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    Pokémon A theory regarding Meowth

    Pokémon A theory regarding Meowth

    A theory regarding Meowth

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Meowth is a pretty iconic Pokemon. It has been here from the start of Pokemon's launch, and has appeared in more anime episodes than I can remember. I wanted to make this post to share a theory regarding Meowth, or more specifically its regional forms.

    I believe, that Meowth could be the new Eevee. By this, I mean that Meowth could get many regional forms with many types, like Eevee has with regular evolution.

    As of now, Meowth currently has 2 regional forms (making it the only Pokemon with 2 regional forms), both being monotype, like Eevee's evolutions. Kantonian Meowth also appears in every region to date, suggesting it is very adaptive. Cats in real life are also very adaptive, and many stories in folklore and mythology feature cats for their cunning and mysterious personality, providing a multitude of inspiration for new Meowth regional forms.

    Maybe 2 regional forms is not enough to justify this hypothesis, but I can definitely see Meowth possibly getting many regional forms across many types.

    Let me know your opinion in the comments.

    submitted by /u/vitamin_deeeep
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    Let’s settle this debate. Which is better: Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, or Dynamaxing and WHY is it better?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    I've seen many people say positives and negatives for all three and I wanna know the DEFINITIVE best one. IMO they all have something unique and they bring something new to the table. One problem I do have with all three is that they can become just a one-hit KO move that makes it unfun to play against.

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    submitted by /u/zachusaguy
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    The 6 types of Pokemon designs.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    This is my taxonomy of Pokemon designs. The "prompt" for you is too say your thoughts and preferences for each and how Game Freak might continue to create Pokemon from each design philosophy.

    Animal Pokemon: This is by far the most common one. Usually a blend of an animal with an element, like Typhlosion is a fire honey badger and Squirtle is a water turtle. Sometimes there's also a bit of human in their too, especially with later starter Pokemon, like how Cinderace is a fire bunny soccer player. And someone's we just have Pokemon that are literally just an animal with no twists: Tauros is just a bull, Miltank is just a cow, and Bunnelby is just a bunny. I'm curious if people think Game Freak has fully mined the animal kingdom of distinct designs. Are there any more animals you'd like to see made into Pokemon?

    Plant Pokemon: Often these are mixed with animal designs as well. For instance, Bulbasaur is a dinosaur and bulb plant. But there are a few that are just sentient plants, such as Sudowood is a tree, Exeggutor is a palm tree, and Victreebell is a Venus flytrap.

    Manmade Pokemon: By far the strangest set of Pokemon, these guys are designed around man made objects. We had a little representation before, such as Voltorb, but things really picked up in Gen Five, where we got Pokemon designed around ice cream, key chains, and lawn mowers. Edit: this send to confuse some people. This category is specifically about Pokemon that area designed around man made objects, not Pokemon that were created by humans in the game's canon. So while Mewtwo was created by scientists in the game, it is not designed by the artists from a man made creation.

    Nature Pokemon: Not too many of these, these are designed around natural objects. Muk is a poisonous mud, Geodude is a rock with arms, etc.

    Cultural Pokemon: My favorite:These Pokemon are designed around various cultural stories. Xatu is designed around mesoamerican totem poles, Gyarados was inspired by Chinese folklore, and Ghastly is probably a will-o'-the-wisp. Meowth is a cat, yes, but is designed specifically around the maneki neko.

    Original Pokemon: These are Pokemon that aren't particularly based on anything. Clefable comes to mind. Some Pokemon are based on a previous category, but evolve into something less clear. For instance, Mew is a psychic cat, but Mewtwo is so distorted it can no longer be said to be designed around an earthly animal anymore.

    Edit: Anthropomorphic Pokemon: I hesitated to make this category because most Pokemon like this only have a few humanoid attributes but are primarily the other categories. But after some consideration we do have characters like Hitmonlee, Mr. Mime, or Machoke and other more modern Pokemon that are more human than anything else.

    submitted by /u/Censius
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    Completed My First Nuzlocke!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    I've completed my first ever Pokemon nuzlocke! I played Alpha Sapphire and my friend did an Omega Ruby nuzlocke with me.

    We stuck to the three basic rules and also played with the duplicate clause, pinwheel clause, and shiny clause. We also modified the nickname rule so that we would nickname each other's pokemon(except for our starters and a few other exceptions).

    Here's an overview of what went down:

    1st Gym:

    I had chosen a Torchic which I nicknamed Chocobo and had your pretty standard team up to the 1st gym, a Zigzagoon named K.P, a Wingull named Nigel, a Shroomish names Pilz, a Poochyena named Shenzi, and a Taillow named D.J.(which happened to have Boomburst because it was a DexNav encounter). The first badge was an easy win with Pilz securing the victory.

    2nd Gym:

    Nothing eventful except for meeting Steven at Granite Cave, where I caught a Zubat named Echo(I'm not gonna go over all of the pokemon I caught but never used because frankly I can't remember then all). Nigel led us to our second badge.

    3rd Gym:

    Moving on to Slateport, me and my friend did the contest here(we ended up doing a contest in every city that had a contest building), and somewhere along the way my friend lost his first Pokemon, a female Wingull named Chica. When I battled Team Aqua at the Slateport Musuem I also lost K.P to a Carvannah's Assurance.

    Moving onto Mauville I caught a female Electrike which my friend had me name Zenesha. Since we were playing ORAS I was excited because I would have another mega on my team(I got the Manectice shortly after getting my bike in the city). I was a bit worried about this gym since two of my teammates has electric weaknesses so I went for just hitting Wattson's pokemon hard. No losses there and I had Zenesha take up the now vacant spot on my team :D

    4th Gym:

    It was a long trek to Fallarbor, and my catch on the ashy route was a Sandshrew I named Mint in honor of my first ever shiny. Once I got to Mt. Chimney I defeated Shelly and Archie no problem and went to get my fourth badge in Lavaridge, which was a breeze considering that Nigel had recently evolved.

    5th Gym:

    Me and my friend were nervous about our bout against Norman, and rightfully so. Although we both chose Torchic, Norman's pokemon were bulky and could hit hard. But, my friend's Combusken(nicknamed Tuck)had actually evolved while he was battling the gym trainers. Should've been a breeze for him, right?


    Tuck fell during the gym battle and although he won without anymore losses, it still sucked to lose his starter. I won the badge without losing anyone but we both carried a grudge against Norman ever since(I believe he filled the empty spot with a Numel I named Vesuvius).

    6th Gym:

    I did the mission with Steven and got my Latias which I named La, my friend named his Latios Tui(after the moon and ocean spirits from Avatar), and Winona was an easy win with Zenesha who could now mega evolve.

    7th Gym:

    The Mt. Pyre mission went on without any losses(my friend also got the Gyaradosite for his Gyarados which I named Leviathan. I infiltrated Team Aqua's base with no losses, also remembering to pick up the Master Ball and I was prepared to sweep the gym with Zenesha and Shenzi.

    While battling the gym trainers, I was facing this guy and his Medicham. Since it was fighting/psychic I decided to have Shenzi use Assurance since it did more damage if the user already took damage that turn.

    But the Medicham used Hi Jump Kick which was a total knockout. I felt so stupid, I should've just went for the Crunch, but I tried to comfort myself with the possibility that the Medicham probably would've survived and the same thing would've happened anyways. I was still devastated because Shenzi was one of the first members of my team and I wanted to take her to the League with me.

    I had to find someone to fill the spot, and I chose a Trapinch named Goggles I caught in the desert. After a lot of grinding he evolved into a Flygon. He learned Crunch along the way and ended up decimating Tate and Liza with D.J.

    Kyogre Incident:

    I pursued Team Aqua into the Seafloor Cavern and battled Archie, defeating his Mega Sharpedo with Zenesha. When Kyogre woke up I went to Sootopolis to confront it in the Cave of Origins where I caught it with the Master Ball, my friend opted to knock out Primal Groudon instead.

    8th Gym:

    This gym was a breeze(except for the puzzle which I always struggle on)with Zenesha and Pilz being MVP's in that fight.

    Victory Road:

    I went to Ever Grande and prepared my team for Victory Road. We were battling the trainers no problem...

    ...until Zenesha was killed(I can't for the life of me remember what it was but I know she died at Victory Road).

    Great. Now I lost my ace and a pokemon I was depending on for defeating Glacia's Walrein.

    But there was hope. My encounter for Victory Road happened to be a Sableye which my friend nicknamed Bismuth.

    Sableye can mega evolve.

    I added him to the team and after more grinding to get him on par with the rest of the gang, we made it through without anymore losses.

    Now it was time for the Elite Four and the Champion.

    Elite Four:

    Sydney was an easy win, Chocobo and Pilz easily countering his dark types, although his Mightyena gave me a rough time with Swagger.

    Phoebe was a bit harder, but Goggles and Bismuth were able to take her down. (Sidenote: I also learned during this adventure that Flygon was actually supposed to get a mega in X and Y but the artist who was in charge got artists block and the idea was dropped D:)

    Glacia I knew was going to be a tough fight. I didn't really have anything to counter her Walrein and I braced for a loss. Chocobo took care of her first four Pokemon, and after a bit of deliberation, I chose to send out Bismuth and mega evolve him to counter her Walrein.

    Walrein hit hard with Blizzard and nearly killed Bismuth, but he pulled through and took it out with two Power Gems. Frick yeah!

    But, my friend ended up losing Leviathan to a Sheer Cold attack(all my pokemon were higher leveled than the Elite 4's so I didn't have to worry about that but still, devastating lost for my friend :,( )

    I prepared for Drake in advance by teaching Nigel Ice Beam and giving him a metronome to hold(which increases the power of a move if it's used consecutively)and so he pretty much one-shotted all of his pokemon. My friend used the same strategy with his Exploud named Decibelle.

    The Champion:

    I had a good counter for most of his pokemon with Chocobo, but for the majority of the fight I refrained from using him and used Goggles for a lot of his team since he knew Earthquake. Almost everyone had their moment to shine during this fight, and those who didn't got their moment during the Elite 4.

    Steven sent out his Metagross, I sent out Chocobo. We both mega evolved our partners, and I got the first move with Blaze Kick which took it down to half health. Metagross went next, went for the Zen Headbutt... ...and MISSED.

    I knew I had this in the bag right then and there. I had Chocobo secure our victory with Blast Burn in the most anime style pokemon battle in history.

    I had secured my title as the new Champion of Hoenn! My friend won as well but lost two more pokemon to Steven.

    And with that, our Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Nuzlocke's were completed!

    This was really fun to do, especially with a friend, and I have more nuzlockes in store which I'll make similar posts on. I think I made it easier on my part considering that I overgrinded a bit because I was worried about the battles to come, and ORAS are some of the easier games in the series. But regardless, I think I got the full nuzlocke experience :D

    Thanks to my team!

    Chocobo(Blaziken) - "Fiery Legend"

    D.J.(Swellow) - "Champion Screamer"

    Pilz(Breloom) - "Status Maniac"

    Nigel(Pelipper) - "Master Spitter"

    Goggles(Flygon) - "Earthshaker"

    Bismuth(Sableye) - "Diamond in the Rough"

    Rest In Peace...

    K.P.(Zigzagoon) - "The O.G."

    Shenzi(Mightyena) - "Lovable Scamp"

    Zenesha(Manectric) - ""Lightning Warrior"

    Honorable Mention to Wumbo the Wailord who I used as my water mount because Nigel couldn't learn Dive XD

    If you read this far, thanks a million! I'm currently working on a SoulSilver Nuzlocke(my friend is also tagging along for this one too, he's playing HeartGold) and I plan to do an X Nuzlocke in the future!

    submitted by /u/CIMentoMotors313
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    A Review of the Main Series Pokémon Games: Part 1 (Generation 1) [Long Post]

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    1) Intro: The Pokémon series has been around for 25 years and is a big collection of games and other media loved by many, including myself. I grew up with Pokémon, watching it evolve into what it is today. With all the video games, tv shows, trading cards, manga, and toys, Pokémon has a lot to offer its fans. As of now, we are all waiting for the gen 4 remakes Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl releasing later this year as well as Pokémon Legends: Arceus at the begining of next year.

    Of course, this series isn't perfect, far from it. The reason I wanted to make this post is to review the main series games, which stems from seeing the direction Game Freak is taking these games as of late. I want to be able to play them as if it were my first time while taking a more critical look at various features of each game. Therefore, no self-imposed challenges and I'll playing each game to completition, defeating the champion (for some games, I'll play up to the point past the champion to fight a stronger trainer like Red). I'll also include completion times and final teams. I'll try to avoid using a Pokémon more than once to give my play throughs more variety.

    I'll be splitting up each post to include one generation of games. Please do not get defensive when I talk about your favorite game or generation. This is purely the opinion of one person, so if I think a feature or mechanic is bad, you might think it's actually good for that particular game. I also encourage discussion for each game so everyone can other opinions. Without further delay, let's get to it.

    2) Red, Blue, Yellow: For generation 1, I decided to play Yellow, the "enhanced" version of Red and Blue. Generation 1 was the one to bring us to the region of Kanto and the first 151 pocket monsters to use. Even though this was the big start of the franchise, RBY was not my first game. I came back to it after I played Crystal. My mom had a Gameboy Color, and when I was old enough to play, she gave me hers along with Pokémon Blue and Crystal. I also got Red and Yellow from my uncle, who at the time was playing the games. Playing Yellow, it took me 28:42 to complete with a team of Nidoqueen, Charizard, Jolteon, "Ricky" the Machamp (NPC trade), Exeggutor, and Omastar.

    Going back to playing this game was a nostalgia blast for sure, even when it's riddled with glitches and bugs. I didn't encounter too many of these except when I swapped into a different mon just to get wrapped to death, unable to pull up my move list after Wrap finished (Sorry, Jolteon). Despite this, I still had fun playing this game. Yeah, Psychic types virtually had no weaknesses in this game and the special attack and special defense stats were rolled into one stat, so there was a balancing issue that gets fixed in the next generation. However, Sabrina actually didn't give me too much issues and I was at least +10 levels below her Alakazam.

    This brings me to my first point: the level curve. After you defeat Lt. Surge, your team may be close to lv30 depending on how much grinding you do. His Raichu is lv28 and Erika's Gloom and Weepinbell at lv32. Not too bad of a jump considering you have 3 routes and Dark Tunnel in between. However, what threw me off was the fact that Koga, the next gym leader after Erika, jumps to lv50. That's an 18 level difference. Sure, I was also underleveled for him as well and didn't have any fainted mons, but I still found it strange. I noticed that the trainers between Pokémon Tower and Cinnabar island do not increase in level. They remain the same level, about lv27 to lv37. Even the Team Rocket grunts at Silph Co. have this same level range. The only people whose level actually increase are your rival, Giovanni, and the gym leaders. At least the trainers at Victory Road are actually stronger, so there's that.

    This kinda leads to my next point of difficulty. Yes, I think the level curve is a bit weird, but I personally had no trouble. After Erika, I was underleved up until the champion. Blue had lv60, I had lv50. I suffered little to no caualties throughout the gym leader, elite four, and champion battles. Others may not find it as easy as I did.

    Another point is the lack of moves. I understand that the arguement could be made that this is the first few games in the series, so it won't have as much variety like it does as we get to later games. This same arguement could be made for other points as it gets fixed in later games. When the game came out, the lack moves wouldn't feel like a problem, but as a veteran of the series coming back to it, I can feel the restrictions. TMs helped, but they were one use only.

    My last issue is my bag space. There were plenty of times I had to backtrack for items because I had no room and I didn't want to throw anything away. I had to put items away in my personal PC if I wanted to keep them. My PC had key items that had one use and it would just take up space as well as TMs and rare candies that I wanted to save for my final team. The one time I got really irritated with this mechanic was when I at the Rocket Game Corner Hideout. I had to go back to move some items around when I was trying to grab some stuff near the spin pads. It wouldn't be so bad if the spin pads weren't SO DAMN SLOW.

    On a more positive note, the game in terms of progression does a good job. It doesn't feel like it's holding your hand the entire, so you're free to explore to figure out what you need to do to get past roadblocks and progress the story. You had to talk to NPCs to get hints at what to do next instead of having someone come to you to explain what's next. You get your starter and your Pokédex and Professor Oak tells you to go have fun. Simple and I like that.

    In terms of region, characters, and Pokémon design, they're good overall. Of course, every generation is going to have its few bad Applins and every region will have sections players dread going through. For the Pokémon, this first batch has a good variey of the cool, cute, and weird monsters. Some have basic designs and others are based off of Japanese folklore, giving them more depth. Again, there are some stinkers, but the majority are decent or great designs. The sprites, at least for Yellow, looked nice and clean up. The back sprites are a different story...

    The characters are ok. The game does not tell it's story through dialogue, so NPCs seem bland. Not too much development for anyone or any major involvement of the characters other Giovanni being the big baddie and Blue as your rival and eventually becoming champion. Speaking of the baddies, Team Rocket is this region's villian team. Their motive is to make money and aim for world domination. This is how mafia works. But on a real note, this team seems tame compared to other teams in terms of the leader's end goal.

    For the region, it has a good layout. There are a good amount of dungeons to explore, even if they are annoying to traverse without repels or due to requiring HMs. Kanto also has a museum in Pewter City, the S.S. Anne cruise ship, the Celadon department store, and Cycling Road for some sightseeing locations. The Game Corner in Celadon offers some fun for the high rollers to earn some coins to cash in for different prizes. The Safari Zone in Fuschia gives a player to go an all out catching spree for more rare Pokémon, like Kangaskhan, Tauros, and Chansey (hard to find and harder to catch) to help complete the dex. In Yellow, in a house south of Fuschia before you surf, you can play a Pikachu surfing minigame (I'm playing the Virtual Console version, so I don't need to connect to Stadium). All these locations help Kanto feel less bare and more like there is actual things to do aside from the gym challenge.

    Overall, generation 1 was a great experience for people to get started or those wanting to take a trip down memory lane. The bugs may get in the way, but the game still offers replayability. If you want to see where Pokémon gets its roots, RBY is a must play.

    For these posts, I welcome discussion on generation of games I covered to hear other people's opinions. It could be anything related to the RBY games or if you have any questions for me about my run. I'm planning on playing all of the games before I get to Brilliant Diamond, but if you guys want to see more reviews, I'll gladly do another one. My next game will be Crystal for my visit to the Johto region. I hope you all are having a great weekend.

    submitted by /u/Team_Aqua_Grunt
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    A time where a friend screwed you over.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    As the title says, I'm curious if anyone has had a moment where a friend has screwed them over.

    For me, back in '98, a friend stayed the weekend at my place so we could finish our pokedexes in R/B. There wasn't much left, some trade evos, version exclusives... and the Bulbasaur line. Well I was the only one of us who had a Bulbasaur and we both needed the whole line at least registered.

    Simple solution was I would trade it over, my friend evolves it. Trade back, I evolve then another trade. Easy enough, we have enough rare candies (ty missingno.).

    But when it came time to trade me Ivysaur, he traded me over a Venusaur. Completely screwing me out of the middle stage.

    submitted by /u/ZenCyn39
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    Tackle or bite?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    I was wondering if I have a normal type Pokémon and it has bite and tackle which is better. Tackle has power of 50 and bite has power of 60, but tackle will gain STAB, so it would have power of 75, right? So is tackle better to use than bite w/ normal type Pokémon?

    submitted by /u/Laughmatron
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    Do y’all have a weird ritual you do anytime you play?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Anytime I play a game and have an egg, I always hatch it in my home town. Ever since I was a kid I would bring the eggs back to my house and hatch it in my characters room. It started with the wynaut in lava ridge town in Ruby and I've kept doing it until now.

    submitted by /u/DragonValer88
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    I drew this Pokemon collage freehand !

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Best place to get older pokemon games?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    It always has been an ambition of mine to make a full living dex from all the generations, So I need to find a good place to get the games, I'm pretty scared of getting one from ebay and it's fake. where should I look and what is the best way to go about it?

    submitted by /u/SnowblownK
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    Have a Venosaur ever lost a fight in the anime?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    I was thinking about that Last night. I watched some Pokemon anime seasons and I don't remember any Venosaur losing a fight. Is there a scene in any anime season or movie where a Venosaur is losing any fight? Not necessarily belonging to the main character. I always thought is a strong Pokemon and a can't imagine his face after a loss

    submitted by /u/readysaw
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    Next big thing for the games?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    I'm as hyped as ever for the next set of Pokemon games, but a recent discussion with some friends got me thinking about the next big change for the series. We've had double battles, Contests, Megas, Z moves etc.

    With that in mind, what would you most want to see in a future Pokemon game? For instance, in the show (and I assume in the games too) a lot of people did not have a typical Starter Pokemon, but rather inherited one or caught a random wild Pokemon; what if you could choose your own?

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    submitted by /u/darkwingdibbs88
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    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    How would you taxonomically categorise Pokemon?

    An example would be Pikaclones.

    Since they are based on mice they will be in the Muridae family.

    They all have electric properties, so they would have a fictional genus: Murielectrica.

    Pichu, Pikachu and Raichu would be the baby, juvenile and adult forms of Murielectrica popularis.

    Plusle and Minun would be Murielectrica crimen, with positivum for Plusle and negativum for Minum.

    submitted by /u/TheOutcast06
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