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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 08 August 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 08 August 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 08 August 2020

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Gen VI had the best ideas and aesthetic. Fite me.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Seriously though. Lets run down the list

    • Mega Evolutions. Unlike the lazy VFX bonanza of Z-moves that were basically just giant win buttons, and the even lazier mess that was Dynamax, Mega Evolutions felt like they had a soul and weren't just trying to pave over laziness with raw spectacle. Also, Mega Metagross is the greatest thing since Regular Metagross and nothing will change my mind on that.

    • WynVirgin vs Lumichad City. Yeah this one needs no introduction. Wyndon is a huge disapointment in terms of what a true hub metropolis could have been on Switch... Seriously, without expanding it at all, just putting some polish on the Camera and graphics would have made Lumiose awesome. Instead we got a bunch of empty promises.

    • The Player characters could be implied to be so different in age based on their hair and clothing options...okay mostly the girl since Pokemon always gives the waifu more customization options, but just by being taller and having a wide variety of clothing options, you can make your trainer look so much more varied.

    • The Gang of Rivals/Friends was a neat idea that again, just needed more work. Each one had their own ideas of what they wanted from the game....Such a shame that they didn't get the time they needed to really be worthy of the concept. Also, no Contest-like set of challenges in the game where one of the rivals is outright all about dancing? And always auto-winning against the guy whose thing is completing his Dex?

    So yeah, all of X&Y's big ideas were possibly great, they just needed more work. But instead they got thrown out in favor of trying a new gimmick each generation.

    submitted by /u/Serial-Killer-Whale
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    Opinion: Black and White Were a High Point in the Franchise (Or: Why I Love Black and White)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Note that I say a high point, because I don't believe the Pokemon franchise has only had one high point.

    I don't really think this is a hot take now—people seem to be appreciating Black and White more and more as time passes—but I remember B/W getting a lot of flak when it came out. B/W were highly experimental, that much is indisputable, and the risks the games took were once extremely controversial.

    People routinely complained about the new Pokemon designs. The most commonly despised were the Vanillish and Trubbish lines, but almost the entire new lineup was mocked at some point. I understood that some of these designs were rather silly, but I didn't understand the passionate hatred they inspired. What was so controversial? Yes, there were Pokemon based on food and garbage—how was that different from the Exeggcute and Grimer lines?

    B/W were my introduction to the Pokemon games, and to this day they are my favorites. I won't pretend nostalgia has nothing to do with this, but I think it's unrealistic to say nostalgia doesn't affect our opinions. It doesn't change the fact that I loved B/W when I was six and still do. And it makes me really happy to see that after so long, more of the Pokemon fandom appears to have developed a positive opinion of the games.

    TL;DR: B/W were not well-liked when they were first released, and I know there are still people who don't like them. However, I strongly believe they were a high point in the Pokemon franchise.

    Here are some things I loved about B/W!

    • The moving sprites. I have a soft spot for the pixel art stage of the Pokemon games, so it's no surprise I loved these! I know some people complain that they're clunky and poorly animated, with the pixel art leaving different sprite sections strangely detached from one another. I personally have no complaints about the animations—sure, they were rudimentary, but they were certainly an improvement upon previous sprites, and how much do you expect? In addition, the "detached sprite segments" issue is only noticeable if the sprites are blown up on a large screen, and B/W is meant to be played on a DS, where they look great.
    • The new Pokemon. I understand why people were put off by the fact that older Pokemon weren't available until the postgame. I missed the older Pokemon too! But I was also a huge fan of the fresh, completely new lineup of over one hundred new Pokemon. They really went all-out! And yes, as I said, not all of the new designs were great, but I think that goes for every generation. Some of my favorites are Hydreigon, Cryogonal, Zoroark, Chandelure, and Bisharp.
    • The soundtrack. This may be more of a personal taste thing, but I loved the music from B/W. As a kid, sometimes I would stop progressing in the game just to listen to whatever theme was playing. I love how experimental they got with the cave themes, the pitch descending every time you went down a floor, giving you an apprehensive, eerie sense of dread. Some of my favorite pieces from the soundtrack are the legendary Pokemon theme, the Elite Four theme, and N's battle theme.
    • Bianca and Cheren. I know this is probably a very unpopular opinion, but hear me out. Having multiple rivals with distinct personalities was fresh and new. (Generation III included two rivals, but one of them was Brendan/May, so I consider Wally the only rival with a distinct personality there.) Bianca and Cheren both felt like people, even familiar friends or acquaintances. That being said, I think Cheren stood out more. I know he can get irritating, but he is a rival, after all, and he felt very much like a type of person I encounter often in real life: He is a good person and cares for others, but has an ego and will get overwhelmed by competitiveness and jealousy if he feels someone else is surpassing him.
    • The story. Pokemon is a franchise with a target audience of children (though of course, we all know it is not only children who appreciate Pokemon), so although the games have plots, they are not particularly impressive. But I was deeply impressed by B/W's story. It is far from flawless, but I feel it is deeper and more intricately woven than the typical story found in a Pokemon game. It discussed the moral conflict of truth vs. ideals in a way that did not denounce either side as incorrect or "evil." Team Plasma may have donned ridiculous outfits, but their message about Pokemon battling made you genuinely question the ethics of the Pokemon world. Ironically, the story of B/W taught me that the world is not black and white.
    • N. The fandom loves N and commends him as one of the greatest Pokemon villains. I agree. From the start, you could tell he was eccentric, mysterious, and most definitely not on your side. But you could also tell that he was not a bad person—he simply wanted to liberate Pokemon from what he viewed as a lifetime of horrific abuse. When the games showed him gradually beginning to question the beliefs he had held for a lifetime, it was a surprisingly candid and heartfelt display.
    • The atmosphere. This is perhaps another personal preference, but B/W had a slightly darker, heavier atmosphere than usual, and I enjoyed this immensely. This is especially noticeable with regards to the Elite Four and the Team Plasma plot twist (if you can call it that). Every decision, every plot point felt like it mattered, and this motivated me to complete the games.
    • Unova's diversity. Let's be clear—I have absolutely nothing against Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh. But I feel that each region, while distinct from the other regions, does not contain locations distinct from one another. In other words, Kanto may look different from Hoenn, but within Kanto, most of the route/town designs look similar. This was definitely not the case with Unova. I adored the quirky, unique locations that made up this new region.
    • Version differences beyond wild Pokemon and legendaries. Opelucid City is completely different in Black as opposed to White. It has a different appearance, a different theme, and a different Gym Leader. Likewise, Black has Black City where White has White Forest. This was an awesome and detailed way to differentiate between versions that had not been done before.
    submitted by /u/Cyokie_Revott
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    Beautiful Ice Type Polls

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    Ok so, I'm trying to make a pokemon team based on the Contest types. I found that ice types have the highest percentage of their moves be classified as beautiful in gen 6 when compared to other types. (95.24% of Ice Type moves in Gen 6 are classified as Beautiful)

    So, I'm trying to make polls to determine what the most beautiful ice type is. I tried sending my first one in lots of discord servers but I didn't get many responses (even though one server was a pokemon one with over 900 people online.)

    So I'm sending all of my polls here in an attempt to get a larger amount of votes! These are going by the generation the pokemon are from - for forms they count as the generation the form was added not necessarily the original pokemon's generation. (AKA Megas are Gen 6, Regional Varients are Gen 7 or 8, Gigantimax Forms are Gen 8) For pokemon that changed type I'll go with their introduction, as I don't want to put Frost Rotom into Gen 5 as it's a Gen 4 pokemon.

    I hope to get at least 100 votes on each poll, but if I get at least 50 that'd be fine.

    Gen 1: https://www.strawpoll.me/20734865

    Gen 2: https://www.strawpoll.me/20734963

    Gen 3: https://www.strawpoll.me/20737034

    Gen 4: https://www.strawpoll.me/20737046

    Gen 5: https://www.strawpoll.me/20737070

    Gen 6: https://www.strawpoll.me/20737076

    Gen 7: https://www.strawpoll.me/20737090

    Gen 8: https://www.strawpoll.me/20737113

    I'll be putting the poll results into the same excel sheet I have stuff on all the contest types on, that I used to calculate the percentage stuff.

    Edit: I just realised I missed out Mamoswine on the gen 4 poll, whoops. I didn't mean to do that. It's too late to change it though, so I'm sorry to the Mamoswine fans.

    Edit 2: Holy heck we have over 200 votes?! This is awesome! I'm so glad I put these here!

    submitted by /u/SkylaGaming
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    Despite Persian’s height being 3'03" and its weight 70.5 lbs according to its Pokédex entry, how tall and how heavy would you estimate Persian to be in those few instances where it is seen in the anime being carried around in a person’s arms or laying down on their lap?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Is SoulSilver a decent place to start?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    I've never played a pokemon game before. I was considering buying Sword or Shield for my Switch but didnt want to sink 60 bucks into something I wasn't sure I would enjoy. I found my sister's old DS and it has SoulSilver. Is SoulSilver a good pokemon game? Is it a good first pokemon game for someone who has never played a pokemon game? Or would it be better to sell?

    submitted by /u/QMonster167
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    Does anyone else get mad at theirselves because they missed a bunch of events?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I just keep getting mad at myself because I missed like, 90% of the Pokémon distributions for gen 7, and a lot of them were really cool. I understand some of them I physically couldn't do (I wasn't able to go to game stop for some, etc.) but I also missed a bunch because I just wasn't playing as much as I should have, and I didn't hear about the event. Like, the shiny legendaries. Those are cool! I had to trade one of my shiny tapu kokos for solgaleo, and, while I had two, I was still attached to them (because I'm weird and I get attached to any Pokémon I have). Idk, maybe it's just me, or maybe not.

    submitted by /u/TheCometKid
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    I don't want diamond/pearl/platinum remakes

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Alot of people seem to be hoping for a remake of the main gen 4 games but I'd rather this doesnt happen and here is why.

    The newer games have a colour pallet that makes the pokemon look a bit more dull and overall the colour contrast of the world in general is lacking in all of the 3d games.

    There is also the fact that outside of cutscenes the animation is poor and that's harder to tell when you have a top down pixelated view of the game.

    As well as those things, in my opinion the music peaked in gen 3-4-5 because the tracks went really well with the sound engine and if they remake the games then they will use the newer engine which will give the songs a different feel when I think that the way they are is perfect.

    The only thing I think has in improved is the storyline but if we are getting a remake then that won't be changed much. All in all I think we should just leave the games the way they are because gen 4 is my favourite pokemon generation and they are probably going to mess it up if they re make it.

    submitted by /u/BushyFox_
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    Sonia is priceless

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Sun and Moon - Thank You

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I recently finished watching Sun and Moon Anime, not the best but my personal favourite. Ash V/S Kukui was the best battle in the Anime history in my opinion. It was so emotional, action-packed and fun, I loved it. And I felt that this series did hit the perfect balance between Comedy, Action, and especially loved how every Pokémon was given a special arc and every Pokémon was given development. It turned from weakest team to the strongest team at end. And Kukui was just connected. All in all I absolutely loved it. But in contrast to my opinions many just hated this one. I wanna know the opinions of the community about it. Please do share... Thank You Sun and Moon Anime.

    submitted by /u/AnilGuwalani
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    Dynamax is a Pretty Fun Mechanic

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Hey friends! I've seen so much hate for the latest gimmicks (Z-Moves and Dynamaxing) and man, I just wanna spread some love for Dynamaxing. No question that Z-Moves were pretty lame and that Sun and Moon was pretty underwhelming for me.

    But man, I just think Dynamax is neat. You get three turns to punch hard and so does your buddy battling you. It feels like it's another element to play around and something that can't just be used whilly nilly. Like if you can anticipate what the other person's gonna Dynamax then you can have much more of a chance to outplay than with Z-Moves or even with mega evolutions (though I still loved mega evolving Pokemon).

    I think it's fun and while it's not the most creative idea, I'm not sure it deserves so much hate.

    submitted by /u/MurkedPeasant
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    Finally got around to playing SwSh this Summer...

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Needless to say I was disappointed. The game started off incredible. Going to the first town felt great and the first gym battle felt amazing. But after you get the first three gym badges the game just collapses on itself. What plot had been setup is met with lazy writing, and the gyms just kept getting easier. The story turned into a total shitshow with some of the worst dialogue out of all the games with little to no point in anything you were doing. This gen has by far the absolute worst starters. They're all three the fucking same. And why are all the routes the same length as the first one? It's like there's no physical map at all. And the flying mechanic, could there have it least been an animation with the Corviknight like there has been with flying in all the other games? Not this half-assed paper map animation.

    After having spent countless hours in Animal Crossing this Summer, the graphics in this were simply disappointing and the animation was no better.

    And why, why, why, why, does nobody have six pokemon?! And why on earth do the people you battle in the DLC weaker than the Pokemon League?!

    I hate this game and wish I could get a refund. I came in with an open mind and did my best to block out other criticisms to give it a fair chance, but this game is infinitely deserving of all it. Probably won't touch this game again, maybe when the winter DLC comes out(I got the season pass bundle), but it'll sit on my shelf for the rest of eternity.

    submitted by /u/Cloddish68
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    What did you choose as your gym number in Sw/Sh?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Just like the title says, what did you choose as your character's gym number in pokemon sword and/or shield? I mean personally, I had to choose 69 like it was my destiny because.. look at it. It's 69. 420 was also a consideration but I don't think it's as classy. I'm just asking for a friend.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/pantzhead
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    My luck is something

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    I'm doin a mono-rock run of Y, and I'm in the lost hotel grinding up and exploring, first time playing Y in some time, and sure enough I open a trash can and find a shiny trubbish. I'm over 1400 eggs in Shield for a shiny snom and nothin, but I can open a trash can and find a purple trash bag. Just my luck. I caught it, because I'm not missin out on that, but man, what a time

    submitted by /u/Alesqueezy
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    Damn Hop, that's rough

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    (OC) My remix of Guzma's battle theme from Sun and Moon. I hope to do the other Team Leader themes down the line.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    What is your Favourite Side-quest Feature in Main Series Pokemon Games?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I'm talking about stuff like Contests, Musicals, the PWT, etc.

    Personally, I love the PokéStar Studios in Black 2 and White 2. In all honesty, if that was made into a full spin-off game, I would absolutely play that. The script doesn't give away the answers, but simply nudges you in the right direction, and I love that. Also, the movies are so charming and funny.

    submitted by /u/ManyAchievables
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