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    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 18 November 2019

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 18 November 2019

    [Weekly Questions Thread] 18 November 2019

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:07 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Review after 45 hours game time

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:05 AM PST

    I have played Pokemon Shield for 45 hours now, have completed the main story, the post-game, and have over 200 pokemon caught in the pokedex. I have played every main series pokemon game since gen 1, as well as most of the off series games as well. I would consider pokemon to easily be in my top 5 favourite franchises of all time. Everything following is of course my personal opinion. I have marked late-game and post-game spoilers as, well, spoilers.

    I played through the game with the following self-imposed challenges. Nothing serious but worth stating.

    • Pokeballs Only
    • Fairy Type Team
    • No Combat Switching (the game setting)

    The Introduction - 4/10

    The game starts with an excellent introduction to the setting, and having been to the UK I would say it certainly nails the aesthetic. The game goes through the typical "this is what a pokemon is, here is your starter, here is your pokedex" introduction, which took me just over an hour to complete, speaking to every NPC and taking my time to take everything in. My fiancee who is not an experienced gamer and has only played a couple of other pokemon games completed this section in just under 2 hours. I liked that it gave the option of customising your character early (though I'm still holding out for a pokemon game that lets me grow a beard).

    While the setting of the theme of the game was done well, the first glaring problem is Hop and Leon. The introduction did not need to be as lengthy as it was, and could easily have achieved the same success with setting the theme if Hop and Leon had not interrupted gameplay every 2 minutes. My fiancee actually turned the game off towards the end of the introduction, near where you are given the opportunity to take the train into the wild area, because she could not cope with their constant intrusion, stopping her from playing. Her reactions went from "this kid again..." to actually throwing her head back in frustration. This is what people are introduced to the game with, and it is insulting. You are given an option to select "I know about Pokemon" when you acquire the pokedex, which does nothing to curb the near-constant interruption to your gameplay to tell you how strong Leon is and how much Hop is going to be the next champion. The excuse of "they are being helpful" isn't accurate. They could be helpful with 1/4 of their dialogue. This is easily one of the most frustrating parts of the game in terms of story progression.

    The Starters - 5/10

    I have never before, in any pokemon game prior, been less excited by the starters. I had seen all three final evolutions before I made my choice, and can confidently say that I was not inspired by any of them. The game continues the trend among recent games of having your rival choose the starter that is weak to the one you pick, which was disappointing. I don't believe it would be difficult now to implement a choice on the players behalf which selects whether they would like an easier or more challenging experience here. Considering the trend of overly friendly 'rivals', perhaps the rival could ask for your opinion on which they should choose? Or go to pick the one weak to yours, and you have the choice of intervening, telling them to pick the one stronger against yours? Regardless, the starters are okay, but certainly not anything spectacular.

    The Wild Area - 9/10

    I so badly wanted to give this a 10/10, but I would be lying if I said this area comes without faults. But oh boy, I had a spectacular time in the wild area. It really felt like what an open world should feel like, with powerful pokemon running around and many different areas all accessible together. This is what ALL the non-city areas should have been like. I found myself genuinely disappointed with all of the regular routes, because I felt they could easily have just been replaced with more wild areas. It felt awesome and scary when seeing a pokemon that I knew was way too high for me to encounter. When my pokemon were only in their 20s, I encountered a level 60 Gengar, and could not have used a pokedoll faster. I genuinely loved just roaming the wilds, catching many different types of pokemon. It never felt tedious, I was doing what I wanted to do at my own pace, setting up camp instead of going back to town (see below) and just overall having a wonderful time.

    Of course I did say that I couldn't give the area 10/10. The weather across the wild areas is... jarring. From intense sun to pouring rain in two areas next to each other? Putting aside that it doesn't make sense at all, it makes hunting down specific pokemon that only spawn in specific areas in specific weather conditions a nightmare, unless you're willing to adjust your Switch's clock. I am a firm believer that an in-game problem should not have to be solved by out-of-game means. I would like to have seen weather change more frequently, but be consistent across the wild area. It might be raining now, but come back in an hour and it'll have stopped. OR, give players a means of changing that weather in-game, even if its a late game item. Have a pokemon use Sunny Day and the area turns sunny for the remainder of the hour, or until a different weather move is used.

    The Game Balance - 0/10

    So, this is the part of the game I had the most issue with. The most glaring issue, beyond any other issue for me, is the inability to turn ExpShare off. The game became mind-numbingly easy after not long at all. I did zero grinding, just spent time in the wild area enjoying myself (as was clearly intended), and had a full team of level 35 pokemon before the first gym. I was encountering 'very-strong-looking Pokemon' that were 10+ levels my junior. Just to make sure it's clear, I did not pump all of the XP candies gotten from raid battles into one pokemon. My full team was all level 35+. It is a good thing that almost every single late game battle is made up of Steel type pokemon or at least pokemon with Steel type moves, because they at least provided some mild challenge for my all Faity type team.

    Most concerning however was that I found myself not using my team. My pokemon became so strong passively that I did not have to use more than one. When I realised this, I began forcing myself to change up my pokemon, but it was purely my decision to do that. I never needed to. There was a time for about 15 levels where I realised I had not used one of my team AT ALL. I know this because I had an Impidimp, it evolved into a Morgrem, and eventually evolved into a Grimmsnarl. I not once sent out my Morgrem. I don't actually know what it's animations are like. I realised when it evolved into Grimmsnarl that I had completely missed that stage of its evolution, and it actually made me sad. I actually felt sad how disconnected I was from my other pokemon as a result of the ExpShare being there without choice.

    It is also pretty clear that balance between the wild area and the rest of the game was not considered. The wild area balances itself; you move from zone to zone within the wild area and encounter new pokemon. The spicy higher level pokemon in the earlier zones become manageable as you level up, and you feel like there's a really strong sense of progression through the game. It felt rewarding and exciting moving into new areas that I couldn't survive before. To then go to the FIRST GYM after that was so deflating. Why are gym battles not scaled now? The game could detect what your highest level pokemon is, and scale the gym leader's to match. The game even made it clear that ALL the gym leaders have more pokemon than they used, each at much higher level than the gym challenge, considering they are battled again in the finals tournament. The gym challenge is meant to be aimed at whatever skill level the individual trainer is at, after all.

    The Gyms - 8/10

    I really liked the gym challenges and battles, ignoring the above balancing issues. Each of their challenges was fun and appropriate, and it often reminded me of the Saffron city gym puzzle from Kanto. 6/8 of the gym leaders were memorable and had some storytelling integration, which was really cool. My favourite gym leader was Piers, and his overall story development especially in the post-game was excellent. I assume that Raihan is based off Zlatan, at least I definitely got that vibe and I liked it. I really liked that the gym challenge was unofficially split into sections, with grass/water/fire being the first three gyms and then spreading out to more diverse types from there. I felt like I had a relationship with those gym leaders, and it made beating them and moving on all the more epic. The gym leader music was also really well done. This was one of the better parts of the game for me.

    So... why did Allister and Melony get nothing? I actually just looked up and edited her name because I thought it was Melody. My only memory of the fight was that she was an ice type user and that her lapras had song notes around it. I assume Allister got nothing because it would've been more work for them to write different stories for him and for Bea in Pokemon Sword, but what's Melony's excuse? Her gym itself was excellently designed, but why did she draw the short straw to not being allowed into the story?

    The Elite Four - 6/10

    There isn't much to say here. The elite four is... nonexistent. I didn't mind the finals tournament with the gym leaders, especially considering they already had some story development which made me care about those characters. However, I was definitely looking forward to meeting who the epic Elite Four would be. The Leon battle was meh, considering the gratuitous amount of lead-up the game had to fighting him. However, the Leon battle was made up for by the music, which was stellar.

    Camping / Cooking - 7/10

    This was a cool addition. I liked the option of camping with your pokemon and often used it instead of going all the way back to the pokemon centre. It felt immersive to camp out in the wilds with my pokemon. The reason this is not rated higher is because I don't understand why curry was chosen as the food of choice. I am from Australia, not the UK, but I have been there before and have family that live there. To my understanding, curry is not a UK dish? I have no issue with curry, I just felt that it was a strange choice. The cooking method itself is also not very intuitive in terms of berry/ingredient selection, and without looking things up online it requires a level of trial and error that outweighs the number of berries you get from adventuring. The berry descriptions are odd and while flavoursome (ha), do not accurately or intuitively portray their effectiveness in cooking.

    Music - 11/10

    The music carried this game. Whoever is on the sound team deserves major props in my opinion. I was at one point playing the game in the car while my fiancee drove and I genuinely put headphones in because I wanted to listen to the sound while my fiancee listened to music. The soundtrack to the Champion fight with Leon was absolutely spectacular. The crowd cheering the pokemon theme was one of the greatest musical moments of pokemon for me.

    Animations and Graphics - 3/10 OR 9/10

    I was going to rate this a simple 6/10, but I feel that doesn't give the whole story. For 95% of the game, the graphics are very pretty and the animations are 9/10. The battle animations are smooth and everything looks great in 1080p playing on a big tv. The camera is done well and is generally unobtrusive, and the scenery in some areas is breathtaking. The Slumbering Weald when you get into the post game area is one of the most beautiful places in many games that I have played. Some of the new move animations are very well done and deserve praise. For me, everything ran smoothly on my Switch and I never got any fps drops.

    When the graphics and/or animations go bad though... oh boy they are BAD. Like, heavily immersion breaking bad. A few moves have such outrageously outdated graphics that I'm amazed they were even okayed to be put into the game. The first move that comes to mind for me is Double Kick, which I used for a while in the early game. It's animation in a battle is that the pokemon simply hops slightly, twice. Not even an animated hop. Their entire model just... moves upwards and downwards quickly. I was doing a max raid battle with a friend against a normal type pokemon, and I genuinely considered not using the move because I didn't want that to be what my friend saw my pokemon do. BUT, here's the kicker though (geddit? double kick heh). The double kick WAS animated in the raid battle! My pokemon actually got up and kicked, twice! Fully animated, it even looked half decent! I am actually at a loss for this point. Why is it animated in a raid battle but not a normal battle?

    The post-game graphics also leave a LOT to be desired. Zacian and Zamazenta are NOT fully animated outside of battle. Their howls are grossly out of time with their movements, which don't even look like howls, and they rotate on the spot instead of moving properly. Any immersion from what was intended to be an epic encounter was completely lost. It was like we had regressed back 20 years in graphics. This was to me, grossly unacceptable from a gaming company as large as this.

    The Rivals: Hop - 3/10, Marnie - 9/10, Bede - 3/10

    As I mentioned earlier, it is disappointing that Hop gets the starter that is weak against yours, but I didn't count that as contributing to this rating. Hop is a solid 0/10 for the first few hours of gameplay, without question. I almost consider giving him a negative rating. He is infuriating in a way that makes people want to stop playing the game. Hop receives his overall 3/10 because he calms right down in the mid-game, and his story arc redeems him somewhat towards the end of the game. In the post-game, I would give Hop a 9/10, but this sadly does not make up for his overall aggravating behaviour in the early game.

    Marnie is an excellent rival in my opinion. She has personality, she is mostly uncaring towards the player besides wanting to beat you, and she has outstanding character development throughout the game. She rarely if ever intervenes with the player's actions, and when she does it is brief and unobtrusive.

    Bede... I wanted to give Bede a higher rating, because he reminded me so much of the rival in gen 2 and their remakes. Bede is angry with the world, willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. He's a fighter, and even a criminal. At the start of the game, I would give Bede a 7 or 8/10. Bede then gets the opposite treatment of Hop however. What happened? Why did they feel the need to make Bede a laughing stock? I like fairy types, obviously, as I did an all-fairy playthrough. But putting Bede through the ringer and making him the fairy gym leader in a way that he CLEARLY was not happy with, I think did his character a disservice. By the end of the game, he's not a powerful rival anymore. He gets demoted to just being a weird kid who annoyingly interrupts the finals tournament because reasons.

    The Villains - 2/10

    I must say this was the most disappointing and least interesting 'evil team' in any pokemon game. Which honestly, for me, had nothing to do with their theme. Team Yell's theme was tacky, and at times cringey, but this was redeemed by them eventually being revealed to not be the 'evil team' at all. Marnie and Piers also have good storylines in the late-game and post-game and are interesting characters.

    What really killed the 'evil team' aspect of the game for me is that there really wasn't one, in terms of gameplay. There was no Team Rocket taking over the radio tower and Silph Co. There was no Team Magma/Aqua interfering with the volcano, stealing the submarine, and eventually awakening Groudon/Kyogre. There was none of that throughout the game. Team Yell stops a single door from opening, which you immediately circumvent by going around it. It was just gym after gym until the very end of the main storyline, at which point you get teased out of fighting the champion to FINALLY go deal with some villains in the form of Oleana and Rose, who up until this point you were unable to interact with despite it being very obvious they were evil. Before that point, Leon obnoxiously announces that he will go and deal with the problems himself. I even went to follow Leon on those occasions because I wanted to go help out, only to find that there was nothing, or be told to go back. I do not understand this design choice, and I feel like the game suffered as a result of this staple of the pokemon storyline being removed from Sword and Shield.

    The Post Game - 3/10

    I almost wish I didn't have to write anything here, so I will keep this short, just like the post-game. Sordward and Shielbert are jokes. I am okay with joke characters. The pokeball guy in each of the gyms was a joke, and he was amazing. Sordward and Shielbert made no sense. It felt like a filler episode where the design team had gotten drunk and just put ideas together, seeing what the funniest thing they could create would be. Except its not funny, because it's all that we have been given as genuine post-game content. I am only giving this a 3/10 and not lower because I really liked that all the main character's storylines came to a wholesome end. Hop choosing to dedicate his life to caring for pokemon was spectacular. It fit his friendly character perfectly, and the post-game actually made me like Hop overall as a character. It is just a shame that it took that long to get me to like him. Sonia taking him on as an apprentice was awesome. Leon moving on to the Battle Tower was very fitting. Overall I am happy with the character story provided in the post-game, just not the content.

    The Legendaries - 1/10

    What legendaries? The only two legendaries in the game (assuming you don't trade the other from the other version)? The ones you fight scripted battles with? The ones you don't need to find or seek out in any capacity, and are extraordinarily easy to catch? I will give credit that the main storyline involving these legendaries was cool. I liked uncovering the history of Galar. I liked Sonia's little lessons and depth-diving into conspiracies and hidden legends. But... two legendaries? 2? Dos?

    Where are the rest of them? I have a memory of sitting down as a kid with Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and an encyclopedia, yes an encyclopedia, open to the page on braille so I could hunt down and catch the regis. I have a memory of encountering Entei as a random pokemon encounter when I was just a kid in the original Silver/Gold, and freaking out so bad when it ran. I tracked it via the Pokedex tracker for hours afterwards until I finally encountered it again. I even loved revisiting the Seafoam Islands in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, going through the caverns to see Articuno in all its 1080p glory. This game doesn't have that, and I don't understand why. Actually, I think I know where all that design time went...

    Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing - 0/10

    Legendary pokemon died for this. Mega Evolution died for this. I think what makes me rate this so low isn't that it inherently is bad (which it is). It's that time was spent designing and implementing this feature. Sorry, time was wasted designing and implementing this feature. I did not find this a fun feature to use, in any capacity. I think what upset me even more was that gigantamaxing was so limited in its use; only the gym leaders and significant person's final pokemon could ever gigantamax. However, because getting a pokemon to gigantamax requires the pokemon specifically to be able to, none of my pokemon ever could. I had a Hatterene, a Grimmsnarl, and an Alcremie, all species which CAN gigantiamax and I haven't gigantamaxed them because... they just can't. My specific pokemon cannot. I would need entirely new pokemon to do that.

    The graphics for dynamaxing are average at best, and certainly not worthy of Switch graphics. The pokemon cries while dynamaxed sound disturbing and are unnecessarily loud. You don't need to care about what moves your pokemon have, because they all get replaced when you dynamax anyway, and don't look particularly special even then!

    I found it especially ironic that if you consider the story of Sword and Shield as a whole, one of the main villains of the game IS dynamaxing! It is even written in as an evil concept!


    Overall, though there were many aspects that I thought could be improved upon (a lot) I enjoyed the time that I have spent playing, and I do not regret buying the game as I was worried I might before release day. I am not going to give the game an overall rating because I think different aspects of the game carry different weights for different people. If you combine all of the individual ratings I have given, it totals to 4.8/10, but I don't think this is an accurate reflection of how much I personally enjoyed the game. I play games for immersion, and 99% of the time, I felt quite immersed. I am not going to comment on DEXIT, because I feel like the omission of more than half of all pokemon from a game is objectively a poor decision that does not require my opinion. I can say that it personally did not affect me much, however most of my favourite pokemon are included in Sword and Shield.

    The game has suffered most from decisions made that go against what has been enjoyed in the past. The removal of good features that have been present in past games has left me often asking "why?" and feeling like the game is in some ways moving away from what I loved. However, in saying that, there are some excellent parts to Sword and Shield as well, namely the wild area and some of the new graphics and animations. If you are considering getting the game and are on the fence, I would recommend to give the game a try with an open mind. It does not include everything that was excellent about pokemon in the past, and there are things that are sorely missed. It is FAR from a perfect game. However, some of the new features are truly worth experiencing, and I would love to continue to see implemented in future release titles.

    submitted by /u/ChoccyBikkies
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    Pokémon Sword and Shield modders already managed to insert missing mons

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:08 AM PST

    Pokemon modder SciresM has posted videos of Pokémon Omastar– who isn't included in Sword and Shield – running in the Switch exclusive with full animations.

    According to the modder, he was able to import the character's Let's Go model with no additional changes.

    The 3D creature models and animations used in Pokemon games are created by Creatures Inc – a part-owner of The Pokemon Company – under the supervision of Game Freak.

    It's worth noting that other visual elements beyond the game models themselves could still have increased the game's art production time, and the modding community's ability to hack missing monsters into the game is not necessarily an indication of the actual work required.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    Gigantimax encourages you to not care about your Pokemon

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    This is probably one of my biggest frustrations with the new gimmick. You can have all these cool pokemon on your team, but if you didn't get them specifically from a rare raid battle (And they didn't break free from the one chance you have at catching them), you can't use Gigantimax. Why is the game encouraging me to toss away the Corviknight I trained up from a Rookidee at the very beginning of the game in favor of this new one with a more powerful ability that I have zero bond with whatsoever? Why can't you turn the dozens of Dynamax crystals you get from doing raids into some kind of Gigantimax item that you can give to a Pokemon with a max Dynamax level? The solutions seem so obvious but they're just nonexistant and it's baffling. Just like a lot of other parts of the game, unfortunately.

    submitted by /u/galaxybomb
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    [Unpopular Opinion] Team Yell Is Not an Evil Team, It Is a Depiction of Hooligans And Does a Goob Job at Doing so

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:09 AM PST

    I actually like Team Yell. As someone from the UK who is a football fan and has been to a few football matches, they are great at depicting what football hooligans are actually like. Loud, noisy, annoying and like to start fights with other fans and aggressive for the sake of being aggressive. I feel like Team Yell does a good job at doing this, and that they shouldn't be considered as the usual 'Evil Team'. They don't have a sinister plot or scheme, they're literally just hooligans like their real life counter parts. I like them personally, and think the majority of the hate towards them is because they aren't a traditional 'Evil Team'

    submitted by /u/Kahrii_x
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    The Pokémon Company and TV Tokyo will upload the Pokémon anime episode every week to YouTube so everyone can watch it for free

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:31 AM PST

    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 13, 14 & 15

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:02 AM PST


    I didn't forget the gen 2 extended family this time!

    041 Zubat - 042 Golbat / 169 Crobat / 046 Paras - 049 Venomoth

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    The saddest part of SwSh for me: you can SEE where some Devs poured their hearts into it

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:22 PM PST

    Some of the cities are aesthetically gorgeous. Pokémon like Corviknight absolutely GRABBED ME. I am so stoked for how cool that dude looks! Being able to change natures and boost stats with Mints & Candies is such an inuititive solution to a generational problem. There are some genuinely hilarious bits of Brit in the localization. Even the Camp & CurryDex, for all the controversy that has occurred in its wake, is such a charming idea.

    There is no universe where the creation of THIS MASTERPIECE OF A MAN was not a labour of love.

    I don't think anyone goes to GameFreak with the thought process that "I'll just make an OK Pokémon game." Many young people who are getting into Game Development from all corners of the globe did so because Pokémon inspired them to do it! And parts of the game OOZE that level of affection. You can see the bones of a beautiful labour of love, a unique region with a unique take on Pokémon battles.

    But... executive meddling? Budget limitations? Poor time management? Strict deadlines? Maybe just senior staff/project leads not giving a shit? SOMETHING(s) went wrong. The good parts of SwSh are like love letters to the franchise adrift in a sea of cut corners, half-realized ideas, and deliberate misinformation/straight up lies from the people above them. It sucks.

    I don't really know where I was going with this, honestly! I'm just bummed. My heart goes out to the people on the ground floor at GameFreak who genuinely tried to pour their heart into this only for some other bozos to fuck it up for, let's be honest, what seems to be the scummy upselling of a likely subscription service and to use FOMO to sell next year's game. It sucks for them and for us and I hope whatever wonderful monster(s) at GameFreak designed Manlet Meowth and that boss babe Runegrigus get to work on an actual title worthy of their craftsmanship and the Pokémon name sooner rather than later.

    submitted by /u/stagrunner
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    I successfully beat Shield with nothing but a Wooloo

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    It wasn't easy, but it sure as hell was a lot of fun.

    Final stats

    Final moveset

    That glorious ribbon

    Bonus motivational photo

    Hardest fight was undoubtedly Raihan. Given the double battles format, I was forced to bring along a second pokemon, which I opted to be a Magikarp that spammed splash. His Gigalith and Duradulon both knowing fighting type moves didn't help the whole 1v2 situation but after ~7 or 8 attempts, I was successful in defeating him.

    Second hardest was probably Piers, attacking in to Obstagoon's Obstruct and continuouslly losing defense was frustrating given I need to keep the same one pokemon alive. I think I eventually managed to beat him by using a dire hit and getting lucky with crits on double kick, but had I not gotten lucky I would've been stuck there a while.

    I anticipated Allister being a far more annoying fight given the normal vs. ghost matchup, but Payback made quick work of most of his pokemon, even going so far as to one shot his Gigantamaxed Gengar.

    I went into this with zero planning or expectations and while I'm sure I didn't do it the most efficient or optimal way, it was a fun challenge nonetheless. I tried to stay away from X items such as X attack as much as I could because I figured they would probably make the journey much easier, and I wanted a real challenge.

    It may not be the most impressive challenge, but I sure am proud of it and thought I'd share it here for anyone else who may be interested. :)

    submitted by /u/TheyTellMeItRained
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    Your mom calls you the champion before you even fight the champion

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:02 AM PST


    Mom used Future Sight

    Apparently Diagla is pretty mad he didnt get in and is now fucking the time line.

    submitted by /u/dootd00t123
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    A friend told me something today that really got me thinking.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:28 AM PST

    He said the Safari Zone was as much an example of an open world as the Wild Area.

    His case was:

    • No defined, linear path - you are free to choose which direction you want to go, and there's no clear objective to movement (after receiving the HM/Gold Teeth).
    • Pokemon spawn just as "randomly" as they do in the Wild Area.
    • The only true barriers were the barriers around the whole of the area (as in the Wild Area).
    • Exploration was rewarded both by items and in rare Pokemon spawns (in both!).
    • If Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee had contained a version of the safari zone with its overworld spawning, it would be almost exactly like the wild area of SwSh.

    His overall point was that the designation of "open-world" has no strict definition and is ultimately meaningless. The thing that makes games like Skyrim, BotW, and other ""open world" games good is that the game is in the open world. For Pokemon SwSh, the game isn't in the open world. It's still the standard routes, it just has a larger Safari Zone.

    I think it's a stretch, but damned if I can't think of a good counter point.

    submitted by /u/McChuChu
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    I Gif'd the cursor in the credits for easier sharing.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:23 AM PST


    I Posted it in that other thread but I was like 10 hours too late.

    submitted by /u/Phinq
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    Pokemon Sword and Shield really felt dated by not using voice acting

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST

    I was weary of Sword and Shield to begin with, but the game really surprised me and I enjoyed my entire playthrough.

    The one thing that stood out was the game having no voice acting. On handheld this was kind of expected. Now that we are playing this on a TV it feels kind of odd. If the game had voice acting it would truly feel like you were playing the anime. The 3D models (even if reused) really excelled and created an immersive experience. This time the story was actually decent. If everything was voice acted, the game would have been even more immersive.

    submitted by /u/WeededDragon1
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    Game Freak: "we want to make competitive easier to access." Also Game Freak: "only some pokemon can Gigantamax"

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:25 AM PST

    Essentially... what thw title says: SwSh actually achieved properly an easy access to competitive. Mints and candies are a great solution and they will be really good for people to start and play competituve, but also for experienced players to be able to quickly adapt to different metas and not have to either restart the game to have a different nature legendary or to use cheats and generators.

    All good aaand. BIG NOPE: gigantamax are extremely rare, mons cannot achieve it by trainijg but have to be born with it... now i think gigantamax will be important in competitive, surely for some. And they mismanaged this. Maybe there will be event pokemin, but for now, until they are out... luck or stress to get them. Or a paywall. (Eevee and especially pikachu)

    submitted by /u/AkagamiBarto
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    With today's successful efforts of modding old Pokemon into Sword and Shield, I'd like to post an image I made a few months ago. To think people said I had no idea what I was talking about!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    Game Freak's official Japanese website states they are reusing old Pokemon models

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:24 PM PST

    An interview with a technical artist on Game Freak's website says the following: テクニカルアーティストとして、主に『ポケットモンスター』シリーズのモデル表現周りを担当しています。具体的には、Nintendo Switchに対応したシェーダーの開発や、モデルの仕様決定、過去に制作したモデルを効率よくリファインするための方針決定を行っています。

    This translates to "I am a technical artist and I am primarily in charge of model expression for the game series "Pokemon". Specifically, I work on the development of the shaders for the Nintendo Switch, deciding model specifications, and methods for efficiently refining previously-made models."

    Game Freak source: https://www.gamefreak.co.jp/recruit/interview_02.html

    Translation source: https://gaijinhunter.tumblr.com/post/189059638232/my-quest-to-understand-the-pokemon-rage-over-they

    submitted by /u/Borgot
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    now it was about that time i realized this gym leader was a 45 foot long marine reptile from the late triassic period

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:45 AM PST

    There is a Mouse Cursor in the credits scene :D

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    I couldn't believe my eyes but its actually there! About 58 / 59 seconds in its rushing over the movie part for a few frames. If you want to double check that, then feel free to search up a video of the credits and see for yourself :)

    Just how does that happen? The movie would have to be a screen recording of the scene and not directly captured in by the animation software they used. Funny nontheless :D

    submitted by /u/holyluigi
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    You can be softlocked if you have no space remaining in the endgame raid

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST


    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:58 PM PST

    Had to happen sooner or later, a guy found an uncatchable Shiny

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:04 PM PST

    Japanese fan's reaction to Pokemon SWSH [Part 4]

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:48 AM PST

    Hello Friends. I changed the title a little.

    I changed the format to [Part XX] instead of [Day XX].

    Japanese fan's reaction to Pokemon SWSH [Part 4]


    I was working today, when I got home, Pokemon thread was in flame.

    I think there was more thread momentum than yesterday.

    So I did my best to translate it.

    You may think "its just a complaint", but i have no choice.

    Enjoy the emotion and humor of core fans.

    I would be happy if my translation worked well.

    submitted by /u/Shau1a
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    I'm Gushing Over This Generation's Bug Types!!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:35 AM PST

    Bug types have been my favorite types since about a few years ago when I suddenly found an interest in entomology! This is why generations 5 and 7 are probably my favorite, Gen 5 having the most new Bug types introduced of any generation, and Gen 7 having my favorite Bug designs. But this doesn't mean Gen 7 isn't amazing in it's Bug types - Quite the opposite! I'm FLOORED by the new Bugs we got this generation!

    While we only got 7 new Bug type 'mons, 9 if you count Butterfree and Centiskorch's Gigantamax forms, they're all very high-quality buggies and they have some really cool inspirations!

    A lot of my friends who got the game weren't impressed, but they also didn't know what they were based on. Most of them just thought it was "Ladybug", "Worm", and "Moth". That's accurate (besides the worm part, it's a centipede), but they're also MUCH more than just common insects! Well... ladybugs are common, but most people don't know about their FULL life cycle!

    Let's start with Blipbug and it's evolutions!

    Blipbug line for reference: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/626/593/b3d.png

    It's obvious Blipbug's final stage, Orbeetle, is based off a ladybug. But what most people I asked don't seem to know is that Blipbug and it's middle stage Dottler are also ladybugs! Which seems obvious in hindsight, I guess. To be more specific, they're ladybug larvae and pupae!

    A ladybug larva and pupa together: https://previews.123rf.com/images/flokit/flokit1802/flokit180200113/96324930-photo-shows-the-larvae-and-pupa-of-the-ladybug.jpg

    As you can see, Blipbug is the larva, which is something akin to, but not exactly, a caterpillar. Dottler is the strange middle-stage of a ladybug's life-cycle, where it takes on an almost cocoon-like state, becoming immobile as it sticks to a leaf and transforms inside.

    But the coolness of Blipbug and its evolutions don't stop there! They're also based on RADAR! While not much of Blipbug's design conveys it, it's name is a rather uncreative mash of "blip" and "bug". As in, a radar blip! It sounds cute, at least! Also, this may just be me looking too hard for things, but I think the "hairs" on Blipbug's head are supposed to kind of make arrow shapes pointing inwards, like how radar has little notches around the circle representing direction. The two yellow "arrows" on it's neck might just be a bow-tie, but I think that's the "blip". Two, brightly-colored arrows pointing at a single spot, as if something important was found on a radar? Okay, I'm stretching it too far.

    Blipbug's evolution Dottler actually has a really nice name, that very cleverly meshes "Doppler" (as in Doppler radar) with "dot", since it has a bunch of dots all over it. Cute! And if you weren't convinced enough about the Doppler radar influence, this is a Doppler radar dome: https://media2.govtech.com/images/940*618/Doppler+Radar.jpg

    Now looking back at Dottler, it's pretty obvious that's where it's design is coming from! This is also probably why it becomes part Psychic type at this point. Psychic is known for being related to "odd waves" and "weird signals", so it's fitting that the Psychic type was chosen to represent that radar-like aspect of Blipbug's evolutions.

    As for Orbeetle, I've heard a lot of people call it's name stupid, because they just think it's a combination of "orb" and "beetle". This might actually be partly true, since it's design is very much spherical, or at least half of it is... But say it fast, and it sounds like orbital! Like orbital satellites! Orbeetle even floats above the ground, just to add to it all.

    The part that most people know, of course, is that it's also based on a UFO. That part is far more obvious, it seems. From the skinny, alien-like appearance of it's limbs, to the UFO-shaped "head" (and yes, it seems the big dome-shaped part isn't it's body, but rather where it's BRAIN is!!), it's very much an alien. It's Gigantamax form makes this even MORE painfully apparent: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VSYWzuvi85Q/maxresdefault.jpg

    Wow, this post is already huge and I only just finished covering the first of three new Bug lines! Don't worry, the next ones will be a bit smaller since there's only two stages in each of them.

    Up next is Sizzilipede and Centiskorch. Their names are alright. "Sizzilipede" is pushing it a little, I think, and implies that it's a millipede, since that's what it rhymes with. Both are centipedes. But what kind are they based off of? Here's a picture of them first, just for reference. Sorry I couldn't find a photo with both in it at once.

    Sizzilipede: http://www.powerpyx.com/wp-content/uploads/pokemon-sword-shield-sizzlipede.jpgCentiskorch: http://www.powerpyx.com/wp-content/uploads/pokemon-sword-shield-centiskorch.jpgAs for what they're based off of, look at this: https://texashillcountry.com/wp-content/uploads/red-headed-centipede.jpg

    This is a Giant Desert Centipede! Some Americans call it a "Texas Redhead Centipede". It's also found in parts of Mexico. While these guys rarely get over 6 inches long, that's big for centipedes, and their bite probably hurts as much as you'd guess just by looking at them. They're venomous, and while they're not powerful enough to kill anyone, but they can and will send you to the hospital if you're not careful. Bites can cause rashes that, if you're unlucky enough, can feel like your skin is burning. It should be pretty obvious how Pokemon came up with these guys by now. Oh, and if you're wondering, yes, their undersides are bright orange-ish yellow, just like in the game!

    Worth mentioning just for sheer coolness factor is it's Gigantamax form: https://img.rankedboost.com/wp-content/plugins/pokemon-sword-shield/assets/giga/Gigantamax-Centiskorch-Pokemon-Sword-Shield.pngMore specifically, I want to just mention it's G-Max attack: G-Max Centiferno: (Credit to ProsafiaGaming on Youtube) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236286515762692097/645912073234284544/unknown.png

    This is a very tiny detail, but one I appreciate greatly! Perhaps too much? You see what it's doing, right? This mile-long-centipede that's also ON FIRE is turning itself into a heated coil! Like these: https://previews.123rf.com/images/manpo2007/manpo20071310/manpo2007131000001/23070715-hot-coils-from-a-vintage-heater.jpg

    It's a really creative touch, and just works perfectly for a Fire-type centipede Pokemon. Even if the animations aren't the super-high quality we all expected, you have to give them props in some areas for creativity!

    Finally on this long journey, we have Snom and it's evolution Frosmoth! Snom is a cute name, I'm not even sure what it's a combination of. Snow, obviously, but what else? Worm? Is it just "snow" with the W set from Wumbo to Mini, because it's a very tiny Pokemon? Holy shit I cracked the code, everyone! I-

    Anyways, here they are for reference: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/626/597/0c9.png

    There's already a post talking about what Snom and Frosmoth are based off of, so I'll be as brief as I can. In general, they're Jewel moths! It's a somewhat-rare type of moth that lives around Central America.

    Here's a Jewel moth larvae and adult: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/0c/fb/ef0cfb1a494462f6e40af9a0df06e710.jpgSnom in particular has this coloration: https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/2534764/size/tl-gif_overlay.jpegAnd here's a silk moth, I'll explain why in a bit: https://res.cloudinary.com/dk-find-out/image/upload/q_80,w_1920,f_auto/DCTM_Penguin_UK_DK_AL557093_rc8bgt.jpg

    Jewel moths are perhaps one of my favorite types of moths. I've never seen one in person, but I hope to one day! I've dreamed of this creature becoming a Pokemon for YEARS! I've even drawn my own concepts for Jewel moth-themed Pokemon, and I would post them, if I could find them. I always dreamed of it being a Bug/Rock type though, taking the "jewel" part literally! Even the adult evolution would be part Rock type, either having Levitate to explain why it would have a flying animation, or having a totally different ability and walking on the ground, like shown in most pictures.

    Jewel moths also can come in all sorts of colors and patterns. While many are just plain transparent, like Snom, some have lots of colors. Their larval stage colors even correspond to different adult-stage colors too. Neat!

    As Reddit user u/KepplerNova pointed out, Frosmoth might be based more on a Silk moth rather than the adult stage of a Jewel moth. Which is, to me, a shame. Silk moths are nice and all, but Jewel moth adults are very distinct from other kinds of moths. Look at those fuzzy legs! It's like they've got leg warmers on! Sadly, Pokemon has always been kinda withdrawn about showing off moth and butterfly legs in their designs.

    To me, Frosmoth just looks like your stereotypical "elegant moth", taking inspiration from maybe a few different types of moths, but not being just one moth in particular. Since Frosmoth has semi-transparent wings, it might also have a bit of inspiration from "clearwing" moths, a group of moths who... well, have semi-transparent wings. But most clearwing moths, oddly, seem to mimic other creatures, like bees, flies, or even hummingbirds! And Frosmoth doesn't seem to be mimicking any other... I guess, Pokemon?

    Although that would be a neat concept for next generation. A hummingbird Pokemon, and a hummingbird moth Pokemon, neither of which you could tell apart from another until you entered a battle with it. Like, in the over-world, they'd look exactly the same or something. Here's to hoping, since these new Bug types have such cool inspiration behind them, and show that whoever designed them really understands Bugs!

    Oh, one more thing I'd like to mention about Snom's line is that I'm really disappointed there wasn't any mid-stage evolution. Just LOOK at this! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/72/15/d9/7215d9614deedbed7f902588e49b693e.jpg

    That's the cocoon stage for a Jewel moth! It apparently does that because the cocoon needs to stay cool due to the humid climate it's found it, but it can't just make the cocoon shell thin or it'd be too exposed - so it also evolved a net to hide itself in while it dangles from a branch or something! What the FUCK, nature!? That's SO cool!! Imagine seeing a Pokemon based off of this! That'd be AWESOME! (Also a mid-stage evolution might've meant that Frosmoth could've had a higher stat total because it's stat total kinda sucks...)

    ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoyed learning about this generation's awesome bug types, I for one am EXTREMELY pleased with this generation's selection. My only regret is that there weren't even more Bug types this Gen. I hope you learned something, and I especially hope that if you disliked/hated any of these designs before reading this, that this review has given you a more positive opinion of these designs! Maybe you'll even become a Bug-type fan like me?

    Either way thanks for reading this far, if indeed you actually did!

    submitted by /u/uwuGod
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    I'm almost entirely convinced that Pokemon Sword and Shield were planned to be 3DS games, and I have some evidence that I feel backs up my speculation.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:34 PM PST

    The main thing that really has me convinced of all this is Pokemon Stars.

    Around the time Sun and Moon were released, Eurogamer reported that GameFreak was working on converting them to run on the Nintendo Switch. Eurogamer also reported that the Nintendo NX would be a handheld system with cartridge based games you could connect to a television. Needless to say they were well trusted at the time. There was also an HD model of Pikipek which was- possibly accidentally- revealed in early promotional material for Sun and Moon. If something about that slim colored outline and brushed cel shading looks familiar, then I congratulate you for recognizing the technique used for rendering Pokemon in the new games. Edit: I'm being told this is just what models look like in Maya. Oops!

    You've probably noticed that Sun and Moon didn't come to the Switch. Well, Eurogamer was curious about that too. They reportedly asked some of their sources about this, and the apparent reasoning was that Nintendo didn't feel the need for a Pokemon game in the first year after the success of Zelda and the oncoming hit that Mario Odyssey turned out to be. It had seemed that Pokemon Stars was a 'contingency' to boost the sales of the system if the Switch needed such a boost. It makes sense to me, people buy Pokemon, and the prospect of putting Alola on the Switch was something people were excited about even leading up to E3 2017. It seemed Nintendo didn't want to take that risk of backlash from porting an older game. But I think things get more complicated than that.

    Let's consider the stance of the president of The Pokemon Company. In an interview with Business Insider, he explained that he'd been adamant the Nintendo Switch would fail since he felt it would not be able to compete with free cell phone games considering it's $300 price tag.

    I told Nintendo that Switch wouldn't be a success before it went on sale, because I thought that in the age of the smartphone no one would carry around a game console.

    And to be fair, this wasn't an uncommon bit of speculation leading up to the Switch's launch. A lot of people (Myself included) didn't have much faith. So if you're in charge of this multi billion dollar brand, and you're pretty sure Nintendo's next console is going to do as poorly as their last one- the Wii U- are you really going to put the next big installment out for a tiny consumer base? Are you really going to risk all your new monster designs and characters being seen by a few million people instead of the 3DS, a system closing in on seventy million?

    Now let's read an interview with Ohmori and Masuda.

    Two quotes stand out to me here.

    Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! were our first full Pokémon game projects that we developed on the Nintendo Switch, and it was almost sort of a research project for us to learn how to develop on that system. We did learn a lot that we were able to use.

    with Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, we began the conceptual phase immediately after development wrapped up on Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. That concept phase took about a year, and then we moved on to full production.

    What follows this is speculation, I'll be clear about that. I believe that leadership at The Pokemon Company told GameFreak, either directly or otherwise, that they'd be making 3DS games for a long time to come since Nintendo's new handheld would probably fail. While I don't think there are necessarily any .cia files at GameFreak of a 3DS game in Galar, I do think the planning was done for a game that could run on the 3DS. I believe they planned what assets would be needed (Including the infamous N64 tree,) which maps would look what way, which Pokemon would be available, how the gyms would work, I'm convinced that everything was planned to be able to run on the 3DS in case the Switch bombed. I also think the overworld Pokemon were part of this plan. This really isn't a feature the 3DS wasn't capable of, Dragon Quest VIII demonstrates this pretty well, and all the walking and overworld animations existed in Pokemon Sun and Moon's data. Speaking of that, I think most of us agree that the models in Pokemon Sword and Shield are very similar or identical to those in Sun and Moon. Digital Foundry seems to agree that the 3DS models and animations are reused, while the ones in Let's Go seemed to be new- remember, Ohmori considers that the first full Switch game.

    I think that idea was the secondary purpose of Pokemon Stars. While planning this hypothetical 3DS game, The Pokemon Company had the foresight to tell GameFreak that they need to figure out how to get a 3DS game running on the Switch to be prepared for the possibility of the Switch being a big hit. A lot more things make sense when you consider these games a port: The small map size, the limited right stick usage, the unusual glitches involving special use of Switch hardware, the assets that don't seem on par with games like Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyssey, a lot of it makes more sense. It doesn't seem like a fully developed Switch game because it's not a fully developed Switch game. It's a conversion of a 3DS game we never got.

    Again this could be totally untrue. They could have been picturing the Switch every second they were planning this game, but I can't help be a lot more forgiving when I consider the idea that I would have been interested in a conversion of Sun and Moon on the Switch. And as pessimistic as I tend to be, this idea does give me a bit more faith that someday we might get a fully developed Pokemon game on the Switch, something up to the higher standards other games have set. I certainly hope so.

    submitted by /u/IanMazgelis
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    Anyone else disappointed that the Corviknight taxi animation is nonexistent?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:56 PM PST

    We don't even get a cutscene of the Corviknight picking us up with a taxi, just the screen fading to black and teleporting us to where we wanted. I know it's a petty thing to complain about but it kinda seemed boring and lazy. It's certainly not the worst thing about the game. It just bothered me. Like what was the point of it being related to Corviknight if nothing happened? Yeah there's a cute loading animation, but it just seemed lacking to me.

    submitted by /u/WeeblesJeebles
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    Gamefreak is starting to look a little like Bethesda here... Hear me out.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:27 AM PST

    I grew up with both companies mostly, playing a little known game called daggerfall and up until after Skyrim Bethesda's reputation was unbeatable. Every mistake they made while making each game, every bug, glitch and decision was mostly met with a "Aww it's ok!" attitude because the community around it was dedicated, some still are even after fallout 76. During the oblivion, morrowind and especially skyrim days modders, the community would fix each of bethesda's bugs, and other flaws and be happy because bethesda was the "Darling" company. Then Fallout 76 came out and they lied about the pre-orders, they lied about having cosmetic only items and they charged extra for the single player aspect of the game oh and any of those people that 'help' find bugs? Banned, accounts deleted/gone, done.

    Now, I may be a little quick on the draw but I see some of the signs as someone who grew up with bethesda, rearing their ugly heads within this game. It's alright to be content or enjoy Sword and Shield, i'm not telling or urging anyone to get up in arms or that they cannot enjoy the game even with it's flaws. I am asking that people be aware that if you let a company walk all over you (not talking about the ground floor employees, I'm talking about the decision makers), even ones that seem good or friendly, if you accept excuses and let them grow complacent with your money you will re-hash what has already happened with bethesda here, maybe not perfectly but it is concerning.

    submitted by /u/Achromos_warframe
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