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    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 28 June 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 28 June 2020

    [Hype Thread] 28 June 2020

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

    This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

    This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D

    This thread is also the place to earn /r/pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post a screenshot of your accomplishment in the comments below, accompanied by some indication (username on a piece of paper in the photo, for example) that it's yours. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear. Only one prestige flair can be assigned at once, and prestige flairs will overwrite other event flair awarded on this subreddit—pick carefully! Flair is currently available for:

    Galar Prestige Flairs

    • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
    • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
    • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
    • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. (Minus Ribbon and Star sweets!)
    • Gigantamax Symbol: Post an album of your collection of all currently available G-Max mon. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!

    Alola Prestige Flairs

    • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
    • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
    • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
    • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

    General Prestige Flairs

    • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex in generation 6 or 7. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
    • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /r/ShinyPokemon.)


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The loss of dungeons is the loss of a rite of passage for trainers.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Hands up who got lost in a cave and had to either start over or fumbled in the dark until they somehow found their way out? To this day, I still hate Rock Tunnel because I did not know about flash's use outside of battles when I was 8. There is also the pain of having to have HM slaves specifically for Victory Road in Gen 3 and 4. They were a pain at times but a fun puzzle too. They are an intrinsic part of the game and losing them entirely in Gen 8 is a loss for the series that should be fixed for Gen 9.

    submitted by /u/pajamakitten
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    Game Freak should allow players to fight and capture the event legendaries instead of just mailing them to you.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    I really thing that Game Freak should go back to the old event method of allowing you to go to some place to fight and capture a legendary or mythical Pokemon instead of just mailing a shiny legendaries to you. The trigger could be the same as now, event codes, dates or whatever, but you could have an interesting fight and a hard capture against it (if the event if a shiny one, you would fight a shiny guaranteed) Edit: No, I'm not talking about incursions, just fights like Deoxys and Arceus. This way the events would be more interesting than just go get a Pokemon to store it on the bank, and you would make better bounds with them.

    submitted by /u/ZoroastrianMK
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    Someone just sabotaged a Zeraora Raid

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    I was playing online doing the Zeraora raids. 3 other people joined, a Cinderace, Ethernatos and a Keldeo.

    I only had a Silvally to use (I'm using mostly Normal-Type as a challenge) but I put a Ground disk and he has perfect EVs and IVs. We are all set. Our Ethernatos went KO because Zeraora had Outrage but nothing to be bothered...

    Until the Lvl 100 Keldeo player started to Hydropump every single one of us. First me as I was Dynamaxed, as a Ground Type I fell flat. Then it went for Cinderace and KO-ed it... and Zeraora finished the fight by KO-ing Keldeo.

    I just wish sometimes there was a report button in these games. This player was absolutely vile. I spent a good 20 minutes before founding people to play this raid and this is what I got... dang it.

    submitted by /u/MonsieurMidnight
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    I’d love if the gen 9 is based on Greece!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    The lore of Greek mythology has always fascinated me, ever since I was in elementary. My take on it would be to base the next gen on Greece with each gym leader and Elite Four being based around the Greek Gods:

    Morpheus: Ghost/Psychic Artemis: Dark/Grass Hermes: Flying/Electric Hephaestus: Steel/Fire Ares and Athena(double battle): Fighting/Steel Poseidon: Water/Ground Hades: Ghost/Dark Zeus: Electric/Dragon Aphrodite: Fairy/Psychic Demeter: Grass/Ground (You get the idea)

    All gym leaders are related (cousins, siblings, parents etc,) and grew up to to be strong gym leaders.

    I'd love if the game was a free roam type of style where you can battle whichever gym leader in no specific order. Due to this, the roster of the gym leader would change based on when you challenge them (i.e. you battle The water type leader as you first so he has low level mostly unevolved mons vs battling him as the eighth gym leader where he's evolved all his Pokémon to their final stage with increased levels and moves.)

    The professor of the region is named Professor Olive and she is an old lady based on Rhea. The Pokémon league could be in an amphitheater type of structure similar to Sw/Sh.

    Legendary Pokémon could be based on a electric/dragon thunder eagle and a Water/dragon hydra

    The starters would be: fire type sheep/ram Water type dolphin Grass type Lion

    Pseudo legendary would resemble a chimaera.

    Any thoughts? Feel free to add ideas :)

    submitted by /u/Bobby_1996
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    If Pokemon were real, how would you carry your Pokeballs?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    We have seen lots of ways to carry pokeballs around in the anime. From on the belt, to on a necklace like Drake in the Orange Islands, to even just throwing them in your bag (Misty). How would you personally carry yours? (Bonus points if you want to throw in a fun way to carry your mega evolution keystone).

    submitted by /u/Spencer1828
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    Evil Organizations in Pokemon should just stay out of your way

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Did you ever notice especially in the first few gens that If the bad guys didn't block your path to the next town you'd probably just leave them alone and they'd accomplish their plans. Like you never actively stop them they just get in your way so they get stopped because of it

    submitted by /u/IfollowWWE
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    Giving Probopass new facial hair every day until Sinnoh remakes are announced - Day 4

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT


    Here are the previous days in case you missed them:

    Day 3

    Day 2

    Day 1

    Here are some of Probopass's Pokedex entries:

    "It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units called Mini-Noses." (Diamond and Pearl)

    "It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force." (Platinum)

    "It controls three units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force. With them, it can attack the foe from three directions." (Heart Gold and Soul Silver)

    submitted by /u/crocobearamoose
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    First Pokémon main game I’ve played since Gen 1 and I am blown away

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I just wanted to gush with you all as IRL my friends aren't into Pokémon. So the Last Pokémon game I played was Pokemon Red for original game boy as a kid. (I'm not counting PoGo). I am loving sword and shield so much I'm on my second play through. I wanted to play through it again now that all my favorite Pokémon are available in game. Took some screen shots to document my journey. I am having so much fun! I hope you all are to! Much love to all the trainers out there! Screen shots of spending some quality time with my teamMy team all these years after Gen 1❤️😁: https://imgur.com/gallery/NQFNvU7

    submitted by /u/Bear_duke
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    Game freak/Nintendo’s unhealthy charizard addiction.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, the original starters are really greatly designed in my opinion. However, there seems to be this unhealthy dynamic of charizard being the A+ of Pokémon, the blastoise line being good and the bulbasaur line being kicked to the curb. Many people have attached a charizard magnet to themselves and blindly gravitate to whatever it does.

    It all started In the anime. While bulbasaur is neglected at professor oaks lab, and how squirtle is booted back to his squad. On the other hand, charizard is always booked for at least an episode in each season. The biggest offender is definitely Pokémon origins. It's all about charizard and his sexy mega evolution that turns him into a blue dragon. In the X&Y anime, ash's rival in the finals has a mega charizard X, as if it did not have enough attention already. Speaking of mega evolution, it has 2. It gets a choice while venusaur and blastoise get 1.

    In the games it's even worse. The champion of the most recent region has a, you guessed it, charizard for an ace. People would be punching the air if it was any other non-gen 8 Pokémon. In gen 1 They portray charizard as some beast among wimps, while it is useless for a fourth of gyms in that region. Furthermore, while Blastoise and Venusaur are extremely good in competitive battle, charizard is PU on smogon. Even worse are the smash games. Charizard is often put in rosters while the rest of the gen 1 starters are scratching their heads not knowing what happened.

    submitted by /u/Pando_Commando12
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    Why Gamefreak struggled with Gen 8

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    There's been a lot of speculation about what happened to Gen 8. I've heard laziness suggested as the reason the games were so lacking. I don't think this is the case, I think they have every incentive in the world to do their best and are trying their hardest. I've heard people say that they want to dumb the game down to appeal to children more. This just doesn't make business sense. A good franchise grows up as its customers do, because it's easier to keep customers coming back than it is to keep capturing new customers. I've heard people say the development cycle is too short, and they're rushing it. This is probably true, but it doesn't have to be. What the real problem is, is the dev team. And no, it's not that they're busy working on side games like Unite, Unite and other side games aren't being made by Gamefreak, they're irrelevant. No, the problem is the team is too small.

    Starting at the beginning, Red and Green were made with about 20 devs. They've said multiple times that they prefer to keep the team small, to "better manage the project."

    Source: https://www.thegamer.com/game-freak-prefers-small-dev-team-according-to-former-pokemon-chief/

    To put this in perspective, a top down 2D RPG is a SUPER BASIC type of game. If you look for them, there are dozens of unlicensed fan pokemon games that are top down 2D games not just because the fans love it so much, but because they are relatively easy to make. And this small dev strategy worked right up until Black and White, because really the games didn't change much.

    Then they went to X and Y.


    They went from 50 to 80 employees, still pretty small, to develop X and Y. Which sounds good, until you think about the increase in complexity that came with the transition to the 3DS. Suddenly everything is 3D, they had to re-render every pokemon, and as with every generation there are even more pokemon to make, new animations for all the moves. Not coincidentally, this is where fans start to see the games as being lacking in features.

    So XY, ORAS, SUMO and USUM were kind of a struggle. They grew their team, but not enough, and the games suffered. Which brings us to the big transition to the switch. New console, all 3D, even more pokemon, rerendering everything again, going for an "open world" feel. Gonna hire a huge team right?


    Less than 150 people on the team for Sword and Shield. For comparison, Breath of the wild had 300 people and a longer development cycle. Also, since X an Y came out in 2013 and Ocarina of Time came out in 1998, the Zelda team has had 13 years more experience making 3D games than Gamefreak. (18 years at BOTW's release in 2017 compared to 6 years for SW/SH. 3x times more experience)


    So, I submit to you, based on this, that the reason Sword and Shield were disappointing games was because Gamefreak hasn't grown the complexity of their team as quickly as they've tried to grow the complexity of their games. They've got the budget, but they lack experience making games this way, and for some Arceus forsaken reason are afraid to grow their team in a meaningful way.

    I guess they're afraid that having too many new people runs the risk of ruining it. =X

    submitted by /u/Prof-Driftwood
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    [OC] My 6 year old watched all the Pokemon episodes on netflix, now he's developing an interest in Pokemon art

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    This is his first attempt following an online tutorial: https://i.imgur.com/nycuKYO.jpg

    submitted by /u/madalitchy
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    I changed my mind.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I don't want Sinnoh remakes. I thought I did, but I don't.

    I want Sinnoh Sequels.

    I don't want a retelling of the old Sinnoh story. I want a continuation of it. I want an enhancement of it. A new and improved version of the Sinnoh region that takes everything that was great about Sinnoh before, and combines it with every amazing thing that's been added to Pokémon ever since. A Mount Coronet Wild Area, a Champion's Cup at the end of the game, regional variants for Sinnoh, Team Neo-Galactic, etc etc. As well as the addition of a certain infamous rival from the anime, Paul. I want an enhanced and updated Sinnoh experience, perhaps with a new main villain (who will still obviously go after the box art legendary) or the return of Cyrus as the villain. I want a story that rivals Black and White, new areas to explore, new Gym Leaders and locations, and most importantly more fire type Pokémon.

    Alright, my fanboyish rant is now over, and apologies to anyone who found it annoying. But essentially, this is what I want for Sinnoh remakes, whenever they happen. Not just a retelling of an old story. Am I alone in wanting this instead of flat out remakes or no?

    submitted by /u/Greyhound9721
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    It would be cool for a sweden/Scandinavian region for gen 9!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    I saw a post about a greek region for gen 9 and i really liked the idea! But i think it would be cool för sweden to be the gen 9 region. As a swede i think this could be a neat idea!

    So sweden has a bunch of lore and viking stuff. The climate is diverse and i think you could find a bunch of pokemon. We have beaches with palosand and barraskewda and more. In the south there are fields and Woods. I think that in the fields you can find stuff like Sunflora and som fire type make. Urban places like Stockholm and göteborg or Gothenburg you could find stuff like klinklang and rotom. In the North you can go to mountains and tundras. You van find stuff like snom and some rock types like probopass or golem. There are mines and Waves full of woobat and a not of steel type like pawniard.

    So gym leaders. We love em we hate em. The greek region only had gods as gym leaders. I mixed it up. To start of we have a bug type gym leader. I think that he would ace something like Larvesta. There are a lot of bugs in sweden and i think it would be fun to have a gym leader with bugs. Next i think that there should be a water type leader. She could ace Spheal or sealio, as spheal is one of my favourite pokemon. I think the third gym should be grass, as there are woods. A lot of woods. Ace is definitly sawsbuck. Deer are common in sweden. Fourth gym could be steel. Ace can be klingklang or probopass. Steel is good in urban life i guess. Fifth gym i would say ground. Ace would be something like flygon honestly. After that the sixth gym, that should be poison. Ace could be weezing or muk. Sweden is actually pretty polluted. There also a lot of street thugs. Seventh is ice no questions asked. Ace could be glaceon or maybe abomasnow. I dont need to explain that. Snow in sweden. Eigth is actually normal. We in sweden are just chill dudes or dudettes. So ace probably snorlax. Phew that was a lot of text lets move on.

    Elite four! Here are where the gods come in to place. First e4 Freja. The godess of nature and friday. I gave her the fairy type she is going to use mons like klefki clefable and ofc florges. Second is Loki the dark type e4. So he is a giant but he became a Bloodbrother with another god we will talk about later. He has pokemon like sableye, mightyena and of course Grimmsnarl. Its perfect for him. He is a half god and a half giant. It works so good. Third is the man the myth the legend, THOR. He would use electric types ofc. He would use mons like electivire and other electric types. Last but not least odin the psychic type e4. He is the half brother of loki.He would have mons like alakazam and meowstic. Then the champ Who is your rival. He has a team yeah. So thats the League, lets move to the...

    Evil team! The shadow of the pokemon world. Well there are colorblind maxie and archie. Psycho Lysandre and just Italiano maffia boss giovanni. I want team viking. They are going to use steel ice and fighting types. There is one admin called Viktor. He is going to use pokemon like hawlucha and alolan sandslash. We have the boss, the mastermind, Thrym. He is based on the giant thrym. His ace is perrserker.

    Regional variants! Yes im going for it. First one is manectric line. They are fire psychic type and are said to bring the fire to humans. Best is electric Ghost aeigislash. Ut you haven seen mr buddy's what if scandinavia was a pokemon region go do that. He has an Aeigislash regional and im in love. And the the steel type gigalith line. Its like a furnace without fire. Then a grass flying yveltal. Yeah im making legends. So this guy is based of the crow on top of the world tree Yggdrasil. He and the deer at the bottom whom is xerneas argue constantly. Xerneas is grass dark to me. They are arguing about everything. So yeah lets segway into...

    Starters and legends! So this is going to be shirt and sweet.

    Fire/Ground horse like mudsdale. Fire starter Grass/Fairy squirrel that is cute. Grass starter Water/Poison lizard like sobble but better.Water starter

    Legends are a pig that is a fairy/ghost type that is based on the pig in valhalla. It is said to taste perfect and that it is respawning every morning to die again. Then there is a wolf thats dark/grass. Its basically just a wolf that is not really based on anything.

    So thats it! Tell me more ideas in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Lord_LockedPlock
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    Carbink should have a “lottery evolution” into Diancie

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Since both of them are being added in the CT pack, I was thinking they should have an extremely rare circumstance, like 1/1000 or 1/5000 where a Carbink has one pink gem and evolves into Diancie. Since we have evolution legendaries and mythicals now, why not also have the alleged mutation become a reality? It would be an extremely rare occurrence to make sure it stays rare but would allow you to evolve that tainted Carbink to transform into Diancie later on through high friendship or near some sort of Crystal, I know it would be pointless at this point since it was released two generations ago but I think they should finally make their stated connection accessible.

    submitted by /u/MyHouseisBoiningDown
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    What does the pokemon league champion actually do all day

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Anyone else ever wonder what the champ does all day because it most games they're either not relevant to the plot or just pop up randomly and do nothing like in R/S/E why is the champion not trying to stop the legendary pokemon by beating them in a battle or something its clearly possible because you do it or R/B and G/S Team Rocket kinda just do whatever until you stop them. The only champ that actually did things was Leon which is why he's the best champion in the series IMO.

    submitted by /u/IfollowWWE
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    Petalburg Picnic! (Art by me!)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    What is the WORST special mechanic the games introduced in the recent generations and why?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    I've been wondering about this topic for a while now. I've seen many different opinions and I want to settle this once and for all. I also want to know why you feel this way. You can put any many reasons as you feel is necessary, such as how balanced it is (i.e Overpowered) or that it's just not an exciting mechanic.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/GiGGiTY_99
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    I paid 2.99 for THIS?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I just paid for a month of Pokemon Home. Don't know what brought it on, but I found out on google that you can transfer your Pokemon from PokeBank without needing your 3DS. My 3DS went missing a long time ago, so it just made me so happy finding out I could get my old babies back. Don't even have that many shinies either and it's probably weird to be attached to pixels, but it's nice seeing my old Pokemon who I thought would be gone forever again.

    submitted by /u/undead-april
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    GameFreak is not The Pokémon Company

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    So while everyone is getting mad at what The Pokémon Company revealed, stop blaming GameFreak. Think New Pokémon Snap looks good? Thank Bandai Namco. Unite? That's Tencent. Waiting a week for the Pokémon League (of Legends) reveal? That was The Pokémon Company. GameFreak doesn't deserve all the backlash for the Pokémon Company, just SwSh and the DLC (or not if you liked those titles).

    submitted by /u/TownOfCrown
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    I feel like I’m the only one that thinks USUM is among the best Pokémon games.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I mean yeah, it has a lot of flaws with pacing and handholding, but I find it one of the most interesting games in the whole franchise. I know a lot of people put it in their bottom 3, but I just can't help but to love it. USUM felt really grand in scale, with Pokémon from different worlds and dimensions, and seeing alternate universes was something that really expands the lore of the series. It's what sun and moon should have been, and the fact it came out right after definitely hindered it.

    submitted by /u/daneurism2
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    Unlucky or Extremely Lucky?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    So I bought Pokemon HG/SS two months ago and I started shiny hunting for starters and other pokemon! I got shiny Totodile in HG and proceeded to play through and get shiny Mareep. This is where my luck runs out (or did it?). I found a shiny Cyndaquil on SoulSilver BUT!!!! I WENT TOO FAST AND RESET ON IT!! I was so devastated. Now here is the worst part. I've spent the past 2 weeks constantly shiny hunting for a Cyndaquil or Chikorita.

    HOWEVER! ALL I'VE GOTTEN WERE TOTODILES! Not just one, two, or three....but SIX shiny totodiles. I got one in about 20'ish resets, but I wasn't even excited.

    It just feels like Totodile is putting salt on my wound and cursed me because I reset on a shiny Cyndaquil...can you guys tell me your unlucky stories about shiny hunting these starters?

    submitted by /u/MyHeroRemedy
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    What do you think the new game mechanic for Gen 9 will be?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    In Gen 6 we got Mega Evolution. In Gen 7 we got Z-Moves. And in Gen 8 we got Dynamax. I know that right now might be a little too soon to be talking about Gen 9, but what do you think the next game mechanic will be. I honestly have no idea what new game mechanic there could be, but I was just wondering if anybody else had an idea for what the new Gen 9 mechanic could be.

    submitted by /u/AlexanderTheMaster
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