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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 28 November 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 28 November 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 28 November 2020

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

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    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Pokémon needs more "unfair" battles.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:08 AM PST

    For some reason, all of the evil teams decide to battle with some bizarre degree of honour. They fight with weaker Pokémon than you, usually without a full team, and they use the same teams of the same Rattatas and Zubats over and over and over again. These people are supposed to be evil organisations bent on taking over/destroying/remaking the world, but their tactics are laughable at best and the only real challenges are the admins or leaders on a few rare occasions. They could cheat, but they don't. Why shouldn't they cheat? They're criminals!

    There are a few people who actually fight unfairly though. The main one that comes to mind is Ultra Lusamine from Sun & Moon, where each of her Pokémon starts with a random stat boosting aura. Jessie & James from Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee also cheat by challenging you to a 2-on-1, which is as expected from members of an evil team and is almost always seen in the anime. These battles were great and memorable because they were different from your regular youngster joey: they put you at a disadvantage right from the start.

    Imagine fighting an evil team where they could cheat mid-battle and raise some of their Pokémon's stats (or lower yours). Or if they could use more than seven Pokémon at a time to compensate for their weak levels. Or if they used rare but stolen Pokémon that wouldn't always obey them. It would make these battles more interesting without adding in another gimmick like Mega Evolution, Z-Moves or Dynamaxing.

    submitted by /u/Vantagor
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    AnimeJapan organizes a poll "Manga we want to see animated". They are currently looking for proposals, so i thought we should let them know that we want to see Pokemon Special(Pokemon Adventures) anime.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Instructions how to do it: https://i.imgur.com/XJDqcvs.png
    Required information mentioned in instructions:

    Title: ポケットモンスターSPECIAL

    Authors names: 日下秀憲 , 山本サトシ

    Publisher: 株式会社小学館

    Magazine: コロコロイチバン

    Link for sending suggestions: https://pro.form-mailer.jp/fms/e7ef5039155031
    Poll's main page: https://anime-japan.jp/main/ajranking/

    Results from last year: https://www.anime-japan.jp/en/main/ajranking/

    submitted by /u/soleks100000
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    The longest chain breed

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:08 AM PST

    What is the longest chain breed in pokemon? I think a good contender is Flail Heracross in gen 2. It needs to get it from a parasect, which must get it from a meganium, which must get it from a blastoise, which must get it from a kingdra, which must get it from Magikarp. a six pokemon chain. Do you know of any longer?

    submitted by /u/TPRGB
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    Crown Tundra's Fanservice

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    As someone who's been following general discussions on Pokemon for a while, and seen some of the recurring ideas people keep talking about, I want to mention for a short while some things about the DLC which fans have been asking for that I think might be getting overlooked. The reason I'm doing this is that, as a long-term fan, I really enjoy the DLC, and it's probably some of the best main-series content we've gotten in a long while. I'd just like to bring attention to some of the more positive things!

    Heads up, this might contain some spoilers for the Crown Tundra and the Sword/Shield DLC as a whole. I've tried my best to spoiler tag in case you somehow avoided them this far.

    Open-World Exploration

    Starting first with a biggie, and perhaps something that doesn't fit the same mold as people envisioned. The Crown Tundra is suuuper good for its sense of just being able to explore and follow quests in the order you choose. First of all, just by the pacing; after the Dynamax Adventures tutorial you're basically free to do whichever quest you like in the order you choose. I did all the Legendary Quests in reverse order and didn't feel like I was missing out on anything or

    Now, the obvious difference between this and the open-world sentiments I see normally is the fact that it's not part of the main story. But honestly, I enjoy that. The way the 'wild area' and DLCs are framed are told in the name - they're the natural world. While you could have towns etc. connecting to each other, that idea is more restrictive when we're just talking about the creatures. It opens up opportunities for more industrialised 'mons, like the Steel and Poison types that are framed as thriving in urban environments, but it wouldn't make as much sense to have these ancient, undisturbed ruins concealing creatures of legend 5 feet away from a flower shop. By splitting the main story into its own, more kind of linear path, it makes the placing of the DLC areas feel more special and unique. (Though that being said, it does also make sense to flesh out certain routes like forests in the main game. But the wild area did a reasonable job of connecting the big hub regions with this sprawling, open setting, especially for its first try).

    Event Legendaries/Pokemon

    But the idea of these ruins and special areas brings me on to the next point. The Crown Tundra did a fantastic job of implementing legendaries into the setting of the story, and the 3 (4, but we'll go there in a bit) main legendary quests each had their own unique and well executed flair on the traditional models of encounters. We'll go by each;

    The Main Story Quest (Calyrex and the Horses)

    This quest followed the modern format of being quite lore-intensive (read: cutscenes) but approach the exposition format in a way which hasn't been done much in the main series. Calyrex taking over Peony to speak directly to you makes sense for a Psychic type as supposedly powerful, and the flavouring of its lost memory is a nice justification for talking to the villagers, reading the library excerpts, etc. Even if it was a bit hand-holdy in the latter aspects. What's impressive, too, is Gamefreak concealing the existence of the horses for so long, with their first appearance happening a reasonable way in to the quest. It makes a nice change from the Gen 7 days of all the info being shown to you before release. Worth noting too, the model of choosing a legendary is a great step forward from version exclusives that still makes you trade for the dex but doesn't saddle (heh) you with a 'mon you don't like because of some decision you made months ago. It also shares the last aspect with the Regi quest, which is great.

    Quests 2 and 3 (The birds and the regis)

    These other quests really hit at the core features of the DLC; the exploration. While not exactly subtle, the ruins where you find the regis are ominous and a great take on the original puzzle mechanics (though, actually doable without a team of private detectives) and the birds are an awesome take on roamers, showcasing each of their personalities and requiring this more active approach in catching each of them outside of battle (making full use of the overworld Pokemon introduced this gen).

    Something that's a bit more subtle as well is that while none of these are explicitly signposted, all the main quests are in their own areas of the DLC, and so it can be decided entirely by which part you decide to explore first.


    Finally, a couple more points to touch on. In the same vein as the regi quests are a couple more puzzles which hint to unlocking different 'mons. The first is again a great homage to its first appearance, by connecting to people like with the Underground to unlock Spiritomb. And the second is harnessing what many thought was a missed opportunity on its first appearance. People have been talking since the Gen 6 days about how they miss quests to find mythicals, and we got a taste of their story implementation in ORAS with Deoxys. The Keldeo quest goes a step further - not only by the Swords of Justice quest being less direct than the others, but by being hidden within this quest and behind a puzzle. This is further helped by not needing an item, future-proofing in a way which past events didn't, but also not bringing your attention to the event for a super-rare Pokemon so if you do find it on your own it feels genuinely really special.

    Version Exclusivity

    I kind of talked about this in the last point about the main story quest, but exclusivity is handled really well in these games. I won't reiterate that point here, but it's worth saying as well that with Dynamax Adventures you can catch the legendaries from the your version's counterpart just by joining a raid group from a host with the other version. No trading necessary.


    Perhaps more SwSh as a whole, but competitive was greatly enhanced this Gen. Not only can you use Pokemon from past games for the first time, but (almost) any 'mon can be tweaked into becoming exactly what you need. With the addition of Mints and now the Ability Patch, the only option left which isn't implemented is removing HA (which is only needed in a handful of instances, and could potentially lead to some broken scenarios - No Guard Fissure Machamp for example). As well, with the last DLC we got a bunch of new moves with interesting mechanics, and with the removal of certain old moves we are also able to get new 'mons with more interesting features (removing Hidden Power, for example, means we can get a 'mon as busted on paper as Regieleki without having to balance it for its theoretical access to all typings. See also the legendary birds and their movepools).

    Wild Fossils

    Perhaps less of a thing, but since Gen 7's fossil park people were wanting to see fossil Pokemon in the wild (not least just since they're cool). As someone who didn't know about this, first stepping on to the Tundra and seeing an Amaura just wandering in the grass was such an awesome concept and made me really giddy to explore the rest. Which kind of leads to the last point...

    Overworld/Following Pokemon

    We haven't seen Following Pokemon in a main series game since HGSS (ignoring Let's Go), but this was finally brought back in the DLC for all those you can find. And honestly, just seeing an interacting with all of my 'mons from the past games in the overworld, and looking at their animations, walk cycles, etc., was really, really fun to me. Not to mention, even if you're not a fan of this feature, the idea of wild encounters being right there in front of you opened up a ton of fun interactions like I talked about earlier and makes journeying through grass much less annoying - just think about how this DLC would be to experience if you couldn't control that, and if you didn't see all the 'mons wandering around their environments.

    And even though they were in the Isle of Armor, an honourable mention to the Jerk Rivals' resurgence again. It was really fun seeing how Klara/Avery interact with the MC and the quest, and the story there was a great way to build a bond with your legendary. Overall the area, too, was really fun to explore, even without the quests of the Tundra.

    Anyway, I just wanted to gush about this because I feel as a long-time fan I'm finally being given content that's tailored towards me. Overall it's just been a really fun experience, and something I'd definitely recommend.

    submitted by /u/BlitzDank
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    Why I feel like I’m the most depressed Pokémon Master ever...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    So, I'm in my mid-late 20s now, so I've been playing since Red/Blue came out in the U.S. Pokémon was, and is, still the most important thing in my life. It is my one true passion. Currently typing this while walking on a highway, so sorry for any typos.

    Growing up, I had one best friend in my neighborhood who got into Pokémon 2 years after I did (Gold/Silver era). Of course, I had the games when they came out too. He, as well as a couple friends in my elementary school, would spend all day with each other every single day as kids and just be playing Gold/Silver the entire time until Ruby/Sapphire came out, and be link battling and link trading all the time, too.

    Well, after some time into 3rd Gen and before 4th Gen, I noticed the friends I had grown up with started to drift away from Pokémon. The battles started fading, the trading started fading, my friendships started fading...By the time that Gen 4 was about halfway through its life cycle, none of my friends played Pokémon anymore. We were around ages 13-14 at this time.

    I just constantly contemplate how we grew up as best friends and Pokémon was the core to our friendship, and how people can just choose to leave it, after all of those amazing years. I could personally never leave my friends like that, so I stuck with it. I didn't take a single break from Pokémon, even to this day. So, after all of these years, I still play every single day (not joking) and constantly reminisce about the "good days."

    It genuinely hurts because I like....can see myself in 3rd person almost when I look back at memories in my mind and just see us all laughing and having a great time when we'd game together and link trade/battle. And all of these memories just flood my head constantly and it hurts, ya know? How I'm the sole Pokémon Master left of our friend group and will never experience times like those again because we physically can't go back to that time or those exact moments again.

    Then when I play Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver/Crystal, it's almost like in my mind I place myself in the manga world of Pokémon and picture us as kids on a real Pokémon adventure. Or in the games themselves and I see my character from the first person like I'm actually in the game with those graphics around me and whatnot. I don't know, my mind gets intense when I start thinking of nostalgic Pokémon. And it sucks that I'm considered weird if I'm in public talking to today's generation of young Pokémon fans all about Pokémon. It's like "hey, wow, this guy never grew up." :/ I see myself as a young kid still still in that time so when reality hits that I'm mid-late 20s, I get down on myself hard. And in the dating world, it's like...yeah, I've had some baddies and some would tell me "oh yeah, Pokémon is cool!" but it's like...they're not REAL fans like I am, ya know? I feel like I'll never find a girl who's into Pokémon just how I am, so that's always a sucky thought too.

    Anyway, I've stuck with Pokémon all of these years, buy every game that comes out, get every game's PokéDex complete, and just prove to myself over and over that I'm the real Pokémon fan since the very beginning. I don't know. It's a huge nostalgic / sentimental thing I guess. I even carry my original GameBoy, Advance, DS, & 3DS with all of my original Pokémon games on me at all times, JUST on the off-chance I'll find someone else who thinks like I do or feels the same or is a real, true fan to always be up for a battle or trade.

    Anyway, I constantly see myself in the 3rd person as the only one left who's still holding a GameBoy in my hand while everyone else moved on and left me and weren't the real fans like I am, who I hoped they always were.

    I'd put a TL;DR, but I'd rather you read my experience. Fair note: I typed all of this over the past 2 miles now of walking on a highway at 9AM. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I'm also coming down from my marijuana high. But I feel like this when sober too.

    submitted by /u/Tuisdheisj
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    Who is your favorite Bat Pokémon?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Every Bat Pokémon is great, but Let's discuss who's our favorite! cave-dweller I love all of them, although maybe I'm bias because Bats are my favorite animal. This poll includes the evolution line of each Pokémon as well. I would love to start a discussion about these underappreciated guys. If this poll gets enough attention, I might do a second for for the winner's evolution line

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/batman4302
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    What's your favorite pokemon starter?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    I'm a casual pokemon player and also a casual voting theorist and thought what's a better topic to do a survey on and as such test my system then pokemon starters! In this link you will first score each generation of starters and each starter and then you'll pick all the generations and starters you like.

    I hope you enjoy! And thank you for helping me.


    submitted by /u/unusual_sneeuw
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    New starter trio?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:44 PM PST

    We all know these starter trios are old and bland, so which new trio would be the best for a new region. Discuss if you want what you picked and why. Personally an all dragon type trio where they all start out close together but then evolve and gain a new type (preferably another trio on this list) would kinda be like kubfu and urshifu except you chose at the beginning.

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    submitted by /u/StarRaptorX
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    Imagine if Pokemon had fetch quests

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Fetch Quests can be very tedious. Imagine Pokemon with fetch quests where you have to get certain held items from Pokemon and take them to people. Like bring an NPC 5 Light Balls. A Pikachu only has a 5% chance to be holding one. Another example would be 5 Dragon Scales and your only option to get one from is a Dratini. The little dude already has a low encounter rate so even if you do manage to find one, it only has a 5% chance to hold a scale. It sounds awful but if you shiny hunt, this could be a great way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Just a little thought.

    submitted by /u/Rainglock
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    A concept for Onix

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:33 AM PST

    I'm really bad a drawing, so if anybody wants to draw this concept, feel free to do so. I want at some stage for Pokemon to give Onix a regional variant, where he has moss on his back, and becomes a rock and grass type. Then, once he evolves into Steelix, he will become a steel/water type, and have rust in patches all over him. I have come up with an ability that might work, that is called Sensitive Sturdy, exclusive to Onix and Steelix, that will block all damage past 50% health in one hit from 100% health. It will then transform from Onix ground/rock to rock/grass, and Steelix ground/steel to steel/water. Just a concept of mine, but I think this would be really cool to see in a future pokemon game.

    submitted by /u/ryanner1
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    Kabu and Opal ♦ Character Design Analysis - Pokémon Sword and Shield

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Kabu and Opal, the two old timer gym leaders of the Galar Region.

    Today I have a look at their designs and trivia to see who they are and how they influence the region around them.

    What inspires them and how their past makes them who they are.

    Kabu is one of my favourite characters from sword and shield and he brings so much depth to the world, Opal is a true star and while she creeps me out so do most old people.


    submitted by /u/TheRealOriginal31st
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    What are some of the stories behind your most treasured Pokemon?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:23 AM PST

    I was inspired to ask this when I remembered an old copy of Pokemon Black Version that I lost about 9 years ago when my family moved. That was my first ever Gen V game, and it had a bunch of Pokemon I'd transferred up from Platinum, including a female Shiny Infernape named Azula, a Shiny Umbreon that I believe I named either Azure or Cobalt, & Shiny Giratina whose name I don't remember, all of which I spent several months SRing for. I don't remember the rest of the Platinum team save for I think an Electivire.

    The Black team I remember even less of, though I do remember that I started with Oshawott because two of my friends picked Tepig and Snivy respectively.

    Those are long gone, though. Nowadays, I think my most valued Pokemon is my Malamar that I first bred in X, named Vaatu. I started getting into competitive battling during Gen VI, and Malamar is my favorite Pokemon, so I knew I wanted to use it. I took it through X, ORAS, Moon & Ultra Sun, and got all the Champion ribbons, and now it's a part of my team in Sword.

    I've got dozens of others, like Shinies, nuzlocke MVPs, and other standout Pokemon from over the years, but those I mentioned above are among my most favorites.

    So, if you'd all like to share, what are some of your most personally valuable Pokemon, and what makes them so special to you? I look forward to seeing everyone's responses!

    submitted by /u/ArcaneAncient
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    Pokemon needs to improve their transferring system

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    It is so tedious to transfer Pokémon from earlier gens to newer ones. Can there not be just 1 uniform platform to do this? For something from Gen 3, you need to transfer it to 4 via Pal Park, then do the shitty ball catching shit in gen 5, the poke transfer to gen 6, to move it to Bank and then Home. This really needs to be fixed. I get that they are trying to make Home a one place hub now, but I wish there was some support for earlier gens too.

    submitted by /u/SunkenCrayon
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    Pokémon box 1 [ OC ]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

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