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    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 15 August 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 15 August 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 15 August 2020

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Does anyone miss the Ranger games?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    In case you don't know what I'm talking about, the Ranger games are a rather quirky set of spinoffs, all of them for the DS. They are especially notable for their core mechanic, where you draw loops around Pokemon to capture them. You also don't train or battle with them, but rather use them to help out the natural environment, such as through assisting you in captures, or clearing obstacles in the field.

    Replaying some of the Ranger games not too long ago, I came to realise that a lot of them are actually quite good, if the first one is a little clunky, and I'm sad to see that they've been largely discontinued since 2010. They've left a long-lasting legacy on the main series, such as Guardian Signs introducing soaring and the Poke Ride mechanic (which was later used in ORAS and SM respectively), and are especially notable for bringing with it what is arguably the rarest shiny Pokemon that can be hunted: a legitimate shiny Manaphy. In particular, I have a very soft spot for Shadows of Almia, as I recall playing it when I was 10, and it introduced me to cross-generational evolutions of Generation IV Pokemon that I didn't know existed until Platinum, such as Electivire and Froslass.

    To this day, even though it's a forlorn hope at this point, I hope that one day, the Ranger games are revisited, either as a new instalment, or a remake, especially considering the Rescue Team remake not too long ago. What do you guys think; do you miss the Ranger games, and do you hope for another Ranger game?

    submitted by /u/HeroLinik
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    I didn’t realize how many Pokémon I genuinely loved until Sword and Shield

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    So I recently bought a Switch after much debate. The first games I bought? Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Let's Go Eevee. What can I say? I've loved Pokémon since I first played Emerald, and I'm still addicted as a college student.

    Because of the controversy over the Gen 8 games, I decided to go in as blindly as possible. I did know what the new Pokémon looked like (mostly) from playing Showdown, but I knew next to nothing about evolving them, finding them, or anything else. I decided the best chance I had of enjoying Pokémon again was by treating it like it was my first time again.

    And I've had so much fun! I'm not nearly finished, as I'm taking things slow, exploring what Pokémon I can find on each route. But already I'm realizing how many Pokémon I adore. I even caught a Stunky that I didn't think I'd use, but I've decided I really love the little guy and want him on the team permanently.

    It's becoming a genuine problem, because by the third gym, I already have enough mons for two full teams that I really want to use, and it's difficult to decide who should be full members! I'm not really sure what the point of this post is, but I found it eye-opening and really interesting. At the very least, it's off my chest.

    Happy playing, everyone!

    submitted by /u/Superpeytonm022
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    What Would Your Real Life Pokemon Team Look Like

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Mine would be:

    • Pidgeot - So I could fly anywhere

    • Goodra - Because: Adorability, slime, and draconianism

    • Tangrowth - Because Tangrowth is my favorite Pokemon

    • Vanilluxe - Similar reasons to Goodra (cute ice cream)

    • Dialga - So I could travel back in time and meet people from history

    • Ditto - It could transform into any other Pokemon I'd want

    What would yours be?

    submitted by /u/SpiderOfSummeria
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    Thoughts on Unovian and Kalosian regional forms for remakes

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    How would you feel about the idea of regional forms for old pokemon in a unova and kalos remake. I think it would work well since it makes the adventure more new rather than just better graphics and new mechanics. It would add a new twist to remakes and make the journey feel much more different compared to the originals.

    submitted by /u/M0202
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    Why don't Gamefreak simply add a difficulty option?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    It's pretty hard to deny that pokemon games have gotten substantially easier since Red and Blue. At this point with Sword and Shield even without any deliberate grinding the gameplay loses all challenge and battles feel like just going though the motions and picking the highest damage attack. Pokemon has so many moves and mechanics which are completely uneeded in single player because of this.

    Why doesn't Gamefreak just add a hard mode where the enemy trainers are higher leveled so either the player has to train their team a bit more or try new moves and tactics out to compete. It would allow younger fans to enjoy the same experience which they enjoy and the people who has played a few pokemon games a chance to be challenged and enjoy the gameplay.

    I think Black and White had a difficulty mode but they made it hard to access and if I remember correctly you had to beat the game to use it, which for a long game isn't really realistic.

    submitted by /u/MortalMonster10
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    Real life pokemon team based on the animals around you

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Just saw a post about a "real life pokemon team", but as in what pokemon you would choose to have irl. What I mean is that you can only use the pokemon based off of the animals you have access to: almost everyone has access to wasps, so beedrill is an option, but seriously how would you even acquire mewtwo

    So for me it would be:

    Diggersby, because i have pet rabbits

    Butterfree, since there are a lot if butterflies in my area

    Swampert, because there's a pet shop in a nearby city that sells axolotls

    Unfeazant, since there are a lot of pheasants in my area

    Noctowl, since there's a big owl living near my house

    Raticate, because, well, rats

    What would yours be?

    submitted by /u/Just_A_Husk
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    [Pokémon Red Version] I might be the slowest Slowpoke in the garden, but I just made a connection with Pallet town and all the other cities

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I was just watching a Bob Ross video and he had referenced the colors on his color palette. That made me think about Pallet Town, and then I realized that Pallet town, PALLET town... precedes all the other towns that are color references. Pewter, Celadon, Cerulean, Vermilion, Lavender, etc.

    That's just neat.

    submitted by /u/ClamsOystersSquid
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    I do be like that

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    How to make HMs good

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Keep HMs in the game, but they don't take up move slots. Instead, add a tab in the summary right next to your Pokemon's move list that shows what HMs your Pokemon can use. Hasn't anyone thought of how weird it is that Scyther can't use cut without an HM? Or that Staraptor can't use fly without an HM? It's weird. Let's use Charizard as an example. In gen 6 (The last gen with HMs), Charizards could learn Fly, Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash (in ORAS). So, if you went into its summary, it would show that it can use those HMs. However, there would also need to be a nerf to who can use what. For example, if Pidgey could still learn Fly, then you would have Fly off the getgo, so GF would need to remove fly or Surf from some Pokemon. Also, it doesn't even make sense that you can fly on a bird as small as Pidgey. Tbh, I don't really understand why no one at GF has thought of this yet. It's a simple idea, and I mean it. It literally took me two seconds to think of it. The things that they have given us (Ride Pager and Rotom bike) work fine, but they're super boring. The Ride Pager limits what Pokemon you can ride on, and the Rotom Bike doesn't let you ride on any Pokemon. With my idea, you can ride on any Pokemon without having it take up a move slot.

    submitted by /u/N00BM4ST3R7
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    Why do so many people think HGSS are the best games in the series

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I rescently got Soulsilver, played through until red, and was extremely disappointed in all aspects of the game, since so many people say they are amazing. The story was entirely boring, all the characters were forgettable in an instant, and the pokemon available to you seem limited. I was wondering if anyone here can explain why these games are even liked. Yeah pokemon follow you but that doesn't matter very much overall TBH

    submitted by /u/SavagesceptileWWE
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    I would rather have yearly or every 2 year hit/miss pokemon games rather than waiting 3-5 years for each new game. And I dont think skipping many years would improve the quality of the games.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion time, but please try to hear me out here and read what I have to say before arguing/downvoting.

    Ok, I've been thinking about this a ton recently and I need to rant about this. Also just know that I am not claiming swsh are the best games or are better than other games in any way. There are a million problems that need to be fixed, I just think the community is blaming the problems on the wrong cause.

    So since swsh released and the arlo video came out, I've heard many people claim they want pokemon games to only come out every 3-5 years so that they are higher quality (or something like that?), but I couldnt disagree more and I dont think it would have the desired effect. I love watching arlo, but I believe he missed the point entirely in this case.

    Ok, time to finally get into my points.

    1. Now my first point is about why I prefer hit/miss yearly titles. So when we look at the pokemon series, there are a bunch of hit/miss games. Games like HGSS, platinum and SM are games that are definite hits while others like DP, XY and swsh are definite misses. I'm happy with it being that way. Would you rather get 4 games in the span of 5 years, where about 1-3 of them are hits or would you like one game which is probably a hit in the span of 5 years? I would much rather get multiple with a few bad eggs than just 1. If you only want to pay for the good games, then watch reviews and gameplay to see if you like it and if you dont, then skip the game and wait for the next one. The wait time wont be that long fortunately as long as they keep pumping out games every 1-2 years.

    2. Each game still gets multiple years of development time even with yearly releases. Many people seem to think that these games only get a year of development, which simply isnt true. There is evidence in XY that SM were already in development, which means they had at least a 3 year development cycle if not more. There is evidence that swsh was already in development in usum, which means at least a 2 year development cycle. Game freak has multiple teams, which let's them work on different games at the same time. Each game gets a decent amount of time of development and I really dont believe changing the yearly releases would have any big impact on the quality of the games. If anything, I bet they would downsize to have smaller teams since each team gets more time for everything.

    3. 3rd versions/remakes/dlc/etc definitely do not need multiple years of development. Are there any 3rd versions, sequels, remakes or DLC from the main series games that are not really high quality? No. Every single on of them are excellent games. Do you think crystal, emerald, platinum, b2w2 or usum are bad games? No, all of them are great and better than the start of each gen or at least an upgrade in most aspects. Are frlg, hgss, oras or let's go misses for the series? All of them are wonderful games. Let's go takes a different approach, but it is still a high quality, highly polished games. And even if you hate swsh (rightfully), can you deny that the DLC is great and a step in the right direction? All of these are wonderful games/dlc even though they came in a time of yearly releases. Now I can accept that maybe each new gen should get a bit more time. SM were really high quality and they got an extra year while XY and swsh had an unfortunate different experience without the extra year. So maybe the first game of each gen should get a 1-2 year gap, but the rest can definitely be annual titles.

    4. There are definitely problems that need to be fixed, but taking away annual releases wouldnt have any large impact, while there are other solutions that would have a much greater impact. A very common complaint about swsh is the inconsistent graphics/textures. So maybe they hire more/better graphic designers/video editors and more specialized people and then have other people testing to find areas that need to be higher quality throughout the development cycle. Another common complaint is the lack of story. So why take another few years instead of hiring or seeking advice from professional story tellers? Another common complaint is about the lack of post game. Now this is an area that I feel is just unfortunately going to be a staple in the first games of each generation. The last base game that had a decent post game was gen 5. But if they decided to change this, a simple fix would be to simply add it in. That would take very little effort. It could be as simple as taking the battle fronteir from gen 4, upgrading a few graphics and throwing it in. That's basically all they did with hgss and it was well received by the community. It wouldnt take huge amounts of time or effort and certainly wouldnt take another few years. Another thing is the national dex. Similar with the last one, they simply just need to add it in. They didnt have a problem putting 721 in gen 6 or 807 in gen 7 and they already have their models, so it shouldnt take much effort at all to simply add them in.

    In conclusion, I dont think taking multiple years per game would impact the quality of any game significantly and is the wrong solution to the existing problems. There are better solutions. And even if it did have an impact on some of the games, I would rather have yearly hit/miss games than having to wait 5 years for a game that's just a but more likely to be good.

    So what do you think? I'm happy to debate with anyone or consider different view points as long as your respectful about it, so if you have anything to add or anything you disagree with, then please comment, I'd like to see what you think!

    submitted by /u/MrEthan997
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    My favorite Unova starter

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Unova starters have gotten a lot of hate from the fanbase for some reason, ig the main reasons are cuz Emboar was the third fire/fighting type in a row and Serperior sucks in its region like Meganium does but damn, I'd be lying if I didn't say thar Samurott is one of my favorite Pokemon starters of all time! It has freaking great stats even tho its attacking stats should be flipped cuz of its design and man, it's a cool and fucking ferocious design! Almost makes sense for it to be a water/steel type like Empoleon. And Dewott might just have my favorite design of any middle stage Pokemon! It's the perfect combination of cute and cool to me. And I absolutely adore the moves the line gets! It gets Razor Shell as an Oshawott. I repeat, AS. AN. OSHAWOTT. That's awesome! Also gets Water Pulse as a Dewott and even Revenge and other good moves like Megahorn with a Heart Scale! Do you see why I adore this line now?? Unova may have less desirable starters but I welcome Samurott to my favorites club.

    Tl,dr; Unova's starters may be hated but Samurott is one of my favorites.

    submitted by /u/Shadowthelogical
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    Finally decided to try out a Pokemon game!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Can you guys give me some recommendations on what game i should start out with? I've heard good things about platinum but I truly want the purest pokemon feeling that make so many people nostalgic. Apparently I need to add more words so here I go typing again, thanks in advance! I will use an emulator on PC btw. The only pokemon game I've played is GO and that isn't the true pokemon experience, right?

    submitted by /u/garpen_
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    Harder Difficulty/Higher AI Levels does not mean you're forced to grind, it means you can't rely on pure offense, and there should be an option to allow for that kind of experience.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    In any discussion around difficulty, there's always someone who has to pop in and say something along the lines of "higher levels doesn't add difficulty, it just means you need to grind." Obviously if there's like a level gap of 10 or more levels, then yeah, that's a poor level curve that's going to require you to grind. That's not what is being asked for.

    What is being asked for is a level curve that doesn't let you just curbstomp your way through the game by hitting the button that says "Super Effective". What is being asked for is an experience where the best move in a situation may not be to deal damage, but maybe use a stat changing move, or to inflict a status effect, or to let my Pokemon faint so that I can safely bring in a Pokemon with an advantage without it taking damage. We're asking for an experience where every once in a while, we the players have to pause for a second and think out our options. Maybe if some players didn't ignore an entire category of moves, they wouldn't find themselves in situations where they need to grind so often.

    When the game is too easy, it renders a large portion of the moves in the game obsolete. Why paralyze any Pokemon if you already outspeed everything and can KO it in one move? Why should you ever teach your Pokemon moves like Thief, Pluck, Incinerate, Knock Off, etc when literally 0 trainers in the entire game give their Pokemon held items? Why do anything other than just attack, because in 99% of cases that the optimal move?

    And for anyone coming in to say, "The games have always been easy",

    1. It's never been quite this easy.

    2. Even if the games have always been easy, that's not an excuse to avoid improvement. For 4 straight generations, TMs were always consumable. That wasn't enough of a reason not to improve that feature. For 7 straight generations, you could only use Vitamins to raise a Pokemon's EV to 100, but they improved that too. Is it really that much to ask to improve the difficulty options available? It's literally been done before, they can do it again.

    And finally, just to be 100% clear, we're asking for an OPTION. The current difficulty should not be removed or replaced at all, but when it's the only option, it prevents significant parts of the game from having any use.

    submitted by /u/BLourenco
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    I am creating concepts (Not an actual game) for what a potential Pokémon game based off of the Bermuda Triangle would be like. Here is a list of all the Pokémon that would be found in it. [Notes: This is not the Pokédex, but just a list. / If you have any ideas, criticisms, questions, etc., do say.)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT


    #001: Iglow [Grass]

    #002: Battruana [Grass/Electric]

    #003: Illumiguana [Grass/Electric]

    #004: Magmadillo [Fire]

    #005: Smithidae [Fire]

    #006: Armordillo [Fire/Steel]

    #007: Fenswim [Water]

    #008: Sailmpale [Water/Fighting]

    #009: Xiphiasword [Water/Fighting]

    #010: Kicrane [Flying/Normal]

    #011: Taekwonhill [Flying/Fighting]

    #012: Strikeane [Flying/Fighting]

    #013: Mouvader [Dark/Normal]

    #014: Intrusquead [Dark/Normal]

    #015: Gentlither [Normal]

    #016: Gartefriend [Normal]

    #017: Snazardous [Water/Poison]

    #018: Dazzlipillar [Bug/Ground]

    #019: Cookiln [Bug/Ground]

    #020: Glassarch [Bug/Fairy]

    #021: Nuisivy [Grass/Poison]

    #022: Oafect [Grass/Poison]

    #023: Tempois [Grass/Poison]

    #025: Cubocial [Normal]

    #025: Solibear [Normal]

    #026: Hybelder [Normal/Psychic]

    #027: Shroomish [Grass/Flying]

    #028: Breloom [Grass/Flying]

    #030: Fawrun [Electric]

    #031: Speedelk [Electric]

    #032: Deerathun [Electric/Fire]

    #033: Nimbring [Water/Celestial]

    #034: Conjurain [Water/Celestial]

    #035: Skybit [Flying]

    #036: Larlava [Bug/Fire]

    #037: Magmant [Bug/Fire]

    #038: Mantletect [Bug/Fire]

    #039: Queeruption [Bug/Fire]

    #040: Tympole [Water/Sound]

    #041: Palpitoad [Water/Sound]

    #042: Seismitoad [Water/Sound]

    #043: Gulppy [Water]

    #044: Basstoma [Water]

    #045: Engulfin [Water]

    #046: Boarumble [Ground]

    #047: Hoground [Ground]

    #048: Secursee [Steel]

    #049: Verifiguard [Steel]

    #050: Aviatoy [Normal/Flying]

    #051: Skeyron [Steel/Flying]

    #052: Soaluminor [Steel/Flying]

    #053: Workindle [Fighting/Fire]

    #054: Labowrath [Fighting/Fire]

    #055: Thermoturn: [Steel/Normal]

    #056: Temprycon: [Steel/Normal]

    #057: Servulti [Normal]

    #058: Impecook [Fire]#059: Bartenique [Water/Ice]

    #060: Dustawless [Flying]#061: Luggandy [Psychic]

    #065: Trafforce [Steel/Fighting]

    #066: Eevee [Normal]

    #067: Vaporeon [Water]

    #068: Jolteon [Electric]

    #069: Flareon [Fire]

    #070: Espeon [Psychic]

    #071: Umbreon [Dark]

    #072: Leafeon [Grass]

    #073: Glaceon [Ice]

    #074: Sylveon [Fairy]

    #075: Drakeon [Dragon]

    #076: Musiceon [Sound]

    #077: Murkrow [Dark/Flying]

    #078: Honchkrow [Dark/Flying]

    #079: Trubbish [Poison]

    #080: Garbodor [Poison]

    #081: Tignat [Bug/Sound]

    #082: Buzzwarm [Bug/Sound]

    #083: Transpite [Steel/Dark]

    #084: Saltakrum [Steel/Dark]

    #085: Dozereven**[Steel**/Dark]

    #086: Palmjoy [Grass/Sound]

    #087: Palmfest [Grass/Sound]

    #088: Mantyke [Water/Poison]

    #089: Mantine [Water/Poison]

    #090: Mantoxing [Water/Poison]

    #091: Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]

    #092: Slowbro [Water/Psychic]

    #093: Slowking [Water/Psychic]

    #094: Gatotramp [Dragon/Water]

    #095: Mangrator [Dragon/Water]

    #096: Alliconquist [Dragon/Water]

    #097: Parkitt [Dark/Ground]

    #098: Panthleap [Dark/Ground]

    #099: Flamvas [Normal/Flying]

    #100: Flamboapt [Fairy/Flying]

    #101: Dymingent [Fairy/Flying]

    #102: Stuffel [Fairy/Fighting]

    #103: Bewear [Fairy/Fighting]

    #106: Pangecessor [Dragon]

    #107: Yanma [Bug/Flying]

    #108: Yanmega [Bug/Flying]

    #109: Yanmaw [Bug/Dragon]

    #110: Pythnar [Dark/Celestial]

    #111: Alienese [Dark/Celestial]

    #112: Voithon [Dark/Celestial]

    #115: Forternal [Ghost]

    #116: Defendead [Ghost/Steel]

    #117: Eternight [Ghost/Steel]

    #118: Corsola [Water/Rock]

    #119: Finneon [Water]

    #120: Lumineon [Water]

    #121: Tanixi [Fairy/Fire]

    #122: Vacafarae [Fairy/Fire]

    #123: Calcarve [Rock]

    #124: Decorlime [Rock]

    #125: Staragune [Rock]

    #126: Magikarp [Water]

    #127: Gyarados [Water/Flying]

    #128: Enhanshine [Celestial/Normal]

    #129: Minior [Rock/Celestial]

    #130: Nincada [Bug/Ground]

    #131: Ninjask [Bug/Flying]

    #132: Shedinja [Bug/Ghost]

    #133: Magnemite [Poison/Steel]

    #134: Magneton [Poison/Steel]

    #135: Magnezone [Poison/Steel]

    #136: Elgyem [Celestial]

    #137: Beheeyem [Celestial]

    #138: Solosis [Psychic]

    #139: Duosion [Psychic]

    #140: Reuniclus [Psychic]

    #141: Orenegy [Grass/Electric]

    #142: Hypulp [Grass/Electric]

    #143: Sonitrus [Grass/Electric]

    #144: Heracross [Bug/Fighting]

    #145: Pinsir [Bug]

    #146: Squrrvix [Normal/Flying]

    #147: Wingull [Water/Flying]

    #148: Pelipper [Water/Flying]

    #149: Sargassadri [Grass]

    #150: Sinkrab [Ground]

    #151: Crustapate [Ghost/Ground]

    #152: Aqalflo [Water]

    #153: Manadrift [Water/Grass]

    #154: Buoyatee [Water/Grass]

    #155: Clauncher [Water]

    #156: Clawitzer [Water]

    #157: Clawkenlode [Water/Fire]

    #158: Youthulet [Fairy/Celestial]


    #159: Geckrack [Rock/Ground]

    #160: Lizissure [Rock/Ground]

    #161: Kiskaharm [Dark/Flying]

    #162: Kiskadanger [Dark/Flying]

    #163: Predadiska [Dark/Flying]

    #165: Crawbrawler [Fighting]

    #166: Crambominable [Fighting/Ice]

    #169: Amarybloom [Grass/Fire]

    #170: Burstyllis [Grass/Fire]

    #171: Asparalien [Grass/Celestial]

    #172: Cogombume [Sound]

    #173: Welcomarnes [Normal]

    #174: Elekid [Electric]

    #175: Electabuzz [Electric]

    #176: Electivire [Electric]

    #177: Magby [Fire]

    #178: Magmar [Fire]

    #179: Magmortar [Fire]

    #180: Putti [Flying]

    #181: Squagolf [Flying]

    #182: Ablatrail [Flying/Fire]

    #184: Chingling [Psychic/Sound]

    #185: Chimecho [Psychic/Sound]

    #186: Reboubat [Sound/Flying]

    #187: Reflivigans [Sound/Flying]

    #188: Echolagans [Sound/Flying]

    #189: Tauros [Normal]

    #190: Taurtanium [Steel]

    #191: Miltank [Normal]

    #192: Miltiron [Steel/Normal]

    #193: Zubat [Poison/Flying]

    #194: Golbat [Poison/Flying]

    #195: Crobat [Poison/Flying]

    #196: Smoochum [Ice/Psychic]

    #197: Jynx [Ice/Psychic]

    #198: Glacistress [Ice/Psychic]

    #199: Cavern [Grass]

    #200: Savagern [Grass]

    #211: Shellos [Water/Ground]

    #212: Gastrodon [Water/Ground]

    #215: Shimmerva [Bug/Electric]

    #216: Pupaspark [Bug/Electric]

    #217: Gleetglow [Bug/Electric]

    #218: Aron [Steel/Rock]

    #219: Lairon [Steel/Rock]

    #220: Aggron [Steel/Rock]

    #_: Tropius [Grass/Fairy]

    #221: Whismur [Sound]

    #222: Loudred [Sound]

    #223: Exploud [Sound]

    #224: Shiverok [Ice/Rock]

    #225: Dwebble [Bug/Rock]

    #226: Crustle [Bug/Rock]

    #227: Tentacool [Water/Poison]

    #228: Tentacruel [Water/Poison]

    #229: Tent o' War [Water/Fighting]

    #230: Dolphling [Water]

    #231: Dolphlapult [Water/Psychic]

    #232: Horsea [Water]

    #233: Seadra [Water]

    #234: Kingdra [Water/Dragon]

    #235: Humback [Water/Sound]

    #236: Singeyser [Water/Sound]

    #237: Dhelmise [Ghost/Grass]

    #239: Remoraid [Water]

    #240: Octillery [Water]

    #241: Seel [Ghost/Ice]

    #242: Dewgong [Ghost/Ice]

    #243: Planktoid [Grass/Water]

    #244: Carvanha [Water/Dark]

    #245: Sharpedo [Water/Dark]

    #246: Sirenegade [Sound/Dark]

    #247: Misteal [Ghost/Flying]

    #248: Envelfog [Ghost/Flying]

    #249: Vanicane [Ghost/Flying]

    ————————————Puerto Rico-based————————————

    #250: Straiment [Normal]

    #251: Terrieble [Dark]

    #252: Cuddlove [Fairy]

    #253: Protecanine [Steel]

    #254: Coquícroak [Sound]

    #255: Territorquí [Sound]

    #256: Croaquíbie [Sound/Poison]

    #257: Paras [Bug/Grass]

    #258: Parasect [Bug/Grass]

    #259: Sporespead [Poison/Celestial]

    #260: Virushroom [Poison/Celestial]

    #261: Zospredoom [Poison/Celestial]

    #262: Shrielet [Sound/Flying]

    #263: Niscreech [Sound/Dark]

    #264: Signowl [Sound/Dark]

    #265: Pyredem [Dark/Fire]

    #266: Huntinder [Dark/Fire]

    #267: Demonlish [Dark/Fire]

    #268: Misdreavus [Ghost]

    #269: Mismagius [Ghost/Sound]

    #270: Phantump [Grass/Ghost]

    #271: Trevanant [Grass/Ghost]

    #272: Hummingale [Flying]

    #273: Turbuflutter [Flying]

    #274: Hummicboom [Flying]

    #275: Gradimaga [Grass]

    #276: Calagouro [Sound]

    #277: Terrache [Ghost/Dark]

    #278: Hauntante [Ghost/Dark]

    #279: Gesturcation [Psychic/Normal]

    #280: Psignchic [Psychic/Normal]

    #281: Foresimage [Psychic/Normal]

    #_: Potiorgeist [Ghost]

    #_: Restorition [Ghost]

    #282: Rotom [Ghost/Electric]

    #283: Ridten [Electric]

    #284: Whiskire [Electric]

    #285: Elecapt [Electric]

    #286: Empanarrot [Flying/Fire]

    #287: Turnovecaw [Flying/Fire]

    #288: Bananarrot [Flying/Grass]

    #289: Ripecaw [Flying/Grass]

    #290: Rumarrot [Flying/Water]

    #291: Cervecaw [Flying/Water]

    #292: Flabébé [Fairy]

    #293: Floette [Fairy]

    #294: Florges [Fairy]

    #295: Dirtire [Steel]

    #296: Rollerguish [Steel]

    #297: Energrill [Steel/Psychic]

    #298: Litwick [Fire/Steel]

    #299: Lampent [Fire/Steel]

    #300: Cagendair [Fire/Steel]

    #305: Roggenrola [Celestial/Rock]

    #306: Boldore [Celestial/Rock]

    #307: Gigoldith [Celestial/Rock]

    #308: Duraludon [Steel/Dragon]

    #309: Marsedim [Ground/Grass]

    #310: Beastloth [Ground/Grass]

    #311: Azabachrew [Ground/Fairy]

    #312: Rewpelet [Ground/Fairy]

    #313: Drampa [Normal/Dragon]

    #314: Skinka [Normal]

    #315: Tusslada [Fighting]

    #316: Descada [Flying]

    #317: Terrada [Ground]

    #318: Stalagada [Rock]

    #319: Carada [Bug]

    #320: Spookada [Ghost]

    #321: Toxada [Poison]

    #322: Aluminada [Steel]

    #323: Asterada [Celestial]

    #324: Ferroseed [Steel/Grass]

    #325: Ferrothorn [Steel/Grass]

    #326: Wooper [Water/Ground]

    #327: Quagsire [Water/Ground]

    #328: Alghip [Grass]

    #329: Whirllate [Grass]

    #330: Spinosalgae [Grass/Dragon]

    #331: Noibat [Sound/Dragon]

    #332: Noivern [Sound/Dragon]

    #333: Sapleski [Grass/Ice]

    #334: Sleetimber [Grass/Ice]

    #335: Chillisp [Ghost/Ice]

    #336: Kaicicle [Ghost/Ice]

    #340: Frostrison [Ice/Steel]

    #341: Snowbolt [Ice/Electric]

    #342: Avalightnin [Ice/Electric]

    #343: Soice [Ice/Ground]

    #344: Turfrigid [Ice/Ground]

    #345: Subzectonic [Ice/Ground]

    #346: Hikinee [Ground/Fighting]

    #347: Climbrace [Ground/Fighting]

    #348: Endurtrek [Ground/Fighting]

    #349: Impline [Fire/Electric]

    #350: Wierxplode [Fire/Electric]

    #351: Sandile [Ground/Dark]

    #352: Krokorok [Ground/Dark]

    #353: Krookodile [Ground/Dark]

    #354: Pestas [Dark]

    #355: Cacnea [Grass]

    #356: Cacturne [Grass/Dark]

    #357: Cactarrel [Grass]

    #358: Magnithrotle [Ground]

    #359: Quakellapse [Ground/Dragon]

    #360: Emergale [Flying/Dragon]

    —————————B. Triangle & Deep Ocean-based—————————

    #361: Nibbealth [Water/Fairy]

    #362: Peckare [Water/Fairy]

    #363: Remachin [Steel/Celestial]

    #364: Anciechnol [Steel/Celestial]

    #366: Seagoner [Dragon/Dark]

    #367: Serplight [Dragon/Dark]

    #368: Chinchou [Water/Electric]

    #369: Lanturn [Water/Electric]

    #370: Dangluster [Water/Electric]

    #371: Hammerunt [Water]

    #372: Mallehunt [Water]

    #373: Hammenchor [Water/Steel]

    #374: Gnawrk [Water]

    #375: Aggreshar [Water]

    #376: Bullshred [Water/Fighting]

    #380: Tynamo [Electric]

    #381: Eelektrik [Electric]

    #382: Eelektross [Electric]

    #383: Dweshell [Steel/Bug]

    #384: Submergeye [Steel/Bug]

    #385: Unknoldive [Steel/Bug]

    #386: Pyrooid [Water]

    #387: Coloniroso [Water/Sound]

    #388: Penetotem [Rock/Celestial]

    #389: Stalagolem [Rock/Celestial]

    #390: Guarcordian [Celestial]

    #391: Spinom [Ghost/Poison]

    #392: Decievenom [Ghost/Poison]

    #393: Reapion [Ghost/Poison]

    #394: Staryu [Water]

    #395: Starmie [Water/Celestial]

    #396: Hitcherback [Water]

    ———————————More Imagination-based———————————

    #397: Bergmite [Ice]

    #398: Avalugg [Ice]

    #399: Spheal [Water/Ice]

    #400: Sealeo [Water/Ice]

    #411: Walrein [Water/Ice]

    #412: Cubchoo [Ice]

    #413: Beartic [Ice]

    #414: Ursibrid [Ice/Psychic]

    #415: Antarcticlops [Ice/Fighting]

    #416: Porygon [Normal]

    #417: Porygon2 [Normal]

    #418: Porygon-Z [Normal]

    #419: Uxie [Dark/Electric]

    #420: Mesprit [Dark/Fire]

    #421: Azelf [Dark/Ice]

    #422: Amaguxeself [Dark]

    #423: Type: Null [Normal]

    #424: Silvally [Normal]

    #425: Intelluid [Celestial]

    #426: Octovincink [Celestial]

    #427: Nautaneo [Celestial]

    #428: Gastrongero [Celestial/Fighting]

    #429: Nydracuum [Celestial/Dragon]

    #430: Ditto [Normal]

    #431: Sparcos [Electric/Celestial]

    #432: Chargmic [Electric/Celestial]

    #433: Elecosurge [Electric/Celestial]

    #434: Badgeutrid [Grass]

    #435: Cosloricho [Poison/Psychic]

    #436: Guibrown [Ghost/Normal]

    #437: Aeroff [Flying/Fire]

    #438: Nasaline [Flying/Fire]

    #439: Rocketruss [Celestial/Fire]

    #440: Krakalypse [Water/Poison]

    #441: Leviatheddon [Water/Dark]

    #442: Saviolace [Ground/Fighting]

    #443: Harmoniah [Fairy/Psychic]

    ——————————Ultra Beast & Space-based——————————

    #444: Nihilego [Rock/Poison]

    #445: Remixipull [Sound/Psychic]

    #446: Xurkitree [Electric]

    #447: Vanishipir [Ghost/Water]

    #448: Chupamprowl [Dark/Grass]

    #449: Blazauntifer [Fire/Ghost]

    #450: Poipole [Poison]

    #451: Naganadel [Poison/Dragon]

    #452: Mystice [Ice]

    #453: Crysalis [Ice]

    #454: Arceus [Normal]

    #455: Subri. No [Normal]

    Type Totals:

    Normal: 35

    Fire: 36

    Water: 79

    Electric: 34

    Grass: 46

    Ice: 32

    Fighting: 21

    Poison: 30

    Ground: 32

    Flying: 51

    Psychic: 23

    Bug: 28

    Rock: 20

    Ghost: 29

    Dragon: 18

    Dark: 40

    Steel: 39

    Fairy: 19

    Sound: 32

    Celestial: 33

    submitted by /u/DukeDare_
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for interest in an online VGC-focused Pokémon league

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Due to the cancellation of real-world competitive Pokémon events, I have devised a possible way to continue the competitive spirit! Please see my full message below, but be advised that the current plan is largely focused on competitive play, although casual players would be happily welcomed :)

    I am relatively new player in the VGC and competitive Pokémon scene, having only played for about a year, but I have discovered an incredible passion for the game and it has become a substantial part of my life. Or, at least it was. While I still enjoy competitive matches in Pokémon Showdown and in-game, a crucial part of the VGC experience has been lost due to the present pandemic. Without real-world competitive events, the excitement of high-stakes tournaments and the ability to meet new players has become almost nonexistent. This is the heart and soul of VGC for me, and its loss has inspired me to try to bring some of that VGC magic back into my life and hopefully into the lives of many other Trainers.

    My idea is this: an online Pokémon league, run mostly on Discord, complete with Gym Leaders, a Champion, tournaments, prizes, and the whole nine yards. I already have lots of ideas on how such a league could be run, but if this is to be the best organization it can be, the input of players from across the community will be essential.

    This is why I am looking for anyone who finds this idea interesting or would like to be involved in league leadership to please contact me! I would love to have people to work with me on this and help make a great league that players of any skill level can experience.

    So, if you have any suggestions or feedback at all, are interested in a leadership position, want to get involved, have questions, or simply want to know what the prizes are, I urge you to contact me. I think an online league such as this will be a great way to revive that competitive VGC spirit in all of us and give Trainers all over the chance to be the Champion again!

    Please contact me using Reddit chat or messages, or use my email at [ethanm938@gmail.com](mailto:ethanm938@gmail.com) - furthermore, if you would like to simply express interest or leave quick feedback, use this Google Form: https://forms.gle/cLzNxoneYks1n5P58

    submitted by /u/ethanm265
    [link] [comments]

    Is cynthia overrated?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-six forty-seven forty-eight forty-nine fifty

    seems like it's almost split 50/50 with the yes side having a bit more votes. I can live with that.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/MicaMicaMica12
    [link] [comments]

    Custom Pokemon Cries?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, im hoping for some help. Ive been having fun in my freetime making my own pokemon for a fan made reigon that may one day become a fangame (or not idk). So i have designs and ideas for my mon but nothing for what they sound like. Does anyone know how pokemon cries are made? Any info on this topic would be greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/mrjodrick
    [link] [comments]

    Create Your Gen 1 Team, But With a Twist

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I want to try a little challenge, something I like to call the NPC Team Challenge. Gen 8 movesets will be viable for your Pokemon, meaning Pokemon like Electrode or Aerodactyl WILL naturally learn STAB moves, unlike the original RBY. You aren't the main protagonist, or rival, or any person of significance to the overall world. Essentially, you're a "Veteran Trainer" type, and your only desire, is to create your ideal team, but there's a catch. Because of these drawbacks, your ideal Gen 1 team may NOT contain any of the following:

    • Starter Pokemon. Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise are not found in the wild, meaning you can't realistically have one on your team.

    • "Special/ Exclusive" Pokemon: No Lapras (You can only obtain one while being involved in the raid of Silph Co, and nowhere else), No Eevee (Only obtainable by breaking and entering, and if you're trying to not catch all those STDs in jail/ prison, that's not possible), or Legendaries/ Mythicals. Fossil Pokemon are debatable, since they are a farmable species (although, not in Gen 1, but realistically, it's plausible), as well as Psuedo-Legendaries, but they're rare for a reason, meaning you are not going to have a full team of 6 Dragonites, that's Lance's wet dream team. One only. Same applies to Snorlax, since realistically, the Poke Flute wouldn't even be needed in order to catch it, since it's already asleep, but you can only have one.

    Only Pokemon you can obtain in wild encounters, side-quest rewards (specially the Saffron City Dojo Master's gift of either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan), the Game Corner, and the Safari Zone (along with trading, so Alakazam, Gengar, etc are still available). And to make it a bit more of a challenge, your team cannot contain more than 2 of the same typing, just so people aren't making a team of Snorlaxes or Alakazams.

    For example, I'll start with my own ideal, plausibly realistic team: - Aerodactyl - Gengar - Electabuzz - Clefable - Vileplume - Slowbro

    submitted by /u/w1ncestu0s
    [link] [comments]

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