• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 30, 2021

    Pokémon I ran across an Unofficial Pokemon Center, "Original 151" in Dayton, Ohio today!

    Pokémon I ran across an Unofficial Pokemon Center, "Original 151" in Dayton, Ohio today!

    I ran across an Unofficial Pokemon Center, "Original 151" in Dayton, Ohio today!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    I was in the Fairfield mall in Beavercreek, Ohio (Dayton metro area), and stumbled into a store called Original 151 that was filled to the brim with Pokemon Center items! Speaking with the staff they said they only been around for about a year, but have had an amazing reception so far. The place is owned by a large trading card store in the area No Limit Gaming. The owner had some connections in Japan and an opportunity to set it up so he did. I recommend anyone who has a chance to go check it out. https://imgur.com/gallery/xz3rWFw

    submitted by /u/Sathie_
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    Which 4 moves and ability or hidden ability would you like to have?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I recently got a nasty boiling oil burn and really quickly thought that it wouldn't be an issue if I had Water Veil. That and sunburns, which I hate.

    As for moves... I guess it would be really fun to have Teleport, Bullet Punch, Foul Play and Slack-Off (favorite move) at my disposal.

    submitted by /u/IWannaManatee
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    To everyone who's criticising and hating on brilliant diamond and shining pearl

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Could you at least wait until the game comes out and you have a chance to play it? I just don't understand how people have so many opinions already and are already hating on a game that hasn't even released, just based on the trailer and description. I mean, I can understand if people are disappointed with how the game looks, but since when are graphics a defining of how good a game is? I just felt like writing this because I see a lot of people talking as if they played through the game already and it sucked... Just wait, play the game (if you want) and if it sucks it sucks and you have the right to complain, if you'd like. I understand that everyone is free to say what they want, but just don't go to a restaurant and trash their food based on the description in their menu... at least try it first.

    That's all I had to say I guess.

    EDIT: Scanning through a few of the comments, I don't know if I was able to fully express what I meant. I'm not saying "don't give your opinion and just blindly buy the game". All I'm saying is, maybe wait until we have a little more information before spewing baseless hate on a game that we don't have all the information.

    submitted by /u/SomeChubbyLoser
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    Brock is OP

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    So I'm rewatching the show while I play yellow, Im in season 705 ep 4 and I just see Brock chuck his forretress some 3 stories high to use explosion (at one of those absurd team rocket giant machines, this time Spinda based.)

    forretress weighs 277 pounds and my boy just casually one hand football threw it like a grenade? Shhhhoooot Ash and Brock are the 'mon version of "Im built different"

    submitted by /u/Catnekochama
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    People make fun of me for playing the games in my special way. what do you think?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    So, here's the backstory: i first played pokemon at 6 y/o, it was pokemon yellow, and i couldnt read. Now, yellow was a bit unfair, as the starter is Pikachu, and the first gym is rock-types. So it happened that lil old me ( who didnt know how how to catch other pokemon) went out and trained for days, until around lvl 30(-ish) the pikachu finally learned an effective move against rock types.

    since then, i always play my games the same way: - starter gets leveled up till its last evolution before seeting a foot into the first gym -starter is the only used pokemon for fighting -i am allowed to have a secondary, less strong pokemon (for double-fights only) -the rest are only used and caught for hm-moves/as time buffer to revive the starter (if things go reall south)

    this requires a lot(!) of grinding on the early routes, and my friends call me stupid for wasting 10+ ours on the game without ever leaving the first city or two.

    what do you people think?

    submitted by /u/TJ_1236
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    Am I the only one pissed that Ash’s Gengar hasn’t battled since episode 18 of Pokémon Journeys

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    I'm pissed because we have not seen Gengar battle since JN18 which is extremely annoying since Gengar seemed like it had potential to be a really strong Pokémon maybe even one of his strongest and it would be cool to for Gengar to learn a few moves honestly it just bad writing and also caused they shoved Riolu in our face for over 20 episodes so Gengar didnt get to battle at all so this my opinion everyone have a nice day 😃

    submitted by /u/Top_Prize9874
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    Unpopular (?) opinion: Why I like the choice of chibi graphics / "faithful" recreation for BDSP

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    tl;dr at the bottom

    Disclaimer: I am not claiming that BDSP will be good nor bad, as we clearly know very little of it still. But I will attempt to explain why the chibi graphics increase the chances of it being good.

    Sure, I get it, everyone wanted these remakes to be the grandiose return to form of Game Freak, and everyone has watched that one fanmade trailer that showcases "what could have been".

    However, let me direct your attention to the last remakes Game Freak made: ORAS.

    I started pokemon with gen 3, and it is the most nostalgic gen to me. Simply put, I didn't like ORAS.

    Why? Mostly 2(3) reasons: Most memorable routes were scaled down and simplified, cutting on the exploration you could do in them. The difficulty was nonexistant (yes I know pokemon has never been difficult, but XY/ORAS sit on their own tier of cake walk). And the big one: lack of any battle frontier whatsoever.

    They also made contests braindead, but I didn't care much about those anyways

    Sure, it had the Dexnav with chain encounters and everything. Sure, it had the flying around with the Mega Latis thing. Sure, it had whatever competitive breeding QoL improvements and online and such.

    I don't care. The things that were gonna make me replay the game for a long time - aka an enjoyable playthrough and post-game - weren't there, they were a significant downgrade from the originals. And because of that, ORAS was a massive letdown for me.

    Tying this back to BDSP: the chibi graphics confirm (well not exactly confirm, but much more likely) that they won't scale down Sinnoh's phenomenal route designs like they did with Hoenn. And since they can cut extra resources from graphics and route design, it's more likely that other areas of the game will be more polished, such as the difficulty curve or implementing any sort of interesting post-game, whether faithful or not.

    Little addendum: It's baffling that we have to talk about resource limitations for the most profitable franchise in the world, but I don't make the rules unfortunately


    I don't trust Game Freak touching Sinnoh with a 10m pole; chibi graphics make likelier that Sinnoh's cool routes won't be turned into SwSh corridors.

    Call this pessimistic, conformist or whatever you want, but I'll take any W I can with Game Freak nowadays.

    submitted by /u/Shiny_Kelp
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    Name a Pokemon you would like to see playable in a spinoff game

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    In one of my post talking about why Pokken has the fate it had, one of the commenters stated that it was because it had a predictable cast such as Pikachu, Charizard, Gardevoir, Lucario etc.

    My question is this: if there was a Pokemon spinoff game like a Pokemon Dynasty Warriors or something (something I still personally want), what Pokemon would you like to see playable?

    submitted by /u/Birdygamer19
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 221: Stunky and Skuntank

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    I am skipping Chingling because I already covered Chimecho.

    Stunky and Skuntank's move is called Stink Spray, a Poison-Type Special move with 40 base power, 85% accuracy and 30 PP. It hits multiple opponents and poisons the targets. It has a 30% chance to also confuse them.

    The move is performed by the user spraying a horrible smell on the targets. This will poison them. It's pretty self-explanatory. So yeah, it's possible for multiple Pokémon to get confused and poisoned by one attack. But that chance is pretty low overall. Besides, while Stink Spray is guaranteed to poison any Pokémon (that can be poisoned), it isn't guaranteed to confuse any opponent or even hit the opponents every time.

    Stunky and Skuntank are skunks, I couldn't not give them a toxic spraying move. Certain aspects of some real life things or animals are adjusted in Pokémon to fit a certain Pokémon, move or something like that. Skunks' "spray" isn't toxic, it just smells really bad. But for the sake of this move, I made Stunky and Skuntank's spray toxic. I mean, they are Poison-Type already, so for them it certainly would make sense. And honestly, I don't have much else to add, the move is pretty simple.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Gen 2 team options

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    I've been planing out my pokemon crystal team lately and I've wanted to make a team around Megainium (out of just Johto pokemon), and this is what I have so far: Megainium, Politoad, Sudowoodo, Umbreon, Xatu, and Scizor.

    I have already played through a gen 2 Johto game (Pokemon Gold) so I can trade over post-game pokemon, but that is the last resort for team options. if you have any recommendations for pokemon that I could use instead of the ones I am planning to use (side note: I'm already at mahogany town so that should give you an idea of what pokemon are available to me)

    submitted by /u/starstriker64DD
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    The rhetoric that Groudon is helpless fighting Kyogre in middle of the sea needs to go and here's why.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    Yeah, yeah, type advantages, ya da ya da.

    This is only true in the game. In reality though, have you guys ever noticed what's underneath the ocean? That's ground and magma and a lot of it. Do you guys know how hot that is? Up to 5500 degree Celsius at the core. The moment my boy Groudon unleashes all of that Kyogre will vanish in an instant. That's a one hit KO and there's no debate about that. Rant over.

    submitted by /u/jesuisunetudiant
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    To everyone who's praising and excited for brilliant diamond and shining pearl (parody)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Could you at least wait until the game comes out and you have a chance to play it? I just don't understand how people have so many opinions already and are already getting excited for a game that hasn't even released, just based on the trailer and description. I mean, I can understand if people are happy with how the game looks, but since when are graphics a defining of how good a game is? I just felt like writing this because I see a lot of people talking as if they played through the game already and it was amazing... Just wait, play the game (if you want) and if it's good it's good and you have the right to praise it, if you'd like. I understand that everyone is free to say what they want, but just don't go to a restaurant and compliment their food based on the description in their menu... at least try it first.

    That's all I had to say I guess.

    So just to reiterate, this is just a joke, not an actual opinion of mine. Also, this isn't targeted solely at the original poster. I did this to show just how silly of a request it is since it may not be obvious without reading the parallel.

    This is the internet. There's millions of people visiting this site all with differing opinions, and all of them should be allowed to express those opinions. If someone is being rude or insulting or breaking the rules, report them. Other than that, you need to accept that when you're on the internet, you're going to encounter people who think differently than you and have different feelings than you. Feel free to argue or debate or discuss with those people with differing opinions, I'd actually recommend it. You don't have to change you opinion or views, but you may better understand someone else's.

    submitted by /u/BLourenco
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    Genuine question: Are Swordward and Shieldbert inspired by Jedward?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    With Sword and Shield being UK-themed, I would assume that one or more major designers would be British, and therefore tragically aware of Jedward, the Irish 'pop-stars' who rose to prominence via the UK 'talent' show X-Factor.

    And with both being pairs of identical brothers with extravagant, tall, stupid, blond, hairdos, with colourful suits and pun names and with boh pairs having a member who's name ends in 'ward,' they just seem quite similar imo, does anyone know if there's been any confirmed connection?

    submitted by /u/ApocryphalShadow
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    Rare red version bug ?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Can't find it online. It happened when I was 9 or so, playing French red version on my gba sp. I was in seafoam islands, pretty far in the game with a full team, and i just opened the pokedex to check on something. When i closed it, the game kinda froze, i couldn't move my character but the water animation of the sea was still working. Then the game just plays random sounds ; prof Oak intro theme, then a ton of pokemon cries and multiple game sfx, and then Jiglypuff 's song ( the one you can hear by talking to the ones in PK centers). Then the game just switch off, with the on off button of my gba still "on". When I restarted the game, a message saying "the save was destroyed" (in french) showed, and that was it, no more save. Did you ever have that bug ?

    submitted by /u/Dindon_Bleu
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    Anyone else kill legendaries as a kid and just never end up catching them?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    I'm remembering playing Pearl growing up and after using my master ball instantly on Palkia, when trying to catch Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf, the thought of saving before fighting them didn't even cross my mind and I'm pretty sure I ended up just killing all of them on accident and never catching any of them.

    submitted by /u/piethrouer
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    Are there any Pokédex able to be completed purely single player?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    So I wasn't huge into Pokémon growing up, but over the last few years I've become more interested in the games. I enjoy catching various Pokémon and grinding their levels, but there is one thing that always makes me not enjoy the games.

    Not being able to complete my Pokédex.

    I am a single player kind of gal. I don't play multiplayer games too often, and I don't buy online passes because I'll never use them. But I would love to be able to complete a Pokédex. I understand that a core component of Pokémon is trading, but I just find it frustrating.

    So I wondered, are there any games where I can 100% complete a Pokédex without trading, or using online services?

    submitted by /u/bloubirdy
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    Coolest, prettiest, or most unique looking moves in each generation?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    I'm playing through FireRed at the moment and came across a trainer using a Clefairy (or Clefable, I don't remember) who used Cosmic Power. I'm just a casual, so I don't believe I've ever seen or heard of the move before, but I was really impressed by its animation. The entire background changes to outer space and you can see a bunch of stars and distant galaxies drifting by.

    Gen 3 gif for reference

    It got me wondering which moves look the coolest/prettiest/most unique in each generation.

    Obviously, as we get to later generations that are played on more powerful consoles, animations have the potential to look better. But I'm still curious to hear what people think looks the best in all the generations.

    Will update as more suggestions come through

    Gen 1:

    Hyper Beam (suggested by u/dumbasseryman)

    Gen 2:

    Tri Attack (suggested by u/Yomopp)

    Aurora Beam (suggested by u/DestructoDisk90)

    Gen 3:

    Cosmic Power (suggested by me 👉😎👉)

    Thunder (suggested by u/unagiboi)

    Superpower (suggested by u/F1rst-name-last-name)

    Meteor Mash (suggested by u/TreeTrash5)

    Gen 4:

    Roar of Time (suggested by u/KaiserDynamo)

    Dark Pulse (suggested by u/72iobkcuf)

    Draco Meteor (suggested by u/Cousin_Chris)

    Gen 5:

    Blue Flare (suggested by u/MarsAdept)

    Outrage (suggested by u/BenjewminUnofficial)

    Gen 6:

    Brave Bird (suggested by u/Intelligent-Heart-86)

    Dragon Pulse (suggested by u/ArLOgpro)

    Dragon Ascent (suggested by u/Luukario)

    Gen 7:

    Mind Blown (suggested by u/thegayestweeb)

    Retaliate (suggested by u/ShinyBlueChocobo)

    Sinister Arrow Raid (suggested by u/PM_ME_GOOD_USERNAMS)

    Light That Burns the Sky (suggested by u/AriaaIV)

    Gen 8:

    Eternabeam (suggested by u/neirchill)

    Hyper Beam (suggested by u/FloatingSpaceTrash)

    Diamond Storm (suggested by u/Intelligent-Heart-86)

    submitted by /u/Nowheretoturn48
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    What makes a normal type move NOT a fighting type move?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    It's easy to differentiate what a water type move looks like compared to a fire type move.

    If I were to see a Pokemon use Bubblebeam, I would be like "Oh yeah that's a water type move." But if I were to see a Pokemon use Mega Punch, I would be like "That's a fighting type move, right? Because the Pokemon punched?" But no, I would be wrong, it's a normal type move.

    The fact that one type is weak to the other sure doesn't help. Especially since they are intuitively the same element.

    Is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Shakespeareo
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    How do you feel when Ash abandons his Pokemons ?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    I never really watched the anime so I started from scratch, I'm now starting Hoenn and I feel weird knowing that Ash just ditched his entire Johto team without any interaction with them.

    In season 1 to 5, everytime a Pokemon left Ash's team, there was a whole episode dedicated to it, and most of the time with a reasonable explanation (Squirtle joining the Squirtle Squad, Butterfree to spend time with its sould mate...), but at the end of season 5 he just "starts fresh" and leave his old mates behind. I especially feel bad for Bayleef who truly LOVED Ash.

    How do you react to this ? Now everytime Ash becomes friend with another Pokemon, I know that I should not get attached to it because he will just be abandoned at the end of the season...

    (Please no spoil. :D)

    submitted by /u/Sykless
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    Draw for you��

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Hello there! I'll draw you the pokemon you want! I've done this in other communities before and decided to do it here as well. So feel free to ask for Pokemon and I'll try to draw them. They may not be ready soon but I will try to do it for you as soon as possible. I was so glad you liked my drawings so much and decided that you could feel free to ask me for pokemon here now.❤️😊

    submitted by /u/PVivi007
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    Increasing the level curve does not always mean increased difficulty

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Many people have thought about increasing the levels to make Pokemon games more challenging, like having the Elite Four be Lv70+ for example. However, raising levels doesn't mean increased difficulty in my opinion. For example, there could easily be an Elite Four that has Lv50-52 Pokemon but they're still challenging, with good movesets and held items. There could also be a first gym leader than has Lv20+ Pokemon and an Elite Four that has Lv70+ Pokemon but they're still pretty easy. Here is the way the level curve goes for my fakemon region.

    Gym 1: Lv10-11

    Gym 2: Lv15-16

    Gym 3: Lv20-21

    Gym 4: Lv25-27

    Gym 5: Lv30-31

    Gym 6: Lv34-36

    Gym 7: Lv38-40

    Gym 8: Lv40-42

    Elite Four: Lv50-52

    Champion: Lv52-54

    On paper, you could think of this as easy since the eighth gym leader's ace is Lv42 and the Champion's ace is Lv54, but this is harder than you think. They have good movesets and held items on their Pokemon. The last four Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, and the Champion each have a Mega Evolution. The last two Gym Leaders (or maybe the last three) and the Elite Four have six Pokemon each. Some of the Gym Leaders and all of the Elite Four specialize in themes instead of types. In my opinion, increasing the level curve does not mean that there would be increased difficulty. You don't have to agree with me on this, but I'm just making a point.

    submitted by /u/AwesomeToadUltimate
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    If Trade Evolutions Were Done Away With, How Would You Want It Replaced?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    Let's face it: the Trade Evolution system is a relic concept build upon the social aspect of Pokémon in the 90's that just does not translate well into the online trading system of 2006 onward. And its clear that Game Freak themselves recognize this as well; new Trade Evolutions were not added since X and Y, and in Sword and Shield, many Pokémon previously accessible only via Trade Evolution were added as encounters in the Wild Area and Galarian Slowpoke doesn't require trading to evolve into Slowking. It feels like its about time for this method of evolution, much like environmental evolutions in Gen VIII, should be done away with.

    But how? Most ROM Hacks and fangames typically make trade held items usable, and the rest just evolve by level. But should this be the case? The Mystery Dungeon games instead included new items in the Link Cable, Evolution Crystals, and a few specific items. Do you think this is a better approach? Or is there an even better idea, or an idea that work well for a specific Pokémon?

    submitted by /u/ThePsyShyster
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    What types of Pokémon do you catch in great balls?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    I usually use mine exclusively on awkward middle evolutions. Or sometimes I'll use it on something especially odd, like an usually high leveled Wooper. And not to flex too hard on you guys, but also a Kyogre once for the color scheme. I'm not quite sure why, it just always seems fitting. Does anyone else do anything similar? I would love to hear any feedback about your different types of catching styles.

    submitted by /u/PracticallyThrowaway
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    if you were to move to any pokemon city in any game or region where would you move and why

    Posted: 29 May 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    for example, I think that I would move to lavarigde in hoenn. I don't have much experience outside of hoenn so that's probably not my best answer. but I like this city because I like the neighborhood, the mountains/jagged pass because I think they have nice pokemon and all. I also like the gym there and the herb shop. the music is nice too. runners up to that would be mossdeep and lilycove. the reason I'm hesitant on lavarigde is because it could use more water and forest.

    submitted by /u/PifferPoffer
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    In the lore, is over catching Pokémon a problem?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    Just started watching this newer version of Pokémon after finally buying Sword. Got me thinking, is over catching Pokémon, or there being too many trainers ever a problem I'm the Pokémon universe? I know that in some places in the U.S. you have to pay for a hunting license and then could only buy so many tags to limit the amount of a species you killed or caught. That way there was something trying to stop the endangerment of species. Are there any Pokémon that are endangered because of this? Maybe some sort of system that limits how many trainers there are or how many Pokéballs they can use?

    (And here's some random words to insure I meet the minimum character count, because I made the mistake of not knowing that the first time I've posted this question. So boopity boppity here's the jallopity.)

    submitted by /u/FatJesus13908
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