• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Pokémon PSA - Getting Sword/Shield but saying you're not going to enjoy it is not a boycott.

    Pokémon PSA - Getting Sword/Shield but saying you're not going to enjoy it is not a boycott.

    PSA - Getting Sword/Shield but saying you're not going to enjoy it is not a boycott.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:57 AM PST

    Obviously everyone is posting about boycott sword and shield, but not cancelling their preorders, only buying one copy, or buying used. Buying sword/shield either new/used is buying a game you claim is ruined. So.. if you plan on buying the game in some capacity, even used, again... Not really boycotting it. Also, anyone still buying sword/shield and planning to enjoy them, good for you. You should not let other people dictate your happiness.

    submitted by /u/TownOfCrown
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    In the latest smash direct, Sakurai pointed out that developing a lot of characters takes alot time, but it's important because each one has fans so it's important to add them.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:48 AM PST


    I wonder if that was a bit of shade, but I doubt it.

    submitted by /u/Joelblaze
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    Seems like we are once again spinning out of control, so don't forget:

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    You are entitled to your money.

    You are entitled to your opinion.

    You are allowed to like the game.

    You are allowed to dislike the game.

    You are allowed to participate in the boycott.

    You are allowed to not participate in the boycott.

    Regardless of your opinion on the game, you are not entitled.

    You are neither a better or a worse person for buying or not buying the game.

    You are under no obligation to put your money where your mouth is.

    There is no such thing as true fan, false fan.

    You are the customer.

    It's your money.

    We are all member of the same community. You do what you want, and let other people do what they want. Don't be mean to other people, don't gatekeep, and don't circlejerk.

    Stay hydrated fellas.

    submitted by /u/Crypt_Knight
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    Today's Smash Direct really put things into perspective.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:58 AM PST

    Sakurai says "Developing them takes a lot of time, but it's for the fans."

    He was talking about cameo character appearances for a stage background. They added 20 fully animated characters for a BACKGROUND.

    Game Freak snaps over half the dex to focus on "animations" and graphics. Yet some moves like Double Kick and Tail Whip aren't even animated. The graphics aren't good. Pokemon Stadium was more animated. Their cries still sound like screechy whatever the heck they are. Pokemon Stadium was more animated and sounded much better!

    I don't REALLY mind the missing Pokemon but don't lie to me about why.

    submitted by /u/GanondorfDownAir
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - 002

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:52 PM PST


    Day two is here and so is another day of mourning. Thank you, everyone, for your funny and heartbreaking comments!

    007 Squirtle - 009 Blastoise

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    [Spoiler] Mock-up of what the fossil pokemon could have been

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:13 AM PST


    Found this mock-up on twitter.

    Unfortunately those aren't actually in the game. Instead we only get 4 mix-and-match "existence is suffering" Pokemon.

    I understand that they were trying to go for the whole "scientists back then mixed up fossils LUL", but first off that's not even really true. Paleontologists in the past would sometimes misplace bones from an individual species within the skeleton, but they wouldn't completely mix up different species.

    Also it isn't worth padding the dex with 4 grotesque monstrosities when they could have put the actual correct Pokemon. Just because they purposely made them look terrible on purpose doesn't make it any less terrible.

    submitted by /u/hororo
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    I am so excited for the release of Sword and Shield

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:21 AM PST

    Once the games release, we will get solid proof from data miners that the models and animations are in fact copied and pasted from the 3DS games and that Game Freak had no reason to cut any Pokemon from the game, aside from greed(splitting Pokemon into multiple games to make us permanent subscribers for their "Home" service).

    I can't hear the argument anymore how hard it is for Game Freak to implement so many Pokemon when all they did was copy their previous work. It will be glorious to finally shut this argument up.

    submitted by /u/phantomimp
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    New Items and Features trailer of Pokémon Sword and Shield!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:14 AM PST

    The new trailer of Pokémon sword and shield just drops today so whaddya think about it?

    Here' the trailer btw


    submitted by /u/Playstation-Beast
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    [OC] Just a few Gigantamax Liepard ideas.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Really happy Liepard made it into Sw/Sh, so I figured I'd make some Gigantamax ideas and send them over to Game Freak.


    Please feel free to tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/Stormquake
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    In Ruby and Sapphire, it was actually impossible to get around half of the Pokemon since trading wasn't backwards compatible, but GameFreak put those Pokemon in the game's data anyway because it wasn't hard to do. Twenty years later, they aren't even willing to talk about a patch.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

    The biggest difference is that it's now easier. I know that people smarter than myself have examined GameFreak's abysmal coding for the last few games, but if this game is anything like any other game with 3D models, then I'd be willing to bet GameFreak would only need a dozen people spending a month to reuse the models and animations, then manually insert the stats, abilities, moves, and so on. Even that could be heavily optimized if someone on the team knows how to use Microsoft Excel.

    I know this is negligibly pointless complaining, but I do think this is important for every single person in the Pokemon community to understand. GameFreak not patching in the missing Pokemon is not a necessity and it is not a compromise. It is a deliberate decision, nothing more and nothing less.

    The only productive outcome I could think of is if someone with more time and passion than I have somehow organized fans to campaign Nintendo to fix GameFreak's work myself, but I wouldn't even know how to begin thinking about the actual manifestation of that idea.

    submitted by /u/IanMazgelis
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    Pokémon overestimates their children fanbase and underestimates their adult fanbase.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:24 AM PST

    The reason we're getting a watered down game is because Pokémon does not clearly know who their fanbase is. When Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald we're made the fan base was clearly children and young preteens. However as times moved on the fanbase has grown and changed immensely.

    A lot of Pokémon players are 20+ even stretching into 30+

    Unfortunately a mainline game can't be for both adults and kids, things such as game difficulty, complexity and such interfere. You either have a difficult game or an easy game.

    I feel mainline games should be marketed towards serious gamers looking for a challenge and there should be games dedicated for kids, exactly like the Let's Go series.

    Trying to mix them together is where the problems arise.

    submitted by /u/Teakmahogany
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    This isn’t just a “hardcore fan” problem. Kids are upset too.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    A lot of people keep saying that only hardcore fans on Reddit care about the cuts. I work with middle school aged children and several have expressed that they won't be getting the new games. One was extra pissed because Furret was dumped. Kids aren't as oblivious as people here seem to think. They won't just go and blindly buy these games.

    submitted by /u/raabyraab
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    A soul for a soul

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:55 AM PST


    In case you didn't know, Psyduck is Masuda's favorite Pokemon but it's not in the Galar Dex

    submitted by /u/goldenharry
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    What Pokémon has done is unacceptable and disrespectful

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PST

    Their purposeful deceit is disrespectful to the fan base. They lied to us and knew what they were doing the whole time. They had the audacity to call rice balls (onigiri or musubi) jelly donuts. To this day it is the most confusing thing I have ever experienced and as an adult I'm still not over it. I'm Japanese American, my family is from Hawaii, I've eaten musubi my entire life and they called them jelly fucking donuts. I didn't know Pokémon was Japanese or that they were localizing it; all I knew is it was wrong and unforgivable. Rice isn't even a weird food every culture eats it why did they have to lie to us. Truly a heartless corporation. Also I guess Dexit is a bit messed up.

    submitted by /u/DetectiveBaby_Legs
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    There are now no Pokemon that have been in every regional Pokedex.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:22 PM PST

    According to Bulbapedia, there were 6 Pokemon that had appeared in every regional Pokedex to date (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, New Unova, Kalos, and Alola) before Sword and Shield. These were Zubat, Golbat, Psyduck, Golduck, Magnemite, and Magneton. None appear in the Galar Dex. Not the most relevant information, but it is strangely sad nonetheless. Also, who knew that losing ZUBAT of all Pokemon would feel this bad. This sucks.

    submitted by /u/dsn903
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    [OC] Took a stab at redesigning one of the more controversial leaked Gen 8 designs

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:14 AM PST

    There's something that's really bothering me about dexit

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:32 AM PST

    So, I'm one of those people that's less hurt by dexit in and of itself and more by the fact that we seemingly aren't getting much to compensate in terms of content

    However, you know what I find really annoying? The fact that the returning pokémon are exactly 400.

    Why's that an issue? Well because I distinctly remember phrases like "we're working hard to bring as many pokémon in as we can", yeah, that was a f****** lie.

    Unless this is a very unlikely coincidence, with a number like 400 it's pretty clear that they decided an arbitrary number a long while ago and didn't even try to do more

    submitted by /u/X-Vidar
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    GameStop PreOrders Are Low

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    I'm not sure how much this has been discussed over the past few days, but I did read a comment from someone on here claiming that GameStop's preorders for SwSh are really low. So I reached out to a friend of mine who's a manager at a local GS to ask him if that was true. He confirmed that not only is it true that presales are low, but also that Nintendo has been really pressuring GameStop and other companies to really push presales of these games because they're so far below their target numbers. So, we're making a difference. At least to some extent.

    submitted by /u/sammysimplicity
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    I make pokemon papercraft! My most recent endeavor was Zekrom! (more in comments)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    What I'm really upset about it Masuda's attitude towards long time fans

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    I do really like how the new games look so far, and I do like what I've seen so far of the new character designs. And I could even live with them not including all the pokemon (I'm assuming they'll introduce a feature in HOME or otherwise later on that involves all your pokemon)

    But what really upsets me is just how much they don't listen to feedback from their long term fans. I get wanting to appeal to the primary audience of pokemon that is children, and not wanting to expend the effort to put things in the game that aren't used by most players. But using that as an excuse to not make a substantial post-game is laughable

    With the massive amount of controversy surrounding this, I'd be surprised if they don't backpedal and include a national dex in some form. For sword and shield though, my expectations right now are that it's just going to be like a more polished version of Sun/Moon; following exactly the same formula but without pokebank. I hope I'm proved wrong though

    submitted by /u/Memekip
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    Pokerap, but all culled pokemon are removed

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST

    More stats and moves leaks

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:37 AM PST

    Am I wrong for still wanting to buy and play Sword and Shield?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    I know there's a lot of negative comments about the game and I completely understand where the people are coming from. However, this will be my first Pokémon game to own and play since like 3rd generation. I am kinda bummed that there will be a lot of past Pokémon that aren't making it into the game, but I am still looking forward to playing it. I'm sure I can't be the only one.

    submitted by /u/thedean246
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    Long Boy Down, I Repeat, Long Boy Down

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:01 AM PST

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