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    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    Pokémon Okay, can we take a second to really appreciate Jesse and James?

    Pokémon Okay, can we take a second to really appreciate Jesse and James?

    Okay, can we take a second to really appreciate Jesse and James?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    Seriously though, I think they made the show for me. Even though they were always against Ash, some of my favorite episodes were episodes that were focused on Team Rocket, or were episodes when Ash and Team Rocket worked together. Jesse and James are really good people. They just want the best for themselves and their pokémon.

    submitted by /u/KookyCold5690
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    Which would of the following would you rather be?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Imagine that you have done something terrible and you have been put to death sentence. However, before the night of your death sentence, Arceus suddenly appears and is moved by your love towards Pokemon. It gives you a chance to be incarnated into the Pokemon world, but none of the choices are good, but at least they let you live rather than die. Which would you choose?

    (1) Become a Magikarp. You will live a free but pathetic life in the waters.

    (2) Become the starter that nobody picks. You will live a lonely life with the professor.

    (3) Become a NPC on a random route only to be destroyed endlessly by the protagonist.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Alolan_Teddiursa
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    Just finished Pokemon Shield. It was fun, but there's one thing I think would make it much better: noticeable passage of time

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    The main theme of the game is growth as a trainer. You start out as a total novice, and go on a journey. After many trials and adventures, you become stronger and stronger, and one day you eventually become the new Champion.

    However, it all feels like it took maybe a week or so of in-game time. Nothing visibly changed from the beginning to the end. You started out as a kid, and you ended as a kid. The world didn't change too. Near the end of the game, your rival reminisces about the time when you were starting out on the journey as if it was a long time ago, but it really wasn't.

    I think a really interesting game mechanic was in Fable, a somewhat old but fun fantasy RPG. In that game, you started out as a kid, but when the story progressed, you gradually got older. Other important characters got older too, and if I remember correctly, even various locations in the game changed with time.

    Something like that would be awesome in a Pokemon game. It would give becoming a new Champion much more impact, if your character actually took years, even decades, of in game time to get strong enough to be able to challenge and beat the previous Champion.

    submitted by /u/a_mimsy_borogove
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    Would you like to see Pokémon Stadium make a comeback?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    With a new Pokémon Snap out it got me thinking of the other big N64 game Pokémon Stadium and I would love to see get a new game, but how would you feel about a new Pokémon Stadium game? And if so what would you personally like to see in it?

    submitted by /u/joseangelzarate47
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    More Gen 6 Pokemon should’ve gotten megas

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Since mega evolution was Gen 6's entire gimmick, it's insane that only one Pokemon introduced from that generation got a mega evolution. And that one Pokemon, being Diancie, was event exclusive, meaning for most people, no Gen 6 Pokemon are capable of mega evolution.

    At the very least the starters should've gotten megas so they could be used to teach the player the concept of mega evolution. Imagine how cool it would've been to discover that your starter was capable of reaching an even further stage rather than some random old Pokemon.

    ORAS was better, giving a ton of Hoenn Pokemon, including the starters and box legendaries, more megas, but XY kind of dropped the ball on that.

    submitted by /u/OhioOhO
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    If you could have any Pokémon’s ability what would it be?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    For me it would realistically have to be slow start because of how long I take in the mornings 😅 . My second (and more practical) choice would be something like flash fire so I could be immune to being harmed by fire. This would make me the best for campfires or I could use this and become a fire fighter. Let me know what ability you would have :)

    submitted by /u/SuchhAaWasteeOfTimee
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    Dynamax raids by yourself are the single most frustrating nonsense in the world!!!!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    LIKE OMFG!!!!

    The ai is so daftly incompetent. It's usually fine when you're fighting against the ineptitude of the AI. But when your entire Dynamax Adventure is dependent on three of the AI not using non-damaging/non-status moves (paralyze, sleep, confusion specifically).

    I have lost 30 Raids in a row trying to catch Heatran because they keep using stat moves.

    Edit: I meant Dynamax Adventures

    submitted by /u/Gamebird8
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    Pokemon unpopular opinions that will get me bullied for the rest of my days:

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    1. Drayden from gen 5 is the most intimidating gym leader.
    2. Emboar gets too much hate, but Pignite, yeah he deserves it.
    3. Blacephalon has a really awesome concept and design.
    4. TCG opening videos aren't exceiting in the slightest.
    5. Mareep is superior to Wooloo, and Flaaffy is superior to Mareep.
    6. Wobbuffet is cool.
    7. The Unovan Monkeys get too much hate, Simisage especially.
    submitted by /u/DankBeats_Luigi_2
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    I got ORAS!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    I got the copy of ORAS for my birthday, and it's awesome. I am starting to fall in love with the Hoenn region. It has good mechanics and a nice feel (Probably because I grew up with Pokemon X and Pokemon Y). If anyone wants to see and rank my team who are Level 28 to 12 (I'm trying to train Aron as fast as I can, I just got it), here it is





    Ralts (Female)


    So what do you guys think about my team? I am at the point of Mauvile city btw.

    submitted by /u/SickSickleDude
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    Trying to think of a fun way to play Heartgold and Platinum

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    I'm trying to come up with a way to make my pokemon games more interesting or challenging without resorting to doing a Nuzlocke or just beating the game with one pokemon like you see a lot on YouTube now.

    I was hoping you guys could come up with some ideas or inspiration for my playthrough or maybe I could inspire you with some of the ideas I already have.

    Some ideas I have for gen 4 are:

    Shield Wall theme: Only highly defensive or stalling pokemon, like Bastiodon, Shuckle, and Chansey.

    Wrath theme: only pokemon with abilities and moves based on anger and wrath, like Anger Point, Intimidate, Sheer Force, Frustration, Outrage, Thrash, ect.

    Nocturnal pokemon only (Youtube idea).

    Normal Type pokemon only.
    Starter: Meowth with the ability Technician & the move Payday. Held item: Amulet Coin.

    Friendship evolution pokemon only (Youtube idea).

    Fossil pokemon only.

    Desert pokemon only (YouTube idea).

    Serpentine pokemon only.

    HGSS Grass types only, with only berries for consumable and held items.

    Platinum Steel types only.

    Platinum Ghost types only.

    HGSS Fighting types only.

    HGSS Dark types only.

    submitted by /u/Arcaneus_Umbra
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    Ash’s only electric type is Pikachu.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    I was looking over all of the Pokémon Ash currently has in his possession and even the Pokémon he released, and Ash never once caught another electric type or even a Pokémon that can use an electric type move.

    I get why this is, but it just is kind of crazy after all these years. I mean he's had teams where he runs double of the same type before but never has he run a team with double electric types.

    (Side note edit: Ash also doesn't have any psychic or fairy type Pokémon either, but that's a different post)

    submitted by /u/Broken-Nero
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    Pokemon in the Workforce!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    So, if we all lived in the Pokemon world, what Pokemon would your workplace assign to you in order to help with duties? For instance, I work as a wetland scientist. I would probably get assigned a Diglett to help with soil borings, or a Wooper to help map out streams. If you plan your field days ahead ahead of time, you may be able to sign out the Pokeball that has a Flying type to get leaf samples from tall trees/help guide you around large wetland complexes.

    What about all of you?

    Bonus question: How many of you, if given the chance, would actually want to be Pokemon trainers? I could see myself doing it as a teenager...like a gap year type thing. But as an adult...that's not exactly a stable job.

    submitted by /u/Unfortunate_Lunatic
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    Help-wife’s parents just sent all her old Pokémon cards to us and we have no idea where to start

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Disclaimer:Total novice here-As the title says my wife's parents sent her a binder of her old Pokémon cards. Done some digging on eBay and some of them appear to be rather rare and worth a fair amount of money.

    But we don't understand appraisals or this process. Is there a foolproof way of getting at least an estimate of what these things are worth. Any help is greatly appreciated.few pages

    submitted by /u/Turdferguson5556
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    So here's something:

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    So for context, I saw a post on r/ShinyPokemon where someone had caught a shiny Spinda. So I wanted to calculate the odds of having two shiny, identical Spinda. So here was my process:

    1. I had to find shiny odds. In Gen 3, the Gen the guy was playing, it's 1/1892.
    2. A Spinda's pattern is determined by personality values. And there are...4,294,967,295 of them. Oh joy.

    With the power of Google and online calculators, the chance that you find 2 identical, shiny Spinda, assuming that all Pokemon you encounter are Spinda, prior to Gen 6, is...


    Good luck.......

    submitted by /u/DankBeats_Luigi_2
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    ORAS Starter help

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Hey! I always loved Torchic and Combusken, but not too fond of Blaziken.

    I either want to keep my starter as a Torchic, or Combusken... I'm just wondering if it would be too much of a burden (mind you, I've used Sentret, so babying Pokémon isn't TOO annoying to me, but I don't want them to be useless)

    I already have an eviolite that I traded on Spewpa from Y.

    Another way to make this easier is super training, but I'm not sure what stats to max out.

    Should I max out HP and a defense, or should I max out speed and an attacking stat?

    I'm thinking speed and an attacking stat, as I'd rather have them do decent damage than just faint a little less hard

    But, I may be underestimating eviolite and EV training combination...

    Any other tips? I heard affection through Pokémon Petting could also be very helpful

    Ps: this is clearly a more casual in game play through, so please so niche smogon sets that usually get sent to topics like these

    submitted by /u/blaahguy
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    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    So I have been really wanting to play Pokémon emerald . And the problem with that is I don't have a gameboy or the game . Is there a easy way I can set it up on my phone ? I don't have the money right now to buy the system or the game and I was wondering if there's a way I can play it on my phone. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/PaisleyAshland
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    Why do Spider Mon not have 8 legs?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    So Galvantula has been my favorite pokemon since I first played gen 5, but it was only today that I realized it only has 4 legs. It's tagged as the Elespider pokemon in the pokedex, so why does it only have 4 legs! It's like this on all the spider mon. Araquanid has 6, Ariados has 4, Spinark has 6, like why though? My only guess is that they didn't want to creep people with arachnaphobia out, but if there's an official reason I'd love to hear it as I couldn't find one when I was looking.

    submitted by /u/LuttLuck007
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    Pokémon games

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Maybe it is just me but if Pokémon made all the games for each system Nintendo system that comes out, I'd definitely buy them all. I grew up with the original and love them so much. Sure, some games and regions weren't as good as others but I'd still buy them all. I'd probably buy the game system just for them too.

    submitted by /u/JCG328
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    First time Pokémon player

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    Hiya all,

    So, I've tried to play Pokémon games in the past, my experiences haven't gone well. I have tried to play Lets go Pikachu and one for the Gameboy, I got bored of both very very quickly.

    Was wondering if any of you would be able to recommend any for a first time person playing them, one that will entice me and never make me want to put it down.

    Any platform is fine.

    Thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/themanhunter5
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    What was the most egregious of Ash's league losses?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    So it's no surprise when Ash loses the league, the fans get MAD. And who can blame them, most of them can be summed up to bad writing. But I want to know the worst. THE WORST. And I can know with this poll below. Also, tell me WHY the league loss was so bad, I want to know.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DankBeats_Luigi_2
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    Least Liked For No Good Reason

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    So, favorite Pokemon and character discussions are posted in many flavors multiple times a week, while least favorite for reasons tend to be monthly. What about Characters you dislike for no good reason?

    For me, its Gordie, I couldn't figure out why until I saw the Twilight Wings clip in an amv and it hit me; The man looks like someone that puts ketchup on their steak. I have no idea why, I just got that impression from him, and that kind of crime against good food is just unaccaptable.

    submitted by /u/Sphaero_Caffeina
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