• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Pokémon I have made complaints to every available organization I can think of and my last option is to go public with my disgust with how this whole pokemon thing is handled.

    Pokémon I have made complaints to every available organization I can think of and my last option is to go public with my disgust with how this whole pokemon thing is handled.

    I have made complaints to every available organization I can think of and my last option is to go public with my disgust with how this whole pokemon thing is handled.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    Recently my son turned of age, 11, and so I reached out to Professor Oak so he could begin his journey of becoming a Pokemon master. Things started off well.. well, as well as it could for someone not old enough to legally get a job but old enough to be emancipated and live alone.

    But my son reached Pewter City to try and get his first badge, except.. The gym leader had apparently abandoned his post. There was another man who was watching over the gym but my son said there was like 20 kids running around the place and the gym leader was too busy to fight and just gave him his badge.

    Same thing happened when my son finally made it to Cerulean City, the young ladies running the gym were instead doing live shows and he got a free badge. You may be thinking this is great, but the entire League system is to train him up for the championship battles and my son has barely learned anything at this point (relevant later).

    He makes his way down to Vermillion City where he finds, finally, his first gym leader. Not only did he SLAM my son's level 5 Squirtle but then kept calling him a baby and made him cry (He's 11!) He decided he just wasn't ready for Surge so he made his way to Saffron city, which is where I'm finally at my wits end...

    He lost (obviously) but gym leader Sabrina has made him a slave and forced him into a doll house and will not let him leave now. I have reported her to the Indigo League and the Saffron City gym because this is a gross abuse of her position in the League but it's fallen on deaf ears. I also called the local police in saffron city but I couldn't argue with their logic that he's 11, he's old enough to adventure around a dangerous world of killer monsters, he's old enough to enter a contract of slavery with Sabrina.

    Any advice?? I don't even know whats strong against Psychic Pokemon! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/beefchariot
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    What Region do you think has the coolest sounding name?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    So tell me what region do you think has the coolest sounding name. personally it the region with the coolest sounding name is Kalos because of how well it rolls off the tongue. Also can you please not vote for your favorite region because it is your favorite please only vote for your favorite if you think it has the coolest sounding name. If your favorite is Alola, Galar Orre, Fiore, Almia please put it in the comments thank you😊

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    submitted by /u/Raichu69420
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    A game where Team Plasma takes over and you play as a kid growing up in a resistance group?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Of course it doesn't have to be Team Plasma, I'm just play Black 2 right now and that zigzolin guy was talking about how he wonders what the world will be like in a world where TP takes over and trainers are forced to throw out their pokeballs. I think it sounds like it could be potentially good but maybe it's a silly idea. What do y'all think and what other ideas do you think would be cool?

    submitted by /u/DisNino
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    I’m in love with my boss. Please offer me some advice.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I'm working for a crim- I mean, business enterprise famed in the Kanto region as an underling of sorts. The first time I (25F) met my boss (40ish?M), I immediately fell in love with him. For privacy reasons, let's just call him G. I rarely meet G as I usually get my missions from my supervisors, whom we'll refer to as P1 and P2. Sometimes I get my mission from two others who are even higher-ranking than them, whom I'll be calling A1 and A2. I would like to meet G more often and perhaps spark a connection with him. So far, I've offered to make him some meals at work or give him back massages, and have tried inviting him to hang out with me after work, but he always seemed busy every day.

    I've heard rumours that he has a red-haired son, and that he's having an affair with A1, the only female supervisor in our company, because she has red hair too. But I'm sure that's complete nonsense, right? I'm sure if he really had a son, I would've met him before.

    I've also heard of a terrifying strong kid who's beaten G in battle at least twice, and that he's about to challenge G for the final time in his Gym. Oh, did I ever mention that my boss is a Gym Leader too? I can't say which Gym for privacy reasons. Rumour has it that he might even shut down our company entirely if he loses.

    I'm really worried about my boss. Do you think I should pop by his Gym and help him defeat this so-called undefeatable kid? Perhaps he'll start looking at me in a new way once he sees how useful I can be... All I know is that our four supervisors are apparently away on station at our Johto branch at the moment, so they won't be able to help him.

    All I have is a Zubat and a Rattata at the moment. What do you think my chances of defeating the kid are? I won't say battling is my forte, but I would still like to have a chance to impress my boss in some way and convince him to look in my direction. I will protect my boss with my life. Please give me some advice on what to do.

    submitted by /u/GiovannisFan
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    One possible fix for not recognized ORAS cardridges

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    This week it surfaced that many ORAS cardridges suddenly stopped being recognized by the 3DS for unknown reasons.
    Now a user named Voultar took a closer look at the issue and tested if it's caused by a rather banal issue. The answer was yes.


    My copy of Omega Ruby wasn't working. I cleaned the cartridge and tested it thoroughly between 3 different 3DS systems to no avail.

    I carefully broke the cartridge down to reveal the EXTRAROM memory in TSOP form. By my estimation, the most plausible explanation is the solder becoming fatiged on these delicate, surface mounted components after several insertion cycles. This can result in "opens" being created across the address and data bus lines, resulting in a loss of connection between the 3DS hardware and the cartridge itself.

    I reflowed the TSOP memory module, and as the video shows, the cart is back to complete operational working order, with SAVE data intact.

    This is of course anecdotal and just a theory. I can't definitely speak for all of the 3DS Pokemon cartridges that are in a state of failure. However, the problem in my case was quantifiable and proven.

    (Dunno if I can link his Twitter here, rules say something about not linke social media. But it's linked in his channel info.)

    Another user whio owns 6 ORAS games of which 2 weren't recognized and 3 suffering ingame crashes was able to fix the 2 unrecognizeable ones ones this way. So sadly this fix doesn't seem to work on crashing games.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbbzxm7p1Pk&lc=Ugzo4wfUVGwukb0QibB4AaABAg.9MzDR6mCPVw9N-5swjV6nF (Scroll down to read the comment)

    submitted by /u/Starfighter-Suicune
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    New Weather and Primal Duo

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    This idea came to me when I saw there was multiple Regis, so I figured there must be other legendary who can change the weather.

    In Hoenn, there lies the Weather Trio legendaries Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. Deep in the snowy mountains lies Gleiphenrir the Ice Wolf Pokémon (based on the Nordic wolf Fenrir) and in the rocky desert lies Jormuboros the based on the Nordic serpent Jormungandr + Ouroboros).

    Type: Ice
    Ability: Snow Warning
    Signature move: Arctic Edge = The user sends sharp frozen shards at the opposing targets.

    Primal Gleiphenrir
    Type: Ice
    Ability: Permafrost = The weather becomes a severe hailstorm. Weather cannot be changed except by another Primal Pokémon ability or Delta Stream. Ice moves are boosted and have 100%. Fire moves does neutral damage to Ice Pokémon. Non Ice type Pokémon loses HP per turn.

    Type: Rock
    Ability: Sand Stream
    Signature move: Dust Storm = The user sends a powerful sandstorm-like tornado at the opposing targets.

    Primal Jormuboros
    Type: Rock/Dragon
    Ability: Ragnarok = The weather becomes a severe sandstorm. Weather cannot be changed except by another Primal Pokémon ability or Delta Stream. Rock moves are boosted and have 100%. Water moves does neutral damage to Rock Pokémon. Non Rock type Pokémon loses HP per turn.

    submitted by /u/Sjonathon92
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 199: Metang and Metagross

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    The move for Metang and Metagross is called Metal Break, a Steel-Type Physical move with 65 base power and 15 PP. The base power of the move doubles when the target's HP is at or below 50% HP. The move was pretty much entirely thought of by u/TheLego27.

    The idea of this move is that it is basically a Physical Steel-Type variant of the move Brine. Giving this move to Metang and Metagross might make it seem a little obsolete, and maybe it is, but I think it'd work quite well regardless. It certainly is a lot better than my original idea for these Pokémon, namely a generic recoil move to fall in line with Salamence's move from yesterday.

    The move is performed by the user slamming, punching or in another way physically attacking the target. If the target's HP is at or below half of the total amount, Metal Break gets twice as powerful to make sure the target will get KO'd.

    Beldum doesn't get this move because... it's whole thing is kind of that it only has Take Down until it evolves.... I'm not sure why that is but it is. So I didn't wanna mess with that.

    For the rest, there isn't much more to it. It's mainly just a strong smack with a metal arm. I don't think it should count as a punch or something, like Meteor Mash, I feel like it would fit this move better if the attack happened with the side of the arm rather than the front of it, if you know what I mean. This way it can still deal a lot of damage (especially if the target is weakened) while not being as powerful as a punch like Bullet Punch (yes I know it has lower base power) or Meteor Mash.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Just graduated from my Master's today and wanted to do something to celebrate...

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    So I dug up my shiny Beldum that has Steven as the OT (I checked back, I think this was an event pokemon from 2014 for ORAS), and I made that Pokemon the first one that I've ever leveled to 100 entirely on its own. No rare candies or anything!

    Hopefully going to hyper train it in my copy of Pokemon Sword so I have him totally maxed out! It's just cool to see how this series has followed me since birth until now, and it's even cooler to have a pokemon from my Freshman year of college follow me all the way to the end :)

    submitted by /u/slickkraken
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    Pokemon game IDEA!!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Imagine a pokemon race game. Riding pokemon. You have to catch em also having chance on shinies. Train em to be in perfect race form. And racing/riding like mario kart where you race and can attack also other people. imagine riding an arcanine flameballing people. So it would be a big brawling/riding fiesta with pokemon u train and feed and love. Like your pokemon must be fed to have energy to race etc .So many things you can put into this so it has the rpg taste of lvling taking care of pokemon and hunting.But instead of battling brawling while riding on a speed race . Wouldnt be awesome?The reason i prefer pokemon racing than fighting like pokken is because racing always has random variable on who wins which would make it awesome for game nights with friends.And fun for others that might not be so good at the game.Every1 gets bored in fighting games when one is a better player.I wanna use extreme speed in a race :)

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Escape-4
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    A Returning Players opinion if Sw & Sh is any good?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    Ok so I love pokemon. My first gameboy game was Pokemon Gold. I was around 9-10 years old. I didnt know any english so i was stuck trying to do the egg thing.Also didnt know what save was so i just closed my game and redo things.I remember evolving cyndaquill only to find that the next day it was not a quilava anymore.Untill i noticed that if i talk to the pc i dont lose my progress. Anyway i was captivated by the pokemon especially the tales about them.For real i was trying to see a suicune where i could only see its shadow on the cinematic of crystal no internet no nothing.I was fully emerged.The chill music in every town.Some pokemon where like pets some like animals some more magical it was awesome.Having a best friend getting strong together.I never took out a starter from my team.Then i played yellow-fire red(awesome game) finishing the game only to find theres still more .and Saphire .ANd literally i cant choose my fav game between these 3 gens.Saphire's story going underwater finding those legendaries taking to rocks trying to figure out the mystery codes what they meant. So i stoped after gen 3.I kept playing mmo pokemons etc tryhard pvp (watching officials tournament every year) but not playing the original games and forgot all that and what pokemon is about . Then my sis got me a switch and i had the money so i instantly got the SW&SH .But ive seen so much shit about the games that they almost ruined it.Nowadays u start the game already knowing everything.Back then i didnt know even what legendaries will i encounter .We are so tryhard on pokemon mechanics and other stuff. My experience was ruined untill i got into this city Circhester and the soundtracked played .I stoped playing i was in my bed and just listened .And i realised i was seeing an entire city of pokemon world alive. I was infront of a lake/pool where a legendary dog licked/heal its wounds after a great old battle. If i was not so focused on the potential and the bashing of the games and played pokemon for what it is.A tale with companions. Ohh well what im trying to say if some1 searches if the game is good or not. Bro we a bit old (im 27) and things dont get us that easy now we have seen alot of tales.Just close the lights get on ur bed and play the game. Pokemon will never get better than you 9 years old playin them. :) Dont chase your first high people.(please dont hate me).

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Escape-4
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    [RAGE THREAD] 08 May 2021

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Which should be my partner pokemon?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Hi there. I would like to ask you to vote based on my personality which pokemon would be my partner of these. It may sound pretty stupid but i can't choose one of these so please help .. I'm a bit of a retreating girl i really like to travel i like big cities and the sea. (MY FAVOURITE ANIMAL IS A CAT). I am a bit hot-headed on my team of friends the funny girl. I really like to draw in my free time. That if you comment I will thank you very much. It would be very important so anyone who doesn't care should just scroll on. But whoever takes the time to do so, thank you very much.❤

    1. Perrserker
    2. Persian
    3. Vaporeon
    4. Umbreon
    submitted by /u/PVivi007
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    Where is all the hoenn seasons?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    I was watching season 6-9 and I wanted to finish them but when I got on Pokémon tv today it never showed up they only have a few other seasons on there (almost all sun and moon) I don't know if they got removed or it is just a glitch if they did get removed is there any other other place I can watch them?

    submitted by /u/Deep-Interaction7329
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    Gen II Monotype

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    My son has been getting interested in Pocket Monsters lately, and it made me bust out my old copy of Crystal.

    I want to do a challenge run, and I've settled on monotype. I started a Water run but it seems like it will be super easy. I'm looking for a type suggestion that won't leave me limping along with my starter for half the game, but not a cake walk.


    submitted by /u/dmbrokaw
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    Pokémon themed switch or switch lite for bdsp or legends arceus.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Since sword & shield had the Zacian and Zamazenta themed switch lite, I feel they will probably do a themed switch for bdsp or legends or both. So, if they did what do you think the theme would be, sinnoh starters, sinnoh legends (dialga and palkia, maybe Giratina), legends' starters or arceus themed?

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    submitted by /u/Peasant0nm
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    Pokémon Moon can't change name?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:59 AM PDT


    Hey, So I was wondering if someone could help me. I have a high level Bouncee that Ive caught myself and decided to want to name her, but the name rater wont let me change her name..

    Does anyone know why or how to fix that?

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/AnnieBeeeeee
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