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    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    Pokémon Blaze, torrent and overgrow should have a visual indicator

    Pokémon Blaze, torrent and overgrow should have a visual indicator

    Blaze, torrent and overgrow should have a visual indicator

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST

    All starters have these abilities and they are pretty good abilities . I just wish they had a little pop up saying hey you're in blaze or something kinda of like the pop up you get with imtimidate or an other ability. Because you always have to look at the pokemon's health bar and account for the additional damage output . A 50 percent boost to your moves of respected type is really good . It always messes up your damage calculations and when using it yourself you just straight-up forget about it . Comon gamefreak its been 20 years put a visual indicator

    submitted by /u/brokenjudge
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    The Vs. Seeker really should return

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    The Vs. Seeker is an item that allows you to re-battle trainers. It is one of the most useful items for levelling up your Pokémon as well as earning money.

    The Vs. Seeker, just like the Battle Frontier, was included in Generation 3 for the first time and in Generation 4 for the last time.

    I really, really want the Vs. Seeker to return in a future Pokémon game.

    Why is the Vs. Seeker only available in a handful of Pokémon games? Game Freak has a dreadful track record of removing some of the greatest features of the Pokémon games.

    submitted by /u/ManiacalFanSegments
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    My Full DP/Pt Remake Wish List

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:24 PM PST

    Sinnoh was my all-time favorite region even though I didn't start with Gen 4. With the increasing likelihood of Gen 4 remakes, I'm hoping they make them well. They aren't creating a new region or designing new pokemon, so I want to expect more since HGSS and ORAS (to a lesser extent) were well-made. This might just be REALLY wishful thinking, but hey I was bored and had time lol.

    This is all solely my opinion. You're free to disagree and feel free to comment on why. If you have other things you'd like to see in the Gen 4 remakes, comment below too!

    Main Storyline Wish List:

    • No handholding. Let us discover and figure out where to go. Maybe give us some freedom on the order of gyms, like in Kanto, although this might be harder since DP/Pt was very story-driven. None of the agonizing tutorial cutscenes that we had in Sun/Moon. Or let us skip them. That was the worst.
    • "HM Puzzles" without the HMs. Attach an HM function to your bike. Imagine being able to passively surf, push boulders, climb waterfalls, or rock climb with your bike. Imagine shining your bike light in dark caves or foggy areas. Content-lock these bike features behind points in the story if necessary rather than force us to carry these HMs on our pokemon.
    • Platinum storyline. If you HAVE to remake DP and not Platinum (even though I'd rather they remake Pt), please incorporate as much Platinum as possible, like how HGSS incorporated Crystal. Give us the Distortion world. Let us catch both box legendaries (Dialga/Palkia) like we could get both Ho-oh and Lugia in HGSS.
    • More open-world and overworld features. Maybe expand the Safari zone into a bigger open-world, like the Wild Area. Maybe have national dex pokemon start appearing after you reach post-game.
    • Bring back Super Contests! You don't need to bring back the dance portion lol.
    • Incorporating hidden "easter eggs" and "prizes" that reward exploring. The magic of the older games was figuring out all the neat little things of the game, like the Spiritomb tower. Give us reasons to revisit old routes/caves.
    • Becoming the Pokemon Champion should be canon after the first victory. Call subsequent rematches "title defense matches", like in Sun/Moon and Sw/Sh. The Elite 4 and Cynthia can challenge us for the title back. I also love how NPCs and Nurse Joy refer to you as "Champion" in the post-game.
    • Have the Pokemon League battles (Elite 4, Champion, Champion title defense) in a giant, televised stadium like in Sword and Shield. That was honestly my favorite part about Gen 8. Made it seem like this Champion title was a big deal and the battles felt more alive.

    Pokedex Wish List:

    • Expand the Sinnoh regional dex. Now with 4 more generations of pokemon, there's no excuse to not add some more fire types. There's so much creativity in how you can incorporate Gen 5, 6, 7 pokemon into Sinnoh.
    • Give us the FULL national dex. If you have to cut out stuff, cut out useless stuff like pokemon memories and curry dex. We want our favorite pokemon back. Remakes of DP/Pt won't add a whole lot in general since Gen 4 was pretty modern already, so focus on really bringing back ALL the pokemon.
    • Let pokemon follow us. Most of the pokemon should already be able to follow us since Sw/Sh had it already. Maybe improve it a bit since Sw/Sh follow looked kinda weird lol.

    Post-game Wish List:

    • A "Delta episode" in the post-game for a mythical pokemon that wasn't originally obtainable in the original DP/Pt, like Arceus or Darkrai, like how Deoxys was made obtainable in ORAS.
    • Battle FRONTIER, not Battle Tower. Don't pull an ORAS and give us our beloved Battle Frontier.
    • Expand the Battle Zone and make it similar to the Crown Tundra with many open-world, overworld national dex pokemon encounters.
    • Incorporate legendary pokemon from other regions into post-game lore, like how HGSS and Crown Tundra did. Maybe bring back Team Galactic in the post-game and incorporate them somehow?
    • Gym leader rematches
    • A way to battle other region champions/gym leaders, like in PWT.
    • Replace Pal Park with more "wild areas" to catch national dex pokemon and explore.

    Customization Wish List:

    • Keep trainer customization/fashion from X/Y. I love being able to customize my character. With Pokemarts being incorporated into Pokemon Centers, you can put some clothing stores and hair salons where Pokemarts used to be. Also more options for guys (PLEASE).
    • Return of Pokeball seals!
    • Return of underground secret bases. Having your own "space" you can decorate is great and easily lets players sink many hours, especially with how easy the switch can connect with others.
    • Incorporate Pokétch back! It won't be the same without the dual-screen but some of the apps were really nice. Maybe the L or R buttons can easily pull it up? Also please modernize the look so it doesn't look pixelated. Not ALL the apps have to come back, but there were some really useful ones, like the pedometer, memo pad, counter, friendship checker, and daycare checker.
    • Let us ride bikes in our normal clothes lol. I don't spend hours making my character look cute just to be wearing a full triathlon suit and helmet 95% of the time.

    Logistics wishlist:

    1. Sword/Shield "Save" speed. Honestly, saving a game in less than 3 seconds is revolutionary. None of that "Saving a lot of data" business.
    2. More speed in general. No Heracross x Blissey HP speed. No DP surfing speed.
    3. VS Seeker. I miss rechallenging trainers. It was a fun way to EV train and also made routes revisit-able.
    4. Optional EXP share (if you have to include it). Please let DP/Pt stay true to the difficulty of the original games. Give Cynthia her perfect 6 31 IV team. I understand some people hate grinding, so make EXP share optional. Make gym leaders and the pokemon league have higher levels and bigger, more evolved teams if we want to encourage its use.
    5. Sword/Shield quality of life features. Sw/Sh had a lot of issues but their QoL features were very nice. These include:
      1. Move relearner/deleter in every Pokemon center with no heart scale requirement
      2. EV-point erasing NPC
      3. Optional auto-save (saved my life so many times)
      4. Taxi service around the entire region without needing Fly
      5. More fly sites than just large cities (eg. Daycare, middle of large routes, etc.)
      6. Customizable UI where we can reorder our menu
      7. Destiny knot breeding mechanics
      8. Mints for natures
    6. Satisfying Easter egg end to "Mindy". Maybe Team Galactic stole her Medicham a few years ago or something lol (it's okay if you don't get the reference)

    I didn't include riding pokemon that we had in LGPE because I don't know how realistic it is to expect that when there was only a handful of rideable pokemon. I also personally prefer the bike because you can't ride pokemon in smaller spaces.

    I'm also not going to talk about gimmicks (mega-evolutions, Z-moves, Dynamax) because there are players who like and hate each of these. I'll let GF/TPC decide what they want to bring back.

    submitted by /u/AceAites
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    It's currently 2013

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:42 PM PST

    Bro what? Coronavirus? Online school? 2021? What was it like a bad dream or something? It's 2013. Pokemon X and Y just came out. Get your 3ds and battle against me I just got a Mega Lucario from that Roller Skate girl and my Eevee finally evolved into a Slyveon. Man this game is so fun. I can't wait for Pokemon Z!

    submitted by /u/JohnIConnor
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    If Pokemon existed in the real world, outside of the obvious (no fighting Pokemon, no capturing a million of them for breeding and storage, etc.), what kinda of real world laws would you expect involving them?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Things like "you cannot go after ghosts and dark types as they are extremely dangerous and feed off humans." or "6 is the max allowable to be captured without a special license or permit." or"master balls are not allowed due to unfair advantage (pokemon has no reasonable way of escaping)."

    submitted by /u/oldman_artist
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    If you were a gym leader what would your type specialty be? Also, what would be your team? Would love to see a variety of teams ����

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:28 AM PST

    It's hard for me to choose a favourite type it's between electric, fire and I know it's boring but normal is one of my favourite types 😅 (think they have some cool pokemon). I think it'd be Fire 🔥 1. Infernape 2. Arcanine 3. Houndoom 4. Charizard 5. Talonflame 6. Salazzle

    Would love to hear what teams you guys would have as fun leaders and curious as to what the most popular type among you is. I am going to take a shot at Dragon type being the favourite type amongst you

    submitted by /u/TheAnimalGuy99
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    Give us emotions.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:07 PM PST

    So I just watched the new pokemon snap trailer thing, and I feel like Namco did something GF doesn't, which is giving the player character some clear reactions. IMO, I feel like you don't get literally any emotions appropriate for the dialogue, like mostly just pure blank stares. GF should really put a bit more time into your reactions and emotions. Like if someone brought up a question, the player character should look like their thinking, or if something emotional is going on, they should look somewhat sad, or shocked if something shocking happens. Or when you pick an answer to a question, have dialouge that fits the answer. That's just my opinion, overall though, GF should really spend more time on pokemon games.

    submitted by /u/jushidraw69
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 88: Chinchou and Lanturn

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:40 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    I am skipping Spinarak and Ariados because they have the signature move Toxic Thread.

    I'm also skipping Crobat because I already covered Zubat and Golbat before.

    Chinchou and Lanturn's move is called Glow Leech, an Electric-Type Status move with 100% accuracy and 10 PP. It lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage and heals the user by 50% of their total HP. It fails if the target's Accuracy is at -6 stages.

    Chinchou and Lanturn are of course capable of producing very bright lights with the orbs on their antennae, because they're based off the angler fish which does the same thing. The female angler fish at least, the male angler fish are pretty pathetic actually lol. Anyways, Chinchou and Lanturn can learn Flash and Dazzling Gleam, two moves that also seem to use light as the primary means of attacking. Or, well, in Flash's case it uses light to blind the opponent. Giving these Pokémon a move that also used light as the main way to perform the move seemed the best way to go, to me.

    Glow Leech works similarly to Strength Sap, since it lowers a stat of the opponent and heals the user. However, unlike Strength Sap, which heals the user by the amount of HP that was equal to the Attack stat of the opponent right before it was dropped a stage, Glow Leech always heals the user by 50% of their total HP. This is so because Accuracy isn't a stat that is included in the base stat total, and is the exact same for every Pokémon. If this was not the case, I would have used the mechanics for Strength Sap for Glow Leech as well.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Hard mode in Black 2?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:49 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I have a copy of Black 2 and White 2, and I beat White 2, but it gave me the easy key. I want to play the hard mode of the game however. Will I just have to beat Black 2 from start to finish? Or is there any other way? I have a softmodded 3DS and DS, and Twilight Menu++ so if there are hacks involved then I can still try them. I just want to play the hard mode version of B2.

    submitted by /u/weegi123
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    Making The Pokedex Expand Over Time

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    I have been thinking about the Pokedex lately and about its context and the way it works. Obviously, the Pokedex getting all the data on the Pokemon you see automatically, is a weird thing, but it's a Pokemon world, so I can believe that. My problem with it isn't exactly an issue in general. But I think there is a way that (imo) would be way more interesting and would make you want to catch more Pokemon and engage with them, because at the current state, I don't really feel too motivated to do that in most games.

    I would love that, if you catch a Pokemon, the Pokedex would be empty. Other than a picture, and maybe some data on the height, weight etc. that would imply that you, the trainer, took the pic and added the data. Spending more time with the Pokemon in your team, traveling, fighting, feeding it etc. expands the Pokedex entry with more information. The more time you spend with the Pokemon, the more details your character learns about the Pokemon. That would also mean, that if your Pokemon is in the PC, the Pokedex entry would stay empty as well (read the Edit below, there is a flaw to this). I personally find this a lot more appealing and interesting, than the current Pokedex, that automatically gives you a text with some general information. Not only would it give you a deeper connection to each Pokemon, it would also encourage the player to do more things with that said Pokemon.

    I'm sure, I'm not the first person to have been thinking about this but I think once you start going with this concept, there is a lot of room for possibilities (which is the reason for this thread). Obviously, I wouldn't expect them to go too crazy, by making the Pokedex entry unique to every player, depending on what they have been doing. That would be way too ambitious, considering the amount of Pokemon. But making certain information unlock after doing something would be great. I don't know I imagine you going into a specific cave, and you unlock new information regarding a specific Pokemon in your team, because of some context that the Pokemon has with this cave (just spitballing here).

    I think it also wouldn't be too crazy to maybe have different options, for the text that you can get for things like personality (which could be connected to what the nature of your Pokemon is for an example). I think there still should be general information as well, that is probably included in everyone's Pokedex entry, just so the lore doesn't go missing. I guess that would be one of the biggest challenges for this concept in general, as you would have to hit a balance between unique information (my Gengar is lazy, while his Gengar is active, again just random examples) and general lore. I'm sure there are tons of of other problems and things to consider by introducing this concept. But in my opinion this would add a lot more depth to the game, and also simply add a lot more to do in the games.

    And while the more unique aspects of this concept might be asking for too much, having at least the Pokedex expand/unlock overtime is very possible.

    What do you guys think about this ? And what other ideas and methods do you guys have to this concept.

    Edit: A flaw that came up in the comments, is that completionists would have to do this with every single Pokemon. That would be a ridiculous amount of work, on top of getting every Pokemon in the first place. Definitely a flaw worth considering. My solution for that would be, to stick with getting automatic information upon catching it after all, so the entries arent empty. But still having the ability to adding more information for the Pokemon that you want to. My point is, to get a closer, more unique and deeper relationship to your specific Pokemon by spending more time with them. I'm not expecting people to do this with every single Pokemon.. unless you want to of course.

    submitted by /u/FossorialFlyover
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    What was your childhood favorite Pokémon?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:04 AM PST

    What was your childhood favorite Pokémon?

    The first Pokémon game I played was Platinum, which was when I was around 7 years old.

    Surprisingly, one of my favorite Pokémon was Purugly. It's still one of my favorites, and it's kinda sad to see that so many people dislike it. Anyway, I took a liking to it after fighting against Mars, and because it was so difficult to beat during the Valley Windworks mission, I figured it must be really strong (it wasn't).

    Something that made me more interested in Purugly was that it seemed impossible to catch. In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Stunky and Glameow along with their evolutions were version exclusives, yet both lines were unobtainable in Platinum. The same story is true for Murkrow and Misdreavus.

    Purugly was even more interesting to me because it was "impossible" to obtain, at least without trading. At age 7, I didn't really use the internet, so the way I used to find out how to get a Pokémon was to look at the Pokédex. Upon doing this for Glameow and Purugly, I was met with a glaring message that read "AREA UNKNOWN". For someone who only had Platinum and no access to the GTS, Purugly and the other Pokémon of it's kind were basically impossible to obtain. The only way was to trade in-person with someone who had Pearl, but it seemed like all the other kids were playing Diamond.

    I found it really interesting that all the high-ranking members of Team Galactic had "unobtainable" Pokemon. Mars had Purugly, Jupiter had Skuntank, and Cyrus had Honchkrow. I wondered to myself, "How come all the bad guys have Pokémon I can't get?" Furthermore, I wondered how these people found these Pokémon in the first place if they weren't possible to encounter.

    As a child, I never ended up capturing my favorite Pokémon. If Diamond and Pearl get remakes, I will definitely pick Pearl so that I can fulfill my childhood goal of capturing Purugly!

    submitted by /u/hithere67
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    i want the Pokémon anime to end after Journeys

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:54 AM PST

    MAJOR EDIT: TITLE SHOULD'VE BEEN 'i want Ash's Journey to end with Pokémon Journeys' (just realized this now)

    Holy shit, the Pokémon anime has been going on for way too long now. The anime has Ash stay for way too long in the anime scene for 23 years now with no signs of aging, it has had 8 series' featuring the 8 currently known regions, a bunch of amazing and memorable characters, and the most important factor of the Pokémon anime's success: nostalgia. Now don't get me wrong, I love the anime - Journeys, SM and XYZ are amazing, in my opinion, as they are literally the only series' that I've watched and they were very good - but every story MUST come to an end. An ending to a story is one of the fundamental elements to, well, creating a story. Prolonging a story and stretching it far off for 23 years is NOT FUNDAMENTAL and healthy. No it is not, especially for Ash's case.

    Firstly, let's identify what is Ash's goal in the anime which will probably lead to the ending of the anime. His goal is to become a Pokémon Master... what? A Pokémon Master is a really vague title as it could literally mean anything. A collector who has catched and collected every Pokémon? A trainer who is adept in Pokémon battles? A researcher who has unlocked the secrets and mysteries of Pokémon? A naturalist who is loved by every Pokémon species? Blah blah blah, you get the point, it's VERY vague. But for Ash's case, it's actually answerable. In specific episodes, Ash states that his idea of becoming a Pokémon Master is to become the greatest trainer in the world by participating and winning in Pokémon Leagues, which COULD potentially lead to the ending of Ash's journey. Coincidentally, in Pokémon Journeys, Ash meets Leon - the strongest and greatest Pokémon trainer registered in the Pokémon World Championships. This coincidence - Leon - is good for Ash because it could possibly lead to the ending of Ash's journey to become a Pokémon Master and the end of the anime if he beats Leon and assumes his title of Monarch. But this could literally be changed for some reason and then woopsy daisy Ash has a new end goal for the next series ahaha "we really want money", said the Pokémon anime people. Fuck that. Why do the people in charge of the anime not know when to finish kicking this dead corpse of a horse? I'm so tired of this imaginary abusive relationship with the Pokémon anime. I just want it to end with Ash achieving his dream of becoming the very best like no one ever was...

    I still have a sliver of hope for an ending to the anime, so place your bets down below if y'all think the anime will end after Journeys as it literally provided Ash an end goal to his vague goal. Because I think so.

    Edit 1: added words

    submitted by /u/slakin22
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    Why aren't all Pokedex entries new information about the Pokemon?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:44 PM PST

    Something I get a little disappointed by is the fact when I look up my favourite Pokemon I don't get a lot of information about them. Some of the information just couldn't be true (i.e. Alakazam having a 5,000 IQ...the consequences of this are troubling), and the rest of the entries are repeated or reworded when each generation could've been so exciting finding out new information about the Pokemon you care about.

    submitted by /u/Blahshizer
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    Wasted Potential with Abilities

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:59 AM PST

    I recently found out that Rhyhorn, Rhydon and Rhyperior have Reckless as their hidden ability, this seems like such a weird choice given that the only recoil moves they learn are Double Edge, Take Down, and Submission, all of them being kinda crappy moves. (Double Edge can be good if you have stab and Reckless like Staraptor and Obstagoon though). I think something like Sturdy would have made sense and also made the Pokémon much better.

    I also know that Delibird can have Vital Spirit and Insomnia... which do the exact same thing. Something like Snow Warning could have made Delibird more viable.

    Also why does Jolteon have Quick Feet if it already has base 130 speed?! What if it got lightning rod instead? It could have been so much better!

    Are there any other pokemon who have mostly useless abilities which really could have benefited from another one?

    submitted by /u/nredditb
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    Creating signature attacks for Pokémon

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:50 AM PST

    I had this though in my head the other day that what if every Pokémon had an exclusive attack? Many Pokémon have one today. Most legendaries and new Starter have them and random Pokémon as well. I had some ideas I wanted to share. Please let me know what you think.


    Toxic Punch

    Attack 75 Accuracy: 95 Type: Fighting Physical

    High chance of poisoning the enemy.


    Black Hole

    Attack: 60 Accuracy: Hits allways Type: Dark Special

    Prevents the enemy from escaping and deals constant chip DMG for 5 rounds.


    Rock Tackle

    Attack: 90 Accuracy: 95 Type: Rock Physical

    Can confuse the enemy.


    Flash Strike

    Attack: 75 Accuracy: 100 Type: Electric Special

    Chance to lower the enemy's accuracy (50%)

    submitted by /u/ChristianOOT
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    Which Game(s) Are Best For Simple Story And Language?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    The reason why I'm asking for this is because I'm trying to find a game to use to learn German. I'm conversant, but I'd hardly call myself fluent. I love Pokemon games, and I've played Red, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, SoulSilver, Black, Black 2, Y, OmegaRuby, and Let's Go! Eevee.

    So, which main series game (or spin off), do you think has the simple, low level language that I'm looking for? I figure that I can play Sun/Moon and Sword/Shield if it's simple enough, I haven't had time in my life to play them and I don't know how true it is that they're easier and simpler.

    submitted by /u/rose64bit
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    I got a question

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:28 AM PST

    So I wanna nuzlocke platinum again but I have a box of shinies from when I used the poke radar and I really don't wanna trade them to trade them over again when I'm done with the nuzlocke. Should I just do the new game option where you can't save it and just beat it (or lose) in one go without turning my game off? Or should I just trade all the shinies over?

    submitted by /u/Servant_2021
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    The new game - Pokémon

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:22 AM PST

    So hear me out. I know we all want remakes and stuff, but how about the new game (yes game as in single) was just called Pokémon. So let me explain. If gamefreak wanted to make the best game possible. I think they should do what bungie has said they are doing with Destiny. Instead of making new games constantly they could just make one game called Pokémon. They could start out with one region and only the Pokémon found in that region. And as they finish other regions they could sell them as 30$ dlc to add on to the Pokédex and world. When all 8 main series regions are added with every pokemon. They could work on a new region as generation 9. This I think would give them time to work on other things such as animations. Every region added would of course be fully open world much like in breath of the wild. Not expecting a new game every year could make things easier for gamefreak. The let's go serious could still be single region. This way they could also add regions from side games.

    submitted by /u/Isrrunder
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    Worth getting USUM after playing SM?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:40 AM PST

    I played SM when they first released, and looking back at it recently I loved my journey through Alola. Recent pokemon games havent really done it for me due to multiple reasons, so I was wondering whether it would be worth me getting USUM?

    My main complaint with SM was the hand holding at the start and the lack of mega's, does USUM fix either of those?

    submitted by /u/secretagentsnail
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    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Switch remakes rumored for a February reveal

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Nintendo will reportedly announce remakes of 2006's Pokemon Diamond and Pearl next month.

    A new rumor says the 2006 Nintendo DS games Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl are being remade for Switch, with an official announcement slated for February. This would line up nicely with rumors of a February 27 Nintendo Direct.

    Pokemon Center reports that The Pokemon Company is planning to celebrate the franchise's 25th anniversary with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes, which reportedly will feature capture mechanics more like the original games than the more recent Pokemon Let's Go and Pokemon Sword and Shield iterations.

    This isn't the first we've heard of potential Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes, but it is the first suggestion of a reveal date. Late last year we reported on a series of tweets from noted leaker Kelios claiming the Switch remakes would release in November 2021, which would be a realistic release window if the rumor is accurate and the announcement comes next month.

    The Pokemon community has been anticipating Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes for a while now. It's been over a year since Pokemon Sword and Shield released, and since Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, and Sapphire and Ruby have all been remade, it seems inevitable for Nintendo to give Gen 4 a fresh coat of paint.

    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl introduced the mountainous Sinnoh region as well as a bunch of new world features and gameplay mechanics. There was the Pokemon Watch, which you can beef up with apps you find throughout the game, as well as the Underground, an area built for online multiplayer where you could create and decorate bases and play mini-games.

    Source: https://www.gamesradar.com/pokemon-diamond-and-pearl-switch-remakes-rumored-for-a-february-reveal/?region-switch=1610900530

    submitted by /u/ManiacalFanSegments
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    Question: What's involved in getting Pokemon from OG Red/Blue transferred all the way up to the current gen?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:31 AM PST

    So I *really* want to revisit gen 1 and bring some 'mons up to the modern games one gen at a time, bringing the newfound favorites I encounter with me along the way. Was just wondering if anybody has a laid out and clear map of what it takes to do this, looking it up leads to a mess of articles about the jumps between gens. I'm currently debating whether I even want to try starting on my game boy color cartridge of blue because I think I don't currently have any way to trade into the GBA generation from there.

    Alternatively, I'm not against starting from roms, but I don't really know where to start with transferring between them. Cursory peeks at that process don't make it seem too complicated, but then there's the question of transferring them from there back into/onto physical copies of one of the ds games when I get there. What I worry about with this idea is if the pokemon I bring through this will still be treated as "legit" by the games. For all that work, I still kind of want the in-game certificates you get for transferring up from previous gens like the one when ORAS recognizes pokemon you traded up from the original ruby/sapphire.

    I'm open to trying this through roms alone up until the most recent games as long as they get treated as legit once I finally transfer them to a physical game. Any insight from any brave trainers who have travelled this long road before?

    edit to say I only plan to use roms for games in the series I already own, like a good boy

    Edit 2: for bonus points, Gamecube games and whatever the Wii's Battle Revolution was, how do they fit into this? Want to take as many detours on this journey as possible!

    submitted by /u/CapnSherman
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