• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    Pokémon IMPORTANT: Switch system software bug may cause data loss on microSD cards using exFAT file system!

    Pokémon IMPORTANT: Switch system software bug may cause data loss on microSD cards using exFAT file system!

    IMPORTANT: Switch system software bug may cause data loss on microSD cards using exFAT file system!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:51 AM PST

    Earlier, there was an issue reported that indicated crashes in Sword/Shield could cause a loss of save game data. Since data loss is a major issue, many people rushed to get the word out to others, but in the process of hurrying to get the information out, there were a few pieces of erroneous information included. Since it's not possible to edit topic titles, we're making this topic now to update everyone on the situation.

    Here's what we know now:

    • The issue affects data on the microSD card, which can include downloaded games. Game saves, however, are stored on the Switch's internal memory, which is NOT affected.
    • Though digital versions seemed to be more prevalent, this issue can also occur with physical catridge copies of the game. (example)
    • This issue occurs on both modified and unmodified Switch consoles (source)
    • This issue can occur even if auto-save is disabled.
    • While the cause of the in-game crash is unclear beyond it being a timeout when accessing NAND, the data loss appears to be due to the Switch's driver for handling exFAT-formatted SD cards.
    • The solution to avoid data loss is to use a FAT32 formatted microSD card rather than an exFAT formatted one.

    For those interested in reading more, Switch hacker and Pokemon dataminer describes the situation here on Twitter. If you are on Windows and want to convert your existing microSD card to use FAT32 instead of exFAT, a tool for doing so can be found here. Make sure you copy your microSD card data to your PC first as the formatting process will erase all the data on the card. However, if you do format it to FAT32, you can simply copy it back afterward and not have to worry about data loss while playing the game.

    Edit: There are now some reports (mainly amongst Japanese Twitter users) of at least a small number of Switch consoles encountering an orange screen error after certain freezes. An orange screen indicates a hardware failure as noted here. It is unclear if this is related to the NAND timeout issues or not. We will update this post or make a new one once we know more.

    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    I’m actually really enjoying SwSh

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:03 AM PST

    Blasphemy, I know. But I am really liking this game. I've been a hardcore fan since I was 6, and Pokémon is one of the few things that followed me into adulthood. With all the negativity I'm seeing, I wanted to be one of the few positive opinions.

    Dexit: I honestly didn't mind. I play for the new Pokémon when I buy these games. Im the kind of person that finishes a game and then sells it back immediately, so I wasnt too hurt about not being able to "Catch 'em all."

    Short story: This is also personal, but I don't mind it. As an adult who works 40-60 hours a week, I don't have the time I used to. It's refreshing to have a game that I know I'll complete in a couple weeks, as opposed to a sprawling game I'll just forget about once life gets too busy.

    Difficulty: I made my peace with this long ago. But I am hopeful that the games will get a little tougher as the new generations grow up. Maybe. If not, I don't mind. That covers everything from the exp share to the hand-holding.

    The things I love:

    1. Backpacking through Europe is essentially what you're doing and I think it's so cool.

    2. Why weren't Wild Zones a thing before? I'm spending so much time exploring these things, and it feels like the next step is using these to replace routes.

    3. Pokémon battles as a stadium, spectator-sport is how I always imagined Pokémon. Hardcore fans with body paint, a huge field, televised to the world, etc. I'm so excited to put on my uniform and walk out onto the pitch.

    4. Curry. It's just fun.

    5. Gigantamax are basically boss battles. I've had so much fun raiding the dens.

    6. Clothing. This is one of the best things they ever added and I'm always excited for it. It always feels like there's never enough clothing options in the games. I always want more and more. I hope this becomes the first Pokémon game DLC just so I can have more clothing.

    As a hardcore fan, there's a lot more I want out of Pokémon games. But I'm actually fine with what we have in SwSh. I'm loving it and can't wait to play more after work today.

    EDIT: additional positive points from u/iprizefighter

    • ⁠fast map transport before the first gym • ⁠fast ground transport after the first gym • ⁠Pokemon box link • ⁠namerater and move deleter/rememberer guy in every pokecenter • ⁠the daycare is before the second gym • ⁠Wonder Trading is better because you can do it while actually playing the game • ⁠access to most (maybe all?) Apricorn Balls extremely early (personal favorite QoL) • ⁠ABILITY TO AVOID RANDOM ENCOUNTERS AND TRAINERS • ⁠MASSIVE variety of Pokemon to choose from before the first gym, even larger as you work towards the third • ⁠important items like Everstone very early

    submitted by /u/Nofreeupvotes
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 12

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:38 AM PST


    At least Puff got buffed in Smash.

    I forgot to add Igglybuff to the uploaded version. Will amend tomorrow sorry! Even I'm dexiting mons now. Who'da thunk it.

    039 Jigglypuff - 040 Wigglytuff

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    "It's a kid's game" is one of the worst arguments in defense of these games.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:39 PM PST

    I keep seeing this argument being thrown around to defend the dumbing down of Pokemon games.

    Pokemon has been a "kids game" since RBY, where hand-holding was essentially non-existent. There were dungeons, some of which made you problem solve to reach the end goal. Legendary Pokemon were hidden in these areas that were designed solely for these Pokemon, such as Seafoam Island, Power Plant, Cerulean Cave. These games weren't nearly as railroaded as SWSH. You had to solve puzzles to progress, such as in Silph Co.

    There are plenty more examples of how the older games made kids problem solve, but the basic message is that children do not need so much hand-holding. That was never what made kids fall in love with the franchise, and it's no excuse to gut the depth of the games to such an extent.

    submitted by /u/lordofallcats
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    Japanese fan's reaction to Pokemon SWSH [Day 2]

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:15 AM PST

    Hello Friends. Nice to meet you guys.

    I am Japanese, one of the Pokemon fans.

    Its a Japanese reaction about Pokemon Sword Shield, Day 2.

    I think you guys want to know, I translated it in Poor English. (sorry)

    Please enjoy the reaction of anonymous Japanese.

    As a precaution, put a spoiler tag.

    submitted by /u/Shau1a
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    [Digital Foundry]Pokémon Sword/Shield - Switch's Next-Gen Pokémon Doesn't Quite Deliver

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:14 AM PST

    Hop is the worst rival in Pokemon history!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:29 AM PST

    This guy is so damn annoying and he's actually pathetic when you think about it lol. Hand holding and waiting for me everywhere. Each step I take I'm more scared of encountering him than the Pokemon! Does he ever stop talking? Now that I think about it he ain't only the worst rival in Pokemon history but probably the worst companion in a game ever! Anyone share the same opinion?

    submitted by /u/Fake_Itani
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    My son (5) was playing Minecraft today and was super excited to show me what he'd built

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:25 AM PST

    I'm so proud of this kid. Yes, the Magikarp is a little abstract, but he built them all from memory. I had to share because I feel like this sub needs a bit of cheering up. Ten house point to whoever can guess them all.


    submitted by /u/MrRedii
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    Unobtainable Pokemon encounter showcase

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:31 PM PST

    For those who don't know, there are currently about 35 pokemon whose data fully exists outside of the Galar dex and are perfectly working.

    So I spent a good chunk of hours between yesterday and today hacking the game to force them to show up and record their behavior as wild Pokemon!

    submitted by /u/DeathChaos25
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    Fans after game freak replaced mega evolution with dynamaxing

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:51 AM PST

    Pokemon Sword/Shield director elaborates on having all party members automatically gain experience

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:20 AM PST


    "In the past, we've used the Exp. Share system and, more recently, you were able to disable it and limit the experience gain to a single Pokemon. Yet we noticed that many players were leaving the Exp. Share system set to 'ON'. Seeing this, we started to wonder if there really was a need for players to be able to turn it off – if there was value in it as a gameplay feature. Of course, we discussed the fact that some players only wanted to train one Pokemon at a time, but what arose from our talks is that if players wanted to do this, why not bring only one Pokemon with them? … in order to remove the need for the off switch, why not allow them to change their team anywhere and at any time? This way, if they only want to have one Pokemon at their side and focus on leveling it up, they can; otherwise they can have a full team, training them all at once and thus having an easier time. So, rather than focusing on Exp. Share, we concentrated on team composition."

    submitted by /u/Dakress23
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    Ohmori confirmed back in June that full production on these games began in late 2017. Almost every problem can be traced to one single cause: development time was too short, shorter than comparable Switch games and even other games in the franchise.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:41 PM PST

    There's a lot of threads with baseless misinformation (like the broken importer theory), and I don't think making stuff up is necessary when we can just use facts. I also see a lot of people wondering about what went wrong with SwSh's development. I found a very simple answer, straight from the horse's mouth from the official Pokemon website, when I was looking to compare development time for different games in comparison to SwSh: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/we-interview-junichi-masuda-and-shigeru-ohmori-about-pokemon-sword-and-pokemon-shield/

    "Specifically with Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, we began the conceptual phase immediately after development wrapped up on Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. That concept phase took about a year, and then we moved on to full production. All of that, along with the debug phase, took about three years."

    SuMo released in Q4 2016. One year of concept work, which means designing the new region, Pokemon, etc. brings us to late 2017 when the programming and other technical work actually began on SwSh. With this protracted development time, it's no wonder that the overwhelming majority of complaints are about cut content, bugs, performance issues, and the general unpolished nature of the games.

    Comparison with recent Pokemon games and other headlining Switch games:

    Almost every single problem with these games can be traced to 2 years simply being way too little time to develop a proper Switch game. Besides LGPE, they trail in comparison to previous games in the series and to comparable games on the Switch.

    SwSh: 3 years including concepts, only 2 years in full production

    LGPE: 2.5 years (only 151 Pokemon with almost no new concept work that had to be done, many assets reused in SwSh) Source

    SuMo: 3 years (looks like a similar timeframe, but remember it's a 3DS game rather than a home console game) Source

    Couldn't find anything about ORAS, sorry

    XY: 3.5 years total (including concept work, developing all 3D models) Source

    Breath of the Wild: 6 years total

    • 2 years of concepts (Aonuma said concepts began after development on Skyward Sword ended in 2011) Source
    • 4 years in full production Source

    Super Mario Odyssey: 3.5-4 years total Source

    Fire Emblem Three Houses: 4 years total (Sorry for the source in Japanese, but the relevant sentence is Yokota started to work on the concept of this work from the time when "FE if" was released.) Source

    Xenoblade Chronicles 2: 3.5 years Source

    The future of the mainline games

    Masuda and Ohmori have been very adamant in saying that the National Dex is never coming back. Even if you don't care about Dexit, this implies that they aren't willing to increase development time for any future games. There's also the fact that they want to prioritize making games other than Pokemon.

    I've been reading a ton of reactions to SwSh, and it seems that reviews are mixed among people who did buy the game. If you found yourself enjoying the games but wishing things were done better....think about whether those improvements will make it in as development cycles get shorter, even though systems are getting more complex. If you want a better story, postgame, voice acting, whatever, then tough luck. SwSh aren't one-offs, nor are they even GF's first try on the Switch, and they're setting the tone for the future of the franchise.

    It's a real shame because I found something to like in every single game prior, but I have no interest in LGPE, SwSh, or any game like them. The declining content of the main series games is directly attributable to rushed development, which stems from greed....what a real shame indeed.

    submitted by /u/ConstantRequirement
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    I’d kill for a pokemon game that you start off as a villain/anti hero.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Something similar to Silver's story. You break into a pokemon lab, steal a starter, and you get confronted by the professor. He/she lectures you and your first battle is against the games "main character" who picks the starter with the type advantage. You beat them escape and begin working for the evil team and help them steal pokemon/do bad shit. You somewhat complete gym challenge and start to change over time and redeem yourself at the end with a confrontation with your boss and his 4 admins instead of the regions champion and elite 4.

    submitted by /u/ZaeDilla
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    I won a free Pokemon Sword Game!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:50 AM PST

    I went to my local BT Games and entered a raffle for 3 nintendo switch games and a Nintendo switch. Since Pokemon Sword and Shield came out yesterday I wanted it for my switch so I entered a free raffle and to my surprise, I actually won Pokemon Sword! This is the first time I have ever won something and coincidentally it was new game that I was gonna buy later in the year. Pretty cool so far.

    submitted by /u/redpkmntrainer14
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    GTS died so we could get something worse. Link trading is actual trash

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PST

    4 gens ago we had this wonderous thing called GTS, if you were intelligent enough to use it, it would work wonders. It would be very helpful.

    It died last gen. What it was replaced with was the most horrible thing to walk the face of this series

    With a generic code I have found everybody except the person I'm trying to trade with. With a unique one, I can't even find him. I can't even add them to my friends list because. it would serve no purpose. There isn't even a friend's list option.

    I thought the removal of GTS would have be fine, but if this is the replacement, dear god I would rather see 100 trolls showing off their hacked Pokemon than this crap

    How exactly are you suppose to trade with your friends? I was going to record how long I played this game for, but with so much waiting I'm going to forget how long I actually played it for.

    Heck even the link code is only 4 numbers....... 4 numbers. That is so few possibilities.

    submitted by /u/Grookster88
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    Why is no one talking about this character?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:06 PM PST

    Ball guy. He perfectly personifies a real life mascot that fits into their portrayal of Pokémon battles as a real life sport. Every time I see him, I can't help but bust out laughing. It's the perfect mix of absurdity I expect in a game while also being a perfect touch of real life. Also he is going to make a great Cosply. Let's go Ball Guy!

    submitted by /u/HyphyHierophant
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    Thank you for creating Bede in SwSh Gamefreak. There’s now a Rival I genuinely do not like.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:15 AM PST

    In Sun and Moon I felt bad about beating my rivals. I LOVED Gladion and his theme. Like it was a better rivalry but it still felt friendly. Even the last time I fought him.

    Hop gives me the same vibes as Hau.

    But Bede?!

    The moment Bede opened his crooked mouth I wanted to kick him swiftly in the balls for being such an haughty douche bag.

    I love his design as well. He gives me Silver from Pokemon Silver/Gold vibes. But he's less motive driven than Silver and he's more of just a cocky a-hole and I absolutely am okay with that.

    I beat him in our first battle and it felt GREAT stomping his smug face into the ground. I'm actually looking forward to fighting him again.

    submitted by /u/TheBlackLuffy
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    Every single legitimate criticism since the leaks is valid, yet I'm frustrated over the fact that I still want it. The is the power of the Pokemon franchise. This is why they will sell no matter what.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:41 PM PST

    When I first heard about Dexit, I was very annoyed, but I figured it wouldn't be less then half the Dex. It would be in the 500-600 range. Clearly, I was wrong and really mad once the full Galar Dex was leaked.

    I then said to myself "Ok, 400 Pokmeon means that they spent time working on better animations, graphics, an immersive Wild Area, quality story, fantastic new features, post game, etc"

    Then more leaks happened and I realized that this game was literally just an average Pokemon game. Aside from the super gimmicky Dynamax (replacing the wonderful Megas), Raid Battles, and generally fantastic improvements to make competitive a lot more welcoming, there is nothing amazing about the first core, home console, Pokemon games.

    I can't list every issue, so here's a link to them by u/Terotu Complete list of all problems

    In face of all this though and as much I'm begging for a true Breath of the Wild style innovation to the series, I still want to play it. The 10 year old in me is dying to jump into a brand new region, journey through Galar with Sobble and create a team of all new Pokemon and for the first time, actually create a competitive team since it's super easy now.

    This is, I believe, the dangerous allure of Pokemon. It does not matter how formulaic and lame the games may be. As long as a new region and new creatures are introduced every few years, people will be drawn to them, actual quality/content be dammed. And Game Freak knows this.

    submitted by /u/soccerman95
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    A nightmare realization.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    My friend was just talking to me about how SwSh allows you to have Slowpoke tail Curry and how it was illegal in Silver/Gold and we had a chuckle. Then he pointed out how it was funny that we can eat slowpoke but they were cut in DEXit. That's when the facts hit me in the face.

    Galar is a Savage Land that has eaten 60 percent of the Pokemon population into Extinction in their region.

    submitted by /u/TheDastardly12
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    Why can't male characters have long hair by now?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:59 PM PST

    I get that Japan is really squeamish about any kind of deviation from the gender norm, but come on. Long hair on guys stopped being taboo around the same time people learned to accept women in pants.

    And this game takes place in the UK, the birthplace of the British Invasion that normalized long hair for men.

    Probably not gonna happen when you consider it took us this long for them to ad a red haired option (even tho it's some unrealistic fire engine red and not a proper ginger color)

    It's a small complaint, but just a silly choice to make if you ask me.

    Edit: For clarity, I am talking about the player character. Yes, there have been many male NPCs in the pokemon series with long hair, but I am talking about hair options for male players which never get much further than shaggy at best.

    submitted by /u/LaBeteNoire
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    [OC] Comic about Hop's antics

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:04 AM PST


    To all those playing, hope you all have fun and are getting your money's worth!

    submitted by /u/buahbuah2
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    Birthday in the pokemon center in sword and shield

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:26 AM PST

    Today happens to be my birthday, so I thought I would share with you what happens in the pokemon center when it is your birthday in Sword and Shield.


    submitted by /u/Xslice55555
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    I found a sentence to summarize the Pokemon games: Blastoise has never used his cannons.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:06 AM PST

    To explain, let me tell you a story. A story about cannons, laziness, disappointment, and heartbreak.

    I have been with the Pokemon franchise for the longest time. In my 25 years on this earth, I don't think I ever stuck with a franchise more than I have for this one. That's not to say I only ever obsess about Pokemon and that I annoy the people around me with it constantly. It's just that it's etched its way into my personality in a way that no other gaming franchise has because of how long it has been around. This is a story of how my love for a single Pokemon, could actively explain Game Freak's complacency and overall lack of passion for their games for at the very least, the last 5 years. This as we know, is one of the things dividing the community presently, and incidentally, has led me to not playing a Pokemon game for the first time.

    I first played Pokemon Blue on the Game Boy, but I never really finished it. I remember this because it was actually my older sister's device and I just borrowed it from time to time. The first game I actually finished was Ruby. But looking back on Pokemon's first release, as games, as toys, as an anime, the one Pokemon that really held my childhood, was Blastoise. Yes, Pokemon No. 009. The Shellfish Pokemon. I liked turtles when I was a young lad, and seeing one who evolved into a giant turtle with freaking cannons on its back was mind-blowing. I don't know why it got me, but it did. Even though I was fond of a lot other Pokemon designs, no one really struck me like this fat turtle with unexplained firearms protruding from its shell. Growing up and at the present, I grab every Blastoise figure I can find. I own over 13 toys of this boy, which doesn't seem to be a lot, but trust me, they're rarer than you'd think. In the games, I always chose Squirtle as a starter if he is available and I've bred over 9 different competitive variations of this guy, including tank builds, sp. attacker builds, shinies, megas, you name it. I levelled all of them up to 100 and basically just add a Blastoise to every competitive team I build. I do know though that he really isn't competitively viable. I just cling to the fact that maybe I could win some OU games with him on my team and have a sense of accomplishment (not a lot, but I did win some). In summary, my Pokemon experience will not be complete unless I have some iteration of Blastoise around. It is what it is.

    Now that we've established that I suck major Blastoise dick, let's focus our attention to the meat of this story. Now, as I've mentioned, I love Blastoise's design mainly due to the inexplicable cannons that grew on its back after evolving from a Wartortle. So naturally, I'd like to see those cannons be used, right? Right.

    However, there isn't a single Pokemon game which had Blastoise using his cannons to shoot, let's say, a Hydro Pump, his signature Move, or any other similar ones. Not a single game in the main franchise did this.

    Funnily enough, Stadium, Colosseum, and Pokemon Battle Revolution, games not made by Game Freak, actually used the cannons for the Move animations, and they generally have better quality than most 3D Pokemon games, so what does that say about Game Freak?

    You can fact check me on it, but I know this by heart. Though I do know the Hydro Pump is not exclusive to Blastoise, it's just always the Move associated with the Pokemon and I'd like to see two streams of water come out from the two cannons on its shell. Though, realistically, why choose Hydro Pump when Surf is much more competitively practical right?' Yeah, I know, but forgive me for wanting my STAB moves to be a little bit flashier and actually make use of my favorite Pokemon's design. But I am not an idiot. I know that Pokemon Moves are generally made to suit every Pokemon Sprite when using that specific Move. I figure that each Sprite has a "focal point" where the Move will be coming out from or be emitted from. Especially with "beam" like Moves, i.e., when the Flamethrower Move comes out of a Pokemon, it's generally coming from where the head of the Pokemon is located with respect to the viewing angle. I don't know much about game design, but I know that no reasonable developer would make each Move different for each Pokemon. So, they designed it in a way that it would seem more organic even if the same Move is used by a different mon. This, however, becomes an issue for Pokemon like Blastoise because he is designed in a way that a part of his body, in this case, the cannons, evoke a sense of where the attacks SHOULD come from. But of course, they aren't going to single out every Pokemon designed this way just so it will be more accurate when they perform Moves (they can if they want, though). There are some exceptions like Legendaries and their signature Moves, but my boy isn't so special in that regard. So, you can imagine, for the longest time, I watched my Blastoise(s) perform Hydro Pumps, Ice Beams, Water Pulses, Hydro Cannons, and various other "beam" moves with each one coming out from either the mouth, the face, the ears, the cheeks, or wherever that isn't the bloody cannons. I can, however, excuse the static Sprites of Gens I-IV in this regard because, well, they're static and there really isn't anything to be done at that point. But I did hope that at least one Generation could get that sweet spot where it looks like the cannons are being put to use. Anyhow, I played Gen V which introduced moving Sprites. It took me a while get my hands on Kanto starters in this Gen, but I did get them and I was hopeful for my Gen V Blastoise's Move animations. But yeah, ya'll know that didn't happen. Hydro Pump was especially terrible in this Gen. Go check it out, it's just really meh compared to other Gen V Move animations. So, five Generations and still no luck, I carry on.

    But then, in 2012, they released the Pokedex 3D Pro. A 3DS app that showcases all the existing Pokemon back then in updated 3D. I never played the spin-off 3DS games like PBR and XD so 3D Pokemon were new and exciting territory for me. After purchasing the app on the eShop, you just know which 3D Pokemon I peeped first.

    LO, AND BEHOLD. BLASTOISE WAS FIRING WATER FROM HIS CANNONS. Not an impressive volume of water, but water nonetheless. I thought to myself "Holy shit! It IS possible!" It was true hype. A few months after that, they announced X and Y, the first mainline 3D Pokemon games and my 16-year old ass was literally jumping for joy.

    Little did I know that the Pokedex 3D Pro and the transition to 3D was the beginning of Game Freak's very problematic complacency... (More on this later)

    What happened after the XY announcement was complete euphoria, every single thing was hype. They introduced Mega Evolutions, and boy, oh boy, oh boy. Assuming you're still reading along, you'd have a guess by now which Mega I was a having a huge Poke-boner for. I mean, THREE CANNONS?? THREE GODDAMN CANNONS?? FUCK! I was foaming at the mouth. I told myself, "Surely, surely, I'm finally going to get my heart's desires, right??"

    WRONG. The Moves were coming from the Pokemon's Mouth. The goddamn mouth. Though they gave Blastoise a few new moves to make sense of the extra cannons and the new Ability, Mega Launcher, the move animations were so laughable that I wasn't even mad. Three freaking cannons and Hydro Pump was still coming out of its mouth. Hilarious. Even Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse were victims to this, and you bet your sweet ass that base-Blastoise's cannons were also still ridiculously unused.

    They did manage to fix this a bit in Sun and Moon. The Moves were a positioned a little higher and Blastoise does this "aiming" animation, which kind of makes it look like he's using the big guns, but nah. It's still mostly just coming from his forehead.

    2018, came and introduced the Let's Go games. Though I liked the fact that they brought back Pokemon following you around, like most people, I was sick of Kanto at this point so I did not pick it up. But wait, this is the first Pokemon game on the Switch, Nintendo's most powerful console to date. Maybe, just maybe, this game is gonna deliver, given the fact that it's a Kanto remake so the spotlight isn't too far from my boy. Right? RIGHT??


    I watched a video showcasing the moves because I sure as hell wasn't gonna buy a Switch console and a $60 spin-off game just for a single Move animation. I know I may sound obsessed, but that's not the only thing I want out of a Pokemon game. But, as what I've come to expect at this point, nothing has changed. The 3D models look the same, just prettied up for the console. And of course, the goddamn water was still coming from Blastoise's face. Because why should they change? This is Pokemon, after all.

    But THEN, 2019 came and they announced Pokemon Sword and Shield. The first mainline games on the Switch. I got my hopes way up, because why shouldn't I? Mario Odyssey is a thing. Breath of the Wild is a thing. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a thing. Surely, Game Freak, Creatures, and The Pokemon Company with their $95 BILLION net worth can produce a game as ground breaking as its contemporaries? MAYBE THE ANIMATIONS THIS TIME AROUND WILL FINALLY BRING HAPPINESS TO MY HEART, RIGHT? RIGHT???


    Dexit was the thing. My most favorite Pokemon isn't even on this game, there aren't even any cannons I can look forward to. Mind you, this is only one of the multitude of reasons why I'm am not buying this game at all. You see, I touched upon the Pokedex 3D Pro for being the beginning of GF's lazy streak, and I think I hit the nail on the head, and here's why:

    The 3D models they used for that app served as the blueprints for all the 3D models found on all games that followed. It was unfortunate because every Sprite in every game changed per Generation. Gen V moved on to animated Sprites and VI started 3D. I'm not saying they should have remade the 3D models for each game in the 3DS. Recreating 807 models from scratch for a handheld console is a senseless task. So, I didn't mind it too much when the same models were used in until Gen VII. Sadly though, Pokemon Move animations were still reused, albeit updated by a tiny bit, they were still the same skeletons since XY. But that's fine, to be honest. They're handheld games. They did the best they could and actually delivered great games by Pokemon standards.

    But Sword and Shield is a Switch game, dammit. A console where the aforementioned Nintendo greats exist. I'm not asking for a Breath of the Wild-esque open world Pokemon game, but at least something that'll give that game a run for its money. Instead we get a game that looks like a 3DS game dialed up to twenty, and that's not good by today's standards. They have the audacity to charge $60 for this yet we get the same 3D models, reused animations, bare bones environments and half of the existing Pokemon. I could actually forgive the reusing of assets. Game devs do that all the time, I mean, it is a sensible thing to do. But to actively use the excuse of claiming "high quality animations" for cutting the Pokedex was just profoundly stupid. People with brains can clearly see that this "quality" is absent just from watching the trailers--the goddamn trailers. This is one of the biggest, reddest red flags I've ever seen. You can say that they were pressed for time in development, but with $95 Billion, or even just the $17 Billion Game Freak is worth, they can buy all the time in this world--metaphorically speaking. I mean, they could have easily outsourced some help if they really needed to. With that money they could buy my lifetime 100 times over. So, I don't think any amount of excusing and defending will do here. A game worth $50 million dollars should by all means, look aesthetically pleasing. If it's made with passion and by devs who care, it can even nab awards, it can make history, be acclaimed, be Game of the Year. Hell, a $100 game can make GOTY if done with passion. Smaller companies do so much more for so much less. You could imagine what a game worth, let's say $100 million (at the minimum), plus passionate developers can accomplish. So, how come the highest selling media franchise in history can't even afford to give a damn. Or at least, a damn worth commending.

    Now, I maybe too harsh and too bitter sounding here. Game Freak and the Pokemon Company are by no means evil. They aren't candidates for worst company in the world. The new Pokemon designs are actually really good. It's the gameplay and animations that are not up to par. They just seem so complacent and lazy. The worst adjective I can probably think of is apathetic. See, I know for a fact that the main games were never the concern for the longest time. They were just platforms to introduce new Pokemon in. That makes way for new merch, toys, trading cards, etc. They really don't care if their new game is GOTY-worthy. People will still buy it. They won't care if people are outraged by Dexit, because their game will still make bank. They won't give two shits if you think that their new games are mediocre. They feel so out of touch with the fanbase. Keep in mind that all these criticisms don't necessarily mean the game is unplayable. By all accounts SwSh are still Pokemon games. They are still products from years of tried and tested recipes. But in the same vein, they are still games that never try to actually innovate. Games that never break formula because the formula works. Games that produce the same thing again and again, year after year, knowing people will still buy them. In truth, there's nothing wrong with that, but majority of the time, the quality that longtime fans expect and deserve is sacrificed. It's also sadder when you see other game franchises succeed in trying new things and actually introduce innovation in their games. I am only this critical because this is, or sadly, was, my favorite franchise. It's like seeing a friend you care so much about do the same thing he always does, while you know deep in your heart, he has the capability to do so much more, but he never really does, despite your constant hopes that he will. It breaks my heart to think that if they really, truly, tried and delivered something to be proud of, we can have, dare I say it, the very best like no Pokemon game ever was.

    But that's just it isn't it? Will we ever see this franchise try? Will we ever experience a Pokemon game truly worthy of praise and acclamation? Will we ever feel that Game Freak and The Pokemon Company truly care what the fanbase thinks? Do our opinions even really matter?

    And most importantly, will we ever see Blastoise use its cannons?

    TL;DR The Pokemon Blastoise has never had a Move animation where it uses the cannons on its back, when I believe it could easily be done if the game creators cared enough. To me, little examples like this are a reflection of how developers and The Pokemon Company have treated the games for the longest time. Doing the bare minimum when they have the actual means to be better. They are capable of it, but it seems like they never really try.

    submitted by /u/jarheadd
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    Forget about team yell, Hop is the real enemy

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:26 AM PST

    No, #gamefreaklied was NOT caused by a mistranslation and I can prove it.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:43 PM PST

    I want to preface this by saying that I don't care if you love SWSH or hate it, bought it or didn't, I'm not here to convince anyone about the merits or flaws of the game. I just don't like seeing misinformation going around and I'm hoping that I can maybe nip it in the bud before it spreads even further.

    Apparently someone made a Tumblr post claiming that Ohmori's infamous statement from a Famitsu interview, in which he says that the pokemon models had to be remade from scratch, was a mistranslation, and that his original statement was very vague and possibly wasn't referring to the models of the pokemon themselves at all.

    No, it wasn't a mistranslation and no, it wasn't vague. I'm going to break down exactly what he said as simply as I can, in the hopes that you'll understand it even if you can't read Japanese.

    Below is the relevant text from the interview:

    「ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン」の時点でも、(すべてのポケモンを連れていけるようにすることは)実際はなかなかきびしい状況だったのですが、ハードがNintendo Switchになって、モデルを最初から作り直すことになり、何かしらの選択をしなければならないと。

    Here is my rough translation:

    "Even when we were developing Sun and Moon, it was fairly difficult for us to bring over every pokemon, and with the transition to the Nintendo Switch hardware we have to remake the models from scratch, leading to some decisions having to be made."

    So first and foremost, I want you to keep in mind that this is all one sentence not only in my translation but in the original Japanese as well. I'm going to try and break it down for you piece by piece. The first line in bold is the original Japanese, the second line is my translation, the third line in italics is a VERY literal translation.

    • 「ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン」の時点でも、
    • Even when we were developing Sun and Moon,
    • (lit. Even at the time of Sun and Moon,)

    • (すべてのポケモンを連れていけるようにすることは)実際はなかなかきびしい状況だったのですが、
    • it was fairly difficult for us to bring over every pokemon,
    • (lit. the act of being able to bring over every pokemon was a fairly severe situation and,)

    • ハードがNintendo Switchになって、
    • and with the transition to the Nintendo Switch hardware
    • (lit. the hardware becomes the Nintendo Switch,)

    • モデルを最初から作り直すことになり、
    • we have to remake the models from scratch,
    • (lit. the situation becomes that the models have to be remade from the beginning)

    • 何かしらの選択をしなければならないと。
    • leading to some decisions having to be made.
    • (lit. we have to make some kind of selection.)

    As you can hopefully see, there's really no way to interpret this as Ohmori referring to anything other than the pokemon models. It's all in one sentence, and the sentence itself is about the pokemon in particular, not the characters or the environments or anything else. There is no reason for him to be talking about the act of transferring over pokemon from game to game and then suddenly mention that they need to make new non-pokemon models with no logical transition in-between. Besides, if the Japanese fans were so up in arms about this then that means they clearly read this sentence the same way that I did, and I'll trust the judgement of thousands of native speakers.

    Now, some will say that Ohmori and Masuda have mentioned elsewhere that their reasons for cutting the number of pokemon was because of gameplay balance, and for better animations. That's true, they did say that! However, these things are not mutually exclusive. They've given a number of reasons explaining their decision to cull the pokedex, and there's no reason to believe that the decision to do so was due to one thing only. It's also true that there's an interview on the official website with a Gamefreak employee who says that his job was to touch up the models that had been previously made, and though he doesn't specify exactly which models, obviously the environments and human characters of SWSH are completely new so I'm not sure what else he could be referring to other than the pokemon (that, my friends, is an example of an actual vague statement).

    That doesn't change the fact that Ohmori did, in this interview, make the claim that the pokemon models have to be remade from scratch because of the transition to the Switch hardware. As we all know, that doesn't appear to be the case at all. Do I think he lied maliciously in order to fool people? No. I can't explain why his statement apparently contradicts the one made by the employee on the website, because I don't work at Gamefreak. It's quite possible that Ohmori genuinely has no idea what the 3D art department is actually doing, despite being the director of the game (you'd be surprised at the level of miscommunication that can happen in situations like this). Like I said, I'm not here to convince anyone that their rage at the developers is justified or not. I just don't want people to think the entire thing was all because of a "mistranslation." The fact remains that Ohmori said something that wasn't true.

    The interview in question: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201906/13177936.html

    submitted by /u/whalamato
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