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    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Pokémon Generation V was ten years ago.

    Pokémon Generation V was ten years ago.

    Generation V was ten years ago.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:02 PM PST

    That's crazy to think about. Kids today really grew up with Generation VI and beyond. Anybody else been playing Pokémon since the 90s? I feel so old when I think about how long I've played these games. Since 1999, I still have my original copy of Pokémon Red.

    I basically watched a video on YouTube of someone saying black and white were 10 years old and had an epiphany. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

    submitted by /u/NeverBendsKnees
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    TCG as a mini-game in Pokemon games

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:33 AM PST

    In the Witcher 3, you could collect Gwent cards and play Gwent against NPCs for prizes. Would be fun if in Generation IX you could buy Pokemon Cards at the Poke Mart or find rare holographic cards in secret locations in the wild. Some trainers give you Pokemon Cards instead of money when you beat them and will play the card game against you, so will NPCs on the street and gym leaders after you beat them.

    submitted by /u/ZizZizZiz
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    Gen IX needs 'Trainer' and 'Champion' difficulty options

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:45 AM PST

    It would be great if you could select a difficulty at the start of a Gen IX playthrough.

    I haven't fleshed out the idea fully, but I'd imagine that most trainers would have more Pokemon in their party, and that rivals, gym leaders and other key trainers would have a full party with stronger battle AI.

    Perhaps wild encounter rates and other stats could also be tweaked under the hood to make levelling and progression more difficult too.

    Any thoughts on other changes?

    submitted by /u/ErstwhileHero
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    Can someone help me understand Pokemon please

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:27 AM PST

    So this is a tall ask but I need some help understanding, is there a quick tl;dr of Pokemon and how the detective Pikachu movie relates to the tv show? Does it relate? How do you get started "playing" is it still cards or are there video games? I have three young boys that have become obsessed. We go on walks to try and play Pokemon Go, they watch some of the tv shows with the crazy cat and the crazy R team and that movie was really good. I just have no idea what's going on. They ask me questions and I've tried to google but I feel like we are really behind the curve here. Currently they are playing Pokemon and shouting names but they are asking me who would win in a battle and how do you battle. I would love any advice please.

    submitted by /u/AroundTheWorldWeGo2
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    Idea I had: An official Pokedex app that connects to the game

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:18 AM PST

    So I was talking to my brother and ge was asking me about something he wasn't sure of. He didn't know what a certain move did but he didn't have his phone on him. That got me thinking, "hey, why doesn't the game tell you every single little thing?".

    I'm one for making the game feel as real as possible. I thought that Z-ring toy they made for SM was kinda cool since it worked with the game, but it didn't really do anything else but vibrate and glow.

    So now I'm thinking what if there was a pokedex app that connected with that games amd function like a pokedex in the anime! All it really has to do is tell you what pokemon you just came across and could be used for info.

    Basically just copy paste bulbapedia but have it connect to the game so little kids have a way of feeling more connected 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/MagikarpJordan
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    We Need a Pokémon Game that Starts You in the Safari Zone. Who Would You Catch?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:04 AM PST

    I don't mean the typical safari zone, but one with a much more diverse population of Pokémon. Instead of being given my first Pokémon by the professor, I'd love to be set loose in that kind of safari zone so that I could choose my starter from a larger group and try to catch them myself. If that was an option, who would you want to catch as your starter Pokémon?

    submitted by /u/Ok-Credit5726
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    I wish we could access Pokemon Home from a computer

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    Basically Title. I played every Pokemon since Gold and i have a LOT of Pokemon (PoGo didn't help) and when i when to order, see what i need etc...it's such a pain

    I find it too difficult and impractical to sort all our Pokemons.

    I would love to be able to access it from a computer, I think it would make it a lot easier.

    Please TPC don't make everything mobile only !

    submitted by /u/J0hnd0euf
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    Are there any Pokemon Highschool themed fangames / romhacks? Would you be interested in playing one?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:58 AM PST

    Ive been looking around a bit, but I couldnt find anything:

    Are there any Pokemon Highschool themed fangames / romhacks?

    You know, something like going to trainer school / normal school, graduating through the years, going to classes, romance stuff, battling with classmates / teachers. Doesnt even have to be trainer school, could be a normal highschool, just in the pokemon world.

    I really loved how B2/W2 had the trainerschool in the first town and i was a bit disappointed that you didnt have to at least do some stuff in it, besides beating Cheren. The B2/W2 manga expanded a bit on it (but imo Lack-two was such an annoying character... he was more overpowered than Batman jesus christ. I could get into detail how much potential was wasted with all the setup B2/W2 had, but thats not what i wanted to talk about)

    If there arent any: Would you be interested in playing one should someone *cough* me make a game like that?

    If yes: What would you like to see added? What kind of classes, exams, etc. would you like to see?

    How would you imagine things to be like there?

    For example: would people be allowed to take Pokemon into the school building or would they have to leave the pokeballs at the entrance? (so someone doesnt release a Wailord during school and crushes an entire class to death)

    Also would you enjoy seeing pokemon characters from other games in this alternate universe?
    For example: Blue and Silver being the school bullies?
    Volkner and Cheren as a teacher?
    Serena and Selene as transfer students?
    What other characters would you add and what roles should they have?

    submitted by /u/XKemoX
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    What would you rather see developed

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    This will be a big year for Pokémon. In five years we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary. A long with new Pokémon gens, what type of new Pokémon games and software would you like to see in development? Please vote and comment with ideas. I am a big fan of the tried and true games but I believe the property has so much more to offer.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Brave_Samuel
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    How are Pokémon Hunters any different than Pokémon Trainers?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:53 AM PST

    This question has always bothered me. In the anime and even the games, we see shady people using brute force to try and capture Pokémon, while the protagonists tell them to stop their evil deeds... Only to then turn around, battle Pokémon using force and capturing them in Poké Balls.

    Is it only considered "bad" if you intend to abuse the Pokémon you capture? If that were the case, why doesn't every Pokémon Hunter in existence just pose as a regular Trainer?

    submitted by /u/WhyBuffett
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    Platinum’s deal with the Sinnoh Dex and the postgame might be some of the coolest stuff I’ve seen

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:37 PM PST

    TLDR: I really freaking like Platinum's thing with the Sinnoh dex and the postgame. They incorporated completing the Pokédex into the actual full story of the game but actually made it doable normally, and thus made you really enjoy everything the main story has to offer. It just feels like a complete progression.

    I first played Platinum as a kid and kinda breezed sleepily through it (as you do). As a result, I didn't pay much mind to many things. However, I recently got the chance to replay it, and while I could go on for several essays about the things I've appreciated in this rerun, the postgame and the Dex has really stood out to me.

    (For those who don't know, in Platinum you have the Battle Frontier in a part called the Fight Area, surrounded by a few other Areas where you do your typical postgame stuff, like tie off loose ends with Team Galactic, rematch Gym Leaders, etc, etc. It's actually really cool.)

    So anyway, I got to the Battle Frontier after the League, hoping to move on to all the postgame goodies (I really wanted my Lefties and Energy Ball lol), but everything was blocked off, with people prompting me to complete the Pokédex first. This was disheartening, because I really didn't feel like catching some odd hundred mons and trading stuff back and forth. But here was my big surprise.

    Firstly, the Sinnoh Dex is only 210 mons, so the task is a bit tamer in comparison to something like SW/SH's 400. Second, the completion that's asked of you is not catching everything, only seeing everything. And third, you don't really have to go too out of your way to do so: I found that if you battle all the trainers as you go along, check with the guys who show you Palkia, Dialga and Manaphy, and then catch Rotom and the Lake Trio, that's literally it. Basically you go catch 3 legendaries after the League, and boom, full Dex. Then they upgrade you to the National, and off you go.

    So why do I find this so cool? Well, the Pokedex actually feels like it's serving its purpose as your travel companion and log of your adventures. You don't have to go hunting, but just adventure a lot and look around, like what a real kid traveling the Pokemon world would do. As well, they're not just plunging you straight into the postgame story, but first they're making sure you've squeezed all the content out of the main story. But it isn't something super tedious either, like having to catch 70 mons in FRLG to do the Sevii Islands or filling up for BW2's Nature Reserve (which as someone pointed out, also required only seeing everything, but it's still tougher to do that in those games): just go and explore what you're missing. So, yes, there is some merit to be gotten in order to reach the postgame, but it's very doable and feels like the perfect balance between "seeing a lot" and "having a normal, fun adventure". And when you do, there's an actual chapter of content, and not just "here you go, Shiny charm" or "here you go, a legendary". I don't know if I'm expressing myself too well, but hopefully you guys get it. Also, making the Pokédex be a requirement for the whole story is really cool IMO, because normally completing the dex is something extra that you do if that's your thing or you want to shiny hunt or something; it's usually a big, long, optional grind rather than an essential part of the games, because that's what it requires of you with all the catching and rare hunting and trading.

    It just feels like one complete structure, you know?

    So yeah, that's my thoughts. Hopefully you catch my drift and let me know what you think. Peace out, and Piplup best boi.

    (Edit: I got some examples wrong, and thus fixed that)

    submitted by /u/Rhi-The-Sky
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    Am I in the minority here?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:34 AM PST

    I too want Diamond and Pearl remakes for the switch, but unlike a lot of posts I'm seeing about them, I don't want anything too fancy. I don't see a need to change the story or the map or even the trainers too much. More pokemon could be mixed in to the region as long as they make sense. I absolutely loved ORAS because as far as I could tell, they didn't change too much of the base story and region. The only large change I would want to DP remakes would be a Platinum-based post game (similar to The Delta Episode). Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Jarf_17
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 108: Girafarig

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:54 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    Girafarig's move is called Aura Shot, a Psychic-Type Special move with a base power of 100, 90% accuracy and 10 PP. This move's base power increases by 1.5 times when the user's HP gets below 25% of its maximum amount of HP.

    Girafarig was a hard Pokémon to think of a move for. This Pokémon doesn't really have to do with aura, but since it's a Psychic-Type Pokémon, I think it can get a pass on that. This move gets more powerful when Girafarigs HP falls below 25% because that makes this Pokémons aura stronger since it knows it can faint more easily now. It simply does its best to avoid this, and thus this move gets more powerful. Also, the high base power of this move I feel is justified by Girafarig not being a very good competitive Pokémon. Having 1 strong move won't really change that. Also, this could make for an interesting strategy of combining this move with a Salac Berry, which raises a Pokémon's Speed stat by 1 stage when its HP falls below 25%.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Anyone else find that Sinnoh's music is inherently nostalgic?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:44 AM PST

    So I'll give some context: I'm someone who grew up watching the anime only, didn't even know pokemon had official games until like two years ago. Then I got a 3ds and pokemon sun, which I enjoyed a lot. After getting more and more involved in the pokemon community, I saw how the older games such as platinum were praised a lot and described as the best in the franchise (probably a bit of nostalgia involved there), and after some hard searching I managed to get a copy of platinum. I did enjoy it, but tbh it was kinda boring compared to Alola, but I found that I much preferred the music in Sinnoh. Also, I find that gen 4 is more nostalgic despite me playing it like a year after sun and moon, so I feel like there's a degree of psychological nostalgia in it that elevates the music. What do you guys think? And also please resist the urge to turn the comment section into a war zone of "*how dare u have this opinion*"

    submitted by /u/AszneeHitMe
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    [RAGE THREAD] 06 February 2021

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:00 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    After Many Hours, I have Completed by Solo Deathless Magikarp run of Pokemon Emerald

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:34 AM PST

    Hey guys, this is something I've been working on for a long time and finally managed to finish doing it last night. It was somewhat inspired by some of PokemonChallenges solo deathless runs, but I wanted to try doing it with everyone's favorite flopping fish. The run itself was surprisingly not too difficult as long as I was careful, most of my deaths came from rushing through parts or not preparing enough. Anyway, here's a link to the Elite 4 fights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3hP1uZL51Y&feature=youtu.be

    edit: And of course there's a typo in the title

    submitted by /u/scullze
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    An item to reset Pokémon levels.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:41 PM PST

    Let's say I want to start a new playthrough with some of my lvl 100 Pokémon. Being that strong it will make it easy and frustrating at the same time (because the Pokémon won't even listen to me). So I think an item to reset the Pokémon level could be amazing. For example, I'd like to start a new game with my shiny Celebi. But it was already level 100 when I transfered it to Shield.

    What do you guys think? That, or perhaps a new game plus where every trainer has a team with lvl 100 Pokémon and 6 IVs. Kinda like the Battle facilities. They can also sync down all Pokémon to 50 in this new mode. I don't know, wishful thinking.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Juancarossi
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    The Sample Hunt For Uncompressed Pokémon Music

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Music has always been a big part of Pokémon games for me, and I think if there's one thing we can agree on, it's that the music (usually) is one of the most polished aspects of the experience. Every generation features extremely varied and catchy music, spanning various genres and styles.

    Ever since Generation 6 (technically Generation 5, if you want to count the BW2 Title Theme), the music team at GameFreak has switched from MIDI sequence files + soundfonts to pre-rendered audio files. The main reason for this is quite simple: 3DS games have much more space. Back on the Nintendo DS, they had to compress instrument samples to make them fit + make music playback possible. Doing so, of course, made the quality suffer. They'd go through every instrument and sample what they need as efficiently as possible. Of course, over the years they also learned to optimize this process. If you compare Gen 3 to Gen 4, or even Gen 4 to Gen 5 (which both are on the system), you will notice severe differences in instrument variety and quality. Something about that always fascinated me, but what's even more interesting is this simple question:

    Did you ever think about where exactly they took these samples from?

    Now, most people would probably ask themselves this exact question and carry on with their day, but that wasn't what I did. Well, actually, not just me. There are dedicated communities for this sort of thing, and I feel like it deserves to be talked about more (you may have heard about the Mario World stuff recently, same community!). These communities focus on documenting the sources of samples used in various games, spending hours of their free time looking through ancient sample libraries, romplers and instruments. With that, I present the NEWER VGM Sheet. This sheet doesn't just document (most of) the samples used in Generation 3-5, it goes up to Generation 8 and even beyond that (spin-offs and games that aren't Pokémon). The reason I post it here specifically is because, from the start, this sheet was made by Pokémon fans, pretty much. But the other sections are still worth checking out!

    Of course, you may have seen a few restoration attempts like this one in the past before, but have you ever wondered why not many attempts for Generations 4-5 have been made? The answer is quite simple: There is just way more sample variety! On one hand, somebody needs to track everything down, on the other hand, somebody who has everything needed to restore a song needs to bother to do it. With Generation 3 (RS specifically), you only really need two things (which you can see if you check the sheet). Starting with Generation 4, it's much more difficult.

    In Generation 4, GameFreak decided to make it especially hard to find every sample by using Sample CDs. Sample CDs are essentially abandonware, they used to be an extremely common way to obtain unique and interesting sounds in the 90s-early 2000s (before the age of the internet made everything digital). So it's not only difficult to track down the CDs, it's also difficult to figure out which CDs specifically were owned by GameFreak staff.

    While this post is meant to bring attention to this whole effort, it's also a cry for help (sounds weird but hear me out): Out of all of the GameFreak members, the most difficult man to figure out by far is Go Ichinose. This man. Out of all the people on the team, he has been the one using the weirdest, most diverse sound selection I've seen, and for good reason too! As it turns out, he was the sound designer responsible for cries from Generation 4-5, which is arguably also why those cries are especially memorable to a lot of people. Since that is a lot of work to do for just one man WHILE also doing a lot of the music, he decided to invest in an unknown amount of sample material. And this exact sample material really started leaking into his music around the same time. Listen to any of his Black and White songs and you will hear what I mean: Here are a few examples.
    May it be the crazy warping textures of Team Plasma, the incredible singing and beatboxing (lol??) in Village Bridge, the iconic 5 4 3 2 1 in Colress' Battle or the vocals in Elesa's stage... All of these elements added some extremely memorable textures to the music.

    Now here is where my cry for help comes in... There is only so much you can track down alone. I'm hoping maybe some people here recognize some of the missing samples. I know, this is a long shot, but it's worth a try, right? Here is a demo reel. For a lot of these samples, I've been looking for the sources for years now. It's mostly on and off, don't worry I'm not obsessed. It's just a ticking time-bomb situation (as you know, a lot of the sources are abandonware. so who knows how much time I have left to even look around?). Even if you heard these in other music, please let me know. Any hint can be super helpful.

    To end off this post, here's an uncompressed version of the Shadow Triad theme I finished off for fun yesterday. I might do more songs in the future, but it's not necessarily a priority for me. Additionally, VGM Resources has demos for various instruments, defintiely an interesting watch too. I hope this was interesting in some way to read!

    submitted by /u/onion_mu
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