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    Saturday, January 23, 2021

    Pokémon Emulators have ruined the retail versions of the games for me.

    Pokémon Emulators have ruined the retail versions of the games for me.

    Emulators have ruined the retail versions of the games for me.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:12 AM PST

    Every time I pick up a retail version I'm reminded what I dislike the most. Everything is so slow. I wish I could play the retail versions at faster speeds. It's so nice being able to increase the speed to 4x and actually play the fun parts of the game.

    submitted by /u/lusciouslou91
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    Japanese Elite Four

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:10 AM PST

    In the Gen 4 games, Prof. Rowan (I think) says how Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are all a part of one nation. So I was wondering, if the four regions were to combine into one Pokémon League, who should the Elite Four and Champion be based on canonical achievements and strength (not including any of the protagonists).

    From what I know, I would assume that Cynthia would be champion, with the Elite Four being Bruno, Lance, Steven, and Wallace.

    submitted by /u/HaydoPotado
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    Besides Charizard, which other popular Pokémon are you tired of?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:21 AM PST

    It's probably no surprise to anyone that the fanbase has a love-hate relationship with Charizard. While I don't hate Charizard, I do agree that Game Freak should stop showering it with favoritism and treat the starters equally.

    But I've been wondering, what about other popular Pokémon? Which of these popular Pokémon are you tired of being showered with favoritism?

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    submitted by /u/AetherDrew43
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    I finally beat Pokemon Ruby and my history with Pokemon.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:27 PM PST

    On today January 22 2021(Although technically yesterday because I'm posting this at midnight) I finally beat Pokemon Ruby the first Pokemon game I ever got all the way back in 2005. Fitting given 2021 is the 25th year of the Franchise.

    You're probably wondering why it took me 15 years to get around to beating it. So I guess I have a story for you.

    When I was growing up when I was a little kid I was aware of Pokemon but I didn't know much about it. I glimpsed at it a few times on Cartoon Network and saw a friend or two and my cousins play the games but I wasn't really INTO the series.

    But that all changed one day. My family had just moved to Florida and I had to start going to school for the first time in my life(I was homeschooled til then) and I was having a hard time getting used to it.

    One day after I came home from school my sister urged me to sit down and watch something. It was an episode of the Pokemon Anime. Like I said I glimpsed it a few times but this was the first time I ever sat down to watch the series with dedication. I still remember what episode it was. "Exploud and Clear" when Ash's Treeko evolved into Grovyle.

    After that every day after school I'd sit down and watch another episode. I have so many fond memories of watching Advanced Challenge and Advanced Battle and seeing the next step on Ash's journey.

    It was a journey I wanted to live for myself.

    You know where this is going. One day I asked my mom if I could get a Pokemon game. So she took me to Wal Mart and there on the shelf I saw it...Pokemon Ruby version. My first Pokemon game.

    So I picked it up and played away. One of the default name options was Tom. My real name. Like it was meant to be.

    As for the game itself? I sucked at it. I was just a little kid and I didn't really know what I was doing and I never built up a proper team. I just played through the game doing whatever I wanted with whatever Pokemon I felt like using(I remember I used the master ball to catch a Vulpix. Oops) but I still had so much fun with it. I remember playing the game all night one summer.

    But I never finished it. For some reason, I never felt the need to go past the part where Team Magma was about to waken Groudon(I found the area with the submarine but I felt the need to go inside the cave because the wild Pokemon were higher level than me past it) but it was probably for the best. I don't think I would have made it past the Elite 4.

    Soon I got other games, Emerald, Firered, Pearl, Soulsilver, Platinum, Black, Black 2, Y, Omega Ruby, Sun, Ultra Moon, and Sword. (If I went into my full history with those games I'd be here all day)

    But of those games as of this writing, I've only beaten Firered(the First Pokemon game I ever beat...and then my sister thought I was done with the game deleted my save file...), Black, Y, Pearl, Sun, and Sword.

    Why have I beaten so few? A lot of reasons. A very inconsistent attention span, lack of time, starting save files over and over again for one reason or another, and me being more interested in the roleplaying of the Pokemon world in some ways(I have a LOT of Pokemon OC concepts based on the Pokemon I've used)

    But this year I decided...that's gonna change. So my new year's resolution is to beat every single Pokemon game I have(Or at least most of them) and make all my Pokemon OCs in Black 2.

    So I decided to start where my Pokemon Journey began. With Ruby. I restarted my save file and picked a Mudkip(Treeko is my favorite of the Hoenn starters but since I picked a Mudkip in my original save file plus I'd get a second go through in Hoenn I went with Mudkip for this playthrough) for my first Pokemon. My full team consisted of Swampert, Gardevior, Breloom, Aggron, Zangoose, and Flygon.

    Going through Ruby and doing it properly has been a real joy. It feels like it's this huge part of my life that's been unfinished has been completed. I feel like I did the playthrough I was meant to have all those years ago.

    And like I said it feels fitting I went and did this in the year that's the 25th anniversary of Pokemon.

    But my journey isn't over yet I still gotta re beat Firered and beat Emerald, Platinum, Soulsilver, Black 2, Omega Ruby, and Ultra Moon. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.

    submitted by /u/Tomhur
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    Favorite underrated Hoenn Pokemon

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:20 AM PST

    Unpopular opinions are welcome! Hoenn is brimming with life and introduce new things like double battle and underwater travels. However, does it not only suffer from too much water, but it has some forgotten Pokemon! How can we fix that? Simple, vote a Pokemon, or if you don't see any of your favorites in the poll, that Pokemon is counting on you to voice out your love.

    Reminder only HOENN Pokemon. Please be respectful of other's opinions.

    (P.S I already did Kanto and Johto. The winner for Kanto is Kingler by 242 votes.And Johto is still going until this evening)

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    submitted by /u/AmberBamberAlligator
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    Which game to get after not playing for a decade.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:37 AM PST

    Heart Gold was the last one I played.

    Some people online said to get the Let's go Pikachu game and others said to get the Sword/Shield games. Which one should I get? Also when does the next one come out?

    I don't really get how any of the online stuff works for the game and if anything carries over into the next game that comes out, or if you basically start over like in the early 2000s when each game was released. Appreciate the help thank you.

    submitted by /u/RonMexicoFish
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    Collecting data about potions in 1st - 3rd generation pokemon games.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:25 AM PST

    I'm currently writing a video essay on healing items in video games and one of the games I'm using is pokemon notably the 1st - 3rd generation games.

    I need to collect some data on certain aspects of the game to help aid in certain points, I was hoping if some people could answer these questions.

    Please note before answering these questions are for standard playthroughs and not any nuzlockes or any other challenge playthroughs, just your average experience.

    Small edit for clarity (and a massive terminology mistake on my part, sorry), Utility abilities is supposed to be utility moves, moves used simply for their utility, for example, growl, calm mind, copy cat taunt, etc.





    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/OmegaAce1
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    [Sw/Sh] Do I need to worry about the ban?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:17 AM PST

    I received a lvl 100 shiny Nidoqueen holding a Master ball from PKMGen.com in a surprise trade? Could anything bad happen to me? Do I need to release it, and what about the master ball? I have two so I'm not even sure which one would be the illegitimate one.

    submitted by /u/wreaton03
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    Thinking about running a monotype playthrough on Sword

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:44 AM PST

    So lately i beat the game for the third time and wanted to get juicy with it. My favorite type is electric and I figured it'd be interesting to run a monotype electric playthrough. Down in the comments let me know ideas for a team or just individual pokémon you'd recommend! (also i'm not including IOA or CT)

    submitted by /u/Akorical
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    Nuzlocke-down Challenge Ideas

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I've recently just gotten back into Pokemon this lockdown and I wanted to try my first ever randomised Nuzlocke. I looked up additional rules that people like to use and that got me thinking about having a lockdown-themed run.

    So far this is what I've come up with:

    • Pokemon that end a battle poisoned must be quarantined in the PC box until the next gym badge is achieved.
    • Medicine (Potions, Status Heals and X-items) are out of stock in all Poke Marts. Floor items are fully randomised.

    I was wondering if anyone else had any cool ideas that would be fun to watch/play before I start my run?

    submitted by /u/blankets_in_pigs
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    Is it worth playing super mystery dungeon

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:14 AM PST

    I bought this game ages ago and barely played it. Main reason being is that I learned you can't evolve your Pokemon (or atleast not for a while) and I personally have always liked final evolutions way more than first and second evolutions.

    I'm just wondering now if it's worth it to play it, I have never played any of the spin offs beside pokken which was fun, and have completed all of the mainline games.

    submitted by /u/Gold189
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    What is your favorite Pokemon type?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Hey poke-fans! Every time I start a new playthrough in any game, I imagine the team I'm going to build, and I sometimes go for mono-type teams to add flavor to my run, or to feel like some gym leader in training.

    I always specialize in rock types, because I feel the rock Pokemon are like me : headstrong, and set in their ways. They're also just cool, and quite varied, including fossil Pokemon and some other odd ones. I have a huge preference for Carbink, for which I hunted the shiny and include in all my endgame teams. I just always have fun with the rock type.

    So in following that line of thought, what is your favorite type and Pokemon in that type? Why?

    submitted by /u/BanjoB0b
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    New Game Idea

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 12:30 AM PST

    First off I hope this is the right flare, sorry if it isn't.

    So my idea is that you start the game off like any other game, get your first Pokémon beat the gyms, become champion, beat the evil team, etc...

    However this is only half the game, after you beat the game you are asked to become the 8th gym leader but you can use any 6 Pokémon you want BEFORE you became the champion. You meet a kid that wants to get his first Pokémon so you take him to the Professor and the professor gives the kid his first Pokémon, you choose the one weak to the kids and you challenge him to beat the first 7gyms and then battle you.

    At this point you start a sort of second journey and you can catch a new team and basically start the game all over again except everyone recognizes you, you can go all over the map and battle everyone again.

    The kid however realizes he needs to practice and he can't beat the first gym even and he doesn't know what to do. He asks for your help and you battle the gym leader to show him an example of a way to beat the leader. After this you become the sort of mentor and while you can go anywhere and train your Pokémon he is trying to beat the gym leaders and eventually beat you. Before every gym he asks for your help (the same as the first gym) and in this way you get to battle all the leaders again. He also asks for your help when he comes across the evil team of the game. He also asks you to battle him every few gyms to see if he is actually getting stronger.

    The evil team is the same team that you beat on your first journey but they try again (sort of like team plasma in bw and bw2). This time when you beat them you come across the legendary Pokémon of your game while the kid gets the other one.

    At this point the kid has 7 gym badges and is getting ready to battle you (he will use the legendary, you can do what you want). This time however he beats you and after that emotion victory of his he goes to the Pokémon league to try to become the champion. However because you voluntarily gave up your title as champion to become a gym leader, you are given permission to challenge the league as well as you have also beaten all the gyms a second time except for your gym. Now you can use any Pokémon you want from both journeys. You head to the league and beat the elite 4 to find that the kid is now the champion. After an emotional discussion you battle him and win and become the champion again, and this time the kid becomes the 8 gym leader.

    After this the post game starts and you can do whatever you want with a few side quests, title defending in the Pokémon league, catch legendary Pokémon etc... the battle frontier also opens and so does a tournament with past gym leaders/elite 4members/champions from other regions.

    So yeah, it would be a longer game, give two adventures in one (the second one will be easier of course with bonus xp after every battle and the ability to battle any trainer whenever you want (the levels will adjust based on how many badges the kid has)) gimmicks and battles I didn't really think of, just the story but mega evolution could be cool to be able to use during the second journey (and it could also be part of the focus of the evil team the second time).

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/bladeboy902
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    I need ONE LEFT!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:29 AM PST

    Guys, I need someone willing to do a tradeback with me. I need one Pokémon to finish the dex in SH - Zacian! I'd be willing to do a tradeback with my Zamazenta. (I do prefer Zamazenta, which is why I'd want it back.) PM for my friendcode if you're down. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/-_Parasaurolophus_-
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    I like legitimate Pokémon

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:26 AM PST

    When I was doing my first run through Ultra Sun, having not played Sun & Moon, I wanted in my party a male Pyroar with moxie and some eggmoves before I progress too far into the game. The idea of going through the main story with battle-ready Pokémon has always been something I really liked and tried to do. And in Ultra Sun and Moon I was able to do this the first time.

    As soon as I got access to the Day Care center and got the Destiny Knot, I was gonna start breeding. I needed about 50 care candies and two ditto each with different stats of which 3 are perfect.

    As I mentioned, I really like legitimate Pokémon. So I don't use traded Pokémon to breed or battle, but just for dex completion.

    So, my first battle bred was a Alolan Ninetales with hidden ability of course and four eggmoves that I thought were the best to have. Then it was Tyrantrum (but no HA), Lurantis and Florges.

    Then I really wanted that Pyroar. So I put Ultra Sun on hold and downloaded Pokémon X, played through the main story. Went on reddit and added some friends for fire safari to find a Pyroar with hidden ability. Caught it, transferred it to Ultra Sun, bred it 4 egg moves. Found the right nature and started breeding for the final time. For the one with Hidden Ability, Timid nature, perfect or near perfect stats and most importantly a MALE Pyroar, which is only 12.5% chance, while a female offspring is 87.5%.

    This was the longest hunt I ever did in a Pokémon game. I did get it eventually. The final breeding was actually almost as long as the main story on Pokémon X, because if it was a male then the ability would be the wrong or the stats are bad etc,. On top of all this not having access to the Judge function and only relying on care candies to check IV was somewhat annoying.

    But after all this you think I'd be happy and finish the darn game already. No! I wanted more. I grew to like the painstaking process and went on a search for a Heatmor also with hidden ability and eggmoves! But this time the challenge was not breeding for the right gender or stats etc. But finding the Pokémon in the wild.

    And my closest legitimate way was finding it in a horde encounter in Pokémon X. And it was a 5% chance of encountering one Heatmor with four Durants. And the Durants will kill the Heatmor first then they will attack the player. And the encounter was only possibile during clear skies in-game (funnily whenever I wanted to hunt it would be raining).

    So, after many many days finding the right Pokémon for the job (Smeargle) and many many days trying to save the HA Heatmor from the clutches of the evil Durants, I finally got one and transferred it to Ultra Sun.

    I have more stories like this. I know it all sounds crazy. Why would anyone do this when you can just trade for a Japanese ditto with 6IVs and trade for all the other pokemon as well. But this was my journey. This whole somewhat stupid ordeal to find the perfect Pokémon for the prefect playthrough was my adventure and it was all the more special.

    I learned a lot about breeding eggmoves along the way, that there are some eggmoves that are quite difficult to acquire as there's only one possible route of breeding. So to a random player a Cherubi is just a normal Pokémon, but to me it is a high commodity!

    I did finish the game at around 270 hours gameplay. With 6 amazing Pokémon, two of which are shiny, a Metagross and a Noivern :)

    Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/wamcgyt
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    [RAGE THREAD] 23 January 2021

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    The games should rethink Poké Balls

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    The classic red and white Poké Ball is one of the most prominent icons of the Pokémon franchise. It is essential to the very image of a Pokémon Trainer. Throwing a Poké Ball at a wild Pokémon, and later throwing a ball onto the battlefield to reveal your Pokémon, are both key moments integral to the series. The Poké Balls form one of the most notable features that set Pokémon apart from other monster collection franchises. The classic red and white ball is the most striking representation of this feature across Pokémon media.

    However, in the games, the standard Poké Ball is merely the type of ball you start with. There are many other balls that perform the same task, some with various catch bonuses depending on the situation. The red and white ball tends to be the worst option available, and is quickly made obsolete by other Poké Balls. It has no advantage whatsoever over Great Balls, for instance, and those again are eclipsed by Ultra Balls. Even most of the specialty balls are at worst equally good as the standard Poké Ball (the only exceptions being the Heavy Ball and Beast Ball in some situations). Statistically speaking, you'll always get more mileage out of using (almost) any other ball than the Poké Ball.

    Isn't it strange that this most prominent icon of the franchise is such a dud in-game? It's the capture equivalent of the Potion or Repel - serviceable for the early-game, but made obsolete soon after, and never a serious option by the mid-game onward unless you run out of everything else. Gameplay-wise, it's like the Wooden Pickaxe in Minecraft. You only use it until you get a better option, and never look back because there's no need to.

    At this point I wonder if it would be an idea to retire Great Balls and Ultra Balls entirely, and just give Poké Balls upgrades as you progress through the game. The specialty balls could still exist, being more expensive alternatives fit for special purposes. But the go-to option would be the trusty red and white Poké Ball, letting this icon of the franchise shine in the limelight throughout the game.

    "But I like Great Balls and Ultra Balls", some would probably say. "Their colour scheme matches my Pokémon better!" And that's fair. Aesthetics is important to some people, after all. In fact, in certain fan communities, it is more common to choose balls for their aesthetics than for their catch bonuses. I've started to wonder if more could be done with this concept. Instead of having players catch a Pokémon in a poorly performing ball just for the sake of looks, it should be possible to customize the balls after capture. Gen IV had the Seal Case system, which had great potential to be improved and expanded upon in subsequent generations. So of course, Game Freak completely removed it in the next game and never referenced it again. It should be brought back, with the option to paint and texture and set particle effects and all that, to your heart's content. It's not that technically different to re-texture an asset, after all.

    What do you think? Are you fine with the current system? Is the standard Poké Ball getting too little "screen time" in the games, or does it get so much attention otherwise, so it doesn't need any more of it? Are there other solutions to the ball problem, or is there even a problem at all?

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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