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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Pokémon I have been playing since Gen 1’s release and have watched every single generation since been called terrible designs

    Pokémon I have been playing since Gen 1’s release and have watched every single generation since been called terrible designs

    I have been playing since Gen 1’s release and have watched every single generation since been called terrible designs

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    " They all look like digimon. They're not monster enough. Stop making inanimate objects into Pokémon."

    Every single time a new generation gets initially leaked I hear it called the worst designed generation.

    Just know that this hatred you feel is likely temporary. Give it 3 years and you'll be over it. Give it 10 years and you'll be nostalgic for it. Give it 17 years and you'll be asking for a remake of this game.

    Then when Gen 10/11 happens, you'll see the kids who grew up playing sword and shield say that the newest Gen looks like the worst designed Gen and you'll start to see the pattern.

    Except Gen 4, gross.

    submitted by /u/BroItsLogan
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    Unpopular Opinion: I enjoy the designs we’ve seen.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:09 AM PDT

    Anyone else feel similarly? Obviously there's a couple of duds, but I'm really enjoying the snakes, the foxes, the centipede and most gigantamax designs!

    Most controversially, I actually quite enjoy Intelleon, barring its monotyping. I feel quite happy that the shy meek sobble really grows into its own as a confident being and it looks sleek like a spy. I understand people have issues with the anthropomorphism, but personally it doesn't bother me.

    I decided to make this as there was a lot of negativity, so I ask, what's your favourite new Pokemon leaked? Mine is the centipede.

    submitted by /u/Hater9
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    the problem with leaks is that a 3d model sprite isn't always a good first impression to like a design.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    as much as everyone of us would like to think themselves as unbiased and objective, we all get easily influenced by our very first thought and impression about something. when leaks happen, that's not how the pokemon are intended to be experienced, what you are seeing is not a clean well drawn artwork, a battle animation and all the personality it gives to you. you see a cold, pixelates 3d model and let's be honest, while old school 2d sprites had their charm, the 3d sprites you see on the pokedext are way worse. now things change when you see the pokemon moving, expressing it's design and personality in battle.

    I remember many people changing their mind about incineroar once they saw how he was animated and behaved in battle

    I personally hated Greninja when I first saw it on a screenshot when the game was leaked and now he's one of my favourite starter.

    let's be clear, I'm not saying that you may have a completely different opinion once you officially see the starters and I can't have the entitlement to say "STOP BEING BIASED" because that's dumb, I for one am not currently happy with intellion (but I never really liked sobble to begin with) but I am generally pleased with grookey's final and indifferent to scorbunny's (sad because the bunny was my favourite of the 3)

    having said that I am open minded to have their design grow on me how many other pokemon grew on me in the past, I think the best designs are the ones that you start to gradually like the more you see them, I rarely have as my favourite pokemon designs that we're so boringly cool that I instantly loved at the very first second.

    sorry y'all for this dumb discussion but hopefully something positive can be lifted out of it, hope you have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/delgalessio
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    I've been thinking about it a lot leading up to release, trying my best to see both sides, and I honestly believe Game Freak's flack is justified in the end

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    I'm not going to give my opinions on any game design decisions. This is from a business operating perspective.

    When you make a decision that causes your game to become the most hated at E3...
    When a lot of your trailers' like/dislike bars look like lightsabers...
    When most of your promotional material on the Nintendo Switch Facebook page is topped with angry reacts...
    When you say you did something to justify a cut feature and all your trailers say otherwise...

    That is NOT a fanbase problem. That's a developer problem. It means something needs to change, people need to go, some serious restructuring needs to happen. That's how any business operates. In fact, Nintendo did this very thing after the Wii U failed, and now we have the Switch and they're back in the game way stronger.

    This whole situation feels like that meme of the guy riding his bike who puts a stick in the wheel, then falls over and yells "goddamn fanbase!"

    Where were all these people for Breath of the Wild? Mario Odyssey? Any other Switch game for Nintendo's hard-hitters? You almost never saw them, because Nintendo did their homework, found out why people weren't really about the previous entries, looked at what the industry was doing today, figured out what people wanted to see, then created something universally loved. That's how a business operates.

    When games like Paper Mario, Metroid Prime (Federation Force), Fallout and Diablo take a turn in a direction people don't like, everyone speaks up and they speak up just as loud, yet I can count on one hand how many times I saw somebody say in response to Fallout 76 "Fallout fans are so toxic and entitled, Bethesda is trying their best! If you don't like it then shut up!" Same with those other series I mentioned.

    And that's why after really trying my best to see each side of this, I can't paint Game Freak as innocent here. I just find it so ridiculous to pin overwhelmingly negative feedback on those thousands of people providing that feedback rather than the creator's ability to make favorable decisions.

    submitted by /u/NicoCVV
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    The community experienced 4 stages of grief in just one day, oh boi

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Just with the starters evos:

    *Denial: the first time we saw the leaks, we thought "this has to be fake" and we kept hoping that

    *Anger: after more leaks came out, and those evo seemed more legit, a lot of fury came out about the designs

    *Bargaining: There are more leaks now, even including the games guidebook, making the evos pretty much all but officialy confirmed (by gf). But now people are trying to grasp to every tiny detail that they might still be fake, but for some them thats not just being skeptical, is hopeful wishing as a last chance (see coments explicitly saying "I hope they are fake").

    *Depression: And now after of that, a lot of people (including me yesterday) became sad, negative, and depressed about the games future as everything seems to rub us the wrong way

    Its more a disjointed mess of stages at this moment, but I find it very interesting nonetheless, takes me back to 3 years ago

    submitted by /u/AlSaiduq16
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    Cleaned up the Scorbunny evo leak

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    Why are all the starter evos since gen 6 so anthropomorphic?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    Like I get what they were going for with the RPG classes thing, but what are they now? As far as I can guess,

    • Chesnaught: Paladin/General warrior tank
    • Delphox: Mage/Wizard/Sorceror
    • Greninja: Rogue/Assassin/Ninja

    • Decidueye: Ranger

    • Inceneroar: Fighter/Wrestler/Monk type class

    • Primarina: Bard/Performer?

    Then what are the gen 8 ones supposed to be? I get the drummer, soccer player and spy theme, but those don't follow the theme anymore and they shouldn't have to be humanoid right? Unless they're just based on famous people from the UK like sportsmen and James Bond etc.

    I think I just miss having quadruped and more animal or creature based designs for the starters.

    submitted by /u/sgbeetlenut
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    I redesigned Sobble's final evolution

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    New electric-type leaked.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    Looks like I’m ditching my starter for the first time

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong I'm hyped for these games and excited for a lot of the new Pokemon but holy shit the starter evolutions are bad. Probably gonna pick grookey and box him so Hop can get Sobble (my first choice) and give him a good home. if Corviknights first stage is the early bird Pokémon that can be my "starter".

    This game has so many good Pokémon and I was struggling to pick six, plus not having a starter will make the game more challenging which I prefer. So at least there is a positive in this.

    submitted by /u/alessiona
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    The problem for me isn't that they're anthropomorphic, but that they're BORING

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    I really don't mind humanoid starters, even though some people vehemently hate them.

    No, the problem is that they both seem too simple and have nothing going on. Compare Intellion's....clothes to the striking bulky armor of Chesnaught. Compare Cinderace to a starter like Decideueye, with it's cool hood and spooky eyes.

    It doesn't feel like they really went for it with these designs. A sleek spy chameleon is a FANTASTIC idea, but GO for it. Give him cool goggles or gadgets made of water or I dunno, SOMETHING. Cinderace I think is a little better, but even then it just feels kinda bland. Give it firey ears or a burning tale.

    Edit: Also Intellion is too skinny. If it had some meat on it's bones it might be better, but it looks like a gentle breeze would snap it in half.

    Now, it's very possible that seeing these pokemon animated will make them better; I could definitely see this with Cinderace, with it kicking the ball around and moving energetically. Not so sure about Intellion, but we'll see.

    submitted by /u/LucianoThePig
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    Assuming Scorbunny's leaked final evo is real, this is some real monkey's paw shit for me

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:12 AM PDT

    Gen 6 marked the first gen where I broke my own tradition of always picking Grass due to how appealing I found Fennekin to be. Braixen was pretty nice too, then I laid eyes on Delphox and

    3 years later Sun and Moon came out. I was originally set on picking Litten....that is, until that Incineroar leak was proven to be true. I just didn't like how Torracat, whose design I still quite liked, underwent such a drastic shift in design and became heel Roman Reigns.

    As you can see, I've personally been quite fond of the middle tier evolutions for both Gen 6 and Gen 7 fire starters. Sometimes I've kinda wished that their middle tier evolutions would be their final evolutions. Given how our Gen 8 energizer bunny looks for his final evolution, many people including myself do think that he looks like a middle evolution. Unfortunately I find his design lacking and now my day is ruined. Maybe I'll just box my starter and use an Alcremie or something.

    submitted by /u/AzureYoshino
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    I think the new Fox pokemon might replace Vulpix as my favorite pokemon...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    I love it's design and it looks like it might be a fire type. I've loved Vulpix since Gen 1 when I was really little and always have loved it and wish it got the same amount of love as Eevee. But now...things might change. Then again, Vulpix has more staying power since it's from Gen 1 where as this new fox pokemon is probably going to only be around for this gen and then be buried or tossed asside by GameFreak.

    submitted by /u/GoldenOwl25
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    I’m just so Exhausted with all of this

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:17 PM PDT

    I've honestly have become really drained repeatedly seeing bad news coming out one after another for Sword and Shield. I mean, I've been used to the last few Pokémon games being let downs, but it seems no matter how low I try to keep my expectations I end up getting disappointed.

    There's just has been so much that rubs me wrong about the game.


    •the National dex cut. Not only did the reasoning and justifications seemed suspect, st best, it seems to have been the blow that ended up splitting the fan base in half,

    •Refusal to let cloud saves/save data backup. (This is really important to me, because I've lost hundreds of hours due to save file corruption

    •The EXP share option being removed entirely The games have been so ridiculously easy even without the exp share since gen 6, and removing the doesn't really have anything to gain from it.

    •The Wild area as a whole looks very unfinished I mean, I don't think I need to explain this one. Looking at the screenshots textures, lighting, detail, effects, etc. is all just underwhelming, at best.

    • the models and character movements still feel very much the same as sun and moon, a portable handheld from 8 years ago. The improvements are barley noticeable compared to other gens, imo

    •Kanto is getting the limelight yet again, and at this point I fined it nauseating.

    •the starter evolutions, and a lot of the leaked Pokémon, have been disappointing in design, if true imo.

    •the focus on giving the game pokemon go like mechanics. (IE: Gigantamaxing, raids.)

    Granted, there is a few things I do like:

    •The ability to skip the tutorials

    •The concept of the wild area

    •the ost

    •there are Pokémon and character designs I like

    •Regional variants returning and being expanded upon

    That being said, I don't think it counteracts the numerous blows to my optimism towards the game. Which was already pretty low to begin with, but I was still had a hint of hope when they said it was supposed to be the game dedicated fans were waiting for, and was worked on for several years. That doesn't look like it's going to be the case

    Yeah yeah, I know the game isn't out yet, and I'm an entitled piece of trash that should give GameFreak a chance, but I've already tried giving them the benefit of the doubt way too many times. All that it's really taught me is to be pessimistic about the series future. It just saddens me, seeing a franchise that's meant so much to me be in the state it currently is in.

    Why do I stick around then, if I don't like the current state? I'm not sure myself. I think a lot of it is to do with that I still love the previous entries, and Pokémon as a whole. It's just how things have turned out for the franchise as of recent has really disappointed me. I'm just hoping someday I'll be happy with the franchise's direction again.

    (Wow, this was a bit longer than I expected. I guess I was really in a need to vent. It is nice to be able to post somewhere about my feelings without clown emojis flooding the inbox. Seriously though, whether if you're happy, disappointed, or a bit of both with SS, thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.)

    submitted by /u/Nefarious_Vortex
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