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    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 12 September 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 12 September 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 12 September 2020

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Which new mega regional bird would you guys like to see?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    My previous post of asking you about which new mega evolutions you would like blew up, so I've decided to do another one. Today I ask you to place your votes on:

    Which new mega evolution for the regional birds would you like?

    Exlutions: Mega Pidgeot will obviously not be on this list, because it already has a Mega Evolution. There are seven more regions, but a max of six voting slots... So I decided to give Corviknight the cut because he is the newest and he is the most in the spotlight at the moment anyway.

    Please vote and explain your reasoning!

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    submitted by /u/Pokefan5867
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    Future Pokémon games need more trumpets from Gen 3

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    I cannot explain enough how much the R/S/E soundtrack is the best across all games. And we all know its due to the trumpets.

    We all saw that lovely video highlighting the rival's battle theme in Gen 3. It's incredibly jarring to see that in a world where the most current rpg has the most interactive gameplay, but what's missing is some trumpets from 2003/2005.

    I know you all love the trumpets. Let's unite and bring them back, Game Freak!

    submitted by /u/AJ-Naka-Zayn-Owens
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    I turned USB cables into a GBA SP charging cord! Now I’m going to try Gen 1 games for the first time!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    This might be old news, but below is a link to an instructional video on turning a couple USB cords into a Gamboy Advance SP charger:


    It worked perfect for me! I grew impatient waiting for my charging cord to come in the mail and looked up this video. I found it super helpful and thought it might help others out too that might have an old GBA SP around that's been dead for a while.

    Now I can get into playing old Pokémon games!

    submitted by /u/Dragonite_23
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    Sinnoh Remakes

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Anybody else feel really annoyed that dynamax and gmax could be in the Sinnoh remakes? They were meant to be exclusive to Galar, and mega evolution was so much better. It would be really cool to see a bunch of new megas like a mega staraptor, luxray, floatzel.etc.

    It also just wouldn't fit the feel of Sinnoh.

    Imagine a huge gigantamax pokemon in the Sinnoh gyms, it wouldn't work.

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    submitted by /u/Blob__Blob
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    I was bored, so, I made a list of characters in the Pokemon games that have not been evil yet that could be evil in order to make the story more interesting

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Champion (I don't count N)


    MC's Mom

    MC's Dad

    The rival that's always the other player character(AKA the female one when you pick a boy and male one when you pick a girl at the beginning)

    A Gym Leader(Giovanni was known as being evil BEFORE we knew that he was a Gym Leader so I don't count him)

    Youngster Joey, although, I will admit, his Rattata may be too dangerous for the player to handle.

    submitted by /u/buttsecks42069
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    Pokémon friends I need your help!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    First off, I must confess that I know very little about Pokémon in general. I played quite a bit of Pokémon Go, but that was mostly just to connect with my students, and I ended up just collecting all the ones that looked like cats (Meowth is my favorite).

    Anyways, I seem to have myself in a bit of a pickle. Later on tonight I may have agreed to play with some friends in Elder Scrolls Online, and I agreed to debate on why ground Pokémon are the worst Pokémon. One of the people I play believes that they are the best type, and me being who I am said that they are obviously the worst.

    I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GROUND TYPE POKÉMON. Please, I'm begging you to give me a few quips as to why they would be the inferior type!

    Bonus points if you can tell me why Meowth is superior to any ground type! Thank you Pokémon friends, I'm counting on you!

    submitted by /u/onemanthreecats
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    A New Pokemon challenge! The QuarantineLocke!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    The Quarantine-Locke

    Youtube Video https://youtu.be/z7PBvBrHyxc

    Inspiration for this challenge came from this post that I saw: "Dicelocke" https://www.deviantart.com/nuzlockefamily/journal/The-Dicelocke-525304473

    Rules for the QuarantineLocke Challenge (time stamps associated with video):

    This challenge involves trying to complete the game while avoiding as many people as possible! If you fail to avoid someone, your Pokemon becomes infected with the virus and must be quarantined in a PC Box.

    Basic rules (3:18)

    • If your Pokemon faints it is considered dead (the dead Pokemon must be placed in a PC box)
    • You must nickname all of your Pokemon
    • If any Pokemon gets the Pokérus virus they are instantly dead How does my Pokemon become Infected? (Battles and the overworld) (4:09) (19:45)
    • By deliberately choosing to speak to someone
    • By ignoring physical distancing rules: (35:56)
    • When you are in the overworld and encounter a trainer you have to be more than 2 steps away from them and let them walk at least 2 steps towards you (this rule doesn't apply to trainers with whom you must approach first in order to progress in the game)
    • If the trainer did not walk at least 2 steps to start the battle then every Pokemon that participates in this battle will be infected. When the battle ends all Pokemon who participated in the battle must be quarantined in a PC box. You may remove your Pokemon from quarantine after you have received 2 more gym badges.

    What happens when my Pokemon becomes infected? (Infection process and removing Pokemon from Quarantine) (5:35)

    • When a Pokemon becomes infected, you must roll using the random number generator from 1-6, each number in this case representing a member in your party (you can decide who gets what number before the roll). The rolled number determines which Pokemon gets infected.
      • *This rule doesn't apply to trainers with whom you must approach first in order to progress in the game
    • Infected Pokemon must be quarantined and placed in a PC box. The infected Pokemon can be removed from the quarantined box after the player earns an additional 2 gym badges (for example, if my Bidoof gets infected when I have 2 gym badges I cannot remove it from quarantine until I have received my 4th badge) (6:52)
      • *If a Pokemon gets infected when you have 7 or 8 gym badges, that Pokemon must stay in quarantine until you reach the entrance of the Pokemon league

    Budget (8:42) (14:13) (20:36) (45:58)

    • You start the game with 2000$ and get an extra $2000 for each gym badge you obtain. Whatever you don't spend it can carry over (For example, when you start off with 0 badges you can only spend 2000$, lets say you buy 1 pokeball (200$) (now you have 1800$) and you buy nothing else until you get to your first gym. After beating the first gym, you get your badge, a TM, and 2000$. Now you are able to spend $3800. ($1800 "amount you had available to spend before you beat the gym" + $2000 "the amount you get for beating the gym" = $2200)
      • *Keep track of your spending!
      • *If you run into a situation where you need to spend your budgeted money but you have for example, 3000 "Quarantinelocke dollars" and only 200 "actual in-game dollars", then you may sell your items (i.e. nuggets, star pieces, etc.) or put the challenge on pause and go grind up money using the vs seeker or the amulet coin or any other method until you have the required amount of quarantine dollars. Resume your challenge where you chose to pause it. (For example, if you choose to pause in the Pokemon center in Pastoria city then you must return to that spot to resume it)

    Encounters (16:57) (28:11)

    • When you enter a new area (the name change indicates what is a new area), roll a number between 1-20 to decide your fate!
    • Use a googles random number generator and set the max number to 20:
    • https://www.google.com/search?q=random+number
    • When you enter a new area, your first action that you can take must be to always roll! If you forget to roll when you enter a new area, you are not allowed to get your encounter. (For example, if you enter a new place and you pick up an item before you roll, then you do not get your encounter for that area.) (18:03) (18:43)
    • *If the number you roll doesn't apply to the situation you are in, then nothing happens. Please note that if you get 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, you are still able to catch your first encounter in the area (34:12)
    • Also note that dupse clause applies to this challenge o Your encounter must be a Pokemon that you have not caught before
    1. = 1st encounter
    2. = 1st male Pokemon encounter
    3. = You may catch the 3rd encounter in this area
    4. = 1st female Pokemon encounter, roll again, if you get 20, you can speak up to 20 people without getting infected and you receive +$4200
    5. = After catching the first encounter you have to add it to your party and lead with it in every battle for the remainder of the area that you're in
    6. = Roll again, if you get a 9 on the second roll you get +$700 and can revive one of your dead Pokemon OR you can remove a Pokemon from Quarantine AND you're immune to the virus in this area (you can talk to everyone and avoid being infected in this area) (You can't save this for later, even if you don't have any dead or quarantined Pokemon yet) *If you do not get a 9 then, you only have 6 attempts to catch the first encountered Pokemon (can only use 6 poke balls) **When rolling again, ignore all effects of other numbers (i.e. When you roll again and get 2, you would ignore the effect of 2)
    7. = Spare (if you don't like your first encounter, you can choose to go for a second encounter) after this encounter you may roll 2 more times. **if you get 7 again, you're immune to the virus in this area (you can talk to everyone and avoid being infected in this area) **if you get 7 for the third time in a row you can revive one of your dead Pokemon OR you can remove a Pokemon from Quarantine
    8. = Your first encounter gets infected right away after catching it and must be quarantined in the box (can be removed after earning 2 additional gym badges)
    9. = You get +700$
    10. = You can talk up to 10 people in this area without getting infected
    11. = You are immune to the virus in this area (you can talk to everyone and avoid being infected in this area)
    12. = You lose $700 (if you have 699$ or less then you go into the negatives, i.e. if you have 0$ and roll this number, you now have -700$ and are in debt)
    13. = You must replace your first encounter on this route with the Pokemon you are leading with in your party. The replaced Pokemon then immediately gets the virus and must be placed in the quarantine box until you receive 2 more gym badges. **For example, if your encounter is a starly, whoever was in the lead of your party (i.e. chimchar) is now infected and must be replaced by the starly. **Effect still applies if you fail to catch the encountered Pokemon, if you can't catch anything in this area then you are safe, however, if you are able to receive a gift Pokemon here (like Eevee in Hearthome city from Bill in Pokemon Platnium) then that is considered your encounter and you must follow this effect.
    14. = You can buy any 2 items for free without using your budget/"Quarantinelocke dollars"
    15. = You may catch the first 2 encounters in this area, and you may buy 10 pokeballs without using your budget/"Quarantinelocke dollars"
    16. = In this area, you can't choose to fight wild Pokemon and have to keep pressing escape. (i.e. you cannot press "fight" on the bottom screen in a wild Pokemon battle)
    17. = In this area, you can't choose to escape from wild Pokemon and must always continue fighting. You must battle all trainers in this area. (i.e. you cannot press "run" on the bottom screen in a wild Pokemon battle)
    18. = You can't switch! Roll again using the random number generator from 1-6, each number in this case representing a member in your party (you can decide who gets what number). The rolled number determines which Pokemon you have to use for the remainder of this area
    19. = You can choose to talk to as many people as you want in this area, the first one is free, but then you must flip a coin after talking to each additional person, if heads, you are clean, if tails, roll using the random number generator from 1-6, each number in this case representing a member in your party (you can decide who gets what number before the roll). The rolled number determines which Pokemon gets infected.
    20. = You can speak up to 20 people without getting infected
    • Please note that if you get 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, you are still able to catch your first encounter in the area
    submitted by /u/TheAtomicalOnion
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    Victini theory

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Victini is an atomic bomb.

    Victini's name comes from victory and tiny.

    Its Pokedex entry states that it creates limitless energy inside its body and releases it.

    Victini is found at the bottom of the Liberty Garden Tower, which is based off of the Liberty Island in New York Harbor.

    In World War II, scientist at the Manhattan projects created Little Boy and Fat Man. Two nuclear weapons to use against Japan to end the second world war.

    Little Boy was tiny compared to Fat Man.

    Victini's limitless energy is a clear reference to nuclear power and its fire typing is probably a reference to nuclear fireballs and the aftermath of all the fires after these bombs were dropped.

    Victini is America's victory bomb. I guess the Unova victory bomb in this case.

    The move V-Create is also a fire V. This could be a reference to an arrow pointing down. Basically saying that Victini is a fireball dropping down on you.

    Victini also makes the V-sign with its hands, which was used after WW2 for victory in Europe day and victory over Japan day.

    It also has the ability Victory Star which increases accuracy by 10%. American soldiers needed to drop the bombs accurately so it could be another reference.

    submitted by /u/amiatruecel
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    Any chance Mega evolutions will be coming to SWSH? I really miss my dear Mega Aggron

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Aggron is my favorite Pokémon of all and he sucks competitively online but Mega Aggron was a dream come true for me!

    I finally was able to win online and Pound through with Aggron! So many rage quits cause of my Bulky M. Aggron lol felt bad for them (not really, my boy won!)

    I miss using him now. Aggron does come back in crown tundra but he's once again gonna be hard to use in battles. If Megas came back my life will be complete lol

    submitted by /u/JaxonBrawly
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    There is only one good Gym Challenge in all of Pokémon

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    We all know the Gym Challenges (and Island Trial Challenges) in Pokémon have been absolutely appalling - they are either straight lines where you battle Trainers, or consequence-free "puzzles" where even if you screw it up eventually you'll get to the end exerting no effort whatsoever.

    However, I can think of only one Gym Challenge that is actually a "challenge," or at the very least a genuine puzzle: Sootopolis City Gym. Stepping on every tile only once, where a mistake forces you back to the start to keep trying until you succeed (not to mention the "punishment" of Trainer battles if you fail). This is an actual puzzle, like something that you actually have to think through using your brain and can't just brute force your way through.

    Why can't the other Gym Challenges be like this?

    Edit: There are a few other Gym Challenges that SORT OF give you a similar challenge to Sootopolis Gym, but imo even those puzzles are somewhat linear (ie. Morty's Gym has you follow an invisible maze, but the Trainers are placed in such a way that basically tells you which way to take the maze).

    submitted by /u/WhyBuffett
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    [OC] Firefly Pokémon

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Does anyone else think that the older poke on games feel more open world?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    I've only played the full story of Sword and Ruby but I've played/seen bits of some others.

    While in a way a lot may have improved in the new pokemon games due to technology being better. I feel like they have a less open world feel. Probably mostly to the map borders feeling more artificial. In the older games you'd usually encounter a wall, fence or a very dense forest. In the newer games it feels a lot more like "Oh no, there's a small cliff in front of me that goes approximately up to my knees, whatever shall I do?".

    submitted by /u/Milli63
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    Do sword and shield get better?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Hi! I've been a really big fan of pokémon since I was a small child, and since my first pokemon game when I was 8 years old (gen 4) I've played every game multiple times, from gens 1-7, but I haven't played through gen 8. I got it on release day and I don't think I've ever played past the second gym (I've had 3 save files to really decide on my starter but I do that with most games). It's just... painfully boring, like even up to the second gym I felt like I was still in the 'tutorial' part of the game. Do the games get better as far as the story line and the overall quality? I don't want another experience like gen 7 where they hold my hand the whole game.

    Just wanted to hear peoples opinions! Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/katyatt
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    Plausibility for a SwSh DLC 3?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    We got the Isle of Armor in June and expecting Crown Tundra around October or November. Many speculate a DLC for early next year. Would this be plausible?

    If we did get a DLC 3, it could be part of the current DLC pack but not advertised yet, or it could be an additional separate paid DLC. If it is only one part, it should be priced about half of the current DLC, so $15/£13.50 (using eshop prices, not conversion). This price does also depend on what the DLC would contain.

    Many are using the leaked map as a basis for a new area to the left of Galar. Others believe that it would provide Game Freak more time for DP remakes. I don't think it will happen personally, but the demand for it seems to already be quite a lot so maybe?

    DLC 3 is speculated to be many things. A battle frontier, Ireland, South England, massive mainland Galar overhaul, or a sinnoh connection. Many of these sound pretty nice. The Battle Frontier idea is probably the most wanted one. The other ones seem to not be very unique, given that the first two DLCs seem to be very different from mainland galar. A Galar retouch would be very nice though.

    My opinion: DLC 3 is not very plausible. And aside from the Battle Frontier Idea, most will probably prefer to just head straight to DP remakes or Gen 9. I would love more reason to revisit SwSh but even I, who adore these games, cant seem to see much else for these ones specifically unless there was a sequel episode (it would fit really well).

    submitted by /u/Galaric_Ditto
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    What are some lesser-known Pokemon glitches?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Everyone knows about Missingno and the havoc he can wreak on the spaghetti code of Gen 1, but what are some other glitches you've come across?

    I did some trawling through Japanese poketubers and it looks like we were spared the true terror of Pokemon Red/Green.

    Within minutes of starting up Pokemon Green you can...

    • Push a patrolling NPC such that it softlocks you when Prof. Oak tries to bring you to the lab.
    • Use Prof. Oak's forced movement to vanish into thin air, only to reappear with a flourish of glitched text.
    • Swap an item from your bag WITH a pokemon, transforming Charmander into a level 2 Charizard with no stats or moves that causes the game to go haywire when you attempt a move.
    • Use the same moves to lock yourself in an inescapable hell where your only pokemon is permanently fainted because its max HP is 0.

    I made a quick video explaining all of these in-depth, if you'd be interested in seeing them in action.

    Tell me all about the craziness you've come across, maybe even in games past Gen 1...!

    submitted by /u/TastyOmelet
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    Is it worth it to watch the Anime?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    I honestly haven't been much into pokemon since I was a kid, I started playing around Gen 3-4 and have played B/W but I gave up on the games and the show after they left the DS platform (Never saw value on the 3DS and the newer nintendo consoles) and only played GBA hacks recently. I've watched most of the early movies too (I think when the Arceus one was the last). I also saw Pokemon Origins and loved it.

    Recently I decided to rewatch some of the Shows I loved as a kid like Avatar with the well deserved hype around it, but is it worth it to either rewatch everything Pokemon or jump into the new series?

    Is there any continuity between seasons or can I just pick one of the newer ones? anyone can recommend me a good starting point to the show?

    submitted by /u/vini_damiani
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    If gyms use more competitive-esque strategy

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Imagine every gym were like raihan, but with other practical tactics, like a gym who uses has a trick room team with a bunch of really slow but bulky pokemon, or a pokemon that specilises in terrain, or a pure defensive or offensive gym, each those gyms use those gimmick them in a very practical strategy.

    like the mention defense team not only have defensive pokemon like bastiodon or just stack on defense like stockpile, or iron defense, but also use those huge defense like stalling w/ chip damage with moves like toxic, or confusion, or burn you to half your attack.

    or a trick room team, where he has a bunch of notoriously strong but slow pokemon like, gastrodon, snorlax and slowbro, then maybe even stack with a psychic terrain so not even priority move can work aswell.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    Wich team should I use fo RR?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    So I have been playing through ultra moon lately nad I reached the Rainbow Rocket Event. I knew every leader has a legendary, so I though I should use a team of legends myself. So I went on ultra space and caught some legendarys, so my new team is :

    • Primarina
    • Palkia
    • Tapu Koko
    • Azelf
    • Dawn wings Necrozma
    • Zygarde

    But after defeating Maxie with basically just 100% Zygarde, I was feeling guilty about not using my beloved pokemon. This is my original team :

    • Primarina
    • Vikavolt
    • Crabominable
    • Palosand
    • Salazzle
    • Alolan Exeggutor

    Tl;dr : Should I use my normal team or my legendary team for RR?

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    submitted by /u/Peter_Griffin_420
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