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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 17 October 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 17 October 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 17 October 2020

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Pokémon regions be like:

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Kanto: Ya, it's cool living here, we get robbed by the mafia a lot and when that doesn't happen we got genetically altered death machines being made by the mafia and when that doesn't happen our own Elite 4 are trying to take over the world (manga only but still ;p)

    Johto: Ya, the mafia wants to take over our region but we got a big chicken that can bring back the dead and it gave us these dogs that run away when anything gets near and we got a giant seagull that makes it impossible to sail boats thanks to whirlpools but we got the Japanese girls to calm it down with a bell

    Hoenn: Some Pirates and boy scouts got our local Levithan and Behemoth to fight but we got our Ziz dragon to come down from space and smack them and then it went to fight an alien

    Sinnoh: Our legendaries literally control reality... we worship them out of fear...

    Unova: Why is PETA telling us to release our Pokémon also why is everything frozen to the north of here?

    Kalos: our legendaries will either make us all immortal or kill us all and the Pokémon version of Nazis, but with fashion, want to catch them

    Alola: We got some wannabe gangsters and a corrupt science lab wanting to open a gateway for aliens to invade our world and one can literally destroy the entire universe, but it's okay we got some tiki deities.

    Galar: Oh, I hate the kantonese ruin'n Galar, and the kalos-ians ruin'n Galar, and the Galarians ruin'n Galar! ***kin' Galarians! I hate 'em!!!

    submitted by /u/MaleficTekX
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    I thought Generation VI was the worst. I just replayed Pokémon Y for the first time in years and desperately wish we got Pokémon Z.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Whether it was the timing of when Gen VI came out (when I was in college) or because it followed Gen V and my favorite games Black 2/White 2, I always held indifference and often resentment towards Pokémon X & Y and the Kalos region. "Gen V had the best music, story, Pokémon, characters, etc and I got this instead?"

    Flash forward to 2020 and I decide to replay Pokémon Y for the first time, because quarantine. My God, I want more Kalos.

    Areas where I found newfound appreciation:

    • Kalos & French influence - The region is beautiful and the towns/routes/cities connect nearly seamlessly with each other, making the final result realistic and very cohesive. Lumiose City feels like Paris, the Pokémon League is giant and intimidating. Yes, the snowy areas may come somewhat instantaneously, but c'mon the Castelia City was literally next to a sandstorm route. I'll throw Kalos a bone.
    • Fairy Type - Balancing out the types had to happen, and the Fairy type was a welcome addition. Not just for (finally) countering Dragon, but it gave needed love to Steel and Poison types.
    • 3D Models - I will always hold deep affection & nostalgia for the sprites, but moving to models was the natural next step. Pokémon-Amie & the models from Gen VI paved the way for the, arguably, gorgeous models & Pokémon camp in Gen VIII.
    • The cult leader, Lysandre & Team Flare - JESUS CHRIST. The man sheds a tear when he tells you Pokémon must be destroyed AS his followers are actively planning to sacrifice Pokémon to power the Ultimate Weapon. When you foil his plan, he fires off the weaker weapon anyway which kills him. As for Team Flare as a whole, the villainous team is a Scientology/Nxivm-esque cult where the members have paid millions (5,000,000 in Pokémon-world currency) to join and follow their well-connected, uber-capitalist leader to the ends of the world. Are they the best team? Probably not, I still can't remember all the scientist's names, the whole "we've got \flair*"* grunt dialogue is easy to skip, and Lysandre's robotic "final form" still looks as dumb as I remembered. But Team Flare left an impact, definitely an underrated team.
    • AZ - AZ reuniting with Floette at the end was unexpectedly sweet, despite how little interaction there is with AZ in the games.
    • Pumpkaboo - Adorable. Amazing. I want one. I didn't know it evolved via trade, but it doesn't matter. I would never evolve it anyway.

    There are probably moments that I neglected to mention, but you probably get the overall point: there was a lot of great content in these games that I glossed over in my first playthrough. Replaying Pokémon Y was a positive experience, overall.

    That being said...Generation VI reeks of needing a third version. There are a litany of areas where changes/improvements/tweaks could have been made to make these games better.

    Some of these improvement areas are:

    • Gym Leader/Elite Four Teams - It's a routine criticism for X & Y, so I won't ramble, but Wulfric only has three Pokémon? Gym Leaders & Elite Four definitely need a buff.
    • Kalos Pokémon - Bouncing off the previous point - give Trainers more Kalos region Pokémon. I know Kalos introduced the fewest new Pokémon with 72 and not counting starter evolutions and legendaries/mythicals, that only leaves about 60 or so. In my first playthrough, I never felt like I knew the new Pokémon because opposing trainers were not using them and instead using Pokémon from other generations.
    • Mega Evolution - Give more trainers access to Mega Evolution (Elite Four, all Gym Leaders, Lysandre earlier in the story, etc). Yes, the story of Kalos heralds Mega Evolution as something special only a select few achieve - but I constantly forgot about it while replaying (didn't have a team member with a Mega form). I was, and am, still salty that NO non-mythical Kalos Pokémon got Mega Evolutions, specifically the starters (Battle Bond Greninja was Gen VII).
    • Character Development - In comparison to Gen V where we got to know Alder, Iris, the Elite Four, our rivals, and especially the Gym Leaders very well - I was struck by how little interaction there is with the Kalos Gym Leaders/Elite Four. This is especially the case with Diantha, the champion players have interacted with the least across the series. What's her story? What is her relationship with Professor Sycamore & Lysandre? How did she master Mega Evolution? We need more interaction with her, as well as AZ, whose dialogue is mostly exposition.
    • Post-Game - The Looker Bureau saga is…all right. Catching Mewtwo & a Legendary Bird...sure. Yes, most post-games for Pokémon games aren't great, but in comparison to Gen V, Gen VII, and even the Delta Episode in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, X & Y are particularly bare. Perhaps a post-game could focus on the last topic...
    • Zygarde, oh Zygarde... - The fact that the Zygarde "cell collection" and different forms were introduced in the next Generation is a cardinal sin. A Pokédex entry for Zygarde's badass-looking 100% form reads "Born when all of Zygarde's cells have been gathered together, it uses force to neutralize those who harm the ecosystem." Now picture Zygarde awakening to stop Lysandre & Team Flare when it realizes they want to use the Ultimate Weapon. Zygarde deserved better.

    It's likely we'll never know exactly why Game Freak, The Pokémon Company, and others decided to jump from Kalos to Alola so quickly, although my money is on timing a new Generation with Pokémon's 20th Anniversary. It's a shame, because Kalos still has so much potential, and I believe a third version really could have ironed out the many kinks in X & Y. In my opinion, Pokémon Platinum fixed the issues in Diamond & Pearl and enhanced them, resulting in a Generation of games the Pokémon community loves.

    Upon replaying Pokémon Y and finding new appreciation towards Generation VI, I implore Game Freak & their developers to consider bringing the Pokémon community back to Kalos soon. There is so much more we can do there.

    - this ended up being MUCH longer than I initially thought, thank you to whoever actually read through all my ramblings -

    TL;DR I used to dislike Pokémon X & Y - then I replayed Pokémon Y and realized it was pretty good but we should have gotten Pokémon Z or some sort of sequels.

    Edit: Spelling & formatting corrections.

    submitted by /u/leighton_gm
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    I have no regrets

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    When I played Pokémon Shield, I did not expect to love it this much! I love the Pokémon! I love maractus, Galarian ponyta/Rapidash, Grimsnarl, Morgrem, Obtsagoon, and so much more! I am definitely making a second profile on my switch just to train up two teams. Also I'm curious about the outfit choices boys have. So I might just have one be a male character. I'm definitely getting the expansion pack too!

    submitted by /u/LizzieLove1357
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    The theme of each pokemon region

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    All the regions have a theme on their own that seems to be based on things you learn in school/highschool:

    Kanto - Genetics (mutations) With kanto having the most amount of poison types (toxic waste being one things associated to mutations), pokemon highly tied to the concept of alterations in the DNA like eevee, mew, mewtwo, ditto. And many pokemon with more than one part of their body like dodrio. exeggutor, dugtrio, etc.

    Johto - History - With the region having a huge emphasis on the ancient buildings that are highly tied to the most important events from Johto. Like the bellsprout tower, alpha ruins and many more.

    Hoenn - Ecology - With this being the region with the most diverse amount of environments.

    Sinnoh - Religion. Explaining the pokemon god and its influence in the creation of the entire pokemon universe.

    Unova - Ethics. It´s pretty clear why if you know Team Plasma.

    Kalos - Art. The region is full of artists and things related to beauty. And their champion is an actress.

    Alola - Natural selection. With alola being the region that introduced the concept of regional variants.

    Galar - Sports. It´s clear why If you´ve seen how the gym challenge and the gyms themselves are portrayed in Galar.

    submitted by /u/Giboit
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    The Pokemon Company and Nintendo should stop doing a double version (but they won't)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    I never liked the idea of the double version of Pokemon games. There isn't really a problem: the games are practically the same, just with a few differences like exclusive pokemons and other minor stuff, so you don't actually lose anything important by just buying one version. Yes, I know the idea was about trading pokemons with other players, and this idea was really strong back in the day when you actually had to socialize with other children, use your game link cable, finding new friends in some way. But right now? This idea doesn't work anymore. We are playing online, we can't even communicate in a good way with the other users because Nintendo can't do online properly, so the whole idea of socializing and finding new friends is pointless. Also, we never really needed a double version to begin with for this excuse. People will NEVER find all the pokemons by themself, specially now that we have like 900 species, and there are the shiny ones too... in case you don't want to waste your whole life. So, people will always ask for their friends or random people on the Internet to trade pokemons. Having exclusive pokemons to have two versions of the same game doesn't make sense anymore, it just forces players to buy either one or decide with their friends which one to buy to cover all the possibilities. I can only see it as an anti-consumer thing, specially after the online kicked in.

    We never actually needed a double version of pokemon games. But we all know why they keep doing it.

    submitted by /u/Reycom_Zero
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    I am drawing Pokémon variants, its Luxray's turn! Help me decide which typing to give it!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    So yeah, as the title states it, I am drawing Pokémon variants based on the winning types combination. The first one was a Water/Dragon Swampert (that you can check on my profile).

    Among the options, I'd love to see an Ice variant Luxray because picturing it with blue hair, and maybe some spots would be amazing.

    It would be also great if you propose abilities, siugnature move, and why not some stats.

    I'll draw the final result for the next week!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/kaltzer
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    Two-Type Gyms

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    While watching a Poketuber's video on gym leaders, it hit me, couldn't they make a Pokemon game where each gym would have two types of pokemon? Keep 8 gyms like normal, but instead of having that gym just being one specific type, like a fire gym, or a bug gym. Why not make it so each gym has two types? For example, a fire/bug gym, a dragon/steel gym, or a flying/ghost gym, it would be possible, there are 18 different types now, which would leave two types left from the gyms, so it's completely possible, and I think it would be a neat little twist on the normal "here is a one type only gym" that we have had for years, let me know your thoughts below! :)

    submitted by /u/MasterFarell
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    Pokemon mystery dungeon’s biggest plot hole

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    One of the games major plot point is that you are a human that has became a pokemon

    Now the biggest issue at the end the player decides to remain a Pokemon for one reason or another

    Now the biggest issue with this is there is zero fallout in the human world? The game completely ignores that the human who became a squirtle is now on the missing people list and their family will never know what became of that person

    submitted by /u/Nuns_In_Crocs
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    What would you as a gym leader look like?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I'm just after finishing a play through of Pokémon Shield and I started wondering what it would be like to be a gym leader and what would my gym look like. I came up with this

    Type: Psychic

    Location: Ballonlea

    Gym Challenge: The trainer would have to navigate a maze of teleport pads with Gym Challengers dotted around the maze.

    Pokémon 1. Delphox with Mystical Fire, Light Screen, Psychic and Will-O-Wisp 2. Malamar with Pluck, Psychic, Hypnosis and Foul Play 3. Gallade with False Swipe, Psychic, Brick Break and Night Slash

    Ace Pokémon: Mega Gardevoir with Fire Punch, Psychic, Moonblast and Shadow Ball

    For a rematch, I'd add in...

    Hypno with Hypnosis, Psychic, Brick Break and Hyper Beam

    Lunala with Moongeist Beam, Psychic, Moonblast and Meteor Beam

    Reward: TM Psychic, Psychic uniform and the Psychic Badge.

    What would everyone else's gym look like?

    submitted by /u/Annonymous4186
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    Reminder to claim the 6th Ash's Pikachu Kalos Cap!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT


    Remember to save your game after!

    submitted by /u/YouYongku
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    Is Pokémon sword and shield + expension pass worth getting?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Hello there

    It has been so long I have played pokemon, since the 4th gen.

    I have been hearing bad things about the latest Pokemon not to mention gamefreak bad PR. Did the game improve over time ?

    I might be little biased towards the 4th gen as a well as the 2end gen as it was one of my favourite and as far as content was concerned there was a lot to do. I am wondering when it comes to content offline how does sword and shield stack along with the expension pass?

    submitted by /u/Newbie8864
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    Pokémon Distribution Event History

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Not sure if allow, so feel free to let me know otherwise. I made a video about the history of Pokémon distribution events as they've changed a LOT since Pokémon Red/Blue/Green and I figured some of you here may enjoy it!


    submitted by /u/kevinkrust
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    What would your gym be? (Dragon Edition) yes I am making this a series...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    So... I know this is kind've a repost, but as soon as I post this I will make more editions for all typings, you can do whatever for the comments to make a gym, just include your team, gym puzzle, and type. Today I'm doing dragon since I already wrote it. Please do not backlash for being a repost, just enjoy all the different gyms you can encounter in the comments! (Bet mine is the longest...)

    submitted by /u/ThatRandomDude420
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    Pokemon FireRed Team

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    I have Growlithe Charmeleon Gyrados Pikachu Pidegeotto and Oddish. I want to keep Charmeleon and pikachu and plan on getting snorlax and lapras. Wanted to keep growlithe but will drop because i dont need second fire type. Who would you suggest to replace growlithe and oddish with keeping the other fours types in mind.

    submitted by /u/uhohhoho
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    Pokemon Fire Red Omega Nuzlocke pt.1

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    So I wanted to do a Nuzlocke and I decided to play a rom hack known for its difficulty: Fire Red Omega.

    I learned 3 things yesterday. 1. I am in-between good and bad at Nuzlockes. 2. I get way too attached to my Pokemon for my own good. 3. Super Nerd Miguel is a JERK and he deserves to burn for what he did.

    Let's begin.

    I name myself Lucifer and start the game. I decided to have a naming scheme and decided on Mythological Creatures. I went to the lab to get my starter, Elekid. I named him Sasquatch and beat my rival easily.

    After giving Oak his parcel, I got Poke Balls and The Nuzlocke Starts. My first encounter is a Rattata I name Brownie (a small humanoid who likes to clean up people's houses) and I head back to Viridian City.

    There, I catch a Houndour I name Hellhound and go to the entrance to Victory Road and catch a Mankey I name Bigfoot. I then decided to fight my rival.

    This was a mistake.

    His Pokemon were okay to deal with until his Smoochum came out. Hellhound was too injured and I didn't have a clean switch so I had to sacrifice Brownie to heal up Hellhound to finish the fight.

    After saying my goodbyes, I went to Route 2 and caught Alraune the Shroomish. I then progress to Viridian Forest and caught Leprechaun the Bellsprout(Boxed). I also talked to 2 girls and got Basilisk the Treecko(Boxed) and Charybdis the Mudkip.

    I then headed to Pewter City and catch Giant the Nosepass(Boxed) I then trained to fight Brock, with Bigfoot, Alraune, and Charybdis sweeping his team. Badge 1, check.

    After catching Bogle the Hoothoot(Boxed), and buying Leviathan the Magikarp(Boxed), I went into Mt.Moon. I now HATE Mt.Moon. That's how bad this went. My encounter was Vampire the Zubat who then, not 5 minutes get killed by a Butterfree who I forgot had Confusion in this game. Then Bigfoot died to a Grimer from a ROCKET GRUNT.

    And just when you think things can't get any worse, SUPER. NERD. MIGUEL. He was hording his fossils which I didn't even want, then demanded a battle. And I thought I had this.

    Spoilers: I DIDN'T.

    He sent out a Grimer and I sent out Alraune. Charybdis, who had my only ground type move, was beat up and so was everyone else so I sadly had to sacrifice Alraune to get a Leech Seed off. I sent out Charybdis and things were going well until he ONE SHOT Charybdis with Sludge. SLUDGE. A weak poison move ONE SHOTS my Mudkip who was in the green.


    I brought Sasquatch and managed to BARELY, and when I said BARELY, I mean it, defeated the rest of his team. I then took the Helix Fossil (All hail Lord Helix) and made my way to Cerulean where I heal up, and then caught Cockatrice the Pidgey and said goodbye to the members who took me farther then I ever thought possible.

    Deaths:5 Brownie the Rattata, Vampire the Zubat, Bigfoot the Mankey, Alraune the Shroomish, and Charybdis the Mudkip. 😭

    So if you like reading my experiences, well then you're in luck as I will be posting the rest of the Nuzlocke as it happens. And remember:


    submitted by /u/RPGmaster79
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