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    Sunday, December 13, 2020

    Pokémon Is releasing Pokémon okay for the environment?

    Pokémon Is releasing Pokémon okay for the environment?

    Is releasing Pokémon okay for the environment?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 01:05 AM PST

    So, I bred a lot of Applin. Like 200 Applin. And now my boxes are full. I want to release them, but I'm on the Isle of Armor, and I'm not sure if this is an okay thing to do. You can't catch them there, so could they be an invasive species and ruin the island's ecosystem?

    I thought about taking them back where I caught my first few, but even then, I'm releasing a really large number, when normally it takes a long time to catch a few. Could they overwhelm the available natural resources of the area?

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/MewClearancePatriot
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    I don't know how cool this is to everyone, but I discovered I had a Japanese event Darkrai on one of my games! What cool event pokemon do you still have?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:25 PM PST


    He is in my pokemon bank now so he's safe now haha, but I dont even know how I got my hands on this guy! Thought it was prett neat, its too bad I didnt have my old pokemon bank information because I used to have an event Shamin from Gen 4 on there too with some other cool stuff. What cool event pokemon do you have?

    submitted by /u/Liquid_Padpo
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    Recently went through a box of things from when I was a kid, and actually gasped when I saw these.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:56 AM PST


    My parents were going through storage and found a box of things from when I was a kid. Nothing too exciting, but it was a fun trip down memory lane. But when I found these... Oh man. A huge wave of nostalgia set in. Even my wife, who never really got into Pokemon, said she knew what they were. Id be willing to bet that the Mew in the screwdown case hasn't touched the air since 1999/2000. I'm really happy this box didn't get trashed!

    submitted by /u/ThePrince_OfWhales
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    I've just fallen in love with Pokémon again

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:37 AM PST

    I've just restarted playing Pokémon after a long hiatus with Pokémon y. And while the region feels like it's full of pretentious and shallow people I've found fun in Pokémon.

    I decided to build a team without looking at types, coverage or strength. I don't even know how most evolve. And it's so much fun. Obviously Pokémon is never difficult but it feels slightly more challenging as I don't OHKO everyone and it almost feels like the anime. I know kalos is very much hated but it's being the most fun I've ever had in a Pokémon game

    submitted by /u/Ravnard
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    What is your favourite between these starters? Part 4/5

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    This is the fourth part of five polls I'm doing to see which is the best starter for the Pokémon community in Reddit. When this one ends I'll do the finale. The ones who get more votes in each post will entre the final which will decide the champion among this beautiful Pokémon. The winner of the first poll was Cyndaquil with 76 votes out of 318, the winner of the second poll was Mudkip with 88 votes out of 362 and the winner of the third poll was Froakie with 82 votes out of 236. Sorry if my posts have errors, I'm Latin American.

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    submitted by /u/NBentyn
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    Can I just Rant About Fake/Hacked Pokemon on the GTS for a second?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:50 AM PST

    I am REALLY annoyed with the current state of the GTS regarding legendaries right now. Trying to legit trade for the legendary you didn't pick is neigh impossible with all of the fake Pokémon put up by GameFreak.cn and other hacking sites. Tried offering one of my legit Zygardes for a Spectrier (because that's pretty fair, right? Hard legendary to catch in Dynamax Adventures for the free choice legendary), and got traded one of those fake hacked ones. It acts like the real thing, and even adds to the dex like the real thing, but it's just bleh knowing there's a fake Pokémon in my box. Same thing just happened recently. I realized that I had a spare Zamazenta and put it up in trade for a Regidrago. Surprise, I end up with a fake hacked Regidrago. I just want to know that the Pokémon in my box has been caught legit by real trainers, not thrown together by an illegal code software.

    There needs to be a solution to this problem. Either these website accounts need to be banned, or there needs to be an ability to see what Pokémon someone is wanting to trade you for yours and have the option to accept or decline it.

    submitted by /u/SwitchPOPGo
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    Why Bulbasaur and Chikorita are rare.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Victreebel, and Slowpoke all let off a sweet aroma. Ursaring and Swinub like to chase things that smell sweet. I can conclude that Ursaring has eaten a lot of the starters. Slowpoke's tail is what lets off the aroma, so they just lose their tails to the prey, and that is why they are not rare. Victreebel is toxic, so no Pokemon wants to eat it.

    I got this info from the gen 2 Pokedex.

    submitted by /u/does_it_ever_stopp
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    What Pokémon is the absolute worst of all time?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Stat wise/move pool/etc. I'm trying to figure out what's the absolute worst Pokémon I can use on any mainline Pokémon game. Why? Because I want to use that Pokémon and have fun with it! It doesn't matter what gen, I can find ways to play any of them whether it's emulation or the cartridges I have. I just want to figure out what the absolute WORST Pokémon to have on a team is! Serious and joke answers are fine this is just a for fun thing!!

    submitted by /u/virtualcatboy
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    Thinking of fake signature moves for Pokémon, day 53: Lickitung

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:22 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    The move for Lickitung is called Tongue Thwack (name was thought of by u/D1LLPICKL3_ ).

    Tongue Thwack is a Normal-Type Physical move with a base power of 60. It has 100% accuracy and 20 PP. Unless the target is a Poison-Type Pokémon, this move has a 50% chance of flinching.

    I didn't want to be predictable with Lickitung and make a move where it uses its tongue, but unlike Hitmonchan, it has nothing else going on with its design or inspirations. I couldn't do anything except a move that uses Lickitung's tongue. And yes, I know the name is also bland and unoriginal but what do you expect for Lickitung. I like Lickitung but it has so little to work with.

    The reason this move has such a high chance of flinching is because of how useless this move would otherwise be. Heck, it is still pretty useless given that Lickitung and Lickilicky are very slow Pokémon, which means they get outsped easily, making flinches impossible. Not only that, but they are not very great Pokémon in general, you'll barely see them in any competitive format and they aren't nice to look at either (I think they're cute but I know and understand most other people's opinions on them). Also, the reason for the possible flinching itself is simply because the target is in a bit of a shock after being hit by something as gross as a tongue from Lickitung or Lickilicky. The Poison-Type not being able to be flinched by this move is because they don't really care about a gross tongue, they are used to gross substances.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Another Dialga/Palkia/Giratina Ability Theorymon Post

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:48 AM PST

    With Sinnoh remakes inevitably somewhere on the horizon, the game's legendaries are sure to receive some kind of power-up and new abilities to go with it (as long as it isn't just Gigantamax forms, which is sadly the most likely at this point).

    For unique abilities, I wanted to think of ones that create a universal field effect that benefits the legendary, but can also hinder/benefit any other Pokémon on the field. This can be seen with all forms of Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza, and I think it lends itself to more interesting battle situations than an ability that only affects the legendary, such as Grim Neigh, Intrepid Sword, Teravolt, etc.

    Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina's presence should affect the entire field of play since, like the weather trio, they represent a fundamental force or universal effect.

    I don't want have any abilities increase evasion/lower accuracy since those mechanics leave a bad taste in my mouth. Additionally, I tried to reuse existing mechanics in a few of them.


    There are many options, most of which have already been speculated. Again, these abilities will affect all Pokémon on the field of battle.


    When Dialga is on the field, all effects that deal damage over time/continually do something each turn no longer do so. This means Poison/Burn damage, Leftovers, Leech Seed, Bad Dreams, Magma Storm damage, etc. no longer function. Abilities that boost stats contingent on knockouts, for example, would still work since they're based on K.O.s and not time.


    The opposite of Chronostasis, all damage over time effects occur twice per turn when Dialga is on the field.

    It would make the most sense for Badly Poisoned to deal two stages of damage each turn, making it absolutely lethal. Balancing questions around Toxic would have to be thought about further and addressed carefully - it's been removed from Dialga's moveset in Gen VIII, but Dialga from Gen VII and down can still carry it.

    Time Skip

    All charge/recharge turns for moves are skipped when Dialga is on the field.


    Twisted Space

    All moves connect when Palkia is on the field.

    A universal No Guard.

    Insert Name Here

    Held items are suppressed and defense stats are swapped when Palkia is on the field.

    A combination of Magic Room and Wonder Room.

    Spatial Swap

    All active battle effects swap sides when Palkia enters battle.

    Court Change but it automatically takes effect when Palkia enters.



    All stat changes are flipped when Giratina enters battle.

    A universal Contrary that takes effect when Giratina is sent out.

    submitted by /u/beterboi77
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    Compared to the old games, how good was Pokémon Sword/Shield?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I play the pokemon games since the very first generation and I recently bought a switch. So how good is pokemon Sword? I have to say I didn't really like black/white and sun/moon and my favorite games were heart gold and Saphire

    I had the feeling that the more recent games were overall just very easy

    submitted by /u/Clawmbra
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    Anyone know where to watch Pokemon XY and XYZ?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I remember watching it when I was little and I just want to rewatch it. I want that nostalgic feel that brings me back. If someone could give me somewhere to watch both of the series or even one that would be great. Thank you in advance person or people.

    submitted by /u/cheesecakereaper
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    Which form of Lycanroc is your favorite?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Lycanroc fans, I just wanted to try out something. I wanted to just know which form of Lycanroc is your favorite, weather it be midday, Dusk, or midnight, I just would like your opinion on Lycanroc. So what do you say, don't be afraid to share your opinion on this cool Pokémon!

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    submitted by /u/Ampage12
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    If you can change or rearrange the stat of a pokemon what would it be and why?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST

    So i got to thinking, Onix looks so badass and strong, but if we look closely at its stats its terrible. If i were in charge id bump his attack up a bit so it fulfills the fantasy of large rock snake that surely will hit hard right? Wrong, even senret has a higher base attack than onix, a tiny rat? (I dunno what animal is sentret) has a stronger attack than a rock monster that weighs a ton. Whats up with that? How about you? What pokemon would it be? And why is it?

    submitted by /u/patmen100
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    I wanna get into Pokémon, where do I begin?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:41 AM PST

    This was probably asked before but idc. I never played any of them, but the youtube clips I saw of it looked cool. I know nothing about the story or lore lol. I dont have any nintendo console, getting switch soon and have a pc for emulation or something. Should I watch the anime? Is it good? Which is the best beginners game?

    Edit: Wow I've gotten so much responses already. Just another question, you know how every gen comes with 2 games? So are they like the same game slightly different or like a whole different story?

    submitted by /u/bumbaboom17
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    A legendary theory

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    OK, so I was just watching a video by jprpoketrainer98 on YouTube where he discussed the rarity of every legendary pokemon (excluding mythicals) now let me just start by saying I don't know if this theory has been done before or not, I haven't researched it.

    So, in the video he makes a point about lugia and that in the anime we see it with a younger lugia known as silver. This got me thinking about when we see legendaries in the game. We see them primarily owned by other trainers, or, solitary, on their own.

    Now, I also think we have a new way of classifying legendaries and it follows my theory. Previously we thought them not to evolve and not to breed. However in recent times pokemon have come out that make exceptions to this rule. Eg, manaphy can breed to produce phione (yes I know its mythical) and cosmog can in fact evolve (though thats a gray area between legendary and ultra beast). You could argue that being the case about every pokemon in the undiscovered egg group, but the only other pokemon in there are baby pokemon, mythicals, nidorina and nidoqueen (there may be another theory on them) but as will be discussed further on, all of the others in this egg group have a stage at some point in their evolution line where they can breed both in the wild and in captivity.

    The video also mentions the well known fact that their egg group is 'undiscovered' not that they can't reproduce, because otherwise, how would they exist? (Other than arceus, but other than dialga, palkia, giratina, groudon, kyogre and rayquqza why would it only create one of each) that we haven't discovered how they breed, because... maybe just like some animals in our real world, they can't, or won't breed in captivity, this would make sense as multiple regions have the legendaries in them (excluding hoopa rings and ultra space as they both transcend space and time).

    This got me thinking that the whole reason these pokemon are legendary is because they are very few in appearance and possibly existence, making them the stuff of legend due solely to their rarity and as such are only spoke of in legends and ancient texts when there were perhaps multiples of them before they were captured. However despite their base stats being significantly higher than other pokemon I do not think that is what makes them legendary otherwise something like slaking should be considered legendary as its base stats total is on level with groudon and kyogre.

    As we all know the main aim of pokemon is 'gotta catch em all' so I wonder if by capturing these pokemon we are inadvertently causing their endangerment and even possibly their extinction and i also propose that due to the high level of power these pokemon had, that many trainers would have valued them in the past and had gone out of their way to capture them maybe doing so faster than they could reproduce in the wild. And as to why slaking was left behind in this pursuit of power, it has truant which makes it useless in battle despite its massive amount of power. (this would explain why there are so many weak pokemon in the wild and why they're so common compared to legendaries).

    That is my theory on legendary pokemon, how they would breed and potentially a new way to classify them, any thoughts, additions or counterpoints please respond.

    submitted by /u/Mole-hawk99
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    I still can't get over how OP mega-charizard Y is

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    I've played Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond, Black 2, Y, Alpha Sapphire and Let's Go Eevee and other than Mewtwo in the early games, I don't think I've ever seen anything this powerful. My Kyogre in Sapphire wasn't this powerful. Not to mention Mega-Charizard Y is also the 3rd most powerful Pokémon in Pokémon GO (just below Shadow Salamance and Shadow Mewtwo).

    Drought + Flamethrower obliterates almost anything. It has a bad match up against Mega Aerodactyl but I'm one-shotting almost anything and I'm post-game in Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

    submitted by /u/youreawizardarryy
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    Longtime collector here, my take on $30k bulbasaur guy and how he may have not been wronf

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:45 AM PST

    Check out my terrible video if you want


    submitted by /u/birdfall
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    Why is Zarude so hard to get?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:26 AM PST

    As you might know for looking at this sub for more than 2 seconds, many people are having problems to getting Zarude, its almost impossible to get, lets see what were the distribuitons, i looked at every single mythical pokemon, recently they made those very available, mew in pokeball plus, celebi on the virtual console crystal, Jirachi the bonus disc thing that many dont have but who does have has a Jirachi probably, Deoxys in ORAS, the gen 4 ones have litterally no way to get exept events and glitches(manaphy can be obtained but its manaphy), everyone that has the dlc can get a keldeo, gen 6 is like gen 4 but magearna has the QR code(that should be the way you get mythical).

    As you can see Mythical pokemon are the problem with all people making a living dex that is 100% not glitched or hacked, but if you see, older mythicals are easier to get because they are classic so gamefreak gives them a special treatment, but magearna is also litterally infinite with the QR code so this makes no sense, i think that the reason why Zarude is so hard to get is because... im going insane trying to make sense out of this so please tell me why is Zarude so hard to get, and why cant they just make mythicals easy to get, some are fine like keldeo and Celebi but why cant people just go do a event in a team plasma building and get a genesect? i think im going insane trying to make sense out of the way that mythicals are distribuited

    submitted by /u/Ancient_Potato_God
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    Best Main Series Pokémon Game Poll

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Hello everybody! I've played Pokémon since when I was about 5 years old, and my first game was Diamond. I've put the most hours into White 2, however. Here are a few of my favorite games. Vote on which one is your favorite so I can see which main series game is actually the best.

    I didn't include SM and SWSH, because USUM is just sun and moon with more content, and SWSH just isn't that good compared to these.

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    submitted by /u/vivekvangala34_
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    Team help

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:19 AM PST

    So I'm currently playing through the older games like kanto johto and hoenn. I have no idea how to make teams. Should I use whatever mons I want or think are cool or should I use the op mons. I'm playing on a emulator and don't know how to do trade evolutions so exclude them

    submitted by /u/ImmaBot2k19
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    What Pokémon would represent historical figures?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:34 AM PST

    So I'm looking to design a random team out of Pokémon that represent various historical figures the good and the bad. I found an old post with a similar concept from some years ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/3c5ubs/what_pok%C3%A9mon_would_certain_historical_figures_have/) and wanted to see an updated version.

    submitted by /u/Lochy01
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    Design A Signature Ability

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 05:56 PM PST

    Something that can make a Pokémon unique and give them interesting use is their abilities, especially ones that only they have. Of course, a lot of Pokémon don't have them, and so for the Pokémon that don't, try and think of one for them! Try and make it relevant to the Pokémon themselves.

    For Bisharp, I would capitalize on its chess theme and give it an ability called Checkmate. It boosts Bisharp's speed and attack by one stage each when it is against the last Pokémon of an opponent. This represents a late game chess match, and allows it to come in and finish the job once the trainer has almost been defeated. Does not activate if they have only one Pokémon.

    submitted by /u/Toadsley2020
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    Pokemon done right

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    I grew up a big Pokemon fan, up until gen 6 I loved the mainline games. The newest Pokemon games I have played since then were Sun and Moon. I didn't like those particularly, and the changes made from then on only made things worse. Higher prices, less content, sketchy business tactics. No fixing to the already existing problems in sight, concerning the lack of difficulty and the overwhelming amount of handholding. Nonetheless I have kept up with the series and am aware of what changes have been made.

    Since I'm still invested in the series and want it to reel me back in with changes, I've come up with a lot of suggestions to improve it. Sadly, given the sales numbers there doesn't seem to be a reason for Pokemon to change their approach at all, so any of this is rather unlikely to happen. Regardless, here are the things I think should change. Ordered in two categories: Easily implemented, and challenge for the developers.

    Easily implemented:

    -A hard mode. Higher level opponents who use more Pokemon and use teams with more tactical synergy. No choice to switch after beating a pokemon. The effect of items is weakened. Potentially a complete switch to double battles to allow for more tactical depth.

    -skippable tutorials, cutscenes, and dialogue.

    -Mixing up the type system. This one might actually be something Gamefreak would want to do. The current type system adds a lot of artificial complexity to the game, just by having unnecessarily many types. Yet at the same time it has gotten pretty stale since by now most of us know the types and how they relate. The solution: change the types. Easy innovation. You could do things like combine Rock and ground type into one, maybe mix Psychic and Ghost into a single Spirit type. What sort of type is fighting supposed to be? Scratch that type, they're normal types now. Pokemon like Charizard and Gyarados are cool dragons that aren't dragon type, so why not scratch that type as a whole? Then do some balancing with the new type system and there you have a way to give older fans a new experience yet make it more accessible for newer fans.

    -As for adding complexity that makes sense, how about allowing for Pokemon to have 2 abilities? Imagine the tactical possibilities. How about every Pokemon has a list of ~5 abilities it can potentially learn, some of them by levelup and some of them by birth? Maximum active abilities would be 2, similar to moves. This way you maintain the incentive to look for just the right Pokemon to catch.

    -Some more quality of life stuff regarding battles. Reduce the amount of unnecessary time wasting. Regarding stat boosts/decreases for example, communicate them in one go, not one after another. Just reduce the amount of unnecessary steps, or allow to skip them being shown.

    -Make experience share depend on how often a Pokemon has been used recently. Players should build a connection to their team over time, not drag some random Pokemon along and only throw them in when convenient towards the end. That's the real problem with experience share, because difficulty can just be adapted.

    challenge for the developers:
    These changes require more skill and work on part of the developers than the ones before, and I don't think we're going to see them anytime soon. They're about making Pokemon the Open World adventure it could be, inspired by Breath of the Wild.

    -A big open world. See that mountain in the distance? You can climb it. That sort of thing. You can tackle the gyms and locations in any order you want. By winning badges or playing longer, opponents' Plevels gradually increase. You can try to catch any Pokemon you come across, though there's an extended disobedience system like with traded Pokemon.

    -Make finding Pokemon interesting. The more common ones are found in the overworld, some have to be unlocked through short side quests, and I'd really like if they take over the memory pictures quest from BOTW to find the locations of rarer Pokemon

    -Make battles take place in the overworld. No seperate battle screen, that's just outdated for a triple A production.

    submitted by /u/Abloesefre1
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