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    Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Pokémon Review: Don’t leave your Pokémon at this daycare! They’ll have babies!

    Pokémon Review: Don’t leave your Pokémon at this daycare! They’ll have babies!

    Review: Don’t leave your Pokémon at this daycare! They’ll have babies!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    This place is the absolute worst daycare I have ever seen! I would give them zero stars if I could! I will never give them my business again!

    I'm a busy Pokemon trainer raising a bunch of Pokemon and travelling around battling other trainers and earning badges. I heard about this Pokemon Daycare and I thought it would be a nice place for a couple of my Pokemon to get some time out of the Pokeball and relax a little while I'm out travelling and training the others. The people seemed nice enough so I dropped off my pokemon and headed out.

    A little while later I came by to check on my Pokemon. One of the people that own the daycare was standing outside and when I walked over they told me that my Pokemon had a baby (well technically an egg but it hatched into a baby). They gave me some sob story about how "We don't how it got there".

    I was upset, but I'm a pretty forgiving person. Sometimes things happen so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I took the egg and went about training and getting badges.

    I came back again to check on my Pokemon and again the owner was standing outside and the same thing happened again! They gave me an egg and told me "We don't know how it got there"! They couldn't even bother coming up with a better excuse! Maybe if they were actually watching my Pokemon instead of standing around outside they would know how it happened and prevented it!

    I was sick of this place so I went inside and demanded for them to give me my Pokemon back. They refused to give me my Pokemon back unless I paid them. I wasn't going to pay them because the service was so terrible and they were basically holding my Pokemon for ransom!

    I just wanted to be done with this whole ordeal so I went into town to sell some items so I could get some cash to pay to get my Pokemon back. I came back and the owner was outside and told me that my Pokemon had yet another baby and that "We don't know how it got there"! I went in and paid and took my Pokemon.

    This has been the most horrible experience! I trusted these people with the care of my Pokemon and look what happened! I went in with two Pokemon and now I'm stuck raising five Pokemon! What kind of daycare is this? I am just glad that they don't take care of children!

    submitted by /u/nicholaserbeam
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    Pokemon, but I try my best to explain how every type could be super effective to bug

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    Fire: Already

    Water: Controls the environment in which many bugs live in

    Grass: Venus Fly Traps

    Electric: Lightning strikes stupid normal bug and it fucking dies

    Flying: Already

    Fighting: SMASH

    Ground: SMASH

    Rock: SMASH (already)

    Psychic: Lifts up bug using telekinesis and rips its fucking legs off, the bug screaming in pain as it slowly loses consciousness. It has only been alive for a few days, but now it will know the horrible pain of death.

    Steel: SMASHHHH

    Ghost: Spirits are known to reduce the temperature in a certain area which could kill the bugs due to their weakness to colder weather

    Ice: Same thing as above but... like... colder I guess

    Dark: That dumbfuck Caleb that used to burn ants with a magnifying glass in elementary school. You know who you are

    Bug: Spider webs trapping flies and such

    Fairy: Magic hits stupid normal bug and it fucking dies

    Dragon: Mythical beasts attacks stupid normal bug and it fucking dies

    Poison: Experiment time kids, gather around! Buy a funny little tub of Hydrofluoric Acid from your local convenience store. (I recommend doing the experiment outside said convenience store for added effect) Any of the cute critters in your neighborhood will work perfectly for this experiment. Once you are ready, careeeeefully place your little friend into the liquid.

    It fucking dies

    And last but not least, Normal:

    👀👁 You've killed a bug before, haven't you. You monster

    Edit: Ik this is sort of cheesy but I went to sleep last night with this having no upvotes. I've never gotten this many upvotes on reddit before so to see this in the morning has really made my day. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Astr4ll
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    She can't be THAT hard, right?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    So I was in Undella Town, right? I knew Cynthia was there. I never played Gen 4, but everyone knows how hard she goes. So, being the absolutely sane, and totally not dumb and reckless person that I am.

    I challenged Cynthia. I didn't think she was as tough as people said she was.

    She sent out Spiritomb first. It took everything I had to kill it. Not even joking, it took a bunch of items and ALL of my party to take it down. Then, you wanna know the SECOND pokemon she sent out was?

    That Garchomp, I heard all the horror stories about that thing. And for the very first time, I got to experience it first hand. Wanna know how it went? Got swept.

    Learned a valuable lesson, take the horror stories seriously and level up some more.

    submitted by /u/SaltareDiabolis
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    Assuming Legends: Arceus is a hit, what legend would you like to see explored in a follow up entry?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    I'd love to see a Pokémon Legends: Ho-Oh as a follow up. I think there's a lot of mythology there with the burning of the tower and the resurrection of the beasts that would be cool to see as a contemporary event. The beasts could then be tracked on your quest to find Ho-Oh and the mythology of the Rainbow Wing could be delved into in an actual game

    submitted by /u/DatedTVReference
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    Old vs New Pokemon Design

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    I was thinking about how different newer pokemon designs are in comparison to what we got in older gens. So I decided to make a little comparison chart between Syther and Lurantis, acting as representative of the two design philosophies. I chose these two because their both based on praying mantises and I'm pretty sure both are very well like by the community at large.


    Note, I'm not saying either design philosophy is particular better then the other, and I am by no means a professional artist or animator. I just wanted to compare how pokemon design was like when it started with how it generally is now.

    submitted by /u/LegendMasterX
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    Pokemon, but I try my best to explain how bug is super effective to every type

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    Fire: Bees regularly cook invading forces by vibrating so hard the temperature cooks them alive. Plus they routinely have to thermoregulate to keep their hives in ideal temperatures. They've mastered temperatures.

    Water: Water tension, bugs can walk on water. Some bugs can store air in their exoskeleton and live off that. Mosquitos lay their eggs in water and are the most deadly animal in the world, coming in at over one million deaths per year. Good luck stopping that when you're just encouraging their breeding.

    Grass: Grasshoppers. Ever heard of Locusts? Its when a grasshopper gets brushed up on by another grasshopper so much that it goes into a hormone induced rage, becomes huge, and then eats everything in sight. Look up Albert's Swarm and tell me your feeble Grass type is still strong against bug.

    Electric: Lightning bugs.

    Flying: Dragonflies have the best K/D's in the animal kingdom, securing around 95% of any target they get their eyes on. You're telling me a Yanmega, coming in at over 6 feet tall/long, is going to see a Dodrio, a measly 5'11" Beta virgin, and not start licking its mandibles? Get outta here.

    Fighting: Ants can lift 5000 times their body weight. Have fun trying to punch a Durant when you cant get within arms reach because it'll throw you through a wall if it catches you.

    Ground: The ground tries to kill Cicadas and they come back every 13 and 17 years, they just come back stronger. Ground may think they've got the upper hand here but, given time, Ninjask is just going to come back with his whole family. Don't even get me started on how many bugs burrow and the ground can't do anything about it. Ground is such a non-threat that bugs LIVE there.

    Rock: Bugs live under these. Rock is such a non threat that bugs live under them. I wouldn't live under a volcano.

    Psychic: Bugs are too stupid to take psychic damage. It's like trying to cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on a lamp.

    Steel: Look at Albert's Swarm again, there were so many locusts squished by the trains that the trains couldn't get any traction. Then its just a matter of time, baby.

    Ghost: Ghosts aren't real, try again.

    Ice: Upis ceramboides. It has an antifreeze in its blood. Ice can't kill what it cant freeze, where is your god now.

    Dark: Have you even seen how many bugs come out at night? They're not scared of dark at all. Enjoy your new venomoth overlords, and since most of you would freak out at a venus moth I can't imagine how well you'd handle a 38 pound moth flapping against your window because its too stupid to know how to use a door.

    Bug: The varroa destructor mite can cause colony collapse disorder. Even with human help, bee's are helpless to defend themselves against something not even a quarter of their size.

    Fairy: You think bugs care about magic? According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Bees laugh at your magic and eat it for breakfast.

    Dragon: I've seen a lot more bugs than I have dragons.

    Poison: Remember DDT? Good luck, flying types, bugs don't give a shit about poison.

    Normal: Go give any woman a bug and see how they react. If a fly is in the same car as most people, good luck making it to your destination.

    submitted by /u/IAmATriceratopsAMA
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    Is Black 2 and White 2 worth to play?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    So i decided to play some of the Pokémon games that i haven't tried. I mostly got introduced to the games properly around Gen 3 so i started there. As of now i beaten Ruby, Diamond, Y, Sun, Heart Gold, and Black.

    I am on the fence of playing Black 2 or White 2 and if so i don't know which to really play. Some say skip it while others say its a better follow up. Also if anyone can, which of the old gen is best to play? Like for example in Gen 1 it's Red Blue and Yellow. And Gen 2 it's Silver, Gold and Crystal. Im also considering on playing Emerald and Platinum but i am a bit on the fence as i beaten Ruby and Diamond. Either way i just like some input.

    submitted by /u/SoukStar995
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    Silvally's RKS System Should Have Worked with the Arceus Plates

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Silvally's Memory Discs, the 17 items used in order to change it's type while held were a wasted effort and never should have been made. They were made to fit with the idea that Silvally accepts discs using its technologically enhanced body. However, the discs were unnecessary and the already existing 17 Arceus Plates could have been described as "insertable" like discs into the RKS System instead. Agree or disagree?

    submitted by /u/TEZofAllTrades
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    Concept: X and Y Megas for ALL starters

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    In Pokémon X and Y, Charizard and Mewtwo got two mega evolutions as you probably know. A while back, while making Fakémon for my own region, I came up with the idea of giving every starter two megas.

    When making both X and Y megas, I've noticed some consistencies between the existing ones:

    All X Mega Evolutions have:

    • A more drastic design change that somewhat deviates from the main design while still resembling the old Pokémon.

    • An additional or changed typing, w/ Charizard X becoming part Dragon-Type for example.

    • Base Stats and an Ability that allows a totally different way to use the Pokémon to become viable, such as both Mega Charizard X and Mega Mewtwo X being more physically oriented.

    All Y Mega Evolutions have:

    • Improved design changes, but more or less the same Pokémon (less drastic than X mega evolutions).

    • The same typing as its non-mega-evolved form.

    • Base Stats that are a more extreme version of their non-mega-evolved form.

    Example: Mega Serperior X could become Grass/Dragon-type w/ levitate, tough claws, or moxie with higher attack. Mega Serperior Y would be just Grass-type w/ contrary as its ability.

    It really is a shame this has only ever been applied to Charizard and Mewtwo for fan service and merchandising pretty much. Least we can hope for the future and/or for fan-games and rom hacks.

    submitted by /u/DukeDare_
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    Which Pokémon girl protagnist girl is the best?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Too controversial. But I am really curious apart from their contribution in anime , which one has the most development also shouldn't be ignored and development always doesn't mean change in look for me they are dawn&misty because they were well written may is also great. TBF I don't want shipping wars in comments. I really wonder because whom ever I ask seem to biased.

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    submitted by /u/Creepy_SCI
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    Do you like using legendaries on your main team?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:36 AM PDT

    Ok so I've had this conversation with my friends but I've always felt like using legendary Pokemon on my main team kinda of removes a lot of individual factors from the games. My reasoning is that if everyone uses legendaries it makes my team feel less special as a kid I always liked comparing my team with my friends seeing which pokemon we picked rather than everyone having the box legendary on their team. Sorry if these seems like a dumb question I was just wondering

    submitted by /u/AdderalAddict57
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    Who do you like more?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Which Pokemon is better - Gardevoir or Gallade. Some people say that Gardevoir is just a waifu Pokemon and Gallade is better. Even, Wally replaced his Gardevoir with a Gallade in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. What's your opinion on this? Whose design do you like more? And, which Pokemon would you like to play with?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/motivationallegend
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    Giving Gen 2 Gym Leaders and Elite Four Better Teams

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Falkner: Doduo: Peck, Growl, Mud slap, Pursuit

    Hoppip: Sleep powder, Stun spore, Mega drain, Cotton spore

    Noctowl: Hypnosis, Tackle, Peck, Mud slap

    Bugsy: Ledian: Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Comet punch

    Pineco: Self destruct, Protect, Tackle, Pin missile

    Scyther: Quick attack, Wing attack, Fury cutter, Focus Energy

    Whitney: Teddiursa: Scratch, Lick, Fury swipes, Attract

    Aipom: Attract, Fury swipes, Thunderpunch, Rock smash

    Furret: Slam, attract, Quick attack, Fire punch

    Miltank: Milk drink, Stomp, Rollout, Attract

    Morty: Haunter x2: Curse, Mean look, Shadow ball, Spite

    Gengar: Shadow ball, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Fire punch

    Misdreavus: Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Pain split, Perish Song

    Chuck: Primeape: Karate chop, Rock slide, thunderpunch, Rage

    Machoke: Dynamicpunch, Ice punch, Strength, Foresight

    Poliwrath: Surf, Mind reader, Hypnosis, Dynamicpunch

    Heracross: Take down, Fury cutter, Counter, Reversal

    Jasmine: Magneton: Thunderbolt, Sandstorm, Supersonic, Tri attack

    Forretress: Rapid spin, Pin missile, Explosion, Protect

    Steelix: Iron tail, Dig, Curse, Rock slide

    Skarmory: Steel Wing, Detect, Fly, Swift

    Pryce: Sneasel: Faint attack, Icy wind, Shadow ball, Slash

    Delibird: Present, Icy Wind, Fly, Headbutt

    Dewgong: Rest, Sleep talk, Surf, Icy wind

    Piloswine: Icy wind, Blizzard, Earthquake, Take down

    Clair:(can't really do much here.) Gyarados: Dragon breath, Waterfall, Thunder, Fire Blast

    Dragonair x2:Dragon breath, Flamethrower, Outrage, Hyper beam

    Kingdra: Hydro pump, Dragonbreath, Smoke screen, Surf

    Will: Xatu: Psychic, Confuse ray, Fly, Giga drain

    Slowking: Surf, Psychic, Fire Blast, Zap cannon

    Girafarig: Psychic, Crunch, Headbutt, Earthquake

    Wobbuffet: Counter, Safeguard, Mirror coat, Destiny Bond

    Espeon: Mud slap, Psychic, Bite, Morning Sun

    Jynx: Lovely kiss, Ice beam, Dream eater, Body Slam

    Koga: Crobat: Double team, Sludge bomb, giga drain, fly

    Muk: Sludge bomb, Explosion, Ice punch, Minimize

    Nidoking: Sludge bomb, Earthquake, Double kick, Thunderbolt

    Ariados: Psychic, Night shade, Dig, Sludge Bomb

    Tentacruel: Surf, Sludge bomb, Ice beam, Barrier

    Scizor: Metal Claw, Swords dance, Quick attack, Wing attack

    Bruno: Hitmontop: Counter, Dig, Detect, Rolling Kick

    Hitmonlee: High jump kick, Meditate, Body slam, Mega kick

    Hitmonchan: Mach punch, Dynamicpunch, Ice punch, Thunderpunch

    Machamp: Cross chop, Rock slide, Earthquake, Curse

    Donphan: Earthquake, Defense curl, Rollout, Strength

    Granbull: Take down, Shadow ball, Sludge bomb, Dynamicpunch

    Karen: Umbreon: Protect, Toxic, Faint attack, Bite

    Houndoom: Flamethrower, Crunch, Iron tail, Fire blast

    Tyranitar: Rock slide, Crunch, Earthquake, Scary face

    Sneasel: Faint attack, Ice punch, Dig, Slash

    Murkrow: Fly, Faint attack, Steel wing, Night shade

    Hypno: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Hypnosis, Headbutt

    Lance: Gyarados: Hydro pump, Hyper beam, Dragon rage, Zap cannon

    Charizard: Flamethrower, Wing attack, Slash, Dragonbreath

    Aerodactyl: Wing attack, Ancientpower, Fire blast, Double edge

    Dragonite x3: Same movesets they already have

    Brock: Onix: Rock slide, Earthquake, Slam, Sandstorm

    Omastar: Surf, Ice beam, Hydro pump, bite

    Golem: Rock slide, Earthquake, Explosion, Dynamicpunch

    Shuckle: Defense curl, Toxic, Protect, Rollout

    Aerodactyl: Fly, Iron tail, double team, ancientpower

    Tyranitar: Rock slide, Crunch, Hyper beam, Earthquake

    Misty: Starmie: Surf, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Recover

    Mantine: Hydro pump, Icy wind, Wing attack, Confuse ray

    Lapras: Ice Beam, Surf, Thunder, Sing

    Quagsire: Earthquake, Surf, Amnesia, Ice punch

    Gyarados: Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Hydro pump, Rain dance

    Corsola: Ancientpower, mirror coat, Surf, Recover

    Lt. Surge: Raichu: Thunderbolt, Submission, Thunder wave, Thunder

    Electrode: Explosion, Light screen, Rollout, Thunderbolt

    Magneton: Metal sound, Thunderbolt, Tri attack, Supersonic

    Electabuzz: Ice punch, Thunderpunch, Fire punch, Cross chop

    Lanturn: Surf, Confuse ray, Spark, Thunder wave

    Ampharos: Thunder wave, Dynamicpunch, Fire punch, Thunderbolt

    Erika: Jumpluff: Sleep Powder, Giga drain, Headbutt, Confusion

    Victreebel: Sludge Bomb, Stun spore, Giga drain, Slam

    Bellossom: Giga drain, Sleep powder, Sunny day, Solarbeam

    Sudowoodo: Rock slide, Earthquake, Low kick, Ice punch

    Exeggutor: Explosion, Giga drain, Psychic, Hypnosis

    Parasect: Spore, Dig, Slash, Fury cutter

    Janine: Weezing: Sludge bomb, Explosion, Rollout, Toxic

    Nidoqueen: Earthquake, Body slam, Thunder, Flamethrower

    Crobat: Wing attack, Toxic, Confuse ray, Sludge bomb

    Gengar: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Ice punch, Fire punch

    Venomoth: Psychic, Sleep powder, Sludge bomb, Giga drain

    Qwilfish: Surf, Sludge bomb, Spikes, Pin missile

    Sabrina: Alakazam: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Ice punch, Fire punch

    Mr. Mime: Light screen, Reflect, Psychic, Substitute

    Slowbro: Psychic, Surf, Fire blast, Shadow ball

    Blissey: Toxic, Softboiled, Psychic, Protect

    Porygon2: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice beam, Tri attack

    Clefable: Body Slam, Sing, Psychic, Metronome

    Blaine: Magmar: Fire blast, Psychic, Thunderpunch, Confuse ray

    Magcargo: Rock slide, Fire blast, Recover, Earthquake

    Arcanine: Extremespeed, Fire blast, Bite, Dragonbreath

    Ninetales: Fire blast, Hypnosis, Confuse ray, Attract

    Rapidash: Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Take down, Iron tail

    Typhlosion: Thunderpunch, Earthquake, Dynamicpunch, Flamethrower

    Blue: No change

    Red: No change

    submitted by /u/yokaicrotch
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    How do you think they're going to do Pal park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    The original Diamond and Pearl games, as well as the rest of the gen 4 games had an area called the "Pal Park". It's a place where you can transfer Pokémon from generation 3 games to generation 4 games. Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of games that had the ability to transfer Pokémon from a previous generation since gen 2. How do you think they'll do Pal Park in the remakes, or do you that they'll just remove that area entirely? I think that they might make it like GO Park where you transfer Pokémon from Pokémon GO and maybe in that specific area, it can have let's go mechanics. They also might port gen 3 games to switch and make Pal Park have the same exact job like it did in the originals. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Counterguy
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    Bye Bye Butterfree re-hash in new series/movie?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    Bye Bye Butterfree is something we all know and have shed many a tear for in the past and today I was talking with my friend about that scene. I remember it being remade in a newer series or a movie? But for the life of me I can't remember what it was in.

    It didn't have the same impact when I saw it but my buddy said he hasn't seen it so I wanted to find it and show him.

    Do any of you know what I'm referring to? I've searched everywhere but can only find the original.

    Help please and thank you!

    submitted by /u/almondsifu
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    How should i choose my favourite pokemon?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    I haven't had a proper favourite pokemon since before sword and shield, and it's has started to really really annoy me. Basically, can anyone tell me how they chose their favourite mon, most of the time people seem to choose their favourite mon because they clutched up in an important battle in a playthrough, so should i just play more pokemon? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Redherring4523
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    (OC) This is my version of Ash Ketchum waking up on time and his journey to become a Pokemon Master

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 04:58 PM PDT


    As the title said, this is what I believe Ash would end up with if he had woken up on time. Some Pokemon are different (instead of Pikachu as his starter, he would obtain Squirtle, his preferred choice). He would also go on and get other Pokemon; some the same, others different, and have evolved alot. If anyone wants me to go over what/how it would happen, I'd be happy to explain it to you guys in the comment section.

    submitted by /u/TurboThundr
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    Legendaries (both box legends and side legends) should be fought like classic RPG bosses going forward

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Legendary battles feel kind of underwhelming to me. You can easily take them out with a couple super effective moves, and once you get them down to yellow or red health, you just spam Ultra Balls at them until they are caught. Legendaries are supposed to be formidable ancient beasts, not just something that you can easily take out. Ultra Necrozma for example, which I guess is considered a boss fight, can hit you really hard and easily destroy your team, but it can be taken out with a couple super effective moves despite the increased stats. Even Arceus (I have seen videos of it being fought), who is the god of the Pokemon world, can be taken out with two Close Combats (though it can tank moves like Drain Punch better). I like Dynamax Adventures since when you fight the legendary at the end, it feels like an actual boss fight due to the increased HP, same for Eternamax Eternatus. It would be cool if when legendaries were fought, all of their stats would be raised including their HP, and they would be immune to moves such as Super Fang and some status conditions. After getting their HP down to 1, then it would switch over to the classic spam Ultra Ball method. This would also add a layer of difficulty to the game, since legendaries would be even more powerful when you fight them. I really do hope that GameFreak makes continues to make legendary battles feel like actual classic RPG bosses, even in BDSP despite that being a remake.

    submitted by /u/AwesomeToadUltimate
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    If Pokemon wasn't a PG show, who do you think would cuss the most?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Personally, for the female companions, I'd say Misty or Iris.

    For the guys, I gotta go with Clemont, though ONLY when his inventions blow up in his face.

    Pokemon that give me that type of energy are Charizard and probably like, Snivy.

    And Jessie definitely cusses the most out of the Rockets.

    submitted by /u/FrozenFlames12
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    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    So in the episode Memories in the Mist Ash and Torrecat see Stoutland, Lillie and Gladion see no one (implying that their father is alive) and Mallow sees her mother. This could make the theory that Ash's father has passes untrue because what Hapu says is that they can see the deceased but doesn't specify that the person wants to see said deceased relative. Like Lillie and Gladion I think this supports the same theory

    submitted by /u/CaptainStaraptor
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    Own Tempo Rockruff

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Hey Folks!

    Playing Ultramoon for the first time and having a blast! Was wondering if anybody had a Dusk form Lycanrock or Own Tempo Rockruff that they weren't using that I could trade for! Just looking to add a fun rock type to my team for my playthrough! Currently in the level 30's!

    I keep trying the GTS but unfortunately there is a hacker that has made it so that the GTS crashes if you happen to scroll over one of their MANY pokemon :(

    submitted by /u/TheNitroFox
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