• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Pokémon I don't wanna be that guy but I honestly hoped for a reimagined Sinnoh not just a 1:1 recreation for the remakes.

    Pokémon I don't wanna be that guy but I honestly hoped for a reimagined Sinnoh not just a 1:1 recreation for the remakes.

    I don't wanna be that guy but I honestly hoped for a reimagined Sinnoh not just a 1:1 recreation for the remakes.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:02 AM PST

    What has always excited me the most about the prospect of getting Sinnoh remakes was the potential changes to how the original locations looked. Kinda like how HGSS fully realized Ecruteak's unique aesthetic or how Mauville got a huge revamp in ORAS, I reveled at the idea of seeing familiar Sinnoh locations reimagined in a modern generation's style after 15 years. Perhaps we'll see a more bustling and gorgeous Jubilife City at night, a harsher Route 216 with roaming Ice Pokemon annoying the hell out of you as you brave the blizzard, or a more towering and intricately designed Spear Pillar where you face off against against the literal gods of time and space. I can't even begin imagine how emotional an improved Route 209 would make me lol. The possibilities seemed endless. Unfortunately, the remakes shown were completely different from all this and I honestly can't help but feel disappointed.

    If you guys liked what you saw for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl so far, more power to you! I'm glad you did. But PERSONALLY, BDSP is literally the opposite of what I hoped for :(

    submitted by /u/RiverRusher
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    [OC] An Open Letter to Vermillion City Cruises

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:12 AM PST

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to you in great distress. I recently became the owner of a ticket for one of your cruise liners called the S.S. Anne. I obtained the ticket from a gentleman called Bill, as a gift, when I saved him from an untimely demise when an experiment of his went awry.

    I was very much looking forward to the trip and proceeded to walk, on foot, where I was attacked left right and centre by Pokémon and other trainers. I barely arrived in Vermillion city and was on the verge of passing out by the time I had arrived.

    I healed up at the local Pokémon centre and explored the town to gather resources before boarding the ship. I had a lucky encounter at the Pokémon Fan Club HQ, after listening to the chairman drone on for ages about Rapidash and Fearow, he gave me a voucher for a Bike. I was finally happy again, thinking I would have a much easier return trip to Cerulean, only to realise the bike shop is in Cerulean...

    I then finally made it to the S.S. Anne and finally boarded. It was a well designed and beautiful boat, I was excited to find my cabin and make myself at home. However, all the cabins were full already and not only that, but half the people attacked me again. I tried to find the Captain of the ship, hoping he would be able to do something about it.

    I finally arrived at the Captains Quarters, where I found him vomiting into a bin. A Captain that gets seasick...whoever is in charge of hiring at your company, really needs to be a bit more thorough with their criteria for employees.

    Seeing that the ship wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, I offered the Captain my assistance hoping to speed up the departure. He requested I rub his belly. Which I felt a little degrading but mustered up some resolve and hesitantly started to rub his stomach. I felt sick afterwards myself. This is not what a customer should have to deal with on what was supposed to be a relaxing cruise.

    Luckily, my belly rub seemed to do the trick and the Captain had the colour return to his face. He said he was feeling better and would depart shortly. I was happy the boat would finally be leaving and I could start my holiday.

    10 days...10 days I waited...and nothing.

    The boat just stood there stationary. I returned to the Captain for an explanation a few times and got the same response. I feel better. The boat will be leaving soon. The same lies over and over. Even after degrading myself to rub his belly. He continued to show me disrespect and lie to my face.

    I was beginning to run out of food and supplies. A nice lady occasionally let me have a quick nap in her room, but it didn't feel right to intrude on her holiday, so I kept my visits to a minimum. I couldn't find a dining hall or anywhere to get food, despite their being a huge Kitchen. I resorted to eating berries out of the bins in there like some sort of animal. I was at my wits end.

    I decided as the cruise probably wouldn't leave anytime soon, I would have to leave the boat to source more supplies in Vermillion. That was when it happened. The second my foot hit dry land. They left. They left me. Fast too. They didn't hang around. Almost like they were waiting for me to do it. It was the ultimate betrayal.

    So having heard my story, I would like to know what sort of compensation you can offer me. I feel the way I was treated was disgraceful and you need to take accountability for your continued mistakes.

    I look forward to your response.

    Kind Regards


    EDIT: Thank you for the awards you kind people, this blew up for something that I posted from a random idea

    submitted by /u/Sumpner
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    The most disappointing part of the Diamond and Pearl remakes for me is the fact that we may never see a modern Sinnoh

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:42 AM PST

    Since ORAS I always wanted to know what a modern Sinnoh would look like and was hoping for that in these remakes. When I first saw the trailer I actually liked the art but I was still left disappointed. The dream of a modern Sinnoh may never happen, and if it does it's probably going to be decades of waiting. After years of waiting it's disappointing to see the same Sinnoh.

    Does this mean we won't get a modern Unova as well?

    submitted by /u/TheMightyOven
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    Megas should've been a permanent mechanic

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:43 AM PST

    Honestly, as much as I'm not a fan of the art style of the Gen 4 remakes (which is just my own opinion, you can like the art style if you want, and honestly it'll prob grow on me eventually anyway), one of my other biggest disappointments from the BD/SP trailer is that megas don't seem to be coming back. Again.

    Idk if it's just because I've been subconsciously comparing these potential remakes to how much I enjoyed ORAS, but I was really looking forward to seeing things like Mega Torterra, Mega Gliscor, maybe a Mega Arceus, etc. Imo not keeping megas as a mechanic going forward after their introduction was just a huge mistake. Idk if it's just me, but it seemed like community reception to megas was overwhelmingly positive, and the reception to their removal in gen 8 seemed more negative. I was hoping after they saw how much backlash gen 8 got, one of the changes would be bringing megas back in the next games, but it looks like that isn't happening.

    TLDR, Idk man, it's just a bit of a letdown.

    submitted by /u/Ultimatrial
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    The real winner of the new art style of BDSP...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:58 PM PST

    I think in all the discussion about the art style for the Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl remakes, we're all forgetting what the best part is gonna be and it's hands down Team Galactic.

    Just imagine Cyrus and his cold dead eyes in Chibi form. Go ahead, I dare you. I dare you to imagine his long winded nihilistic rants about wanting to create a new world... coming out of a Chibi man with COLD DEAD EYES.

    Calling it now: Chibi Cyrus is gonna be the big meme upon BDSP release. The internet is not ready.

    submitted by /u/sayhellotojenn
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    Can we all agree to showing gamefreak we are ok with delays?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Legends arceus is litterally the exact game pokemon fans have wanted for a long time. People are even comparing it to botw, however that game took over 4 years to make. We don't know how long this game has been in for but it rather have them delay it till the game is 100% finished than them pump it out and mess up what I feel like has the potential to be the best pokemon game of all time.

    submitted by /u/Fillaup
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    Let's just agree to disagree okay?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 03:43 AM PST

    If you're not a fan of the graphics of BD/SP, then that's your opinion and I'm not gonna debate that. If you like the art style, then good for you.

    If you don't wanna pay $60 for BD/SP, then I don't have any right to dictate what you should do with your money. If you're ready to pre-order it, then you do you.

    If you think Legends should have had RDR2 graphics, then fine. If you're hyped for Legends because it's everything you asked for, then good for you.

    But if you start attacking people for liking something you don't like or hating something you like, then that's the problem. If you think people buying something you deem as mediocre ruins things for you, then guess what; the world doesn't revolve around you.

    submitted by /u/InsomniaEmperor
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    Pokemon Legends has me even more hyped for Gens 5 and 6

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:02 AM PST

    I love what they are doing by making the games take place in the past and this gets me super excited for Gens 5 and 6. Unova has a lot of history that can be taken advantage of with a Pokemon Legends style of Gen 5. You got places like Opelucid, Dragon Spiral Tower, Anville Town, the under water ruins etc. It has so much potential. This could mean that we finally get to see what the original dragon looked like before the Tao Trio split! Maybe see how Volcarona became something like a sun god and why it's at the bottom of the ruins in a desert. I could go on and on about what could be done with Unova, it has so many ruins that can be taken advantage of. Gen 6 we could get thrown into a time of war when AZ is building his machine in Geosenge. Magerna could finally get a proper even as well as Volcanian. With the geography being different, those pokemon may actually have a place they can go. They could even do a Kyogre and Groudon like thing but with Xerneas and Yveltal. Yveltal could be wiping out everything like it did in the movie and Xerneas is trying to stop it. The possibilities with a historical Pokemon game get me so excited. If anything like these happen then GameFreak is going in the right direction in my opinion

    submitted by /u/Rainglock
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    What do you guys think of a concept of extinct Pokemon in the new Pokemon Legends series?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:09 AM PST

    As in, what if they added 1 to 10 new species introduced per Legends game (I'm assuming it'll be a new series, 1 game per legendary). It'd be understood that the never before seen species is extinct in the modern day games. Maybe they went extinct in the Great Pokemon War? How would you guys feel? I feel like if they don't add too many new ones, it won't overload the game's performance, which will help avoid another Dexit.

    Along the line of this, fossil Pokemon. What if fossil Pokemon weren't fossils that needed reviving? They just never went extinct. I mean how would we revive a fossil without the modern technology?

    submitted by /u/cat-eating-a-salad
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    What if pokemon legends arceus takes place in an alternate timeline where cyrus won and reset the universe

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Ive noticed that lucas and dawn's shinobi outfits have symbols on them that look very similar to team galactics symbol. https://images.app.goo.gl/2Jih6zzJqD1xgvth6 And thats not the only symbol, when we see the starters for the first time, we could see the same symbols in the background https://images.app.goo.gl/JRs36Wa5a5QNEnZ27

    If this theory is true, this should explain why this lucas and dawn look extremely similar to the old one's. It would also mean cyrus failed to erase emotions but succeeded in becoming the leaders of the new universe. And from that, we can guess that cyrus is trying to manipulate the player into helping him get arceus and other legendary pokemon to try and completely change this universe. (I hope i'm the first person that thought of this)

    submitted by /u/ittvoy
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    What do you think on adding a black outline on the 3d models on BDSP?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:31 AM PST

    I've seen this art in twitter and I think it improves the 3d models a lot.

    Personally, I think that the models I think that the character models do not quite fit in well with the world, but a detail like that could help make them look much better.

    Original tweet: https://twitter.com/ouais118/status/1365641698953605121

    Edit: I've seen other arts that i think that improve the style of the game a lot (https://twitter.com/DPPt_Shitpost/status/1365629983155245058), i hope that Masuda and ILCA get some ideas from the community.

    submitted by /u/adriplus13
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    Could the village formed in Pokemon Legends be Celestic Town?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:12 PM PST

    The trailer says that Pokemon Legends takes place during the beginning, the founding of the Sinnoh Region. Celestic Town, as we know, is one of the oldest settlements in Sinnoh, and according to Bulbapedia:

    "The center of town has a small shrine that dates back to ancient times. It is one of the smallest towns in the entire region. It is also one of the oldest, and some say the town has been there since Sinnoh was created."

    The roots are laid there. the settlement has been around for an extremely long time. In addition, we see during the trailer a view of a not-so-far-away Mt. Coronet, and as we know, Celestic Town lives in the shadow of Mt. Coronet. Now, granted, we don't see the view of Coronet from within the aforementioned village, but my first impression is that this game likely isn't going to have you exploring the entire Sinnoh region, especially with how massive and empty the areas seem to be and how few settlements there appear to be.

    One of my friends also pointed out that the village already seems larger than the modern Celestic Town, but I would like to point out that towns and cities in Pokemon games were almost never close to a realistic looking size (Pallet 'Town' consisting of 3 buildings, for example). Only in the last few generations did we start getting cities the size of cities, and in other media these places are almost always portrayed as much larger.

    Anyways, long walk to a short glass of water to say that this could easily be an ancient Celestic Town. The town's longevity in Sinnoh and a few environmental cues lead me to believe that this is a likely conclusion. Thoughs?

    submitted by /u/SSJAncientBeing
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    Experiences from a blind Pokémon fan/AMA

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:01 AM PST

    I want to preface this post by saying that it might be long. I'm also writing on mobile so sorry for formatting.

    Today, February 27, 2021, is Pokémon's 25th anniversary, and because I have no irl gamer friends I thought it would be cool to just do an AMA while also getting to share my experiences as a totally blind Pokémon fan.

    So the first Pokémon game I ever played was Pokémon sapphire. It belong to my brother and he played it on a Gameboy Micro. I was around 3 to 4 years old so I didn't really know much about anything, but when he was at school I would be at home playing Pokémon. I didn't really know what I was doing since I couldn't actually see anything (I was born blind due to prematurity).

    Fast forward to Diamond/Pearl. I had gotten a DSI and one of my friends let me borrow their copy of Pokémon Diamond, Seeing my fascination with Sapphire. I didn't really know what I was doing again, so they taught me a lot of stuff. I started learning sound cues (cries, moves, the whole works) and eventually I began learn to battle on my own. Navigating the bag was always tricky so I would always need sighted assistance for that, but I could battle on my own and walk around pretty well too. I didn't get to play Platinum or HGSS till a lot later in my life, but since they use the same sound cues I picked it up really quick.

    I took a bit of a break from Pokémon but got back into it just after the release of BW2. I had to learn entirely new sound cues but with the help of friends and my new little brother (who begrudgingly helped) I learned the fifth generation of games as well.

    I got Pokémon X on release and I was super excited! However I had to learn everything all over again, including the updated cries. I played through X and Omega Ruby, but admittedly I didn't enjoy them as much. Then I started paying really close attention to all the Sun/Moon trailers and I told myself I would try to learn everything. Spoiler alert: I didn't and I still haven't. To be honest I dropped off the series (At least playing them) at this time. I was super into the lore and watching others play but I didn't see myself playing it. I did play Ultra Sun and loved it, and I do have a copy of both sun and moon.

    I have yet to play through Sword/Shield to completion, but I know with the announcement of DP remakes I'll have to learn everything again if I want to have a great experience just like old times.

    As a totally blind person and Pokémon fan, I am so grateful for everything this series has brought. I had gone through a lot of traumatic experiences in my life, some of which stemmed from my blindness, and Pokémon was my escape. Getting to learn to play Pokémon through sound alone is quite an impressive feat, so people tell me, but I genuinely don't feel like that. It's the way I have to learn to play games. In that regard, I am not a normal blind person. Most blind people don't really care for this kind of stuff because they feel like they can't do it since it's so visual. I feel like anyone can do anything if they really have the drive and passion.

    That being said, I'm willing to answer any and all Pokémon related questions. Happy 25th anniversary Pokémon, and may there be 25 more to come!

    PS: I know someone will ask this, so… I use a screen reader built into all Apple devices called voiceover to navigate my phone, and I used Dictation to write this post.

    submitted by /u/ShadeOfNothing
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    Happy 25th Birthday, Pokémon!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:52 AM PST

    Today is Saturday 27 February 2021. Today is Pokémon's 25th birthday. Thank you, Pokémon, for enriching the lives of numerous people. We have our agreements and we have our disagreements, but there is one thing that unites us above all else. It is the fact that we are Pokémon fans.

    submitted by /u/SinnohForever
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    I’m fine with the chibi style but I wish BDSP looked like SWSH

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Good bye karma but am I the only one who liked sword and shields artstyle? I'm watching people's discussions and everyone says "I'm glad it doesn't look like sword and shield" and I'm like ??? I thought it was one of the best looking Pokémon games (until snap 2 and legends got announced) most of the time. I thought the trees looked fine. My only gripe was a few of the weather effects in the wild area but even then it didn't annoy me that much. Again I'm fine with the chibi style but I found more errors in the bdsp trailer the first time with shading than I did all of sword and shield. Especially the flower jpgs.

    submitted by /u/Wholesome-Energy
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    Megas might be confirmed for Sinnoh

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Today we got an announcement from pokeshopper that exclusive merchandise for BDSP will feature Mega Lucario and Mega Charizard X figurines.

    This could imply a lot of things for the game, maybe we will get new mega forms? Regardless I think it is safe to say that megas will be returning to the Pokémon series, which I honestly did not expect. It is interesting to note that the box art hasn't been revealed, which could also imply that we're getting some sort of primal forms for the box legendaries?

    Obviously I might be getting a little out of hand here, and it just might be that I'm looking for some sort of hope to cling on to. But what do you guys think about this announcement from pokeshopper? Are we getting Megas?

    submitted by /u/Floatzi3
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    The dodge roll implies pokemon are going to beat the crap out of you.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    If Dark souls and monster hunter thought me anything is that a dodge roll is the best defense for overpowered beast.

    Imagine just a bunch of overpowered beast readily attacking the player not the pokemon itself a wild garchomp just flying in, out of knowhere and rathalos'd your ass with your level 5 cyndaquil.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    Details on the official website people seem to be skipping over

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:55 AM PST

    1.) It specifically states that the "original story has been faithfully reproduced, and the sense of scale in the originals' towns and routes has been carefully preserved." Nowhere does it say that there aren't going to be changes to the pokedex, post game context, etc.

    2.) Going off of that, it even says that "remakes include easy-to-understand, player-friendly conveniences of the modern Pokémon series" so it's confirmed that there are going to be some changes to the formula (hopefully no more HMs!)

    3.) In the trailer, there's a wild/trainer Garchomp in a cave that you can battle, which wasn't in any of the 4th gen games. I don't see this being the champion battle against Cynthia, as the background isn't in the final Pokemon League room. There's also a Porygon Z, which wasn't in the Diamon and Pearl pokedex, but was in the Platinum pokedex. These point at other changes being implemented for the remakes

    Overall, other than your opinion on the art style, it's way too early to bash this game. I know Gamefreak screwed up big time with Sword and Shield, and I'm as disappointed as others, but I have a reasonable amount of hope for this. There are hints pointing to this not being an exact 1:1 with Diamond and Pearl, and hopefully they implement what Platinum did right into these games.

    submitted by /u/Nutmeg-an
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    Any other Pokémon and Avatar the last airbender fans out there having the best week ever

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    That Pokémon direct was so good, I loved seeing more Pokémon snap

    Legend of arceus blew my mind, looks like the most passionate Pokémon game that game freak has created

    Been waiting 15 years for DP remakes and finally getting it

    Avatar studios was created and getting more avatar the last air bender content

    What a fucking week, so damn good

    submitted by /u/Minnale101
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    The people in Pokemon Legends Arceus are immigrants from the Johto region

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:15 AM PST

    It is shown that the trailer that the Sinnoh region is a fresh new region, that means all of the people shown in the trailers are not native and instead travelers from the Johto region.


    1. Ecruteak City in the Johto region, a landmark full of history, has the same architecture to the houses in the trailer.
    2. In the trailer, Lucas and Dawn (assuming) have a Japanese attire that is made for colder climate. In the Johto region, there are trainers called kimono girls and the sages who also where somewhat the same fashion.
    3. In Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver, there is an event location called the Sinjoh Ruins where they worshipped Arceus with the azure flute. Sinjoh Ruins is at the northern most of Johto region and possibly the southern most of the Sinnoh region. This also the place where you can interact with Cynthia and claim Dialga, Palkia or Giratina.


    There might be some connection to the Sinjoh Ruins and to the Ruins of Alph to the new game since Arceus is the mascot of the game. But it seems that they will focus more on Mt. Coronet and the Hall of Origin. But lets not disregard that the Sinjoh ruins is a place of worship for Arceus. Question is, does the Sinjoh ruins exist before the start of the new game or after they encounter Arceus in the story. Though it is stated that the Sinjoh ruins was made by a collaboration between ideas of people in the Johto and the Sinnoh regions. Therefore people already settled in the Sinnoh region and already acknowledge the presence of Arceus.

    I see people saying that the town in Legend Arceus is a town based on Diamond and Pearl, but I don't believe that's it. It is already said that the Sinnoh region is basically unexplored wilderness, so it means they don't know what is going on and what dangers are in that land. So a more logical approach is that the place we see in the trailer is a base camp or a settlement for travelers who wish to explore the region and gain information around them. If I'm the leader who is in charge to where should we place our first base, I'm not going to pick a location in the dead center of the region. So Celestic Town and Solaceon Town is out of the picture. We could only accept that this place is the Twinleaf town way back then if and only if Lake Verity is in the vicinity. There is also a possibility of the base will soon be forgotten by time like many places in the real world.

    But one thing that we could pinpoint to the timeline is Spiritomb. In the Pearl pokedex it says that "It was bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago". This could be a stretch since this is the same pokedex where it states that Magcargo's body temperature is around 18 000 degrees F. Spiritomb can only exists if there are 108 spirits trapped in one place. So it needs a ton of time for it to be created (unless pokemon spirits is acceptable but cannot confirm to that). But the first Spiritomb is created 500 years ago, which means if Spiritomb is a truly native in the Sinnoh region ( and a good chance it wasn't), then that means this game is at least 500 years back. But of course this part of the discussion will be debunk if there are wild Spiritomb in the Legends Arceus or the 500 year requirement is just a theory or an estimate. But if Spiritomb exists, then that would mean the Hallowed Tower should exist as well and it houses the first made Spiritomb.

    One thing I also want to discuss is the poke ball used in the trailer. The first modern pokeball (the one we know and love) were developed in 1925 in the Kanto region, developed by Professor Westwood. According to Lockstin's new video about why the game is not based on feudal japan (you should watch that), the industrial revolution in Japan is around (1868-1890). An industrialized Poke Ball would appears to have steam in it just like in the trailers. The Pokemon professor in the Legends Arceus have 3 starter Pokemon that are not native to the Sinnoh region. This means that the industrialized poke ball would come from a different place and is circulating around the world due to its great use.

    submitted by /u/DeVincePlays
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    Legends Arceus is exactly what I’ve always wanted

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:25 PM PST

    I'm shocked, I was sitting there watching the direct and was super bummed out by BD & SP's artstyle, I don't think I would have been so opposed to it if they made it look more like Links Awakening with that gorgeous lighting.

    I was ready to shut my laptop off and be disappointed yet again by Pokemon, but no, they revealed Legends Arecus, a game that looks like something I've always dreamed about!

    I am actually floored, over three years of development time, only one version so we don't have to have two as a stupid cash grab, a new take on gameplay, an open world adventure game set before the mainline games, and more!

    I'm blown away, I really am, I thought I was done with Pokemon, I was ready to move on, I hated Sword and Shield, was disappointed with Let's go, and found Ultra Sun and Moon to be a cash grab. But just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in, I am not exaggerating when I say this is the first Pokemon game I've been excited for since X and Y.

    Thank you GameFreak, thank you Pokemon Company, thank you Nintendo! This is the Pokemon of my dreams! And I am so happy you actually listened to fan feedback!

    I actually feel like I'm in a dream right now, anyway, thanks for reading my ramblings.

    submitted by /u/Ratchet2332
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