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    Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Pokémon Jigglypuff love

    Pokémon Jigglypuff love

    Jigglypuff love

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 07:44 AM PST

    Once upon a time my (now wife) heard me mention that jigglypuff was my favorite pokemon. I didn't get to play pokemon growing up (along with a lot of other iconic 90s things because we were strict baptist) so this year for my birthday she gifted me a curated set of every jigglypuff card (including some in German Italian and japanese) she made a reddit post to help her and I just want anyone who has seen or helped her to know that I absolutely loved the gift and I sincerely appreciate all the effort and work that she and others have put into it.

    submitted by /u/Final-Satisfaction-9
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    My 6 year old daughter traded some pokemon cards to my neighbor's son today. In return, he gave her a parakeet. She named him Pidgeot since one card was a Mega Pidgeot. What's your weirdest Pokemon trade?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST

    This was not expected, but he's a cute little sucker. My cat doesn't know what to think. He escaped the small cage the neighbor had him in and enjoyed flying around, the apartment, landing on my shoulder and my daughter's foot. We walked over to Petco and picked up a bigger cage, and some toys, food and such. I guess I'm a bird Grandma now!

    Have your kids ever brought home anything odd in exchange for Pokemon? Also his mom was there and okayed it! They let her pick which one she wanted.

    EDIT: So this sorta blew up! Anyway, I'll update with pictures and videos around 2ish PST! I need to figure out how to get photos on reddit. Also I still need to get through the replies, but I'm literally laughing out loud at them! Since I'm single and its Valentine's Day, this really made my day and gave me something to do! Thanks for the tips and advice as well on parakeets. My daughter's favorite food is bell peppers, so if they are safe, Pidgeot is gonna have plenty!

    Edit 2: my friend posted a photo for me!



    submitted by /u/ShinyShadowGligar
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    Randomly walking into Cynthia’s house in Pokémon white was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in a Pokémon game

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:54 AM PST

    Hey people, I'm playing Pokémon white for the first time ever (only game I've never played) (yes I've played the game cube shadow games) BUT yeah I had no clue she was in the game. I was pre grinding for elite 4 part 2, ran into the house accidentally, and the piano came on. My stomach dropped, didn't know if I could run before she fought me.

    Literally thought I was gonna get wiped. I clicked no faster than I ever had and ran the heck out of there. Anyone else experience something like this? I feel like I'm a Pokémon vet, not too many times I actually felt nervous. Probably some gen 4 Cynthia PTSD eh

    submitted by /u/ChopChopMasterOnion-
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    Future Engineering major here to share a startling discovery about Metang

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:54 AM PST

    We all know how weird Pokedex entries are sometimes. Gen 3 has some of the most outrageous-Magcargo being hotter than the sun, for example. But in all the "Weird/Creepy Dex Entries" videos and posts I've seen, one has flown under the radar-Metang. Two Dex entries in particular piqued my interest:

    FireRed/LeafGreen: "It floats midair using magnetism. Its body is so tough, even a crash with a jet plane won't leave a scratch."

    Emerald: "The claws tipping its arms pack the destructive power to tear through thick iron sheets as if they were silk. It flies at over 60 miles per hour."

    So, when put together, these entries imply that a Metang flying at 60 mph will not suffer so much as a scratch after colliding with a plane. This got me thinking-just how much force can Metang withstand?

    For this example, I'll be using the mass and standard cruising velocity of a Boeing 747 passenger aircraft. (Note-I'll be using metric because that's what I need for the the calculations.) The standard cruising velocity of the 747 is 926 km/hr (575 mph), and it has a mass of 333,400 kg (735,000 lbs). The flight velocity of Metang is 96.56 km/hr (60 mph), and it has a mass of 202.5 kg (446 lbs).

    The first unknown we need to find is the velocity of the system post-collision. Using the formula for a standard inelastic collision, m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2)vsystem we can find it: after collision, Metang is pushed by the plane, slowing it down a bit but suffering no damage. The velocity of the system (meaning the combined mass of the plane and Metange) after collision is 925.379 km/hr, which for convenience, we'll convert to 257.05 m/s.

    For simplicity's sake, we will assume the impact time is ~0.1s, or 2.778*10-5 hr. In order to find the force that the plane applies to Metang during the collision, we need to first find acceleration. To find acceleration, we simply find the change in velocity over time: (a2-a1)/t. This formula gets us a negative acceleration of 1.724 m/s2. We need to do the same for Metang, and we get a acceleration of 2838.722 m/s2 for it. For a bit of perspective, that's about the same as a car going from rest to 105 mph in a single second.

    Now, we just use Newton's second law, Force = Mass x Acceleration, to find the force that poor Metang gets hit with. Multiplying the acceleration of Metang times its mass, we get a quite frankly INSANE 574,850.9452 Newtons, or 58,597 G's.

    In case those numbers are meaningless to you, I'll give you some perspective. This number means you can stack 58,597 Metangs on top of one another and the one on the bottom would sustain NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE WHATSOEVER. A human body can withstand AT MOST 9 G's. You could drop a Metang from the edge of Earth's atmosphere and it would drop to the ground completely unharmed.

    Metang is practically indestructible by earthly means. And this is before we even consider that it houses a supercomputer so intelligent it has psychic powers! Forget Magcargo and all the legendaries, Metang could take a billion lions all by itself!

    TL;DR Metang is a beast that can withstand a plane crash while flying into it head-on at 60 mph.

    submitted by /u/DaMuffinMan91
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    How would you design your own pokemon game

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:51 AM PST

    This is how i'd design mine


    In this game there are 18 gym leaders (one of each type) and the first change I would make is give the player the ability to challenge the first 3 gym leaders in any order, but once you've challenged one gym leader, you lose the ability to access the others and get a unique item only that gym can give you. This item is called trainers gear. The trainer gear allows you to access different blocked off areas, (similar to hms) and once you beat a gym leader they give you the ability to access another area that was originally blocked off. These items can range from night vision goggles, to rope that can help you go down a cave. The skys the limit. Despite there being 18 gym leaders, you're only able to collect 8 gym badges before the league, meaning the first 8 badges you get will be completely different from someone else's first 8 badges. Some runs will be impossible to get the fairy type gym badge because they don't have the right gear, others it will be the second badge they get. Every choice counts. (all locations are available post game). You might be thinking that "if they were to make the gyms like this, getting certain pokemon will be impossible" and that's why there will be a special feature that allows you to catch pokemon that were released by other players. In this game, if a player were to realise a pokemon in the wild while using the internet, it would appear in another player's game in the form of russell encounters. And for the sake of balance, high level pokemon and pokemon with high stats will be impossible to obtain depending on how many badges you have.


    To make battling feel fresh first, i'll have ev's and iv's be easily accessible to the player during the campaign. I will do this by making every wild pokemon give you ev's and the player has the ability to either do nothing with them and just keep some of them in an ev tank or have them go to stats that the player is interested in, similar to pokemon showdown. And secondly, I'll have certain abilities locked behind tms to make getting into competitive easy. These changes would add a lot of variety/depth to trainer encounters and even add difficulty to the game, speaking of difficulty

    Difficulty (Yes, i read the post that said "difficulty in pokemon is difficult" and i disagree with it)

    There will be level caps for all of the gyms, meaning you can't over level. All the gyms will have 6 pokemon and some of them will also use held items. You can't use healing or x items mid battle because they break the game. As for some ai changes, the ai will start switching a little bit more and will just be smarter overall. The gym ai will also have a strategy for all the super effective pokemon you will realistically bring to that fight. For instance, you brought a speed boost combusken with only one fighting type move to a normal type gym and the fist pokemon the gym brought out was a biberal with move aqua tail, the ability unaware and has a Chople Berry. Of course all these changes will be locked behind a difficulty mode so people who aren't nerds will have a fun time.

    submitted by /u/ittvoy
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    I just got my hands on a real Pokémon Platinum cartridge for €30 (36 dollars).

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:16 AM PST

    Hi there, I just wanna share my happiness with someone. I grew up with Pokémon Diamond but i later discovered it was a bootleg cartridge. I also owned an illegal flashcard with Pokémon Platinum (in my defense little me didn't know that it was illegal) so I grew uo with the Sinnoh region.

    Now I've always been looking for Pokémon Platinum as a physical cartridge ever since i discovered that those flashcards were illegal. But I've never found one and when I did they were always overpriced.

    Which brings us to aboht two weeks ago. I was surfing on my laptop on a website that sells used products, and there I found this Pokémon Platinum cartridge, no box, no manual, just the cartridge for €30. I just could not let that one go and immediately bought it. (of course i checked the pics that they had to look if it was a real one and not a bootleg.)

    And it just works. No problems with gameplay and sounds, and I'm now at the league and I've had no crashes. So I think I had the best deal of the year.

    I just wanted to share this experience with someone since this makes me just so happy and excited. Thanks for reading and have a awesome day!

    submitted by /u/Spatdoepa_
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    I wish the world championship format from the anime become a game format

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 10:13 AM PST

    A fresher take on the gym system, maybe not a worldwide chanpionship, but a regional championship title, with you climbing a ladder from the very bottom rank to the top, with the number 1 be the champion/final boss.

    The difference here is that there's no gym battle in the old way with the badges ranking you progress but a rank number or letter like 100 or D rank when is done you be S rank or number 1.

    In gameplay the boss you need to face, don't really fight like old gyms with the same typing to all their team, with the puzzles and the gym trainers, rather fight other pokemon trainers like you, so basically instead battling gym leaders, your fighting frontier brain style trainers as the main boss

    the format here is that since you are battling for their rank, you have to challenge them by their rules like the battle frontier use their gimmicks.

    the team bad guys could be like a gang, who's boss too wants to be the next champion but they are the evil team because they want to do it the evil way, like sabotaj other trainers progress or something so only they can rise to the top.

    and the elite four replacement is basically the pokemon league top 8 finals but unlike swsh, is mostly comprise of trainers you haven't fought yet besides maybe the rival and evil boss, with the battle for the number 1 rank be final boss, maybe the final battle is the previous number 1 rank, maybe is the evil boss man, maybe is the rival, or a tobias-esque looking dude with a darkrai and a latios.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    Why Ghetsis is Pokémon’s Most Terrifying Villain

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:09 PM PST

    Pokémon's most terrifying villain is Ghetsis of Black & White (and the sequels).

    He leads Team Plasma - an organization with the goal of liberating all Pokémon from Trainers.

    Yet Ghetsis's true goal is to reign supreme by being the only one to own Pokémon.

    He lies and manipulates his adoptive son N to be a puppet that Ghetsis alone controls and he abuses N verbally and mentally when N fails to properly do his bidding.

    He tries to freeze all of Unova & you by making a powerful Black/White Kyurem.

    Upon defeating him, Ghetsis goes mad. He also considers himself perfect.

    His narcissism, thirst for power, selfishness, & genius/insanity make Ghetsis a truly terrifying antagonist.

    submitted by /u/ethankmbiscuit
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    Nostalgia towards Pokemon

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:09 AM PST

    I was only 5 years old when I first saw my brother playing Pokemon Gold on his gameboy, I didn't think much of the game at the time, but after I first tried playing the game, over the years I've found that every single game up to gen 5 have been insanely memorable to me. The music, the towns, the battles, the constant training, even the annoying zubats. It feels as though it became an indispensable part of my life, Does anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/Jolly-Management1715
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    Ash's Swellow and Staraptor

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:39 AM PST

    So, I finished the episode of Ash's Staravia evolving into Staraptor last night and it occurred to me. It evolved the same way that Ash's Taillow evolved.

    Both episodes are a Pokeringer episode. Taillow and Staravia were struggling in the finals against their opponent. When Ash yelled for them to go all out, they took that encouragement and evolved to win the match.

    Like, I'm not criticizing it and I'm sure others noticed. But couldnt they have been more original instead of just copying what they did in Hoenn?

    submitted by /u/ECS0804
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    Does anyone know if "GOOGLE*POKEMON" is a legit Credit Card charge?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    My one son is a pretty big Pokémon fan. But most of it is relegated to Switch or 2DS games and card collecting.

    I recently got a charge on my credit card for "GOOGLE*POKEMON" for $16.95.

    My son said he didn't make any purchases. I checked my play.google.com account and didn't see the charge there. But I don't remember if I signed up for any recurring annual fee for something else related to Pokémon.

    Does this charge name look familiar to anyone? I just want to make sure it isn't some Pokémon related recurring charge that I just forgot to cancel before I dispute the charge with my credit card.


    submitted by /u/WingyPilot
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    A "Pokemon Preserve" storage/sim is the only game I really need at this point

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:08 AM PST

    Instead of bank/home, give us game that we can store our Pokemon in that is just like The Sims. I would pay full price and a yearly fee just like we do for the regular games + home/bank. Give me environments for all my Pokemon and let me decide where they "live". Give me all the goofy side gimmicks of Pelago (digging for treasure, playground training, berry farming), the camp/cooking/hired job stuff from SW/SH, Dream World, Dress Up/Musical and Snap features, and all those side things that the games let you do. I don't need new features. I don't need a place to catch/battle new Pokemon. What I need is a game that I can store my living dex and still be able to enjoy them.

    I want to be able to walk into a dojo and watch my Hitmonchan and Sawk sparing while Hariyama works on a punching bag. I want to be able to walk around a Volcano and watch my Slugma sit in a pool of lava while Volcorona and Ho-oh catche the updrafts. I want to walk through a forest under a tree with my Kakuna, Metapod, and Burmy's hang from. Let me walk through a cave were my Geodude and Rolycoly race through the paths. You get it.

    Sure put some limitations on it because of the amount of animation that would go into it. Maybe Pokemon can only go into their "region" of the preserve and base it on their type. I would still buy it and pay the fee. Just give me something to do with the Pokemon I have captured and trained. Let me let them live out their days on a farm, if you will, after their battle days are done.

    submitted by /u/ibs2pid
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    Favorite underrated Mega Evolution Pokemon

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 04:53 AM PST

    Unpopular opinions are welcome! Mega evolution...the best battle mechanic they've ever introduced. How we miss it so. Like, imagine what other mega we would've gotten. But anyways, we're here to show some love and appreciation for some mega that were forgotten (there's more than you think)

    The Mega Pokemon we talk about can be from both XY and ORAS.

    Please respect other peoples opinions.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AmberBamberAlligator
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    Conducting a survey on the main series Pokémon games!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:00 PM PST

    For an upcoming project of mine, I have created a survey about the main series Pokémon games. It should take about five to seven minutes. I would appreciate anyone who takes the time to fill it out for me. If the people will it, I could share the results in a couple of weeks. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/FNRhXDYgtvn9ULKHA

    submitted by /u/SoupyWeevil82
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    Where are the story scripts of each game available?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    Hi guys. I'm looking to do a research on the story scripts (pure story lines and character dialogues that exclude any description of moves and items, etc.) of each Pokemon game and I wander if this resource is available on the internet? I managed to find an ideal sample but sadly it makes only a fraction of the SM story script. Where can I possibly find more of these? Please help me out! https://the-pokemon-sun-and-moon.fandom.com/wiki/Story_Script

    submitted by /u/Jon-Liu
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    (Talking about UltraSun/Moon plot): Why did they decided to change Lusamine´s behaviour in UltraSun/Moon?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:34 AM PST

    I´ve played througth Ultra, and I´ve also seen videos of Sun and Moon; but I was wondering...

    Why did they decided to make Lusamine "more friendly" in the Ultra games; you could say they did this because the game´s new plot, but that doesn´t erase the fact of Lillie and his brother "fear" their mother, so that´s why I think is weird, and I would like to know others idea about this.

    submitted by /u/Daisen-A178
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    Never played White 2

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Good morning all,

    In the slew of all these posts I don't expect to get much traction but I have to ask. I've never been able to play White 2 because I couldn't afford it when I was younger. Now it's almost impossible for me to find for a reasonable price in my area. Do you all know of a way that I can obtain this game? If possible I would like to play the authentic way. Thank you all 🤙

    submitted by /u/messyhesse
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    Pokemon Who I Think Evolve Way Too Late

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:39 AM PST

    Ponyta (40): It's stats are way too low to evolve this late. As soon as it gets to around level 30 I just slap the experience share on it because, when it fights other level 30+s, it doesn't do enough damage and just gets killed. I would probably change this to 30.

    Meditite (37): Like Ponyta, it's stats are just not good enough to be around other late level 30s. I would also change this one to 30.

    Rufflet and Vullaby (54): Vullaby's highest stat is 75, which is way too low to be fighting other level 50s. I wish they had a middle evolution who they evolved into at around 28, and then their final evolutions at 40.

    Deino (50) and Zweilous (64): Most other pseudo-legends evolve at around 30 and 50 and I have no idea why Gamefreak expects us to be using a level 46 Deino against fully evolved level 50s. Also, in Black and White, the highest level Pokemon you fight in the main story of the game is 54 so you would need to train up to be 10 levels higher than the Pokemon around you to use a Hydreigon. Also, in gen 5, the new experience calculation means that overlevelling takes a huge amount of time. I would change them to 35 and 55.

    Abra (16): Switch training all the way up to level 16 is painful. In Sinnoh you can find them as low as level 4 and I think they should evolve by maybe level 10 or 12.

    Slowpoke (37): Another one who just doesn't have the stats to fight alongside otherlevel 30+s. Thankfully, no matter what game you're playing, you'll have Surf to rely on some ok damage. I would change this to 30, maybe 32 or 34 at the latest.

    Vanillite (35) and Vanilluxe (47): I recently used a Vanillite in Pokemon Sword and I had to use EXP candies from level 28 ish onwards, and then level 42 ish onwards. It just was not doing enough damage when it was the same level as my opponents. So I would change it to 28 and 38.

    Litleo (35): 73 Special Attack just isn't enough to fight fully evolved Pokemon, I would change it to like 26 and maybe give it a middle evolution too.

    Omanyte and Kabuto (40): You get them at level 5 while the rest of your team is probably in their late 30s. I think they could also benefit from a middle evolution, or evolving at 30.

    Snorunt (42): It has base 50 in every stat. Need I say more? I would probably make this a stone evolution.

    (If only we had the Ice Stone from gen 3 onwards, that would have made Glaceon available so much earlier on too.)

    Skrelp (48): I've never played Y, only X so this was a surprise to me. But it's highest base stat is 60 so I don't see why we should be using it against fully evolved level 45s. I would take this way down to maybe 30.

    Anyone else have any insight on this? I'm not fully up to date with the newer games (gen 7 and 8 mainly) so I may have missed a couple of late evolutions from those games.

    submitted by /u/nredditb
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    You can see what holos are in the McDonalds packs!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 05:59 AM PST

    Hey guys I found a very interesting video. This guy figured out how to see what holo is in the promo packs from McDonalds and how to get access to the packs without breaking the seal on the box. This is being used to scam people on the secondary market. Just want everyone to be aware and be careful when buying these packs anywhere besides McDonalds. McDonalds promo pack scam

    submitted by /u/velociss
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    Are there any Pokémon home trade discord servers

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:16 AM PST

    I was wondering if there were any Pokémon home trade discord servers I've been trying to complete my national dex but there are Pokémon I don't have access to so I want to be able to trade with other people I have rare Pokémon that other people might not have so I can help you get Pokémon's you might not have

    submitted by /u/Consistent_Produce_1
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    Questions about emulators

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    • What emulator do I use if I want to play HG/SS on PC ? I have the game+console to play, but I am curious about the alternatives.
    • Is it possible to do trades/battles with emulators in general ?
    • Would it be possible to create an emulator that allows trading via Internet/Bluetooth/LAN ?
    submitted by /u/ILiveWithPierre
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    [SPOILER] May Finally Beat His Most Unfair Opponent

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 12:07 AM PST

    Ash finally has a chance to reverse his most unfair loss to date.

    In the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl series of the anime, Ash faced a trainer named Tobias, who won with two Legendary Pokémon.

    Ash is traveling the world in the current season of the anime.

    If the rumored Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes are happening, Ash has a chance to battle Tobias in Sinnoh again, using the team of top-tier Pokémon he has gathered across the world.

    submitted by /u/ethankmbiscuit
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