• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Pokémon The enormous philosophical contrast between Nintendo's other game franchises and Pokémon is equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking

    Pokémon The enormous philosophical contrast between Nintendo's other game franchises and Pokémon is equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking

    The enormous philosophical contrast between Nintendo's other game franchises and Pokémon is equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:13 AM PST

    • Mario Odyssey - A return to the 3D platformer genre like the highly acclaimed Mario 64 and Sunshine, that is the largest yet in scope. Considered one of the best games of all time
    • Breath of the Wild - A complete refresh of the Zelda series that is a major departure from most of its formulaic elements. Highly praised for its attention to detail, open world and physics engine. Widely considered one of the best games of all time.
    • Smash Ultimate - Everyone is here! They manage to nab characters for DLC that some might have thought unlikely, and are consistently praised for their faithful representations. Seen as the best celebration of gaming history in all because of the ridiculous amount of content and loving references.
    • Three Houses - Again a huge departure from the formula with it's Persona-like RPG elements that were met with a lot of praise. Considered one of the best FE games and a pleasant surprise after a few fairly disappointing releases.
    • Luigi's Mansion 3 - Once again, considered the best of the series. Underwent a huge graphical upgrade from when it was first shown to release. The game looks beautiful and is a rare example of a game improving visually from its initial reveal to its actual release.

    • Pokémon Sword and Shield – after promising the game would be dedicated to longtime fans to quell the apprehension towards Let's Go, they have removed over half the Pokédex which is a slap to the face of those same fans, as well as removing several well liked features and not adding highly requested ones. They've used improved graphics/animations, new features, game balance, and regional accuracy as excuses, but none of them hold up. Adds features that have not been as well received such as dynamaxing and an always-on experience share. Unlike the previously mentioned games, Sw/Sh hardly take advantage of the fact that the Switch's power compared to previous devices or the fact that it is in fact, a home console.

    This of course isn't even mentioning Metroid or Animal Crossing which were delayed because the team did not like the direction it was going in and to improve the game and mind the well-being of its developers. Both of those seem like totally inconceivable concepts for Game Freak right now. It sucks. I think the fact that Sw/Sh are on the Switch is what makes it so bad. It's such a delightful console and most developers have been pulling out all the stops for it. It's insane to think The Witcher 3 and this Pokémon game run on the same device.

    submitted by /u/Gureto_Sukotto
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    [OC] ... Whatever it takes.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:20 AM PST

    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - 001

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:47 PM PST


    Not sure if this is the content people want but I will not forget my boys.

    001 Bulbasaur - 003 Venusaur

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    I’m putting my money where my mouth is and canceled my preorder.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:58 AM PST

    I know that "boycotts" in the video game industry never really happen and we gamers generally have a worse bark than our bite, but at the end of the day I'm truly dissatisfied and disappointed at the direction Pokémon has been going.

    It's not just the national dex either, it's the total disconnect between Pokémon and the fans that have stuck around for more than a decade that didn't start at gen 1.

    All in all I still want to play the game so I guess I'll have to find a used copy a few weeks after the game comes out.

    submitted by /u/Neoboe
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    The new anime is supposed to be Ash and Go travelling around the Pokeworld. So the anime for Sword and Shield will propably show a lot of mons that were cut from the game.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:53 AM PST

    The irony is so strong with this one. Even Bulbasaur, Ash's most prominent pokemon in the anime after only Pikachu and Charizard could appear if the first few episodes are focused on Pallet Town, but it will be unavailable in the game. If Brock, Misty, Tracy or Dawn for example make a guest appearance then Geodude, Psyduck, Scyther or Piplup may appear. All of them are not available in the game. The trailer showed Ash and Go riding Lugia and also Fearow and Garchomp. Lugia, Fearow and Garchomp will not be available in the game.

    submitted by /u/KQRZN
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    Did You Know? A Japanese US/UM ad about enjoying the new games with old favorites got recently removed.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:51 PM PST

    This HERE is a link to a Japanese US/UM advertisement that aired when those games were new. The video was taken down from the official channel and this one was the only one I could find.

    Anyways, the "team" in the video are called the "Pokemon Rescue Team" and they search for old Pokemon cartridges belonging to their clients and use special devices to restore the Pokemon in them into newer games.

    Obviously such team doesn't exist in real life, but the video ends with saying that such team actually is out there in the real world, and it is you. You can enjoy the new games with the very favorites you had.

    I wonder why such wholesome video got recently removed.

    submitted by /u/The_Things
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    Appreciation Post: I am glad that Showdown exists

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:55 AM PST

    The team behind Pokemon Showdown has said that all Pokemon (gen 1-8) will be available to play on their platform.

    Obviously, it's a small compensation but it lets players like me play with all gen Pokemon.

    And for that I am thankful.

    I have to write 50 words here so I am just going to say how absurd it is that Arbok isn't included when Wheezing is.

    submitted by /u/Sharchomp
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    Peaceful way to let Game Freak know we're not fine with their decision.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:23 AM PST

    Yesterday i stumbled upon this image and i thought it was very depressing but also very to the point of the problem we're facing right now.

    (If you know the original creator of the image please let me know) but in the meantime i thought it would be cool if we tried to do the same thing to every official artwork.

    I tried my hand at this but I suck at image editing so I think the result was a little underwhelming but anyway let me know what you think.

    Hope you find this idea interesting and that someone starts editing the images.

    Also Yes, i know some of you will say that game freak will not care and also yes don't buy the game if you don't agree with their decision, that goes without saying.

    EDIT: I started an Imgur album

    EDIT 2: We also got 2 video edits :

    If Pokemon Blue were released in 2019.

    Pokémon Gold Galar

    Original anime opening -In Progress-

    Pokerap except it's only the Pokemon in Sword and Shield

    Pokerap with mons completely cut

    Obligatory Evangelion edit

    submitted by /u/Difonzo
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    Never forget this quote by Junichi Masuda

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:36 PM PST


    From a 2018 interview:

    Q: "Will I be able to transfer my pokemon from Let's Go to the new title in 2019?"

    A: "We made a bad memory back when you couldn't transfer your pokemon into the newest game (gen 2 -> 3), we want to work to prevent that from happening again."


    How ironic not all pokemon from Let's go Pikachu and Eevee are available in Pokemon's 2019 title.

    edit: Please do not place all the blame on Masuda, I just wanted to highlight the discrepancy in what was said and what is done, surely there were a lot of things outside of his control. He's no longer the director so he doesn't have as much influence of the games anymore. What Masuda wants isn't what gamefreak wants.

    submitted by /u/SakanaAtlas
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    In the next games, I hope Game Freak expands the curry dex and makes bigger cuts to the Poke dex.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:49 AM PST

    Hell, why don't we get rid of the Poke dex and replace it with the curry dex.

    Can't wait to go hunt for shiny curry, breed curry, IV train curry, fish curry, battle curry, and encounter legendary curry.

    Pokémon games will be a much more focused, mouth-watering experience without Pokémon.

    I have high expectations of Pokémon: Salt and Pokémon: Pepper GF. HiGh ExPeCtAtIoNs!!!

    Masuda: "I believe rubbing salt into the wounds of our fans and throwing pepper at their eyes will be a great way to give them the clarity they need to understand that Pokémon games don't need Pokémon to be fun." :)


    submitted by /u/areelperson
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    Oof, RIP Leakers...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:15 PM PST

    Nintendo's on the move, my dudes. The bear has been woken, and it's annoyed. They're throwing DMCA's and copyright strikes as we speak, yanking down Twitter accounts that have been posting leaks, and slapping YouTube channels.

    Respects for the brave reporters who brought us all the news and who make a livelihood off their channels having that living threatened.

    F's in the chat, dudes. The Purge has begun!

    submitted by /u/DariusSharpe
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    People need to stop calling the consumer entitled for having standards.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:36 PM PST

    People are irate now, yes and there's probably more hatemongering right now than there will be at launch. But do you know what people need to stop saying?

    "Oh of course they couldn't do all the Pokemon/amazing graphics/open world in one game, stop being entitled."

    Hate that phrase.

    Its true, maybe they couldn't do what we thought they could. I personally think it is absolutely in the realm of reason that they could have done all the above, and cuts are the results of evil marketing tactics, but I digress. People saying "entitled" and trying to guilt trip others for having higher standards than they do, need to stop. We are the consumers - consumers drive the economy by putting money on things we consider of value for the correct price. As a consumer you can't really be in a position of entitlement, the supplier literally HAS to cater to you, or you just won't buy the product. That's how it works. The backlash is simply because the new game doesn't meet the base standards for many long time fans and that's okay.

    Don't feel guilty for voting with your wallets. If you don't want to buy it, don't. If you want to get a second hand copy because you'll get withdrawal symptoms if you don't - buy a second hand one, and also don't feel guilty for buying a copy if you do think the game it has enough value.

    submitted by /u/LittleTownOfSalem
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    Been seeing a lot of discussion about the new gen 8 designs, thought I'd try and redesigned one of the in the styles of the older gens

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:12 AM PST

    I am afraid for the Diamond and Pearl remakes

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    They are going to just be HD reskins of the games with less content than Platinum...

    No national dex

    No battle frontier (iTs a ReMaKe oF DP nOt pLaTiNuM)

    But it's ok. As long as we have gigantamax Torterra and Dialga it is fine right? Not to mention none of the new pokemon from SwSh made it in because they were just in SwSh. But don't worry! They will be in gen 9 in another two years where we get another 80ish new pokemon and another reskin of the same game again with nothing new besides whatever the new nuke button is replacing dynamax.

    submitted by /u/Torterraman
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    Dragonite should have replaced Charizard in Sword and Shield

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:25 AM PST

    Like it says on the label. Dragonite should have gone into the Galar Dex instead of our boi Charizard.

    • Giving Dragonite a Gigantamax form would make up for it being the only pre-Gen 5 pseudo-legendary that didn't get a Mega evolution in XY/ORAS (looking at you Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross and Garchomp).
    • Dragonite - an actual dragon (and the OG) - works just as well, if not better, at being the Galar region champion's knightly "boss" Pokemon... the real-world inspiration of Galar obviously being a land based on myths and legends regarding Dragons.
    • Using Dragonite instead of Charizard would have prevented further frustration directed at GameFreak et al. from Team Bulbasaur and Team Squirtle (represent!) due to being left out.

    Also compare Dragonite's almost non-existence to Charizard's appearance in supplementary materials:


    • Playable character in multiple Super Smash Bros. games (Brawl, WiiU/3DS, Ultimate)
    • Playable character in Pokken Tournament
    • Notable appearance in the Detective Pikachu film
    • Notable appearances as a ride Pokemon in USUM games and the Sun/Moon anime
    • Bonus: Already has multiple battle gimmick forms (X and Y Mega Charizard)


    • Support Pokemon in Pokken Tournament...

    What were you thinking GameFreak? Dragonite is arguably as iconic as Charizard. Charizard has had plenty of time in the spotlight over the last few years... time to share the love around!

    submitted by /u/DoubleStrength
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    I pieced together one of the leaked Pokemon

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:40 AM PST

    I put together the pieces of Runegrigus for no reason in particular. I was just bored and curious haha. Excuse my shitty editing, i'm not an artist lol


    original for comparison

    submitted by /u/llIlIlI
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    The forums are raging now, but there is even more outrage on the horizon.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Next will be when the game actually launches, and unaware buyers realize the games only have 400 pokemon.

    Then again when the Pokemon Home subscription gets announced.

    Christmas, when a new round of buyers play the games. Especially children who get it gifted.

    When Pokemon home launches, and people find out they can't transfer to Galar and their pokemon are stuck in home.

    When the Sinnoh remakes are announced, and not all Sw/Sh pokemon make it in.

    When the Sinnoh remakes launch, and they are based on D/P, not Platinum.

    As well as any and all announcements for PoGo or other pokemon spin-offs relaunching the Dexit discussion.

    Begun, the Salt Age has.

    submitted by /u/BrainIsSickToday
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    Mr. Sword and Mr. Shield

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:42 AM PST


    Game Freak's really having fun with the character deisgns.

    submitted by /u/Erens-Basement
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    New Gigantamax

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:57 AM PST


    The gigantamax for Grimmsnarl, the final form of Impidimp

    submitted by /u/blablablabber52
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    I'm British and one thing really annoys me about the dex leak...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    There's so much fucking bullshit surrounding the dex so I just want to clear some things up.

    Firstly, I'm so happy to finally see a game accurately represent my country. You have no idea how bullshit it is to not see any forms of media recognise what my beloved country is known best for, cacti and Egyptian sarcophagus. To that end, it makes me smile when I see the cactus pokemon and sarcophagus pokemon make it in.

    My country is famed for its scorching weather and rolling deserts spotted with many species of cacti. It brings a tear to my eye to see our glorious Valley of the Queen with its many pyramids finally recognised with the yamask line. I for one can't wait to dive in an explore the games version of our most famous monarchs resting place, the necropolis of King William I.

    Secondly, and I've seen this banded around a lot, I'm so fucking glad to see inaccurate, non-native bullshit like the Yorkshire terrier pokemon being cut. I'm so glad Masuda and the GF team have finally cleared up this nonsense that the Yorkshire terrier is native to Yorkshire! As if a furry fucking dog would be native to the sprawling deserts of Yorkshire!

    So well done game freak👍 you knocked it out of the park!

    Edit: I did a mistake, it should say Pharaoh William I. That's 1000 lashes of the whip for me in the afterlife.

    submitted by /u/WelshBugger
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    Please be understanding, making games, especially in 3D, is difficult

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:51 PM PST

    models already switch-ready aren't used in SwSh

    Gamefreak: Please understand, we want pokemon fit the region

    yorkshire terrier pokemon isn't in the British region

    Gamefreak: Please understand, it's for game balance

    Dexit removes counters to big threats like Ferrothorn and Toxapex, which are in

    Gamefreak: Please understand, we want the new Pokemon to shine

    Charizard gets a new giga-digivolved form and the vast majority of the others go to kantomons again

    Gamefreak: Please understand, we don't care about game quality anymore, remember to buy Pokemon Sword and Shield and Max Sword and Max Shield next year! With the doublepack, you can get 20 premier balls to catch all your favourite Pokemon which we might add in the 100 or so pokemon we tack into the dex!

    submitted by /u/BalletDuckNinja
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    I can't shake the familiarity

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST


    Since I've first seen it it's all I can think about

    submitted by /u/Jellyka
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    [SPOILERS] Famous Masters Division 2014 World Champion Sejun Park also upset at the dex cut

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:38 AM PST


    For those unaware, Sejun Park is well known in the Pokémon community for winning the 2014 VGC World Championship. Pachirisu was a member of his team and had many key moments in the face of Pokémon like Garchomp and Tyranitar. It was a historic performance by Sejun that still holds the title for the most innovative world championship Pokémon team.

    Pachirisu didn't make it into Sword and Shield.

    submitted by /u/ChargeisKill
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    What's Game Freak's favourite HM?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:59 PM PST


    Well, now I have to continue writing something in order to reach fifty words to be able to post this horrible joke. I still think Galarian Ponyta should have been Fairy type instead of Psychic, I mean, just give it an ability to cure everyone else against Poison, well, anyways, that's the least of my concerns now.

    submitted by /u/DiscoKingler
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    They did my boi dirty

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:17 AM PST

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