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    Saturday, April 24, 2021

    Pokémon Controversial opinion? I can't wait for DP remakes

    Pokémon Controversial opinion? I can't wait for DP remakes

    Controversial opinion? I can't wait for DP remakes

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Don't know if this is controversial or not but I see a lot of people talking about the new remakes in a negative way, either regarding the art style or the possibility of not including plat features, I just thought I'd give my positive spin on it.

    Pokemon Diamond was one of the first games I had, I got it on Christmas Eve on the Nintendo DS and I remember staying up most of the night playing that thing. I loved the battles, the Pokemon, the art, it was just so different to other games I played (Playstation born boy). When there was a rumour of a remake, I couldn't wait to relive trying to get Riolu, Spiritomb, Dialga, playing in the underground caves, choosing my boy Piplup and so much more.

    Regarding the art style, I think they look really cute and I'm glad it's not Sword and Shield graphics. Honestly, I've been replaying some Gameboy games and I think I'm sometimes drawn to the more pixelated graphics instead of the newer graphics, maybe it's nostalgia talking but as I say, I cannot wait to replay Diamond. Regarding the Plat features, if they're there then great but if not, I will still be buying it day one, it's a Diamond and Pearl remake, not a Platinum remake.

    I feel as though I am alone in this but just wanted to spread a bit of positivity for this.

    submitted by /u/darren-mcg
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    Favorite Tiny Mythical Pokemon?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Design wise, vote for your favorite tiny mythical. Mine has to be Jirachi. I love its design concept, it grants wishes, and it's so adorable! But I pretty much love all of them, they're so cute! Also, if you just want to talk about your favorite mythical in general, feel free to.

    So, go ahead and vote and have a fantastic day!

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    submitted by /u/AmberBamberAlligator
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    My 4 year old is obsessed with Pokémon but there are no kids around him that shares the same interest

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    He has watched the 3 seasons of Sun and Moon Ultra legends, 3 times. We do raids and battle in Pokémon Go, and he even knows some of the matchups ie, Dark > Ghost. He knows 3 stage evolutions of more Pokémon than me now. He can name 200+ pokemons, but he still can't sing the ABC song in full without assistance.

    My problem now is that I'm the only one he's sharing this interest with, and no one in his preschool knows much about Pokémon. Did I introduce him too early? I sometimes feel like we should have stayed on the more common interests first like dinosaur, superheroes, etc.

    submitted by /u/doggie_doggie
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    You wake up and are in the Pokémon world. You can move to any region you want to with the exceptions of Alola and Galar because they’re still working on those. Which region are you flying to?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Just to reiterate, you wake up one morning, look out the window, and realize you're somehow in the Pokémon world. Maybe you want to be a trainer. Maybe a breeder. Maybe just a tourist. Maybe a future champion or gym leader. Whichever path you choose, your journey is about to start. All you have to do is choose which region to fly to and start you journey at. Where are you going?

    The manufacturers are still constructing Alola and Galar to make it more tourist friendly so they are off limits for the time being

    What region do you want to go to? Either for your permanent journey or a vacation

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    submitted by /u/M9L9_B
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    What system did you play your first mainline game on?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Pretty self explanatory. This only includes the mainline gen 1 to 8 titles, so no rangers, colosseum, mystery dungeon, etc. Remakes however do count for this poll. In my personal opinion the DS was the pokemon handheld but my first title was sapphire on the advance. Newer fans might say switch and that's fine.

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    submitted by /u/spudz1203
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    After Playing Gen 3, Gen 8's Flaws Became More Clear to me.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    TLDR : The route design in Gen 3 made it felt like we were on an adventure but Gen 8's make it seem like we're on a scenic walk.

    When I first played through SwSh I had a solid amount of fun. I liked the Pokemon and the music and overall I was enjoying myself at the very least. But after replaying the game, I don't know how I had fun. The trainers are easy, the routes are linear and the music, while excellent, gets repetitive after a while. I'm not the first one to mention this and I'm definitely not going to be the last one but SwSh kinda sucks.

    Compare this to Gen 3 for example. The region of Hoenn feels vast and it feels like you could explore there for hours and hours. While Galar is a beautiful region, you have to admit that there isn't much exploration you can do when most routes are just a line that turns.

    Route design is very subjective though so let me try to explain what I mean when I say Hoenn feels vast. I think the best example of excellent route design in the routes from Mauville to Fortree. Getting there for the first time (if you haven't memorized it like me) is no small task. First you need the HM for Surf. HM's suck but surf is one that you can comfortably teach to your Pokemon though. After you surf and get to the other side you are met up by Steven Stone. Him being there foreshadows his later appearance. You battle a couple of trainers and you are brought into a rain forest. I really like this because although it's short it makes you feel like an explorer trekking through the harsh environments.

    You fight Team Magma and Aqua and you're almost done! Until May/Brendan comes out to challenge you. After you wreck them you fight a couple more trainers and you arrive in Fortree. Route design is probably the dumbest thing to describe because you can never make it seem as awesome as it really is but I hope I showed you why I like Gen 3's routes so much.

    I know there are other examples of things Gen 3 does better than Gen 8 (like Gym leaders why do some of Galar's gym leaders have less than 4 moves?!) but route design is one of the most important part in a Pokemon game to me.

    submitted by /u/MrEPersonlol
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    Favorite Middle Water Starter?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: Reddit only allows 6 options, so I took the most popular (or I'm assuming the most popular) 6 of the 8 middle stages. I've heard the most slander towards Brionne and Prinplup, so I'm going with them.

    Although I like Brionne... ;-;

    Anyway, Dewott is the obvious answer here. Coming from a die hard Samurott fan, I think they're both great. Dewott is just so great though, that it could have been its own thing if it wanted to.

    I'm guessing Dewott and Frogadier will get the most votes, but show me and vote!

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    submitted by /u/Coleman501
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    One day you wake up in the world of pokemon and decide to catch your first pokemon, who's your buddy? Do you use them for battles or for your job?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    You can choose any non-legendary/mythical/ultrabeast and whatever pokemon you choose has to be in its earliest evolution. For example, if you wanted gyarados you would have to start with magikarp and if you wanted machamp you would start with machop. You would journey with your partner in hopes to be champion. Who do you choose and why? Do you evolve them or not?

    submitted by /u/BoredGoose1
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    Survey: Which Pokemon have you used in Sword and Shield on an in-game playthrough?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    This is a survey that hopefully gains traction, but this is mainly to assess what Pokemon have been most commonly and uncommonly used in Sword and Shield in-game runs.

    SW/SH Usage Survey

    The way to answer this survey is quite simple: click the checkboxes of every Pokemon you've used at least once in an in-game run of Sword and Shield. If you've done multiple playthroughs of it ever, click on every Pokemon you've ever used across those playthroughs.

    (Legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon are not included)

    submitted by /u/ScraftyIsBest
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    I want to play but I don't..

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    I love pokemon, it was a key component of my childhood and the memories keep me happy. Well, more of a bittersweet nostalgia. I want to play again, but everytime I try a new rom hack, I just get bored of it and can't force myself through it. Anyone else experience this?

    submitted by /u/MrNameGuySir
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    The best rival

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    Who do you think the best rival is in the pokemon games? Only doing Gens 1-5 because I can only do 6 options. My personal favorite is Silver from G/S and HG/SS because other than Blue, he is the only rival that actually feels like a rival, like someone you genuinely dislike. The others to me just feel like friendly competition. Also I think he's a better rival than blue because he's a legit criminal lol.

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    submitted by /u/Camboney2020
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    Which generation has the best music?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    I excluded gen 1 because it doesn't really have that many soundtracks and gen 8 also has little soundtracks compared to other gens.

    I personally think that gen 7 has the best soundtrack overall because, come on, Gladion's theme, Ultra Necrozma theme, Tapu Ruins, Elite four theme, Lusamine theme both encounter theme and battle theme, of course its amazing. But I think pokemon does really good when it comes to music, even with sword and Shield, a game I really didn't like, I still love the soundtrack. Its just that they didn't put enough music in the game.

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    submitted by /u/DynaJoestar
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    So about the Latest Pokemon Journeys PV. Could Pokemon Rotation become a thing once more but with pokemon from all regions?.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    So, back when Riolu had just hatched and Ash was obsessed over him and kinda neglected Pikachu for a episode and Pikachu ended up running away.

    I and pretty much everyone in the Pokemon community thought to themselves, "Imagine how Ash's pokemon at Prof. Oak Lab feel".

    Honestly its something that started annoying me since the Unova Region, Ash treating bis Pokemon like toys, he gets new ones and he dumps the rest to rot at Prof Oaks lab. I mean, I know I want him to make his Qulava into Typhlosion, Gible onto Papa Garchomp, basically evolve all his Pokemon.

    So i was taken aback when Pikachu ran away, but now that we've seen the newest PV and some of the summaries, It is implied Ash's Infernape ran away from Prof Oaks Lab. This could be brilliant in my POV because it can make Ash aware that the Pokemon at Prof Oak Lab are still his Pokemon, maybe it can be a wake up call to start a Massive Rotation to get everyone into Tip Top Shape.

    I hope that's the case, what do you guys think?.

    PS: Ash's Dream Team for me its

    Pikachu Charizard Sceptile Greninja Dragonite Lucario

    With Infernape, Heracross, Gengar in Rotation. Evolving his Quilava into Typhlosion and Pignite into Emboar would be fantastic. His Snivy into Superior and Oshawott into Samurott. Gible into Garchomp.

    submitted by /u/ChaoticThinker
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    Favorite Final Water Starter

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: Reddit only allows 6 options, so I've taken the 6 most popular, which are the first 6 generations of the water starters, funnily enough. At least from what I can tell.

    After the success of my ongoing middle stage water starter poll, here's this.

    I think we all know Greninja is winning alongside Swampert, but if I don't include them I'll be slaughtered (over a fictional game lmao) so I'll include them. Normally, I'd take the most popular 2 out since we'll know they'll win (and thus, we'd get more varied results), but like I said, I'd be crucified. Don't want that lmao.

    Although my favorite is Samurott...if the other 5 Samurott fans are here, let yourself be known 😭 I think it'll be the least chosen here by far, since the first four and Greninja are just that popular.

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    submitted by /u/Coleman501
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    I bought the DLC and am amazed at the exploration and intricacy of the Crown Tundra

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I bought the DLC about 2 weeks ago. I thought I had pretty much explored through all the terrain and recently just encountered Ballimere Lake, I had absolutely no idea it was even a thing and the only way to get there was to ACTUALLY explore and bike down the river. I love it when there has to be real actual exploration and investigation of your surroundings to get to a new place.

    If Sw/Sh had been left in the oven longer I think the whole game could have had better exploration including better routes and a more interesting Wild Area. I'm glad that the devs showed that they were capable of implementing interesting exploration in a 3D environment.

    submitted by /u/AttackOnGeckos
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    What’s your favorite memory of Pokémon?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I've been playing Pokémon since I was 6 years old, and I've had very diverse memories of Pokémon some I like, some I didn't but I'm gonna share my favorite and least favorite Pokémon memories.

    1st Favorite: I share two favorite memories of Pokémon, the first one was when I got my first game(white 2) and DS for Christmas. 6 year old me had been watching YouTubers like Munching Orange and Purple Rodri(sad about what he did) incessantly. When I got it and first plugged the cartridge into my DS, the magical feeling I felt made the agonizing wait worth it.

    2nd favorite: Alright, this is going to sound really simple, but it was the rides up to places when ever we went on vacation. A memory I fondly remember was when I was playing Diamond and I was stuck on Pastoria's gym. Hours of gameplay and I still couldn't figure it out, but on that one car ride, I did and it was one of the best feelings ever. I remember the excitement I felt during the battle, and the gratification I had winning. It's simple, but it hits close to home in a world that is so much harder for me now than it ever was.

    Least favorite: My least favorite memory of Pokémon was in White 2 when I was grinding up my insanely over leveled Samurott. I was running through Lentimas when I came across an level 30 shiny Drifblim. This was the first shiny I came across, so six year old me was shaking with excitement. I then proceeded to one shot the Drifblim with my level 60 Samurott, and was left there in shock. I knew what I did wrong, and cried about it all day. Just teaches you not to over level you're Pokémon, huh?

    Well anyway, those were my favorite and least favorite memories of Pokémon. I'm trying to spread positivity and see it in all kinds of different communities so please don't be afraid to type your favorite and/or least favorite Pokémon memory in the reply's!

    submitted by /u/Sentrice
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    Could Meowth register as a trainer if he wanted to?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Was just wondering about Meowth's legal standing if he wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer.

    If I recall, in the first movie one of the trainers reacted as though it was absurd that Mewtwo believed himself a Pokémon Trainer. Almost like it offended the sensibilities of human trainers as the dominant elite.

    But could Meowth, a Pokémon without the raw power to force the matter, register as a Pokémon Trainer? (Ignoring the fact they are a criminal.)

    submitted by /u/Twilord_
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    Biggest complaint of BDSP? (Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    I can tell lots of people are worried of BDSP not doing well, as some think they should add more modern features, some think they should have modern designs, etc. for me I don't see much of a problem as long as they have Platinum Dex at least and let me relive Sinnoh. I was unsure what people disliked most so I decided to find out here.

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    submitted by /u/SKYTimoT1999
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    A New Kind of Champion

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    Out of all the things the Pokémon fanbase has asked for over the years concerning the mainline video game series, one of the most frequent requests is the return of the jerk rival. While that itch has been somewhat scratched by the introduction of Bede from Sword and Shield, he didn't quite hit as hard as a Blue or Silver kind of character. While I'm still holding out for one more despicable rival to overcome, I can't help but think that we have been going on about this the wrong way. After all, we've had jerk rivals before, but what about a jerk champion?

    [Yes, I'm aware that Blue became a champion and was a jerk while being said champion, but his role in the game was to be a rival first and foremost]

    How I would go about writing this particular champion is to establish them as a jerk as soon as humanly possible. How soon? For me, going off of the Gen 8 formula, I'd set that up in the cutscene right after the intro.

    A promising new challenger enters the arena and the announcer introduces them as someone who had taken the Gym challenge by storm and has impressed many by showing much potential for someone from a small town (it's the town your player character is from and they're watching the battle on TV). We introduce the Champion as someone who has held that title for a LONG time. I'm talking about someone who is in their mid 30s and still dresses in the same bright, obnoxious clothing that they wore when they first beat the league in their teens.

    Flash forward to when your character is old enough to start their own journey, but as you're heading out, you over hear some townsfolk talk about how it's getting close to the anniversary of when "our supposed hero" got embarrassed by the champion by losing in no time flat. When you eventually get to the first gym, it's actually led by the former town hero and it's pretty noticeable that most of their passion as a Pokémon trainer has left them. Along your journey, you'll come across broadcasts of interviews with the Champion being as loud and brash as usual with even one of those being a post-battle interview after an exhibition match with a fellow regional champion (someone like Steven or Iris).

    Yes, not only is this someone you find irredeemably annoying, but it's painful knowing that they can back it up.

    Here's the plot twist: after your fourth or fifth badge, a broadcast with breaking news goes live on the champion in a impromptu press conference stating that they are no longer the champion due to a recent loss (probably to the region's evil crime boss or something). Good news, you'll be able to challenge them post-game where they'll have age appropriate attire and a sense of humility, and yes, this will be the toughest battle in the game.

    Thanks for reading! I might write later further explaining what I'd want the evil crime organization to be 😏

    submitted by /u/Cerebrum-Igni
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    Pokemon Shield afterthought

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    Hey everyone so I recently just finished my first playthrough of pokemon shield after not wanting to play the game since its release. I always heard more bad than good about the game, and when a friend of mine lent me his copy I finally gave it a try.

    I have to say it's as I was told. What I really like about the game was the new pokemon since it's always great to see new designs. Another thing was the designs of the towns in the game, I really liked how they felt alive especially the fairy town in the forest. The camping was a nice and cute novelty too.

    But those good points end there. As expected the game is really easy, I only struggled during 2 battles because I stopped training my pokemon. The "evil" team (team Yell) wasn't really all that much they seemed like knockoff team skull. They even did the thing where they would "takeover" a town but it really didn't had the same effect. Overall the story felt really bland honestly which is pity because, again, I kind of liked their designs. In Sun and Moon you get a glimpse of Legendary pokemons here and there and tapukoko even appears and has this great scene. You have this folklore around them too.

    In Shield the legendary duo isn't really all that much they only make an appearance at the end, it was hype, but it felt rushed. And the big bad pokemon Ethernatus, well I don't like him he feels not finished.

    Overall Shield was a nice experience but it felt like parts of X&Y / Sun and Moon were put together not that greatly. But oh well I still had fun stomping on Hop and his wooloo.

    submitted by /u/LeNiceGuy66
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    I have a challenge for the Pokémon community

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    How it will work: The first person comments something good about Gen 1, the next person replies with a comment with an improvement that happened in Gen 2. The next person replies with an improvement that happened in Gen 3, so on and so forth until Gen 8, to which we loop back to Gen 1. This can be about anything, game mechanics , cards, spin-offs, the anime. Let's aim for 24 consecutive. How you can lose: if the gens are out of order, if the fact is incorrect, or if someone in the chain says something not part of the game. You can have a conversation outside the chain though. Edit: Also you lose if you say something someone else has said before. And also on mobile

    submitted by /u/KrishKabob
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    Frustrated in Online Battles in Sword and Shield

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    I have lost approximately 50 times when I go online via Y-com or VS. I always play by their rules which are lv50 vs lv50 singles and doubles. But every time I battle these guys, they always end up sweeping my Pokemon's with little to no effort.

    When I use the same Pokemon as theirs their pokemon don't even take any major damage. When they attack mine, it's a one-hit KO.

    When I use super-effective moves on their pokemon, it doesn't even do any damage to their health. I don't even know what I am doing wrong. I tried using legendaries, maxing out my IV and EV, using high power moves, and leveling up. But it doesn't seem to work. So can someone give me some pointers on what I am doing wrong?

    Sorry, I am getting so frustrated to the point I don't even want to play Pokemon anymore.

    submitted by /u/E_Man671
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