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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 29 August 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 29 August 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 29 August 2020

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    I need your HELP for a SCIENTIFIC PAPER

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Hello pokemon community.

    I have to do a scientific paper for Uni and i chose something along the lines of "Pokemon Age Demographics". It would help me a lot if some of you could fill out this survey.


    Thank you reddit community <3

    EDIT: The survey is closed now. i got over 10.000 answers. Thank you so much <3

    submitted by /u/Reyzour
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    If Pokémon used their game cries in the animes

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Does anyone else remember the “hard” and “easy” mode option in gen 5? We NEED that

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    In gen 5 there was a little option in the menu where you could select easy, normal, and hard. Imagine if that came back in newer games. A lot of people hate the handholding in Pokémon right? So make that only hard mode. Normal would be like the Pokémon we have now, and easy would be for people who needed help, or younger children. I can't be alone on this, right?

    Edit: I mean I want it at start, NOT like black 2. Just the idea of a hard mode

    submitted by /u/lolkevin404
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    Never played any pokemon game.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Hi people of r/pokemon i have never played any pokemon game except pokemon go, and i would really like to get into the franchise because my friends keep on joking that i have never played any pokemon game. Which game do you all recommended i start with. Just so you know I own an Nintendo 3ds xl.

    submitted by /u/schepschutter
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    Is it just me?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    As I'm now 26 years old and still in love with the universe that is Pokémon; I find it hard to be as enthralled or enthused by most Pokémon after gen 3 (1-3 being the most familiar/nostalgic). I feel as if they began losing creative steam going into gens 5+. Don't get me wrong, I see the beauty and art in it all still, but I personally can't love the newer gens like I do the previous.. can anyone relate?

    submitted by /u/Jbrazzz
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    What the fuck is with Pokemon and its worldbulding?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    The first two gens established a cohesive story, following the adventures of Red, then the adventures of Gold and then culminating with a final battle between the two, and the third gen was the equivalent of an AU at the time, on a different region altogether but the fourth gen was the first one where Pokemon cared in the slightest about its worldbuilding.

    For example, in the anime, expert on doing those things (worldbuilding, I mean), it was said on the Wallace Cup that it was a contest valid for all the country, referring to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. That meant that Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh were confirmed (on the anime) to be regions of one country, and that country would be an independent nation.

    But then Unova came. It was apart of this previous "country", and that was described on the numbers of routes, that was progressive on the previous country (Kanto starting with Route 1 and Sinnoh finishing with Route 223) but the counting restarted with Route 1, but that was no problem. Besides, it was based on a very specific point of the USA, so it could open the posibility of more regions based on more points of the USA (The USA is big)

    And then Kalos came out. It was ALSO apart from everything else. That was comprehensible, as it was based on France. The problem is that it was based on the entire country of France, instead of being a region. That raised the question, is it an independent nation like France or a region of something bigger? Galar has the exact same problem, being based on the entirety of the UK instead of a region of it.

    And Alola... I think this was the point where I realized they stopped caring with making a coherent Pokemon World. Alola, like Unova, was based on a zone of the USA. Would they finally establish another country and connect Alola and Unova? Nope. In the slightest. Not even the number of Routes is progressive. Unova's last route is the Route 23. Alola starts from one all over again, practically saying that they are on different countries.

    My question now is... are those regions that are seemingly away from each other (Galar and Alola even more, as the species that inhabit on all regions had taken new forms because of the clima and the medioambient) independent nations... or how do that work? I WANT TO SEE WORLDBUILDING, DAMNIT.

    submitted by /u/JAMSDreamer
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    A Drawing i done of Dialga and Palkia

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Recently bought Pokemon HeartGold, is this legit?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Bought HG for 40$, is this legit? Also is this a good deal for HG? The condition is not the best but it is working. Also have a save file of someone named Josh from 2012.


    submitted by /u/DuringWinter
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    Pokémon Pearl on the 3DS?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    So I really want to play Pokémon pearl, as gen 4 has some of the most interesting Pokémon in my opinion, and I really like Palkia. Unfortunately it is on the Nintendo ds, which is no longer manufactured. There are some going on eBay for higher than usual prices, but I don't want one of those. So I was wondering if I bought the Pokémon pearl game, likely off eBay, would I be able to play it on my 3DS instead of the ds?

    Edit: thx for the info, I'm glad I'll be able to enjoy it on my 3ds :D

    submitted by /u/Beckett-J
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    What if Eternatus created Deoxys, or they are one in the same?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    I know this title might seem outlandishly stupid but hear me out.

    Eternatus Pokedex entry says that it was inside a meteorite that fell 20,000 years ago. And Deoxys pokedex entry says that it was a mutated space virus.

    I believe that

    1) Eternatus potentially had the virus that Deoxys mutated from

    2) They came from the same meteorite.

    I'll start with 1) Eternatus came from a meteorite, meaning that it was, most likely a pokemon that already existed. If this pokemon had a virus like pokerus then it would have gone away after a few days, unless, Eternatus coughed (or something similar) onto another space rock and the virus stayed on the rock, which in turn created Deoxys.

    Alternatively, it's a possibility that Eternatus traveled from meteorite to meteorite and just happend to travel into one that hit earth, if he did hop meteorites its possible that he left his virus on each one, and one of them happed to be the one that came to earth thousands of years later, carrying a mutated version of the virus.

    Or, my second theory that Deoxys and Eternatus are one in the same.

    I believe that Eternatus and Deoxys may be from the same meteorite and possibly even the same species. When meteorites enter the eaths atmosphere they break up, and occasionally small pieces land in different parts of the world. If we look at the original Ruby and Sapphire, we can see that Deoxys has already landed on earth.

    What I'm suggesting in this theory is that Deoxys could have been a large part of the same meteorite that Eternatus was travelling in.

    The reason that there are not other Deoxys could be that there were not correct conditions for it to mutate, or the other pieces disintegrated in the earth's atmosphere, or, Eternatus may have eaten them.

    Just a few small theorys I had, sorry it's so long, it had to be like this to get all my thoughts out

    submitted by /u/ZzAaCcNn
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    Hopefully this hasn’t been talked about before, can humans go in poke balls

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    So I was sitting in my room and then I thought about how we humans are considered animals on the earth, could that be the same for the Pokémon world. Pokémon are the animals of the Pokémon universe so that would mean if people are considered humans in the Pokémon Universe we could be put in Pokéballs. I am feeling very strange about this, if someone could give me an explanation it would be most helpful

    submitted by /u/ash_ketchup151
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    Modified Cartridges?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    A while back I bought a copy of Pokémon Sapphire on eBay. When I got to choose a starter, I got the option to choose between Zigzagoon, Poochyena and Wurmple. At the time I did not think anything of it as it was my first Pokémon game. But as you probably know these are not the right Pokémon. I think the Cartridge was modified, but I am not sure if that is possible. Does someone know more about this?

    Thanks for reading and have a great day

    submitted by /u/minergarry
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    Do you think the pokemon company will add a final DLC for SwSh that adds the rest of the national dex?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I feel like it is possible that sometime probably in the winter we will get a DLC for the rest of the pokemon. I would imagine this would also allow them to integrate all the pokemon into the next main series game, which I would imagine is D/P remakes. Idk how transfering that stuff works so don't quote me on that

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    submitted by /u/SavagesceptileWWE
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    So I have a question about something that just happened to me in my copy of Emerald this morning.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I caught a Houndour in the Safari Zone that apparently has Pokérus. I read on Smogon that Pokémon infected with Pokérus stay with the virus until the clock reaches midnight, but the internal battery has run dry on the cartridge itself, meaning there isn't gonna "be" a midnight. So my question is this: Will my Pokémon continue to have Pokérus for as long as they're in my copy of Emerald? Or will it eventually fade off after a certain number of battles?

    submitted by /u/BatierAutumn1991
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