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    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    Pokémon I updated the new Anime poster

    Pokémon I updated the new Anime poster

    I updated the new Anime poster

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:12 AM PST

    Dexit visualized (spoilers)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:15 AM PST

    To the people who believe that Game Freak will add the missing Pokemon with updates

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    You seem to have forgotten that Game Freak faced a huge backlash more than 5 years ago when they refused to update Pokemon X/Y with the new Megas from ORAS.


    The point I made 5 years ago still stands. It won't happen, ever. You want to use other/newer Pokemon? Then buy another game. Game Freak is not your friend. They won't do you any favor. All they care about is your money.

    submitted by /u/phantomimp
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    God is dead, they killed them

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST

    You fell for the ol' rock trick

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:54 AM PST

    Look at this goofy ass looking sudowoodo https://imgur.com/gallery/GAFQk8S

    submitted by /u/Yorlon01
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 3

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:05 PM PST


    tl;dr - be kind, the title is a goof, thanks for all the positivity

    Just for anyone who didn't get the title was satire - no, I don't think Dexit will be reversed by doing this. I will post under Meme / Venting now to make that more apparent. This was meant to be a positive venture and I'm very sorry it has rubbed you the wrong way.

    I'll also do an album with everyone in it as soon as I figure out how and link that in all future posts.

    Would people rather this go in National Dex order (my original plan) or would it be more interesting if I chose a random family each day so we get a variety of different Gens? Keen to hear your thoughts!

    Lastly, thanks to everyone for sharing stories about their memories of their Pokemon adventures and jokes. I have read every comment (not sure how long I'll be able to do that for!) Y'all are brilliant people.

    013 Weedle - 015 Beedrill

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    "There's more then one Pokemon Center!?"

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:05 PM PST

    So I'm sitting venting to my roommate about the new Pokemon games, he does not follow it and has not played since Gen 3 (ah.... the good old days).

    He's looking at this Gen 1 map I have on my wall, seeing if he can remember the names of the towns, pokemon, etc.

    As I'm venting and he's pointing out Pokemon he asks me, "Hey, which building is the Pokemon Center?" To which I reply, "The red one...?" I was kind of confused about the question since it's so clear to me, and I thought it would be to him since he had played up to RSE, but I brushed it off. After analyzing the map he turns to me and goes, "ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT THERE IS A POKEMON CENTER IN EVERY TOWN!?" I go "YES! What did you do?"

    "I went to the same one... every time..."

    I burst into laughter and wanted to post here to try to make everyone feel better regarding the whole gen 8 debaucle :)

    submitted by /u/flynncollin
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    For those wondering about the Japanese fanbase reaction

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

    This is the top comment written by a Japanese fan from the Nintendo Treehouse presentation of Pokemon Sw/Sh, when Masuda revealed the Pokedex cuts. I thought some people might like to see it.

    If what they say is true, then people in Japan seem to be having the same misgivings as the English-speaking community, and it's not a recent thing. I have seen some other translations of Japanese negative opinions about the games on here recently too.

    People here in Japan are very angry about this also. I am not speaking for everyone in Japan, but a lot of other Japanese people on the internet seem to be upset about Gamefreak removing Pokemon. It is not just westerners that are concerned. This is a huge deal for two reasons, the first reason is that in Japan we are rarely vocal about our opinions because we don't like to start conflict. If we are very passionate about something and tell people our opinion publicly, it must be very important. Pokemon is a very popular video game series in Japan and a lot of people care about it. We want Gamefreak and Nintendo to put as much effort into these games as they can to make it the best quality game it can be.

    They could have definitely added all of the Pokemon and had no real reason to cut them. The Switch can definitely handle 1000+ Pokemon models, it is much more powerful than the 3ds and that could handle 800+ Pokemon plus their walking/running animations. They already had every old Pokemon model from Sun and Moon to use and just had to update it graphic wise. Plus they already had the 151 Kanto models finished in Let's Go.

    They could have put Sword & Shield as a priority and had the best team working on the game but they didn't, instead they side lined Pokemon in favor of a new game and had their secondary team developing Pokemon. They didn't hire enough people to work on the game and treated it like it wasn't important.

    The second reason this is a problem, is that when they realized they weren't going to have enough time to update every Pokemon model and put it into the game, they chose not to hire more people and do it. Instead they came up with an unconvincing excuse all so that they wouldn't have to spend any extra time, money, or effort into developing the game. They figured they could get away with cutting content because they figured people would buy the game no matter what terrible decisions they make. They think saving money is more important than making a great game.

    I am not saying everything about these games is bad. I am not blaming the developers, they did the best they could being understaffed and rushed for time. I think Sword and Shield had the potential to be great games with some really good new features. Unfortunately due to bad choices and response to fans, that potential was damaged. But I am disappointed with the direction Gamefreak has been going with the Pokemon games recently and this terrible policy. If you don't care about anything Gamefreak does and want to buy Pokemon games anyway that is fine. I am just saying my concerns and other people's for the future of Pokemon. I also hope people don't threaten to harm Masuda Junichi or any other higher member Gamefreak and the Pokemon company.

    Corporate greed is one of the biggest issues people have with this whole thing. It is a major problem with a lot of big companies. Gamefreak is planning on cutting a ton of Pokemon that people love from their future games because they don't want to bother hiring more people or spending more time and money to make the games fun for everyone. It's about more than just the fact that they are not including all of the Pokemon.

    Gamefreak has been prioritising other games over Pokemon for a while now and have not been putting nearly enough effort into recent games. They have been making games with unfinished areas like the train station in X and Y or no post game. They have started handing out legendary and mythical Pokemon as gifts instead of introducing them through in-game events that allow us to catch them in a new area of the game and add to their lore.

    And sometimes they add extra things in a version two of the game but we shouldn't have to pay for a whole other game just so we can get a finished version. But it seems like for every step forward they take another two steps back. Some people are pretending not to notice these these things and are still looking through rose colored glasses (I hope I used that English phrase right). I understand that people want to see the best in all Pokemon games but in reality the games have some large flaws and arent perfect. The problem with that is that it allows Gamefreak to get way with almost anything, that is partially why there was a drop in quality. People criticize certain parts of a game because they want them to be fixed in the next game. The other reason for some parts of the games being unfinished is that they are very persistent with yearly releases.

    They don't listen to their fans for the most part and that has to change. Pokemon is an important franchise that deserves a super high quality game with a ton of time and effort like Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey. The semi-open world areas of Sword & Shield is a good idea and the Pokemon in the over-world is a great new feature. But at the same time they got rid if very popular and creative things like Mega Evolution in favor of one time gimmicks. And if you like those gimmicks that is fine, but it shows that they are not listening to what the majority of fans want.

    And now they are giving us an unfinished product that has even less than their 3ds games did. That is not acceptable and that is the biggest problem, Nintendo and Gamefreak as a company think it is okay to put less effort into Pokemon games because we will buy them any way. People want to let them know that we are tired of our favorite games being set to the side . We want them to prioritize Pokemon for once. Sword & Shield deserve to be the best quality Pokemon games they can be. ありがとうございます

    (Someone said I should put this on a website called Reddit, I am a guy in Japan, so I can't use English websites. Well I guess I could try to search it but I don't want to make an account on an English site I wouldnt use. Anyone reading this can put this on that site or any other discussion site and add their own points if they want.)

    Link: https://youtu.be/TmWu-f6L0Mo

    submitted by /u/Samson2557
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    Dammit Charizard, you were suppose to destroy DEXIT, not join them!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:22 AM PST


    Came up with this after being inspired by another post, I just couldn't resist combining Star Wars with this controversy...

    submitted by /u/heylookasign
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    Pokemon Sword and Shield are currently #1 and #2 on Amazon’s best sellers list for the Switch.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:25 AM PST


    This is why Game Freak has become what it has become. They can put out a half-assed game and the general consumer will eat it up. It's a shame.

    submitted by /u/kthebakerman
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    Moving to Galar

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:13 AM PST

    [SPOILERS] Scorbunny is the cool kid who peaked in middle school.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:29 AM PST

    Based on the starters and their evolutions:

    Scorbunny line is the cool kid who peaked in middle school, but stayed a teenager in an adult's body.

    Sobble line is the shy kid who became a confident high-functioning adult.

    Grookey line is the chill fun kid, friends with everyone, who went through life just staying himself.

    submitted by /u/JakiStow
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    [Spoiler][OC] Protecc the smol. After last night's awesome response to my painting I painted another illustration of my two favourite leaked mons so far.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PST


    Snom and Clobbopus!

    This started off as a small sketch of just Clobbopus and Snom, however I really wanted to expand the narrative of Clobbopus going above and beyond to protect our smol bundle of joy.

    I hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/Fenixpunk
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    New Obstagoon Signature Move

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:47 AM PST

    You know what sucks? I no longer see a point in playing my previous Gen Pokemon games.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:16 AM PST

    As a long time lurker of this sub, I'd like to start off by saying that I'm just a fan of the Pokémon series as most people here. I'm not a hardcore fan like some, nor do I consider myself a hardcore player or casual player (somewhere in the middle I suppose, I play competitively on the odd occasion), and I have always found enjoyment playing the old Pokémon games for the better half of my childhood, and now adulthood. I grew up playing Pokémon, and it's a franchise that I hold dearly to my heart. But as it stands now, I no longer see a reason to touch any of my old games and it makes me quite sad.

    Over the years I've been accumulating my Pokémon collection, buying every legit series cartridge (not fake ones) and the original systems they were released on (Gameboy Advance, SP, Nintendo DS, 3DS, GB Colour) trying to capture my childhood memories in hopes that one day, if or when I have kids, I could pass my games on to them and watch them hopefully enjoy the games as I once did. As a side project that I've been working on for about 2 years now, I had the intention to catch every Pokémon (in a Poke Ball mind you) from its dedicated region (Pidgeot from Kanto, Starraptor from Sinnoh etc), get them to 100 and then finally transfer it to my Pokémon bank where I would have a full legitimate Pokedex, a long life goal of mine and then I could reset each game again and play them for the sheer enjoyment of what they were.

    But now, as it stands, I have no reason to play my games, nor do I want to, or even want to attempt to finish that project in the near future. That feeling of knowing that I can't send my Pokémon, the creatures that I've but blood, sweat, tears and frustration to collecting, to future games puts me off playing any single game for more than 5minutes, turning off my system and putting it back on the shelf.

    I am seriously questing GF's decision in cutting half of the Dex "because of limitations". If they had any decency, they should've held off releasing the game until they had the National Dex sorted. They've done it for the past 10 years so why stop now? Transferring Gen 3 -> Gen 4 was clunky as all hell but it worked. Sure someone might say it's a choice, but playing them now knowing GF's decision just puts me off playing them. And it makes me disappointed. This year has been a shit show for companies that I've enjoyed over the years, Blizzard, Bethesda, and now GF's on that list too. I think the one thing I would tell my kids if they do ever play those games is "so that Mudkip you love so much?, he can't come with you to the current game, you have to leave him behind and find a new one".

    Long time fan that's spent years playing Pokémon, collecting games and pokemon over the years is now questioning GF's decision making.

    submitted by /u/Anon4783
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    Finally decided not to play..

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:58 AM PST

    This is the first time I've cancelled a pre order for any Pokemon game. I remember back in 1998 when I begged my mother to get me red and blue. She did. I've bought every game since then. At first I didn't really care for the national dex missing, but when I finally broke down and looked at the leaks. It was a blood bath. None of my favorites made it. At that point I realized that my favorite nay never be another main Pokémon game that has my favorite all together. Hopefully there is enough of a backlash in the west and japan that they listen.

    I also hope those that buy the game do enjoy it. I hope we see some good fan art also from the players who bought it.


    Note: when I went and cancelled my pre order the manager did say a lot of people have been cancelling since the leak came out.

    submitted by /u/Gamer_liko
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    This is so sad

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:53 AM PST

    Deep link between something and something, hoenn

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:36 AM PST

    I've been trying to find out what that dialogue does, from this memehttps://i.imgur.com/PcJbqgC.jpg

    submitted by /u/jaleCro
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    Even worker's at Game Freak ain't feeling it about Sword/Shield.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:04 AM PST

    Some other Pokemon also cry in support of the culled families

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:33 AM PST

    Here it the Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree family.

    Obviously, they're sad that their fellow bee friends won't make it into the game.

    And the reason I didn't make Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard is because of this monstrosity!

    FYI I won't be making all of them. Just wanted to see my favorite green bugs in a similar form because I prefer them to the bees.

    submitted by /u/LeonInJapan
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    Since all of the pokemon have moving animations in the wild, this would be the perfect game to have pokemon following you return.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Since we had to cut so much for who knows what, this would be a great addition to these games.

    All of the pokemon have full body moving animations in the wild when you encounter them. So would it be so hard to have those animations follow you after you catch them?

    I think it's something that could at least make these games more tolerable and give a tiny excuse as to the reason for dexit.

    submitted by /u/MajorasMuppet
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    I would lie, cheat, steal, kill, and die for this sweet bean.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    I love him so much

    The morning of Nov. 15 I will be making another post to petition the mods for a Snom flair. I need my sweet bean with me in every post and comment I make.

    submitted by /u/Dzfjkjer
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    [OC] Game Freak Executes Order 66

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST


    Rest in peace all 489 cut Pokemon, you won't be forgotten.

    Edit: Thanks for the silver!

    Edit: Thanks for the gold!

    submitted by /u/HMS3
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    (OC) I drew a disappointed Ludicolo

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

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