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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 09 May 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 09 May 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 09 May 2020

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pokémon 1st gen need to be on smartphones

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    It just makes a whole lot of sense. The 1st generation games, or even the 3rd gen remakes as well as games like ruby/sapphire and gold/silver, totally optimised for smartphone usage with the ability to trade wirelessly and connect to the pokemon home app to store Pokémon there and trade to sword and shield. Besides, the argument that they are stealing making money from them by selling them on the Nintendo store is terrible, they could charge 10 dollars for all of them on the App Store and just make more sales, it wouldn't affect console sales because no one buys a switch to play Pokémon red, but it would revitalise the early games to incorporate the wireless trading and Pokémon home connectivity.

    Okay cool my rant is done, please tell me your thoughts and why I'm wrong

    submitted by /u/PotatoePeanut
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    It's like I'm a f***ing kid again and I love it

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    So I am starting to play OmegaRuby for the first time, and as the Littleroot Town theme starts, I'm brought back to the first time I played Sapphire on my GBA all those years ago. To me, that's the best part about playing these games. Sure, it might not be the best or most evolved (pun intended) series, but it has the ability to bring me back to simpler times, when life was good and my biggest worry was finding someone to trade evolve my Kadabra with (it got to lv92 before I finally found someone with a link cable). Who else here plays the games, if only for the nostalgia?

    submitted by /u/BassDiamond
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    Pokemon has taken a huge backseat in my life but it still means something to me

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    I was originally going to post this on a Youtube video I was watching by JebTube that popped up into my feed that was about growing out of Pokemon which you should totally check it out if you've been feeling the same as me, but anyways.

    I personally feel that the franchise has taken a huge exit out of my life in recent years. I mean sure, I don't own a Nintendo Switch so obviously I haven't played any of the new titles but the games I still do have on the 3DS and DS have lost their value to me, kind of.

    The first Pokemon game I played was my brother's copy of Pokemon Diamond, I remember how much fun and enjoyment I got out of just mucking around on his save file. I think when I was 7 or 8 I got my own DS with a copy of Pokemon Pearl which was fantastic, but the Pokemon games that meant the most to me was Black version and White 2 version.

    I remember coming home from school one day when my mum gave us our copies, I got Black whilst my brother got White and we just played them until the cows came home. I remember how my brother was leagues ahead of me but when he got to the final boss of the game (Ghetsis I think) he was constantly getting thrashed and it took him something like 13 times before he could beat him. When I got up to him, I nearly took him done on my first shot until my brother took my DS and wanted to make sure I lost. Obviously, I was frustrated as any 10-year-old would be but the next time I did fight the big bad, I won. One other significant memory I have with those games was one time my brother and I went to our family friend's place and they too were also big fans of Pokemon. My brother remembered that he did not catch the three legendary Pokemon you can encounter throughout the story (Terrakion, Virizion and Cobalion) and made it his mission to catch them. When my brother went to catch Terrakion, he started screaming and we all just stared at him. We go to see what is going and look on his screen and we start screaming as well. The Terrakion he encountered was shiny and having a shiny Pokemon was practically a way to say you were like a god among our friend group and he got a shiny legendary, so he practically was top dog. He caught it and for the next week, that was all he could talk about.

    Pokemon White 2 was the very first game I saved up my money and bought (I think I got a special edition because it came with like a little medal and I thought of it as like some sort of family jewel), my brother also got it too but I think he got it a little bit later than me. The reason why he got it a bit later than me was because he wasn't sure if he enjoyed the games anymore and wasn't sure if he should grow out of it (he was in Year 6 and because he was about to go to high school, he thought playing Pokemon games with his little brother would be weird).

    Though there weren't any significant moments of Pokemon White 2 and Black 2 between my brother and I, it was the moments of playing that game at certain times meant the most to me. I remember one day I went to a funeral and after the service, I was with my cousins and brother (I think I was 11) and they went climbing trees. I don't remember why, but I had my DS with me, and I just started a new game of Pokemon White 2 and just started playing it. There was something so profound about that moment to me that it meant so much to me. I am not sure if it's just because of the funeral being a really good funeral for someone who was significant in my life or it was because the game was able to make me hopeful for the future. I got the 3DS game whilst my brother didn't as he was properly into high school and yeah, they were fine and all, but not the same.

    A month back, I thought about revisiting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky (which is significant to me for a whole other reason but I won't write about it because I've probably taken enough time out of your day) and so I did and the entire time I was playing it, I just felt nothing and if I did feel anything, it was the feeling of me wasting my time. It was then I realised that Pokemon has definitive backseat in my life.

    Now to present day, I am 18 and my brother is 20. I am doing my last year of high school whilst my brother is in his second year of university. My brother and I occasionally reflect about our experiences playing Pokemon, but when we do, we mainly talk about the music of the games which could be because my brother and I are both music people and he's studying jazz at Uni, but that's not really the case.

    Music from the Pokemon games have been implanted into my brain from the get go and it carries a lot of emotional weight for me. So when I do think about the games, it's not the game that I think about, it's the music. I've been revisiting the soundtrack of some of the games and being taken away to someplace else, but when I play the game, nothing changes. It sucks but I'm comfortable with it, the memories I have of playing the game I will always keep close to me as they were some of the best things I experienced growing up and I couldn't have asked for a better childhood.

    P.S. The Team Plasma battle music in Pokemon White 2 and Black 2 slaps and I will never not get hype listening to that.

    submitted by /u/PaPa_Boi7
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    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    The results for round 1 are in!

    With 18.4% of the vote, CHIKORITA has been eliminated!

    Time for round 2!

    Listed in the form below are all the starter Pokémon across all main series games. Select your LEAST favorite of the Pokémon and each day, one starter will be voted off. Good luck to all favorites and have fun!

    Vote HERE to eliminate your least favorite starter!


    Place Starter Percentage
    24th Chikorita 18.4%

    submitted by /u/phoenixthawne
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    The English Opening for Pokémon Journeys is here!

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    The series premiered today in Canada and I recorded the opening for everyone to watch for themselves. Enjoy!


    submitted by /u/SpeedDuel
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    Am I the only one who gets really sad when a season of the anime ends?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Knowing that we will most likely never see any of the characters or even ash's alola Pokémon ever again is sad. It's even sadder when ash just doesn't mention them ever again. Like he just forgets about all of his friends from previous seasons. Like, when was the last time dawn, may or serena were mentioned at all?

    submitted by /u/Kumailio
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    The first episode of Pokemon Journeys premiered in Canada today

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    It's out in Canada on Teletoon. Here are a few things I've noted:

    • Ash sounds a bit different. Not a big change though.
    • Pichu says Pika and Pikachu
    • If you've watched the anime, you'll know that we get to see younger Ash and Goh. They both sound regular, no kid voice actors.
    • Goh's voice is bearable
    • Voice acting overall is decent. Nothing special.
    • The first episode is called "ENTER PIKACHU!"
    • The girl with the flowers in her hair (forgot her name) sounds decent. Voice reminds me of Lillie, except it's better.

    Theme song here.

    submitted by /u/HowToGetName
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    "They could put the Pokemon name on anything and it will sell millions" Why doesn't this apply to spin-off games?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I keep seeing people say the title quote in response to the sales of Pokemon Sword/Shield. Every time a mainline Pokemon game looks bad before release, fans will moan that it will sell well anyways because "a bag of shit could be given the Pokemon label and it will sell millions"... yet meanwhile in the spin-off fandoms the Ranger fandom is devastated by the series being killed of because the last game sold poorly and the PMD fandom is often worried about the series selling well and being able to continue. The fact that PMD game sales don't even compare to mainline games is also confusing.. and it's the biggest non-mobile game spin-off Pokemon franchise.

    I even see spin-off ideas for, say, another Stadium game get shot down because 'it wouldn't sell well' so where's the consistency?

    This gives the impression that the Pokemon fandom is exceptionally dismissive of spin-offs, especially since with all the GameFreak criticism it seems like it would be the perfect time to support the spin-off games which are all not developed by GF but there's been little coverage on them. Meanwhile Mario fandom loves their Paper Mario and Mario Kart games and Kirby spin-offs like Epic Yarn and Air Ride have become more mainstream than most of the actual Kirby main series. It's pretty tempting for me to make a sassy twitter user comment like "lmao Pokemon fandom don't like trying new things". Of course, dedicated Pokemon fans who love going critic mode on social media don't make a very large percentage of the Pokemon player population so what's stopping the clueless casual gamers and parents from picking up random Pokemon games on the store that happen to be spin-offs?

    submitted by /u/StrawberryToufu
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    Game Freak gives you the chance to give a mega to a Pokémon. Which one would you choose? You can even give it a new typing.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    For me it would be Forretress, a pokémon that people overlook and I want to see what is under that shell! Since it would be opened, the typing could stay the same, or reveal a dark essence inside. If I could really choose everything, Dark/Steel would be very nice! Now tell me yours!

    submitted by /u/Kitasuki
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    Which is your favourite generation?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    My personal favourite is vlack and white 2 i started 9 or 10 years ago on black and white 2 i remember seeing all the cool things like the movies and the city it was so cool for a five year old kid and i just want to what other's favourites are

    submitted by /u/memeisdabest69
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    NINTENDO 2DS XL or Switch Lite for pokemon? I’m out of the loop

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hello all. I'm in the market for a good handheld for those long work commutes and travels by train/flight. I'm more or less only wanting to purchase pokemon games and dont really know where to start in terms of console and games. Is the 2DS xl the way to go or the switch lite? What are your opinions on the better console/games. The last one I played was Soul Silver on the original DS so i'm a bit out of the loop. Thanks all

    submitted by /u/TheSupplePandabear
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    I caught the pokerus!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    I'm doing my first ever nuzlocke run on any game (Pokemon Platinum) and I recently caught the pokerus! just wanted to share my excitement as I know how rare it is to get it so thank you all for listening to my rant for playing along hope you are having a good evening and that everyone is happy and healthy!!

    submitted by /u/greeny_bean_
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    Let’s talk about Guzma

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Guzma has an extremely broken childhood and his father beat him. Like in sun and moon you can see where he lived as a kid and there's bent golf clubs from hitting Guzma. Like his losing line: "Guzma, what is wrong with you?!" Is a thing his father would say while he beat him . as far as I know this is all cannon) like??????? What????????

    submitted by /u/Babyheehee2323
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    Playing with real strategy (status moves) feels absolutely magical

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    In all of my older playthroughs of pokemon games I've always filled my team with attackers and focused purely on getting supereffective hits on everything, and overleveling when that didn't work. In my current playthrough of White 2 though, I decided to stop overlooking status moves like light screen, swift, confuse ray, sing, and work up, and for the first time it feels like I'm actually outsmarting my opponents. I tried the PWT for the first time yesterday (grinding the Driftveil tournament to get a razor fang early). My team consisted of a skill link cinccino, a swords dance lucario, and a reuniclus with recover. My proudest moment was when I fought a whimsicott with double team. It fainted my cinccino before I could knock it out with swift, but then I used my reuniclus and kept healing it until I got another lucky hit in again. Now I'm hooked. And also that cinccino now has the chance to cause flinches with that razor fang I won. Neo Plasma beware!

    submitted by /u/Frayed-0
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    Greninja in pokemon sword and shield dlc

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Hello Do you guys think Greninja will show up in the dlc. Specially considering the fact he won pokemon of the year. I have a battle bond Greninja which I been training for two years. I also read somewhere there mega stones and items like that where found in the files. So do anyone thing Greninja would be in the dlc?

    submitted by /u/Switchslash
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    A theory as to why game freak won’t stop marketing Kanto.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    We all know that Gamefreak loves Kanto and won't shut up about it. I have a theory as to what they do this.

    It's simple game freak just doesn't want to change there marketing structure, they already have plushes of charizard and Pikachu. Why spend time making new things when fans will buy the old thing?

    However, in order to keep this up Gamefreak has to keep nostalgia for gen 1/ Kanto up. To do this they remake and rejuvenate Kanto games/ Kanto Pokémon. This could explains things such as , why most Megas were given to Kanto Pokémon, why all alpaca forms are kantonian Pokémon, and why we got lgpe instead of Diamond and Pearl remakes.

    submitted by /u/Moo_Cow_360
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    If, in Smash, a Pokemon Trainer was introduced for each generation, using only the starters, which Pokemon would be used?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I don't honestly think I would ever want another Pokemon trainer, I kinda like swapping characters as PT's gimmick, but I do find it interesting to consider what would happen if you applied the same logic of character selection in Pokemon Trainer to other generations.

    Also, yes this has probably been talked about before but I haven't so here I am, talking about it.

    The rules are simple. Each generation's trainer should only use starter Pokemon, with each evolutionary line being used once and each trainer using a base form, middle form and fully evolved form Pokemon. So basically like Pokemon Trainer. Also, ignore whether the Pokemon are already in Smash - Greninja and Incineroar are fair game.

    So first, why were the current Pokemon Trainer Pokemon chosen? Well, Charizard is one of the most iconic and well loved Pokemon ever, and Squirtle is probably the base form starter in Kanto that is most iconic and popular, even if you include Charmander. Additionally, Venusaur might have been a little awkward to implement anyway due to its body shape, so going for an earlier stage of it was wise. In the end, Ivysaur does kinda end up being "Well we can't use anything else given we are already using Charizard and Squirtle" but suffice to say it would always have been Bulbasaur or Ivysaur due to the physical aspect.

    For gen 2, this physical aspect leads me to immediately rule Meganium and Croconaw out as I think they are a bit too awkward to work naturally in a moveset. Out of Feraligatr and Typhlosion, Typhlosion is definitely more popular, meaning Totodile would have to be the base form and I think that actually is the best base form to use anyway. I also think Bayleef is probably the best one to represent the Chikorita line. So here we would have Totodile, Bayleef and Typhlosion.

    Gen 3 is easy. Blaziken and Sceptile seem to both be insanely popular, but Blaziken probably inches Sceptile out. But besides that, Grovyle is actually a better inclusion than Sceptile and Combusken anyway due to it being an important Pokemon in the mystery dungeon games. And Mudkip is a meme, how could you ever have Marshtomp or Swampert over Mudkip? So gen 3 would be Mudkip, Grovyle and Blaziken.

    In gen 4, Torterra would just straight up not work, so it has to be either Infernape or Empoleon and.. Come on, when would that ever swing Empoelon's way? Not only is Infernape VERY popular but Piplup is also definitely the most popular of the base starters without question. Which just leaves us with Grotle which might be awkward to work with but I think it could work. So for gen 4 you have Piplup, Grotle and Infernape.

    Are you starting to sense a pattern? Well, don't worry because that pattern is about to be broken.

    Let's have no bones about it - very few people actually like Emboar and Pignite. In fact, not many people like any of the gen 5 starters, with Serperior being the only one that comes close. For this reason I think you would have to go with Tepig and Serperior, and honestly Dewott seems like a pretty solid choice as well. So gen 5 would have Tepig, Dewott and Serperior.

    Gen 6 is another easy one. Greninja is insanely popular to the point of being currently the most popular Pokemon, so you would have to use it. Chespin at reveal was definitely the most popular as it looked quite different, and because no one liked Froakie and Fenekinn was fairly feminine looking. And Braixen has actually managed to be a popular middle stage starter, with its roles in the anime and Pokken Tournament. So gen 6 would have Chespin, Braixen and Greninja.

    Gen 7 is a bit trickier. You may think Incineroar is a shoe in because he is in Smash, but Incineroar isn't actually all that popular a Pokemon AT All, and in fact not only is Decidueye probably more popular but Torracat is also more popular than Incineroar. But Rowlett is also the outright favourite base starter, so who do you go for? Well, I think in reality, the Popplio line is harder physically to implement, but especially in the case of Primarina. Popplio would probably be the best to use in its line. This would mean that gen 7 would have Popplio, Torracat and Decidueye.

    And then we come to gen 8 and... Well, it is fairly well known that these starters are not the most popular, especially when you get to the final forms. The base stages are liked well enough, I would say Scorbunny potentially being the standout. Thwackey we can rule out as it is not very well liked at all, and I would say it is fairly obvious that in the Grookey line you would have to use Rillaboom but that leaves us with... Drizzile? I think there are a few ways you could do this, but I think Scorbunny and Rillaboom kinda have to be used so, odd as it might seem, gen 8 would use Scorbunny, Drizzile and Rillaboom.

    Of course, this is just my opinion and I would love to hear what other people might think about this topic. As I said, I don't think this should happen and I don't think I want it to happen but I think it is a fun little exercise to consider.

    submitted by /u/luke4ario
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    Random things I love in all the generations

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Gen 1-Open endedness.I love how open-ended Kanto becomes after you defeat Lieutenant Surge."Man,I really want a Seel in my team but I don't want to wait until I get 6 badges"Don't worry,you can simply ignore Erika & Koga and just directly go for Sabrina to get Surf and get to Seafoam Islands early.

    Gen 2-BUG BUFF!Bug is one of my favorite types but tbh I feel the ones from the previous gen were kinda "meh" aside from Scyther.But then comes Gen 2 with a good assortment of Bugs!Sure with Spinarak and Ariados may just be kinda "meh" but the others are really good.Herracross and Forretres are the highlights for me.

    Gen 3-Even if it's my second favorite gen I don't really find any random thing to love here so next.

    Gen 4-Best selection of Ice types!Ice is also one of my favorite types but before Sinnoh it was rare for some reason(?) being restricted to 1-2 evolutionary lines per gen.But then Sinnoh apparently just avalanched us with a lot if Ice types.Sure most of them were evolutions of pre-existing mons from past generations and only appear after you get 6 badges but he the more Ice the better.

    Gen 5-Same case as Gen 3,but this time it's my favorite gen.

    Gen 6-Unique placements for mons.Kalos has an unique order of which Pokémon appear,sure some already normal mons appearing early like Caterpie and Pikachu but it also has unique ones.Example:Solrock and Lunatone are usually,sadly late game/post-game(or unavailable in the case of SM/USUM which is nonsensical if you ask me) but in Kalos you can find them in Glittering Cave which is early on when you have 2 badges.

    Gen 7-Same case as 3 and 5.

    Gen 8-More weather.Sure it may be rendered badly in-game but it's to see more types of weather than rain,sandstorm and snow(and yes I know that diamond dust is a thing).Not much to say here actually.

    submitted by /u/Castform_
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    Any unpopular opinions on the characters from Pokémon?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I have a lot of fun reading peoples unconventional opinions on my favourite franchises so does anyone have any unpopular opinions on the human characters of the Pokémon world? Does not matter if they are from the anime, games, or manga I'd love to read them. Fifty words now sucka!

    submitted by /u/Turt387
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    The more I think about it, the more confused I am as to why they removed the ability to store items in the PC

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    I get that they removed the item limit from your bag starting with Gen 4, negating the outright need for PC storage of items, but the game experience would be heightened so much if I didn't have to scroll for like 10-15 seconds at a time to find items buried deep in my bag. Especially since doing so scrolls me through dozens of items that eventually I may need, like evolution items, but I definitely don't need at that moment, yet the game forces me to hold onto them because some of them can not be found again without trading if I trash them. Hell, imagine getting to store key items that have already been used and have no purpose anymore, but you can't trash them cause they're key items.

    It sounds like a minor inconvenience and maybe it is, but there's honestly no negative impact on the playing experience if they add item storage back in, so why not?

    submitted by /u/scottthang
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