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    Sunday, September 20, 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 20 September 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 20 September 2020

    [Hype Thread] 20 September 2020

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

    This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

    This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D

    This thread is also the place to earn /r/pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post a screenshot of your accomplishment in the comments below, accompanied by some indication (username on a piece of paper in the photo, for example) that it's yours. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear. Only one prestige flair can be assigned at once, and prestige flairs will overwrite other event flair awarded on this subreddit—pick carefully! Flair is currently available for:

    Galar Prestige Flairs

    • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
    • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
    • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
    • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. (Minus Ribbon and Star sweets!)
    • Gigantamax Symbol: Post an album of your collection of all currently available G-Max mon. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!

    Alola Prestige Flairs

    • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
    • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
    • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
    • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

    General Prestige Flairs

    • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex in generation 6 or 7. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
    • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /r/ShinyPokemon.)


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Official Pokemon Twitter account: "Porygon did nothing wrong."

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT


    It only took almost two decades, but they finally admitted it: Porygon did nothing wrong. It was Pikachu's attack that triggered the flashing in that episode and sent those kids to the hospital with migraines and seizures, but they used Porygon as a scapegoat and essentially banned it (and its entire evolutionary line) from appearing in the anime. They've admitted the injustice, now we just need a Porygon episode in the anime again (that doesn't give kids seizures) and the injustice will finally be corrected once and for all.

    Once more so everyone in the back can hear it: Porygon did nothing wrong.

    submitted by /u/Calwings
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    What happened to Normal-types?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    The Normal-type has been going through a bit of an identity crisis for the past four generations or so. It seems it was originally the typing for "Pokémon with no special (elemental/martial) properties". However, in recent generations, there appears to have been a shift towards every Pokémon having some special properties by decree, leaving the Normal type as the "Bland type".

    Normal-type Pokémon are still in the game, but it seems like Game Freak doesn't quite know what to do with it anymore. It has become a typing used primarily for three specific purposes:

    • Early-game Pokémon, the ones you cath at the start of your adventure and discard when you need space for more interesting Pokémon later. The regional bird and the regional rodent. Some later generations even have the Pokémon add a more interesting secondary type in its late evolutionary stages, as if Normal alone wasn't believed to carry it all on its own.

    • Pokémon that change their typing. This was always the case, with Pokémon like Eevee, Ditto, or Porygon, but they have recently been accompanied by Silvally and to some degree, Meloetta. This trend peaked back in Gen III/IV, however, with Kecleon, Castform, Arceus, and Porygon-Z. Normal is portrayed as that boring base type the Pokémon needs to shed as quickly as possible in order to assume a more interesting type.

    • The Normal-type slapped on a Pokémon seemingly for the sole reason of giving Normal some representation in the Pokédex. Oranguru, Passimian, Indeedee, Heliolisk, Drampa, Bewear, and Pyroar could all have been single-type Pokémon without anybody batting an eye, and it's unclear what Normal even contributes to them (EDIT: I made a mistake, one of those 'mons is NOT Normal-type, but it kind of proves my point that it's so hard to distinguish from the others). Increased susceptibility to Fighting-type attacks and STAB on moves that can't hit anything super-effectively, hooray! Granted, the secondary Ghost-type immunity is nice, but Ghost isn't a very common attacking type anyway.

    However, there used to be a fourth category, which I'm really missing: The late-game Normal-types. Gen I had a whole bunch of them. Chansey, Tauros, Kangaskhan, Snorlax, Porygon, Lickitung, Dodrio ... Later generations added to these with Zangoose, Slaking, Ambipom, the Porygon evolutions, Blissey, Regigigas, Lickilicky, Togekiss, Stoutland, and Braviary. These were 'mons with movepools as wide as the Mediterranean, stats to back them up, and (usually) interesting abilities. Sure, their STAB moves hit nothing super-effectively, and they might not have been champions of competitive play, but they sure could hold their own in battle and were interesting enough in-game to use all the way to the Elite Four.

    There used to be these rare and interesting 'mons you could get late in the game, which weren't Dragon/Psychic/Fighting/Ghost/Dark/Steel/Fairy. Not even as a secondary type. They had the same typings as the Pokémon you found early in the game, but they were badass. Yes, even without those "mystical powers" typings you seem to find on every single fully evolved Pokémon in the latter half of the Pokédex these days. But now, apparently, if a Pokémon hasn't got the "special powers" it's not interesting. Conversely, if it's meant to be "interesting", it is designed as a separate type to begin with. Fighting, Dark, or Fairy seem to be common choices.

    Are there others like me who miss the Badass Normals? Normal-type Pokémon designed for a late-game role, with late-game stats, without having to resort to Dragon/Psychic/Fighting/Ghost/Dark/Steel/Fairy as a secondary type, or a type-changing gimmick, to have their niche? In recent generations, we've only had Komala, which was ... Komala. Aren't we due another Porygon or Kangaskhan or Togekiss or Exploud?

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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    Older-gen legendaries in newer games - a fun reward or just a hassle?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Recently I've been thinking a bit about the Crown Tundra and how it's going to make a lot of old legendary Pokémon available. In fact, this seems to be considered a main selling point of that DLC chapter. Access to old-generation legendaries was a celebrated feature as far back as Emerald, and it has remained a selling point for "follow-up" games of each generation all the way up to ORAS and USUM.

    But, well ... there are a lot of legendaries out there now. I don't have the exact numbers, but they are approaching triple digits if you consider alternative Formes. There are 21 box legendaries, eight trios of "secondary" legendary Pokémon (counting the Alola quartet and the alternate formes of the Kanto birds coming in Crown Tundra), 20 Mythical Pokémon (up to Zarude, which presumably is merely the first of several Gen 8 Mythicals), and a smattering of lesser legendaries across the various generations. You may count the 11 Ultra Beasts as well, for instance. In short, over the years, we have built up quite a crowd of legendary Pokémon - in fact, there are more legendaries than there are Ice-types.

    So when games make all of these old legendaries available, not a lot of attention can be given to each individual one. Gone are the days when a legendary could have an event, a puzzle, or even a whole dungeon to itself (well, we don't have much in the way of events, puzzles or dungeons at all, actually, but that's another discussion). The recent Pokémon games make legendaries available by the dozen, through some sort of minigame or mechanic that lets you encounter one of those rare and coveted Pokémon at a time. ORAS let you fly around to interact with portals containing a Pokémon encounter. USUM had the clunky Ultra Space minigame. Crown Tundra appears to do it via a raid den system. It's a little different each time, but in general each system acts as a Big Bag O'Legendaries containing a few dozen monsters for players to collect.

    Common to the systems is that you're not hunting down legendary Pokémon in their individual, unique lairs; you are going through an interaction to encounter a random legendary Pokémon. It feels like playing the roulette wheel. Play the minigame to get a spin, receive a random legendary Pokémon as a reward. And ... it just might be me, but I'm seeing it as more of a hassle than a meaningful reward. The time spent on the minigame isn't really justified by the rewards you're getting, and the minigames aren't that fun to play on their own. It's a bit of a grind, actually.

    Legendaries aren't inherently more fun to use than other Pokémon. They're strong, sure, but they take ages to level up, they can't be bred for better IVs, and they're usually made available only in the postgame - that is, after you've cleared out every battle you might have wanted to use a Legendary for. Many of them are banned from in-game facilities and from VGC most of the time. Even among those that are legal to use, many are outclassed by others to the point that no player in their right mind will use them. And at best you get three sentences of lore explaining what the deal with this legendary Pokémon is and why it is special. Just as special as the other eight dozen legendaries out there...

    I mean ... am I just not getting what's fun about legendaries? Beyond collection, there isn't that much to do with each legendary, and when you are presented with such a large number of them, they don't feel individually special or notable. Sure, Zekrom was a big deal in Gen V, it was on the cover and had cutscenes and everything, but will it feel anywhere as meaningful to catch it in Gen VIII?

    What's the point of legendary Pokémon? They're meant to stand out, to be special, to be important to lore, to be different from other Pokémon. I mean, it's in the name. They are Pokémon of legends. Except, well ... in practice, they kinda aren't. Even if you think they deserve special treatment in theory, they aren't getting it in practice. Even if we don't know that much about how The Big Bag O'Legendaries will work in The Crown Tundra, I think we can be pretty certain they don't get their own custom-made encounter locations. It'll probably be "which legendary Pokémon is in the innermost cave this time?" or a variation thereof, because there are dozens of legendaries and not enough dev time to do anything unique for each of them.

    And that's the essence of this ramble, I guess. Legendaries stop feeling special after their time in the limelight, to the point that past-generation legendaries are becoming a bit of an encumbrance to the series. There are too many of them now, their lore is rarely brought up in a meaningful way if it even exists in the first place, and the games don't even bother making them stand out among each other. Their mere inclusion in the game is treated as some sort of reward, but beyond their mere availability, there isn't much importance given to them. Yes, they are stronger than regular Pokémon, but that has the side effect of shoving regular Pokémon out of competitive viability.

    I think it's time to de-legendarize a few dozen old legendaries. Make them postgame-exclusive, make them rare, maybe have only one of each spawn at a time until you beat the Elite Four again, but don't pretend they require a special event, their own separate location, their own minigame, their own lore, or any of that jazz - unless they are actually willing to give them that. No more of this "they are special because they are legendary, but there's a bajillion legendaries so they aren't really special" kind of treatment they're getting these days. Being lumped together in a big roulette pot doesn't make legendaries special, it makes them annoying to obtain. I'd rather have, say, Virizion occasionally make an appearance in Glimwood Tangle than having it appear as one of the Pokémon you may be able to get in a Legendary Raid (or be given it in a Poké Ball from a delivery guy whenever Game Freak feels like doing a promotion - that's even worse). Sure, getting it may be more of a hassle, but at least it would show that Virizion is supposed to be special, rather than just being labeled as such through its inclusion in a group of designated reward Pokémon.

    What do you think about legendaries?

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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    I’m 28 years old, and still love Pokémon and play/watch it

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    I don't know why I had the urge to write this post, but I'm sitting here playing Pokémon sword and shield and I'm watching a Pokémon movies, and I realized that I'm 28 years old. Time flies by and it's crazy to think, that the movies I'm watching now, I first watched when I was 10-13 years old. What's even better is my wife sitting right next to me playing Pokémon on her switch as well. As enjoyable as it is, I got a really bad case of nostalgia that overwhelmed me, and it got me thinking how as I get older l, I'm worried I'll eventually lose interest in Pokémon, like when kids outgrow toys.

    What about you guys? Anybody out there have a similar feeling? You'll Stop playing the games one day and never pick it back up? Or while you're watching one of the older movies, you're not getting any younger.. nostalgia sucks sometimes lol.

    Hope you are all having a good time and being safe there in these crazy times.

    submitted by /u/thatonesoldier210
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    The Most Adorable Pokémon of All Time?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Alrighty, enough about the best of the best cool-looking Pokémon. Let's talk about the most... adorable Pokémon you all have ever loved/cared about in the games. Out of these 6 choices, of who I think are the cutest, which one of these is the most adorable Pokémon of all? It was really hard to choose, but in my opinion, I think all of these 6 Pokémon are quite unique from one another in terms of their cuteness. But what do you guys think?

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    submitted by /u/tigericky
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    Looking for the audio file of the sound effect for pokeball throwing in black and white

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a file of the sound effect that plays when you throw your pokemon out in Pokemon Black and White


    submitted by /u/dumpster_frog
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    Has anyone begun to hate a pokemon or game cause of Nuzlocke like challenge?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    So the question is in the title but here is my story real quick has my answer

    So I have never done a nuzlocke, Ive always wanted to, but got bored or lost a pokemon i wanted to use. But I didnt want to do a normal nuzlocke, i wanted to add a twist onto it. So i decided to do a Wonderlocke

    Let me explain how doing this made me begin to dislike Pokemone Ultra sun (A game I actually loved when i first played)

    So for starters the second island is where I failed mostly, either to the fire trial or the water trial, because of the wonderlocke rules I couldnt exactly pick and choose my team and beacuse I just play pokemon for fun, Im Not exactly the greatest player either But losing wasnt why i begun to hate the game(though i will always dread doing the water trial

    Its the amount of cutscenes and conversations you have to have

    Now when you first play its not that bad, cause I was experiencing them for the first time, and actually enjoyed all of the cutscenes, but has you can imagine having to go through them multiple times has gotten tedious, now this is me just venting, but ive also wondered

    Has anyone begun to hate a pokemon game because of a self imposed challenged like this, or even hated a specific pokemon because of a nuzlocke or anything like that?

    Im still gonna go through with the Wonderlocke anyway, because i do know that if i beat the game, its gonna he even more satisfying! But i was just interested if anyone else has begun to hate a game or pokemon because of a nuzlocke/wonderlocke/etc.?

    Also sorry for any mistakes in this mess, I just wanted to hear any stories that were similar to mine or maybe even wildly different!

    submitted by /u/Broodedowl98
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    What are your favourite Fan-Games and ROM-Hacks?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I've played through many games of Pokèmon, be it an official game or as mentioned above, a fan-game or rom-hack.

    What are your personal favourites when it comes to playing them?

    Here are some of mine :

    Fan-Games : Insurgence, Uranium.

    ROM-Hacks : Gaia, Light Platinum, Unbound (still in development), Clover.

    submitted by /u/HK2005Prime
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    Is there any way I can shange the language in Pokémon Platinum?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I got a copy of Pokémon Platinum last year for my birthday and it quickly became my favorite game ever, but I've always had a little Problem with my copy, it is in German. Of course there is no problem with that and I speak German, but I wanna play it in English and know all the Pokémon names anc character names, so is there any way I can change the language to English?

    submitted by /u/dragoniemacaronie
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    I realise while i believe gen 9 will be different gen 10 will be huge

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I discuss earlier when about gen 9 being, tl;dr this is usually the time when gamefreak try be more experimental with different and grandier work from the last generation, as seen with gen 5 and 7, even 2 when you consider the only game at the time was gen 1.

    but gen 10 will likely break the streak of play it safe at the even number, because not only this is gen X but if we go by the same streak pokemon is currently going for the past 10 years 1 generation every 3 years, gen 10 can land squarely in 2026, the pokemon's very own 30th anniversary, (1 year off but very sure they will extend a year for the sake of it), is also likely going to game to pass the 1000th pokemon mark, aswell be on nintendo's next gen console, which is confirm nintendo is indeed making.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    How do I sell my collection?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    I was a big Pokémon card collector as a child and I am now in college and I hate to see my cards laying around. I have over 5000 cards and I am wondering how I can turn that into some cash to help with student debt. Does anyone have any suggestions/ methods of sale?

    submitted by /u/tommy_corvette01
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    If it weren't for let's go pikachu and eevee i would have want a kanto sequel than a remake

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    If kanto pandering is a neccasary evil for da money, then atleast make something cool with it.

    like a Pokemon red and blue sequel 20 years way past the original game, so alot has changed.

    Like kanto 20 years actually does look like the actual region of kanto in japan, saffron city for example could resemble the district of shibuya, complete with growlith statue, something like the street in persona 5.

    Proffesor Oak is still the proffesor but is not samuel oak, is actually proffesor GREEN oak now , and your rival is actually daisy's own son(i guess bill is the dad in this case if the manga is any indication)

    speaking of manga, maybe yellow can appear as a new character/npc someone like wicke, an ally to the player/story.

    and then post game is like a reverse gen 2, now gen 2 is the post game region and you can see how life treated johto 20 years later, and now you can catch some gen 2 pokemons now.

    champion battle could even be lillie because she promise to be a trainer in the kanto region at the end of sun and moon, and now few years later she did it.

    and then end off with a true final boss on mt silver, red for one last time, and this time he really is the ultimate trainer with pikachu, the starters, a snorlax and then ending with mew like what he promise he catch at the end of pokemon origin.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    PM2019 38 - The Colossal Restoration and the Fossil Pokémon! Episode Discussion!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Thinking back on the days when our friends would just lie to our faces about Pokemon, haha.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Seriously, I still remember getting into an argument with a friend on the bus back in elementary school after I accidentally knocked out a pokemon I wanted to catch and said I wished I could heal wild Pokemon somehow and he was like "I HeALed a WiLd PokéMOn!"

    And the time I caught a shiny and another friend said "Oh, I have like 10 different color pokemon." Which he refused to let me see.

    "Ash is in my game and I battled him and all his Pokemon were level A HUNDRUND!"

    "I taught my Blastoise thunderbolt because it's special!"

    And of course who could forget the Mew under the truck and the infamous uncle that worked at Nintendo.

    Honestly, what was it about Pokemon in particular that made everyine just turn into chronic liars? It's hilarious to look back on though.

    submitted by /u/Iskahylock
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    Pokemon game difficulty

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    In my opinion I think every coming Pokémon game should have different difficulty's for players to choose from. Whenever I played sword and shield I realized that the gameplay part although fun and enjoyable was not even a slight challenge at all. Just making something as simple as easy normal and hard and maybe even some extra hard or extreme difficulty's would go a long way in making the games much more fun.

    submitted by /u/ZO432
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    Professor Oak is holding my Pokemon hostage (Pokemon Stadium 2)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Allow me to take you on a short narrative tale. I had lofty dreams of replaying my childhood games in their fullest. I purchased a game boy color and a copy of Pokemon Crystal from Ebay. When I loaded it up I noticed there was a file still on the cartridge; "Luke" it was called. When I saw his file and Pokemon, my ambitions rose. I decided I was going to breed some of his Pokemon that are impossible to get at the start of the game. A Larvitar, a Dratini, and a Skarmory that I taught drill pick through an egg move. I bred these three to take on my journey; Their eggs almost ready to hatch.

    That's when it all went wrong. I still had my copy of Pokemon Stadium 2 from childhood. I put my copy of Crystal into the N64 Transfer Pak and started the game to be greeted by that nostalgic start menu. I went into the laboratory where...he was. Professor Oak. His eyes full of malice and disdain for being held in my copy of Pokemon Stadium 2 for almost 20 years. I thought nothing of his scorn at the time and entered the Pokemon and Item transferring machine. I sent over all of Luke's items and TMs to the N64 storage. After all, if I'm going to catch them all, starting off with more pokeballs and held items will aid me on my path. Then I sent over all of Luke's Pokemon, including the newly bred eggs.

    It was complete. Everything was transferred and preserved. I took out my trusty soldering iron and replaced the battery. I loaded Crystal on my game boy. "New game" was the only option that greeted me. Luke's file was finally gone. It was bittersweet but I would carry on his legacy. I chose Cyndaquil and gave him the aptly picked name "ZUKO". ZUKO and I went on Professor Elm's fetch quest and in turn received my Pokedex. It was time. I saved the game and loaded it back up in Pokemon Stadium 2. Back to the transferring machine. I selected the first egg and attempted to send it over... Error. I had to have 150 Pokemon registered in my Pokedex to transfer it over. This would defeat the purpose! Luke's children and memories held HOSTAGE by Professor Oak out of PURE SPITE!!!!!

    I then vowed I would have my revenge. I would be back.I shook my fist to Oak and he smugly replied, "We'll see about that." I am now off to buy a gameshark from Ebay to hack my copy of Gold (not my Crystal) so that it has a completed dex and I can free Luke's Pokemon from dastardly villian Oak's sinister clutch. I hope this story serves as a warning to others and they don't make the same mistake I did. Justice for Luke.

    When I get my game shark, I'll make a follow-up. Here's a gallery of all the images I took for this story.

    submitted by /u/HolySpitball
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    Celebrating the Porygon but not my best effort, but it's something

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Ash's weakest pokemon are unfairly classified

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of articles and videos about Ash's weakest pokemon and I think it is unfair to call them weak just based on how many wins/loses they encounter. While it should be taken into account, there are definitely other elements that should be considered before calling a pokemon weak. For instance the lost could be the result of Ash's poor judgement, or the plot just demanded that someone had to loose to make a point. Let's take a look at Ash's Torkoal's defeats for example

    1. Wattson's Manetric: This defeat was more Ash's fault dues to overusing Overheat. For the most part Torkoal did a good job holding its own in battle
    2. Norman's Vigoroth: Ash already defeat Slakoth, so Vigoroth had to beat Torkal to balance the score and fight Pikachu.
    3. Dominick's Tropius: The writers decided they wanted to a double knockoff battle this time
    4. Katie's Golduck: It was a WATER type, of course Torkoal was going to get creamed
    5. Morrison's Steelix: Ash already has a two lead on Morrison so the plot demanded that Ash lose two pokemon to balance it out.
    6. Tyson's Haryiama: Torkoal had a one lead on Tyson and Hariyama's ability suggested that Torkoal would lose this one
    7. Brandon's Registeel: This lost was purely because the plot demanded it. Brandon had yet to use all of the regi's at this time, and I don't think anyone wanted Torkoal to be the one who earns Ash's final symbol. That being said Torkoal was certainly closer to beating Registeel than Magmar and Nidoking(Paul's pokemon) together were.
    8. Tobias's Darkrai: Ash was going against a pokemon annihilated entire teams I think Torkoal was doomed from the start.

    Now what are you thoughts. Do you agree with these thoughts or do you think weak is no matter what?

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    submitted by /u/rtsull
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    I’m playing Black for the first time. It’s so bizarre, and I can’t help but love it.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    The 2.5D graphics are unique. The color palette is drab and almost sterile. The Pokémon designs are offbeat. Team Plasma has a sympathetic albeit flawed goal. Even the evolution animation is funky.

    I never played this generation, but it's pretty engaging so far. It almost feels like a really well executed fan game. Well, I'm in it for the long haul as I bought B, W, B2, and W2.

    What did you think of this generation? Any tips? Discuss below :)

    submitted by /u/betabetafishfish
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    Problem with ash Ketchum

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I'm binging the whole Pokémon tv series and I'm up to season 4, I have one huge issue with ash that he needs to solve. That issue is in s1 he used bulbasaur in a battle and used "leach seed attack" I am now apron wondering why he hasn't used it since and if he will ever use it again. I hope he does cause that was op. Please discuss and I will hopefully get an answer for this huge problem wi5 the whole series solved and I can rest peacefully. Thank you fellow poke fans

    submitted by /u/slacker_gaming
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    Johto- What do you guys think about it ?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Hi all- I wanted to hear others opinions on the Johto region from Pokemon Gold and Silver. Personally, its my all time favourite right in front of Hoenn. I tend to gravitate more toward the older OG games but ive played Fire red and Leafgreen over so many times. I think there is some type of mystery behind the region that is really intriguing to me. Dont get me wrong the game is kinda easy but I want to hear other peoples opinions. Also, i just really like the legendary beasts (they got the coolest look and names 😁) along with ho oh and lugia of course

    My top 3 are... Johto, Hoenn and Kanto.

    Please feel free to share, thank you

    submitted by /u/gg111444
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    Which set of games had the greatest music?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    I am asking again because my last poll was messed up, I excluded a few games and that messed with the numbers. I am working on a Pokémon fangame and want to know which music is best! (Be aware I am limited to 6 options to vote on, so I collected them in the way that made the most sense to me)

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    submitted by /u/etron0021
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    Egg Moves Question

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I've been trying to breed a Seismic Toss Chansey for a while now. I got my Mankey (with Seismic Toss) and bred it with a Mawile. However, all the Mawiles I'm hatching don't have Seismic Toss, and its getting really frustrating. Does anyone know what I could possibly be doing wrong?

    I'm playing on emerald btw.

    submitted by /u/veganswag
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