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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Pokémon One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 24

    Pokémon One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 24

    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 24

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST


    What was the best Gen 4 evolution line update? My favourite was Tangrowth, but thematically, I think Porygon Z was the best.

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    Galar Border Patrol part 5 (OC)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:02 AM PST

    Pokemon battles take too long, and here are many fixes to the archaic system Gamefreak has used for more than a decade

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:05 AM PST

    A big part of Pokemon is the battles. It's been the core mechanic since it's first games, but still has not actually received a single bit of polish. We still have to sit through minutes of animation time simply because Gamefreak cannot pull their heads out of their asses and program sandstorm damage to damage all pokemon at the same time, instead of taking turns. Here are the many fixes that could make the game much faster and more enjoyable. Essentially, bringing the battles to an actual 2019 standard, rather than 2001 standard.

    As mentioned above, environmental damage and all other types of damage of the same type should happen simultaneously. If a sandstorm is raging, then all pokemon in battle that take damage from the sandstorm should take the damage at the same time. The result is the following action message:

    • The opposing Lapras, the opposing Thievul and Goodra were buffeted by the sandstorm!

    If poison is also in effect while the sandstorm rages, they would take damage in batch just like the sandstorm:

    • The opposing Lapras and Goodra were hurt by poison!

    Apply this to any other effects that may happen, such as binding moves and whatever else this could apply to.

    Stat reductions and increases are absolutely terrible currently. It honestly baffles me that we still get a separate action message for every stat that was increased if multiple stats were increased.

    If you don't get what I mean by this, take Ancient Power or No Retreat as examples. Both moves boost all your stats by one stage. So basically, you get this:

    • Falinks's Attack rose!
    • Falinks's Defense rose!
    • Falinks's Special Attack rose!
    • Falinks's Special Defense rose!
    • Falinks's Speed rose!

    So if anyone with an even stable brain can explain to me why we can't just have all of this summed up like this:

    • Falinks's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed rose!

    or if it becomes too much to read, alternatively:

    • All of Falinks's stats rose!

    then I would perhaps change my mind. But currently, this just takes way too long. And if by chance you happen to use a move that sharply raises Attack but normally increases Defense, just display it like usual:

    • Falinks's Attack sharply rose!
    • Falinks's Defense rose!

    There is no issue in dividing different levels of increases, so it is acceptable in this case.

    Also related to stats, are increases and reductions when applied to multiple pokemon at once. This is especially painful during raid battles, because max moves already have this implemented, but normal moves still work the archaic way. If Growl is used in a doubles match, it will display like this:

    • The opposing Boltund's attack was lowered!
    • The opposing Gyarados's attack was lowered!

    Why do we accept this? Why has nobody even really brought this up yet? Why can we not have:

    • Your opponent's attack was lowered!

    with the stat drop action message being displayed at the same time, instead of after the stat drop animation?

    Alternatively, just display:

    • The opposing Boltund's and the opposing Gyarados's attack were lowered!

    Something which really makes you wish this was a thing are raids against Eldegoss. Eldegoss has an ability that lowers the speed of all opposing mons if it takes any damage. So you can just imagine how long the raid will take to complete if that one Mudbray decides to Double Kick each time, effectively taking up to 20 full seconds in animation time each time something even touches the Eldegoss.

    If the same stat is dropped for multiple mons, then stop giving me information about how the attack lowered for every single one in sequence. This isn't difficult, literally an if-statement and some fix-glue in the source code.

    Moves that have special interactions that are out of the norm, such as Protect, do not need to show me the animation when it protects against a move directed at it, and then also show me the action message that an attack was blocked. If an attack is blocked, play the block animation while at the same time giving me the action message.

    This applies to many other aspects, and if I were to list all then this would become a full on novel. A notable mention however are restoration effects. Leftovers, Absorb, Leech Seed, all types of effects like these should display their action message while the HP is restored instead of Animation -> Restoration -> Message. If we cut out one part of this line of effects, we technically shave off 33% of unnecessary time spent in a battle.

    The are loads of mechanics that fit into this section, but simply displaying animation and action message at the same time would shave off so much unnecessary time.

    Dynamaxing currently takes way too much time on animations. There are several things that could be done here to not just save some precious seconds on idle time, but also make it look wayyyyy cooler.

    First off, entry animations. You zoom your pokemon back into it's ball, enlarge it and then throw it. That's fine and dandy and all, but if your opponent does it on the same turn, it actually takes up a full freaking minute just to get the dynamaxed pokemon onto the stage. This is ridiculous on so many levels.

    An obvious idea here is to simply have both mons dynamax at the same time if they both dynamax on the same turn. Split the screen in two, stylize how the screen is split, have both trainers zoom their pokemon back at the same time, and have them throw and release the dynamax at the same time. It gives a sense of tension and an "epic" feeling instead of just watching a slide-show of animations. We already have dynamic music, so why can we not have dynamic animations?

    Secondly, if two dynamaxes expire on the same turn, do the same as above. Split the screen in half and watch them shrink. It is niche since this rarely happens, but if you take the tech from split screening the spawn, then it's easily achievable for a professional.

    Finally, moves. Max moves look cool for the most part, but let's take Geyser, the water move as an example. You shoot a badass stream of water, it has heavy impact, everything feels good. But then you suddenly get an animation that it started raining. This could be animated so much cooler. Why do I shoot a laser beam of water which spawns rain give seconds after the laser hit? Have the rain activate earlier, during the animation or just after. Make it look seamless.

    Also, there is too much downtime after a dynamax spawn is completed. Pokemon just stand there for two or three seconds, likely to accommodate camera pans for one of the players. Which makes me awfully suspicious that each single action requires both players in online to be at the same action stage of the turn for the game to progress. But that's a talk for another time.

    Many probably noticed that the game also for some reason has delays during actions for some reason. You probably know what I'm talking about if you've played the game, but when both trainers have locked in moves, sometimes the game just sits there for two or three seconds without doing anything. Fix it.

    We have the option to skip battle animations in the game, but we don't have the option to disable other miscellaneous animations, such as faints and entries. This should be an option as well, as it would come in incredibly useful when shiny hunting for example.

    Multi-hit moves are, eight generations and 20+ years in, still like eating solid iron nails. We do not need to sit here and watch an animation just to see health drop, and then repeat it up to five times. A five hit combo here should take at most eight or ten seconds. Anything less is quite frankly unacceptable.

    Where it becomes extremely bad though, is if a raid pokemon decides to use one of these moves. Because then we also need to count in that the camera needs to pan in every single time. If a raid pokemon uses Double Slap on a pokemon that isn't dynamaxed and hits five times, it can actually take up to thirty seconds to get through all the animations, which is just absolutely disgusting.

    There is no reason why we cannot have the Critical hit! message displayed on the same message as the Super effective / Not very effective! message. Neither currently take up two lines of text.

    If you have anything to add, feel free to say so. There are probably things I've missed.

    submitted by /u/Elune_
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    Pokemon Just Released a Video Finally Revealing the Starter Evolutions

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:08 AM PST

    So yeah, two weeks after the game released TPC is finally releasing a trailer that shows the evolutions of the starter pokemon along with some new Giantimax forms. Why they are doing this now is beyond me lol.

    Link to the Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW23hdGYXV8

    submitted by /u/Braedon_Halle
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    "The older games have these problems too" isn't a defense. It only demonstrates that the developers were aware of the criticisms and unabashedly ignored them.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:13 PM PST

    Yes, Sun and Moon had the hallway routes and way point based progression, too. Yes towns have always felt small. Yes Pokemon have never meaningfully interacted with the overworld. Yes the supporting cast has never been strongly written.

    But that isn't an excuse when these things have been brought up to the developers several years in a row. Games like Skyward Sword and Mario 3D World sold very well but had heavy criticisms. And the developers who seem to sincerely love their craft paid close attention to critics to create great games like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey.

    So no, saying "That's a problem with other games" isn't a helpful deflection when there's no argument for why that problem is good or even acceptable. "This was a problem in old games making it even worse that they haven't fixed it" is a much more accurate statement.

    submitted by /u/IanMazgelis
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    I played through Pokémon shield and kept a tally of all the times the word “Champion” was used

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:29 PM PST

    So I bought the game on Monday after hearing about our new unbeatable lord and savior and decided to have a champion time. Jokes aside, I thought the memes were likely exaggerating how much Leon and his charizard were referenced in this game. Out of curiosity, I decided to keep a tally of how many times I could find the word "champion", "charizard" (Leon's in particular), and "unbeatable/undefeated/etc." (also in reference to Leon).

    After completing the main story (reaching the credits), I checked my final tally to find that:

    -Leon's charizard was referenced 16 times

    -Leon was called "unbeatable" or "undefeated" (or something along those lines) 23 times

    -The word champion (or champ) was used 125 times. 36 of these were before the 1st gym.

    I finished the game in approximately 20 hours or 1200 minutes. Dividing 1200 by 125 champions brings us to a total of 9.6. This means that the game used the word champion about every 10 minutes on average. Playing through the game at 18 hours would be once every 8.64 minutes.

    TLDR: The game uses the word champion, on average, every 10 minutes.

    Edit: I posted this to a comment below but I came up with an idea. Personally, I think that we should have a new type of speed run called "champion/second" in which you try to complete the game with the highest ratio of champion:seconds. So you keep tally and have to decide which npc are worth talking to in order to find the most "champion" while still maintaining a fast speed.

    submitted by /u/GreenPetal
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    No GTS killed my will to complete the Pokedex and 20 minutes timer in 6v6 singles killed my interest in building a competitive team. Why Gamefreak why?!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    I feel they're going backwards with this games. From the boring routes with no sense of exploration to the lifeless and useless towns. Why remove systems that people enjoyed and not simply build upon them? As much as I loved Gamefreak in the past I would love to see a different studio work on the main games.

    submitted by /u/Solomon11
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    "Pokemon is Nintendo's Most Stagnant and Lazy Franchise" SkillUp Review of Sword and Shield

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PST


    Well made review, and he absolutely nails a lot of the flaws with this game, and the trends in the Pokemon franchise that sharply contrast with almost every other Nintendo franchise.

    submitted by /u/BallMeBlazer22
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    My boy Torterra found a way to cross the galar border

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I'm gonna tell my kids this was the final Legendary's final form in SwSh

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:12 AM PST

    (very minor spoiler) We've seen the dragon gym uniform before

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Pokeballs should be color customizable

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:55 AM PST

    One of the things I like to do when breeding Pokemon is making sure they're in a good ball that matches them. But sometimes, that's hard to do with the given balls in the game. And while getting a lot more balls would be nice, I think it would be better to allow a Pokemon's ball to be customizable through color. Can you imagine having a Centskorch in a Net Ball that's red with yellow hashing? Or a Whimsicott in a cream colored Heal Ball with green accents, brown ring, and orange button? Or a Galvantula in an Ultra Ball but the black part is now purple?

    I would love this and it would allow us, I think, to truly make balls that match our Pokemon.

    submitted by /u/vernanonix
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    So I just came up with a new design for Necrozma...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    I'm calling it Necrozmusk: https://imgur.com/a/tW0Jdej

    submitted by /u/Tsoharth
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    Hot take: if X and Y had been released this year instead of Sw/Sh, they would have been way better received

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:00 PM PST

    I just completed X yesterday, after finishing UM last weekend, and i had a surprisingly pleasant experience. I came to believe that the pokemon series first step into 3d was good. Gen 6 had it's shortcomings, but it was ultimately going in the right direction.

    Being the first game in 3d, the fact that it was shorter than the previous titles was well justified, they did mode all the existing pokemon and the new ones in 3d, from scratch. Furthermore the reduced number of new pokemon wasnt detrimental, and it was again justified by having to model everything in 3d.

    The game's main issues are the difficulty, and the linearity, but those werent all that bad now that we look back at it. The routes werent hallway style, like the ones in Alola, there were plenty of caves and detours to explore, and a good ammount of backtracking incentive.

    As for the difficulty, if the player kept the exp share off, ignored the second starter(which was a big fanservice to gen 1 lovers), and the gift Lucario, the game's just as challenging as your average pokemon. Except of course for the nerfed E4, but that was fine. The exp share was a welcome feature by many as well, so when it comes to difficulty, gen 6 gave the player a great degree of customization.

    What gen 6 really made right, was mega evolution, and fairy typing, even though i've never been into competitive, simply being able to use pokemon that were previously useless, and having another type in the mix, was pure joy. Today in gen 8 we have Dynamaxing, which is a travesty, and which killed mega evolution.

    X and Y also gave us trainer customization, pokemon riding, all the online services we were already familiar with, roller blades, and a nice new region.

    Kalos feels pretty packed, when compared to Galar. If it was expanded, like Platinum did with Sinnoh, we might have ended up with one of the best regions. I believe going from X and Y straight to S/M was the first step on the pokemon series downfall. Expanding Kalos, giving us a Z version with a revised story, more megas, and more regions to explore, was the correct course of action.

    Gen 6's story is a mess, both plot and characters, but you dont find as many people complaining about Sw/Sh characters and plot, as you find people complaining about everything else. Older fans who are coming back from gen 1/2 in particular could care less for a proper story, so X/Y would be received well enough. So long as we had new pokemon and a region, everyone would be happy enough.

    Even if X /Y were released with some sort of Dexit, we could overlook it for the fact of it being the leap to 3d. What we cant forgive is Sw/Sh being i a more powerful system, and having pokemon cut, having mega evolution cut.

    If they had just released a Z version this year, with a wild zone on it, it would have been better than what we got with Sw/Sh. This is just how half assed these games were. And they followed the trend of S/M. If the series keeps going like that, Gen 9 might be an 8 hour long game, with 300 pokemon on it, and an even shittier gimmick.

    submitted by /u/AshenOwn
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    Going from Dragon Quest XI S to Pokémon Sword and Shield highlighted Generation 8's glaring issues.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    As a long time Pokémon fan, I'd awaited the new games with an excited eagerness, keeping clear of the controversies so I could make my own mind up. So when I popped in my copy of Sword and got ready to listen to the "Welcome to the word of Pokémon" spiel, I was bemused to say the least at Rose's lips moving to the scrolling text, but no actual voiceover.

    Maybe, I thought, I've just been spoiled by playing too much Dragon Quest XIS, where virtually every single cutscene (and there are A LOT of cutscenes) is fully voiced over. But the more I played, the more I realised what I'd taken for granted when it came to Dragon Quest, and before long, I was back to racing around Erdrea because it was just more interesting. Let me explain why these two JRPGs feel so different to me.

    THE Graphics have been to me, never a defining aspect of a Pokémon game. I don't think it's fair to judge a game off of its graphics alone but aside from the towns, especially Postwick and Wedgehurst. But then I reached the Wild Area. The blandness of it coupled with the poor framerate (due to playing online) negatively impacted my initial joy at seeing pokémon in the wild. Comparing it to DQXIS, which you can see in this excellently made video of a direct comparison from E3 footage, Sw/Sh's "Wild" Area really isn't that "wild" at all. Each zone in DQXIS is vibrant, full of unique monsters and has a purpose outside of 'catching them all' or providing a route to the next town. And it shows. Not to mention, the switch version of DQXI offers the option to play the entire game in a classic 2D style.

    THE Gameplay is what I'd say is the most important aspect of any game, and this is no exception for Pokémon. I held off prejudgements on the hope that the gameplay would be engaging and fill in the gaps GameFreak had left unpatched. But unfortunately, this wasn't the case for me. I can see the attraction in the similar formula, and for a long time I enjoyed it too, but this time I couldn't see myself playing to completion. Yet I found (and still find) the Dragon Quest formula thoroughly engaging - and they are a very similar turn-based, "choose your ability", style. The prior video has a section comparing Sw/Sh to DQXI PS4 gameplay and you can see the individual attack and enemy animations for each spell and ability (again there are A LOT). Riding monsters in Dragon Quest XI S offers the opportunity to plough through enemies in a way I could only imagine Pokémon would offer if it was still in the game.

    THE Story is something I only feel comfortable comparing as both games are technically the same genre of JRPG. To put it bluntly, Dragon Quest blows Pokémon out of the water completely and utterly. And that's not just in terms of writing, Sword & Shield take approximately 15 - 20 hours to beat whereas Dragon Quest 11 takes 50 to get to the "official" end at Act 2, with masses of content left to do in the third Act (personally it took me 75 hours playing casually). I cannot give enough praise for the writing: you actually care for the diverse cast of characters with their unique personalities and growth over time, each "zone" has its own story arc, usually themed around an idea, you truly feel like you're interacting with the world of Erdea and most importantly, you feel drawn in from the beginning. In every Pokémon game, you battle your way to the top with little difficulty or feeling of consequence, time after time, and Sword & Shield are no different.

    IN Conclusion, Pokémon Sword & Shield simply fail to capture the same emotions that Dragon Quest XI does. I cannot recommend DQXI enough but Pokémon feels like it fails to meet the mark when compared to similar titles. If you feel even some slight intrigue from this post, I implore you to download the free 10 hour demo from the eshop and experience it for yourself or watch either Tim Roger's Dragon Quest XI (PS4) Review or his Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition (Switch) Review, both of which offer excellent insights.

    Please note all these ideas are my own opinions and should be treated as such. I do not hate the new Pokémon games for their changes but equally haven't found the level of enjoyment out of them that I had expected. I will try to play through them again soon... when I've finished all the post-game content in Dragon Quest.

    submitted by /u/ph0enixwr0ng
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    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:27 AM PST

    It was my first Rookidee encounter and I got a shiny. Honestly just really happy lol. It will be my second ever shiny after my first was a trapinch in black 2.

    shiny Rookidee yay

    submitted by /u/xblank_k
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    As someone who doesn't have friends, I am literally begging GF for a patch on Max raid CPU partners.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:32 PM PST

    I'm so tired of going into these raids just to be greeted by a team of Wobbuffet, Solrock, and Magikarp. It's not even an advantage to the player at that point, it's literally just fodder for the raid boss to get the 4 KOs and bounce. It's so frustrating to try and take down the barriers when the other three Pokemon just refuse to attack.

    submitted by /u/IAmADuckSizeHorseAMA
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    Why weren't cities in Sw/Sh like Castelia City?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:44 PM PST

    I'm no gen 5 fan, but I have to admit that Castelia city is one of my favorite areas in all of Pokemon.

    It's supposed to be a big city, and it FEELS big. There's so many places to go, so many alleys.

    You have guys hanging out in alleyways, people just going along their way to work in the street, people tending the cafes, and people working in the offices, ALL OF WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS.

    I just don't get it - Castelia city is THE prime example of a great, well fleshed out city in the Pokemon universe...so why go all cheap and give us Wyndon City? I just finished Sw/Sh and I cannot access the Clock Tower...but Galar is based on the UK. Are you telling me that I can't access the Pokemon equivalent of Big Ben, arguably the UK's most well known "attraction"? It makes no sense from any view point, there is so little content actually accessible in these games that it's honestly baffling to me.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    About To Beat Leon, So Here’s My Thoughts On The Three Rivals Of Sword and Shield.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:55 AM PST

    Hop is a swell little lad who's made me understand why people don't like friendly rivals. I just feel bad being so much better than him. I've heard things start looking a little better for him in the post game so that's nice I suppose. To end this section out, if you could get a girlfriend in this game it would be by seducing Hop's.

    Marnie is a fun character, finding a nice balance between friend and rival along your way to the semi finals. I absolutely adorable her dynamic with Piers, and wish we could get more. Even though she's a nice person who helped us out to get into Spikemuth, I don't feel as bad for beating her as I do for beating Hop since Piers wants her to replace him, guaranteeing her a spot in the next finals.

    Bede is tied with Marine for my favorite. The delightful jerk makes his personality well knower the very second you meet him, and it only gets better. While he was a jerk that I could enjoy pummeling, it was very nice to see the audience cheering for him at the end after he survived Opal's boot camp.

    submitted by /u/DarkAlphaZero
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:52 PM PST

    This 20 minute hard limit is devastating, and needs way more attention.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:51 AM PST

    I let my 4-year-old name all the pokemon on my playthrough of crystal.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    While everyone is playing swsh, I had a blast playing sun and moon for the first time! (So I made art :0)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:37 AM PST

    I don't really have any consoles so I had to use an emulator, but honestly I had a lot of fun with sun and moon haha. My favorite character is definitely acerola, and I thought she'd probably get along with Looker seeing how he's Nanu's ex-partner and I feel like they'd bond pretty well lol, I dunno.

    But anyways, here's some art I made! :)

    submitted by /u/A-Static-Mess
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