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    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver still look amazing

    Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver still look amazing

    Heart Gold / Soul Silver still look amazing

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:37 AM PST


    The autumn colors make this look so good, even on a DS. I think this looks better than any Pokemon game on the 3DS, and even most of the Wild Area. It's a perfect combination of just enough detail, and not enough so your imagination can also go wild.

    submitted by /u/HexadecimalCowboy
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    Let me tell you about Ninetails

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:49 AM PST

    Holy shit. Ninetails is broken.

    In pokemon sword, you can catch a vulpix right away before the first major town (Motostoke). Right outside the stairs in front of it.

    Vulpix is from lvl like 9 -12.

    You catch Vulpix, and you walk 100 meters to a [Fire Stone]. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjC-D_KrDhM)

    You Evolve that lvl 10 Vulpix.

    You take Ninetails to the PokeCenter and talk to the "Remember Moves" guy on the LEFT in the center.

    You Teach That Lvl 10! Fire Blast, Flame Thrower, Extrasensory (Psychic).

    That is a lvl 10, before you "register with the league" that has all the best fire moves, and an op psychic move.

    I Love Ninetails.

    submitted by /u/WeeSingInSillyville
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    Oh no

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:34 PM PST

    "Review" of Pokemon Shield by my girlfriend who has only played Let's Go

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:13 AM PST

    My girlfriend has just finished the game, as a casual gamer (has only played Let's Go) I thought it would be interesting to share her thoughts on the game. Here's what I have gathered:

    • Pokémon are very cute.

    • Hop is super annoying. She generally doesn't like the story at all.

    • She thinks that Pokemon battles are too short, often its just about who has type advantage and then one shotting the opponent.

    • She likes the Pokemon designs, but it seems to mostly be of previous game Pokemon. She likes the ones that are cute but they get serious when they evolve (does not include the new water starter, that one is ugly).

    • She actually commented on the graphics too. She says they are much uglier than our other Switch games. She even noticed the animation when the legendary pokemon turns around on its own axis.

    • Current playtime is 23 hours, she has 140 Pokémon. (How did this game take IGN's staff 45 hours on average?)

    • She likes a lot of the new ones (all that aren't in Lets Go), but she has noticed that some Pokemon are missing.

    • There are too few legendaries in the game. She thinks the final boss one is lame, she liked "the birds" in Pokemon Lets Go more.

    Thats about it. Surprisingly she has noticed a lot of the stuff that the hardcore players have too.

    submitted by /u/Less_Tennis5174524
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    Pokémon will never evolve until the fanbase stops pressing B. People love this franchise so much that they paradoxically don't seem to care about quality or improvement anymore.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    It's safe to say that Sword and Shield have become some of the most controversial, if not THE most controversial, games in the history of this franchise. The list of criticisms people have with these games has been getting longer and more serious as time has gone on. However, it's undeniable that Sword and Shield are still going to become some of the most successful Switch titles out there. This is because, rather frustratingly, the wider Pokémon fanbase doesn't care to compare a AAA title like this to other best-selling AAA Switch titles that have been designed to be as good as they can be. Yes, games such as Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Dragon Quest XI and Fire Emblem: Three Houses may have set a new standard for their respective franchises, but Pokémon doesn't need to improve itself in order to sell like hot cakes. Who cares that Sword and Shield have less content than the DS games that came out nearly a decade ago? Who cares that Pokémon has started treating newer generations of kids like idiots? Who cares that Sword and Shield rarely look better than the 3DS games? Who cares that a myriad of less successful franchises have more love and care put into them than what we see here? Who cares that Game Freak have decided to take a page out of EA's book by lying to their customers as a means to deflect criticism? Who can care about any of this when people have a new Pokémon game to play?

    Unfortunately, an overall lack of progression is always a risk whenever a franchise becomes a global phenomenon. Most people don't hold Pokémon to a high standard because they don't see it as something that is designed to be improved on in any significant way. All they see is their favourite method of scratching that brief itch. This is why Game Freak has been churning out soulless, half-arsed games for the past several years. They don't care anymore because most of their customers don't care. It's a shame how this unwavering love for Pokémon has started to deteriorate the quality of new products. A game such as Mario Odyssey is thought to not only be one of the best entries into the Mario franchise, but one of the best entries into the entire platforming genre. Meanwhile, it is becoming increasingly unlikely for you to see Pokémon get a shout-out when asking others what they consider to be the very best entries into the RPG genre.

    This isn't good enough anymore. Game Freak needs to go away and come back when they're feeling refreshed so that they can give this franchise the attention that it deserves. Prove to us that Pokémon is worthy of being the most successful media franchise in history.

    submitted by /u/Puzzle_No_000
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    A hashtag I think we can all get behind, #GivePokemonMoreTime

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:39 PM PST

    In the ever raging moshpit that is Twitter, I'm seeing a new hashtag beginning to catch on, and I think it really gets to the heart of everything in a way that everyone I think can agree on. Sw/Sh are obviously rushed, and having a yearly game is clearly hurting the franchise. No matter your opinions on Game Freak as a company, it's obvious that they need to invest more time into more punctuated games, or they'll just keep spitting out mediocre games every November.

    submitted by /u/HeliumPaper
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    Setting it in an English esque region, they've certainly got one thing right...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:09 AM PST

    Please read :(

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:18 AM PST

    After hours of hard shiny hunting, I finally encountered shiny moltres in Pokemon ultra sun. I was so excited and relieved to have encountered it. However, my sister (8 years old) asked if she could see, so I went to show her before I caught it. And being the annoying sister she is... she pressed run. I'm not asking for anything big, just an F will do me fine :(

    submitted by /u/AlanHudson1990
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    [SPOILERS] Honest opinion, having completed Shield's main story and post-game in just over 23 hours...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:05 AM PST

    I bought Pokémon Shield the day it came out, despite being fully aware of the controversy surrounding the games. While I had purposely seen the new Pokédex when it was leaked, pretty much everything else (story, locations etc.) was unspoiled for me, so I was looking forward to going into the games mostly blind.

    23 hours later, I've completed the main story and the post-game events, and just like everyone else I wanted to give my opinions, having been a player since Generation 1 was first released. Below, I've touched upon some of the main strengths and weaknesses of the game; hopefully this will help anyone who's not yet decided if they're willing to buy it!


    Despite the online controversy with which I'm sure we're all familiar, I think there are a number of positive elements about these games:

    • I think some of the new Pokémon in these games are a little hit-or-miss, but I have to say, when they get it right, they get it really right. I can see several of these new Pokémon becoming favourites of mine, in particular Copperajah, Dragapult, Grimmsnarl, Centiskorch and Inteleon - all of whom featured on my play-through team. Sobble is one of the best first form starters I think Game Freak have ever created, although I do think that the other two starters were very lacklustre in their final forms. I would've liked to have seen extra types on them too, as I'm sure we all would have. Some of the new forms were great as well, such as Galarian Weezing, Runegrigus and in particular the Ice/Fire Darmanitan. There were a few disappointing designs, but on the whole, I think this roster are as good as Kalos's new Pokémon, which I also view very positively.

    • I think the games got Gyms and the Champion Cup spot on. Firstly, the main story battles had such an excellent atmosphere. The stadium battles are a real selling point of these games, and Dynamax (while limited to gyms and other important battles) really did add to a sense of spectacle. I wasn't always convinced by it; when the phenomenon was first revealed, I was very sceptical, so it was pleasantly surprising to really enjoy it. The music really added to the atmosphere too. I absolutely love the Gym battle theme (it's on par with Unova's) and when the leader gets to their final Pokémon, the crowd start chanting which creates a real buzz. I think this is the best set of Gyms we've ever had, mostly due to the atmosphere that's created by Dynamaxing/the music/the larger-than-life feel of a stadium battle.

    • I also enjoyed the change from the traditional Elite Four set up. I had heard rumours of this change a while ago, but wasn't sure if it was true as I had no idea about the story going into the game. I remember thinking that the concept of changing the Elite Four formula was a bad idea (I'm a bit of a traditionalist), but again I think it was really successful. It felt much more like an actual tournament, and it made sense lore-wise for the best trainers in the region to come together once per year to try to de-throne the Champion. In the post-game, the ability to enter knock-out tournaments with a variety of different trainers is also a great extension of the Title Defence battles from Alola.

    • I spent a lot of time mid-playthrough really enjoying the Wild Area (more on this below), and in particular the Max Raid battles. Notwithstanding the terrible AI from some of the partner trainers, I found these battles really engaging and again, there was a sense of spectacle, along with some great items. The EXP candies did make levelling up a little too easy, but you could easily choose not to use these so I'm unsure it's a huge issue.


    Unfortunately, as we all know, the weaknesses of these games are readily apparent. Countless people have discussed the merits and demerits of Dexit (although at this point it's fairly clear that Game Freak's given reason was a bare-faced lie, meaning that there are no real merits at all.) I've also seen many posts about the graphics, which of course are also poor for a Switch title. I don't want to go into these two issues, but of course they do - justifiably - form a great deal of the complaints levelled at Sword and Shield. Instead, I wanted to give my opinion on some of the more subjective issues in the game:

    • My main problem with the game is its emptiness. By this, I mean Galar as a whole. In the trailers, we were promised spectacular cities that thrive with life. Instead, aside from two or three cities, the Galar region feels very lifeless. Wedgehurst is great as a starting town, and a couple of other cities like Hulbury and Circhester have a vitality about them that meant they were believable. However, imagine my disappointment to discover that Hammerlocke, one of the main cities in the Galar region, is actually just one long road with shops on it and a stadium behind it! Cities like Ballonlea and Turffield are tiny, and barely have anything there aside from the stadium and a Pokémon Centre, and Spikemuth is perhaps most disappointing: a single stretch of road, akin to that on a side-scrolling platformer, with the Gym Leader at the end. You don't even go into a Gym - you fight him on the street! I know that historically, Pokémon has had tiny towns, Mahogany Town in GSC being a good example. But that game was released almost 20 years ago, and even then it had a sprawling Team Rocket lair to explore! This gripe isn't just limited to the cities, either. The routes are too linear, and there's very little to actually explore. Even the Wild Area - a promised land of discovery - is boring in the sense that there's nothing really there except enemies. I feel let down by this mostly by comparing SwSh to other Switch games like Breath of the Wild, which is a prime example of how interesting and engaging world-building can be done successfully. As a UK citizen, I was so excited to see my home country brought to life in the first home console game. Instead, most areas simply fell flat, and in most areas, there was a distinct feeling of this being a glorified 3DS game, rather than a world crafted for a home console.

    • The pacing of the story - and actually the story itself - were also huge issues for me. As the game progressed, there was nothing to do except for fight the Gyms. You would finish Gym 1, and be directed straight to Gym 2, and then straight to Gym 3 and so on. There was no pacing between these events, and moreover, the hand-holding nature of Sun and Moon was back (although not as egregiously, I'll admit.) Once you leave Turffield Stadium (the first gym), you are immediately herded to Hulbury to take on the second gym. There's no real filler story, aside from Sonia or Leon showing up on occasion, saying something vaguely linked to the story but in nowhere enough detail for it to be meaningful, and then vanishing. In fact, it seems like Leon had more fun throughout this game than I did - constantly hearing bangs and vanishing to "be the Champion" while I was shooed off to the next Gym on my quest. This came to a head at the very ending of the game. In all honest, the denouement of the game is ridiculous. Leon is... taken to a meeting with Rose? How terrible! But I thought we liked Rose? Apparently this is a huge problem so let's literally break into the Pokémon League Chairman's secure office to break up this meeting. And then we're running round trying to battle Macros Cosmos? Who is that - oh right an evil... construction company? Never heard of them before this ending. And then Oleana says we can't see Chairman Rose and gives off serious villain vibes with no explanation of her motives whatsoever? And then goes insane and tries to battle us? Then... hang on, why is Rose awakening Eternatus again? Oh yeah - for some vague, unspecified threat thousands of years in the future which means two things: firstly, Leon is not allowed to battle you for the champion title tomorrow for some reason, and secondly, energy has to be released all over Galar, also for an unspecified reason, but damn is it dangerous and now you've got to stop this random monster we've never seen or heard of. Honestly, the whole ending of the story was absolutely ridiculous. It was even worse than the Team Flare arc in my opinion. Swordward and Shielbert slightly redeemed some of the plot in the post-game, and I'm tempted to think that maybe they and some storyline focused on the historical dynasties of Galar might actually have been a better storyline than the random Chairman Rose-is-evil-for-no-reason arc that we ended up getting.

    • And this leads into my final point - the characters. Honestly, I've seen so many people on here shredding Hop's character to bits, but in terms of character development and motivations, he's the only one who is actually at all interesting. When Bede defeats Hop, you see how it really crushes him. He comes back again and again, reinventing his team, discarding team members in an attempt to become the very best, and only when he realises that that's not what it's about, he reconnects with his old partners and manages to become strong. All of that is further developed with the Zacian/Zamazenta plot points in the post-game story. The rest of the characters, though, are completely uninspiring. As I've already mentioned, Rose and Oleana have absolutely no credible motivations. I really did not care less about the story by the ending because there was nothing to become invested in. Sonia had promise, and her arc of becoming the Professor could have been amazing, but again, she was very two-dimensional and just showed up to talk about "The Darkest Day" over and over with very little explanation. Marnie's only defining character trait seemed to be being Northern English, dropping her "g" sounds like we do up here. Piers had stupid hair but at least he was a little bit interesting. And Leon is god-awful. He had two notes - "I'm the best" and "I'm no good with directions." We can literally sum up his character as arrogant and lost. And being lost is really not a personality trait. So all in all, the cast of characters was really underwhelming. That's especially disappointing when you consider that SwSh has the fewest unique NPCs of any Pokémon game until this point.

    Overall opinion?

    There are many redeeming features to these games. I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy playing through Shield, and the Gyms and stadium battles are a particular highlight for me. Criticisms of this game are not unfounded though, and in my opinion, the weaknesses far outweigh the strengths. Honestly, these games can be summarised in one word: lazy. The locations are lazy; the plot was lazy; the characters were lazy. It all felt rushed, and again I don't want to rehash old arguments, but it's clear that these games were rushed out to fit Game Freak's yearly cycle. I knew of a lot of the controversies going into this game, but I tried to give Sword and Shield a fair chance. As someone who loves this franchise so much, and have done all my life, I felt it deserved at least that. After playing Shield, I'm starting to wonder if maybe Game Freak is out of their depth by this point. The games just simply aren't up to the standards that we as fans of this game want or deserve. As a full-game experience (at full-game price), with all things considered, it would be untruthful to say these games are anything other than disappointing.

    submitted by /u/astrawberryhen
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    T he worst part about Dexit, I just realized, is that I’m beginning to resent some Pokémon.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:25 AM PST

    I just ran across a Delibird and I found myself thinking "ugh, why is Delibird in this game out of all the mons they could've put instead of it. Fuck that, Delibird deserves to be in this game, as does every Pokémon. No Pokémon should be cut because no matter if it's unpopular it's somebody's favorite, and I don't want to resent any Pokémon and I hate that I started to do.

    submitted by /u/GaijinMonogatari
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    It's really frustrating that Pokémon games are only ever compared to themselves and not to JRPGs as a whole

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:48 PM PST

    In my opinion this is one of the things holding back the series almost more than anything else. Pokémon will always sell because of its mass appeal and simplicity, and nobody ever stops to ask "can this be done better?" or "what does the field have that Pokémon lacks?". This is not to say that Pokémon needs massive overhauls to its core gameplay – complexity is not necessarily improvement and the mass appeal of Pokémon is a staple – but it is to say that at the very least it should be compared to games that largely fit the same category. Would most people think, from a feature and scope and polish standpoint, the new Pokémon games compare favourably to Dragon Quest or Shin Megami Tensei or Xenoblade? Probably not.

    It's not just "a Pokémon game", it's "a AAA JRPG title from one of the world's largest and most profitable studios". I still don't know what magic they pulled to be able to escape that very obvious observation.

    submitted by /u/Gureto_Sukotto
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    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Japanese fan's reaction to Pokemon SWSH [Day 3]

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:32 AM PST

    Hello Friends, I tried it yesterday.

    Reflect on the yesterday, I made some changes.

    Japanese fan's reaction to Pokemon SWSH [Day 3]

    usual, it's poor English, please forgive me.

    Source is a 5ch Pokemon thread.

    As a precaution, spoiler tag.

    [Extra Edit] parody uses FF15 conversation.

    submitted by /u/Shau1a
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    Hey, Gamefreak - orange is a natural hair color!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:20 PM PST

    Amidst all the other complaints, this is one that I never expected to make:

    Ginger/orange hair is not an option??

    I was born with orange hair. There's 3 brown varieties, 3 blonde varieties, black, white, pink, green, and wine red. And no orange. Your game is set in the British isles. There is a higher concentration of gingers there than anywhere else in the world. You have a main character with vibrant orange hair.

    I realize this is an unimportant criticism but I think that if I can make my hair green, I should also have the option to make my hair the color I was born with.

    That's all. Desperately awaiting a "red hair" patch.

    submitted by /u/Aemort
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    The argument that it isn't fair to compare the visuals of this game to the likes of Smash Ultimate, Mario Odyssey, and Breath of the Wild falls apart with two words: Sixty dollars.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

    This game does not look like a sixty dollar game. Hell, it doesn't look like a forty dollar game. Spyro Reignited had a shorter development cycle, a smaller team, and cost less at launch. While there is the argument that that game was a remake (Of three games mind you) are any of the people using that defense going to be saying the same when the remakes of Diamond and Pearl cost sixty dollars?

    Price should reflect quality, that's that. If the publishers and developers don't want it compared to other full price games, they shouldn't tell us thru consider it worth just as much. I'm sure I'll also hear the argument that "It's a Switch game and Switch games cost sixty dollars." First of all, that's not true- at all. Captain Toad costs $40 and it did on its launch platform, because Nintendo knew how much their game was worth. It isn't just Nintendo- obviously- Capcom charged $30 for Mega Man 11 because that's what it's worth.

    A sixty dollar price tag is a statement that this game is up to the highest standards of its genre and its platform and that comparisons against any other game on that platform and genre are fair game. Visuals, content, design, story, soundtrack, anything is up for debate because that's what the best games on the platform are valued at. If this game can't be compared to other sixty dollar games, then it shouldn't be sixty dollars. I really think that's a pretty simple policy.

    submitted by /u/IanMazgelis
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    Rock Tomb

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:16 AM PST


    Well I guess Brock gave TM Headbutt in Let's Go... but still.

    submitted by /u/TheGimmick
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    I waited all game to do this

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Why can't every Pokemon (That has a Gigantamax form) obtain the ability to Gigantamax?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:43 AM PST

    This really bothers me, during my playthrough, I caught myself a Shiny Rookiedie. And you can't picture my dissapointment when I discovered he won't ever be able to Gigantamax. Why make this the way it is? It encoureges people to switch out their Pokemon for the same Pokemon, just because it doesn't have the ability to Gigantamax.

    submitted by /u/Plitman
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    I think I know why I dislike Leon so much as a champion.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:20 PM PST

    And it's because he happens to be the complete opposite of my favorite champion, Cynthia.

    When you first meet Cynthia, she doesn't make it apparent that she is the champion, only that she is a regular trainer, same as you. In all her interactions, even when you finally do challenge her, she never makes it a point to declare a position of superiority to you. And she never makes it a point to interfere with your journey. Leon, on the other hand, is introduced as champion from the start. If the opening sequence wasn't enough introducton, less than five minutes in you meet him showing off to a crowd of fans, flaunting his undefeated status. He makes it apparent a number of times that he is Galar's greatest, undefeated champion. And that he has a Charizard. He shows up far more often than Cynthia and, similar to Hop, it's usually to interrupt you with something pointless.

    You meet Cynthia in the middle of your journey, and she encourages you to continue onwards. Leon permits you to begin your gym challenge becuase he sponsored you. When you face Cynthia in battle, she prefaces by thanking you for your involvement in stopping Cyrus. When you face Leon, he acknowledges the fact that you just saved everyone, then tells you that you'll just be another addition to his winning streak in the next breath, not mentioning the fact that you personally saved him after he got cocky, failed to catch Eterneus and got knocked out by it.

    Their temperaments aren't the only difference in their portrayal. While you do interact with her several times in Diamond/Pearl (and moreso in Platinum), she never unveils her team at all until your battle with her. Leon shows off with his Charizard right out in the open, and makes it clearly apparent in his dialogue that he will train and use the starter that you and Hop didn't pick. So you already know a third of his team right off the bat.

    tl;dr Cynthia is a humble champion that helps you in your journey. Leon is insufferable, lets you go on a journey (rather than you going on one yourself), and he only motivates you to kick his teeth in.

    submitted by /u/KingOfD3rp
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    I haven’t seen too many people discussing the story much

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:23 AM PST

    Spoilers up ahead and typical salty Pokémon fan

    I'd like to preface this by saying I actually really enjoyed battling in this game, and the fact that some Pokémon didn't make the cut is not what bothers me (even though I don't agree with their reasoning to cut Pokémon out)

    Ahem. This story was utter dogshit. I cannot fathom how it is humanly possible to tell a story about KNIGHTHOOD and KINGDOMS and SWORDS and SHIELDS in the most unepic way possible. History has told so many stories about knights and medieval times that our image of knighthood is exaggerated to all hell. And yet, this game disappointed me to no end on the story. There seriously felt like there was no substance, and the legendary wolves just kinda show up at the end. Who the fuck even is eternatus? He's a legendary Pokémon, of what? Dynamaxing? Making the sky dark? What????? There was not even a drop of buildup at all. Slight foreshadowing of you fighting darkness in 3 minutes of text. Then, everyone tells you to just ignore the actual cool stuff and focus on gym battles. Then, you fucking summon the wolves and destroy a massive Gigantamax beast that can destroy the world. The transition was awkward and horribly written.

    Thank you for listening to my rant

    Also, I'd like to note that the last 3 gyms were awfully disappointing compared to the rest. Fairy gym is literally just answering questions and fighting people. No interaction. Dark gym is walking in a straight line. Dragon gym (arguably a majority of player's favorite type) is standing in a circular room that isn't even in the arena. Ugh. I felt like that part of the game was rushed, thus I felt like I needed to rush through it. It felt like it was just trying to get past all the exposition as quick as possible so they could show off the eternatus fight.

    Edit: I forgot the ice gym is the 6th gym, not fairy. I really liked the ice gym as it was the only gym that gave a proper challenge in the puzzle. It was a good difficulty and left me feeling satisfied once I completed it.

    submitted by /u/Facebook_Prophet
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    [History] Galar Scientists Discover the First Gigantamax Meowth

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    If you're having a good time with the new game, your opinion is valid and I'm happy for you. However, reacting to any criticism with comments like "I don't care, I'm having fun" is equally obnoxious as a person reacting to any positivity with comments like "I don't care, I don't like this game."

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:11 AM PST

    I just consider it worthless. I'm seeing a lot of very long posts on this subreddit from people who are explaining why they don't like the new game, and a lot of people adding onto that discussion, but in nearly every instance I see the same set of comments scattered around the thread.

    Who cares? Game's fun!

    Get a life dude, this game is fun.

    Why are you being such a crybaby? It's a fun game!

    I can't stand all this toxic behavior over a game that's really fun.

    Whatever, I'm eight hours in and I'm having a blast!

    I mean, come on. If you enjoy the game, if you wanna talk about it, I wanna hear it. I don't like the game very much but there's a lot of stuff I think they did right. But the main opposition I'm seeing is "It's fun" or "I think the visuals look great" or "I really like the dialog" with nothing much of substance to any of it, I rarely see examples, comparisons (to things that aren't Pokemon games, that is,) or reasoning to back it up.

    If you're gonna disagree with the popular attitude, I emplore you. I often have a fun time playing Devil's advocate. But proclaiming a disagreement with no intent to back it up is as good as proclaiming nothing at all.

    submitted by /u/IanMazgelis
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    445 zigzagoons were slaughtered for this legend

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:02 PM PST

    The trading system in SWSH is ridiculous

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:10 AM PST

    Why isn't there an option to trade with friends you already have added? Instead you have to set your link code to the same number as the person you want to trade with. That isn't even a guarantee that you will get the person you want to trade with as you can then be paired with someone who has set the same link code as you.

    This just seems absolutely ridiculous and totally not user friendly to me, what on earth were gamefreak thinking with this? Trading with friends is meant to be a main feature for the whole pokemon franchise, why on earth have they made it so unnecessarily difficult to do?

    Not to mention you now need an online subscription to use all online features which are so far ....... Not good

    submitted by /u/asa-kitty
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    Operation: Break the Dex (National Dex Breakout)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

    Hey all.

    Sooo I started thinking. We've all seen those images of Bulbasaur being available in the game code, likely hidden behind a transfer wall from Home. This was obviously, discovered through datamining and game hacking. It's likely it would trigger the servers as a hacked Pokemon, as, even though it's in the game files, it has to be obtained illegally.

    But... what if we bred it? We'd have eggs, that are theoretically, legal, generated in game. Then we could breed those, and distribute them, then breed more, and distribute them to more trainers, who would breed more. We could unleash boxes of Bulbasaur on the world, and really show how flawed this No-NatDex system is.

    We'd break out the National Dex... by making Bulbasaur, Number #001, the symbol of a grassroots revolution! They'd be completely legal Pokemon, and anyone who had one, would know it came from a linege of rebellion. A massive family tree of "you can't stop Pokemon Fans".

    We'd just need someone to break in the Original Bulbasaur... then we use Gamefreak's Network of Surprise Trades and Y- Comm against them, as a way of peaceful protest! Plus everyone gets an adorable Bulbasaur!

    Protest the removal of the National Dex!

    BreedaBulbasaur today!

    submitted by /u/Agoeb
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