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    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 16 August 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 16 August 2020

    [Hype Thread] 16 August 2020

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

    This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

    This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D

    This thread is also the place to earn /r/pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post a screenshot of your accomplishment in the comments below, accompanied by some indication (username on a piece of paper in the photo, for example) that it's yours. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear. Only one prestige flair can be assigned at once, and prestige flairs will overwrite other event flair awarded on this subreddit—pick carefully! Flair is currently available for:

    Galar Prestige Flairs

    • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
    • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
    • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
    • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. (Minus Ribbon and Star sweets!)
    • Gigantamax Symbol: Post an album of your collection of all currently available G-Max mon. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!

    Alola Prestige Flairs

    • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
    • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
    • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
    • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

    General Prestige Flairs

    • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex in generation 6 or 7. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
    • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /r/ShinyPokemon.)


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I Really hope Dynamaxing isnt in DP remakes.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    In Every 3D Remake so far They have added Megas which i personally would prefer. But it sounds like thats not the case. They will probably retcon Sinnoh so that Dynamax is a thing (And yes its a big retcon because In Sword and Shield they made it clear that only Galar can Dynamax) I hope for New megas, returning megas or Nothing.

    Maybe Dynamaxing should be a Competitive post game thing? Like Megas in Sun and Moon. Dynamax really wouldnt make sense. Think about the gyms in Gen 4. Again they could retcon them to be Arenas but that would be pretty lame.

    What are your thoughts about How Gen 8's Gimmick could affect Sinnoh?

    submitted by /u/zambiekiller360
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    Generation VI's Player Search System was the best online hub in a mainline game?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I for one found the PSS in X, Y and ORAS to be the best online portal in the mainline games. It seemed more alive to see avatars scrolling in from the side to interact with as opposed to Sw and Sh's stamp feature. So Jennifer from France caught a Diggersby in a raid... congrats, I can't tell her that though the Y-Comm, infact it's a useless stamp that just takes up space. The PSS was phenomenal in choosing what function you want to do efficiently.

    I also would like in the next game for the Pokedex to be given to players earlier so that you can online trade almost as soon as you caught a second pokemon. I have done a wonderlocke in Sword but it was a good half hour of story, spooky wood wolf, and trainer battles before I got to the Wild Area and was able to use online. Again in Gen 6 the PSS was yours pretty much before Route 2. It was easy to trade over an egg and do a solo, or mono-type run with your only lost battle being between one of your rivals with the starters.

    What do you think? Am I talking rubbish, or would you agree earlier access to online features could enhance the replay ability and customisation of the games... and that a better layout for current online features is still a goalpost to aim for?

    Atleast we don't have to deal with Festival Plaza...

    Edit: Cheers all! Corrected "C-Gear" to PSS. Bit of gen 5 nostalgia seeping through there... :)

    submitted by /u/blchair
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    For the first time in 4 years, we’re not getting a main series Pokémon game this year

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    And I'm happy. I've been a Pokémon fan for awhile but after Sw/Sh I kinda got out of it, because I was so disappointed with the way Nintendo or GameFreak was handling the series and the path it was taking. They stopped innovating and really trying to make the games feel new and fresh. But I'm so glad now they're finally taking a year off, we don't need these games yearly. I'm glad they're stopping that for now.

    submitted by /u/YaLikeDadJokes
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    Why do GF make choices that decide how we play the game, rather than giving us options to choose for ourselves?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    It's 2020 and there still never has been a way to search for 6v6 battles in Pokemon, even though the games have had WiFi battles since Diamond and Pearl, 13+ years ago. The best way to do it in Gen VI was to scroll through your Passerby list, requesting battles from each person, with no guarantee anyone would accept, or that they wouldn't just be playing with an in-game team if they did accept. In Gen VII it was even worse, as you couldn't play while waiting for a battle, because you were stuck waiting in Festival Plaza.

    They could solve this easily by adding 6v6 ranked and unranked to Battle Spot. I don't understand why they haven't done this. It feels like an FPS releasing without a Team Deathmatch mode. Surely 6v6 should be the fundamental battle mode? They decided that 6v6 battles are too long, so they give players no easy way to consistently find 6v6 battles, and introduce a mandatory battle timer, resulting in many 6v6 battles ending by a Time Out, rather than by a player winning, ruining the competitive aspect of the game for competitive singles players.

    It appears to be one of several cases of Game Freak telling the players how we should play the game, rather giving us the options to choose for ourselves. Similarly, they have refused to add difficulty settings since BW2 and removed the ability to disable the Exp. Share, ruining the game for people who wanted a challenging playthrough, without adding self-imposed rules (e.g. Nuzlockes). They also omitted the Battle Frontier from ORAS because they decided players wouldn't have a long enough attention span to challenge it.

    There are probably more cases of this, these few were just off the top of my head. I don't understand why GF seem to be so averse to letting players decide for themselves how they want to play.

    submitted by /u/reshromem
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    I spent the last 6 weeks playing all 13 main series Pokémon games. Here's my experiences

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Some of you may remember me. Most of you probably don't. I made a post about it six weeks ago, which you can find here, about how I was gonna play 13 of the main series Pokémon games within six weeks, which I did. I was gonna make weekly updates, but they got automatically removed for some reason, so that's fun

    So what I'm gonna do now is the biggest part of this whole 'project.' I'm gonna summarize exactly 306 hours and 35 minutes of gameplay within one reddit post. And if you're wondering how I know the exact times, I made a Google Sheet to document my journey, which you can see here, if you want all the boring numbers. If you don't want my summary of every single game, just scroll down to the bottom, where I'll share my thoughts about the whole ordeal. So let's get started on this, shall we?


    Honestly, I enjoyed Blue a lot more than I thought I would, even though the flaws of Gen 1 were hard to ignore. And may I say, thank god for LP compilers and podcasts, because 95% of the time I was playing Blue and Crystal, I was listening to something else. There's only so much beep-boop music one man can take. Overall, it was a great start to this journey. Some miscellaneous notes I took while playing:

    • Wrap is terrible and can go die in a fire
    • Damn some of the old sprites were terrible
    • I used a Snorlax in the latter part of the game, which I nicknamed Monokuma. But I should've named it Critikuma, because he was ALWAYS hit by critical hits. I know that crits are more common in Gen 1, but I cannot stress enough how frequent he was slammed down to half health immediately. It was so bad I just boxed him partway through the Elite Four
    • I captured all 4 legendaries in this game within the span of a few hours. After that, I considered the game 'completed.' (more details on what I consider 'completed' later)

    The team I used: Venusaur, Golem, Alakazam, Ninetales, Vaporeon, Snorlax


    Crystal was where the... difficulties of this challenge started coming up. I actually started Crystal on July 6th, just after capturing Mewtwo, and I played up to beating Bugsy. Unfortunately, I stayed up way too late, and woke up with a massive headache. So I spent most of the next day unwinding and mentally preparing myself for what's coming up. The rest of the game wasn't too difficult... until the 10th. I wanted to stay on a '1 game per 3 days' schedule, and this was the last day for Crystal, and I was just started on the Pokemon League. I was a little underleveled, so I spent the first half of my day repeatedly grinding up farther and farther up until I beat Lance on my 5th or 6th attempt. So I had to speed through all the Kanto section to stay on track. Which I did, to my amazement. I beat all the Kanto gyms super fast, and managed to get to Red... and immediately got slamjammed by his Pikachu

    So this lead me to a question: 'when can I stop playing a game?' So I made this rule: Once I've beaten the Champion and the credits roll, I'm free to move on to the next game as I please. This is the hard rule I'm gonna adhere to. I don't want this to become stressful or a job, so I'm making this rule for my own sanity

    That all out of the way, here's a few notes I took while playing:

    • I think this game made me appreciate color again. You don't realize how much you miss color until you spend 3 days only looking at a monochrome screen
    • I find it so strange that Jasmine's Steelix is the same level as the boss of the radio tower, but you have to beat Jasmine in order for Team Rocket to attack
    • One of my team members was a Slowpoke/Slowking that was so ugly, anything with Self-Destruct or Explosion immediately went off. Fortunately my Gengar usually stepped in to block in, but goddamn it was uncanny how often it happened
    • Using Forretress before the invention of Gyro Ball was a mistake. He was always the least useful of my team, and I straight-up boxed him during the Elite Four and Kanto

    The team I used: Typhlosion, Gengar, Slowking, Forretress (aka the mistake), Umbreon, Dragonair


    If I had to create a line graph detailing my enjoyment of Emerald, it would be a line steadily going up... until Flannery, then just a slow painful crawl down to the end. I can't place an exact reason why, but this was the only game I played that I've actively disliked playing through. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it's because the RNG of Pokemon finally broke me. If there's one lesson I took out of this, it's that you can NEVER chance it on Sleep/Paralysis/Confusion not working. If you wanna work past them, you just heal. And if you inflict it on an enemy, it just won't work. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating for comedic effect, but this was way too true for me. And the critical hits in this game were maybe the worst yet, even more so than gen 1, although I realize that might've just been me

    I ended up using Rayquaza to speed through the Elite Four, because I was just genuinely exhausted of this game, and I did not want to try grinding through it. I'm gonna try to avoid using legendaries, but if I have to, I'm not gonna feel sorry about it

    That being said, here's some various extra notes:

    • Whoever decided that Flannery's Torkoal should be level 29 when everything else is 26 or less should be shot. Similarly, fuck Liza and Tate. I have no clue why these kids are the smartest goddamn trainers this side of Orre. Seriously, I spent 30 minutes of my precious time grinding up, and I was still 5 levels lower, and barely survived with my Skarmory. Fuck. Them.
    • On the other hand, I need to shout out my Skarmory, who was the absolute GOAT of my team. Seriously, I cannot overstate how great she was. I always liked Skarmory, but she has easily been one of my favorite team members so far.
    • Actually, my entire team was solid this time, although Skarmory ended up outshining them. Even Torkoal was a solid team member (a lot better than the Forretress, anyways)
    • I debated using Shedinja and Armaldo, but I dropped them. I evolved a Shedinja, but after the first few battles with her ended up unsuccessful, I boxed her for my own sanity. I also revived Anorith, but I boxed him after learning that he evolved at level 40. F in chat for Ninjask/Shedinja and Anorith.

    The team I used: Swampert, Gardevoir, Breloom, Torkoal, Skarmory, Rayquaza


    This game was a lot easier to play through than Emerald, fortunately, although I don't have a lot more to say. It was pretty fun, but my Blue playthrough might've been more enjoyable due to my choices in team members. I decided against capturing all the legendaries this time around, with one exception. I captured Articuno to replace my Fearow for the Pokemon League, since they were long outclassed by this point, and I couldn't cheese my way through Lance with poison-types this time. Still, my Fearow did better than the useless Forretress, so I still appreciate them. Overall, it felt like my Blue playthrough, except slightly worse. But it was still better than Emerald, so I won't complain

    That's pretty much all I have to say, so time for some extra points:

    • I have no clue why they made the L and R buttons bring up a tutorial menu. Maybe it's because I already know all of this, but it feels absolutely unnecessary
    • I am 90% sure that Magnitude can only be 7-10 when enemies use it, but only 3-7 when you use it. I have no proof to back it up, but that's what it feels like. Similarly, the chances of me switching my Pokemon, only for Roar/Whirlwind to immediately drag them back out cannot be a coincidence
    • Holy shit, my Gyarados was the damn hero of this playthrough. Bulky as hell, hit hard with Surf despite it being a special attack, and when I gave them Secret Power, they paralyzed so often. Ever had a Gyarados that could paralyze? It's fantastic
    • On the opposite hand, my Dugtrio was good... up until I beat Koga, then they were useless. Even for Blaine, my Gyarados did most of the heavy lifting. They just could not take a hit, so they really underperformed

    The team I used: Charizard, Fearow, Gyarados, Vileplume, Dugtrio, Magneton, Articuno


    So this is my favorite Pokémon game, so I really tried to be impartial about it and treat it the same as the others... which didn't work, since it was the game I spent the most time on and explored the most in. Whoops! But I'm not ashamed; this was the best region out of everything I played. Honestly, I'm glad to know that my joy for this game wasn't just misplaced nostalgia, and still holds up to today. Although it was really unfortunate that I was having technical issues that I had to devote a lot of time to dealing with, otherwise I could've probably beaten this game in three/three and half days. I'll go into more details in the SoulSilver section.

    So here's some notes about my experience:

    • Replaying this game made me realize how great the ground type was in gen 4. Torterra, Gastrodon, and Garchomp, just to name a few
    • Team Galactic is still my favorite evil teams in the Pokémon franchise, mixing evil campiness and serious threat perfectly in ways the Team Plasma and Team Flare don't. Also their aesthetic is really cool
    • Did you guys know the Storm Drain only redirected water-type moves instead of absorbing it? I didn't, so imagine my surprise when I bring my Gastrodon into Wake's fight and get whooped
    • And while we're talking about my team, wow my choices made the Candice fight hard. If it wasn't for my Bronzong, it would've been a lot harder

    The team I used: Torterra, Staraptor, Gastrodon, Bronzong, Garchomp, Porygon-Z


    If I had to rank my favorite Pokémon games, SoulSilver would be in the top 5, only just below Platinum. So it sucks that my house was suffering internet outages (around the 19th-24th) while I was supposed to be playing this game. And since gen 4 is the slowest of all the games, that DOUBLY sucks. So I had to devote valuable time to fixing that, and ended up not getting to play the Kanto section of this game. That sucks, but since I already went through this with Crystal, so I'm not too fussed. Other than the circumstances, this wasn't too different from Crystal, although my team choices were a lot better

    Yada, yada, yada, notes:

    • This was the first game I decided to play as the girl player character this time, because she's the cutest thing in the entire franchise. This is not up for debate
    • I ended up bringing trading some stuff from Platinum, mainly Houndour and some evolution stones for my Togetic and Exeggcutor. I would've gotten the stones legitimately, but I'm on a time crunch here. I brought Houndour over because it's one of my favorite gen 2 mons, and the only way to get it before Kanto is by trading it in, and it's super easy to grab in Sinnoh, so... fuck it
    • I ended up keeping Metronome on my Togekiss for way too long, just because it was too much fun. It wasn't until after Clair that I ended up dropping it
    • Whoever decided that Koga's Muk should spam Minimize, gave it Black Sludge, use Toxic on everything, AND gave him a Full Restore... I hope your children hate you. I'm still upset just remembering it

    The team I used: Feraligatr, Ampharos, Togekiss, Houndoom, Exeggcutor, Mamoswine


    (I'm combining the two because I don't have a lot to say about them individually)

    So as a child, I really disliked White, because I was a child who couldn't appreciate how much effort was put into them, and I was upset I couldn't use any of my old favorites. But as an adult, I can really understand the work behind it, or at least behind White 1. Although I still say the lack of options in White 1 is a major downside, since anybody who's not challenging themselves are gonna have some combination of the same 15-ish Pokémon on the story campaign. But while the 2nd game has a better Pokémon choice, the story is also factually worse, so pick your poison. But back to the point, I really enjoyed these games. A lot more than I did when I was younger, anyways

    So here's my extra notes; two for each game:


    • I thought Platinum and Soul Silver were rough with encounter rates, but good fucking lord, this game was bad. I could not count how many times I walked 1-2 steps into the grass (not running, walking) and got an encounter, often just after one encounter. I ended up yelling 'I TOOK ONE STEP' so many times
    • I really, REALLY hate the Reshiram vs Zekrom fight with N. Seriously, it's absolutely stupid. N's dragon has two extra levels, so it's guaranteed to outspeed you. And since the dragon's stats are near-equal, it's gonna do as much damage as you do to it, so there's next to no way you can beat it with just your dragon alone. Ugggghh

    (White 2)

    • When I fought Elesa, she was a massive level spike, which I never got to overcome. But the game got easier, even if the numbers said I should be struggling. Maybe because trainers started to use less Pokémon, but I couldn't place my finger on it
    • I did a small challenge here: I used a Swoobat on my White 1 team, and a Crobat on my White 2 team, as a pseudo-experiment to see which one was better. Unsurprisingly, the better performer was my favorite Pokémon, Crobat. But Swoobat was still a favorite of mine, and performed a lot better than I thought they would

    The team I used for White 1: Serperior, Swoobat, Excadrill, Scolipede, Carracosta, Chandelure

    The team I used for White 2: Emboar, Azumarill, Crobat, Sigilyph, Sawsbuck, Escavalier


    A lot of my friends consider X/Y some of the worst games in the franchise, and while they may have a point, I still enjoy them a lot more than... another title we'll be talking about later. Personally, I think the gameplay is pretty much a straight upgrade from Black/White, although the story... UGH. Easily the worst. Especially Team Flare. I could make an entire post about them, but to simplify: They're a team all about style, yet their admins are way too overdesigned and forgettable to make a point. Instead of the cold uniformity of Team Galactic or the easily understood motives of Team Plasma, they're just a hot mess whose admins are completely forgettable. And Lysandre is just President Rose, but more obviously a villain and somehow more overdramatic

    I had a loooooot of notes about this game, mostly about Team Flare, but here's what I condensed it down to:

    • Did you know that you can buy Hyper Potions after getting the second badge? This is when your Pokémon are around level 25. Why the hell would you need a 200 HP heal at this point in the game?
    • Remember before you could save Xerneas/Yveltal, and you had to fight 4 admins, who collectively had 6 Pokémon? Why not just condense them into one admin, and actually give them a personality?
    • Ok, I really need to rant about Lysandre's final fight. He uses four Pokémon that're pretty much the same as the ones he uses when you first arrive in his lair, the background is a burning area for some reason, and he's wearing some stupid sci-fi nonsense that does nothing! I sweeped him with my Meowstic, who was five levels higher than his Gyarados
    • This was the first game I was a higher level than the Champion, and my Meowstic made Diantha trivial by just putting up Light Screen/Reflect and letting the others 1-hit ko 2/3rds of her team, with only her Gardevoir putting up any meaningful resistance. Seriously, this was the easiest game yet, by a large margin

    The team I used: Chesnaught, Talonflame, Florges, Meowstic, Barbaracle, Goodra


    (So a quick preface, I actually played Ultra Moon before Omega Ruby, since the cartridge I had was corrupted, so I played UM while I waited for my new cart to arrive. Just thought I'd mention it)

    So Alpha Sapphire was is in the top 5 games for me, alongside Platinum and SoulSilver. Which is why I'm kinda surprised that this is the game I spent the least time on (17 hours, 18 minutes), being one of the two games I spent less than 20 hours on. Which is absolutely strange to me, since I spent at least an hour grabbing useful TMs for the Elite Four and getting Heart Scales to remember moves, so it really should be higher. Whatever, what about the gameplay? Well, it was like Emerald, but the exact opposite, since I actually really enjoyed it. I don't have much else to say except Pelipper, Zangoose, and Cacturne were all surprisingly fun team members. Seriously, Cacturne might be my new favorite grass-type

    Extra notes, blah blah blah:

    • Why did they make the lower floor of Granite Cave inaccessible until you got the bike? I had to wait until I got the Mach Bike to go catch my Aron, and I have no idea why they did this. It's not like having one would be game-breaking, but whatever
    • I decided to catch a Manectric here, since I knew they could be Mega-Evolved in the main story. But they weren't too much stronger when they were Mega'd, so that was a little disappointing. Still, at least they were a strong team member overall
    • I didn't mention this in the X notes, but lemme clarify: I abused the hell out of the improved Exp Share, since it really helped me cut past any grinding, which is great, since I'm on a timer here
    • I tried to cheese the Steven fight by teaching my Cacturne Spikes, so imagine my surprise when his Skarmory also uses Spikes of his own. Touché, Mr. Stone

    The team I used was: Blaziken, Pelipper, Manectric, Aggron, Zangoose, Cacturne


    So I originally promised to play Sun and Ultra Sun in my original post, but some circumstances led me to cut it down to Ultra Moon. More details can be read about it in the Google Sheet, but trust me, I have my reasons. I decided to play the Ultra version because the bonus versions of the games are supposed to be the "definitive version" of the games. Not sure if I agree on that, since there's basically no difference between Sun and Moon and USUM, and what is different is sometimes worse than what it was. This isn't the time or place to review these games, but if you ever want to replay the Alola games, pick up Sun or Moon, and avoid USUM. As for my experience... I dunno, it was ok. I liked my team, had a few challenges, yeah yeah yeah. Look, this is like the 10th or 11th game I played, this whole thing's become routine at this point

    But at least I got a few notes to add:

    • I guess we'll slightly critique the story: I really hate the Aether Foundation. They're like Team Flare, but if they had Team Plasma as a side antagonist before they came out of nowhere. I adore Team Skull and how they're really sympathetic, but them Team Aether comes in, and then we're back to the typical Poképlot
    • And I'm still upset that they turned an eldritch horror story about an alien creature corrupting a mother into insane obsession into the standard evil dragon Poképlot. Also whoever came up with the Ultra Recon Squad should never work on Pokemon again
    • In the second visit to Aether Paradise, you fight three scientists, each with one Pokémon. Why not just one scientist with three? This bugs me so much, and I don't know why. Also, one of the double battles later had the same Houndoom/Manectric pair as one of the Team Flare admin fights, because thinking up another good pair of Pokémon that look good together costs too much/is too much work
    • I almost used a Lopunny on my team, but then I relaized I could use a Metagross instead. So I used a Metagross instead. But I am gonna include Lopunny on my team list because they did a lot of work

    The team I used: Primarina, Lopunny, Alolan Muk, Ribombee, Alolan Marowak, Lurantis, Metagross


    UUGGHHHH. This is my least favorite game. I insisted on playing it, since it was technically a main series game, and that was a mistake. I forgot how hand-holding this game was. If you don't know what I'm talking about here's my example:

    In the original games, you could immediately go from Lavender Town to Celadon, and then go into the Rocket base, no problem. Here, you have to go up the tower, see that there's ghosts, and then leave the tower (which to my knowledge, no other dungeon in Pokémon ever does) then go see Jessie and James talk out loud about the ROCKET HIDEOUT in the CELADON GAMES CORNER. Then when you get there, you can get close to them, and they'll talk out loud about the HIDDEN HIDEOUT with the SWITCH BEHIND THE POSTER

    Also, the gym requirement thing is just dumb. The fact that the game requires you to have a grass/water-type to fight Brock or have a Pokémon at least level 45 before fighting Sabrina is insane, and makes it nearly impossible to lose. And Koga's requirement of catching 50 unique Pokémon is uniquely cruel in a game where there's only 150-ish Pokémon available, especially to people like me who just like to capture a core team and stop catching unique Pokémon

    Even besides those, the catching mechanic was broken. Seriously, it was terrible. I had to throw the ball at a 90-degree angle to throw the ball at a target just a little off to the side. One time, I tossed the controller upwards to throw the ball, and it was a perfect throw. Uggghh, I don't even wanna talk about my experience, I just want to complain. So whatever, I'm moving on, no notes this time

    The team I used: Eevee, Victreebel, Mr. Mime, Rhydon, Starmie, Magmar


    I'll admit, I enjoyed this game more than I thought I would. Maybe it's just because it WASN'T Let's Go, or because it was so easy to grind up levels with wild area candies. Either way, this was my second-fastest game played, clocking in at exactly 20 hours played. If I devoted myself to it, I could've beaten this in two days. But since I've got nothing much else to talk about, I'd like to discuss the stories of these games. Because I think I've found the perfect metaphor for these "Poképlots." It's like there's a good story somewhere in there, but half of it we're told to stay out of because we're not adults, and the other half of the plot was ripped out of a better story and painstakingly refitted into the Poképlot format. And if you're wondering why I'm talking so much about the stories, it's because that's the only thing meaningfully different about these games at this point

    Alright, one last set of notes:

    • I hate Eternatus' design. Like, I understand that it's supposed to be like an unknowable alien creature, but it's so alien and incoherant that it's just a meaningless skeleton. I know it's supposed to be the bow to Zacian and Zamazenta's sword and shield, but it just doesn't work. It looks like something ripped out of a different JRPG. Even its name sounds out of place
    • Also the Eternamax fight is pointless, it should've just been a cutscene. Zacian and Zamazenta are the only ones who can do meaningful damage, me and Hop are just pointless additions
    • I think I've discovered the telltale sign for a pokemon antagonist. They show up for no logical reason in the early game, talk some exposition at you without any real interaction, then walk away
    • The thing that infuriates me most about this game is that for some unholy reason, some goddamn Burger King has some long-lost tapestry about ancient legend. Seriously, imagine going into a Five Guys, and seeing the Venus de Milo on top of some grill. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW ARE WE THE FIRST ONES TO NOTICE THIS???

    The team I used: Inteleon, Boltund, Tsareena, Centiskorch, Perrserker, Grimmsnarl


    So I ended up completing my challenge, but what was the point of this whole thing? Well, I wanted to try and revive my love for the Pokémon franchise, since the past few games have really burned me out on the series. So, did I accomplish that?

    Yeah! Despite all the hard times and frustrating moments, this was actually really fun. I feel like I should hate Pokémon now, since I've literally spent the last month and a half doing nothing but playing the games, but no. I came out of this whole challenge with a greater enjoyment of the series and a few new favorite Pokémon. So... mission accomplished! Although I don't think I'm gonna play any Pokémon games until the Sinnoh remakes come out (whenever that happens). I'm not burned out, but I think I need some time away at this point

    So... that's it. I'm done. It's over. Feels free to reply about how right/wrong I am with my opinions. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk

    submitted by /u/ThePigeonManLyon
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    Opinions on Gen 5

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Hello! I just finished my first playthrough of Pokémon Black. This was my first experience of Gen 5 and just wanted to give some thoughts on it. I know my thoughts and opinions don't mean much but this game really surprised me. I really liked the fact that you could only catch Unova Pokémon. It was definitely a challenge and made my team building a lot of fun. The music in this game was also brilliant, I don't think anything will ever top Gen 4, but this was really close. I especially liked the Elite 4 theme. Having two "rivals" in Bianca and Cheren also really made me enjoy this game a whole lot more. The evil team, Team Plasma was actually an evil team, unlike Team Yell. The format of the Elite 4 was great also. I liked that I had the option of which members of the Elite 4 I wanted to face, and in which order was fantastic. Battling N at the end of the Elite 4 was probably my favorite part about the game. The fact he had a legendary on his side was something I hadn't seen up to this point. I gave up playing Pokémon after Gen 4. I came back with SwSh and I am going back to play all the games I missed. Pokémon Black did not disappoint! Now to finish the post game and then we move on to Pokémon Black 2 :)

    submitted by /u/deadlyraheem07
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    Does anyone else have weird traditions they have to do in every single playthrough? If so what is it?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    By traditions I mean like you catch a certain type of pokemon, or you nickname at least one pokemon a certain nickname. For the more classic games, where you get to name your rivals, you name them a certain name (a loved one, something really funny etc).

    I'll go first: I have to name at least one of my party pokemon Andy, I always have to have a water type, and a grass type on a team (no they don't have to be starters), I feel the need to grind to the point of having a starter evolved to it's second evolution and close to lvl. 20, and I usually put an eeveelution on my team (usually Espeon, Umbreon or Sylveon)

    submitted by /u/candiedtrolls
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    How Come Everyone Likes to Crap All Over USUM?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    As someone who's first main series Pokémon game was Ultra Moon, I personally thought the games were pretty good and it expanded upon the ultra beasts that were more or less a footnote in Sun and Moon. The Rainbow Rocket postgame also was very entertaining to play through as well. While not every game is perfect, in my opinion, USUM weren't the dumpster fires that they were made out to be.

    EDIT: I haven't played SM yet, I'm going to play that now and compare them to each other

    submitted by /u/aeon318
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    So apparently Durant is the only non Legendary or Mega Pokemon to have both a Defense and Speed of over 100.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:02 PM PDT


    I just thought this was really interesting, though it kinda makes sense since most fast Pokemon are pretty frail, and most bulky Pokemon are slow as hell.

    Edit: There's also Kartana, but it's an Ultra Beast, not just some regular Pokemon you can find through normal means.

    submitted by /u/danarbok
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    How much money have you spent on Pokemon

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    I added up the total cost of all the Pokemon games i own and all of them total up to like over a 1000 dollars i cannot believe that i have spent this much on Pokemon all these years. How much money have you spent on Pokemon games and merchandise and on Pokemon cards. I'm wondering as it would be interesting to see how much the average fan has spent of the franchise.

    submitted by /u/trademeple
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    Theory: Language evolved from Pokemon names

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    There's the age old debate of whether Pokemon can only say their names or if they are named after what they can say. I think it is the latter. Going off of this, I think that it is the basis of the language spoken by humans in the Pokemon world.

    Think about it: the names are all puns or have meanings, and they relate to real words, right? But the interesting thing is that some similar Pokemon make similar noises, like Tepig and Grumpig, for example. This implies an evolutionary connection, much like how in real life similar animals may make similar noises.

    So, for example, what if early humans noticed two similar fire types, Chimchar and Charmander, making the same "char" noise, and this inspired the word "charcoal"? And basically all language evolved in this way, or at least the words in Pokemon names.

    Also, Unown totally came before written language.

    submitted by /u/TheMadJAM
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    I'm glad that the Gen 5 games and their music are getting so much love this year and I couldn't be happier about it.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I bet a lot of you noticed as well, that there are a lot of YouTube meme videos like "Gen 5 music hits different" and stuff this year but you know what's even better about all this? Below all of these videos people are talking about how much they love(d) these games, how a lot of people re-discovered the replay value of these games this year due to the amazing OSTs of these games and the very well written storyline and yes, even because of these videos themselves. It's such a great and wholesome thing to see. Finally they get the love and respect they should have been getting in the first place for a lot more people than one could have probably expected. I don't know about any of you, but I'm just really happy about all of this.

    I know a lot of people still bash Gen 5 simply because of 2 (!) Evolution lines while they forget about literally all the other ones that are still to be found everywhere in the online metagame etc. and the epic designs of basically everything else from Gen 5 and I wish they could just stop with that. Bashing any game for whatever is just a giant kindergarten behavior if I'm completely honest. We should all focus on the things we enjoy about our own favorites instead and talk about all of it more.

    Again, I couldn't be any happier about it because the Gen 5 games are actually my most favorite ones out of all the others. I just completed my Unova Dex yesterday in Pokemon White 2 including the Unova Mythicals due to the fanmade Wi-Fi servers for Event distributions. I'm currently completing all the PWT tournaments and all the Pokewood movies.

    I finished the White Treehollow and the Black Tower, got my entire team to Level 100 and so much more. And I did all of this on Challenge Mode difficultly even. My next task, that will probably take me months, is to complete the National Dex as far as possible with the help of my other games I have even if it means playing through them multiple times in a row and then transporting everything over.

    TL;DR: I'm glad that the Gen 5 games are finally getting the love and respect they deserve, especially due to "meme videos" about their amazing OSTs and the comment sections being so pure and wholesome below all of them. I'm so happy about it and I hope that other Redditors on here are, too.


    submitted by /u/Laprisu
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    Pokémon X/Y

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    What is everyone's opinion on X/Y? Is it worth buying? How does it stand up against the other versions?

    I have been out of the Pokémon scene for a long while, probably last one I played through was emerald. But I recently got a 3DS and wanted to rekindle the flame. I liked the Pokémon red and blue and emerald style. I've heard a couple of the games since then have been meh. Is X/Y the way to go?

    submitted by /u/Friendly_Ingenuity16
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    Best Ball in All of Pokémon?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! From Gen 1 onward, PokeBalls have constantly changed and gained additional designs and catch elements. Today, I wanted to ask the channel: What is the best ball in Pokémon history, based on all factors except for catch rate? I would love to hear everyone's favorite and why! Let's see if we can get some discussion going!

    submitted by /u/g40931
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    So today I just picked up some Pokémon cards until I turned over the back. (Questions)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    They're labeled as "pocket monsters" but still licensed by Nintendo. 1996. Looks like artwork is the same too. The cards are in what I assume is Japanese. Are these legit still or just knockoffs? I still think they're cool either way I'm just interested.

    If they're legit, why were they made? Weren't the Pokémon cards already in existence? What was the reason?

    If they're not legit, has Nintendo sued or anything like that? Or is it just forgotten about?

    If anyone knows the approximate value that'd be great. I paid 25 cents a card.

    I got a good few, over 10, of them just today. They were clustered in with other older cards and I didn't think to check the backs since the others were legit.

    I've never seen these cards before in my life so I'm actually super curious! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/mooncosmics
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    Pokemon 2019 33 - Who Wants to Trade Pokémon? Episode Discussion!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    A stupidly long post on fixing Pokémon's difficulty

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    So I haven't played a mainline Pokémon game in ages, and I want to, I really do, but gameplay is so important to me and Pokémon just doesn't deliver. Most games can be mindlessly cleared with one or two pokémon with one or two moves, and that's just not fun; so here I am today to complain about the difficulty even though it's not actually gonna affect the next game. ;-;

    This is gonna be long so please bear with me.

    So I'm gonna be using Fire Emblem (another big series Nintendo owns) as an example and something to compare Pokémon to. Althoughthe combat systems in both games aren't entirely similar, they both do have similar worries when designing the battles. To anyone who isn't familiar with how Fire Emblem's combat system works, I'll explain right now, if you already know, skip to the past the next paragraph. So to put it simply, instead of only 2-4 units being on screen, all units from both sides are on a map at once. The game is turn based so one unit initiates combat on another to enter combat. During combat, both units' stats are compared to determine how much damage they deal to each other and how high their chances of hitting and critting each other are. For the most part, it's similar to how it works in Pokémon, with one key difference. If one unit has more attack speed than the other, instead of attacking first (whoever initiates always attacks first, with one exception) they attack twice, effectively dealing 2x more damage than they otherwise would have.

    With that out of the way, I'm gonna get into two play styles both game's developers need to address to stop the gameplay from being mindless. In Pokémon, it's move spamming, and in Fire Emblem, it's turtling. Move spamming is just as it says, you spam one or two different moves to sweep entire teams, and turtling is where you slowly bait the enemy, taking on a map bit by bit, which is, as the name implies, slow. It's so painful trying to avoid these play styles if the game design makes it so unnecessary to do otherwise. Why bother using moves to buff your stats when you already one shot the enemy with a single move, you're only wasting time and healing items. And why bother planning out your moves in Fire Emblem, when you can just carefully bait the enemy and easily cut them all down in a single turn.

    There's an easy way to combat both play styles, simply make the AI smarter. For example, in Fire Emblem: Conquest, during the AI's turn, if one of your units is in range of the enemy, but that enemy does 0 damage to said unit, they won't bother attacking. Another thing the AI does is if there's a bunch of enemy units grouped in one location, and you only place a single unit into one of their range's, they won't attack. However, if you place a unit into all of their ranges, then all of them will attack that one unit, most likely resulting in death. In Pokémon, a good idea is to simply make the AI remember your team. During the battle, if you swap out to a different pokémon, the AI will remember the first one, same with move. If you use splash on your magikarp, the AI will remember that and be wary of it. Let me flesh this out further, if the AI sees you're repeatedly spamming one move, they'll punish you for it, for example: if you keep spamming Fly, the enemy will swap out to one of their pokémon that takes ineffective damage like an electric type, then retaliate with a move like thunder, OHKO'ing your flier. Another example: Let's say you start a battle with a Geodude and you use earthquake once, defeating the enemy pokémon, then switch to another, and enemy pulls out a pokémon that is weak to rock types, but has an effective move against said rock type, the AI would guess that you're going to pull that Geodude back out, so they use the effective move, predicting that you're going to take the Geodude back out. This AI change would easily make the game a lot less mindless, and would really make you think. However, any memory the AI had of you in a previous battle would be wiped, since you most likely have swapped out a pokémon and/or learned a new move.

    Although I wish I could say that's it, there's more that can be changed, like the EXP. So if you lost a gym battle, you'd most likely have two different ideas on how to take it on the next time, either try a different strategy, or grind, and oh boy, I HATE grinding with a passion. Not only is grinding boring, but it takes away any actual strategy and trivializes pretty much any game's difficulty. You might say that "It's optional, if you don't want to do it then don't," but these games punish you for NOT grinding (minus gen 6 'cause EXP share). You may think everything is fine and dandy, but when you enter the next gym, the enemy's pokémon are 6 levels over you, and curb-stomp you. So you're trapped in this situation, either you don't grind and have to deal with pokémon who's stats are leagues higher than yours, or you do grind and you mindlessly sweep through teams.

    A seemingly easy fix is to just lower the "your pokémon didn't obey!" level cap, but if you just so happened to feed a bunch of EXP to a pokémon through not grinding, they stop obeying you, punishing you for playing normally; but the real solution doesn't have much to do with numbers, but more to do with the world building and design of routes and towns. Let's say a town's gym leader has a bunch of fighting types, but the game has mostly given you normals and ghosts types to you so far. A good solution is have a house in the town where if you complete a quest for a resident, they'll give you a psychic type that's specifically designed to be strong enough to help out in the gym battle, but not strong enough to trivialize the fight, you'll still have to make a good strategy. Simple things like this not only incentivize not grinding, but also exploring the world and building attachments to locations and the people in them. Instead of just skipping houses and location, you're being rewarded for exploring the game instead of grinding. But there's a bit more, I said that the solution doesn't have much to do with numbers, but changing up numbers to punish grinding can help stop this too. For example, defeating a wild pokémon would only give you a 1/4 of the EXP you would have otherwise gotten from a trainer battle, and if you keep fighting pokémon in the wild for too long, you'd encounter a big group of varying pokémon, since they're mad that you've been beating up so many of the local dwellers. While it wouldn't be impossible to beat them, since you'd be fighting around 6 different pokémon types at roughly the same level as you while you can only have one on the field, there's a good chance you'd lose. One more thing, if a pokémon game with selectable difficulties were to be made, have EXP share be available in a normal mode and be able to gain 1/2 or all of EXP from wild pokémon, but not in hard. (I swear, you're getting to the end, just a gotta get through some more) There's one more thing that trivializes the game, money and items. If your pokémon gets crit by the enemy, a single potion could easily fix that. Excessive Items only negate threats, and just like grinding, trivializes the game, however the fix is easy; don't worry, it's not completely removing items, it's making money and items more scarce, at least on the harder difficulty. World building would take a big part in this. For example, you might find more dropped items in wild areas where there a really strong pokémon, but not so many in others. There would be no easy way to grind for money because if there are places like casinos, you'd be gambling; you'd either win big or lose hard. Another thing is in most games, you're a kid living with a single mom, so of course you wouldn't have much money, and since you're a minor, nobody can hire you for jobs. Most money would come from battles and quests, which of course, quests would further strengthen the world building. One more thing is to lessen the effects of items, like instead of potions healing for 20, they heal for 15. This is all to prevent item spam; you'd be more thoughtful of your items instead of just buying 53 super potions and cheesing a gym battle with your spiky shield grass type. Healing centers however, would function as normal.

    That's pretty much every problem with game design solved, however, there's still one more, and it's the developers themselves. Jumping back to Fire Emblem, I'm gonna use two game from the franchise as examples, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and Fire Emblem: Conquest (I know I've already used this five times before, but it's gameplay is really good.) I could trash on Awakening's design all day, but I'll keep it limited to the difficulty.

    Both game's hardest difficulty is called Lunatic, which is of course, insanely hard, yet Conquest's lunatic is actually fair to the player, meanwhile Awakening's isn't. In Awakening, most of your units just can't contribute in combat because they're so outmatched by enemies because Intelligent Systems (the Dev's for Fire Emblem) hardly even play tested the maps. Meanwhile in Conquest, EVERY unit can be useful right off the bat (with a single exception), because the levels were play tested with these units in mind. This makes me fear that even IF the Pokémon devs tried to make a hard mode, they'd half-arse it and it only ends up being unfair to the player. Let me tell you what I mean by unfair. Take the AI changes I mentioned a while back. Instead of the AI taking guesses at what you're going to do, the game just straight up FEEDS the AI what you're going to do, then start planning their move after you've entered yours. I said the memory AI was the best solution because it's exactly what player does, they remember what pokémon the enemy is using and what moves each pokémon has, and plan their moves based on guesses of what the enemy is going to do. If the AI knows what you're doing, they're gaining an insane upperhand against you that you just can't keep up with. They might also inflate enemy stats to where you just can't do much. Stuff like this kinda makes me not want a hard mode on a Pokémon game, because I feel that the devs will hardly even try.

    Anyways, I'm almost done, just a few minor things that can make the difficulty better. Instead of having gyms be based around a pokémon type, it's based around the history of the town/area the gym is based in, like the main pokémon for a gym leader could be a species similar to a pagan god the town used to worship, so the dev's won't be limited to a single type. Also, whenever you enter a fight, the opponent's lead pokémon should be random, and not set. This is to prevent the player from cheesing the first stage of the fight, which is arguably the most important.

    Aaand that's about it, thanks for reading through that Great Wall of Text, or skipping right to the end lol. If you have any questions or any ideas you think are better, feel free to say so!

    submitted by /u/dded119
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    Speaking of nostalgia, wheres my pokepark fans?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    One series I never see anyone speak about here is the pokepark series. That game was my childhood and led to my love of gen 5. It just hurts to see noone care about it, and after seeing my bestie replay it I cant help but wonder if anyone here remembers it. So wonderful reddit, anyone here remember pokepark or pokepark 2? And if so what's your fav area or character?

    submitted by /u/TrashyPrecure
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    All I just wanted outta dynamaxing was a way to explain Jigglypuff’s Final Smash in Smash Bros

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    To this day I still think that was a very huge missed opportunity. Imagine if the Pokédex entry for Jigglypuff stated that they're native to Galar and just so happened to have migrated to Kanto somehow. (My idea would be since they're the "Balloon" Pokémon, a huge tornado ended up blowing them away to Kanto) which would be able to explain why they can turn so big

    submitted by /u/Cookie_Boy_14
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    Thanks to a thing that is confirmed for crowned tundra, I belive that, aside of a new Let's Go, we will not get another gen 8 game

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Legendery hunt is coming in Crowned Tundra, yeah, this sounds crazy because it may not look like a thing that deconfirm another games coming, but since gen 4 the last game of each gen has a Legendary hunt of some sort, in HGSS excluding the regis (that can be caught in Platinum) all the legendaries of gen 1-3 can be caught, in B2W2 you can catch all the minor legendaries of gen 3 and 4, this is the smallest of the hunts, then in ORAS all the legendaries frome Gen 1-5 excluding the Kanto birds (that can be caught in XY) and finally in USUM all the legendaries are catchable, so giving the fact that CT will bring the rest of legendaries to the game, I really dobut another non let's go main game for this gen.

    submitted by /u/JoseJulioJim
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    I actually like sword and shield

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Although yeah ik sword and shield has a bland story and the nat dex cut but i enjoy sword and shield than the other games like diamond and pearl and here's why

    First reason: I like sword and shield because of the new Pokemon they added like drednaw and dragapult and i think the new Pokemon in sword and shield look better than the other pokemon from different gens Second reason: I like sword and shield because of the difficulty. One time i was struggling against raihan and his weathers (especially sandstorm) but then i realized i can cancel the weather out with other weather like rain or sun. Third reason: I like sword and shield because it has the best fossils in my opinion. Instead of them being just rock type, they become other types like Dragon water or ice and they reference that they mismatch the fossils and create a monstrosity and i like it. I hope they add fossils like these in the future. And that concludes why i like sword and shield

    submitted by /u/Forsakenslasher123
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    Which Pokemon would be surprisingly skeletally sound?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    As in, ignoring small Pokemon or ones that are essentially just IRL animals with a small tweak, which larger and more abstract Pokemon would actually be fuctional skeletally, as in, being able to support itself, arms and legs function, capable of using the mouth properly, et cetera.

    The larger and weirder, the more interesting

    submitted by /u/TheBrodsterboy
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    Do I need just a soldering iron or a whole station to replace batteries in GBC/GBA games?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I need to replace the RTC battery in a copy of ruby and then save battery in a copy of silver. I don't want to spend more than like 40$ because those two games are my only use for it.

    What exactly should I buy? I'm mainly looking at Weller WLC100 40 watt, the station is 39$ and the Weller SP40NKUS is 25$ for the "kit" which includes 6mm tip, 3.2mm tip and 0.8mm tip. MT10, iron stand, lead free solder.

    Is the cheaper version enough to replace batteries or do I need the full station?

    Here are the links


    submitted by /u/HersheysTogekiss
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