokemon or brought the most inconvenient choices against your opponents team, then you will almost immediately lose. The large amount of Pokemon in 6v6 allows you to have a better chance of winning even if the initial match up is poor.

    Battle Spot is a feature that allows you to be randomly connected with another trainer, and battle them. However, the only formats are 3v3 singles or double battles. Previously, the timer was 60 minutes, but in Sword and Shield, 6v6 single battles are restricted to TWENTY MINUTE TIMERS, which makes it difficult to finish in a well thought out game. It also allows stall players to easily win, since all they need to do is knock out one Pokemon before the 20 minutes is over. This timer has reduced the number of 6v6 wifi battles to almost nothing. Draft leagues struggle to finish battles. The most efficient way to beat the timer is to spam hyper offensive teams, which removes the thinking out of the battling.

    r/theperfectpokemongame for more.

    submitted by /u/Pardusco
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    Worst Pokemon game? What's you opinion?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I've played all iterations / generations of pokemon since choosing squirtle as my starter on the original game boy on Pokemon red.

    I've had many debates about which gen is the least good and, for me, its Diamond and Pearl.

    The story was good and memorable, the characters were enjoyable, but oh my god the game engine was slow. If i got to choose one last thing to do before i died, watching my health bar drop from full to zero on pokemon diamond would be it , because it felt like a life time.

    For me , the above is enough to sour the experience. When i go back to play it, i just can't. Close second is pokemon Neopets...err i mean black and white.

    But. If an updated remake of gen 4 came out. You bet I'd get it.

    submitted by /u/vokatt
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    If you ever want a good laugh, read the late Roger Ebert trying to make sense of Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    I’m getting a Switch

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Tomorrow morning or rather in a few hours shall I say, i'm getting a Nintendo Switch Lite as i've always wanted to play the new pokémon games and well what else can I do during quarantine? Anyways, i'm here for your help. What game do y'all suggest i buy? I definitely wanna get a Pokemon game but i dont know which one.

    submitted by /u/GarrettFarms
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    Anyone have a full list of Pokemon x Collaborations to check out?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    So far, i've been able to find the collaborations below.








    Bear Walker


    If you all could help me find any additional collaborations that have happened.

    Thank You

    Edit: Will update this list with comments below

    submitted by /u/upndeair
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    There are more than 999 possible uniform number combinations in Sw/Sh

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    This is because you can choose the amount of characters. For example, 001 would be different from 01 or 1. This means that there are actually 1,107 (000-999, 00-99, 0-9) different possible numbers for your jersey.

    Please correct me if I am wrong; this is just something that I found rather interesting.

    submitted by /u/Rycko_02
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    Pokemon sapphire - a laymans review

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    So, I recently finished Pokemon sapphire for the first time since I was 10 years old - a whole 17 years ago. Having since played gens 4 & 5, continually playing White 2, I thought I'd write a little review of the OG sapphire.


    Main plot is standard pokemon, 8 gyms and a champion. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

    The team sapphire plot, for all the weird and wacky motivation, it was nice to have an evil team do evil things on screen. They took over a weather institute, a volcano, a shipyard, they stole stuff, they robbed people... They actually felt like criminals as opposed to a cult. There also seemed to be a genuine want to help pokemon in there, however this was not fleshed out, like a lot of things in this game. Main complete would be that Archie was always a bit of a pushover, and the admins even more so. Also team magma do basically nothing.

    However, I will admit a bias, I do love the kyogre moments. The sense of dread, and the whole overworld being affected by Kyogre waking up, was immense. It made it feel like actually, this thing is really really powerful. Then you cram in it a masterball and because the most powerful 10 year old in Hoenn.

    Rivals - honestly it didn't feel like I had a rival, and this is my 2nd biggest gripe about the games. Brendan/May are practically random NPCs, Wally is too underutilised to be described as a rival. There's no connection to them, no motivation to really beat them, or no real sense that they're travelling at the same time as you. The just sort of rock up, maybe battle, then go. I feel they should have either weighed in more on May or Wally rather than try to do both. I geneuinely felt more emotion overcoming my dad in the gym battle than any rival fight.

    Games structure-

    One thing this game nailed in my mind was the pacing of the gyms. What I mean by this is I could beat the gym when I arrived naturally, without excessive grinding. The gyms were tough in a pleasantly surprising way, partcularly winona, brawly and tate/liza coming to mind. Obstacles (Aqua blocking the way, needing go-goggles) were fairly sensible too (no psyducks here). However, one glaring exception to the pacing mentioned above is Stephen. I got through the elite 4 using tactics and skill, and then got stomped by his metagross as it was level 58. I ground in victory road, which took a good 4 or 5 hours, then swept the elite 4 completely before struggling but being victorious. Stephen is such a jump ahead, befitting of a champion, but having to grind for that amount of time with no Vs. Seeker or lucky egg to speed up the process was a chore. I was actually bored.

    Too much water. I don't care what you say about the IGN review, they're not wrong. The long stretches of water mean that you now have to travel through open air caves with tentacools instead of zubats, and you can't even use dig or an escape rope. The random encounters are bad enough, but a bigger issue was the variation in levels from between 5 and 35, meant it was difficult to consistently level up and having your pokemon get bodied by an unexpected level 35 tentacool was frustrating. It also meant that my grass and electric type pokemon were getting disproportionately overlevelled because my torkoal and Aggron weren't exactly keen on swimming

    The rest of the world is great though, with lots of cool hidden areas and places to explore, I especially like the ashy area, the regi caves and the abandoned boat. The use of plot to get players to visit areas such as Mt. Pyre and volcano whilst also leaving some areas completely optional was also a good touch.

    Too many HMs for victory road as well. Protip, sharpedo learns all the necessary HMs, except flash, which should never be a thing. God I hate flash.

    I am so glad that TMs were made multiuse in gen 5 as well, cos only have 1 at a time absolutely sucked.

    Pokemon -

    A lot of my favourite pokemon are from this gen, and in my team! Aggron, Swampert, Torkoal etc. There were a lot of pleasant surprises for me, namely plusle and swalot, and there are no designs I actively hate. However, gen 3 movepools were lacking and the levels required for some moves were odd (level 52 for swampert to learn earthquake when its only prior ground move is mud shot, no rock moves for aggron via level up etc.)

    Also, the pokemon in caves were not fun to play against. Victory road had pokemon with protect (who often double protected), whirlwind and confuse ray, making it an absolute ballache of a cave. Add in swimming pokemon knowing protect and being able to poison and it could get real old real quick

    The designs and graphics throughout are great too, there's a clear artstyle and the visuals just pop. The sprites seem alive despite their lack of motion. Although it is noticeable that all the beauty class trainers are blonde and skinny with big tracts of land. I think the artist had a type.

    Overall I really liked it! The endgame wasn't as good as the rest due to the nature of the pokemon in victory road and the level jump needing grinding, as well as the water routes but overall this is a very very solid game, with memorable plot points, minimal grinding if you have plans for the gym leaders and great senses of achievement throughout (beating your dad actually feels very satisfying). I love the music, the designs of the pokemon and the overall artstyle. Definitely worth a play or two.

    I've got the option of blue or crystal next, I'm feeling blue just to see how different things were back then (I started with silver and have never played gen 1 ever).

    What were you thoughts of OG Sapphire? How can I write these a bit better (I did this on the fly) and any advice for pokemon blue/crystal?

    submitted by /u/Libero279
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    Unpopular Opinion. Heart Gold and Soul Silver are not as good as most people think they are.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Firstly let's make things clear, they aren't bad games but they are have big flaws that make them really bad in certain areas that make them far from the best games in the series. I know I am going to get hate for this but someone has to say it.

    These games have a lot going for them overall. You have a lot of freedom in the order in which you can challenge the gyms, the art style is nice and visiting Kanto is unique, but they have huge problems as well and I will list and explain them now.

    Pacing for levels. No matter in which part of the game you are wild Pokémon and trainers are always hilariously underleveled and weak. Giving out super low amounts of XP, which makes grinding even more of a chore than it has to be. Just as an example before challenging the elite 4 in victory road the highest lvl encounter is 32 while the elite 4 start at lvl 40. Compare that to ruby and Saphire where the road has lvl 40-44 Pokémon and the elite 4 start at 46 which makes the grind much more reasonable. Another problem is that for most of the game (from the 4th gym until after the 8ths) you only fight lvl 15-25 Pokémon, making progression slow and unrewarding. Even once you reach Kanto the wild encounters don't scale and you are stuck on these low levels until you beat Blue.

    Area diversity: in most Pokémon games you have a wide arrangement of areas to visit throughout your journey, but in HGSS you travel through Sammy looking low density forest areas all the time. Compare this to Hoeen where you have a city made of treehouses, a volcano and fields of ashes. In HS you don't get as much diversity and the diversity that exists are traditions to the point where they appear in almost every game in the series.

    Accessible Pokémon during a casual play through. Most Pokémon that you can catch in HS are gen 1 with very little being brought to the table by the Jotho additions. While not as bad as other titles (looking at you diamond and Perl) almost every worthwhile Pokémon to use is gen 1. With many being locked from the single player experience either completely or until the Kanto section. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that until you challenge the Pokémon league you should have a very diverse team at your disposal. Even the regional pseudo legendary only being catchable until after the 16th badge, making it way too late to bother leveling it up for the 1 important fight left in the game. This makes a lot of teams very similar on repeated play throughs unless you go out of your way to avoid staples like ampharos. Especially because a lot of available Pokémon fill similar niches, to the point where a lot of them are either unusably weak (like Sunflora) or powercrept by alternatives (there is no reason to use Pokémon like Stantler if you get access to miltank and tauros at the same time, who also fill the same niche as granbull and ursaring). I won't even talk about the safari zone in this game because it might be the most painful incarnation for the area in the series (at least you didn't have to work for weeks to make use of the great marsh in Sinnoh).

    Starters. The players starter fills an important role in any Pokémon game. A good starter should be a tool that is always useful during the game and offer a good mix of power and versatility. And the HS starters do none of that. Meganium can only learn grass and a few normal type attacks and is outperformed by grass types like bellsprout, which does more damage and takes hits better due to its dual typing, also it has no good matchups during any of the important battles, so why even bother. Feraligator does have good power and versatility but is outclassed by Gyrados at almost everything. By the time you'd get the final evolution of Todadile, you can also catch the free shiny Gyrados. So why even bother. While the cyndaquill line is the arguably best fire type line in the game (in HG you can get an arcanine around the time you beat Whitney) besides doing good fire damage and focus blast coverage it doesn't do much during the game. If you aren't attached to your starter it's almost better to box it after the steel type gym because it won't do much of note from then on.

    A lot of the player good will that these games have is solely based on the ability to revisit Kanto and while that is really nice and should be repeated in a later game but these games have very little to offer once you remove your nostalgia goggles. Yes finding Red was awesome and the pokeathlon was one of the best mini games in the main series, but that doesn't change that a lot of the actual gameplay during a casual play through is terrible.

    I know that a lot of these problems were basically ported from the original gen 2 games and while Gamefreak did fix a lot of the problems that the older games had, like how they massively improved move selection, the problems that they didn't fix are still in the game.

    PS. Don't accuse me of hating on a game I didn't grew up on. I played that game since I was like 12. I am replaying a lot of the older games as an adult to see how they hold up and I can't understand why people praise the installment with the arguably worst pacing in the series.

    submitted by /u/Nerd-Hoovy
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    Pokemon Origins

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Can we please get some new seasons or episodes of Pokemon Origins?! That show was one of the best animes that's come from Pokemon. It was so good!!!! I can't be the only one who enjoyed it. Who else wants another series similar to or a continuation of Pokemon Origins?

    submitted by /u/HailTheJe
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    Decided to draw for the first time in a while... the first thing that popped into my mind was The Rock as a Pokémon trainer.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    What Pokemon Challenge should I do

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    You may have seen some of my other posts about me Playing through Pokemon Shield with every type, but I want to try something different.

    I wanna know some other challenges that I can do.

    But I don't want stuff like: a nuzlocke or a Randomizer, I've done plenty of those,

    I want something more interesting like:

    Play through (any Pokemon game) with only (a specific Pokemon), or

    Play through (any Pokemon game) with only a theme of specific Pokemon

    submitted by /u/MopBob
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    Astero . Poke-Art

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    If some of you were wondering who made those super high-quality looking Pokemon Legendary art, it's Astero ., honestly one of my favorite artists. If you were not wondering, I just wanted to share this amazing artist.

    submitted by /u/RosaOwO
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    Does Pokémon Shield ever go on sale on the Nintendo store?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Hey I'm not sure if this breaks the rules and I won't be offended if it gets removed but here we go.

    I want to get Pokémon Shield but I'm not sure if I'm ready for a $90 commitment (for the game and DLC). I haven't played any games after Diamond and Pearl which I never even played heavily played. I have seen mixed reviews about the game so I wanted to get some advice before I buy. Does the game have a lot of content and is it easy to get the earlier Pokémon(my favorite is Arcanine)?

    submitted by /u/Lars-Eller
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