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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 10 October 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 10 October 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 10 October 2020

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Pokemon Journey game

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    So I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but journey is sort of set up to be the Pokemon game everybody wants.

    1. Obviously had all the regions and it'd be cool if you can pick your starting region and begin with starts from that region

    2. The idea that as you progress through you can get notifications of people participating in the tournament and battle them in small battles of 1v1 and so on and slowly progress up in rank that way

    3. Events that take place on every region you could participate in

    These are just a few examples off the top of my head, but honestly I feel journey would be the ultimate Pokémon game.

    submitted by /u/Happy_Bigs1021
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    Anybody else think Galarian Zapdos being Electric/Ground was a missed Opportunity

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    I feel like theres already a bunch of fighting types in Sw/Sh and considering its modeled after a ROADRUNNER being electric/ground would have been a unique typing that doesnt exist much in the current game.

    Maybe it was to balance the 3 birds with Moltres being fire/dark and articuno being ice/psychic, but i will forever miss what couldve been.

    submitted by /u/mr2049
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    This might sound silly... But after playing a Bug type only run in UM, I have a lot more respect for Guzma and bug type trainers in general

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    One of the things told to us by bug type catchers in the early games, is that they're easy to raise. They are strong because they usually evolve at lower levels than other Pokémon. Which, although true to some extent, is kind of a lie we've been told. Because although they may evolve at lower levels, they are not easy to raise, and usually, even when they evolve they'll often still be super frail, not get good moves until very late level, have weakness to common types in early game. Anyways, what it boils down to is that raising a bug type only team is kind of like rolling a boulder up a hill for a lot of the game.

    Look at Spinarak/Ariados for one! If you want a STAB poison move on Ariados, then you have to stick with 15 power Poison Sting until lvl 50! Then you'll finally get Poison Jab. It doesn't get a physical bug type move until lvl 41, unless you want to hold on evolving Spinarak to get moves a bit earlier. However, then you're stuck with Spinaraks frail stats for a long time. Butterfree gets a flying type STAB move upgrade from gust at lvl 24, which isn't nearly as bad, however, you don't get bug buzz until lvl 32. Luckily, in US/UM, at least with the special attackers, you are covered with most bugs by getting Signal Beam from move tutor. You can also get Bug Bite, which is 60 power. Not terrible but not particularly good either. Let's not even talk about Parasect... It gets good moves for catching, but you'd be hard-pressed to be able to do anything with it in most battles. Ledian, one of the first bug types you'll get in U S/M, is even worse I'd argue, as even at its final evolution it's stats are awful. It has a decent Special. Df, and an OK speed. But everything else is.... very bad.

    At least you get Ribombee pretty early in the game, who is pretty good all around. Having a fairy type is also pretty strong in general. Still, the first bug Pokémon I got which I felt could finally start dealing a significant amount of dmg, was Pinsir, which has a 1% spawn chance in Lush Jungle. Pinsir, btw, only learns two bug type moves through lvl up. Araquanid was also a pretty good member, although it's more of a tank than a dmg dealer (I opted out of getting Golisopod, as the goal of the run was to be kind of a reverse of Guzma, so I didn't want to use his signature Pokémon), and Masquerain was kind of a general upgrade from Butterfree, although it's still pretty frail with many weaknesses and it lacks the benefit of accuracy boost. So far I've neglected to mention Vikavolt, which is a pretty strong pokémon too, however you don't really get a chance to get it to final evolution until you're past the first trial of the third island. Also, there is the awkward thing with moves, where it only learns physical dmg moves as its first two evo's, but as its final stage it get's a really high special. So after evolving it it's a bit of a ordeal getting it moves that are good for it.

    Over all, I'm on the third island now, and my latest addition to the team is Gaia the Forretress. My team is shaping together, but it has been a rough ride. The first part of the game was pretty grueling, with any flying type being able to 1-hit-KO pretty much all my team. I did teach my Ariados Bounce through move tutor, and I could use Flying type Z move with it. Which was pretty fun and funny. The spider got jumps for days XD. Over all, I have a newfound respect for bug type trainers. Because Bugs are really not easy to raise to a powerful lvl, and they have a lot of... 'natural predators' so to speak. Props to trainers with the patience to stick with their little critters despite being so easily defeated. Guzma getting so powerful, even without using Z moves? That's pretty impressive.

    I'm glad gen7 introduced a decent number of good bug type's, and made decent new bug moves, and changes to old ones (mainly refering to making Leech Life 80 power). They really were kind of left behind a lot, and they're interesting Pokémon to use. I encourage more people to try these kind of one type team challenges. It's both challenging figuring ways to deal with your type weaknesses and your lack of type coverage, but it also just forces you to get familiar with Pokémon you'd normally never use. In the process, you may even come to like these pokémon you'd normally only let rot in the box.

    ... Except Ledian... If anything I hate Ledian more than I did before, and I have no idea why Game Freak decided to make a kind of 'punch' focused bug Pokémon with horrendous attack stat... Even with Iron Fist HA, you'd have to EV train the heck out of it to deal any dmg with Ice or Thunder Punch. Also, why even let it learn Mach Punch, one of the weakest power fighting moves, to a Pokémon with such low attack? The only useful thing I could imagine doing with it is Agility-Batonpassing to a low speed Pokémon. But good luck surviving against physical attackers for long enough to build up Speed...

    submitted by /u/CuddlyE
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    I’m sorry Pikachu

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    GET WACKY!!!: Most Unorthodox Platinum/Sinnoh Teams

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Yoyo everyone,

    TLDR: What's the most unorthodox team you can think of for Platinum/Sinnoh, Moves aren't necessary, but are appreciated

    1. No Legendries

    1. 4/6 must be Pokémon introduced in Sinnoh

    2. Only final evolutions

    3. Can be from any part of the game, even post game

    4. Try to be wacky!

    submitted by /u/Gam_Masters
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    List of Pokemon that cannot be brought over to Pokemon Sword and Shield

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Here are the Pokemon that cannot be brought over via Pokemon Home to Sword and Shield.

    I made another list that shows what Pokemon can be brought over to Pokemon Shield: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonHome/comments/j8evbk/list_of_pokemon_that_can_be_transferred_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Pokemon stated below are inclusive of their evolved form, (to shorten the list)

    This list shows all Pokemon based on the original National Dex numbering. (Does not include crown of Tundra DLC)

    Please comment if you see any mistakes. Thank you


    1. Weedle
    2. Pidgey
    3. Rattata
    4. Sparrow
    5. Ekans
    6. Nidoran female
    7. Nidoran Male
    8. Zubat
    9. Paras
    10. Venonat
    11. Mankey
    12. Bellsprout
    13. Geodude
    14. Doduo
    15. Seel
    16. Grimer
    17. Drowzee
    18. Voltorb
    19. Jynx
    20. Electabuzz
    21. Magmar
    22. Omanyte
    23. Kabuto
    24. Aerodactyl
    25. Articuno
    26. Zapdos
    27. Moltres
    28. Dratini


    1. All starters
    2. Sentret
    3. Ledyba
    4. Spinarak
    5. Crobat
    6. Mareep
    7. Hoppip
    8. Aipom
    9. Sunkern
    10. Yanma
    11. Murkrow
    12. Misdreavus
    13. Unown
    14. Girafarig
    15. Pineco
    16. Gligar
    17. Snubbull
    18. Teddiursa
    19. Slugma
    20. Houndour
    21. Phanpy
    22. Stantler
    23. Smeargle
    24. Smoochum
    25. Elekid
    26. Magby
    27. Raikou
    28. Entei
    29. Suicune
    30. Lugia
    31. Ho-Oh


    1. All starter Pokemon
    2. Poochyena
    3. Wurmple
    4. Taillow
    5. Surskit
    6. Shroomish
    7. Slakoth
    8. Makuhita
    9. Nosepass
    10. Skitty
    11. Aron
    12. Meditite
    13. Plusle
    14. Minun
    15. Volbeat
    16. Illumise
    17. Gulpin
    18. Numel
    19. Spoink
    20. Spinda
    21. Cacnea
    22. Swablu
    23. Zangoose
    24. Seviper
    25. Lileep
    26. Anorith
    27. Castform
    28. Kecleon
    29. Shuppet
    30. Tropius
    31. Chimecho
    32. Absol
    33. Spheal
    34. Clamperl
    35. Relicanth
    36. Luvdisc
    37. Bagon
    38. Beldum
    39. Regirock
    40. Latias
    41. Latios
    42. Kyogre
    43. Groudon
    44. Rayquaza
    45. Deoxys


    1. All starter pokemon
    2. Starly
    3. Bidoof
    4. Kricketot
    5. Cranidos
    6. Shieldon
    7. Burmy
    8. Pachirisu
    9. Buizel
    10. Ambipom
    11. Mismagius
    12. Honchkrow
    13. Glameow
    14. Chingling
    15. Chatot
    16. Spiritomb
    17. Gible
    18. Carnivine
    19. Finneon
    20. Electivire
    21. Magmotar
    22. Yanmega
    23. Gliscor
    24. Probopass
    25. Uxie
    26. Mesprit
    27. Azelf
    28. Dialga
    29. Palkia
    30. Heatran
    31. Regigigas
    32. Giratina
    33. Phione
    34. Darkrai
    35. Shaymin
    36. Arceus


    1. Victini
    2. All starter Pokemonm
    3. Patrat
    4. Pansage
    5. Pansear
    6. Panpour
    7. Blitzle
    8. Audino
    9. Sewaddle
    10. Tirtouga
    11. Archen
    12. Ducklett
    13. Deerling
    14. Alomomola
    15. Tynamo
    16. Cryogonal
    17. Tornadus
    18. Thunderus
    19. Landorus
    20. Meloetta
    21. Genesect


    1. All Starter Pokemon
    2. Scatterbug
    3. Litleo
    4. Flabebe
    5. Skiddo
    6. Furfrou
    7. Tyrunt
    8. Amaura
    9. Carbink
    10. Xerneas
    11. Yveltal
    12. Zygarde
    13. Diancie
    14. Hoopa
    15. Volcanion


    1. Pikipek
    2. Yungoos
    3. Crabrawler
    4. Oricorio
    5. Minior
    6. Komala
    7. Bruxish
    8. Tapu Koko
    9. Tapu Lele
    10. Tapu Bulu
    11. All Ultra Beasts
    submitted by /u/tamahome321
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    Bought Heartgold from GameStop

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Ordered it last week and received it in the mail today to find out it doesn't work. My 3DS reads the game fine but after I start it I get a blue screen that says "Save data cannot be accessed."

    Does anybody know how to fix this or the game cartridge just messed up? I can't delete the save because I can't make it to the title screen.

    I have tried it in my DSi also and got the same screen.

    It is very frustrating because I paid $70 for it, Took a week to get here and it doesn't even work. You'd think GameStop would test their games before they put them up for sale.

    I'm not sure if this is the place to be asking because I don't use Reddit much but I was just curious to see if anybody has had the same problem and managed to fix it.

    submitted by /u/xKovikx
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    Customisable Pokéballs

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Like... I wish that in Sword and Shield (well, all games, but it'd be most effective here) you could change the appearance of your Pokéballs.

    It's just an aesthetic, but surely it couldn't be hard to have an NPC that changes the sprite of the Pokéball? Maybe you have to take a Pokéball to them (and it obviously would have to keep the same effect as the old Pokéball or people'd just be swapping in Friend Balls etc) but it'd just be nice to be able to customise my team in that way.

    submitted by /u/RoseaLupum
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    What is instead of DP remakes, we got sequels instead?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    Like, imagine if this was based 20 years on from the original games, and Cynthia has disappeared. Both these games could finally explain more about Arceus and have it on the cover along with Dialga and Palkia. You could explore a new look Sinnoh with new locations and a new evil group. Cynthia could be the leader of this team, having been sent insane while studying ruins about Arceus and the Creation trio. You could be in a race against time to stop her from using Dialga / Palkia from summoning Arceus and bringing the world to an end. You would fight her and her level 80 Garchomp at Spear Pillar, and as her team that is 30 levels higher than yours sweeps your team, when all hope is lost, Lucas or Dawn, depending on the player's gender, show up. They could defeat Cynthia and save the Universe. This couId be an amazing game and if GF do this it could be brilliant.

    submitted by /u/irelandguinness
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    Indian Pokemon Ideas

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Bandicoot (Ground/Fairy, Crash inspired?)

    Chess (Rock? Psychic? Steel?)

    Atom (Electric or Electric/Psychic)

    (Considering having a Yoga based Pokemon but I think Medicham might already have that covered)

    Flamingo (Water/Fairy)

    Flying Fox (Maybe Dark/Flying or some other type)

    Langur/Macaque (No idea for the typing of this one)

    Binturong (Psychic type maybe?)

    Sun Bear (Definitely thinking of a Fire/Grass type for this one)

    Yak (Ice or Fire might work)

    Dolphin (Water combined with either Fairy or Psychic)

    Muntjac (Dark would make sense I think)

    Monitor Lizard (Or maybe a Flying Lizard or a Glass Lizard?)

    Gold-Digging Ant (I'd honestly like to see another Bug/Ground type)

    Golden Jackal (No idea for this one's type)

    World Turtle (Psychic with Ground or Dragon?)

    submitted by /u/SirWelcome
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgDi5IUH_KA Story of Far fetch'd. It's OC(official content).

    submitted by /u/stm876
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    Using 3D on virtual console

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    So I accidentally found this out playing Pokémon Blue, but apparently you can use 3D in virtual console. If you use the Gameboy border (hold select while starting the game), you can use 3D slider to make the game look sunken in like on your old gameboy. It's probably the best use of 3D I've seen on the system.

    submitted by /u/Chubbygator847
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    I’m starting my first play through of Pokémon black

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I'm starting my first play through of Pokémon black, I don't know anything about the game (I only know the Pokémon) I need help building a team there is only one Pokémon I want, chandelure. So can anyone pls tell me which starter to use, and some good Pokémon to use in my play through, thank you.

    submitted by /u/Cool_Taco_99
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    Transfer Pokémons, or not?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Hi guys! Recently one question came up to my mind, a deeply sentimental question.

    Do you prefer transferring Pokémons through generations, or do you keep them in their original games?

    Yes, it's a very strange question, but looking to the future, as a "collector", I really can't decide whether it's better looking at all my Pokémons in the most recent generation, or going back to their original game, and watching them there

    submitted by /u/steeloz
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    Your Favourite Pokemon Memory?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I'm in the middle of making a Pokemon Documentary from the perspective of fans and individuals who grew up with the franchise.

    We have been working on this for several months and have gotten interviews with some very large individuals related to the the brand. We have reached the section of the documentary where we want to hear from you! The Fans!

    You can either private message me or post in the comments below but i'd love to know the following!

    1: What is your favourite memory related to Pokemon (Could be pulling a certain card, Getting a video game, finding your first shiny, reaching level 100, making a certain friend, getting you through a tough time). No matter what, I want to hear it. We will be picking a few of the stories and reaching out to individuals to see if you'd be interested in a video interview for the documentary.

    2: I'd also love to know who your favourite pokemon content creator is!

    Tell your story! For Arceus!

    submitted by /u/director_nick
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    It's a stupid thing to want, probably, but I want it more than a difficulty mode or better graphics

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I would really love to have a "Double Battle" Mode. It'd be a setting you choose at the beginning of the game (single battle or double battle). If you select double battle, then all the trainers and gym leaders will use two Pokémon at a time. I personally feel like most Pokémon these days are increasingly designed with the intention for them to be used in Double Battles. And I just feel like it'd add more depths to the gameplay and give boss battles more tools to offer a satisfying challenge.

    submitted by /u/MuchKiwi3
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