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    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 09 August 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 09 August 2020

    [Hype Thread] 09 August 2020

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

    This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

    This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D

    This thread is also the place to earn /r/pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post a screenshot of your accomplishment in the comments below, accompanied by some indication (username on a piece of paper in the photo, for example) that it's yours. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear. Only one prestige flair can be assigned at once, and prestige flairs will overwrite other event flair awarded on this subreddit—pick carefully! Flair is currently available for:

    Galar Prestige Flairs

    • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
    • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
    • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
    • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. (Minus Ribbon and Star sweets!)
    • Gigantamax Symbol: Post an album of your collection of all currently available G-Max mon. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!

    Alola Prestige Flairs

    • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
    • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
    • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
    • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

    General Prestige Flairs

    • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex in generation 6 or 7. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
    • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /r/ShinyPokemon.)


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The thing I probably loved best about sw/sh

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    When you become the champion in sw/sh, you really FEEL like a champion. It's because in this game, the entire region is watching you and supporting you on your journey. In other games, the only ones who really seemed to care about you becoming champion was you, your mom, your rival (the friendly ones anyway), and maybe the elite four and gym leaders. Literally everyone else in the region just seemed like they didn't care. "Oh look, that kid became champion, good for them." But in Galar, since the whole region loves pokemon battles so much since they're treated as a huge sport, and the whole stadium of fans watching you become the new champion, not to mention the feeling that there are probably hundreds more people watching your battle on tv. When you become champion of Galar, you really FEEL like you've accomplished it. Sure, the games may not have been as hard as other games, but in this game everybody in the region knows who you are and remembers when you became champion. That's how being champion should feel.

    submitted by /u/ObviouslyLulu
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    Can we stop?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Trying to prove each others opinions wrong and instead try to understand each other? I always see this. A person gives their opinion and the first thing people say is "you're wrong" example: someone says: I think x and y are the best games. the first thing people say isn't: why do you think that? but: no you're wrong because it's empty and too easy.


    If someone says they like x/y the most then that's final. don't try to change their opinion. Just because your opinion is unpopular doesn't mean its wrong.

    You love swsh? Good for you!

    You hate rse? That's a shame but ok!

    and no. writing an essay on why this game is good/ bad doesn't make someone's opinion less valid.

    edit: tbh "I think x and y are the best games" was a random example not actually my opinion (that would be usum) but oh well.

    submitted by /u/MicaMicaMica12
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    [The Pokémon Generation I started with] is the peak of the franchise. Fight me

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Here's a list of why it's better.

    1. The [old generation] did this but the [current generation] did not.

    2. I liked the design better in [my first generation] than in [current generation].

    3. I was less knowledgeable and had less experience in Pokémon in [my first generation] and therefore the game was harder than [current generation]. I just hate how they put a giant win button in [current gen]

    4. [My first generation] could have been better if GF didn't rush to release [current generation].

    5. The [current gen] added something that [previous gen] did not have which is something I will automatically resent.

    6. I still love [my first generation] and still do now because that's definitely not how nostalgia works.

    7. My memories as a child were much happier than how everything is now and therefore what I had then is much better than anything that's here now because I relate the current state of emotional well-being to how I feel about the [current gen] now and looking back at my childhood games makes me tear up with glee as I wish to be as happy as I was then and looking back at [the generation I played as a child] allows me to revisit that.

    submitted by /u/dinosaurxress
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    I love Twilight Wings

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    I just watched all the twilight wings episodes and I just love them all so much. They add so much more personality and background to the galar region. I already loved Gen 8 but twilight wings has officially made the Galar region my favourite region out of them all. I'm excited to finally see Gloria and Victor in the next episode and I hope we see the series continue to show the events of the game and hopefully the DLC.

    submitted by /u/Megadan65
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    Use the Mystery Gift Code TRA1NERSCUP today for a Shiny Amoongus based off of a VGC Champion's very own.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    To redeem:

    1. Boot up your Sword/Shieldgame.
    2. Go to Mystery Gift, and redeem with Code.
    3. Type in the code.
    4. Receive Shiny, flex on friends lacking Internet.

    IMPORTANT: As pointed out by u/mushy_64, this is only for TODAY.

    Gift is a Shiny Amoongus based off of a VGC Korean Champion's Team, it comes with a free Focus Sash, level 50 Sassy Nature, Regenerator, 31 IVs in HP/Def/SpAtk/SpDef and 0 in Atk/Speed.

    u/lugia2453 has also pointed out that the Amoongus comes fully EV trained.

    Has the moves Clear Smog, Spore, Protect and Rage Powder, and comes in a Cherish Ball.

    Code is only available today so don't put it off for later, no one wants to miss out on a free Shiny Event mon so make sure to get yours today!

    As an added discussion point, what will you end up doing with your newfound freebie? I'm quite surprised codes aren't region locked but very happy all the same to get gifts like this every once in a while.

    submitted by /u/SummonerRed
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    How one wonder trade changed everything

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    I love Pokemon, I have ever since it first released in the US. Playing the card game, watching the anime after school with my friends, my best friend back then letting me wonder around for hours in the tall grass on his copy of yellow since my parents forbade video games in their house until I was 10.

    It is no suprise that over twenty years later as an adult that I still play the games. They just hold to much meaning for me. But one event that happened 3 years ago changed my life.

    I was playing Pokemon Moon on my 3DS, trying my hardest to hatch a shiney Axew (to this day I have never encountered a shiney Pokemon outside of trade or battle on my own to catch (outside of GO)) so instead of sending these away I would often send them away through the use of Wonder Trade.

    I figured Axew was not the normal everyday thing sent through wonder trade like the numerous Rattatas, Pidgeys, and ledybas I usually got in return and maybe I made someones day.

    This was September of 2017 during the mid morning and I matched with someone. Now I realize in the context of the internet the lady I matched with could have been litteraly anyone of any gender, age, etc. But in one moment this persons message changed the course of my life.

    On the screen a female character appeared with a message, "I don't want to be alone anymore" (or something very similar) I don't remember the name, but something in my mind snapped, I literally felt a change happen in my mind and flood over my body.

    I desperately realized as the trade ended that I needed to speak to this person, but I couldn't find them, as the minutes passed into an hour the name became hazy, were they from Michigan or Minnesota? Eventually I had to go to work.

    But I was torn up inside. I never felt lonelier than that night at work. I contemplated my life, where I had been and what I wanted out of it. You see before this day talking to women I had an attraction to was nearly impossible. I had a few screwed up relationships that I was still broken from the last one that had occured 7 years before.

    But because of one Wonder Trade the next day I made accounts on multiple dating apps. Within a week I had my first date. It wasn't until Feburary of 2018 though and maybe 20 or so first dates later that I found the one. We got married later that year and she is AWESOME.

    We play many games together the main one being GO. We are currently watching through the anime seiries together and are hoping to have our first home by the end of this year.

    I don't know if you will ever see this or know, I mean how could you right? But who ever you are, that posted a simple message about being alone and preformed a wonder trade in September 2017, please know you have my eternal gratitude. Thank you so much, I hope you also found someone to take away the loneliness.

    And thank you Pokemon for your part, for an awesome childhood, for pulling me through my teenage years, and helping to crack the shell that kept me from happiness in adulthood.

    TL;DR A simple wonder trade opened me up to finding a relationship and changing my life.

    submitted by /u/Ehwearehere
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    Sunset beach walks are the best - even found a gyarados

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    New Pokémon Journeys Intro Shows Alolan Gang Will Be First Companions To Return

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    This has me really excited as it sort of in a way confirms all will be returning this series, I'm excited to see the Unova companions again and especially the Kalos Companions, who we have yet to see return. I know people have been begging for Serena to return so this will bring a lot of XY fans back in. And they've even said this isn't limited to old companions, we've already seen Korrina, we can see Gary, Paul, Alain, old Pokémon in battle again like Infernape, Sceptile, and possibly Greninja (but I'm a little doubtful on that one) What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/CyrusWaugh
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    Does anyone else kind of miss the awkwardness and edginess of the original Pokémon Anime?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    I'm talking basically the first season or two when hey still had no idea what the hell they were doing. You'd see so many goofs and mistakes like real world animals (Eg. Mongoose in that gastly episode), dubbing errors, saying blatantly incorrect Pokémon information, other references to the real world (like a reference to Christianity or to the Minnesota Vikings), etc. There were also things that weren't necessarily wrong, just kind of awkward sounding like the iconic Brock lines about the drying pan and the jelly filled donuts. It's entertaining to watch almost just for that, and is kind of charming in a certain way.

    Ash himself also kind of exemplifies this change. In the OG series he had no idea what he was doing and did a lot of dumb shit which somehow worked in his favour like using the sprinklers against Brock. Also he could be a straight up savage sometimes with his roasts, something he doesn't do nearly as much now because I guess they need a good example for the kids lol. I will say I do prefer Ash to be actually competent, but I wish they kept some of his more edgy personality.

    Either way this isn't meant to hate on the current anime, I just enjoy some of these things from the original series.

    Edit: Also Tb to Team Rocket using guns and James having boobs. They just don't make them like they used to lmao, they actually have an image to maintain I guess.

    submitted by /u/dr-incognito-dorito
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    Every Pokemon Game is the Best.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I feel like each pokemon game has incredible strengths that make them all stand out from each other.

    Kanto - The first of it's kind laying out the stage for the rest of the games to come and established the love of pokemon in millions day one. It was also the first game to get remade which established the remakes for other titles.

    Johto - The perfect sequel to Kanto bringing back all the good from the previous gen while also adding lots of gameplay and story elements to mix it up. Such changes brought about things still relevant today such as shinies and shiny hunting. And also I might add that it also includes THE ENTIRETY OF KANTO, all of which has been reimagined for the time that has passed. Come HGSS, you have every pokemon able to follow behind you which people long for for every pokemon game released. Not to mention all of the extra story elements and events that the remakes added.

    Hoenn - Mixes up the formula quite a bit with the addition of abilities and double battles (both of which are still very very important staples of the series today) and was the first game in the series to really raise the stakes as you single handedly save the world from catastrophic legendaries and the villains who sought to abuse their power. It also brought about the importance of weather in battle and outside of battle which helped shape the tide of battle and atmosphere for future games.

    Sinnoh - Mixed up the formula even further with the physical/special split which I feel is kind of underrated for what it did to help make a lot of pokemon a lot more viable as well as making their design and movesets make a lot more sense which I feel is great considering how many pokemon there is by this point. Another underrated thing would probably be the Pokeradar. I know it was mostly used as a method to find shinies, but I like to think it was also the inspiration of future additions like the dexnav in oras as well as the pokeradar being fully present in Kalos.

    Unova - At this point, the previous generations introduced a lot of needed features so you would think it would be hard to improve upon it. Well luckily, Unova had some of the most welcome additions in any type of game, QOL additions. Infinite TMs, being able to use potions on multiple pokemon without switching menus, easy reapplication of repels, and even a free space in the bag for easy access to your most used items. There are probably many other additions I didn't mention, but there's more. With less focus on mechanical additions, it also freed up to allow work on the other important aspect of a pokemon game, the story. The story in BW is arguably the best among all of the other games and probably the longest considering it was so good that a full on sequel was made. Both the story and battle mechanics of Unova were pretty great. (Shoutout to the animated sprites, I'm a sucker for pixel art.)

    Kalos - I think this pretty self-explanatory, POKEMON HAS ENTERED THE 3RD-DIMENSION. A lot of things were added in Kalos with the biggest probably being Mega Evolution. It was cool to see pokemon that you didn't think would be improved upon to get improved upon. It was cool to have a super powered version of an already existing pokemon and it also helped some less used pokemon become more viable. Probably the other big thing that a lot of people probably take for granted today is the addition of fairy-types. Back in the days of yore, dragons stood uncontested among the masses as their might and endurance showed little weakness. Those who sought safety in snow were quickly shattered by many many opponents. But it was not hopeless, for a newcomer to battle had came in the form of the fairy type, a true counter to the dreaded dragons that was fully immune to their monstrous attacks that could also fight back with incredible force. In case you haven't taken the hint, fairy types were a pretty welcome addition. It also helped with viability and made sense canonically that many previous pokemon gained the fairy typing. One addition that some may find controversial to this gen would probably be the new exp.share. Instead of being an item, it was changed into a key item that let your leading pokemon still gain full exp while the rest of your party got some too whether or not they participated. Some may argue that this made the game too easy as it made it so you would most likely be severely over leveled at most points of the game. While that may be the case, I like to look at it as more of a tool to make leveling easier thus allowing more leeway with your party. What of instead of a generic party of six, you wanted half a box worth of pokemon that you would use for different gyms? Well now you can do that without having to tear your hair out from the sheer amount of grinding that would take in generations prior. I also like to think of the new exp.share as a way to alleviate grinding in general since a fair amount of people don't like having to fight wild pokemon or the same npc over and over just so they can have an easier time at beating a gym.

    Alola - This may be my personal opinion, but I like to put Sun & Moon (And USUM) akin to games like HGSS or BW. While the games were pretty handholding and railroady, it absolutely nailed the atmosphere of being in a place where people around the world go to vacation and relax. I remember I got Sun right after a big snowstorm and after picking it for an hour or two, it felt like it was summer again. One of the main aspects of the games that I'd like to touch on is the addition of Ultra Beasts and by extension Ultra Space. It was so surreal seeing the emphasis that all these creatures were not from this earth and the game nailed it with getting this point across to you. Not only would seeing these beasts in battle and the dex entries for them give you a good idea of how alien they were, but you would actually get the chance to go visit all of the worlds that they had come from. You really get to understand that they're also pretty terrified of being out of their comfort zone and that's probably why they're rampaging. I also really like how this is the only game in the entire story that actually makes you feel like the actual champion once you beat the league. The game even gives you the chance to defend your title from opposing challengers. There's a lot of symbolism in the game that emphasizes this aspect even more, but I'll keep it this short for now. Speaking of the league, another thing that felt unique was the introduction of trials as opposed to gyms. The trials felt like a really refreshing take as opposed to the standard "win 8 gyms and then beat the elite 4 and champion." The atmosphere for the trials was also pretty spot on as well with them feeling really tribal and traditional within the setting.

    Galar - While a lot of people find this game controversial in many ways such as it feeling rushed and Dexxit, Sword and Shield actually brought a lot of big features to the game. You may be thinking of dynamax, but I'm thinking of something much much bigger. If you haven't guessed it yet, it's the wild area. Something like this has been dreamed of by fans for years and has finally come to form through this. Sure it's not all that we imagined, but something like this is always welcome. The fact that you can see the pokemon out and about as opposed to just random encounters really gives feel to the environment around you. I also appreciate that it's not just restricted to the wild area and that it also applies to any area in the game that contains pokemon. Caves? Yes Water? Yes The sky? They have wings for a reason. Not to mention that they're still adding a lot more to the games via DLC. While paying an extra $30 for extra content isn't ideal, we were probably going to fork over $60 for an enhanced version of the game anyways. This also may be a bit controversial, but in my opinion I kind of like the Dexxit. Before you get your pitchforks and torches, let me explain. I like to play in competitive battles, particularly VGC, and with each game you would usually experiment with all the new pokemon. In a lot of cases though, you would come to the point where the older pokemon are still more viable than the new ones so battling would feel more or less the same as the last gen. With Dexxit, you don't have the better option anymore, that sounds like a bad thing but it actually makes battling competitively a lot more exciting and refreshing. Now you have the chance of using the new pokemon without feeling outclassed. It's so fun to constantly experiment with the new mons and it only gets better with the further additional pokemon added with the DLC.

    To wrap things up, I'd like to say one thing that all the games share that makes them truly great, the music. Name one main series pokemon game that hasn't had at least one memorable track. Guess what, there is none. The most consistent thing Pokemon has in their games is the awesome music. Almost every track in the games compliments their respective field so so well. I could make a playlist of all the songs I like in all of the games and it would probably last for hours. The music in these games is probably the most memorable thing about them too to most people. Pokemon just has some of the best music in gaming history and I don't think it's fair not mentioning it.

    submitted by /u/MagmaGamingFTW
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    X and Y had a theme of flash.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    X and Y had a pretty big focus on how everything looks.

    There was Parfum Palace, Lumiose City being huge and grandiose, being able to customize your trainer, the designs of the Mega Evolutions...

    But nowhere is this more apparent in my opinion than the Pokémon League.

    The Pokémon League was pretty similar in Gens 1-4, you fight one Elite Four at a time with rooms that are catered to that Elite Four member's character.

    X and Y goes above and beyond. Everything down the music tells you that this is what your journey has been leading up to. Everything seems to be made out of stained glass, and every Elite Four member except for Drasna are, in a word, elitists.

    Whether it be Malva's room having so much fire that you practically feel it, Wikstrom and his giant swords, Siebold's turning gears that eventually flood the room, or Drasna's bigass dragon, this Pokémon League might have the best animation other than Gen 5 imo.

    But yeah, that's all I have to say about it for now.

    submitted by /u/TheDukeOfDucklett
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    Your favorite pokemon and why?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Ive been trying to decide on a favorite pokemon/mascot for an upcoming channel and needed some inspiration as to why i should choose a pokemon as my favorite . Dragonflycave helped me narrow it down but I couldn't choose just one. Whether its based on power, nostalgia or even if you just think its neat, Id love to hear your favorites

    submitted by /u/sachku
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    New HM System

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I miss the mystery that HM's gave the older Pokémon worlds especially the less linear ones. It always gave you a reason to go back to old areas, by putting a tree you can't cut between your self and an item on the ground, or making a body of water no fully visible which makes you wonder if there is hidden areas available with surf. I feel HM's made the worlds of Pokémon feel fun to traverse and old areas worth revisiting. I know many people have a problem with gen 4 because of the abundance of HM's and how many move slots they take up but I have the beginning of a solution for maybe a possible remake and future Pokémon games.

    HM bands, like normal you need a badge in order to use these HM's and only certain Pokémon can use them depending on their physical capabilities, however they now they do not use a move slot. Instead you're Pokémon must earn a band to put on that allows them use the HM in the over world. The the process of earning it could using that Pokémon to defeat that certain gym or having to go to a training grounds for Pokémon and having to either battle for it or complete a mini game of sorts. I think the band should be visible in game somewhere on the pokemon in the over-world. This still allows game freak or who ever develops the next Pokémon game to make a more interesting world without bogging down the combat system.

    Pretty short post and simple solution but I think it's a good starting point for good discussion.

    submitted by /u/Bacon_rainbow
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    "Canon" teams?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Over the years, Red and Blue have received so much support and relevance throughout the games with Red being known basically as the greatest trainer of all time and Blue as his rival, but what about all the other characters like Gold (Ethan) and Pearl (Dawn)? Why are we constantly denied knowing their "canon" teams? Am I the only one who wants there to be something like the World Championships from BW2 to come back and there's just a protagonist bracket?

    submitted by /u/WendysVapenator
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    Is the DS Era of Pokemon the Best Overall?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Now this post got me thinking, and the replies. Obviously RBGY was a high point and the start of the franchise, and Pokemon GO is it's own success, but altogether, the DS Era of Pokemon is probably the best, although to be fair it had the most games. But anyways, here's the main ones on the DS:

    • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
    • Pokemon Ranger
    • Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
    • Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs
    • Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    • Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
    • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
    • Pokemon Black/White
    • Pokemon Black 2/White 2
    • Pokemon Conquest

    Now not any of these are perfect games, but no game is. Mystery Dungeon started off well with RRT/BRT, and later followed by EoS, which most consider to be the best in the series. (Sidenote: Primal Dialga might be the best theme in the franchise).

    The Pokemon Ranger Series and Pokemon Conquest are disgustingly underrated.

    Then obviously the main series, 4 games. All of them have their issues, but Platinum, HG/SS, and B2/W2 are all considered some of the best in the franchise. Not gonna go into too much detail, but not to mention after B2/W2 there was no difficulty in Pokemon until US/UM, and personally Sinnoh and Unova have the best soundtracks, along with Alola.

    Is there any other era of Pokemon that really compares? 3DS has a case to be made, and the Switch isn't over yet, but to me it's pretty clear cut as the DS.

    submitted by /u/Torbertolo
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    Noticeable things in the new Pokemon Journeys opening

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    • Ash's Riolu will evolve
    • Goh's Raboot will evolve
    • Darkest Day arc is confirmed
    • we see an aerodactyl, not sure whose it is though. Probably Goh's but I kinda hope it's Ash's
    • Goh may catch the legendary bird trio, or specifically Zapdos
    • Ash may take care of Chloe's Yamper for a while
    • Flygon will be caught by Goh in the upcoming episode
    • Goh will also get Heracross
    • Raihan and Leon will be closer friends with Goh and Ash
    • Pikachu will probably Gigantamax again
    • Lots of emphasis on the Legendaries???

    Let me know if I missed anything

    submitted by /u/Beninja_
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    Recommend me some instrumental tracks to play at my wedding

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Instrumental tracks to unleash my immer gamer without being too obvious to regular people lol.

    My wedding will just be a simple feast so i'm looking for instrumental tracks to fill in the ambience while guests eat and talk with each other. No live bands or anything, just hook up the playlist to the speakers and let it play.

    So far i only have the Jubilife city piano version from xy, do you have any other tracks to recommend? Cover songs are welcome too.

    submitted by /u/maryamperson
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    What are every one's opinions on Gen 7?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Minor Spoilers for Gen 7 games.

    Gen 7 is my personal favorite generation. Not to say that I think it is the best generation 0- I think Gen 5 takes the crown for that - but personally, Gen 7 is my favorite. Obviously, I'm biased, nostalgia blindness and all that, but I like it. Here are my pros and cons:

    Pro: The new pokemon. I really liked the new pokemon. Especially rowlet.

    Pro: The story. I know that's unpopular, but I liked the whole Lusamine thing in SM, how she appears nice but eventually just goes insane. USUM had a less coherent storyline, but i still liked it.

    Pro: The map. I liked the island theme and all of the places, and it wasn't fully linear - you dont need to go to every place like in sw sh, and not every place was basically a straight line to the destination. I remember hating the Haina desert, a giant desert with no actual path - with a sandstorm- with Trappy Trapinch with Arena Trap that locked you into battles - but that entire place was optional, to get Tapu Bulu.

    Pro: The characters. Lilie and Gladion were great characters (especially Gladion). Lusamine was great too. Many of the supporting characters (minus Hau, sorry Hau) were written well.

    Pro: Post-game. There was a lot of post game content, like the looker missions, and there were a lot of legendaries to capture.

    Con: Zmoves. Zmoves were cool, but they basically garaunteed beating the other pokemon. The z crystals were mostly just handed to you if you continued trough the story, and you didn't have to explore, like how you got mega stones in Gen 6.

    Con: Mega Stones. Mega evolution shouldve had more prominence in the game. Instead, you get the Alakazite handed to you after beating Dexio and the rest are bought at the battle tower. You dont even get them until the post-game.

    Con: SOS battles. They shouldn't exist outside if totem battles.

    Con: Slow paced. The main story doesn't even start until Island 3, and the game is laden down with cutscenes. The game needs to be faster and more involved; it should be a 10 hr playthrough because there is a lot of content, not because the content is stretched out. What did you like and dislike about the game?

    submitted by /u/kunals919
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    My friend has been working on this animation for a couple of months and it is awesome!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    My friend has been working on doing this Pokémon animation for a couple of months now and I think it is one of his best yet. It has Pikachus, Shinys, and Gigantmax go check it out!


    submitted by /u/TheKillaDonut
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    You get the chance to make your own pokemon, what do you make?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Here's mine.

    Pokemon: Leiman, the Crocodile Pokémon

    Type: Grass/Water

    Dex entry: Hiding under logs and the thick waters of swamps, they use their strong jaws and vines to bite their prey and drag them underwater to feed on later, some people hunt them for their pelt, which is said to be a great clothing material.

    Signature Move: Vine Bite, hits twice dealing water type damage, the second first hit preventing the opponents move.

    I want more crocs in the games.

    submitted by /u/Randizer_Drachen
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    Do you like the Battle Frontier?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    So I started with Pokemon Emerald back in the day. But I have always loved the Battle Frontier. It added a lot in terms of post-game content. While I don't think they should bring back all of the events, I would love to see the Battle Factory and the Battle Pyramid make a comeback along with the standard battle tower. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Abra
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    Ultra sun and moon are better than the ogs in my opinion

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    First of ultra are my favorite games so excuse some of my biases, as I go over the facts. 1.there are less cut scenes on of the problems I don't hear people talk about with sword is the amount of cutscenes even if u put cutscenes off half of the of them still show!

    1. Hau over all is easier than most rivals but ultra moon hau can hit hard at times I wish he took the Pokémon that's strong against u but he's still a worthy challenge at times.

    3.ultra necrozma:is DIFFICULT u can tell me I won first try but for most casual players like myself he hit hard and fast.

    1. The world building: we can all agree that the dialogue is bad in this game at times but lusimene scared the bfidkfnf out of me even tho I knew she was gonna be crazy also surfing on Pokémon is lit

    5.the Pokémon: for me good Pokémon that I can love and connect to is my favorite part of Pokémon and I think sun and moon had some of the best Pokémon but surfing and other activities made the connection even stronger

    (However this is my opinion disagree if u like )

    submitted by /u/lub-me-a-mudkip
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    Discussion Challenge: Create a competitive version of each pokemon gym.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    What if each pokemon gym had a 6 member competitive team. What do you think that would look like?

    Rules: 1. All members of the team must share a type with the gym. 2. No Legendaries or Mythical. 3. No duplicates 4. Assumes that moves and strategies would be piloted by a human and not the game's AI 5. Please include movesets and ability.

    submitted by /u/mrbananas
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