• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    Pokémon "Dexit Means Dexit" - I'm making a ROM hack mini-game about smuggling the cut Pokémon across the Galarian border. It is still work in progress, but here is a small teaser (more info in comments). Coming soon!

    Pokémon "Dexit Means Dexit" - I'm making a ROM hack mini-game about smuggling the cut Pokémon across the Galarian border. It is still work in progress, but here is a small teaser (more info in comments). Coming soon!

    "Dexit Means Dexit" - I'm making a ROM hack mini-game about smuggling the cut Pokémon across the Galarian border. It is still work in progress, but here is a small teaser (more info in comments). Coming soon!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    (I have decided to remove the video for now, sorry.)

    submitted by /u/airportakal
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 10

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:04 AM PST


    Do you think the female Nidos are earlier in the Pokédex because "ladies first"?

    029 Nidoran ♀ - 031 Nidoqueen

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    Mega evolution was not a gimmick

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:41 AM PST

    It WAS not, because in my opinion,back in gen6 it was a golden opportunity.

    Awesome design.

    It rejuvenated pokemon that have fallen behind the power creep, esp. those that can't evolve further (Gardevoir).

    It revived pokemon that have awesome designs but don't really work (Mawile).

    No starters would suck any more.

    New abilities. Remember the community would brainstorm awesome design/abilities that turn a mon around?

    Battle balance left room for debate but imagine they never stopped and by now we'd have like 200 mega. You thought Lucario's my ace? Sike here's my mega Ferrothorn.

    But most importantly, it's the feeling of "I can't wait for gen7, 8 or 9 when my fav pokemon gets its mega". Right Milotic & Flygon fans?

    And then they saw more potentials in Z-moves.

    And then they feel obligated to ditch both for "GIT BIG".

    The thing is, mega could potentially be a series staple. Dynamaxing 100% isn't going to be. So next gen we have another gimmick, and mega evolution will be looked upon as the first of them. Shit just breaks my heart, man.

    submitted by /u/fireanddream
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    The Onion: ‘Pokémon’ Fans Are Up In Arms With Game Freak’s Refusal To Include A National Sex Offender Registry In ‘Sword and Shield’

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:56 AM PST

    The positives of Sword and Shield aren’t unique to those games

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:57 AM PST

    Based on what i've read from reviews and fan reception, almost every praise that Sword and Shield has gotten could be applied to almost every other game in the franchise. There's very little that's really unique to these games with the only big one being the Wild Areas which frankly are nowhere near as vast and engaging as you would think a Switch game would be.

    And that's the problem, so much of the praise isn't unique to these games but unlike Sw/Sh, past games didn't do these like cut the dex or force the EXP Share on the player. "Because it's pokémon" is its biggest defense and that's an awful thing to realize.

    submitted by /u/Acid_Silver
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    Be critical of the things you love.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:28 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of hate towards gamefreak and although Im upset about Dexit I want it to be understood I dont hate gamefreak for this. Things like this happen in businesses, this is a symptom of a much bigger problem that is no doubt happening at gamefreak at the moment. From what I understand the japanese audience understand this and have a different approach to criticism. Speak softly, be supportive of the creators but express disappointment appropriately. A lot of the complaints are very rude.

    That being said, Im very sad. Ill be holding off on buying a copy of the game until I feel that they are effected financially, I know it wont be much but if there are others like me it should make at least a marginal difference.

    I do believe Pokemon can do better, much better.

    This is an example of Yokaiwatch 4++ coming to switch soon


    This is the first few moments of gameplay


    This is pokemon SwSh


    Yokai watch 4++ is going to have 810 befriend-able Yokai

    It's the most comparable game to Pokemon right now.

    I sincerely hope that gamefreak is allowed to make mistakes that they can learn from.

    Ive seen this series have its highs and lows, All of this very much reminds me of RSE.

    The biggest difference is that these other pokemon literally aren't even in the game.

    I really hope that "your pokemon will return in a later game" means the roster will expand to include more old favorites."

    I really dont know what they mean but between being vague for PR reasons and the fact our news is all translated there is a lot of room for misunderstandings. I dont think it's a good mix. At the very least they need better english PR.

    submitted by /u/Iivaitte
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    Sword and Sheild aren't as bad as everyone is making them out to be

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Got the game a day early, about 8 hours in or so and thoroughly enjoying it. Feels and plays like a classic Pokemon game.

    Since I'm from the UK I also appreciated all the little slang words they've put in and the bagpipes in the soundtrack are a nice touch too. Truly feels like a British inspired region.

    Despite the dex cut, there are plenty of Pokemon to catch and I had great fun in the Wild Area discovering what Pokemon I could catch. Before I even made it to the first Gym town I had a varied and fun team.

    Also, the addition of the camp is really cool, I love the fact I can just pitch up and hang out with my mon's.

    Seriously, if you're on the fence about getting it because of all the controversy, don't worry, it's a fun game.

    submitted by /u/megacheeseburger
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    If you bought SwSh, I genuinely hope you enjoy it

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    Myself and many others will not buy the game due to many different reasons. Despite that, I hope it is fun to play for anyone who bought it. I hope you feel like you get your money's worth from it and enjoy all it has to offer. Maybe find a new favorite pokemon or have a lot of fun in the raids. Don't let anyone else take away from your enjoyment of the game. To people that refuse to buy the game for one reason or another, do not harass the people who enjoy the game. It's Pokemon. High chance that if you played it casually, you'd enjoy it as well. Blame GameFreak or TPC if you feel like, but the people who bought the game did not make the choice for it.

    So please, have fun. Even if Lilligant isn't in.

    Edit: I didn't mean that title sarcastically. Poor word choice on my part.

    Edit 2: This is a genuine post. I'm not trying to be rude to anyone wanting to enjoy the game. If that's how it came across, I apologize.

    submitted by /u/ShinyLetsPlayer
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    In light of the recent SwSh controversies, I'd like to remind people that you can still use the online features of Gen 4/5 games.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:51 PM PST

    With many people expressing how HGSS/B2W2 are their favorite games and how these new ones don't compare at all for them, I wanted to take a moment and hopefully let people know that the online features of games such as DPPt, HGSS, BW, and B2W2 still work and have some pretty active communities.

    Our good friends over at Riiconnect24 and Wiimmfi have made it possible to use most online features of games that have previously had their online features shut down, such as the Gen 4/5 games. With this you can use things such as the GTS, the WFC rooms, WiFi Battle frontier areas, GTS Negotiations, and all battle features. Oh, and you can also get every single mystery gift ever released, since the owner decided all of them should be available (Even the Azure flute & Pokewalker routes are available)

    Here's the current Gen 4/5 GTS with all Pokemon on it: https://pkmnclassic.net/

    Connecting is pretty simple for Generation 5, all you need to do is go into your connection settings, disable automatic DNS receiving and set your primary DNS to and leave your secondary to After you do that you should have no problems connecting. If you experience an error please refer to https://wiimmfi.de/error

    Generation 4 is the same procedure in terms of DNS changing with the exception that you need an unsecured network via your phone hotspot or have an old router with a WEP security. This video explains how to set up your mobile hotspot so that it allows the Gen 4 games to connect: https://youtu.be/Sh0AZR-tKwM?t=478

    EDIT: If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I've personally connected to the DNS servers using D/P/SS/B/B2 so I can assist if I know what troubles you're experiencing.

    EDIT2: The few things that don't work are Dream World for Gen 5 and Trainer Rankings for battles. u/Gannio made a great explanation as to how this all works so check that out.

    EDIT3: Please keep in mind that the event pokemon from the DNS mystery gifts are not considered legitimate in r/pokemontrades and r/casualpokemontrades They still activate all events in game so please feel free to enjoy them!

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_SEAL_PICS
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    Dexit was the best thing that happened to Pokemon

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:21 PM PST

    If not for the dex cut, many people would have overlooked other glaring issues of the game. GameFreak has been lazy for a long time and it is just now that they are put in the spotlight and it started with the dex cut.

    Their reasoning of sacrificing national dex for high quality animations have backfired on them. Now they are under scrutiny not only from their Western audience but also from their Japanese audience. Now that these issues are gaining traction we can only hope that they will do better in the next games

    submitted by /u/gaius0309
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    PSA regarding wild Pokémon with higher level and shinyness, guaranteed by game code.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:58 PM PST

    One of the game's data miners confirmed high level pokemon encountered in the game cannot be shiny, thus removing a fear (of mine, at least) of having an encounter with something I cannot catch and is shiny.

    Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/HlTInGV

    submitted by /u/Morthedubi
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    List of Galarian Forms and Evolutions

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:20 PM PST


    I decided to make a list that includes all the known new Galarian Forms and Evolutions and compares them to their original counterparts.

    submitted by /u/evilcel
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    Confirmed: You cannot find shiny Pokémon if the Pokémon are higher level than your current badge number allows.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    How ironic (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:02 AM PST


    so after the final battle, Leon says these words:

    "It's time we adults started working on improving the here and now, for the sake of all that's to come"

    Meanwhile gamefreak, rather than working to improve these games, decided to rush them out as shoddy products under the assumption that kids will blindly ask parents to purchase. Rather than making these games great and setting the stage of future games to be enjoyable, they've lost the trust of many people who now doubt the quality of these games. They don't want to fix the present, nor do they care about what will happen to the franchise in the future.

    submitted by /u/Gallade0475
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    4th Gen Appreciation Post

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:14 PM PST

    The detailed process of making a Pokemon model from scratch

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:59 AM PST

    Hi, your neighborhood "Mr. Basculin is alive" translator here. I was sent an article of the Japanese "CGWORLD" magazine, derived from its 7/2017 issue, which has very detailed information about the process of how Pokemon models in Sun and Moon were made. I thought the article, particularly the workflow, was interesting so I translated the flow and summarized some points of the article below, hope it will provide some insight.

    Link: https://cgworld.jp/feature/201707-cgw227GG-pokemon.html

    The article is split into 3 pages: 1) How the work is divided, 2) Texture creation details, 3) Animation details and what else GF do.

    From the first page, the model creation workflow between 3 companies is illustrated by the diagram below:


    This is the explanation for the flow from the article:

    This is the flow for creating a new Pokemon 3DCG model. First, official illustrations, detailed design documents and 3-side drawings for CG production are created at Game Freak. A meeting is then held between the 3 companies, with these materials as the basis. After that, Creatures create the 3DCG models and motions, while Game Freak and TPC supervise. The created 3DCG models include 'reference models' that serve as a reference for rendering purposes and other derivative works, and 'game models' which are used for the games [SM]. In these games, the connection between the 2 [types of models] was made more apparent via the polygon and joint counts, the structure of meshes, materials, etc. Afterwards, Creatures perform internal final-check and then deliver to Game Freak, who then review the output for the last time.

    Some other notable things:

    • Pokemon is not rendered using the conventional 3DS engine, GF developed an in-house engine for SM that saved 10% processing power.

    • As a notable point, it was mentioned that in SM, "running" animations were added to all present Pokemon in addition to "walking" animations, without specifying what for. (All Pokemon, not just the ones appearing in the photo spots. As we all know, most eventually ended up unused). This can also imply "walking" animations existed before Gen VII.

    • The process for modelling is basically: create high poly reference model, create a lower poly model with adjustments for details, then from that create a model for "subdivision surface" (not a modeler so not too sure). They took extra care not to break rigging and joints compatibility between these models in order to save rigging work, and had an automated re-rigging tool for this too.

    • The specs for 1 Pokemon model is as follows: (whether reference or ingame not specified)

    1. 10000 ~ 20000 polygons, no more than 110 joints except for certain Pokemon, max resolution for textures is 256x512.

    2. The texture set typically consists of a color (diffuse) map, a normal map, a darker diffuse map and a highlight map used to determine highlights. The maximum number of textures is about 20, and maximum "UV sets" is 3. Limit is 40 for animations.

    • Game Freak creates the models for non-Pokemon characters, and creates effects via Flash and After Effects. They have an automated process for animating characters that does a lot of the work.

    As for personal opinions, I am rather confused by the statement "remade models from scratch" by Game Freak. Assuming this workflow still holds true, Creatures do literally 90% of the modelling work, so either:

    1) Ohmori had no idea whatever he was saying and made stuff up.

    2) Creatures lied to GF about "remaking models" while in reality they just ported like 90% and updated the remaining 10%. Game Freak took all the blame because they're the spokespeople.

    submitted by /u/remiccino
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    I really, really, really hate Hop

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:11 PM PST

    God they made him so unbearable, you'd be playing for 5 minutes and you'd see him in the path in front of you and feel a sense of dread wash over. You walk up to him (because there is nowhere else you can go), and he forces you into a dialogue where he describes what is happening in excruciating detail, and rinse and repeat every 5 minutes.

    God I hate hop

    submitted by /u/gesuskrist69
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    I've realized that I don't need the games to be a fan of Pokemon.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    I've been playing since the RBY days, but X and Y are the last games I actually finished. I bought ORAS, SM, and USUM, but I haven't gotten even half way through the campaign in any of them. It's not that they're bad games, it's that every time I sat down to play, I would think to myself "Yeah, I could play this... But Bloodborne, Persona 5, and other objectively great games are right over there." Pokemon games have been of mediocre quality for awhile.

    That being said, Pokemon as a media franchise has had a greater impact on my life than any other, and even though I've decided that I won't even bother purchasing SwSh, I realized that I don't need to be a fan of the games to be a fan of Pokemon.

    I recently started collecting every foil Vileplume (best 'mon, fight me) card, and once I'm done I'll collect every Hitmonchan (second best 'mon, fight me) card, so on and so forth. I started watching the anime again during lunch at work, and I bought three starter plush for my twins coming in January to pick their starter!

    Unless drastic game quality changes come to the series, my time with the games has come and gone, but my time with Pokemon has not.

    submitted by /u/A_Fruitless_Endeavor
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    You may hate it, but the dog speaks the truth (Template in the comments)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    REMINDER: Gamefreak made 800+ walking and running animations for every pokemon, and deliberately chose not to use them.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PST


    Its not that they cant make a feature full pokemon game, its that they wont. All those animations have so much life and are inventive in how certain pokemon would move, yet they are completely dropped. I implore everyone to look at the walking animations, because people put a lot of effort putting in that much character into them, only to be scrapped, so they can be used as "exclusive features" in the lets go games.

    EDIT - I'm talking about the animations in regard to the much requested and highly beloved following pokemon feature, which they were clearly intended for, with both running animations and walking animations. They are still used for overworld pokemon, however it is baffling how they do not use them for following pokemon.

    I think they were meant to be included in Sun and Moon for pokemon following you, however after how well they turned out and how entertaining they are as a general concept they decided to make a spin-off series, to make more money, rather than just adding them into the mainline pokemon games.

    This was a fun bit of trivia 2 years ago, now it's just a bit sad.

    submitted by /u/arkeeos
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    Backstory on the Genius Sonority case - #ThankYouGeniusSonority

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    Genius Sonority was created by Manabu Yamana with the help of Nintendo's creator, Yamauchi. Despite popular belief, Yamauchi liked RPGs but didn't like the culture behind it due to Square's dominance over it and the stigma of otakus locking themselves up in their rooms. Yamauchi gave Manabu Yamana funds from the Q fund; a old venture to fund new studios. It was a joint ownership between Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Yamana himself. Yamana was the lead battle mechanic programmer for DQ 1-6 before leaving Square. You can say he pioneered and popularized modern dungeon crawling games made DQ so popular. With the success of the Pokémon colosseum games, TPCi took the franchise away from them with Gamefreak's order as they have a say on who works on spinoffs.

    The Colosseum games had a low budget and only around 24 people working on them, with Pokemon Battle Revolution given a larger budget and staff allocation due to it being released a month within the Wii's launch. From then on, Yamana struggled getting projects because Yamauchi was no longer there. The change in leadership led to his team getting low projects outside Nintendo such as a tinker bell game and a shovelware tier Pokémon trozei and shuffle games.

    The Japanese company review site, jobtalk, which actually validates reviews unlike Glassdoor, chronicles that Nintendo is entirely responsible for not giving the Genius team any projects at all despite the employees hunger to do so. They get little to no support; with the studio's revenues begin the sole resource for paying its employees. The Denpamen series got almost 0% to actually 0% support, despite the latest sequel on the 3DS improving everything on its predecessors.

    Yamana recently made a pseudo sequel under the studio name called "New Denpamen RPG", having to take it to mobile with little microtransactions to make new players and old feel welcome and not ripped off. It feels like old DQ combat mixed with Animal crossing home development and cute/quirky as fuck designs. It has 5 stars on the Japanese mobile portals of iOS and android. Genius Sonority only has 16 people on staff

    Building off this with a different studio, NOISE which suffered a similar bad fate like Genius. NOISE was made by Kouji Kenjou, a watch maker turned game developer, who was the creator, director, and producer of the Custom Robo series. NOISE became part of several companies that was created out of the Marigul initiative, a company (now defunct), that was made by Nintendo and Recrut, to help fund more games to support the consoles. After Marigul, it existed as a third party entity with an exclusive contract to Nintendo supporting its existing ips as a second party dev.

    Noise had originally 10 employees who wanted to make PC games before switching sides to developing for Nintendo. Their first game was Custom Robo for the N64, which was so successful that it was launched in China for Nintendo's IQueplayer, also doing well. Each of their Custom Robo games did exceptionally well that even one of Yamauchi's favorite games for the N64 was Custom Robo. Unfortunately, things turned grim for Noise once Yamauchi left as well. After Custom Robo DS, Nintendo broke the contract with NOISE, saying they aren't interested in Custom Robo. Kouji tried multiple times to support a sequel with Nintendo denying them every time. He even approached them to do any of their other IPs and Nintendo's excuse was that others were working on them. Slowly, the team started to leave one by one since no projects were coming in and they had literally no income. Kouji attempted to save his team by finding another publisher for support in 2009, Bamco, and made Go! Go! Cosmo Cops!. Unfortunately, while releasing in PAL regions, Bamco cancelled the Japanese release. As a consolation, they allowed them to work on a Katamari puzzle shovel ware called Korogashi Puzzle Katamari Damacy. The team at the time had 16 people, down from the original 50 during the CR series development. Kouji left to make his own studio making mobile mini game shovel ware, which failed.

    In 2013, NOISE made a Gyrozetter game for Squenix in 2013, which was in development for 3 years, now by only 10 employees and without Kouji. The game did alright with Squenix taking their code and making an arcade game. Soon after, more people left the team at NOISE, which now totals around 8 people. NOISE currently and since 2013, have been working on as backup maintenance developers for Square Enix's Dragon Quest Casino Slot Mobile game. Since 2012, Kouji has been bombarded with requests to comment on the Nintendo split, which he refused to comment as they didn't part well and isn't allowed to talk about it due to a NDA termination agreeement. However, a confirmed NOISE employee spilled the beans on what happened to their studio for the past decade on 2ch back in 2013; which basically chronicled that the change over at Nintendo led to the death of CR and eventual poor health their studio is in.

    Kouji is releasing a spiritual successor to Custom Robo (for the Switch), called Synaptic Drive. He has a publisher now called "thousand games" known for making a bunch of mobile games. He's marketing it as an e-sports title.

    The latter half of the story aside, I ask you to trend #ThankYouGeniusSonority or the existing #BringBackGeniusSonority because #PokemonDeservesBetter

    submitted by /u/iNashBRZ
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    The Best Rivals, Cheren and Bianca

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    (Note that B/W were my first Pokemon games, so this does have bias, obviously)

    Cheren and Bianca are the best rivals in the Pokemon series, and here's why:

    Pokemon Black and White contain the heavy theme of truth vs ideals. This is heavily reflected in the parallels between the protagonist and N, Reshiram and Zekrom, and even the brothers from Unovan legend. Most of this is pretty on the nose as far as the story is concerned, but there's another parallel I don't see discussed much.

    Cheren and Bianca.


    To start, Bianca. Bianca's story resolves around her trying to figure out what she's meant to do with her life, along with breaking free from her father. This is shown very early in the game, with her father forbidding her from leaving Nuvema Town, and Bianca leaving anyway. Throughout the story, Bianca slowly comes to understand what she wants to do, and what she can do. Let me explain.

    At the very beginning, Bianca sets out to become a trainer, much like yourself and Cheren. However, as early as the Dreamyard, Bianca begins to question if she's even cut out for such a path. This follows until Nimbassa city, and one of the best scenes in the game, and perhaps even in Pokemon itself. When Bianca's father chases her down in Nimbassa, demanding she return home, Bianca holds her ground, and, with some intervention from Elesa, is able to convince her father to allow her to continue on her journey. Even with this, Bianca still remains unsure of what she wants to do with her life. However, through Chargestone Cave, she finds herself wanting to work with Professor Juniper, which in BW2, is what she ends up doing.

    By Route 10, and the build-up to face N, Bianca has accepted what she's meant to do. She's accepted that she's never going to be as good a trainer as the protagonist or Cheren. Regardless, she's going to hold her head up high, and do what she can do to help, and live the life that she wants to lead. And this is shown perfectly when she gathers the gym leaders to help stop Team Plasma.

    Over the journey, Bianca accepts the truth of what she can do, but won't let it control her. She'll still strive for her ideals.


    Now, it's time to talk about the other side of the coin, Cheren.

    From the start, Cheren makes one thing clear: he's in this journey to get stronger, and become the Champion. Not only is this shown in his battle strategies(using moves like stealth rocks and fake out) and team composition(using a much more balanced team), but it is also evident particularly in his frustration at repeatedly losing to the player, especially on Routes 3 and 4. This ideal of becoming the Champion remains unchallenged for the first part of the game. At least, until Route 5.

    On Route 5, Cheren and the player meet Alder, the Champion of Unova, who observes their battle. Alder is able to see that Cheren is perhaps a bit too focused on the end goal, and is failing to see what is right in front of him. After roping Cheren and the player into a 2v2 vs a pair of toddlers, Alder tries to teach Cheren a lesson, by asking one question. What does he plan to do after becoming Champion? Alder stresses that there is nothing wrong with traveling with a goal in mind, but is traveling simply to become stronger enough of a goal?

    This lesson changes Cheren for the rest of the story. In your next few meetings, he's shown questioning himself if he was truly right all along, that strength is all for a trainer. More so than Bianca, Cheren's story doesn't end at Route 10, where he finally accepts that he will not beat the player, and that they are the one who should face N. In the postgame, he can be found back at Route 5, where he met Alder. Here, Cheren confesses that it was this meeting that changed him.

    "Strength and strength alone is what matters in this world. So I believed, until I met Alder here. But, winning Pokemon battles isn't all there is to life. Once I learned that lesson, my eyes were opened to many different things. We all have our own brand of strength, people and Pokemon both. The strength to make our dreams a reality, the strength to protect what we hold most dear...

    Why do I think this way now? It's thank to you <player>...

    And Bianca...

    And Alder...

    If only N could see this, too, someday.

    I'm going to take a long, hard look at myself on Victory Road. I'm going to think about what I can do and who I can become...

    Cheren is one who embraces his ideals, and who he wants to become. But, over the course of the story, he slowly understands the truth of that ideal, and what strength actually is.


    So, while Cheren represents ideals, and Bianca truth, both, over the course of the story, come to understand the other aspect. A perfect representation of the theme of Black/White. And that is why I find them to be the best rivals in Pokemon history.

    submitted by /u/MudkipOfDespair098
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    #GameFreakLied vs #ThankYouGameFreak Twitter activity visualized

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:43 PM PST

    The Eurogamer article seems to confirm that the missing background music in the legendary battle actually happens.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 06:30 PM PST

    Link for convenience.

    Another climactic battle sequence, for some reason, had no music.


    submitted by /u/Ultimate_Chimera
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    You need to pay extra 50$ to get a Mew in new Pokemon game. I think its really bad way to treat players so I made a drawing of this cute Pokemon for everyone to enjoy!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST


    For people who wants to know a bit more about drawing:

    • Prismacolor Premier, Caran d'ache Luminance they are blending very well with each other
    • Markers: Posca white and yello best way to add cool effects in drawing
    • Electric eraser - dremel tool with the eraser tip really important for details
    • Knife - to make the smallest details because again details are really important
    • Paper - strathmore smooth bristol. Size- A3 because it works great with colored pencils I use
    • Time 2 days
    • Around 12-14h
    submitted by /u/driveskull
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