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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 09 November 2019

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 09 November 2019

    [RAGE THREAD] 09 November 2019

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:06 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    #ThankYouGamefreak is trending #1 in the US right now.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST


    That's fun. /s

    EDIT: In all seriousness, #FreeGameFreak. They shouldn't be forced to churn out Pokemon games yearly by TPCi, it puts heavy strain on the very few people who work on them. I'd be willing to wait for 4-6 years (or more) for them to be able to have enough time to produce something of good quality instead of something rushed due to merch, anime, and people pushing for more games. I feel bad for them.

    submitted by /u/ItsZekrom
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    Can we just talk about how Gamefreak got almost everybody in the community to hate charizard in a few days.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:24 AM PST

    Like honestly. Charizard went from being one of the most beloved pokemon, to one of the most hated because of the leaks and the gigantimax trailer. Im sure there are some people who still like the guy but all ive really seen talking about charizard is hate. In case your wondering, yeah I hate him now too.

    submitted by /u/Toxic_Angel04
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    With #ThankYouGameFreak trending on Twitter, it doesn’t seem like Pokémon is going to ever improve...

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    Seeing this trend on Twitter just shows the mindset of most Pokémon fans and their overwhelming loyalty to a company that has anti consumer practices. It doesn't really seem that anything will change, since most fans don't really want anything to change. It's pretty disappointing, still going to boycott but it feels that nothing will change.

    Yes there is no problem with supporting the game, there also is no problem with criticizing the game. People think that criticism is now some form of personal attack, when fans just want the game to be improved. Consumers should be able to voice their opinions over the decisions relating to the product. But now criticism is somehow turned into a negative thing.

    I really don't get how people can be appreciative over anti consumer practices. Regardless if you are excited about the game, it does not mean that these practices are good all of a sudden.

    submitted by /u/Bokoroasts
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    People are raging because Dexit is the tipping point that unleashed the floodgates of years of frustrations.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I think we can all agree that Pokemon has retained the same essential formula for the past 25 years. It needed an overhaul and with the first ever core series on a home console, I think we totally expected it. I gave Pokemon years of excuses because it was a portable game. Now though, there's no reason for no actual innovation at all. They now have the entire power of an home console to use, along with a $60 dollar price tag on the game. One would imagine this to be the ultimate Pokemon game, yes?

    Everything we have seen from the leaks though seems to point otherwise.

    • Little to no post game once again
      • Only a Battle Tower
      • 1-2 hr post game side story
    • We all knew Dexit was going to happen, but less then half of the 800+? Ridiculous. I was expecting between 500-600
      • Also, GF supposedly future proofed 722 models during X/Y
    • We were told Dexit was meant to create better animations. So far, that doesn't seem to be the case.
    • Maybe Dexit meant a focus on better graphics/environments? Graphics/style don't look stunning considering it's a brand new gen on a home console
    • If Dexit was meant to mix up official online tournaments, then just lock the usable Pokemon to just the Galar Region. Let the rest of us play freely online with whoever we want
    • Maybe Dexit meant a brand new take on the Gym Challenge like in Gen 7? Maybe a successor to Totem Pokemon?
      • So far, things seem pretty routine like before, except there is a heavy soccer theme.
    • Maybe Dexit meant an overall focus on innovating fan favorite, cut features? Again, this is a brand new $60 home console Pokemon. I'm not demanding everything returns, but maybe pick 3-4 features, and really work on them. I want something that is worth every penny of my purchase. Not just an "HD Pokemon".
      • Contests are still absent
      • A successor to the PokeNav/PSS with emphasis on re-battling trainers is clearly absent
      • Secret Bases are still locked to Gen 3/Gen 3 remakes
      • Difficulty selection
      • Cool Megas that allowed weaker Pokemon a chance, seemingly cut in favor of "big Pokemon" and "Even Bigger Pokmeon"

    I will slowly, gradually get over Dexit I suppose, but I'm still beyond frustrated that Dexit didn't result in a much bigger, more innovative entry for the series.

    submitted by /u/soccerman95
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    We can all agree that Pokemon’s yearly releases are hurting the franchise

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:06 PM PST

    Considering we have gotten Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Moon, Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, and Sword and Shield in 4 year in a row all with mo substantial improvements aside from the quality of life improvements of Sword and Shield. I think we can all agree that we should stop getting a game yearly. I think we can all wait every 2-3 years for a mainline game to be released. That way, GameFreak can listen to criticism from fans and be able to make the games extra polished.

    Had GameFreak decides to make Ultra Sun and Moon the games debut on Switch. They could've had more time to add in new stuff. Maybe they could've had added new Pokemon and Regional variants that they couldn't in Sun and Moon like a new pseudo-legendary pokemon based off Hawaii's state bird the Nene, a variant of the bat pokemon or even a new pokemon based off the Hawaiian Hoary Bat, a Water/Fire variant of the Spheal line based off the Monk seal, and Grass/Steel variants of the Shiftry line based off Menehune as examples. Maybe they could've revisit scrapped pokemon from the Gold and Silver beta like Tsubomitto, Honoguma, Kotora, Bomushikaa, Raitora, Urufuman and Waaurufu.

    Maybe bring back DexNav and give it a sidequest where you find pokemon not part of the Alolan Pokedex. Have a challenge mode that has your starter get a hidden ability as a little "Good luck..." gift but the AI is improved.

    Why not also change the plot completely. Explore what would happen if Lusamine didn't lose Mohn. Maybe have Lillie as another friendly rival whose starter has it's hidden ability like if you chose Rowlet, she would start of with a Litten with Intimidate. Gladion could have ran off with Type: Null to prove himself. Maybe Lusamine isn't an antagonist but an ally. Why not also have Mohn run Poke Pelago as a side project too? They could've done a lot to do a new plot.

    If Game Freak had taken 2017 off to make Ultra Sun and Moon good even if it was on another console, that could've improves the series

    As I'm saying, I think the yearly release limits GameFreak's potential.

    submitted by /u/MisterZygarde64
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    The official Japanese website has a neat interactive retrospective on all the previous games hyping up the release of SwSh!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:12 AM PST


    It lets you recap by having you pick your favorite region, then your starter, most memorable battle, and favorite feature!

    Kicking while we're down, rubbing salt in our wounds.

    submitted by /u/PokemonMMORant
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    My Fiance had a Breloom cake made for my birthday!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:30 AM PST

    Worst gimmick in Pokémon

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    I keep seeing people talking about how bad dyanamaxing is, but at the end of the day we all know the worst gimmick is trade evolutions. Jesus I hate having a really cool Pokémon I want to use, but I can't because I have to trade it with a stranger on the internet I don't know, or my nonexistent friend. I just want to be able to evolve Pokémon through level up or held items. Hell, I'll even take turning the switch upside down over trading evolutions.

    submitted by /u/JustMayDay
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    PSA: Do not buy the Double Pack on the ESHOP, its more expensive than if you were to buy SWSH separate.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    The Pokemon Sword and Shield double pack is on the eshop for $119.99, while the Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are on the e shop separately for $59.99 each. Here is where my accounting degree pays off. If you were to buy the games separately it will be $119.98 vs $119.99 for the double pack. You will be saving $0.01. Theres some games on the eshop for $0.01

    submitted by /u/VegitoSSB
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    Something I noticed about people defending Dexit.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:02 AM PST

    After reading a couple posts on Tumblr defending the Dexit decision, I realized something. A lot of people defending it don't understand the argument of people who are against it.

    The argument isn't "I want to be able to catch every Pokemon in the game and ignore the new ones in favor of ones I already know." it's more "I want to be able to bring the Pokemon I have caught in previous games in." The Pokemon you're able to catch hasn't really been an issue since probably Gen 5, where you were locked to the new Pokemon until the postgame. What most people are unhappy about, is that you can't bring the Pokemon you have already caught and possibly grown attached to at any point.

    The way I usually play a new game is to go through the story without importing my Pokemon, and then bring them in once I'm in the postgame, and I believe a lot of people do that as well. It was basically enforced until around Gen 6, when PokeTransfer could be used from the start of the game. Even then, Pokemon transfer tools were held back until a few months after the release of the game, so if you were that desperate to steamroll the story you would have to wait.

    But now, with more than half the Dex gone, some of my favorite Pokemon can't be transferred over, even in the Postgame. I have a Garchomp I caught in Platinum, has pretty abysmal IVs, but I caught it in Platinum and it has led my Postgame team for every single game since then. At this point, I consider it my partner. But, SwSh removed Garchomp from the Dex, so I can't explore the new region with my partner at all. I have to either leave him in USUM or relegate him to my phone. I don't want Garchomp in the Dex because I wanna catch one and use it the entire story, I want him in the Dex because my partner is a Garchomp and I can't bring him over for the postgame.

    TL:DR we aren't mad that we can't catch every Pokemon ever, we're mad that we have to abandon our partners in previous games because GF refused to add them into the new games.

    submitted by /u/Ender0flare
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    Sword and Shield made me realize I have very low standards for Pokémon games for whatever reason

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:45 PM PST

    For some unknown reason, I never realized that, but when it comes to Pokémon games I always had very low standards. I didn't put this as venting cause I won't use charged language in this post and will also keep it short and objective as possible . I will make some comparisons along the way to make my points more easy to visualize.

    Point #1 - Different versions with exclusive Pokémons:

    . Is there any good reason for there being two versions of pretty much every game in the series? They just split about 10 non legendary/mythical Pokémon in each version and throw some different legendaries. That can even be seen as anti-consumer practice, but even if you don't see it that way, is there any benefit at all for us players?

    Comparison #1: Fire Emblem Fates

    . Despite not being that well received by some fans, the game definitely justified having two different versions (I will talk about those because it were the ones I played). While Conquest offers a more difficult game since there is no grinding whatsoever without DLC, meaning that choosing which units to level up is crucial, and Birthright offers a more easy experience, since grinding is an option, there is also different cutscenes, different stories, playable classes, characters and skills for each game.

    The missions are also totally different in each game, with different map layouts, objectives, enemy types, bosses and "gimmicks".

    Meanwhile, in Pokémon, we have exclusive Pokémons for each version for no apparent benefit to the players.

    Point #2 - No difficulty settings:

    . Difficulty settings are a staple in most games in every console and platform for a reason. They allow players who want to have a challenge to have fun, and allow casual players to stomp opponents or have their own challenge, due to their inexperience.

    Pokémon games, for the most part, never had any difficulty settings. It would be a stretch to say that disabling the EXP Share in the most recent games would be a difficulty setting in its own right (I beat the Moon version without it and without grinding and it was a blast), but now that shared experience is an automatic feature in Sword and Shield, even that stretch is now possibly gone, since it is not clear yet if it will be possible to turn it on or off.

    Comparison #2: Pokémon Black 2

    . In Black 2, there was this "key" item that unlocked after beating the game, that basically unlocked a "Challenge" mode setting when starting a new game. It was contrived to get it, but it was worth it since Challenge mode increase the levels of trainer Pokémons by 1 up to 5 levels, highly increased their A.I., increased money rewards, and even added some diferent Pokémons and held items to Gym leaders.

    For me, this is the prime example of a mechanic being introduced and later being discarded with no good reasoning. If any other game added a difficulty setting feature and then removed it later without some benefit, I would really consider discarding the franchise. That was not the case for me, since I bought Moon and Omega ruby.

    Point #3 - Bad quality AI

    . While playing Omega Ruby the other day, I had Pelliper use Fly against a slower Medicham. In the first turn, I believe he used some random attack, damaging my Pelliper, who then used Fly, which is a two-turn move. See, any reasonable AI would avoid using High Jump kick on the second turn; because my Pelliper was slower, he would stay invulnerable in the air while Medicham used his attack. High Jump Kick deals recoil damage, so absolutely any other move the Medicham had other than that would not damage him, and yet he decided to hit his own face.

    This is just one of a ton of examples of how the AI is bad in most Pokémon games. We can't know for sure that it will be the case in Sword and Shield, but since a better AI would be an improvement and it wasn't mentioned in any interview, it is seems safe to say that it's not going to be the case.

    Point #4- No meaningful quality of life and DLC updates other than an "entirely" new game

    . Pokémon games get updated only to patch some performance issues and the like. While a temporary removal of the National Dex could be digestible for players that want it, it was stated by Gamefreak that it is a policy change that will affect all games going forward. I have a theory for their choice, but since this isn't a rant post, I won't get into that.

    The National Dex could be patched in later down the line. Yet, it won't. Pokémon games have a history of refusing to add content to an already launched game other than one or two event/movie Pokémons. The only way they improve the experience is by launching a new updated premium version, like Pokémon Platinum or Ultra Sun/Moon. Their policy change also confirms this.

    Comparison #3: Witcher 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition

    . It is true that the Witcher 3 free DLC is an outlier, but keep up with me for a second. This point will make more sense by the end of this segment. Witcher 3 added different cosmetic options (skins, beards), new armor sets and a new weapon all for free.

    Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition, despite being a game launched in September 14 of 2017 just received today (might be yesterday by the time I finish this post) a batch of new free DLC that helps inventory management, adds a way to level up some of your items so you can still use them if you are at a higher level, improved some skills and even added a certain "randomizer buff" to enemy fights.

    While those games add free new stuff for their playerbase, even two full years after the games release, Gamefreak can't make the commitment to add the National Dex for free on a later date for their first home console title, which has been a core component of the franchise for about 16 years if I am correct, since Pokémon Ruby was launched on 2003. Which brings us to our last point...

    Point #5 - Removing past features, despite their prevalence or ties to the core gameplay

    The removal of the National Pokédex shows to me that I can't trust the franchise to be cohesive and caring about its playerbase. The sudden removal of an aspect that has been part of the games for more than a decade, without any reasonable basis (the arguments they used have all been debunked, specially with the leak of the Galar Dex, which features no counters to Torrapex, if I am not mistaken, which counters their argument of balancing competitive play), shows to me that they see that they can change the game as they see fit without considering the fanbase.

    I say that was no rant because it is an objective statement that many collectors or competitive or even casual players build their gameplay around the possibility of playing with the Pokémons that they traded, breeded or captured in previous entries, which they most likely played for, in future games.

    I, for instance, decided to buy Omega Ruby mainly on the basis that by doing that and borrowing Pokémon Y from a close friend of mine, I would be able to finally be very close to finishing up the National Pokédex. When Moon and Sun where announced, I grabbed a temporary crappy job in order to buy it in release and keep growing my collection and completing my National Pokédex.

    Until Sword and Shield, Gamefreak seemed to value that, or otherwise apps such as the Pokébank would never had a reason to exist.

    Whether or not you care about the subject is not a counter argument. PvP and invasion are core mechanics of Dark Souls games. I love to play the game solo only. That does not mean that it isn't a core aspect to the game. It just means that I am not the type of player that build my play experience around it.

    Collecting and using different regional Pokémons in the National Pokédex is a core aspect to the franchise. That didn't stopped my younger brother of beating the entirety of Pokémon Platinum by using solely his Empoleon in the battles (which was lv 92 when he first met Giratina). It would still be ludicrous if he said to me that an hypothetical backlash against the removal of being able to use Pokémon other than Empoleon is blowing stuff out or proportion or doesn't matter at all. The same reasoning clearly applies to Dexit.

    Points number X: bad graphics/lack of innovation/removal of Mega Pokémon/lack of quality animations

    Won't be saying anything about those, since they were discussed a lot already.



    If Pokémon (specially Sword and Shield) had underperformed in one these areas, I would be able to swallow it. But since it underperformed in all of them, using only reasons that have been widely debunked, there is no reason whatsoever for me to keep buying their games. Doing that would make me a hypocrite, unless I lowered tremendously my standards for every other single franchise I am a consumer of, be it movies, tv series, card games or video games.

    I decide to consume stuff as I vote: I choose to support stuff that I think deserves it, that truly tries to improve and deliver. Pokémon Sword and Shield doesn't seem to deliver to most gamers in any meaningful way, despite being the highest grossing franchise in the history of the world (and no, this is not an hyperbole: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises ).

    Pokémon is worth dollars. Tell me after reading this post and reflecting on this issue that you think that Gamefreak is putting enough effort that a franchise worth that many zeroes deserve.

    submitted by /u/zerozark
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    Decided to give Bulbapedia a little update

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST


    Edit 1: I don't think anyone caught it yet, but I actually edited the number of articles listed to about half in reference to Dexit.

    Edit 2: Apparently some of you think I actually edited the site, which I didn't. I'm glad that I apparently did a good enough job modifying a static image to be convincing though. :)

    submitted by /u/AvaTyler
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    A Few Fun Facts about the Galar Dex

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:00 PM PST

    Since the leaks have shown us every Pokémon that will be in the game, as well as debunking rumours about its expansion, I thought I'd hit you with a few facts that may surprise you:

    • At just 400 Pokémon, this is the smallest Pokédex of any game since RSE which had 386. Even more glaringly, Kalos and Alola had more Pokémon in their regional dex alone than Galar will have total

    • Game Freak stated that the Pokémon that were chosen were supposed to reflect the region, which is based on the UK. Let's take a look at some of the confounding omissions they made, and maybe some equally confusing additions:
      • Despite Team Yell being featured in the game, the Exploud line is not
      • Lilipup, a Yorkshire Terrier, and Snubbull, a bulldog, are both cut from the game. They are both English dog breeds.
      • Swans are a pretty common pet for the monarch, however Swanna did not make the cut.
      • England's national animal is the Lion, yet the Pyroar line is not in the game. EDIT: Not only is England's national animal not included, but the USA's (Braviary) IS for some absolutely ridiculous reason.
      • Druddigon, which bears the closest resemblance to the Welsh dragon of all the dragon Pokémon included, is not in the game.
      • There are no squirrel Pokémon like Pachirisu in the game, despite them being a common animal in the UK
      • Penguins are almost exclusively found in the southern hemisphere. They are not endemic to the British Isles. A penguin with an ice block for a head is very unlikely to be found outside of Antarctica. Disappointingly a flying type based on a puffin was not made for Sw/Sh
      • Tsareena, a mangosteen, does not grow in the UK. It is also based on a tsarina, which is a Russian monarch, not a British one.
      • Fairly surprisingly, skunks are not found in Europe at all. Skuntank however can be found in Galar
      • Even more surprisingly, pandas are not found in the UK. Pangoro however, can be found in Galar.
    submitted by /u/oxycontinoverdose
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    The new Gengar design looks amazing!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    The fact that people are actively for Dexit is pathetic.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:47 AM PST

    I totally get being indifferent or a bit sad, but still buying the game. I'm not gonna stop you. I also get that you feel bad about GameFreak having low morale right now. But actively wishing for Dexit, and other features being removed is just insane. Why do people want stuff removed? Don't they want more stuff in the game? Sorry if this seems like an unnecessary rant, but I saw people on twitter acting like this. Really annoying.

    Edit: I should not have used the word pathetic. I am sorry. You have every right to enjoy the game, but please stop actively wanting the removal of key features.

    submitted by /u/Pikacraft64NoScope
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    Even if you're excited for the games, please don't defend decisions like Dexit.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:26 PM PST

    I get it, some of you are genuinely still excited for this game. Some of the new designs are awesome, wild area has potential, and it's the first core pokemon game in hd. If you find the games still worth $60, I can't stop you from spending it how you want. However, some defenders of Gamefreak are going out of their way to actually defend decisions like Dexit and even proclaiming it's a good thing. No matter what your stance is, what your preferences are, or what you value, it makes absolutely no sense to claim Dexit is a positive thing in anyway whatsoever. Please do not say you want to enjoy experiencing newer pokemon instead of the usual crowd in the story. You can do that with or without the national dex post game. Please do not say competitive battles online will become more balanced. That can be achieved with or without the national dex post game. (they just have to only allow the regional dex in ranked matches.) Please do not say it had to be done eventually anyway. It's not eventually yet. The removal of the national dex won't have an effect at all to some people at best, but will be devastating to other fans at worst. If you are somehow defending this decision, you bought into the nonsensical, inconsistent excuses Gamefreak used for it, and need to do a quick fact check. Even if we have differing opinions on what's most important in a pokemon game, we should still be all united in hoping for the very best the franchise could be for as many fans as possible.

    submitted by /u/ZyphDefien
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    Ordering take out

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:36 AM PST


    I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda

    submitted by /u/Pikacheeser
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    Game Freak explains why Exp. Share can't be turned off

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:24 AM PST

    In an interview with InsideGamer, director Shigeru Ohmori said that when Exp. Share was a thing, most players had it turned on. What about those who had it off?

    "Those who have it turned off want to train one specific Pokemon. We thought: is there a way to achieve that? There is, simply by putting the rest of your Pokémon in the PC."


    submitted by /u/n8jb
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    Pokemon that didn't make it but should have

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 10:12 PM PST


    Each gen included Pokemon that are inspired by that region is based on. Gen 1-4: Oni, Yokai, and other Japanese things. Gen 5: Many cultures and also American bison and eagle. Gen 6: Fairies, fantasy, and French arms. Gen 7: Hawaiian culture and myths. I was surprised that certain Pokemon were omitted from Galar so I made a visual of Pokemon I thought should've been in the dex (some obvious and some subtle).

    submitted by /u/shadowbroker000
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    I don't have hope for this series anymore.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:04 AM PST

    This may sound like pointless venting at this point since it's 6 days before launch but, unless both the western and japanese fanbase's backlash is heard (or ignored again like usual), I don't have hope for a change in this series anymore. Even if there is, it feels like a lose-lose situation. If the games sell well (which will likely happen), then it gives TPC more incentive to cut corners and if it doesn't, it just proves their (completely bullshit) point that 'kids focus more on phone games'. Truly, the series has entered a dark age and I don't see it coming out it of any time soon. That said though... To those who genuinely want to enjoy the game, go ahead. Enjoy what you can before it's too late.

    submitted by /u/Happiomi
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    All Galarian locals in the anime should have British accents

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:48 AM PST

    I know it's a small thing to ask for but obviously the region based in the UK should have the appropriate accents. I know previous regions were based on countries and everyone still retained their American accents, but Galar is the first region based on an English speaking country where they have noticable dialects.

    submitted by /u/Naveil
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    (Spoiler) New Ghost-type Gigantamax Form

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:18 PM PST

    Pokemon Home is what will break or save the series

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PST

    As a lot of you, when I heard about Dexit I was livid. I've been a fan since 1996 and I have always loved transferring Pokemon from older generations and incorporating them into the new ones, and to learn that is not possible in Sword and Shield has me really bummed. It seems my Pokemon are doomed to a techno-dystopiate wasteland in which they rot in Pokemon storage until memory decay consumes them.

    But then I got to thinking--we are over 1,000 Pokemon now, and to add an additional 80-150 each gen will be a monumental task that will affect development time and ultimately take away from true innovation in each subsequent game, as more resources are required to manage such a large pool of Pokemon. If Home is uspported in the right way, it ccould actually be fun to only have a regional PokeDex.

    The key to this is Pokemon Home. I'm sure that most of us, when we think of Pokemon Home, have flashbacks to Pokemon Bank, which is nothing more than an expanded PC box. But what if Game Freak made Pokemon Home more of a stand alone game, a nexus if you will? A fully traverseable area where you can access different features to use the Pokemon you have stored there?

    Modeled like a Battle Frontier, the ideal Pokemon Home would give players the ability to battle other trainers, have limited time NPC battling events, the ability to trade Pokemon locally, with the GTS, or via friends, and Pokemon Camp/Amie. There could be the battle tree, the battle tower, the battle zepplin, whatever they decide to make. There could be causal cups, hardcore cups, and even events where traienrs from different regions are featured at the top of the Battle Tree/Tower/etc. How cool would it be to have Cynthia appear and have to gauntlet battle trainers from Sinnoh and then face-off against Cynthia's legendary Garchomp in full HD?

    When a new Pokemon game is announced, you can travel to and from Home to the new region if the Pokemon is supported.

    This would help mitigate the development process by having all of the Pokemon already modeled, animated, and functioning in the battle system for each gen's release, meaning that only the new Pokemon need to be created, which takes a momentous amount of work to do. This would free up the developer's time schedule, giving them more freedom to create better features for each game AND keep up the yearly release schedule they've adopted.

    If Game Freak would put in the time to create some central base, they would be greatly rewarded and relieved of the burden of game development. With each new release they could cherry pick which Pokemon to appear in the regional dex which, in my opinion, would be fun and exciting, because I could focus on experiencing the new games and the Pokemon of the new regions environment while still being able to battle with my older Pokemon in Home.

    It'd be a win win. Charge $10 for Home and they're golden. If Home is just Bank 2 then there'd be no point to transfer Pokemon and watch them decay.

    tl;dr Pokemon Home would be a stand alone Battle Frontier where every pokemon can be stored and used for battle, trading, and bonding like the main series games.

    submitted by /u/Horror_Author_JMM
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