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    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Pokémon What's the silliest Pokémon you used a Masterball on?

    Pokémon What's the silliest Pokémon you used a Masterball on?

    What's the silliest Pokémon you used a Masterball on?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Mine was in Ruby. Or Emerald, I can't remember. I had spent a good 15 minutes searching for a Vulpix on Mt. Pyre, because it's one of my favorite Pokémon. Being a kid, the amount of time it took to find a Vulpix felt way longer than it probably actually was. Eventually I found one and weakened it to low HP, when I opened my bag and realized I didn't have a single Pokéball other than the Masterball. I debated for a moment before using my Masterball on the Vulpix. My little brother makes fun that, but I never regretted it. Who says Masterballs are only for legendaries?

    submitted by /u/Kesstar52
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    What was the DUMBEST thing you've ever done in a Pokémon game?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    Throwback to when I was 6, playing Pokémon X for the first time on my brand new Nintendo 3DS. Had to restart the game every single time I turned my game off, thinking it would save on it's own, since I couldn't speak English yet...

    Now to make that even worse, after I figured out how to save my damn game, I had no idea how to do the Furfrou puzzle with Shaunna! Took me several months until one day, after I learned to write, YouTube came in handy and I finally managed to complete the puzzle. Felt enlightening to finally wake that stupid, fat, obnoxious and lazy Snorlax up.

    I was a dumb kid.

    Help yall blowing my phone up!! I was originally going to reply to every comment but I didn't expect it to go viral. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Msobreirinho
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    I did a Pokemon Yellow solo run with Eevee. It was awful.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Imgur pictures of final moments.

    Ngl, this one was a slog. Usually I do a big analysis and write up on these things but Eevee is the most average and frustrating Pokemon I've done so far. Specifically the Channeler in Pokemon Tower with TWO gastlys is a headache since you only learn normal damaging moves and have to rely on the perfect sequence of turns while using bide to get past it.

    Outside of that, it was just a general slog as you'd expect just using body slam on everything! Love Eevee, glad I don't have to do this run again! I have a video in my recent posts if you are interested in my suffering.

    submitted by /u/GymLeaderMatt87
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    Which thing in Pokemon makes you feel nostalgic?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, which thing in Pokemon (e.g. games, anime, cards) makes you feel nostalgic?

    As for me, the sprites in Pokemon Crystal gives me a huge wave of nostalgia. It was my first Pokemon game as a child and I just found those sprites really aesthetically pleasing and full of character and emotions. I also liked how the sprites moved in a natural way like how it would be in real life. As a child, I spent a lot of time playing that game, enjoying those sprites, and filling my Pokedex.

    What's yours?

    submitted by /u/Alolan_Teddiursa
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    How much do you like Samurott?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: if this poll looks familiar and it seems like you've seen this before, it's because you have. I've done this poll awhile back, but I'm curious to see if the results are consistent.

    Curious. Because Oshawott's line seems to be the most chosen Unova starter (or at least on par with Snivy) and yet, Samurott gets a decent amount of flack. But then, it also has a ton of love? Samurott is in a strange situation. He gets more criticism than Serperior, but was also the most chosen starter.

    I personally rank it S tier. I totally get why people were turned off by it, but I'm a fan. To me, there are enough design similarities to justify the leap, even if the leap was still big. The only reason I wish it was bidepal is because it would be more popular. The actual design is amazing imo. He looks so fierce and intimidating to me.

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    submitted by /u/Coleman501
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    What is a Pokémon that you thought was from a different generation than it actually is?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    For me, I always thought Skarmory was a Gen 3 Pokémon (it's actually Gen 2). No major trainer in Gen 2 uses it, including the steel-type Johto gym leader. And it's used by a gym leader and by Steven in Gen 3.

    Not to mention I never encountered it in the Wild when playing Silver as a kid, but I ran into a bunch in Alpha Sapphire.

    It wasn't until very recently that I discovered Skarmory was actually a Gen 2 'mon.

    submitted by /u/curlyhairlad
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    When Did You Fall In Love With Pokemon

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    I want to know at what moment you guys fell in love with the series. Was it a specific point in one of the games, when you opened a specific card, or the Anime? ETC

    Mine was in Pokémon Red when I was a kid and got the Pokédex for the first time, realizing I had this massive journey ahead of me to catch all of the Pokémon and then deciding I wanted to complete the dex.

    How about you?

    submitted by /u/DustyPorterYT
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    Which Mega evolution pair would you like to see most?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Hello Pokemon fans, enthusiasts & aficionados! I was playing gen 6 again and have had every mega so far… so I thought about a couple new ideas specifically for some mons that are closely connected almost like a pair/combo relationships.

    Anyways Im curious as to which you would like to see most? Vote how you want to however, id like to see which you would be more excited about not necessarily who needs it most, deserves it, etc.. (some of the insane megas we have seen didn't "need" it either)

    Doing a few mons gen 1-3 for this poll

    Have fun thinking about it!

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    submitted by /u/Skyrimhero920
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    Agatha should have used Muk and Koga should have used Arbok in Red and Blue

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    I get they had to give poison types to Agatha because they had only 1 evolutionary line of Ghost pokemon but why not give her Muk because Muk without arms looks like the ghosts from Pacman , it would fit her thematically and it would also be a cool easter egg

    They made complete sense in giving Koga Weezing as it represents smoke bombs , and it would be very cool if they would have given Koga Arbok because a ninja using a snake is awesome

    submitted by /u/NewClayYeS_72903
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    First time, watching the XYZ Series, And I'm at Awe on this Series.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    I do love Pokemon Games, and the last Pokemon Anime I watched was the D/P Series. Just last week my friend Suggest to me I should watch the XYZ SERIES. Man o man, This the best season for me. I do understand it's a kid show, but man this series it feels not like a kid show. Ash act like a veteran and have a character development here especially when the problem of BOND of Greninja when they lost at the ICE gym leader. And this is the first time I watch it a JAPANESE DUB and I fucking love it. I just got disappointed about the SUN/MOON SERIES and I stop it after episode 3. For me XYZ is the closest thing to became SHONEN. (sorry for my Grammar/English not a native speaker, I just want to express how the POKEMON XYZ is so good and I'm still high on it)

    submitted by /u/rzoneking
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    Most iconic battle of all time in the games

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    For me its the final showdown against N in the BW games. Its the only time someone has used a legendary against you. And the battle represents the clash between truth and ideals. The whole setting and situation of the battle is just amazingly done like how N defeats the e4s and the champion and then awaits you at the top of his castle. Red vs Gold was pretty good too and i suppose the hardest battle and many people would choose that perhaps because of nostalgia. Let me know if theres any other battle that you think should be included here.

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    submitted by /u/alphasurvivor
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    All the crazy-bad things Pokemon can apparently do to people has made me wonder....

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    If there has even been a Rasputin-type figure in Pokemon history who did those things and lived just to flex on the Pokemon.

    • Stared in the hole of a Shedinja, the hole blinked first
    • Got licked by a Haunter; licked it right back
    • Beat Alakazam in chess - twice
    • Hears a Phantump's cry; follows it but doesn't get lost
    • Touches a tail from a Ninetails; the Ninetails is cursed instead

    Etc. etc.

    submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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    Do you think BDSP will have a special Pokémon you can download?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Like, XY had Speed Boost Torchic, ORAS had shiny Beldum with Hold Back, and USUM had Own Temp Rockruff/Dusk Lycanroc. I'm predicting a special Shinx with the moves Hold Back, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, and Thunder Fang. Or maybe a special Riolu with Aura Blast, like they did for Pokémon Ranger way back when. If they do provide a special Pokémon as DLC, what do you think it might be?

    submitted by /u/PunishedWizzrobe
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    Why Do People Dislike the Unova Monkeys?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    I always liked Simipour, Simisear and Simisage why do other people dislike them? I understand everyone has their own taste but a lot of the reasons why people dislike them is "Because they're ugly" Or "They're too different from pre evolved forms" But personally I don't see that. Just look at those goofy smiles. Sure Simisear looks a little more friendly then badass but I think that give it it's charm and Simisage has became my favorite grass type over time so is there any other reason why people don't like them? Or am I just blind?

    submitted by /u/DustedTony
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    Pokémon Complete Collection

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    Hey, any one have any idea why "Sun and Moon: Ultra legends" hasn't released a complete collection? We got one for both "Sun and Moon" as well as "Sun and Moon: Ultra Adventures" But "Ultra Legends" ended up split up in DVD format. What's up with that?

    It just doesn't makes sense to release every other season this way and not this one. It's really messing with my collection lol.

    submitted by /u/ninetailfox8910
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    Your Favorite Gen 7 Starter?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    Recently I saw a lot of favorite starters polls, and these polls all sadly excluded gen 7 and 8 starters respectively due to only 6 slots available for each Reddit poll. So I decided to make individual polls, separating them by each generation. Next with Gen 7, we have Decidueye, Incineroar, and Primarina.

    Finally, the best starter trio is here. For me though, I gotta love that owl boy. Decidueye is also one of the coolest looking grass type starter ever. I honestly really like Incineroar and Primarina too.

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    submitted by /u/Ray_404
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    Which member of your team ended up surprising you during a Nuzlocke?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Part of the fun of a Nuzlocke is potentially having to use Pokémon you wouldn't usually. With that said, have you ever completed a Nuzlocke run and one member of your team has surprised you by becoming your MVP when you really didn't expect it?

    Which game were you playing, and which Pokémon was it?

    Have you ever used one before or since on a regular playthrough?

    submitted by /u/snakeSeverussnake
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    which era of games did you join the pokemon community?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    which game era did you join the pokemon community? i joined in the DS era since my first game was white, same for my brother :)

    i'm interested to see when the most amount of fans joined, for some reason i feel like it'll be the DS era lol

    (other consoles like the game cube, N64, wii, phone (etc) just go in other so yeah lol)

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    submitted by /u/shayansup
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    What’s with the Gen 1 hate?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    I'm out of the loop but I'll see comments and posts hating on Gen 1.

    I grew up starting on Gen 1, and while it's the Gen that got me into Pokémon I don't think it's the best.

    Still, I love it but see a lot of haters for it? Why?

    submitted by /u/HeylelBen
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    What's your favorite Pokémon anime?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    I would have to go with Indigo League. The writing and the dub was excellent, I loved the hand-drawn watercolor art style, and it set up so many precedents for what the Pokémon series would be. Indigo League is the definitive Pokémon series that all the others look up to. Diamond and Pearl is a close second for me.

    Note: I didn't add Journeys because the series isn't over yet (and I ran out of options)

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    submitted by /u/Philip_Swiftopher
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    Which game should I replay?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    I have been wanting to replay one of these games but I have not been able to decide. I have Pokémon Black 2, Pokémon X, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, and Pokémon Ultra Moon. Which has the best variety of Pokémon and best endgame in your opinion? Which is the most challenging?

    submitted by /u/AncientMoolen
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    I need help finishing my home dex

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    I need some mithycals to complete my national dex at home if you don't want any new Pokemon we could just tarde them and i will give them back after registering them -But if you want new Pokémons can offer:

    Mew Darkrai 2 victini 2 keldeos Meloetta Shiny jirachi

    -The mythicals I need are:

    Manaphy Diance Volcanion Marshadow Zeraora Zarude

    -My friend Code is CJGTKNZBXVNW

    submitted by /u/Ryuki-king
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