• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 25, 2021

    Pokémon I actually prefer the old sprite-based visuals to the modern fully-3D stuff

    Pokémon I actually prefer the old sprite-based visuals to the modern fully-3D stuff

    I actually prefer the old sprite-based visuals to the modern fully-3D stuff

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    I have nothing against the modern 3D visuals, and I think it was a natural/inevitable evolution for the series. But to be honest, I legitimately prefer the aesthetic of the old games. I also really like the mild use of 3D in the DS ones, so Gen 4/5 are in my opinion the best looking Pokemon games overall.

    Probably a very unpopular opinion I'm assuming, but the BD/SP trailer inspired me to go back to the original and I was blown away by how beautiful it still looks 😍

    Edit - Sounds like I was wrong to assume this opinion is unpopular. I haven't kept up to date with the community for several years now and at a glance, it seemed like the modern 3D visuals were liked well enough

    submitted by /u/ThermalFlask
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    How would you localize "Pikachu"?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    After checking Bulbapedia, I found out almost every language just transcribes the Pokémon's name. I think it would be really interesting to find out how you would localize the mascot's name to your native language (like how other Pokémon names are puns or are made up of two words mashed together, etc.) and what the new name would mean?

    submitted by /u/LucaBGT
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    If you could ask the devs three questions about the Pokémon franchise and get honest answers, what would you ask and why?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    My three -

    Why did features from Emerald not make it into ORAS? Things like the battle frontier, gym leader rechallenges, expanded safari zone, etc

    What happened to Pokémon Z? There were so many hints and dialogue that led us to believe there would be another game.

    Why do so many Gen 2 Pokémon have such low base stat totals? Pokes like Stantler, Ledian, Dunsparce, Ariados, Noctowl, Sunflora...They're practically unusable

    submitted by /u/bodnast
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    New PV for the Journeys anime was released in Japan

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    You can watch the video here (this was the only place I could find it).

    These are technically spoilers so be warned.

    submitted by /u/OkayOpenTheGame
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    In a futuristic dream world, all of the regions are combined into one and all new Pokémon trainers have 6 options for their starter. Who are you choosing?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    In this futuristic world, like I said all of the 8 regions have, over time, come together to form one giant region (or mega region). All of the Pokémon from each region have migrated throughout. There are no longer 3 starter Pokémon per region. Instead, professors have gotten rid of the classic 3 starters per region and instead, they have selected 6 different kinds of Pokémon for new trainers to choose from. Who are you picking for your first Pokémon?

    You can only choose one of these 6. Otherwise, you would have to have your first Pokémon some other way, not through the Professors

    Who are you choosing?

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    submitted by /u/M9L9_B
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    Hot take: X and Y were better than Diamond and Pearl

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    There are a couple reasons I think this, and I'll list them here:

    (This got long, sorry.)


    The XY pokédex is one of the best - if not the best - in the series. There's massive variety, with the highest total pokémon in a regional dex in any game. Additionally, the routes are packed with pokémon, a first for the series. Comparatively, DP's pokédex is so bad it destroys almost all of the replayability - there's a reason everyone's Sinnoh teams are basically identical.


    When it comes to story, that's more subjective, but DP's story without the Platinum extensions is just kind of bland. Cyrus is boring, the Admins aren't that memorable, Looker doesn't exist yet, the Legendary storyline is anticlimactic when Giratina disappears. XY's story has a lot more potential, with the relationship between Lysandre and Sycamore being interesting, and AZ's story being fascinating, if only it had been developed a bit more. If a third version had been made, I think the story could really shine.


    I'll concede there are too many rivals in XY, but some of them are actually good. Serena's similar to Hop in terms of character arc, except she's more determined and less friendly. Shauna's the friendly rival and she has genuinely good character development and an arc. Barry is a good character, but Lucas is just a little bland, and without much personality.


    DP has way too many HMs. There are 8 in total, meaning 2 of your party slots have to be taken up by hm slaves unless you want to have to sprinkle sub-par moves on your proper team. Additionally, you need five to get through Victory Road. Five!! In XY, there are five HMs total, with only two of them being necessary to get through the game.


    DP is more difficult, sure, but not everyone is looking for difficulty in a pokémon game. That's why we have nuzlockes and rom hacks and challenge runs. Also, no one is forcing you to use the XY Exp Share. All you have to do is turn it off. It massively reduces the need for grinding, which I think is good actually.

    New Mechanics

    XY introduced the Fairy type, which was a much needed nerf to the overpowered dragon type. (Personally I think if it had been introduced in Gen 4, Cynthia wouldn't have been nearly so hard, but I digress.) It also introduced Pokémon Amie, and the ability to actually play with and pet your pokémon was an excellent addition for a series focused on friendship. Super Training made for an easy and efficient way to control your pokémon's EVs, making it accessible to even very casual players, who didn't have a solid understanding of the mechanics. And, can't forget Mega Evolutions. Love them or hate them, they had a massive impact on the series and introduced some really cool new designs.

    DP introduced the Underground, the Pokétch, and poffins. All are cool (the Underground in particular) but overall, the pokétch and poffins are more gimmicks than real features. The Underground is great, but without wifi and friends to play with, it feels kind of sad trawling around empty tunnels.


    The PSS is the best online system there ever was in a pokémon game. Intuitive to use, on the touch-screen for easy access, responsive to internet updates. The Union Room isn't bad, but it does require you to go to the pokémon centre and enter the room, which is tedious and impractical most of the time.

    Anyway yeah, that's my rant over. Please do not eviscerate me, this is just my opinion. If you think that DP are superior to XY that's your opinion and that's fine.

    submitted by /u/thalissic
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    Bye White 2

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    I beat it fully in my terms. Finally. Probably the best game I've ever played

    Some things to say:


    Unfezant - Oh brother, this guy stinks!

    Lucario - Best Pokémon of all time. We'll have more fun in Sinnoh.

    Samurott - Best Unova starter hands down. This thing is a beast and I don't need to get an ugly water type for surf.

    Krookodile - You love killing Magnezones, huh?

    Magnezone - That flash cannon took 5 years to get but it hits hard. I'm just gonna say that you're cool in this game but I'll never touch you in sword and shield.

    Altaria - Tool that I used and it replaced Unfezant so yeah

    Zoroark - Nasty Plot. Okay, something bigger for you. You confused me a lot and had toxic. You're really cool but I honestly don't know what to say about you.

    (Complaints) Encounters - I feel like there is one every second of my life HMs - Glad they're gone. Never come back. Forces of Nature - Why aren't you in the game? Abyssal Ruins - Why is there just money I want Kyogre or Lugia


    Music - What do I have to say? This is godly.

    Difficulty - Good difficulty that kept me playing the game instead of beating everyone easily. The random trainers were perfect in difficulty

    Story - Team Plasma is probably my favorite team. The Liepard story is pretty cool. Hugh is a great rival and hero. I don't think I can really say anything about Ghetsis and N though because I haven't played the 1st versions but they're pretty nice.

    Art - The battle layout is great and the moving pixelated Pokémon is a great touch.

    Post Game - The legendaries are nice. I appreciate how it isn't "look at this pokemon and catch it" and has interesting stuff to do. There's only a few, but I don't mind. I only really discovered the extra cities, routes, and legendaries so I don't have much to say here.

    (Battles) Gyms - Holy these are incredibly hard to this day. They're cool, but super hard, which is a good thing.

    Trainers - As I said they pretty much are on the same level as me and are good for training. They're smart enough to dodge Perish Song (atleast in the post game).

    Elite Four - Decent difficulty. I lost once and forgot about saving but I just beat them after.

    Iris - How did I ever struggle against you? It was pretty easy to beat you.

    White Forest - Challenging at times but you take too long so I didn't finish you and never will

    Finally, Cynthia. I have things to say about her. You're easy. You aren't the strongest trainer. Never show up in my region again. YOU SUCK. YOU THINK YOU'RE SO GOOD BUT NO, YOU'RE TERRIBLE. Get out. Your Garchomp was probably the 2nd easiest pokemon on your team to beat. So yeah, don't try it again, because when I get Platinum I'm coming to send you and your useless Lucario to a very bad place.

    Okay, that's it. Bye.

    submitted by /u/SharkSniper
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    Favorite Pokedex designs?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    What is your favorite Pokedex designs? Personally mine is Gen 5 because it designs looks like a modern version of the Gen 1 model. I also think it has the best OS.


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    submitted by /u/depressededgelord01
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    Which Six Pokemon Would You Have Based On Design Alone?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this kind of question has been posted before, but I was inspired by an article from Bogleech regarding personal expression through teams of favorite Pokemon. This world has practically all kinds of monsters, and all of them can be your friends. So I'd be interested to see what team of six others would have based on personal connections to certain Pokemon designs, or what animal or monster they're based on. As for myself, it's a bit hard to choose since my tastes in Pokemon are a bit all over the place, and the fact there are already hundreds of them makes me thrilled.

    submitted by /u/Uggz2020
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    All Pokemon should be competitive

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    There's a saying that every single Pokemon is someone's favorite. I'm not big into the competitive scene, but I know enough to know that it revolves around a handful of Pokemon. The spirit of Pokemon is that you should play with the ones you love and it doesn't particularly matter if they're good or not. That being said, it's pretty hard to love Pokemon that aren't up to snuff and even harder to utilize the Pokemon you love if they aren't either.

    I think part of this comes from the single-player aspect of the game and how you get rewarded/challenged with harder and better Pokemon as you progress, but, just because Caterpie are common doesn't mean that Butterfree shouldn't have much higher stats so that it can at least reasonably fight against Pokemon later in the game. It's extremely within the spirit of Pokemon to bond with the ones you catch, and the game shouldn't punish you for wanting to use Pokemon that you started your journey out with (they already do it with the starters to an extent, just not the ones you have to catch right after that). You might also be arguing that a Rattata shouldn't be able to go up against Arceus. I don't disagree with that, but a) it's not that black and white, especially when Pokemon like Arceus are already banned from most online play for that reason, b) if Bidoof can fight God, so can Rattata, and c) I think the idea that "me and this rat were able to kill god through the power of friendship" is very in line with the central premise of Pokemon.

    Some of this just has to come from giving lots of Pokemon stat boosts so that the gap between the highest and lowest performers is bridged, but, on top of that, some Pokemon have really unique typings that are cool but just can't perform because of it (Parasect comes to my mind), and they need something along the lines of an ability or moveset boost that allows their typing to shine.

    This isn't a controversial opinion (that's the whole reason we do rebuild Tuesdays), and obviously there's a lot of minutia that I missed that probably makes this slightly unfeasible, but even doing stuff like evening out stats more would probably help.

    submitted by /u/scienceguy2442
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    First Time Beating Pokemon Platinum

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    I hadn't played Pokemon since my childhood in the late 90s with the original games, until this year when I played Pokemon Platinum for the first time ever due to seeing YouTubers I follow playing it.

    I finally beat the game yesterday and I also beat Cynthia on my first try. I had heard how difficult she was as a Champion and how she still holds that notoriety to this day.

    Overall, I enjoyed my experience playing Platinum and getting back into Pokemon after all these years. I did not do a Nuzlocke playthrough but I may consider doing one at some point.

    submitted by /u/ggaleana89
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    Helping my child - the beginnings of Pokemon

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Hi! I have a young child who is interested in Pokemon. We play PoGo, but didn't know where else to maybe introduce more of Pokekon to them.

    When I grew up, Gen 1 TCG just hit USA. So, I'm not sure if TCG is the way to go, as there are so many new cards, etc. Or Gameboy stuff, like old Red/Blue, or Nintendo's new Game on Switch?

    Just trying to gage where best to further provide fun for my growing trainer! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Josephus08
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    What is your favorite peace of Pokémon media?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    Between the incredible turn based RPG world of the game, the child like wonder and adventure of the Pokémon anime, the incredible world building and battles of Pokémon Special, the strategy and planning of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, the nice bite sized adventure of the Pokémon spin-off games, or just something else entirely, what's your favorite? Be sure to comment your reasoning. I personally love Pokémon Special to bits, but I'd like to hear what the majority thinks.

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    submitted by /u/DuckMeam
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    Best Pokémon Type Combination

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Hi all! I wanted to know which Pokémon type combinations are the best, both for attacking and defending, so I wrote a program that analyses every Pokémon type combination and matches it up against every single other combination. This includes all single types + dual types for a total of 171 matchups.

    For each instance, I determine the offensive and defensive capabilities, and a total score. These numbers are calculated assuming you are using the BEST option (i.e. a fighting/water would use a fighting move vs a grass/normal) - in this case the grass/normal type would be regarded as weak against fighting/water (but also fighting/water would be weak to grass/normal, due to the grass element).

    For example, an offense score of 1 would mean that on average the type combination is just regularly effective against all others, while a score of 2 means that it is super effective (the higher the score the better). This also applies for defence: a score of 0.5x means that on average most other type combinations are not very effective against it (the lower the score the better).

    I won't go into the nitty gritty of the program but here are the results:


    There are some interesting findings:

    1. The best defensive Pokémon typing is Fairy/Steel, which is the only typing that on average receives <1x damage against every other combination .
    2. The best offensive Pokémon type is Ground/Ice, with a score of 1.81. This means that against the majority of all other combination it will be able to do a super effective attack.
    3. The very best Pokémon type overall is Ground/Fire, due to being extremely offensively strong, while still remaining halfway (86/171) defensively.
    4. The very worst Pokémon typing is single type Grass, but I think everyone knew that.
    5. There are lots of types that are very good offensively but also very weak defensively, effectively being glass cannons.
    6. In general, single types score REALLY low, with 7 of the bottom 10 being single types for overall stat.

    Of course this program doesn't regard abilities, so Levitate for instance would affect these results quite drastically (and would probably wipe any ground type completely), but you get a general idea of how the Pokémon Company balances the game.

    If you are interested in the programming side, the program is available to download from:


    Written in C++ and can be run in Visual Studio.

    If anyone has any questions don't hesitate to message, thanks!

    submitted by /u/SnappySkillz
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    Unova remakes should be in 2D

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    I know it isn't just me who really misses the old art style of pokemon games. I get that the jump to 3D was inevitable but I wish that some games would go back to 2D, especially since the gen 5 games pretty much mastered the 2D style

    A lot of the pokemon look much better as 2D sprites and it would be a lot easier for the developers to make so they could focus on other elements of the game

    The only changes would be that the sprites would be less pixely and the 3D cutscenes would get an update

    And for the 3D fans they could always give Unova a Legends game

    submitted by /u/andmurr
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    Making Pokemon X&Y more difficult.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    Pokemon X&Y were really amazing games. The mega evolutions were awesome, it had many good soundtracks, cool pokemon, a new 3D look etc. However one main issue with these games is that they are way too easy!

    I have modified the gym leaders & elite four teams to make them more of a challenge but not too difficult so that they are enjoyable. Think of it as a concept for Pokemon Z - a enhanced version of X&Y. This idea was inspired by MandJTV's video on X&Y, please go support him.

    Viola - TM76 Struggle Bug

    Surskit (Lvl.11)
    - Quick Attack
    - Bubble
    - Struggle Bug

    Vivillion (Lvl.12)
    - Tackle
    - Harden
    - Struggle Bug

    Grant - TM39 Rock Tomb

    Binacle (Lvl. 23)
    - Rock Tomb
    - Clamp
    - Slash

    Amaura (Lvl.25)
    - Aurora Beam
    - Rock Tomb
    - Thunder Wave
    - Take Down

    Tyrunt (Lvl.25)
    - Rock Tomb
    - Bite
    - Stomp

    Korrina - TM08 Bulk Up

    Mienfoo (Lvl.29)
    - Powerup Punch
    - Fake Out
    - Payback
    - Double Slap

    Machoke (Lvl.29)
    - Rock Slide
    - Seismic Toss
    - Bulk-Up

    Hawlucha @ Sitrus Berry (Lvl.32)
    - Flying Press
    - Aerial Ace
    - Payback
    - Bulk-U

    Ramos - TM53 Energy Ball

    Jumpluff (Lvl.30)
    - Energy Ball
    - Acrobatics
    - Sunny Day
    - Leech Seed

    Victreebel (Lvl.31)
    - Energy Ball
    - Venoshock
    - Toxic
    - Stockpile

    Trevenant (Lvl. 31)
    - Grass Knot
    - Shadow Claw
    - Feint Attack
    - Will-O-Wisp

    Gogoat (Lvl.34)
    - Energy Ball
    - Bulldoze
    - Wild Charge
    - Synthesis

    Clemont - TM24 Thunderbolt

    Dedenne @ Oran Berry (Lvl.33)
    - Volt-Switch
    - Grass Knot
    - Charm
    - Eerie Impulse

    Lanturn (Lvl.34)
    - Thunderbolt
    - Surf
    - Confuse Ray
    - Thunder Wave

    Magneton (Lvl.35)
    - Thunderbolt
    - Mirror Shot
    - Electric Terrian
    - Thunder Wave

    Heliolisk (Lvl.37)
    - Thunderbolt
    - Parabolic Charge
    - Surf
    - Quick Attack

    Valerie - TM99 Dazzling Gleam

    Florges (Lvl.38)
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Energy Ball
    - Psychic
    - Misty Terrian

    Azumarill (Lvl.39)
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Waterfall
    - Bulldoze
    - Reflect

    Granbull (Lvl. 43)
    - Play Rough
    - Fire Fang
    - Thunder Fang
    - Crunch

    Sylveon (Lvl.43)
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Shadow Ball
    - Attract
    - Charm

    Olympia (Double Battle) - TM29 Psychic

    Sigilyph (Lvl.44)
    - Psychic
    - Air Slash
    - Light Screen
    - Reflect

    Malamar (Lvl.46)
    - Psycho Cut
    - Night Slash
    - Rock Slide
    - Swagger

    Male Meowstic (Lvl.47)
    - Psychic
    - Thunderbolt
    - Protect
    - Thunder Wave

    Female Meowstic (Lvl.48)
    - Psychic
    - Shadow Ball
    - Fake Out
    - Calm Mind

    Wulfric - TM Ice Beam

    Cryogonal (Lvl.55)
    - Ice Beam
    - Flash Cannon
    - Hail
    - Confuse Ray

    Mamoswine (Lvl.56)
    - Ice Fang
    - Earthquake
    - Stone Edge
    - Body Slam

    Avalugg (Lvl.59)
    - Avalanche
    - Crunch
    - Gyro Ball
    - Curse

    Mega Abomsnow @ Abomasite (Lvl.58)
    - Ice Beam
    - Energy Ball
    - Earthquake
    - Ice Shard

    Siebold (Elite Four Member)

    Clawitzer (Lvl.63)
    - Water Pulse
    - Dark Puse
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Sludge Bomb

    Gyarados (Lvl.63)
    - Waterfall
    - Ice Fang
    - Earthquake
    - Dragon Dance

    Starmie (Lvl.64)
    - Surf
    - Pyschic
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Light Screen

    Barbaracle (Lvl.65)
    - Razor Shell
    - Stone Edge
    - X-Scissor
    - Cross Chop

    Mega Blastoise @ Blastoisinite (Lvl.67)
    - Water Pulse
    - Dark Pulse
    - Aura Sphere
    - Ice Beam

    Malva (Elite Four Member)

    Pyroar (Lvl.63)
    - Flamethrower
    - Hyper Voice
    - Wild Charge
    - Noble Roar

    Torkoal (Lvl.63)
    - Flame Wheel
    - Earthquake
    - Stone Edge
    - Sunny Day

    Chandelure (Lvl.64)
    - Flamethrower
    - Shadow Ball
    - Will-O-Wisp
    - Dark Pulse

    Talonflame (Lvl.65)
    - Acrobatics
    - Flare BLitz
    - Steel Wing
    - Roost

    Mega Houndoom @ Houndoominite (Lvl.67)
    - Flamethrower
    - Dark Pulse
    - Solar Beam
    - Nasty Plot

    Wikstrom (Elite Four Member)

    Klefki (Lvl.63)
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Flash Cannon
    - Tormet
    - Spikes

    Probopass (Lvl.63)
    - Earth Power
    - Power Gem
    - Flash Cannon
    - Discharge

    Bisharp (Lvl.64)
    - Night Slash
    - Iron Head
    - Psycho Cut
    - Hone Claws

    Aegislash (Lvl.65)
    - King's Shield
    - Sacred Sword
    - Shadow Claw
    - Iron Head

    Mega Scizor @ Scizorite (Lvl. 67)
    - Iron Head
    - X-Scissor
    - Night Slash
    - Bulet Punch

    Drasna (Elite Four Member)

    Dragalge (Lvl.63)
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Surf
    - Thunderbolt

    Druddigon (Lvl.63)
    - Dragon Claw
    - Superpower
    - Crunch
    - Poison Tail

    Noivern (Lvl.64)
    - Air Slash
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Flamethrower
    - Focus Blast

    Flygon (Lvl.65)
    - Dragon Claw
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Slide
    - Steel Wing

    Mega Altaria @ Altarianite (Lvl.67)
    - Moonblast
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Hyper Voice
    - Dragon Dance

    Diantha's team stays the same.

    submitted by /u/Nova_The_Power
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    Using reds team. Should I use his Pokémon stadium Pokémon too?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    So I'm gonna play Ultra Sun using only Reds Pokémon and was wondering about whether or not I should use his Pokémon stadium Pokémon. Im probably not gonna come to a conclusion on my own so I thought I'd ask you guys if I should use any of them or not?

    submitted by /u/LeahIsGay
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    What Pokémon music theme do you dislike that a lot of other people enjoy?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    For me, it's probably Wally's ORAS theme, the one that plays in Victory Road. It's simultaneously an encounter theme and a battle theme, with no transition when you enter the battle. Even as a more powerful trainer than when you last fought him (I believe in front of the Mauville Gym), I don't think an electric guitar fits Wally at all.

    submitted by /u/Ink2985
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    Pokemon games theme and Spotify

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    I need the help of the Pokemon community! Old Pokemon games themes are not on Spotify, and I need them to chill. Can you ask under Masuda's (since he respond to everyone) last tweet if he can put them on Spotify? They are on iTunes music, so I think it will be easy to put them on spotify!!! thank u

    submitted by /u/NeoLib02
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