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    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Pokémon Pokémon Sword and Shield Release Megathread #1!

    Pokémon Pokémon Sword and Shield Release Megathread #1!

    Pokémon Sword and Shield Release Megathread #1!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:11 PM PST

    Sword and Shield are here!

    Comment below and share stories from your playthrough so far!

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    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Some players are reporting that a crash during SwSh's autosave deleted their save data

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Seems to affect all saves on their system, not just for SwSh

    Edit: It looks like save data isn't being displayed until after the SD card is removed/reformatted, and what's actually happening looks to be that the SD card is being corrupted.

    Here is someone else claiming that it happened to them: https://twitter.com/DeathChaos25/status/1195207032531554304

    Their save data was okay, but everything on their SD card was corrupted:


    Original post:

    Video: https://streamable.com/4hj9a

    Other: http://blog.esuteru.com/archives/9412890.html


    Edit: errors shown in the video for your reference:

    Error 2002-4690: Software closed because error occured, send error report Y/N?

    When trying to relaunch the game:

    Error 2016-0602: Corrupted data was found. You may be able to fix the issue by downloading this software again.

    When trying to redownload the game:

    Error 2002-0039: There is not enough free space available.

    After rebooting the system:

    This SD card cannot be used. Please format the SD card

    submitted by /u/Saprod
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    Lmao remember when we tought that we could get to go to Kalos in the post-game?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:14 AM PST

    This was an early theory back in like February, when the games were announced. Since Galar is based on the UK, and France is very close geographicly to UK, we tought we might get to revisit the region based on France. Looking back it was kimd of adorable how full of hope and optimistic we were on SwSh, especially the post-game

    submitted by /u/DenisSKRATTA
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 11

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:05 AM PST

    PSA: Gamers, take a shower before coming to midnight releases and other local events

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:02 PM PST

    As I stand here in line waiting for the clock to strike 12, I am trapped in the 39th spot in line with the ripe permeating smell of gamer invading my nostrils. Take a shower you filthy mongrels. You are an embarrassment to the community and I am hesitant to call you my people now.

    submitted by /u/Willykinz
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    IGN addresses the criticism of their Pokemon review

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:53 AM PST

    reviewer stated on twitter that the official review was not the time or place to address criticisms of the game, but was just her opinion and experience. This is IGN "addressing" the controversy surrounding the game...

    I've included some quotations (some paraphrased) for those who don't feel like wasting 45 minutes

    [YouTube] Pokemon Sword and Shield Review Discussion - NVC 483

    "If you believe the leak criticisms, you're just blindly following an opinion, you shouldn't do that in ANY context "

    "I didn't see anything wrong with the game. Am I being gaslit?"

    "I didnt talk about any glaring problems because there aren't any"

    "BoTW and Fire Emblem have pop in too, thats just what those games had to do to be on the Switch"

    "There's nothing glaringly wrong with the game at all"

    submitted by /u/beg4
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    How has nobody made this joke before.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:29 AM PST

    Classic name... you bitch!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    Caught a shiny Wooloo on my very first encounter of the game!!!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I was so excited when this happened! I have never had such good luck before!!! Down below is the imgur link incase anyone wants to see it!


    submitted by /u/kovs22
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    Opinions on swsh after playing it for 40 hours

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:55 PM PST

    Hey guys, I just wanted to throw out some thoughts after beating the game today. TL;DR at the bottom

    First off, I want to address the moves removed from the game. Aside from the Return, Pursuit, and HP, I feel almost all the other moves were not needed. It seems that plenty of Pokemons movesets were updated to provide them with just outright better moves. For example, Machop lost Karate Chop, but learns Low Sweep, an even stronger move, at an early level. In addition, the Wild Area is accessible to the player very early on, and doing Raid Battles provides one use TMs(TRs) that are just absolutely amazing moves. After unlocking the Wild Area, I just spent a good hour doing Raid Battles, and I was getting moves like Seed Bomb and Darkest Lariat to throw onto my Pokemon when available.

    For the Wild Area, it's the one feature I like for the game, and I think it's a step in the right direction for future titles. You have access to a huge area with hundreds of Pokemon all over, and the Pokemon accessible to you seem to change depending on the weather. I found a Flareon in one part, and once thunderstorms started appearing, I found a Jolteon in the same area, for example. It's definitely a fun place for people who like collecting Pokemon. The rewards for the raid battles are very generous too, as depending on the difficulty you get a lot of exp candies and a lot of TMs, as well as items to sell for money. There's no point in doing Raid Battles by yourself, as it's truly all luck to if you get AI that can last a turn before their Magikarp(yes, a Magikarp) or Pikachu get one shot.

    The level restriction for the wild area is completely reasonable. You can see powerful mons so early into the game, if you caught one you'd basically be set to beat the game an hour in. Pokemon you can't catch cannot be shiny, so there really isn't that much a downside. The high level Pokemon give you a reason to explore the early part of the wild area again as you progress through the story and unlock the level restriction. Also, the level restriction doesn't really apply at all in the story, because you never meet Pokemon that high level during it.

    The character customization is amazing! Every gym I'd go try out a new outfit for my character, and the selection is great. I'm not going to lie, the game being easy made saving money for clothes really easy. SOME PICS OF MY CHARACTER THE ABSOLUTE ANGEL

    With that said, my optimism unfortunately ends there. The Wild Area is accessible to the player within the first hour of the game, and you can farm Raid Battles for a good while and get a lot of exp candies to overlevel your Pokemon quickly. Stacked with the new exp share, the game is easiest it has ever been. I took my time completing the game, trying to capture as many Pokemon as possible along my way, and doing this will just get you stacked on so many exp candies, you can truly have a Level 80 pokemon setup in areas where the trainers have level 40 Pokemon. It's that unbalanced.

    The story was nonexistent for the most part. No spoilers here, but dumbed down, the story was just about you and Hop going from gym to gym until you became champion. Team Yell doesn't do anything, except serve as roadblocks throughout the game(which there was a LOT OF). Bede seemed like an interesting character but his story abruptly fell short half way through the story, same with Marnie. You dont get introduced to a villain(although it's easy to guess who) or evil plot until moments before you fight the champion, and I still have no clue what the post game story was supposed to be. Nothing makes sense, they just kind of throw around words in attempt of a story being there but there truly wasnt. Very disappointed.

    This has been mentioned enough times already, but the game is clearly unpolished. There are constant examples of laziness and incompetency, there's really too many to list. One scene, you win a gym badge and are met with praise from fans as you leave the gym, but they really just stay there waving at the air until you go to the next town and trigger a cutscene. For the cutscenes, there's nothing going on in aside from characters walking around doing some weird animation, and cutscenes that would take any amount of effort, are simply given a fade-in black screen to pretend they did something. An example being Yamper using thunderbolt on an object, the screen fades to black, you hear the Pokemon's cry, and then the game fades back in. Lastly, aside from the 3d models, the game looks ugly. A lot of trees, rocks, grass cutting into each other, shadows not working, framerate drops when docked, the list goes on.

    It was hard to go through 5 minutes of gameplay without noticing some kind of unpolished design choice hitting my face.

    I think competitively the game is going to be fine, we have so many new QOL options given to us to make powerful teams easy and less time consuming, but as far as enjoying the games story goes, it leaves a lot to be desired.


    Pokemon movesets and easy access to powerful TMs made moves removed negligible(aside from competitively viable ones).

    Wild Area is the only thing I enjoyed, but got old quick postgame. Introduced so early that you can easily abuse to overlevel your Pokemon, but also helps in quickly collecting Pokemon through evolution.

    Story is nonexistent, post game is nonexistent. No evil plot until the final hour of the game, Team Yell does nothing except be the game's main excuse for roadblocks.

    Hard to not notice how unpolished the game is as you play it. Every cutscene is bad and lazy. It became very distracting the more cutscenes you were forced to watch. Framerate drops when docked.

    This might be the only Pokemon game I've finished feeling very dissatisfied, unfortunately.

    submitted by /u/Fariswheel_
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    Warning to those who are playing the E-shop version of Pokemon Sword/Shield, Japanese players are reporting Pokemon Sword/Shield is deleting all the save data on their SD card for ALL games.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:57 PM PST

    Source: http://blog.esuteru.com/archives/9412890.html

    Video Proof: https://streamable.com/4hj9a

    (Note that all of their Splatoon 2 data has been wiped)

    Other cases:



    (This game is doing anything from crashing, deleting save files for all games, corrupting games, bricking systems, and probably even secretly selling all of your pokemon to a wooloo)

    It even happened to an American player: https://mobile.twitter.com/DeathChaos25/status/1195207032531554304

    Edit: It seems many people believe that the issue is caused by either a bad micro SD card or the autosave feature. I suggest making sure that you have a name brand or Nintendo micro SD card and turning off autosave. Funny enough, those who were playing a pirated version of the game were unaffected.

    Edit 2: I just found out the thing about the micro SD cards is irrelevant, games can't save on there. They're saved on the console's system memory. This game should be treated practically like a virus. What kind of game has the ability to modify the saves of entirely different games?

    submitted by /u/MichaelmouseStar
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    Thank you for forced Exp Share Gamefreak!!!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PST

    Now I'm forced to play my RPG the way you want me to instead of customizing my own difficulty like I can in literally every other Pokemon game!!

    Really kind of you to think of your players like that.

    Unlike a lot of people, I was honestly fine w/ the pokedex limitations 'cause I just wanna play a new Pokemon game. I didn't care much about the competitive scene or my favorite Pokemon not being in.... Not to defend them, taking out Pokemon is still a poor decision. I just want to express my position on this more.

    But this? It's just... I don't know what it is. Why would they ever even fathom to take out something as easy to toggle on/off as Exp Share?! I can't imagine they did it without thinking about it. They wanted this. For whatever their reasons are. They wanted it and didn't care about anyone's backlash. And by going by other companies dumb decisions, whenever a company wants something out that's easy to fit in which inconveniences the player/customer... Chances are it's for some scummy reason.

    submitted by /u/Kinger1000
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    Pokémon Sword bricked my console

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    40 minutes into the game and my switch started to act strangely. First my joycon started to disconnect and then the switch freezed. I tried soft and hard resetting but the problem won't go away. Here are some of the error's code i got: 2144-0001 / 2107-0445 / 2143-0811

    I called the assistence and they told me that i'll have to pay for my repair, does anyone had the same experience? How much can they charge you?

    https://youtu.be/YZizZBuu5Os (EDIT: The switch sometimes let me start the game, this is what happens, i can't move my character and the switch freeze) https://youtu.be/5HObw93lLI0 https://imgur.com/a/rk8YU1i https://imgur.com/a/fQlTST8 (EDIT: now i can't even start the game and i get this beautiful orange screen)

    EDIT: i didn't mentioned that i bought my switch at launch. Idk if this can help. Never installed bootleg firmware, always bought my games. Never dropped nor damaged my switch. Sorry for my bad english but i'm a pasta eater, hope your game won't ruin your console.

    UPDATE: I've been trying all day to start the game and It seems that now it's running. I'll edit the comment if something bad happen

    EDIT 1: Sometimes the a button does not work. The Joycon disconnected but this time recconected, the switch didn't crash

    EDIT 2: played the game for about 10 minutes. Went to the home screen and tried to conncect to the wifi. The console won't connect. Put to sleep mode but the switch didn't want to turn on again. I shut down manually the console.

    EDIT 3: Started again the game, crashed as soon as i was able to move my character. The error code is: 2107-0445

    EDIT 4: restarted the system, the game crashed immediately and guess who's back? https://imgur.com/a/wXYDsG0

    EDIT 5: Tried to re-download some of my game data's but it seemed impossible to connect to my wifi. While restarting the switch got stuck. How funny, the save files weights 66,6 mb... My game is haunted? Also sometimes some button of my Joycons wont work. I'm losing all my hope, i called the assistance and started a practice...

    EDIT 6: Maybe it's not Sw fault, the switch went crazy... I'll send the console to the assistance on Monday, hope it won't cost too much... i just want to play the game

    submitted by /u/Giangiuca
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    After 20 hours of playtime my review is a resounding “meh”.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST

    The game is alright. That's all. Not the world ending calamity we all thought it would be. I have the same good things to say as everyone else and I have the same bad things to say about everyone else. So I'm not going to bore you with the same old.

    The problem I have though is "meh" is not good enough for a Pokémon game. Full stop. We're talking about a $60 billion franchise here, not some indie studio's passion project. If this were some no name studio I'd say it was a solid game, probably still not deserving of the high 9s and 4s we've seen on review sites, but still an attempt was made.

    But the fact remains that the game is still clearly unfinished. The team wasn't allowed to iron out the wrinkles to fit holiday release and it shows in the worst way. But I digress. The one complaint I do have that I haven't seen come trough the network is the convoluted ways some Pokémon evolve. It seems entirely inaccessible to the casual audience they're clearly pandering to. That's just a very specific nitpick however.

    tl;dr: SwSh is a good video game, a terrible Pokémon game.

    submitted by /u/McCreeSun
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    Can we please have Morimoto back as director

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:53 AM PST


    As director of HGSS, he created one of, if not THE best Pokemon games to ever be released. He is infamously quoted as saying "There's so much included that I even had colleagues saying to me: "Are you sure you should be going this far with a remake?" In that sense, it's not simply a remake - I think it's more than that. For that reason, I would like to see these games enjoyed by as large a number of people as possible." --Instead of 2019's GameFreak lying to their fanbase about having to remake from scratch all of the models in order to avoid backlash, we need a director like Morimoto who, like Sakurai, aims to create the best work he can when in the position to do so. Pic related, as it's Morimoto. If you'd like to see the full interview with Iwata where this quote came from, you can view it on Nintendo's official UK website here

    submitted by /u/DragoniteSinner
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    People, don't post 0 score reviews on Metacritic. It's disingenuous.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:24 AM PST

    I'm with you, people who are disappointed with these games. I hate seeing a franchise I love be turned into such mediocrity.

    However, that's not an excuse to post 0 score reviews for the sake of giving the game a low score. No matter how you think about the game, it doesn't deserve a 0 score. In fact, I don't think any game deserves that and it shouldn't even be an option in my opinion.

    It doesn't help anyone, especially our case. What do you think the rest of the internet is going to think if we all review-bomb the game, it'll make genuine criticism useless and only alienate those that are looking for a balanced review.

    Having said that, the opposite is also true. Posting 10 score reviews for no reason but to boost the score. It's just as disingenuous.

    TL;DR Don't do either of these
    They are not the worst games ever made and they are not the best games ever made.

    submitted by /u/Giglefreakz
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    I have not been able to get immersed in this game because I can't go two minutes without a scripted lecture from Hop.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:35 PM PST

    The game is extremely adamant about not letting me do anything without his permission. This is everything people exaggerated Lillie to be and I can't stand it. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but it's the worst case scenario I expected to end up with. I just want to walk around and capture the cute little monsters. This is not a hard idea to execute. I do not need an eleven year old boy to walk me from room to room telling me what to do wherever I go and ignoring me when I tell him I'm not interested in what he has to say.

    GameFreak is continuing to demonstrate a total disinterest in how people play JRPGs and it's completely insufferable. I want to explore. I want to get lost. I want to mess up. I want to figure my way out of it. I want to play. Just let me.

    submitted by /u/IanMazgelis
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    In japan preorders for SWSH are a little over 50% of those of Sun and Moon

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:23 AM PST

    It does my heart good to see people admitting to not buying the game. Vote with your dollar! :)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:09 AM PST

    I hope that we make a serious impact in sales so Gamefreak can see that we don't like to be lied to. That we wont accept laziness. That they can't just shit on their community. I know this post will be down voted, but that's fine. If you're ACTUALLY happy with how the game came out, that's cool too. But this entry very much alienates the veterans. If you did buy the game, why? I'd love to know why you would buy a game with LESS Pokemon than gen 4 in it. That holds your hand through every challenge. That uses the same models and animations as Sun and Moon but up-scaled. Why would you buy such an unabashedly lazy and money hungry product?

    submitted by /u/VapourKnight
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    As a way of saying goodbye to one of my favourite generations, I drew every new Pokemon introduced in gen 7! [OC]

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    BREAKING NEWS: Battling and catching Pokemon is fun!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Therefore every past and future Pokemon game will be 9.3/10

    One could nitpick about graphics, performance, content, features, lack of characters and so on, but that's not something expected from a $60 game, as long as you have fun it's worth it.

    Also the Pokemon franchise would like to proudly announce their new business strategy for future releases, taking a page from the incredible fun and innovating games like FIFA and Madden, these new yearly released games will be called by the year of release in order to avoid extra work for the creative department.

    Please look forward for Pokemon 2020 and it's 200 Pokemon dex!

    submitted by /u/gmorfin22
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    Who's still not playing Sword or Shield out of protest?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Today is the release date of Pokemon sword and shield (where I live anyway).

    I've seen people who are excited for the game (which is fine btw) purchasing it, i've seen people outraged by the game yet still giving game freak their money (those people are factually stupid) and i've seen people who swore they wouldn't buy these games, but still did at the last second...

    Out of genuine curiosity, how many people have said they will protest this entry and are standing by it? I'd be interested to see how many still are! It's been made clear that Pokemon company doesn't listen to people's opinions but rather their wallets; so if you don't like the way things are going:

    "DON'T BUY IT!"

    (and of course if you do, buy it and here's hoping you have the fun you're looking for!)

    I for one haven't bought it and have no plans to do so.

    If I ever do, it will be pre-owend/second hand so that I can develop my own opinion whilst not giving the company my money and by extension supporting something I don't agree with.

    submitted by /u/xXThrowaway_FriendXx
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    Does anyone else feel like battles are too cramped?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:17 AM PST


    in comparison to the old console games.. why are pokemon so close together in battle?

    i know this may seem like a small nitpick, i just think battles looked so much more epic when the pokemon were further apart. It allowed them to be properly scaled at least, now they have to be shrunken down so they can be closer together

    submitted by /u/mossypinniped
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    A long take from a game dev (expert on JRPGS) about the failure of Pokemon Sword and shield transition to the Switch

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:28 AM PST

    - media https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=wnCOubWjWnc (sorry if this is against some rules I dont get the rules for self promotion honestly, since I am trying to kinda give some more cents I feel from a experienced dev stand point) Text form Tl:Dr

    To frame this - I have developed games for over 15 years and I am an expert on JRPG (my master thesis about rpgs lol) in particularly having worked with e.g Square Enix in the past as well as Western RPG makers. (I worked on Diablo 3 for example)

    And I hope I here explain some of the failure and massive issues of pokemon sword and shield from a more game developer standpoint and not just the general review of the game.

    First of all I wanna say that the biggest issue is not the full pokedex the bigger issues I have is honestly with just the lack of everything, empty world, empty houses, very open and empty open world Environment which lack items or events to find and so on. Comparing this to any other JRPG franchise, Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Breath of fire etc Pokemon lack of end game content, lack of extra mode, other kind of new battles etc. Lets face its, its incredible subpar from a typical JRPG standpoint, this was fine when the game was on the lesser powerful machine, but now its on Switch and clearly pokemon sword and shield is objectively losing to old playstation 1 games, released 20 years ago. Why cant my pokemon build like a house or something and depending on which one I catch first the different rooms are added and u have to replay/rebuild it etc. Obviously it exist so much possibility here and my point is that ALL other JRPGS (with big budget) does this and a lot more usually and as we know Pokemon got a LOT OF MONEY.

    I absolutely expected it to be bigger, and GRANDER coming to the switch you expect it to be more of everything that it already had ++++ more new modes, new battle systems, new moves that are good, new moves that are orthogonal balanced (e.g horrible in single but amazing in double or triple), new mega evolution and so on. And of course, even if they dont add new mega, they should not remove mega over Dynamax. The game should have both, the game cartridge has SIZE for both.

    While we should not expect some kind of BOTW gameplay, its fair to assume that if the world is gonna go open world and so on, it should be A LOT BIGGER. But also more content and actual events in it, to me its similar to failure of FF15, you can find empty factories to walk around in with nothing to fight or no items to find etc, is a very dead experience. The open world of this game is one of the worst I have seen in a long time, the whole experience (if accounting for bad technical issues, such as low fidelity, no animation, those dead trees from the 90s etc) feels like an enormous wasted potential and even if the game is still ok to play, you are constantly thinking about how BETTER IT COULD HAVE BEEN ( I will say do that I personally are probably more affected by this then the normal consumer as I can just SEE all the issues in the game constantly)

    The game modelling is not that hard, the technical animation of game development is not that hard etc and they got enormous amount of money. For argument sake lets say it was all new models, new technical animations etc. From people I have worked with I am 100% sure a senior technical animator could do a fairly well animated, rigged body etc of a pokemon in max 1 day. My guess is that it could be done actually at least 2 per day. This is given that we of course think its ok to have a breath attack animated reused for other breath attacks etc, so of course many moves would use the same animation, but it would still look A LOT better than sword and shield. So lets say 1 day per pokemon, it would not take more time to technical animate them to a higher standard then what it is now. Clearly, they have the manpower to do it better, I dont exactly how many of their employs are in the graphical domain but they should have enough. And the whole game is just filled with cutting corner - reducing work effort. Like removing the pokemon to ride on, and instead giving you a bike, and then the bike goes on to much water....why? This is of course a way to having to do less animation work and just add some water VFX on the already existing bike model and animation. The game is just filled with these lazy extremely unpolished short cuts, like the wingull wings not moving for example, is not a lot of work to make them move, it really is not. And that is a constant issue in the graphical models and animation for the whole game.

    My take on why the reviewers are so god dam high, I dont know how it is for a fact here (but I do have some IGN insider knowledge) like IGN Pokemon sword and shield review giving it a 9.3 are they bought?, its more that they know that if they do not give it a good review they will not be allowed to get early copies of the next Zelda or other Nintendo games.

    Basically the common buying of reviewers is not that you give someone a big pile of cash, instead its the knowledge that they will hurt your financially with their next or possible all their games. This also explains why so few people got to review it, as only "trusted" outlets got it, basically not getting paid but they get paid in clicks and views as they got to do it before everyone else and they play ball knowing they wont get it before everyone else next time if they give a bad review. So its basically like paying them as the main people to get early review copies are few, means more views but I suppose its more a treat of a way to remove their future revenue more then paying them outright in the current present time (this is common practice and other companies does this a well, not just Nintendo)

    I really want to emphasize again that the issue is not just Dexit, but its like 50% cut in everything and the game cost 50% more.

    I do hope for sure they will have to change, hopefully nintendo seems so losses on the switch or w.e Because Nintendo do GOOD GAMES OTHERWISE: We all know that, polished games

    Its very clear that it exist A LOT BETTER JRPGs out there, with soooo much more content, much longer and much better stories, 10x more end game content, 10+ minigames etc.

    Pokemon had a passed while it was on the 3ds and previous handhelds and its so clear how gamefreak just plays it like they are still on the much weaker platform (even do u can for sure do this old school JRPG which are bigger to 3ds...)

    And just upped the graphics....but failed at it.

    To be honest I am guessing this game barely worked close to the release, they probably have been mismanaged, and lack of technical skills etc for a while. Because that to explains the complete lack of end game content.

    Of course end game content is something you would do last, like a stretch goal of a kickstarer game.

    So what happened is (I am Guessing) likely is that they barely could get the basic gameplay to work, they then decided we have no time for this(after half assing just taking old models to...) and decide cut away half, to make time. After this they could not add anything to the end game, as well that comes last since the bare boned basic game was barely working. Also probably while its like no content design being done on the "open world areas" just kinda thrown in some big landscape and call it a day (note that its easier to do big open landscape as its less detailed, foliage environment etc)

    Tl:dr, game is still pretty fun to play but does not just fail compared to other pokemon games especially immensely fail compared to other games of the same genre.

    submitted by /u/myrmonden
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    My favorite thing about b2w2 was when you got the gold trainer card you never had to mash A at the pokemon center.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:28 PM PST

    Beat the elite 4

    Did all of pokestar studios

    Won all pokemon world championships

    Completed the national dex with a living dex

    Man i loved this game

    Also, pretty sure nurse joy wanted my booty.

    submitted by /u/RedWolfMegazord
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    The One Mechanic I Miss Most In Pokemon That Was Scrapped in Gen V That I Rarely See Anyone Talk About.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST


    The Seasons Mechanic from the Generation V games. This was such a neat concept that was only in Pokemon BW and BW2 that never made it to the 3D Pokemon games which was such a shame. I hope one day we will get the season mechanic back, may not be anytime soon, but one can hope.

    Edit: Heartgold/Soulsilver didn't have the seasons system, only Black/White and Black/White 2 had it.

    submitted by /u/PictureBookGrad
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    Hop is the stalker I don't want.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    I'm a couple of hours in and while I'm enjoying it, we need much, much less Hop.

    The kid is a frickin stalker, waiting for me at the end of every empty road. I can't walk a hundred meters without seeing him in the distance, waiting for me to walk by him, then engaging in nonsensical banter that I skip through because of how frequent, and annoying it is.

    Honestly, I'm all for a good chat, but when it happens every few minutes, I feel compelled to skip it ... B,B,B,B,B,B ... no clue what he's saying anymore.

    submitted by /u/madgoat
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