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    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 04 November 2019

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 04 November 2019

    [Weekly Questions Thread] 04 November 2019

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:07 AM PST

    Have any questions about Pokémon that you'd like answered?

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The disconnect between Game Freak and the Pokémon fanbase is clear

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:39 AM PST

    We all know that the National Dex situation is a very touchy subject right now, especially with the leaks revealing there is only 400 Pokémon in the game alltogether, however, looking at the whole thing, this, for a lot of people, is the straw that broke the Camel's back, but it's just one of many complaints that Game Freak have ignored.

    First of all, setting aside that nobody really likes or would benefit from the National Dex being cut whatsoever, it's baffling how much is excluded, and also who is excluded. Some Pokémon that make logical sense, like Lillipup, which is based on, and even named after in Japan, the Yorkshire Terrier, aren't in the game, despite being based on a British Dog.

    But this is where the most apparent ignorance lies. Back in 2016, there was a poll in Japan to see what fan's favourite Pokémon were. Out of the top 100, only 23 Pokémon were included in Sw/Sh.

    Another addition that seems to go against fan wishes is the 'always on EXP Share' feature. The EXP Share has now, for six years, been complained about due to it being too good, basically broken. Many fans often turn it off until post game grinding, or don't even use it at all. However, despite this, Game Freak decided to make it baked in to Sw/Sh with supposedly no way of turning it off.

    An often talked about point of Game Freak not listening to their fans whatsoever is the Battle Frontier. Junichi Masuda has famously said that the team didn't include a Battle Frontier in the Hoenn remakes because 'fans wouldn't be interested in it' and that 'most people today prefer phone games' so 'games that are challenging aren't interesting to people anymore'. This, ofcourse, made many people angry, logically. As not only is it removing a feature that was entirely optional that many people liked, but also removing a feature for an absolutely baffling reason.

    Given that Sw/Sh is on the Switch, and a lot of big Nintendo (And even some non Nintendo) games have made specific changes to their games specifically to appeal to fans, such as Smash bringing back every character and almost every stage, or Mario Odyssey being the 3D experience Mario fans have waited almost 10 years for, or Breath of the Wild being a new spin on the classic Zelda format while taking well recieved concepts from super popular games like Minecraft, Skyrim and Terraria, it's utterly bizarre why Game Freak's choices seem to benefit very few people in terms of game design.

    submitted by /u/11Slimeade11
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    We deserve better. Pokémon deserves better.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:13 AM PST

    I feel like this really just needed to be put out. So as you should all know sword and shield will only have 400 Pokémon. Not the 600+ that was faked by a 4chan troll. We lost 60% of our Pokémon. Missing 50% of the amount of Pokémon the last game gave us. There's a 60% chance your favorite Pokémon is not even in the game. Do you like starters? Too bad. There are no starters from any gen returning except charizard. Salamance? Sandshrew? Ampharos? GARCHOMP? Nope. And the list goes on. They did not account for favorites. I lost mine and a few others that I really love. Lilligant, spinda and lopunny.

    You know what other game came close to 400 Pokémon? Ruby and sapphire at 386 Pokémon released all the way back in 2003.

    As far as getting more content to make up, according to the leaker the gameplay is average length as any other Pokémon game. The endgame took 2 hours and then it was just a battle tower after. Basically standard of any Pokémon game. We are loosing so much that I really don't think we are gaining much from. Yet we are getting charged 50% more then any other game despite getting less.

    It really feels like we are going backwards in a big way, and gamefreak just doesn't care, because they know people will buy it regardless. It really makes sense why they kept so quiet to get people to buy before they realize just how many they cut. I'm just really disappointed and think we deserve better than this. Pokémon is one of the most successful ips in the world. This is not a indie company that doesn't have the resources to give us both our Pokémon and our content simultaneously.

    submitted by /u/Angel_of_Mischief
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    Leaker is currently saying what mons are and aren't in the game on 4chan (spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:03 AM PST

    The leaker is currently saying what mons are and what aren't in the game. He's still going so I'll update as he posts. He also mentions that some of these may be out of order as to their actual placement in the Dex.

    1-3 Grookey Line

    4 to 6 scorbunny line

    7 to 9 sobble line

    10 to 12 blipbug line

    13 to 15 caterpie line

    16 to 18 grubbin line

    19 to 20 hoothoot line

    21 to 23 rookidee line

    24 to 25 skwovet line

    26 to 28 pidove line

    29 to 30 nickit line

    31 to 33 (galar) zigzagoon line

    34 to 35 wooloo line

    36 to 38 lotad line

    39 to 41 seedot line

    42 to 43 chewtle line

    44 to 45 purrloin line

    46 to 47 yamper line

    48 to 49 bunnelby line

    50 to 51 minccino line

    52 to 54 bounsweet line

    55 to 58 oddish line

    59 to 61 budew line

    62 to 63 wingull line

    64 to 65 joltik line

    66 to 67 electrike line

    68 to 69 vulpix line

    70 to 71 arcanine line

    72 to 74 vanilluxe line

    75 to 77 swinub line

    78 delibird

    79 to 81 snorunt line

    82 to 83 baltoy line

    84 to 85 mudbray line

    86 to 87 dwebble line

    88 to 89 golett line

    90 to 91 munna line

    92 to 93 natu line

    94 to 95 stufful line

    96 to 97 snover line

    98 to 99 krabby line

    100 to 101 wooper line

    102 to 103 corphish line

    104 to 106 nincada line

    107 to 110 tyrogue line

    111 to 112 pancham line

    113 to 115 klink line

    116 to 117 combee line

    118 to 119 bronzor line

    120 to 123 ralts line

    124 to 125 drifloon line

    126 to 127 gossifleur line

    128 to 129 cherubi line

    130 to 131 stunky line

    132 to 134 tympole line

    135 to 137 duskull line

    138 to 140 machop line

    141 to 143 gastly line

    144 to 145 magikarp line

    146 to 147 seaking line

    148 to 149 octillery line

    150 to 151 shellder line

    152 to 153 feebas line

    154 basculin

    155 wishiwashi

    156 pyukumuku

    157 to 158 trubbish line

    159 to 160 sizzlipede line

    161 to 163 rolycoly line

    164 to 165 diglett line

    166 to 167 drilbur line

    168 to 170 roggenrola line

    171 to 173 timburr line

    174 to 175 woobat line

    176 to 177 noibat line

    178 to 179 onix line

    180 to 181 arrokuda line

    182 to 183 (galar) meowth line

    184 persian

    185 to 186 milcery line

    187 to 188 cutiefly line

    189 to 190 ferroseed line

    191 to 192 pumpkaboo line

    193 to 195 pikachu line

    196 to 204 eevee line (no new)

    205 applin

    206 ? (flapple? not seen)

    207 appletun

    208 to 209 espurr line

    210 to 211 swirlix line

    212 to 213 spritzee line

    214 to 215 dewpider line

    216 to 217 wynaut line

    218 to 219 (galar) farfetch'd line

    220 to 221 chinchou line

    222 to 223 croagunk line

    224 to 225 scraggy line

    226 (galar) stunfisk

    227 shuckle

    228 to 229 barboach line

    230 to 231 shellos line

    232 to 233 wimpod line

    234 to 235 binacle line

    236 to 237 (galar) corsola line

    238 to 240 impidimp line

    241 to 243 hattena line

    244 to 245 salazzle line

    246 to 247 pawniard line

    248 throh

    249 sawk

    250 koffing (not galar)

    251 (galar) weezing

    252 to 253 bonsly line

    254 to 256 cleffa line

    257 to 259 togepi line

    260 to 261 snorlax line

    262 to 263 cottonee line

    264 to 266 rhyhorn line

    267 to 269 ? (probably gothorita line but not seen)

    270 to 272 solosis line

    273 to 276 karrablast and shelmet lines

    277 to 278 elgyem line

    269 to 280 cubchoo line

    281 to 282 rufflet line

    283 to 284 vullaby line

    285 to 286 skorupi line

    287 to 289 litwick line

    290 to 291 inkay line

    292 to 293 sneasel line

    294 sableye

    295 mawile

    296 maractus

    297 sigilyph

    298 to 299 riolu line

    301 mimikyu

    302 to 303 cufant line

    304 qwilfish

    305 to 306 frillish line

    307 to 308 mareanie line

    309 cramorant

    310 to 311 toxel line

    312 to 313 silicobra line

    314 to 315 hippopotas line

    316 durant

    317 heatmor

    318 to 319 helioptile line

    320 ?

    321 trapinch line

    324 to 326 axew line

    327 (galar) yamask

    328 ? (not evolved my yamask)

    329 cofagrigus

    330 to 332 honedge line

    333 to 334 (galar) ponyta line

    335 to 336 sinistea line

    337 indeedee

    338 to 339 phantump line

    340 to 341 morelull line

    342 organguru

    343 ? (probably passimian)

    344 morpeko

    345 falinks

    346 drampa

    347 turtonator

    348 togedamaru

    349 to 350 snom line

    351 to 352 clobbopus line

    353 pinchurchin

    354 to 355 mantyke line

    356 to 347 wailmer line

    358 to 359 bergmite line

    360 ?

    361 lapras

    362 lunatone

    363 ? (probably solrock)

    364 mime jr

    365 to 366 (galar) mr mine line

    367 to 368 ? (probably galar darumaka line)

    369 stonjourner

    370 eiscue

    371 duraludon

    372 rotom

    373 ditto

    374 to 377 fossils

    378 to 380 charmander line

    381 to 382 type null line

    383 to 385 larvitar line

    386 to 388 ?

    389 to 391 goomy line

    392 to 394 jangmo-o line

    395 to 397 dreepy line

    398 zacian

    399 zamazenta

    400 eternatus

    Leaker forgot about Galar Yamask. I will post a picture Shortly. It's Ghost/Ground

    Galar Yamask Ghost/Ground https://imgur.com/gallery/qSNkcST

    submitted by /u/oil7892
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    Returning mons in the Galar Dex visualised

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:00 AM PST

    Credit to an anon on 4chan: https://i.imgur.com/gT0F4A8.png

    EDIT: Also, post-game dex has been disproven by the SwSh leaker. Galar Dex should be 400 mons only

    EDIT2: Talonflame line is in. Anon seems to have missed that line.

    submitted by /u/replicaaaaa
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    Can we appreciate how good were Heart Gold and Soul Silver remakes?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:02 AM PST

    It had two regions (Johto and Kanto). Had ton of great features like Battle Tower, Pokeathlon and customizable Safari Zone. The new gym redesings were awesome. Bug catching contest was great. Pokewalker was great too, Pokemon followed you (each had it's own sprite even the shiny variants!). It had Pokemon from Gen 1 to Gen 4 so 493 Pokemon to catch and evolve.

    submitted by /u/gamegenie94
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    People said half was an exaggeration for the amount cut. Turns out over half of the previous roster was cut

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:08 AM PST

    All my favorites were cut, along with I'm sure many others. Congrats to the luckier people though! Honestly, while I made Thanos jokes and was angry about Dexit, I didn't actually think half would be cut but it was worse than we thought. It doesn't appear there was any significant reason for the sacrifice but over half are gone

    submitted by /u/Zipper_ManTM
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    Are people going to finally acknowledge that GameFreak is driven by greed and should be held accountable?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    Let me preface this by saying: Get your "gAmErZ RiSe Up" out of your system. Consumers are allowed to criticize companies for underhanded business tactics.

    GF knew that they were cutting the dex by over half and refused to address how many mons would be cut while still booking pre-orders. They have been tight-lipped not because they want to "spoil" the new pokemon but because they knew that cutting the dex this much would be PR suicide. So are people going to hold them accountable, or are people just going to continue giving the company a pass?

    It seems to me that we should be letting other purchasers know just how much content has been cut from the game. It's unconscionable that GF has tried to keep this under wraps to prevent a hemorrhaging of sales.

    submitted by /u/Helenkellersbutthole
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    If you feel cheated or wrong, or otherwise dislike the direction Pokémon has taken...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:21 AM PST

    Don't buy the game.

    You're consumers, vote with your wallet. You're entitled to like or dislike a company's product and nothing anyone says or posts in Reddit wil speak louder than the sales you provide or withhold. To Gamefreak, like any other company, nothing else matters. If you look forward to Pokémon Sword & Shield, buy a copy, maybe two. If you don't, then don't buy the game and spend your time and energy on games you feel are more deserving of your support.

    At the end of the day, it's your choice and your right to like or dislike a product and it's nobody else's business. However you feel about Pokémon Sword & Shield, the only course of action that matters is what you do with your money.

    submitted by /u/FlamerBreaker
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    Multiple forms for new Galarian Variant (spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:44 AM PST

    With all the hate on the cut of the Dex, we should not forget that we got over 100 curry recipes.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    Not to forget a nice curry dex to keep track of our curry skills. Thank you very much Gamefreak and Masuda-san. We would have no time to catch so many Pokemon anyway, since we obviously will complete the curry dex with all its curry variants.

    When a door closes, another opens.

    submitted by /u/xBsh3rx
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    400 Pokemon is a joke

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Gamefreak are you serious? That's less than HALF of all Pokemon. I expected at least 600. 2011 released 3ds has 900+ Pokemon yet the newest Nintendo home console only 400? That's embarrassing as hell for the biggest media franchise company. Such a shame because the new Pokemon designs are so awesome

    submitted by /u/TheRealWaterDragon
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    New regional evolution (Spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:53 AM PST

    It's not about the small Pokedex

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PST

    I'm so tired of the damn fanboys here blindly defending GF and bashing anyone who has a problem with the games and decides not to get them. Stop acting like people's reasons for being upset are invalid.

    400 Pokemon out of 900+ is nothing, but it's the reasoning behind it. GameFreak had stated they cut the National Dex in order to improve in other areas like animations.


    As has been shown time and time again, battle animations hardly look any different than the 3DS games. The wild area looks empty and lifeless with 3DS-level visuals.

    According to the leaks there is basically no post-game, much like XY.

    This is a CONSOLE game. Tell me again how a 2019 console game can be justified cutting more than half the Pokemon while claiming it's to improve in other areas of the game, when those improvements are nonexistent.

    If you can honestly say that you don't care about the cut Pokemon, the crappy visuals and animations, the lack of a post-game, then by all means go ahead and enjoy the game. But stop trying to invalidate or bash anyone that is unhappy enough with those things to the point of not buying it. Get over yourselves.

    Edit: Also, I'm sure most of us aren't asking or expecting to have every single Pokemon roaming around the world. But just the option to be able to transfer them into the game would be nice especially considering how few we actually got.

    Edit edit: To clarify, the biggest issue for me is their claim that this was all to focus on improving other features, but that was clearly a lie given what we've seen of the animations and visuals, the wild area, and what has been leaked about the post-game or lackthereof.

    submitted by /u/TheThrowaway343434
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    [OC] News on the game more like

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:43 AM PST

    They're missing the point with Eevee

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:35 AM PST

    With the leaks all but confirming there will be no new eeveelution in the upcoming games I'm starting to think the pokemon company doesn't understand why eevee was popular. I feel like Eevee was popular because it can evolve into multiple different pokemon and there's a possibility that we could get a new eeveelution with a new game. Now it seems like they're wanting to focus the attention on Eevee itself and not the evolution part of it. See Eevee getting it's own Z move in Gen 7 and a gigantamax form in the new games instead of new eeveelutions. I'm concerned that we'll never get another eeveelution at this point.

    submitted by /u/ngw8070
    [link] [comments]

    So this is why GF decided to "slow the stream of information."

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:59 AM PST

    They cut over half of the old pokemon, gave the games an average amount of content (plus ONLY a short postgame ep + battle tower, wtf), and the new designs are pretty...unorthodox to say the least.

    What really bugs me is the raise in price to $60 and the consistent lying by GF. Not only for their reasons to cut pokemon, but withholding info to "keep a sense of mystery" about the games? This is like EA saying they want their players to feel a "sense of pride and accomplishment."

    Why is everyone ok with this? How can people still belligerently defend GF after these kinds of tactics? I just don't get it.

    submitted by /u/intergalacticoh
    [link] [comments]

    [SPOILERS] The Dex leaks make it clear that Sinnoh is coming.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:50 AM PST

    No Pokemon from Sinnoh got a new form. There are lots of Gen V and VI Pokemon in the final Dex, but it excludes a lot of Gen IV Pokemon, including fan favorites like Garchomp.

    There are also several iconic Gen 1 mons like Zubat and Geodude missing, which you'd find in Sinnoh (a bit of a stretch, but still...)

    Should this mean something?

    ...though, indeed, I'm worried that Game Freak will disappoint yet again.

    submitted by /u/kfs520
    [link] [comments]

    My boy finneon

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:03 AM PST

    [Spoiler] All Galar Pokemon with leaks and types as of Nov 4

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:25 AM PST


    There are 98 new Pokemon in total including regional forms at this point. It also seems like most Galar Pokemon have been leaked/released at this point.

    submitted by /u/Erens-Basement
    [link] [comments]

    [SPOILERS] Goodbye Old Friend.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [spoiler]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:40 AM PST

    A certain Pokemon seen as an ornament, but can't be found on Galar dex.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:21 AM PST

    From someone who is still excited for the games - I'm genuinely sorry for all of the cuts.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:25 AM PST

    I've been a fan of the series since the height of the craze and even now, Dexit doesn't much bother me. I like a lot of the new designs and I'm looking forward to using Pokemon I frankly never would have before.

    But I understand how much not having access to your favourites can be. I'm fairly fortunate - a lot of mine are in and some of the Gen 8 'mons have rapidly become favourites - but a lot of you aren't. I have to admit that for all I understand why they cut the 'dex that it was handled so poorly from a PR perspective that any chance of it being spun as anything other than a negative are gone.

    I can't say I'm not going to buy the games, because I am. I'm looking forward to them. But that doesn't mean I am not critical of how they handled their decisions, nor am I going to look down on anyone who decides not to after the reveal of only 400 returning 'mons.

    Have a good day, everyone.

    submitted by /u/WisemanMutie
    [link] [comments]

    [Spoiler] Galarian ******

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:30 AM PST




    Regional Evolution


    submitted by /u/carlpamplona
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    I cannot believe they've done this. My expectations were low but WOW

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:22 PM PST


    Charmander in the Pokédex.

    No Bulbasaur line before it.


    Edit: This is basically 100% confirmed now. Not being added in the post game. But, hey, neither are any of the other starters. No one even likes Crobat or Luxray, right?

    submitted by /u/RokanPohan
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