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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Pokémon Ash’s Strongest Pokemon

    Pokémon Ash’s Strongest Pokemon

    Ash’s Strongest Pokemon

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    In the past, I've seen a lot of discussion about who Ash's strongest Pokemon is. While most people think that Pokemon like Pikachu, Charizard, Infernape, or even Snorlax might be his strongest, I believe it to be someone completely different. Ash's strongest Pokemon is non other than Kingler. Now let me explain, in Kingler's battle debut (as a Krabby) in the episode "Round One - Begin!" Ash was matched up against Mandi, a league favorite, in the first round of the Pokemon League. Ash led with Krabby against Mandi's Exeggutor. After a tough battle, Krabby came out the winner, causing it to evolve. In that battle, it used 4 moves, Harden, Vise Grip, Leer, and Stomp. Kingler then proceeded to faint Mandi's Seadra by using a combination of Bubble, Water Gun, and Crabhammer. As his final Pokemon, Mandi sent out his Golbat, and which Kingler was able to defeat using a combination of Vise Grip and Hyper Beam, meaning not only did Kingler sweep a Pokemon League favorite in its FIRST battle, but it also used 8 DIFFERENT MOVES, which is why Kingler is Ash's strongest Pokemon. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Gloomy-Treacle-3267
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    Update on my mom playing Pokemon let's go Pikachu!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Update on my 51 year old mom playing Pokemon.

    She defeated the elite four with ease... She caught Mewtwo.... And started her Galar adventure.!

    She picked sobble. And at first didn't like the differences and was shocked by the amount of different pokemon considering let's go only had the first 150.

    She has the first 3 gym badges and her team is

    Bewear. Ninetales. Espeon Inteleon. Meowstic Woobat.

    But what's this? Another Challenger ?

    Yup my 11 Year old little brother that also showed no interest in pokemon previously got jealous of me and my mom bonding over her new interest in pokemon and begged for a profile as well. He has gotten much further cus he hogged it.

    He has Cinderace Whishcash Pangoro Boltund Theivul Toxcricity.

    And has just beat the dragon gym but just so y'all know he was stuck on hop for a while. Yes..hop. Boo him.

    I'm happy my family has given pokemon a chance. But i noticed my mom was googling what was good against what so I drew them both a type chart. And now they play with it in their lap.

    Cheer on my fam!

    submitted by /u/LittleUwULoli
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    If gamefreak were to add a new battle gimmick, what would you like it to be?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Let's be honest here, Gamefreak are probably going to add another battle gimmick next generation. It's there thing now. So what would you prefer if they were going to do a new one.


    Fusion Evolutions: Pretty self explanatory, two pokemon fuse together to make a new pokemon. Like Kyurem and the two dragons

    Armoured Forms: Also self explanatory, like Armoured Mewtwo. Probably make pokemon more defensive at the cost of certain stats or could power up at the cost of speed etc.

    Combo Moves: Only useable if you have more than two pokemon out. If you use two move's with synergy, a special move plays out.

    Finishers: If you are about to K.O a pokemon, a special animation will play. Exclusive to certain moves (Shell Bash for Blastoise for example). Basically just extra fanfare for fun. Maybe give's stat boost to your pokemon to give it some extra use.

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    submitted by /u/Give_me_a_slap
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    What is your favourite starter trio?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    If there is another trio that you like but isn't here just tell me about it in the comments!

    I personally like the Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie trio because I love all of their evolutions, and the legendaries you get in the game, my second favourite is probably the kanto starters purely because it's the OG's

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    submitted by /u/Stinky_Storm_306
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    Worst troll in Pokemon games

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    Whether intended or not, there are a lot of trolls in games that piss people off. As the title suggests, which of the following trolls do you think is the worst in Pokemon games? Also, if your most hated one is not in the options below, just vote the option: other, and leave your most hates troll in the comments below.

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    submitted by /u/Alolan_Teddiursa
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    Regional form idea: Island turtle Torterra

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Just thinking how a mega Torterra could basically just be Great A'tuin from Discworld, and then it occurred to me that a water-grass regional Torterra with an island on its back would be super cool.

    I feel like there should be more ideas in this post, but that's all I got.

    submitted by /u/BoisterousBruiser
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    In your opinion what region represents better the country it is based on?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Well I think the title makes it pretty clear, I was thinking about it early in the day and wanted to hear some opinions on the topic. I'm not including regions from gen 1 to 4 since they represent different regions of japan rather than a country.

    I'm very divided between alola and galar personally and I have to say that even through I love gen 5 Unova was a kinda meh representation of america to me.

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    submitted by /u/RandomUser1518
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    Which Eevee Evolution Do You Want to See?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    That fact that we haven't seen a new eevee evolution since gen 6 bothers me. We seen tons of new things for the games but Gamefreak can't make at least one new eevee evolution? I personally I want to see a ghost type eevee. What do you guys think the next eevee evolution should be?

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    submitted by /u/TK_Eine
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    It Feels Like Pokémon Colosseum is Criminally Underdiscussed

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    It's far from the best Pokémon game and its premise is a tad gimmicky, but I feel like it touched upon something that no game to date has since, even if I can't put my finger on exactly what that something is.

    The world had a great sense of character and grandeur to it. Years later, I can still remember battling in the enormous colosseums, jamming out to Mirror B's theme and the excitement of exploring a newly unlocked locations. Even the NPC's have some extra life to them, at least more so than other Pokémon NPC's.

    The lack of wild Pokémon to capture is understandably a bit of a downer, but it added tension and excitement to those encounters where you could rescue Shadow Pokémon, especially when your opponent was in possession of Legendary Shadow Pokémon. I still remember rapidly jamming the A button on my controller (yes I am aware it doesn't factor into captures, but whatever) whenever I entered into a battle with one.

    I'm sure this has been talked about before at length, but it's always fun to dig my GameCube out of the closet and give it another whirl.

    submitted by /u/RorschachtheMighty
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    Favorite Pokémon Gen

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    I was thinking about getting a new pokémon game and was wondering which one was you all's favorite. (Did not include gens 2, 7 or 8 because i have already played them, but i would like to know if the pokémon heart gold and soul silver is better than the original silver and gold games) Thanks!

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    submitted by /u/Kooky-Researcher1619
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    What types need a buff and how would you buff them.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    So I was wondering what types do you need a buff and what should the buff be. Here are mine.

    Ice: Ice pokemon immune to water attacks (with exception if scald and steam eruption, those attacks can even be super effective against them like freeze dry is super effective on water pokemon)

    Grass: grass should resist fairy type.

    Bug: i think bugs should resist poison.

    Steel: I don't really think the steel type need a buff tbh but I would make them not take any damage from hail and I would make them break stealth rock by entering in battle.

    submitted by /u/Luigiismyboyfriend
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    Best defensive types (part 2)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    This is part 2. Check out part 1 if you haven't already.

    Note: I'm not including type combinations that currently don't exist like Normal/Ghost or Fire/Grass and I'm mostly basing the types on Pokémon that have them, not in a blank void. Also another note, in competitive having lots resistances and immunities is just as important has minimizing the amount of weaknesses because it allows you to switch in and tank hits more often. Little bit of explanation and statistics for each:

    Steel/Fire: 3 weaknesses and 10 resistances/immunities

    The only Pokémon that has this combination is Heatran, which is known as an excellent wallbreaker in singles because of Magma Storm. It also frequently runs air balloon to turn the x4 ground weakness into an immunity. Its typing allows it to beat stall mons 1v1 because it is immune to all status except paralysis and gives it immunity to sandstorm damage.

    Electric/Flying: 2 weaknesses and 6 resistances/immunities

    The most notable Pokémon with this type are Zapdos and Thundurus, which can be used offensively and defensively thanks to STAB Volt Switch and several utility moves. Zapdos is aided by the Static ability and reliable recovery and Thundurus has Prankster Thunder Wave, Tailwind, and Taunt

    Steel/Dragon: 2 weaknesses, 10 resistances/immunities

    This typing is unique in that it is a dragon type that is neither weak to ice, fairy, nor Dragon. On top of this the most notable Pokémon with this type, Dialga, has great utility in Ubers since it only has 1 weakness (it often runs Shuca Berry to cancel out ground weakness).

    Water/Ground: 1 weakness, 5 resistances/immunities

    Quagsire is a meme but also known for walling the strongest Pokémon in the game, Zacian-C. The defensive role that best fits Pokémon of this type like Swampert and Seismitoad is setting up Stealth Rocks, Flip Turning out, and the occasional toxic/scald burn.

    Ground/Flying: 2 weaknesses, 5 resistances/immunities

    The only 4 Pokémon with this typing (Landorus, Landorus-T, Gligar, and Gliscor) are all known for their excellent offensive (except Gligar) and defensive prowess. While not incredible on paper, they possess key immunities to both ground and electric types which nearly all competitive teams have. They're also able to set up Stealth Rocks and and are generally one of the best defoggers in their tiers.

    Steel/Ghost: 4 weaknesses, 12 resistances/immunities

    This typing is great on paper, with 3 immunities, however the only fully evolved Pokémon that has it is Aegislash. Aegislash mostly runs offensive sets because it seriously lacks utility movies (the only ones being King's Shield and Toxic). It did have a small defensive niche in Gen 7 Ubers as a Xerneas and Mega Lucario check but that was before it got its stats nerfed.

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    submitted by /u/zarth109x
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    Pokémon logic as a kid: animations

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    Now we've probably all heard the topic of how as kids we taught our Pokémon moves that dealt damage because why would we want to teach them a move that reduced your own instead of the opponents (Belly Drum or curse for example) and so on

    But did any of you as kids keep certain moves for the animation? For example when I was a kid my first game was Pokémon Platinum, I chose Chimchar, his name was Cheeky and I love him. Anyway, I remember thinking the move Flame Wheel always looked so cool, the fire spinning around Infernape and then slamming the opponent's Pokémon.

    TDLR: did you ever keep a move on a Pokémon for the animation

    submitted by /u/badassllama707
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    pokemon adventure's red is by far the best of all the pallet town protagonist

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    it's his birthday too.

    And of all the past incarnate of the from the original game, to the clefairy manga, to ash ketchum, pokemon origins, pokemon yellow and other game onwards to masters, pokemon adventures's manga red is by far the best.

    For one thing, he's a red that not only does talk, but he actually has a personality, unlike other versions like pokemon masters, origins or ash ketchum, he's not a like a goody two shoes character like the protagonist trainers in master...and ash ketchum, he's not this clint eastwood silent cool guy.

    eventhough he does has goku Syndrome. That's more so his goal the only thing that is pure about him, the actual character itself is not so much, he's way more than that, he has alot negative and positive traits like real people, and that what makes him so appealing, in a way he's like zack fair from final fantasy vii.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    Machoke movers and the integration of Pokémon in the working world

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    So basically, I have a question in regards to the legalities of Pokémon labor; and more so specifically the payment methods in which the Machoke Movers at the start of Gen 3 received. At the start of the game, we see several Machokes helping the player's family move in. We're these Machokes paid in a legal tender for this? And if so, what would a Pokémon need money for? I only ask because Pokémon are clearly sentient. They may not be on the same level as a human, per say. But they aren't as oblivious as say, a dog. If anyone has evidence or opinions on whether or not the Machoke at the beginning of Gen 3 were paid, I would be greatly appreciative.

    submitted by /u/fermy5
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    If mega evolution comes back in bdsp, would you like to see a mega phione and/or a mega manaphy?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    I think phione needs a buff because it is weak, so a mega evolution bumping it to 600 or 620 bst would be cool. Manaphy has 600 bst (pretty sure) so if it gets a mega I wouldn't really care, but I think a mega would be fitting for phione.

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    submitted by /u/Pixilmon69420lololol
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    My son is now suddenly interested in Pokémon after seeing a reboot show on Netflix and now I want to go down memory lane with him but need help…

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    So I played a few Pokémon games wayyy back (Like Red and Blue days lol). But I'm old now and haven't touched a GameBoy in I don't know how many years. How do I go about finding a decent GameBoy Advance SP? I see that a lot of people refurbish them and then sell them with new screens/shells. Is it worth it to just buy this or should I try to do it myself on an old one? And we want to play all the Pokémon games in chronological order. As I recall you can trade between systems with a link cable? What is it and where can I source one? Are there new "reproduction" cartridges that work better than old ones or is it the other way around? Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure his games save and everything as I know I am about to open Pandora's box. I already made the mistake of teaching him M:tG

    submitted by /u/SheThrewMeAway999
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    What can go within a Pokeball?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    When you call back a Pokemon it goes inside its Pokeball. In the Anime I saw that some Pokemon wear accessoires and when called back into their Pball the accessoire goes with the Pokemon inside the Pball and also comes out when the Poki is called out the next time.

    So I was wondering, if you have a large Pokemon like Rapidash and put a saddle bag on your horsie with stuff inside. Does that also go inside tha Pokeball without being damaged?

    And if so: Aren't Pokeballs the perfect way to carry a lot of stuff with you without having to carry much weight :D

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Nini-hime
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    My Ultra Moon mono-dragon run is finally complete!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    The team was: Garchomp, Salamence, Kingdra, Goodra, Tyrantrum, and Haxorus.

    Honorable mentions to Noivern and Dragalge, as they were they keys to beating two of the otherwise hardest fights in the game, those being ultra necrozma and the fairy trial.

    Honestly this run was super fun, the early game was hell because i only had noibat and bagon for the entirety of melemele, and everyone was severely underpowered until like level 35 when they evolved.

    The late game was great because though my team was super op, so were ultra necrozma and totem ribombee, meaning i got to strategise a lot which was great.

    MVP was probably Goodra, even as a Goomy it came in clutch every now and then and immediately upon becoming a Sliggoo it was super good, and of course Goodra is an absolute beast.

    I'll share movesets and stuff like that if anyone is interested.

    I'm on a mission to do a monotype run of all the pokemon games i have, and my next stop will probably be either Omega ruby or X.

    submitted by /u/TheTrashTrain
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    What is your favourite legendary?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    I'm not making a poll of this because there will always be those people who complain over and over and over again about how you didn't put their favourite legendary as an option or something, so just tell me in the comments.

    My favourite legendary is definitely Lugia, I really love the design and how powerful it is, I also really like the shiny version of it, tell me about your favourite in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Stinky_Storm_306
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    In your opinion, which region had the best designed pokemon?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Curious what the consensus is.

    Personally I feel it's gen 1, there's something very feral and monstrous about most of the designs I liked the more grounded bodily proportions rather then the cuter, softer more Chibi look new generations use. Yeah there are some simplistic pokemon like Fearow and Seaking but I'd still take those over some of the uglier looking furbait we are getting in the newer games. Also I like how the legendary/mythical Pokémon actually feel legendary and don't feel cheaply oversaturated.

    Honourable mention to Gen 3 for having the best designed starters and legendaries.

    Gen 2 had a lot of my favourites, a lot of great evolutions to Gen 1 pokemon who needed them, but also a few too many random pointless single stages and a lot babies which in not a fan of.

    Gen 4 was a bit polarizing, some of new evolutions missed the mark and we got a lot of pointless legendaries. But overall had some of my favourites in the series.

    Gen 5 was the most polarizing for me. Some amazing new designs but also some that I'd consider among the worst in the series (Monkes, Genies and Throh/Sawk). I feel like 25% of the dex just doesn't need to exist.

    I grouped the last three together because I figured they would be the least popular. I will say that I like the Gen 6 designs overall, tho they aren't plentiful, but Gen 7 and 8 kinda dropped in this department. They aren't all bad obviously but I feel the regional average of these two gens is way lower then anything before it.

    What do you think?

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    submitted by /u/SplasherSmasher
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    The problem with difficulty in Pokemon (are we overrating it?)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I've been a competitive player since BW came out. Also, this became kind of an article so I'm spliting it in sections.

    Many of us, myself included, have been complaining about Pokemon being too easy. I haven't really played ROM hacks but I have played Temtem and, to a lesser extent, went from way overlevelled to underlevelled in Let's Go at one point, since I don't like catching pokemon for the sake of it and just avoided almost every wild one. My first thought was "Finally a challenge! This is how it should be!", but it quickly became... a drag. It was just not fun. There's something similar with hand-holding. You don't want to be told exactly what to do and just manually doing it without thought, but if you can't figure it out quickly you end up just googling it.

    Why isn't it fun? Are we overrating difficulty?

    I have two theories about this. One is that maybe over the years Pokemon just taught us to expect battles to be easy. 2HKO most things with your offensive pokemon's STAB move, take a bit of damage every now and then, a Potion/ status healing and that's it. And when that expectation's not met, it feels bad. The other one is that these games' structures just were not built around having challenging battles so it's not properly balanced.

    So, why doesn't higher difficulty work?

    There're three issues with battling NPCs roughly as strong as yourself. The first one is resources: when playing competitively, all of your pokemon are at full health. This is not the case in-game. As such, you need to heal much more often, and in battle too since KO'd pokemon don't gain Exp. and when revived they don't count as having participated in battle anymore. With limited money and items, this becomes a problem. The second one is the feeling that you're not making progress. Battles take longer and clearing a full route or dungeon takes forever. Finally, playing competitively is fun when you have your team like you planned it. Some pokemon just don't work without key moves, items or evolution stage (think Charmeleon being weak to ground and Charizard immune to it). It's not just about levelling up or getting stronger, sometimes one specific change makes a drastic difference.

    Solving the problem

    Temtem addresses the resource problem with the Vial, which only works outside of battle and heals all of your tems back to full like a pokemon center. But it's not enough being a one-shot. You fight a couple NPCs, use the Vial, fight a couple more NPCs and rush back to the healing machine before going all the way back to where you were. I found myself going back to heal a lot more than I should've, just out of paranoia. I think this could be fixed by just healing all your mons after every single battle, no questions asked, or having a bunch of weak NPCs like in modern Pokemon games but with specific "competitive" hotspots with actually challenging ones. Something in-between coach trainers and gyms. This way you know when to expect real battles and switch between story/ easy mode and competitive mode. Also gyms/ dojos having puzzles gets draggy when combined with going back to heal. Routes with fewer trainers are an option, but you risk them feeling barren or too quick to clear.

    So, what are your thoughts? Does challenge feel like a grind or is it fun? How can this be improved?

    Edit: another user mentioned difficulty settings. I forgot to write that and it should be a given, but credit where credit's due.

    submitted by /u/KTVX94
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