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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 13 January 2020

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 13 January 2020

    [Weekly Questions Thread] 13 January 2020

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:08 AM PST

    Have any questions about Pokémon that you'd like answered?

    If they're about the anime, the games, the manga, or anything Pokémon related, feel free to ask here -- no matter how silly your questions might seem!

    /r/pokemon also has a Discord channel! Feel free to swing by there to ask a question, or just to talk! :D

    A few useful sources for reliable Pokémon-related information:




    Also remember to check the /r/pokemon FAQ and our related subreddits list.

    If you want to answer questions posed by other members of the community, remember to sort the comments by new! If you use RES, please also consider subscribing to this thread so you know when new questions are asked!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Im glad HMs are gone but i really liked how it made you back track

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:54 AM PST

    In these games, the only HM replacement we have are the surf bike and corviknight taxi. In past games, HMs like surf, dive, rock climb, cut,strength, etc blocked off hidden secrets and treasures during our games, requiring us to go back to previous routes and towns...

    ...and i LOVED that. It was cool to find TMs you couldnt attain until revisitting. It rewarded exploration. In these games, we only have the surf bike to add additional exploration. But why not add a climb bike to go up small inaccessible hills or a tyre upgrade that lets you go through rocky terrain? Small additions like that wouldve given the game at least an extra hour of optional gameplay which it greatly needs in the post game.

    Edit: You lads boosted my karma by 150%. Is it sad that this is my greatest achievement?

    submitted by /u/Galaric_Ditto
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    Another Mouse Cursor Appears To Have Accidentally Slipped Into January 9’s Pokemon Direct

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:42 AM PST

    Yet again, another mouse pointer - https://i.imgur.com/6yq22t5.jpg

    Edit: You can see the cursor pop up for yourself during the video (at precisely 15:23 – 15:24) https://youtu.be/C66Zrb4XdSg

    submitted by /u/EquiNox127
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    A bit old-school, but did a Sabrina over the weekend!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    How is not being able to change a nickname still a thing??? I don't want an Eevee named "Asshole" in Japanese!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Seriously, I know that in some cases it might be changing a loving title from a loving trainer, but realistically if the trainer traded it anyway it wasn't that important to begin with. LEAST OF ALL with a God awful name like "Asshole". I've seen others like "Dickcheese" and "KoalaRapist" and it's just ridiculous that we STILL cannot change shit like this. At least regulate it A LITTLE BIT! Can't even imagine how many parents must be pissed too when their kid can't change "Assphuck" s name. Sword and Shield for those who wanna know.

    submitted by /u/FFJoeman93
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    Just renewed my pokebank subscription since it came out and my living Dex is still there!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:44 AM PST

    I didn't see the answer to my question and feared my pokebank would be wiped after not renewing it for 4 years or whatever it's been, but I just booted up my old 3DSXL and renewed the subscription and all 1-791 were still there! I looked using Omega Ruby as my game because that's the last one I played (didn't care for Sun/Moon). I hope this helps anyone who needed to know. The automod deleted my first post for not having enough characters or words in it, so hopefully now I have written enough in here that this fills up the word count and this post does not get autodeleted again because I think this is good information for everyone to have.

    submitted by /u/Lewdagger
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    HEAR ME OUT. If GameFreak wants to keep the protagonists young for story and marketing related reasons, they should at least give us an online avatar we can fully customize for older players, separate from the story.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Think about it, the in game protag keeps up the facade of the childlike adventure and the story remains in tact. GameFreak can market the game to kids and keep the machine running.

    Click the online hub/Battle Spot, and we jump into our fully customized avatar.

    That way I can be, say, an Ace Trainer with a bitchin beard and not an 11 year old carbon cutout with slightly different features when I play online with my friends.

    Height/weight/age sliders, maybe even titles and poses we can earn in game.

    I think this is LONG past due, and would make me feel a lot better in terms of immersion. Pokémon is all about the individuality of trainers based around their chosen Pokemon, and every trainer class and gym leader is unique and varied in age.


    submitted by /u/fiyod
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    Working on a project to remake shinies for various gen 8 Pokemon, happy with what I've done for the starter final evos =]

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:48 AM PST


    Might still do some work on Rillaboom though, the red could do with being darkened and or saturated

    submitted by /u/Neborian
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    [Sw/Sh] Mystery Gift Codes for everyone!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:14 AM PST

    I found this list of Mystery Gift Codes, some that end soon, wanted t o share. I tested them out and got a bunch of stuff so be sure to share with your non-reddit pokemon friends too.

    • K0UN1NMASC0T – Fast Ball, Level Ball and Moon Ball (ends January 15)
    • 1YAHAYA – Beast Ball, Heavy Ball and Lure Ball (ends January 15)
    • 0KUGAFUKA1B0RU – Dream Ball, Friend Ball and Love Ball (ends January 15)
    • PRESENT – 10 Luxury Balls (ends January 30)
    • G1GANTAMAX – 20 BP (ends January 30)
    • 0T0SH1DAMA – 10 Dive Balls (ends January 30)
    • GALAR – 1 Bottle Cap (ends February 28)
    • KAMPFTEAM – 20 Battle Points (ends February 28)
    submitted by /u/HonoraryGarbage
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    A nurse Joy appreciation post

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:00 AM PST

    She has been helping thousands of trainers for free for years! As the name suggest she hopes to bring joy to the trainers by helping them in their adventures in the anime or in game. They have evolved a lot in these years, so what's the coolest fact you know about them?

    submitted by /u/Waterissuperb
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    Marnie should have been the main rival instead of Hop

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:37 PM PST

    So what if the "story" only makes sense with Hop, we all know how we feel about that.


    - Annoying as fuck

    - Picked the starter weak to mine because he's an idiot

    - Won't stop following me

    - Keeps complaining about his brother

    - Battle theme sucks


    - Calm and cool but with a reserved kind of strength

    - Cool signature pokemon

    - Shows up infrequently so I'm not sick of her all the time

    - Backstory is actually interesting and should have been explored further

    - Best battle theme in the game by miles

    submitted by /u/sad_horse_program
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    I really missed this little thing in Sword & Shield: badges with actual names

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:45 AM PST

    I have no idea if this has been brought up many times (if ever), but something I really wish Pokémon did not cut from Sword & Shield is the names of the badges.

    Back in my day *with the old grandpa voice*, we used to have a fog badge, volcano badge, mind badge or zephyr badge. But now, it's just your fire badge or water badge, which doesn't sound interesting at all. The badges don't have any depth, mystery or even meaning now. I'm not mad, just disappointed.

    Now, it's not like the game would be 10/10 if they had includes creative names and it's not even me hating on the game. But for me: it exemplary for this game.

    submitted by /u/SeelTheDeel1
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    an Eldegoss stalked me across the country and gave me pokerus??

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:57 PM PST

    The biggest pain in my ass this entire game has been, in my headcanon, a single bloodthirsty Eldegoss.

    So I'm late to the party and started playing pokemon sword. I'm up against Milo and yeah, he's fairly cut and dry. I have both a Raboo as well as a Vulpix on my side. I didn't know leaders only Dynamax their last dude so I did it early and started sweeping with my Vulpix. He pops out Eldegoss and I don't kill it with a Max-Flare. After that Eldegoss hits my lvl 17 Vulpix and absolutely destroys him from 80% to empty.

    As part of some background, I'm running a RecoveryLocke. It's pretty much a Nuzlocke but I box on death and after the story I can use whatever. I can also do raidbattle things but can't really use em unless it fulfills Nuzlocke rules.

    ANYWAYS. My Vulpix is down and out.

    Later on, while I'm along route 5 there's this bridge. You know the one, the one with the feathers? I'm admiring the view and turned to grab a glass of water. When I turn around, I have half a second to notice an Eldegoss FLYING FOR ME THROUGH THE AIR.

    BAM I'M IN A BATTLE. It's level 26 and my highest is 23. It's not good. I fight it but I can survive. I actually decide I want to catch the asshole because obviously this is fate.

    I proceeded to use: 27 pokeballs, 7 great balls, 7 heal balls, 2 nest balls, 4 premier balls, ALL the other 1 off balls Ball Guy gave me, and more than 12 super potions to keep myself alive. But it STILL knocks out one of my pokemon.

    I STILL don't catch it. And I beat it up in frustration.

    I thought I was free from this nightmare.

    I wasn't.

    Fast forward a bit. I'm outside Hammerlocke. I just enter the top-left-ish area. Literally the first thing to pop out at me, again? An ELDEGOSS.

    I am at this point CONVINCED this Eldegoss ran away from Milo after tasting the blood of my Vulpix, stalked me to route 5 to claim ANOTHER SOUL and make me blow thousands of pokeyen, and HERE HE IS AGAIN.

    I CATCH HIM. I'm more than ready this time and finally, after 12 great balls they're MINE. He nearly knocked out 2 pokes again, but I straight up heal whenever I get a chance. This takes nearly 30+ turns of battle.

    And what does this guy have the gall to have?

    • Regenerator (yeah nothing special but it's its best ability IMO)
    • Modest (a DAMN good nature for an Eldegoss)
    • Pokerus. GODDAMN POKERUS.

    This NIGHTMARE THORN IN MY BUTT has the gall to have pokerus.


    Since then this thing has been a monster, sweeping anyone non-resistant to grass under the rug. I'm just about to face Raihan, and I can practically picture the bloodlust in this poke's eyes.

    submitted by /u/DiceQGM
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    An Easter egg in USUM warned us about the Rotomi PC in SWSH

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:29 PM PST

    The rotomi pc in Pokémon Shield reminded me of a moment while playing ultra moon. In the Hau'oli city ferry terminal an NPC asks you to help her fix a broken vending machine by letting the Rotom in your rotom dex go inside the machine. She says how rotom can't change forms when it goes in a vending machine, but in Alola rotom already became a Pokédex, then jokes "I wonder what it might zip right into next? Maybe a PC box? ha!" Maybe this was hinting at the Rotomi in every Pokémon center in SWSH, which is basically a PC box meant to be inhabited by Rotom. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but maybe it was hinting at future gen 8. I don't know if this has already been posted, but I thought it was a cool Easter egg.

    Rotom PC dialogue in USUM

    submitted by /u/Overwould97
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    4x type weakness and pokemon who wear clothes.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:51 AM PST

    It seem as like there are a lot of these, both carried over and new. Has anyone else noticed this? Do you think it's something they were trying out on purpose? It will probably return to normal as we get the old Pokémon back. Just wondering what you guys thought. Also it seems like a lot of Pokémon are wearing clothes. I don't mind humanoid pkmn but I'm not sure about all the faux pants and stuff.

    There are some going back all the way to gen one that have bothered me. There are others that i think are ok. Gardevoir never bothered me but the whole machop line has bugged me for years. where the heck do power belts come from? are they wearing briefs or is it just a funny colored groin? either answer is unappealing.

    I kinda made peace with pokemon having props. but patterns that replicate clothes bug me.

    are sawk and throhs belt and Gi's removeable or are they made of flesh?

    these questions keep me up at night.

    submitted by /u/nixkpln
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    Neon green? No, thanks.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST


    My recolor of Espeon's shiny form, because neon green is just sad to put on such a good Pokémon.

    submitted by /u/MiyokoChan
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    Drew my Pokémon team!! Pink and ugly are my style [OC]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Drew my favorite little flea bitten varmint, Noibat

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:10 PM PST

    I’ve Changed My Mind About Sword and Shield

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:08 AM PST

    I was extremely vocal about my dislike for the new games prior to launch. In fact, I've said for years that Game Freak is a lazy game designer who essentially slaps a fresh coat of paint on the same game every few years (I still believe this, to some degree). I was fed up with silly new Pokémon. I was fed up with abandoning good mechanics. I was especially fed up with Dexit.

    So, as you can imagine, I planned to fully boycott Gen 8. That said, Christmas morning I was surprised with a new copy of Pokémon Sword from my aging mother who remembered me playing Pokémon as a kid.

    Today, I became the new champion of the Galar region and stopped that awful Chairman Rose. Hop and I stand victorious as the heroes who saved the world.

    I guess I've changed my mind.

    Is it perfect? No. Is it the same basic game? Yes. Does it contain my all-time favorite Pokémon? No (RIP Alakazam).

    All-in-all though, it's still a fun game and I'll probably end up getting the DLC, too.

    You got me Game Freak. You got me. Now please tell SquareEnix to follow your lead and make an old-school, turn-based Final Fantasy again.

    submitted by /u/TeacherMcCool
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    Gastly, Haunter, Gengar Painting (+Mega)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:42 AM PST

    Here they are! Sketched a creepy round Gengar and thought painting it, also added the rest of his line in different styles.

    Other relevant Pokestuff, a Mega Gengar painting and a remix of Shadow Lugia's theme with other Pokemon XD tunes.

    submitted by /u/PhantomV13
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    Im knida sad i cant close all menus anymore by pressing X

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:21 AM PST

    As the title says, the menus cannot be closed by pressing X anymore

    Which is really lame as menus take forever to exit, and the x bitton always did it fast

    This is especialy anyong after releasing pokemon after it hatches from breeding

    Or any button that straight gets back to the world map would have been nice

    I hope an update ads this

    submitted by /u/ShillerndeGeister
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    Slightly Mystery Dungeon inspired variations of Espeon and Umbreon (made with Art Academy)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:09 AM PST

    [OC] Galarian Upgrade

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Junichi Masuda Responds to Pokemon Sword/Shield DLC Criticism (On his birthday)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:00 AM PST

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