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    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    Pokémon The Orre Region is one of the coolest regions in the series to me

    Pokémon The Orre Region is one of the coolest regions in the series to me

    The Orre Region is one of the coolest regions in the series to me

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    The pokemon world is incredibly pleasant and inviting which is what makes the games so fun to explore but it leaves the tone of the games feeling very samey and also doesn't lend a lot of credence to the threat the villain teams pose.

    In almost every region, you can expect to find the same smiling NPCs who give free stuff because the cities they live in are nice and clean and devoid of any real conflict. The niceness of it all makes some of the evil villain teams feel oddly out of place like how Team Flare was trying to preserve the world's beauty but there's not even the slightest sign of decay anywhere in Kalos. The Orre Region feels a lot less tonally dissonant by comparison.

    The Orre Region is dusty, ugly and so deprived of resources that pokemon had to imported. It's a place where the strong lord over the weak with not one, but two evil teams having the run of the place. Even your player character is no saint with him working for and then stealing from team snagem but all of this builds really well towards the western atmosphere the game was going for.

    I'm not asking for an M Rated Pokemon game but something with more grit and a different genre inspiration would be cool, a crime drama set in a 1950s inspired Unova anybody? If the leaks about wild pokemon physically attacking you in Legends are real, I hope this signals we'll be getting more games that don't have their rough edges sanded down.

    submitted by /u/SawkyScribe
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    I'm blind and here's my take on SW/SH.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    I was one of the people who didn't buy the game at launch because of the National Dex, but I recently picked it up to cure the Pokemon ITCH until BD/SP come out. People rip on SW/SH for various reasons, the animation, the story, whatever, but I made this post entirely to talk about the sound design of the game.

    Being blind, I rely on sound entirely to play Pokemon. In past game, all I had was the bump sound to let me know if I was running into a wall or not. I'm glad Sword and Shield still have the bump sound, but there's so much more to the audio that I feel some of you may appreciate. First of all, I love that I'm able to adjust the different audio levels within the game. Obviously it's pretty lame that this was locked behind a random NPC, but with that aside, being able to turn down the music to hear more easily if I'm running into a wall is extremely useful.

    In a much broader sense, I believe the visuals have more work to be done on, based off of what others say, but the audio design of this game is amazing. I love being able to hear where all the Pokemon are on the overworld. They also make plenty of sound in order for me to know where they are and avoid them accordingly. In general, the more advanced Pokemon games have gotten and the more sounds they've added, the more accessible they are to me.

    Edit: Here's my Twitch in case anyone wants to see how I play, even though that wasn't the point of this post haha.

    submitted by /u/Nighthawk321
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    Do Grass-type Pokémon have animal cells or plant cells?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    This is a question I got yesterday and I just now remembered. I'm talking about pure Grass types, not duel types. Pokémon are, in essence, animals, and while some grass types are based off of animals(i.e. the Grookey line)most of them look like plants, but they have eyes, brains, ears, most likely hearts, lungs, and intestines. Plant cells dont come together to form organs like that in real life, but biology works a little differently in the Pokémon universe

    What do you all think? Do Grass types have animal cells or plant cells?

    submitted by /u/JoJoFan1890
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    All pokemon battles are attempted robberies.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Here is my proof.

    1. You cant run/escape
    2. the trainers ambush you
    3. if you lose you have to pay the trainer (robber) money.
    4. if you win, they pay you money.

    Coincidence?? I THINK NOT


    add your opinions in the comments section and like if you agree.

    Idk if this is a repost but I thought of it in the shower.

    submitted by /u/ThemightyTho
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    Playing through Emerald for the first time has made me realize how much I took the Physical-Special split for granted.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    I started with Generation IV, and after playing ORAS I decided to try Emerald and see how different it was. I'm enjoying it, but I do have one major complaint: the lack of the physical-special split. What was Game Freak thinking before Gen IV when they made Water-types with high Attack, but all of their STAB moves were special? Thank fuck they changed it. My Azumarill has to rely on Secret Power to put out damage because it can't use its god tier Attack for STAB moves, which doesn't feel right at all. How did people survive before the split?

    At least Sceptile actually gets to use Leaf Blade in Hoenn...

    submitted by /u/Tigertot14
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    We need an electric/fighting type.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    It just makes sense to me. Something that can throw lightning fast punches/kicks and the impact crackles like thunder. A Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee evolution maybe? I just think an electric fighting type would be freaking awesome lol.

    Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't already done a fighting/lightning type. The types mesh really well together. Opinions?

    submitted by /u/ShakeYouLikeHaiti
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    Pokémon follow you

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    Why in Pokémon Diamond, pearl and platinum there is only some Pokémon can follow you into the amity square ? What are your theories on that ? I think it was only game freak testing the mecanic for integrate that into HGSS later in reality but for the fun of creating a Pokémon theory that is in relasioship with the pokémon world let's make a theory ! :D

    submitted by /u/77749aeroblast
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 151: Shedinja

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    Shedinja's move is called Spirit Steal, a Special Ghost-Type move with 30% accuracy and 5 PP. It's a 1-Hit KO move.

    Shedinja's Pokédex entries talk about how looking into the hole in Shedinja's back will cause your soul to be absorbed by that Shedinja. So, I made that into a move. Credit to u/Justscrolling375 for giving me the idea. At first I wasn't that fond of the move since there are Pokémon without eyes, which thus can't see, which means they shouldn't logically be able to be affected by this move, and making these very few and specific Pokémon immune doesn't feel like it's something I should do. It didn't feel right. It still doesn't, so I just made blind Pokémon like Zubat and Panpour also affected by this move regardless.

    However, Normal-Type Pokémon are immune to this move, since every OHKO move has at least 1 type that isn't affected by it. Guillotine and Horn Drill can't hit Ghost-Type Pokémon, Sheer Cold can't hit Ice-Types, Fissure can't hit Flying-Type Pokémon, and even my own moves, Steelix's Crush Crash can't hit Steel-Type Pokémon and Gardevoir's Black Hole can't hit Dark-Types. The Normal-Type is immune to the Ghost-Type, hence Spirit Steal not being able to affect Normal-Type Pokémon.

    The move is performed by the user forcing the target to look into the hole in its back, which will allow it to absorb the target's spirit. However, getting the target to look at its back can be difficult, hence the low accuracy (or in this case, success rate) of the move. While the Pokédex entries don't state anything about returning the spirit to the body it was absorbed from, after the battle, or if the fainted Pokémon gets a Revive used on it, the fainted Pokémon will regain the spirit they lost because otherwise it'd be cruel and not really as family-friendly as Pokémon tends to want to be :/

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Out of the unused type combinations, which one are you looking forward to the most?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Title is fairly self-explanatory. I personally am looking forward to Fairy/Poison and Normal/Ghost. The first one seems like it could be a very quirky and fun design, and the second one seems competitively interesting. Feel free to go in-depth if you have any thoughts on what the pokemok could be based off and what the design could be like.

    As a bonus question, which unique combination disappointed you the most on release? For me, possibly Hydreigon and Dragalgae since I was hoping for more... I suppose menacing designs for their respective combos. Similarly the first Poison/Psychics just being regional Slowbro/king was a slight letdown.

    EDIT: I might later on make a new thread with a poll featuring the most commonly posted combos to find out which would be the most welcome.

    submitted by /u/Jumalautanen
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    Anyone else find it hard to go back to the era of forced wild encounters now that we have the newer overworld encounters?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    I know everyone's got their issues with SwSh, many of them fair, but damn if I don't love the overworld encounters. I decided to throw it back for a Diamond run, and it's been fun, but I realized how much I didn't miss the feeling of cringing as I walk through the last few spaces of a thick patch of grass, knowing I'm gonna be thrust into yet another encounter with a Starly I'm not gonna want to battle or catch. Caves are even worse. The constant 10-second layovers of waiting to smash the Run button completely turn me off of doing any exploration - it's like watching a Youtube video with an ad every minute. Of course you can buy Repels, but having a finite number of steps to work with dissuades me from exploring every nook and cranny.

    It's too bad that as they finally added this mechanic to the new games that would make exploration fun, they also omitted any places for you to actually explore.

    submitted by /u/chi_sweetness25
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    Got TM 26 through pickup on Heart Gold today!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    Feels like an accomplishment. Those who don't know, there is a 1% chance to get TM 26 (Earthquake) in Heart Gold using a lvl 90+ Pokémon with pickup. There is only a 10% chance for it to hold an item after a battle.

    I also caught a self-destruct munchlax from the Pokewalker on the same day.

    What are some things that you guys consider 'accomplishments' once you've completed the main game?

    submitted by /u/Maximillius55
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    Where can I get Pokémon Black 2?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    I really wanna get Pokémon Black 2 but the prices on eBay/Amazon are crazy expensive and I find it really challenging to determine whether they're real or not. I just wanna know if there are any other good options or if I'm just never gonna get my hands on that game

    submitted by /u/Cubbichu
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    My Gen 9 fanmade game

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Last night, I had a dream that I was director of the Gen 9 games. Since Pokémon and GameFreak was running out of ideas for Pokémon designs, I ask Pokémon fans around the world (on Pokémon Direct) to create a fakemon, and post it on social media, so that GameFreak could make them into actual Pokémon. Since the National Dex is at 898 Pokémon, I could only accept 102 Pokémon for Gen 9, so that the Pokédex becomes 1000. The region was based on 4 places, cause the region had 4 big areas; Winter Island (based on Antarctic), Summer Island (based on Australia's desert), Spring Island (based on Brazil's rainforest), and Fall Island (based on Madagascar). The region resembles a Pokeball that was sliced in 4. in the middle was a major city resembles Greece. The legendaries duo (box cover legendary) and other legendaries were based on Greek gods.

    submitted by /u/Sjonathon92
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    Accidentally bought fake gba games, what should I do?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    I'm kind of new to buying stuff off Ebay, so when I saw people selling the old games I thought "Great! I can relive my childhood days!" since I lost my old copy of Pokemon Leafgreen a long time ago. But even though the catridges looked official... yeah, they were bootlegs. Probably explains why they were quite cheap. So while it's not like I made a huge investment in this, I'm still pretty sad. The reason I wanted these older games was because I wanted to try collecting ribbons. But I have no idea if these bootleg games can trade Pokemon properly, and even if they can you can't trade Pokemon to the Hoenn games until you reach the post game which will take a while, and I don't know how stable these games are. So basically yeah, I've got bootleg copies of Leafgreen and Firered and now I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/seaofmirrors
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    What is your favorite postgame battle facility(s)?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    My personal favorite is the Pokemon World Tournament. Seeing every gym leader and champion return in a tournament style facility was mind blowing at the time. It was also a nice mix between difficult and approachable. It was nice to be able to take on the PWT with my in game team and still find success. It still offered a nice postgame challenge too.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Kohryuk
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    What happened to him?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    I was browsing youtube and i remembered a neat channel that covered pokemon rom hacks and interesting pokemon glitches, his name was "Diodelmetal". Unfortunately when i searched him up on youtube i only found an empty channel with no one of his videos/playlists. I'd be glad to find out what happened to him because he didn't seem that bad of a person and searching on google led to no new information. Sorry for my english, it isn't my first language so i kinda struggle with it.

    submitted by /u/dragonballfan2
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    New mawvile

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    So I just beat the new mawvile quest and it felt empty. I played the omega ruby version and I thought they would do something interesting like what they did with lavender town or the facility in gen 1. It was very small and I wish they would actually do something with the basement.

    submitted by /u/New-Aspect-2523
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    Where would a water type gym go in a Germany based region?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I am currently working on an idea for a Germany based region. I am kind of a germanophile, and I have come up with the English name of the water type badge, the Quell Badge (and the Japanese name of クェッレバッジ) (German name cannot be Quellorden, because that's the Cascade Badge).

    However, I don't know much in depth about many German cities, so I am wondering if anyone else has any ideas. I ask this because, as a resident of San Jose, California, I would like, if San Jose were to have a gym, for it to be the Winchester Mystery House, and be a ghost type gym, given that it would make for a wonderful gym layout, and would love the insights locals can have. Maybe there's something in a particular town that would make for a great gym? Where should I place it in Germany?

    Also, I was thinking that the ace could be a Pokémon based on the marbled electric ray, and be a water type, given this, maybe der Stromorden could work as a German name?

    submitted by /u/thomasp3864
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    Cannot find save files

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Me and my friend are doing a renegade platinum playthrough. He restarted his laptop because he could not find internet but when he tried to restart he had to force close and when he relaunched desmume all of his save files for the game were lost. Any one have any idea how to fix this??

    submitted by /u/JesperBieser
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    What games would exist in the Pokemon world?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    I was wondering this while playing Pokemon Sword last night. Your character has the current console in their room. What do they play before starting a Pokemon adventure? Maybe other Nintendo games?

    Do past Pokemon games exist in universe, or would that be too weird? Is there entertainment that is not Pokemon based?

    submitted by /u/Larielia
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    Main game legendary

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    So i can't figure out polls so just discuss but which main game legendary would you say is the best (not including primal and mega) and worst from a visual and competitive view and what non main game legendary would you like to see have a game and what would it's counterpart be (e.g. if cresselia had a game it's counterpart would probably be darkrai)

    submitted by /u/Yazblast-Dragonia19
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    Why did I collect all of the Unown? I wasted 3 days of my life.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    I hate Unown. It's one of my least favourite pokemon. I don't have Home Premium so they filled up my box. There is no reward to this other than a wallpaper in Home. It was a fun challenge to collect them all but I feel disappointed. The GTS was very helpful this time. Thank you ravrik42 for trading me the last few for the collection.

    submitted by /u/Anti-Anti-Vaxxer
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    A team for doubles using only new Pokémon?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I wanted to make a competitive team to use in doubles using only 8th Gen Pokémon and/or Galar forms but I'm not very good at team buildind. I know there are some very good Pokémon like Indeedee or Duralodon but I can't make up my mind to build a good team. Does anyone have any recommendations for teams, movesets etc?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/DeeperIntoTheUnknown
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    Should i buy platnium and Pearl?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    I planning to get a legit darkrai in 2021, can you only get him in Diamond and Pearl with a glitch or can you also get him in platium. I have bought platnium but should i buy Pearl too, please tell me in the comments if you can get him legit with a glitch or something in platnium.

    submitted by /u/FrickACreeperBra
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