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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Pokémon Gen 8 isn't perfect, but it nails the Pokemon League

    Pokémon Gen 8 isn't perfect, but it nails the Pokemon League

    Gen 8 isn't perfect, but it nails the Pokemon League

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Gen 8 really put me off with Dexit, but I did end up picking up the game. While it has many flaws, I think turning the pokemon league into a tournament like it is in the anime was a perfect change. Its always been favorite part of the show, where all of the trainers we've seen to that point all come together and see who's the best. Its awesome, and I'm glad to have finally seen it happen in game. One change I would make is to have an Elite 4 after winning the tournament before the champion, but that's just splitting hairs. What did you guys think of the gen 8 league.

    submitted by /u/Romofan88
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    A tip for totodile

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:05 PM PDT

    If you pick totodile make sure it keeps rage until Whitney because jigglypuff will use double slap and if you use rage you get attack raise for every hit and it makes miltank a piece of cake after a heal( though mine didn't need healing) Anyways hope this help with Whitney!

    submitted by /u/ICantTurnMyBrainOn
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    I hate to say it, but as good games that HGSS are, I find it difficult to stay hooked to them.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    Most of the community thinks that HGSS are the best games in the series, and well, I agree mostly. Those games did a lot of things right. And of course, it's a lot of fun having walking Pokémon too. (Which I feel was better in sprites than in 3D)

    But at the same time, those games have kinda aged like cheese. As great as Generation 4 is, the newer games introduced a lot of QoL features that makes the older generations harder to get into.

    I find it a bit difficult to continue playing those games. There are many things that feel so incredibly tedious. For example, the abundant amount of field moves that no one likes, the hard to replace single use TMs, the poor level scaling...

    And then there's Kanto. I honestly don't like going through Kanto in the game that much. I feel like it was poorly implemented. Sure, it's cool having another region to explore, but it doesn't really feel that exciting, and feels more like a chore. I don't know really, maybe I just don't like doing the region in disorder, as well as my opponents and wild Pokémon having lower levels than the rest of my party.

    Sure, I like those games. But not as much as I did in the past. Anyone else feels the same?

    submitted by /u/AetherDrew43
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    Pokémon is way more fun when you don't play favorites

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    I've been a huge fan of Pokémon ever since I was a kid. It's something I've always loved and enjoyed, even when I didn't fully understand how to play the games. When I started to play more and understand how the games worked, I started choosing favorites almost religiously. Favorite Pokémon, favorite types, favorite games, favorite regions, etc. My favorites would change a lot, and I realized it made me enjoy the games a lot less.

    Now, I don't have a favorite Pokémon, a favorite type, region, or even game. I just love playing with, battling, breeding, and raising Pokémon. Because of this, I've trained more Pokémon than ever and have really grown to love so many of them. It makes the games way more enjoyable, and makes replays fun since I know I won't have the same exact team as before just because my favorites were on it. Appreciating a bunch of different Pokémon, types, and games is what makes Pokémon so fun.

    Of course, it's not bad to choose favorites. I know a lot of people on here have a favorite Pokémon who they adore, and that's great! I just think it's also valuable to love a variety of Pokémon and focus on the experience.

    I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think about this!

    submitted by /u/butchyblue
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    Lurantis appreciation post

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    Lurantis is great. Like design wise.

    Lurantis is super cute with the big eyes and the pink, but it also looks vicious and ready to attack at the same time with those appendages that can literally fire a massive beam of light that has a higher base damage than solar beam! This is crazy too because lurantis is only 2 foot 11, imagine just picking up such a powerful Pokémon in your arms. (Of course, it sucks in competitive though)

    It also looks like it is wearing pyjamas, which is cool

    The concept is great as well: a grass type Pokémon that pretends to be a bug to protect itself in the lush jungle

    Tell me what u like about lurantis too cuz I wanna hear em

    submitted by /u/Doodo_
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    Rant: Aura sphere should have more distribution

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    Fuck focus miss, i don't care about what any one has to say about not making aura sphere more accessible, it doesn't make sense when you look closely at it, and how aura sphere is depicted.

    Seriously how many Pokémon's do you know can learn blizzard but cant learn ice beam, or learn fire blast but cant learn flame thrower?

    Alakazam, Gengar, Tapu lele, Reuniclus etc, these Pokémon have no true reason of not learning aura sphere.

    Either they make Focus blast at leas 85% or the give aura sphere the close combat treatment, its 2021 and you have Pokémon's getting moves with 120 base power with 90% accuracy on top of a second side effect on op Pokémon with ridiculous hidden ability, meanwhile some Pokémon are either force to use focus blast or drop it completely because of how unreliable it is

    submitted by /u/fou998073
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    In Defense of Modern Pokemon

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Looking at the Pokemon fandom, I believe that the newer generations (6,7,8) get way too much hate. And there is a lot to critique about them, but I see many posts that just go "old gen good new gen bad" and its tiring. Especially as someone who came back into Pokemon because of the newer gens, I think I should talk about why the newer generations dont deserve so much hate in my opinion, generation by generation.

    Gen 6:

    Gen 6 was essentially GameFreak's experimentation into complete 3D and they started with XY. Now story and character-wise, XY wasn't that good. The story was quite generic and the characters were very bland especially the rivals. However, there is a lot to like about XY. Not just the music but also the flair, it makes you feel like you are in France and the stylish system is very unique and fits the region quite well. Not to mention many of the towns and cities are quite creative. Places like Shalour City, Anistar City and Laverre City are really interesting designs.

    Now I don't know how many people know this but XY were going to get 3rd versions of a sort, I believe someone leaked it. And while yes, its disappointing we didnt get a second look at Kalos, take a look at it this way, the next generation was going to celebrate the 20th anniversary so both GF and TPC wanted to focus more on the next Pokemon games, so its understandable they would just leave 2015 as a year without a main series game. Honestly, GF should do more breaks like that as its been proven that most fans, are honestly ok with it.

    Ok let's focus on ORAS. now a lot of people dont like ORAS for a pretty much 1 main reason: the Battle Frontier and the reasoning for its removal. I think GF put the tease for the BF as a reference but probably didn't realize the consequences. But looking past the BF, ORAS are good remakes. We got features like the Delta Episode and new Mega evolutions as well as QOL features from XY. Hoenn feels more tropical which I guess was the intention for the original games and thats great. Obviously I too wish that the Battle Frontier was in ORAS but that didnt really dampen the experience.

    Gen 7:

    Sun and Moon are some of the most special entries in the main series, this was the first main series games to not have Gyms and experiment with Trials. While it is jarring and I understand why some people would prefer gyms, it is still innovative for GF to do something new. The story is also great and the characters are much more enjoyable and fleshed out. Design-wise, I'm not a huge fan of Alola's region design as it feels a bit empty with the lack of many settlements but I can see why, Hawaii isnt like France (Kalos) or NYC (Unova), its much more rural and has more emphasis on nature, so I can see why GF went with it even if I disagree personally. The Pokemon designs were also really cool, regional forms is probably the best feature in the modern Pokemon games.

    Now USUM, well it wasn't as good as SM but still enjoyable. We lost things such as the original story, some of the events and sidequests as well as the general appeal of SM, but we also gained a lot of more interesting features such as the ability to obtain Totem Pokemon, the Ultra Wormholes as well as of course, Team RR. I think these are the more definitive entries for Alola as well as being a form of Swan Song for the 3DS era. But yeah, I think the general concept behind USUM should have been dlc for SM instead like Ultra Necrozma. People are still going to buy it as shown by the SwSh dlc.

    Ok LGPE, these have to be my least favorite entries in the entire main series. But I can see why people like them. They were meant to be an entry into the series for newcomers especially those coming from GO hence the GO connectivity. It also serves a reasoning (not an excuse) for the simplicity of the games. Do I like them? Not really. But do I understand the design concept and the ideas behind it? Yes.

    Gen 8:

    Oh boy here we go.

    Personally, I really like SwSh. And while yes, there are many many critiques of the game such as Dexit, the lackluster postgame and the lack of more settlements, it is still enjoyable. The Wild Area, while lacking was still enjoyable and serves as a more defined postgame experience especially since there are different events to keep you engaged. The QOL features are amazing especially for someone that doesnt have as much time to play these games. And the Pokemon designs are probably the best we have ever seen in the series. Speaking of Dexit, while it is sad, at the very least, we got 200 of them back that we could theoretically trade/transfer without the DLC (I dont think you need to pay if you have Go and the Home free trial) and the ones we got in the base game are interesting and gave me more of an appreciation for certain Pokemon like Xatu.

    The DLC, while controversial, is a good move for the series. The IOA in my opinion, is a bit lacking and should have been cheaper/made postgame in my opinion but there are a lot of features that are still enjoyable. I definitely like the use of free camera in both DLCS and the music too, is amazing...like every other entry on this list. The CT is probably the more "meaty" part of the DLC with how much it offers, the new take on how to get legendaries as well as the sidequests that come with the DLC are good directions for the series.

    Nothing is immune from criticism, I know that. But counter culture is important. The modern generations get shitted on a lot and I think we need a counter culture to defend them so there is a balance within the community.

    submitted by /u/WeeklyIntroduction42
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    from the r/pokemon Mod Team:

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Many of you are aware of the recent furor surrounding an ex-Reddit admin with a record of pedophilia apologism (content warning: child abuse). You can read a succinct summary of the issue here, and Reddit's ultimate response here.

    Though r/pokemon is late to this conversation, we join many subreddits in condemning child abuse and censorship. The Pokémon community centers a franchise targeted at children. While we recognize that our 3 million users come from wide-ranging backgrounds and interests, we strive to uphold a standard of civility and inclusivity that is mindful of children, survivors, and marginalized identities. Hate and abuse are not welcome here.

    Several of you reached out to our mod team on Wednesday regarding the specific circumstances around the ex-admin. We appreciate you.

    Please help us maintain this collective consciousness and conscientiousness, to keep our community safe. Hit the [report] button if you see anything that could harm another user, and, as always, please modmail us if you notice anything amiss.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/saltimmortalsea
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    What part of Legends Arceus interests or excites you the most?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Of course, there are many concerns with Legends Arceus, but just for this post, let's focus on what creates the most positive reaction for you.

    However good the game may be, and I am actually not expecting it to be really good good myself, I am extremely excited about all the innovations. Throwing your Pokeballs yourself, Pokemon making contact and battling taking place in the overworld, the freedom of the world, some stuff from the leaks and even some graphical improvements over Sword and Shield, albeit not monumental.

    I am just excited about getting an experience that's a bit more uniqe than the ones before. Oh, and another thing: the Japanese official stie for the game states that unlike BDSP, it will be a singelpalyer only game, which is likely a letdown to many, but that means instead of focusing a lot on competitive QoL improvements like in SwSh, we'll get more polish to everything else and likely more side quests or mechanics.

    Again, however good the game may be, I am just really excited that it is newer than what came before.

    submitted by /u/Wlsgarus
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    Gameboy Pokémon nostalgia

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Hello! Recently I have been really wanting to play Pokémon Ruby on a gameboy but I have neither the game nor the console :( I played this game multiple times when I was younger and it was my favorite! Now I have a switch, so which Pokémon game would you recommend I get to get me back into Pokémon and is most similar to this! Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/worminmywater
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    Would you support a "battle revolution 2"?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    If you dont know what battle revolution is, it was a gen 4 side game that came out on the wii and was a threequel/reboot/spiritual successor/whathaveyou to the pokemon stadium games. I remember being nostalgic over it and a game like it never really came back around (probably due to the large national dex of gens 5-7). But due to swshs trimming of the national dex, a battle revolution 2 is an interesting (albeit very VERY unlikely) idea. So, would you want a battle revolution sequel?

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    submitted by /u/DynamotheTyphlosion
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    These are the favorite Pokémon for Japanese fans

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    The Pokémon Company asks Japanese fans which Pokémon is their favorite. But if you expect Pikachu to sweep a landslide, you are very wrong ...

    Surely you have already found out: we are in the year of Pokémon, because it was 25 years ago when the first installment for the Game Boy came out in the Japanese market: Pokémon Red and Green.

    The reason for its success is undoubtedly how attractive pokémon are, pocket monsters to train and exchange: becoming has been the obsession of several generations of children ... and the children of that time who have already become adults, but They look forward to any new game in the series , which has never run out of steam.

    Every year, The Pokémon Company organizes a poll in Japan , in which fans can vote on their favorite character in the entire series. And the first places are very surprising

    Read more

    submitted by /u/Maclunar11
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    How would Orre have gone in its own anime?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Playing XD again, I've always thought there was a missed opportunity to have a little fun with shadow pokemon in the grittier setting of Orre, with near-lack of wild pokemon giving a better emphasis on the people and places. But I wonder who best it would have been portrayed with? I dunno, just some idle thinking lately, so I thought I'd poll it.

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    submitted by /u/Thieverpedia
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    Pokemon Adventures

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Hey! Im looking to get back into this manga series, but ive noticed that the English copies in bookstores are censored by Vizkids. How faithful are these versions? Do they completely butcher some scenes? Also, are there english versions which remain untouched? Im not a fan of the extreme changes that can happen and am curious if its as bad as other media.

    submitted by /u/BluRspBrry
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    Bit of a missed opportunity to not make a regional Amoonguss that looks like the Max Mushrooms that grow in the Forest of Focus where it lives.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PDT

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