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    Saturday, April 17, 2021

    Pokémon Which of the Gen 2 Starters base forms was your favorite?

    Pokémon Which of the Gen 2 Starters base forms was your favorite?

    Which of the Gen 2 Starters base forms was your favorite?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    Again, for this form we are talking about the base forms so it would by default mean we are only talking about design and not their final evolution or anything. Based off of that, I choose Chikorita. Chikorita is the cutest one on this list to me. I don't know what they were going for with Cyndaquil because it changes so much upon evolution but Chikorita is easily my favorite design wise. Let me know which one you picked in the comment section and why.

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    submitted by /u/Poll_God
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    Sister needs help finding Pokémon that may not exist.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    My sister is talking about a Pokémon that I don't think exists but maybe it was in one of the movies or animations. She says it has a light grey head that looks like fog with a red symbol, the body is dark grey and it looks like a ghost sort of thing. She says it might have arms but definitely no legs. It appearntly "gives off the vibe of if Darkrai and Duskull and Dusknoir had a baby that was cute but not too cute". Please help she won't stop looking for it.

    submitted by /u/Citron-Latter
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    Which of the Hoenn Starters is your favorite? (Base forms, not evolved or mega evolved forms)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    When I think about Hoenn, I think about ORAS. I wish I had a remake of Emerald but Oras was a pleasant surprise. I'm not a big fan of its final evolution compared to the other fire type starters but Torchic is my favorite. Who wouldn't love that like chick. Anyways let me know which ones you picked in the comments and why. I look forward to hearing from you.

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    submitted by /u/EveningChocolate1028
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    Does anyone else, after nearly 2 decades, still screw up when it comes to figuring out how ghost, dark, and psychic effect one another?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    I just can't figure it out. Every time I play any of the games or showdown, I'll end up pulling out X type against Y type (using x and y because I still can't remember lmao). Does anyone have any tips to help me remember how these 3 types effect one another?

    submitted by /u/DDsLaboratory
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    How do you Pick Your starter Pokemon?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    When you start a Pokemon Adventure choosing a starter tends to be one of the most important decisions and is likely sticking with you the full game, it is almost always higher level than all the others, Other team members are important but you can get multiple of them but with starter Pokemon it's different, you can only gain one of three and you have to decide yourself. There are many ways to choose them and I wanted to know which way everyone does it. my personal way of doing it is look at the pokemon of the region and choose 5 pokemon, i choose the type i don't have on the team as i dislike repeating types but if i did dislike the look of the pokemon i would switch one member for another and than add the cooler starter however that is just my way.

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    submitted by /u/KilluaVizuku99
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    What are your Pokémon-related unpopular opinions?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    I have a couple of hot takes:

    Even though Hoenn had some great features like contests, great Pokémon designs, and the Battle Frontier, for the most part, it was a pretty bland region in terms of locations and NPCs. The routes felt repetitive and tedious. "Too much water" was definitely valid criticism. Fortree City and the volcanic ash route were both great though.

    I enjoy pretty much every Pokémon design including ones like Vanilluxe, Garbodor, Stunfisk, and Bruxish.

    The Wild Area and IoA/CT DLC were the only things I didn't like about SwSh. The locations and NPCs were great. Even though I still prefer mega evolutions, Dynamax grew on me.

    I appreciate that GameFreak was ambitious in terms of trying to carve out a unique identity for Alola with the tropical vibes, different islands, and trials replacing gyms, but it just didn't hit. Gen 7 is probably the most liked modern generation by the fandom but I prefer both Gen 6 and 8.

    submitted by /u/everfolklord
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    I like when boss trainers doesn't favor a specific type.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    Besides making it more exciting by letting me use all my pokemon for battle, instead of the one who's supereffective against all of the opponents pokemon.

    i think Such an underatted/effective way to tell the back and front stories of the character without a wall of text explaining what arc is the character itself going through.

    My favorite example goes to 3 trainers, Silver, Hop and Oleana.

    Silver originally wanted to be the strongest trainer, and despise weak pokemon, you can tell because at the end of the game he still use a golbat, then when he figure out his way is wrong and actually start caring for his pokemon, suddenly his final battle he has a crobat, a pokemon you need to evolve via giving love.

    Hop when through a phase of depression to have the desire to win, he even ditch out all of his pokemon including his beloved wooloo for the sake of stronger pokemon midway, only to realise this mindset is wrong and goes back to his OG team as his true final battle.

    oleana you can tell she has a poor upbringing before rose take her in, when her team is full of nothing but beauty pokemon like gardevoir and milotic, only for her true ace to be literal garbage garbodor.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    Nuzlocke Update: Torchic DIES

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Wally's Theme Got Me Crying in the Club: An Overanalysis

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    I was listening to Pokémon battle themes on public transit the other day, and I was analyzing them in my head as I went along. Going like "oh yeah, that's good because blah blah" or "when they did blah they meant blah." And bouncing around Pokeli's channel, I listened to Wally's theme and thought about it.

    I made myself tear up. I almost cried in public over a fucking Pokémon song.

    So, I need to just vent about why. Just my thoughts and ramblings on how amazing this song is and why it is so profound. This is all just my opinion, but like, I've been thinking about this and I just need to type it out. And there's a TL;DR at the end for the busy/lazy jabronis.

    First off, the song itself just feels so passionate. I don't know enough about music theory to tell you exactly what facets of the song itself make it feel emotional, so this is arbitrary. I read through this article but I don't know enough about theory to fully get what it meant. That's on me. But, it's hard to deny that there is an emotional drive to his theme. You can sense the adversity that Wally's faced. You can feel how determined he is. You know how much he wants it. It's powerful.

    But there's something totally unique to this song that I noticed during my public transit trip. The series didn't really to mess around with instrumentation until Gen 3, just because of technical limitations, but Wally's theme has something that is in no other battle theme in the entire series starting from Gen 3. Unless I'm mistaken, Wally's theme is the only battle song in the Pokémon franchise to do this:

    The melody is played entirely by one instrument.

    It's the lead electric guitar throughout the whole song. There's a background guitar harmonizing, but it never takes over: it's the lead guitar throughout the whole song. Every other song has a portion where another instrument takes a melody, or two completely different instruments play a melody at the same time. For comparison, here's Marnie's theme. It's an absolute bop, but the beginning melody is played on a synth, and then an electric guitar takes over. Wally's is the only song where it's just one instrument the entire time. Granted, his song is shorter than everyone else's, but that still carries huge meaning behind it.

    So, the lead guitar is carrying the whole song. It's the driving force here, the only thing that's keeping it going. And since this is his theme, we can assume that the guitar is meant to represent Wally. This whole dramatic, passionate song is being entirely driven by Wally himself. The emotion that the song presents is coming solely from him. Just him. He needs to give it all he's got. We wouldn't get the song if Wally didn't push himself through adversity, much like we wouldn't get a melody without the guitar.

    One of the first things we find out about Wally is he sick. They never say with what, or how severe, but he's clearly suffering from something. I never played R/S/E, so I was introduced to him as a not-child playing OR/AS. I wondered what condition he had, and honestly, part of me was thinking, "what if it's a terminal illness?" It's dark, and Game Freak would never go "yeah Wally fucking bit it lol," but there's that interpretation that the illness is more serious than he lets on. Regardless, he's unwell, and going on an adventure isn't something you should do when you're not doing so hot. Like, even if it's not terminal and it's like asthma or something, that's still dangerous! What if there's an incident on a route somewhere and he faints? I was concerned, but so so SO happy to see him at the end of Victory Road.

    But he had to know that. He would have to know his limits, and still, he pushed past them. He did something that must have been incredibly difficult. I struggle to get from my bed to the fridge when I have a hangover. Wally went through an entire fucking desert while sick. His determination is amazing. He knew the danger, and how difficult it would be, and how he was putting himself at risk, but still went on. Like the guitar being what keeps his song alive, his desire to achieve his goals is what keeps him going. He needs to give all of his strength towards staying healthy, and he still finds the strength to be a Pokémon trainer. Because he knows that if he slows down, he might stop. And if he stops, will he be able to get up? Without the guitar, there's no song. Without Wally's determination, he can't follow his dreams. He fights with all of his strength all the time because he knows that if he gives up, he might not get another shot.

    Fuck. Goddammit. I made myself sad. It's a terrible day for rain. I'm sitting here, crying in my prom dress. Other phrases that just show that I'm fucking upset.

    So yeah, I needed to get that out. Pokémon is so smart with their music. They fucking know what they're doing over there. There are other songs I could overanalyze, but for now, I hope you enjoyed my venting. Now, I'm gonna go bop out to Klara's theme. When you're feeling sad, listen to something rad.

    TL;DR: Wally's theme features uses one instrument for the melody throughout the whole song, representing Wally's need to be determined to carry on, despite his illness. By having one instrument being the only driving force of the song, it correlates to how Wally only has himself to motivate himself, and how he needs to stay strong to keep his dreams (and his song) alive.

    submitted by /u/marshmallow_figs
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    If you woke up one morning and somehow, you were in the Pokémon world as a new trainer, who would you choose as your starter Pokémon?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Just a bit more information...so you wake up one morning and you find out that somehow, you're in the Pokémon world. You dont know how you got there or if it's a dream or not. All you know is that you've been selected to become a new Pokémon trainer and you are meeting with a Professor in an hour to receive your very first Pokémon.

    For your first Pokémon, you can choose ANY starter Pokémon from the 8 generations, including Pikachu. Who will you choose as your starter Pokémon?

    submitted by /u/M9L9_B
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    Which is your favorite Sinnoh Starter?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    For me the easy choice will always be Chimchar. Chimchar is adorable and Infernape in my opinion has the best design of all starters. The anime also portrayed Chimchar/Infernape very well. I hope Ash's Infernape makes another appearance in the Anime sometime. I also love using Chimchar in playthroughs. It's shiny is a lil mediocre but so are the rest of the Sinnoh starters. By far this is my favorite starting 3 based on design (especially their evolutions) Let me know which one you chose and why. I look forward to hearing from you.

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    submitted by /u/EveningChocolate1028
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    Gen 7 was really that bad ?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Im replaying Sun and Moon and Im actually having a lot of fun. The music is great, Alola feels alive and almost like a real place, the characters are considerably well written considering its a pokemon game, the game isnt really easy if you turn the exp share off and the most important to me, the pokemon designs are just the best. All of the new pokemon feel like they belong to Alola and have good origins and reasons for exist. I get that the game can have some boring cutscenes here and there, but thats because it has a big focus on story. Its not for everyone, but that dont nescesseraly mean the game is bad. Then I ask, does Sun and Moon really deserve all that hate ? For me its for sure the best game in the 3d era.

    submitted by /u/RafaelRoriz
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    Who is your favorite Gen 1 starter (only considering 1st forms and NOT final evolutions)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Generation 1 is one of the most beloved Pokémon gens for many reasons. For one, it is what truly started the Pokémon anime and games. It also featured Mewtwo and the legendary trio of birds. But arguably the best part is the starter Pokémon; Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Which of the 3 is your favorite?

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    submitted by /u/M9L9_B
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    What are some of the things you are the most excited to experience in Legends Arceus?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    With me It's to explore Mt. Coronet, my favorite area of my favorite region, in an open world game and to once again battle alongside Samurott, my favorite water type Pokémon! Also perhaps see the Sinnoh towns and cities as villages before they became what we know? What about you? What are you really excited to experience in Legends Arceus?

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerLucas
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    Pokemon Team Commission - #14

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Has anyone noticed that the way that the player and Rose throw their Dynamax ball is strangely similar?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    So, I was watching a compilation of all the Sw/Sh character's Dynamax animations, and I noticed something with Rose's throw: it's eerily similar to the player's. Here's a video of the battle.

    Both have a full arm extension to pull the Pokémon back into the ball, then move the big ball to one arm. They both do a tiny toss in their hand, and then turn and do a double-handed overhead yeet. The most noticeable differences are that Rose doesn't have a fully extended arm for the mini toss (which may just be because he's taller) and his mini toss is a little higher.

    And, of course, that sad look he has as he throws. The player is all smiles, and Rose is melancholic.

    Anyone else see this? And what do you think it means? I'd love to hear some interpretations!

    submitted by /u/marshmallow_figs
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    Has anyone ever completed the National Dex in Platinum?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    I've always wanted to catch all the pokemon in R/S/E/FR/LG and then transfer them into Pal Park in Platinum and complete the entire dex. I used to have all the games and the means to do it back when Platinum first came out but I never got around to doing it and then stupidly ended up selling everything. Now to realize that dream it would cost me almost $800.

    Has anyone ever done this? Would the cost be worth it? Is there a more cost effective way to do this? Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sarachoices
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    Out of the Starters listed, which one is your favorite?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    My 2 favorite starters alltime will always be Infernape and Serperior. My favorite design for the unevolved versions is Torchic and Chimchar. So by default my choice will always be Chimchar. Don't be mad if your favorite starter wasn't on this list. There was a series of polls done by me and someone else to decipher which is the best starter from every generation and these are the winners. Let me know which one you picked and why in the comments.

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    submitted by /u/Poll_God
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 178: Solrock

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:03 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    Solrock's move is called Solar Smash, a Rock-Type Physical move with a base power of 105, 80% accuracy and 5 PP. If the move is used in a lit up or naturally light area, the move can't miss and has in increased critical hit ratio.

    Originally I was going to give this move the same effect as Lunar Blast, the move I made for Lunatone yesterday. That it would heal the user by 25% of their total HP when used in a light place or during the day outside (Lunar Blast of course triggered its effect in dark places and at night). However, I also made Solar Smash have a base power of 125 rather than 105, but with no way to increase the accuracy of the move itself. I thought that would be a bit too strong, since most people will be playing Pokémon during the day. Let alone the online matches, which are always well lit, meaning this move would always be able to hit the target in an online match. So, to balance it with Lunar Blast, I just nerfed Solar Smash by lowering its base power and changing its secondary effect.

    The move is performed by the user gathering energy from the sun, and using that to charge into the target with extra power. If there is more light in the battlefield, the user takes a little more time to gather the energy from the sun, which gives it more time to take aim at the target. The extra energy it gathered can be used to put more force into the charge, which increases the moves critical hit ratio.

    I made a Physical move for Solrock because its Attack stat is much higher than its Special Attack stat. And of course it had to be sun-based. Solrock and Lunatone are a pair/counterparts, and if I give one of them a moon-based attack, how can I not give the other one a sun-based attack? The move is Rock-Type because the move deals damage by the user smashing into the target, and since Solrock is the only Pokémon that can learn this move, and is made out of purely rocks, yeah, the move is gonna be Rock-Type.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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