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    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    Pokémon Legends: Arceus Starters - Why were they chosen!

    Pokémon Legends: Arceus Starters - Why were they chosen!

    Legends: Arceus Starters - Why were they chosen!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:21 AM PST

    Ever since the presents aired on Friday, I have seen many people wonder why Cyndaquil was chosen for the fire starter over others. It was very clear why Rowlet and Oshawott were chosen. Feudal Sinnoh is based off of Feudal Japan. They clearly are based off Feudal aspects:

    Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye: Archers

    Oshawott/Dewott/Samurott: Very clearly Samurai.

    It took me a while to figure out why Cyndaquil was apart of the grouping. Unlike the previous two, and like many Gen I and II Pokemon, its just based off an animal line, rather than a theme like future starters (Gen VI or VII). The Cynda line is based off honey badgers. There are honey badgers in Japan but that doesn't relate to a Feudal Japan theme.

    After a while, I managed to figure it out with the help of a friend. Typhlosion's Japanese name is Bakufuun. Its name is a play on Bakufu, which translates to Shogunate, or Shogun. Shogun were titles given to Military Generals in Feudal Japan.

    So simply, just wanted to share this fun fact with everyone. =)

    submitted by /u/ZeeGee009
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    Theory: Arceus: Legends' story will be based on the real life colonization of the Hokkaido province. The starters and symbol on the player characters' jackets prove this theory.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:50 PM PST

    Hey, folks!

    I discovered this image while looking at different discussions regarding the upcoming Legends: Arceus game. This led me down a bit of a rabbit hole that touched upon the history of Hokkaido, which is the province of Japan that the Sinnoh region is based on. I think I have a basic grasp on some additional details about the story that haven't been revealed yet. Credit to @marowak_art on Instagram for making this discovery.

    One of the questions I had about this game was the seemingly random decision to use Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott as the starters for this game. However, after I found that image breaking down the symbol, things started to fall into place.

    As you can see, the first letters of Sinnoh, the setting of this game, and the regions that our starters come from, Alola, Johto, and Unova, are all represented in the symbol. While the symbol also looks like the kanji symbol that the word "Galactic/Galaxy" is associated with in Japanese, it seems like the symbol seems to have a deeper meaning surrounding the context of Legends: Arceus itself.

    This is a joint effort by Alola, Unova, and Johto to colonize the Sinnoh region, and this game's story will be loosely based around the events of the real life colonization of Hokkaido, which occured in the 19th century.

    I decided to familiarize myself with the basic history of the Hokkaido region, and, interestingly enough, apparently it wasn't a part of the country of Japan until the 19th century, when they were inspired by American westward expansion, and moved to colonize the island starting in the late 1860's. This event is significant in history, because this was what ultimately kickstarted Japan's push to become a global superpower in the Pre-WW2 era, and the later development of Hokkaido was one of the first projects between America and Japan. It was also one of the first major campaigns Japan embarked on following the end of the Isolation Period, which was caused by pressure from America.

    Following colonization, Japan implemented many western farming techniques to grow crops, assisted by Horace Capron, representing the United States Department of Agriculture, whose wife donated many of the things he collected while in Japan, working in Hokkaido, to the Smithsonian, which was the foundation of what would eventually become its collection of Asian artifacts.

    This explains the regions represented by the starters. Johto is by far the region that best represents traditional Japan and its history out of the four major Japanese based Pokemon regions, and the only two regions thus far that are based on American locations are Unova, which is based on New York City, and Alola, which is based on the state of Hawaii. It makes sense, because America was the biggest player in the colonization of Hokkaido besides Japan itself. The choice of these starters was deliberate, as, just like the symbol the player characters wear on their jackets, they are a symbol of the joint effort of the three regions to explore and conquer the Sinnoh region.

    So, what does this mean for the story?

    Firstly, I think that there will be some native people who already live in Sinnoh prior to the colonization efforts, supported by two things; one, is lore given to us in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and the other is an example from Hokkaido history.

    Celestic Town, the hometown of Champion Cynthia, resident menacing piano enthusiast and whooper of the asses of innocent vacation home invaders, is home to the near-forgotten traditions of the ancient people who lived in the Sinnoh region since its creation. I think the people of Celestic Town, and Cynthia's family, for that matter, are based off of the indigenous Ainu people. Since Celestic Town contains ruins that bear information about Azelf, Mespirit, and Uxie, and where the player gets the Pokedex entries for Dialga and Palkia, it stands to reason that the natives of Sinnoh are directly connected to the Creation family of Legendary Pokemon.

    If this is true, then we can assume this;

    The story will be centered around a conflict between the colonists and the natives, where the leaders of the colonists have the ulterior motive of capturing the Legendary Pokemon of the Sinnoh region for some kind of goal. This would retroactively give context to the eventual design of Team Galactic's logo in the modern period of the Pokemon world, as his methods, motives, and details of his plan would be based on something that the colonists of old attempted, likely during the climax of the main story of Legends: Arceus. This could mean that Cyrus' plans are a modernized version of the as of yet unrevealed antagonist(s) of this game, or their actions motivate Cyrus' feelings of disdain towards the world, prompting him to want to remake the universe without spirit. The Sinnoh natives will obviously see the colonists as a threat, and will want to keep them from capturing the legendary Pokemon of the region, because of how dangerous they are.

    From the colonization side of things, it could also be fair to assume/expect some kind of development of the colony on Sinnoh as you progress through the game. We could use Pokemon that we capture in the wild to help gather materials to help build the village. The exploration of Sinnoh for materials, items, and tools to assist the settlers would be a perfect medium to motivate exploration and serve as an excellent driving force behind side quests, which will more than likely be a major component of the gameplay, because they need to make the open world interesting and worthwhile to explore. I would love it if the player had some kind of input on how the colony develops, but it will more than likely be fairly linear, similar to the development of Tarrey Town in Breath of the Wild.

    In addition, from a game design perspective, the potential location of the starting area, and the location of Celestic Town, works perfectly story wise. The first Japanese settlement on Hokkaido was on the Oshima Peninsula, which is roughly where Twinleaf Town, the starting town in Diamond and Pearl is located. Celestic Town, which is where the remainder of the natives of Sinnoh reside, is located on the other side of Mt. Coronet, which divides the Sinnoh region in half. If we're meant to see the natives of Sinnoh as the bad guys in the early game, placing them in a place that we can't reach until the latter half of the game would work perfectly, as that would be the best time to drop the twist that the natives aren't the bad guys, and set things up for the finale.

    So, what do you think?


    • The period of history Legends: Arceus is based on is the Hokkaido Colonization effort made by primarily Japan and America in the late 19th century.

    • The starter Pokemon represent Japan and America's relations during that time period and how American influence assisted Japan's colonization efforts (Cyndaquil representing Johto, the region best representing Japanese history, and Rowlet/Oshawott representing Alola/Unova, the two regions based on parts of America).

    • The native people of Sinnoh are more than likely based on the Ainu people, who were the indigenous population of the Hokkaido island, and will more than likely conflict with the colonists and act as an early antagonistic force in the game's story.

    • The colonists, or at the very least the leaders, are motivated to capture Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and most importantly Arceus for some kind of scheme. The symbol that the colonists wear, represented on the jackets the player characters are wearing, and the actions they take during the events of this game, will serve as influence and inspiration for Cyrus and Team Galactic in the modern era, because the symbol bears a striking resemblance to Team Galactic's logo.

    submitted by /u/SternMon
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    Being excited for a Pokémon game again feels so good.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:25 AM PST

    ever since the presentation, i've just been nonstop thinking about pokémon. what i think "faithful" actually means, the possibilities of BDSP postgame being unique and different, the nearly LIMITLESS possibilities of what could happen with legends.

    as someone who played this game since they were 2 years old (im 20 now), this series is a huge part of who i am. i've played every game since blue, but i never properly understood it until diamond and pearl. sinnoh is by far and away my favorite region (the only real contest being johto, because of the super pretty areas and awesome culture), and to be getting not one but two games for it? and they look good? i am absolutely over the moon.

    i haven't been truly excited for a pokémom game since early sun and moon. i' still enjoyed SM, bit i didn't buy USUM because ive heard the first half of the game is barely changed, and for me that is the worst half of the game. the pokémon designs for SWSH looked really bad to me at first and i was going through my "am i done with this series?" phase. but then i bought it and i thouroughly enjoyed it. i completed the dex for once, but that wasnt a hars task to do for SWSH.

    but none of those experienced matched up to how i felt being excited for platinum, all of gen 5, and all of gen 6. it's definitely because i was younger, but for the past year i've tried replaying the games and i just couldn't. i've had lengthy discussions with friends about wanting to play pokémon again like i did as a kid, and what that even means.

    but this? BDSP and Legends Arceus?

    i don't think i've ever been more relieved, happy, speculative, etc. in almost 6 years. even during this terrible depressing time during a pandemic i just feel overjoyed. i don't want this feeling to go away. i'm hoping ILCA can touch up BDSP a little more, and i'm still hoping it won't be 100% faithful, even though i adore DPPt. i'm hoping GF can polish LA a lot, add more things to do and find throughout the world, and just overall make a great game.

    edit: wow my first award. thank you!

    submitted by /u/13wK
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    Give credit where credit is due

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:36 PM PST

    Can I just give credit to Game Freak for actually trying to do something completely new.

    After SwSh sold well, people had valid concerns, that since it sold well, they would just be lazy devs that would use the same formula again and again.

    To my surprise, they're actually trying to challenge themselves. Making an open world RPG pokemon game, and not just doing the same thing for a quick buck. They're actually investing at least 3 years of development for this game.

    There are some concerns, there are a LOT of rough edges. Will it be a great game remains to be seen. BUT I will give them credit in doing something outside the usual formula.

    Label me cautiously optimistic

    submitted by /u/Jebrawl
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    You should criticize the footage we got and nobody should tell you otherwise.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:15 PM PST

    Let Game Freak know exactly what you did and did not like about the trailers for Legends and BD/SP. Let them know exactly what you would like to return. Let them know what you think should be in every game. Let them know if the visuals aren't up to par or if you liked a new art style.

    Do not let others tell you to wait for the release before giving your criticism. Do not let others tell you that it's too early to talk about the game.

    Letting developers and publishers know early on exactly what you want to see, what does and doesn't work, and what should be improved is how you, the buyer of their products, get a better game come release day. The people trying to stifle conversation is the problem, not the people giving their feedback.

    It can be frustrating seeing the games released half-baked, but make it loud and clear what you want in a respectful manner. Ignore the "wait until we know more" people because doing that adds nothing to the discussion and helps nobody. Knowing people vocalized their opinions and possibly getting an unfinished game is 100x better than having people sit on the sidelines hoping for change and getting an unfinished game that could have been good if people discussed these things.

    This applies to everything you buy, whether it be other games or general use products. Criticism and reviews are key to getting a superior finished product.

    submitted by /u/rGamesModsAreBigots
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    If moonstone was selected over pearl (both are June's birthstones), forums would be filled with a more interesting abbreviation for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:29 AM PST

    I like that the abbreviations are easy to identify as Pokemon games, especially with the remakes FRLG and HGSS. I happen to know that pearl isn't the only birthstone for June and now seeing the new BDSP abbreviation popping up on places like reddit, I had this thought cross my mind.

    submitted by /u/FutureHeroNextGen
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    Hats to the camera: the chibi problem sprites didn't have

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Much has already been said about the Chibi style of BDSP's human characters. I personally don't mind it that much, as the style appears to be mimicking that of the character sprites in the original DP. However, I have noticed one issue that separates the chibi models from the original sprites, and which may explain at least some of the negative reaction the models have received.

    Here is a sprite sheet for the player character in Diamond and Pearl. Notice how the sprite seems to be oriented so it is level with the camera and always seen from the side. No matter which direction Lucas is walking, you can see most of his head, his body, and his tiny, tiny legs. Yes, the head is very big compared to the body, but the body is at least there. This perspective is possible because the sprite is "angled" so it faces the camera rather than standing upright on the ground.

    Compare to the pre-release screenshots from the overworld of BDSP. Character models are "properly" oriented according to the ground and not angled towards the camera, so you're seeing the characters at an angle instead of from the side. As a result, the camera is looking at the top of the character's head most of the time. You're seeing a hat with some hair sticking out, rather than the entire character. This is especially noticeable for the Sailor at the docks of Snowpoint City. In the original games, the Sailor's back faced the camera, and we could see his entire body. In the BDSP screenshot, all we see is a pair of legs and a hand sticking out underneath the big hat. As you can also notice in the Oreburgh Mines screenshot, when a character is facing south in BDSP, he's not looking at the camera like in DP, but rather at a point some distance below the camera.

    Additionally, the BDSP models seem to have their legs and feet enlarged compared to the DP sprites. The original game could get away with characters having tiny, stubby legs, but this would make the model look comically top-heavy in perspective shots for 3D cutscenes. Hence, BDSP models have scaled up the legs somewhat at the cost of making the body look even smaller. When seen from above, this makes the "hat with legs" look of the chibi models even more noticeable.

    Again, I'm mostly fine with the chibi style, and I understand that they have tried to mimic the look of the original games when creating those models. It's just that the 2D sprites could use the "angle trick" to overcome the limitations of a chibi look, and this trick is not available to 3D models ... or is it? TLoZ: A Link Between Worlds used something similar to achieve a top-down view that also showcased most of the characters' bodies. It does rely on the camera always staying at the same elevation, however, and this appears not to be the case in BDSP. It seems that this distracting - but in my preference, not deal-breaking - issue is the result of the developers trying their best to fit a round 3D peg into a square 2D hole.

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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    Legends: Arceus is a mainseries-title, not a spin off

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    So many people over the internet seem to have the wrong assumption that its a spin off because IGN said so because they didn't research enough.

    The title is officially part of the Pokémon Video game series, which is the series with red, blue, gold, silver, and so on. Snap for example isn't a part of this series because its a spin off. So Legends is clearly a maingame that tries out a new way, they also stated that this game is so different because they are trying out a new approach for the Pokémon Series with many old traditions thrown away (not because its a spin off).

    Unless there is a absolute rule in the market that says that a video game series is not allowed to change basic formulars/try out new things, there is no evidence whatsoever that could suggest thats its a spin off.

    Edit: Pocket Monsters Series is the official term for the Main Games in Japan, and Legends was called that way in the japanese Trailer, so that should be enough evidence that its a mainline-title.


    submitted by /u/Saroku12
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    Pokemon Legends Arceus is the first game in 15 years where pokemon physically go up and attack each other

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:59 PM PST

    This blows my mind how it has taken THIS long to implement this in a main title, but I couldn't be happier.

    Battle Revolution was the last title to do this and those animations had so much personality, take honchkrow for example. When he faints he tips his little bird fedora, so much character in that one animation.

    This has me so excited for what other animations will be in the game, and hopefully game freak won't lie this time about "high quality animations".

    Edit: Actually 16 years, I can't math right now.

    Edit 2: I have already clarified but I am not talking about pokken, I mean in the mainline games with traditional battle structure.

    submitted by /u/user1one-
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    What if the Sinjoh ruins return in Pokemon Legends?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:13 AM PST

    So it just suddenly came to me. I was just watching a video on unexplained things from the Johto games and the video was talking about the Sinjoh ruins. I remember doing this event back when HGSS were the most recent games. It's super interesting that it's between Sinnoh and Johto and has a big connection to Arceus. Maybe we can visit the ruins in Pokemon Legends and see more of it. I assume it'd have to be for a special event though as it's not in Sinnoh and as far as we know we won't be leaving Sinnoh in the game.

    submitted by /u/Bluesimmer
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    I really like the art style of bdsp, here's why

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:30 AM PST

    So I have seen some people saying that the art style sucks, and that is fine you can have your own opinion, I an just putting my opinion out there. The chibi art style is a good art style for the remakes and games that are in a grid because it is short so the player character dosent take up allot of space on the screen. And this has been proven to work with the legend of zelda links awakening remake. That is all I have to say.

    submitted by /u/New-Aspect-2523
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    Post Malone Virtual Concert

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:55 PM PST

    Is it just me, or does anyone else not understand what Post Malone's music has anything to do with Pokémon let alone it being the 25th Anniversary? I stated watching the concert and he performed Psycho which talks about making his first million, partying, drinking, and wearing jewelry. It just seems very dissociative to me like if 50 Cent were to sing In Da Club at a Mario Anniversary event. I just don't get the marketing other than, "Post Malone is popular. Kids like Post Malone. Get Post Malone for our Anniversary concert. Post Malone! Profit!"

    Or if I just don't understand and this is some nuanced 4D marketing strategy, please let me know how.. I'm genuinely curious.

    submitted by /u/Shadecinder
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    BDSP 1:1 remake discussion

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Why do people keep claiming that the community has wanted a 1:1 remake of sinnoh? FRLG were not 1:1 remakes, HGSS were not 1:1 remakes, and ORAS were not 1:1 remakes. Never have I heard sinnoh fans clammoring for the games to be exactly the same, but in 3D.

    As someone who has been wanting these remakes for the past 7 years I personally expected them to be remakes in the style of the most recent generation, just like every previous pokemon remake has been, and I'd say anyone else who expected that is 100% valid in their disappointment that these games are not being made that way.

    Just to throw my opinion in here since this is a vent post anyways and I have already accepted the downvotes, I was hoping the games would visually look like Sword and Shield's art style, the dynamic way the camera would follow you on routes, landscape shots to show you how the region fits together, etc.. Gameplay wise I just wanted it to play like SwSh but with sinnoh's story (+possibly a bit extra) and landscape (which is what the past remakes have been and granted could be what this game is too. The gameplay part isn't really a complaint here, I was just finishing my thought.)

    The new (old) artstyle of these remakes will most likely never give us a horizon shot of Mt. Coronet or any other location in the game and that is really disappointing to me that I can't see sinnoh in the way I imagined as a young child.

    If you are excited for the games I am happy for you! I'm geniunely glad people are going to experience sinnoh for the first time and others will get to relive memories of the past. But claiming I should "just be grateful that sinnoh remakes are happening" is disrespectful to me and anyone else who shares my feelings on these games (also being grateful to a company for making a game doesn't make sense? They don't need my thanks they just want my money.) It was a safe bet to assume sinnoh remakes would be very different to what we are getting with BDSP.

    As someone who has already played and still has my original copy of Pokemon Diamond, If I wanted to play a game that looked exactly like and played exactly like Diamond, I would just play Diamond.

    submitted by /u/Kelreiyt
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    So excited for the music in BDSP

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:32 AM PST

    I'm having a nostalgia trip relisting to Rowen lab theme in all its remastered glory in the pokemon presents trailer. Same with route 201 theme ;-;

    It definitely sounds like the music will be superb!

    Even if there is disagreement over the visual looks, at least we all can look forward to the music in the remakes.

    submitted by /u/TheIncreaser2000
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    This direct made me buy the switch!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:07 AM PST

    I have been a long time fan of Pokémon, but the repetitiveness made my interest fade. After what I saw, I knew I had to get back in, so I bought it plus a copy of Sword and Let's go Pikachu to fresh up my memory and try the latest gen and games overall. So hello to you all my fellow trainers!

    submitted by /u/HurrayForPera
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    Lucas' Awakening

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:08 AM PST

    Made this in Blender after seeing the reveal trailer for the remakes:


    higher quality mp4

    submitted by /u/tweestytweester
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    USUM Poké Ride Gear

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:26 AM PST

    Two questions:

    1.) Is there a mod, hack, or method to somehow edit poké ride gear? (change color schemes, different models/skins, anything would probably be better)

    Love Poké Ride, not a fan of the gear. I get that it's in the game to simplify character models, but the ugly ugly design still bothers me so much. Wouldn't it make way more sense to have a full face helmet or just some goggles when you're flying through the sky and galloping through mud? The helmet is the worst part, it reminds me of face raiders. With that said...

    2.) Does anyone know the design purpose behind poké ride gear, either in the logic of the Alola region or the design logic of Game Freak?

    Why the unappealing helmet shape or color scheme? I read the helmet is supposed to resemble a Hawlucha - is there any additional functional or aesthetic purpose to that besides thinking it would be cute and fun??

    Please it's so stupid looking I just want help to understand

    ...Or ideally, change it completely

    submitted by /u/Croiyx
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    I Know that everyones pretty divivded on how they're feeling but - SOUNDTRACK

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Even if y'all don't like the art style or if ya'll aren't excited for the remakes you can't say your not excited for the entire remastered Gen 4 soundtrack were gonna be getting!!! What are some of y'alls favourite Gen 4 themes. I for one can't wait to hear Cynthia's prelude into one of my favorite champion themes ever!!!!

    submitted by /u/DarkNessEse
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    GameFreak, you won me back

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Pokemon legends is something most of us have been dreaming about. I dont care if the graphics are subpar, if the framerate is inconsistent or if they cut some pokemon from this spinoff. You know why?

    Because we are finally being listened to!

    Years and years of suggestions and complaints to only be ignored by gamefreak. Asking for higher difficulties, complex mechanics, more endgame content and being told "its a kids game and it will sell regardless" was just soul crushing.

    Yeah i got into Pokémon as a kid, but ive grown up and im still here like the rest of this huge community! So why shoulnt they listen to us when we really care? Well the answer used to be not answering at all, but not anymore.

    So GameFreak, thank you for listening to us for what it feels like the first time. I hate SwSh for countless reasons so i didnt buy it. Now, I dont know how your game will turn up, but one thing i know for sure is i'll be buying it. I'll buy it because I like pokemon, I admire this new direction and, most importantly, because i feel you made this for me and for that i am grateful.

    submitted by /u/nombre_gracioso
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    Two things I hope are incorporated into Legends: Arceus

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:44 AM PST

    The first thing I really would love to see is the Distortion World. Seriously, can you imagine seeing the Distortion World in that style? It would be so cool. Secondly, I'm hoping that since this game takes place in the past, we'll see the Solaceon Ruins before the were, you know, Ruins. Maybe those ruins have something to do with Arceus? It's a really good opportunity for lore and story, and it'd be a lot of wasted potential if they didn't utilize them.

    submitted by /u/disconnectFox
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