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    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 27 September 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 27 September 2020

    [Hype Thread] 27 September 2020

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

    This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

    This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D

    This thread is also the place to earn /r/pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post a screenshot of your accomplishment in the comments below, accompanied by some indication (username on a piece of paper in the photo, for example) that it's yours. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear. Only one prestige flair can be assigned at once, and prestige flairs will overwrite other event flair awarded on this subreddit—pick carefully! Flair is currently available for:

    Galar Prestige Flairs

    • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
    • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
    • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
    • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. (Minus Ribbon and Star sweets!)
    • Gigantamax Symbol: Post an album of your collection of all currently available G-Max mon. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!

    Alola Prestige Flairs

    • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
    • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
    • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
    • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

    General Prestige Flairs

    • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex in generation 6 or 7. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
    • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /r/ShinyPokemon.)


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Alola's cities aren't fun to explore

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    When I play a Pokemon game I love to just walk into houses and spam A at everything. Gen 7 is so empty when it comes to that. I'm pretty sure they don't even have the TV programs anymore. And so many houses you can't even go into. They're just kinda there with the doors closed :/

    submitted by /u/Reverse_Time_Remnant
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    What was the biggest moment in any Pokemon game that made you go "...Really?"

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    For me, it was coming across that lighthouse behind the fence in Konikoni City. The whole game I wondered what was behind that alluring blue door. After several more hours of playing, I discovered a hidden path that finally led me to my destination. This was it. It was time to find out what secrets this lighthouse held. So I cautiously walked up to the building...

    ...only to find that the door could not be interacted with in any way. I was already annoyed by the numerous fake doors I had encountered in the game, but one that was uniquely modeled and taunted you from the moment you saw it? SERIOUSLY?

    And that's the moment I gave up hope on this series.

    submitted by /u/MarsAdept
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    Gen 4 deserves remakes Because the lore might be one of the best ever.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Generation 4 had amazing lore to it. We actually had a religious God of the Pokemon world in Arceus. We learned about the original pokemon and how they came about. Palkia and Dialga being created by the PokeGod and controlling time and space. How humans and pokemon first came in contact. Or how Mew truly was the origin of all pokemon. I remember discovering it slowly over the years and how it opened up so much in terms of the possibilities with story telling. Remake gen 4!

    submitted by /u/j_skiddles
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    So I’m exploring Pokemon from the start for the first time

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    So as the title says, I'm exploring the Pokemon universe for the first time. I play Pokemon Go but I know nothing else of the universe, so I've decided I'm going to hit it in release order, games, anime and cards. So I have got myself a Gameboy and a copy of Red and intend to start tomorrow.

    So given that I know very little about everything, what advice would you give me in this exploration?

    EDIT: I did not expect this to blow up, woke up to many kind replies which I'm working my way though!

    EDIT2: I've only played an hour or so, therefore isn't really worth a proper update, but I have started! In what seems to be an unpopular opinion I went for Charmander as my starter (nothing to do with tactics, I just want a Charizard). Currently my team is Charmander, Rattata, Pidgey, Nidoran (M) and Weedle and I have just defeated Brocks gym. My next aim is to level up some of these Pokemon because that was just plain stupid luck that got me the win and I probably (definitely) should have had my backside handed to me! First glance it seems a really cool game, definitely got my interest and certainly would have played longer today if it wasn't for needing to get ready for a work engagement tomorrow. I'm away for work for a couple of days after today so if you don't hear anything I haven't given up! Hopefully play a bit more tonight, if not it will be Wednesday now. Once again thank you for such incredible support in my Pokemon journey.

    submitted by /u/meshkianggasher
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    Looking for C# Coders and Modelers

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Hey all! I'm working on a Pokemon fan-game in Unity called Pokemon Synergy, it's a semi-open world 3D turn-based Pokemon RPG that takes place in the Alvera region! This newly discovered region is almost completely uninhabited by humans! Professors Fern and Poui Jacaranda, two happily married Professors, recently moved their to conduct research. Fern studies pokémon biology and evolution, whereas Poui studies the ways Pokemon have shaped human culture. Since you're their child, you obviously have to come along and do research tasks for them. The story revolves around researching an ancient civilisation which worshipped a legendary Pokemon with the ability to see into the past and future! My goal is to have the main island of the Alvera region consist of main areas, similar to the wild areas from sword and shield, each with 2 story related dungeons which will sort of replace gyms in terms of story progression. It's definitely not the most traditional Pokemon game but I'm determined to make it happen, Pokemon has been one of my favourite series since I was a kid and it gave me a lot of comfort when things got rough for me, and the direction the series has gone recently has been disappointing to say the least... Pokemon deserves a solid 3D title and I'm determined to make it happen! So if anyone is knowledgable in C# programming in Unity or 3D modeling, please contact me if it's not too much trouble. I personally can do sketches and have a bit of experience in 3D animation, I can also write the story and dialogue. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this even if you aren't interested in helping, I hope you have a fantastic day <3

    submitted by /u/dumpster_frog
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    Main series Pokemon games have so much potential, and do so little with it.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    * Major Spoilers for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series*

    Currently playing through Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. A very quick story recap: Pokemon, including Legendary pokemon, start turning into stone, you try to determine why and eventually fight against the force that is causing it.

    In the game, there is a small portion where you team up with Entei, Raikou and Suicune and fight against Mega-Evolved Pokemon. Towards the end of the game, you are fighting against the final boss, with the help of many Legendary Pokemon, such as Arceus, Mega-Rayquaza, Mega-Mewtwo Y, Deoxys, and many others.

    In a previous entry in the series called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (my absolute favourite game), the final boss in the main story is Primal Dialga (this was years before Primals were shown in the main series). Also, in a special episode, you (Grovyle), Dusknoir, and a Shiny Celebi, team up against a future version of Primal Dialga in an epic battle.

    Pokemon has so many cool pokemon with such interesting backstories, yet in the main games, very little of it is seen. In my opinion, there should be less focus on the evil team and more focus on the lore and backstories of the legendary pokemon.

    My last example: imo Darkrai is one of the coolest Pokemon. Yet in the main series of Pokemon games, he has such a small role. Gamefreak could literally release an entire main series Pokemon game focusing on Darkrai and Cresselia and fans would love it. I just wish Gamefreak would be more inventive with the Pokemon they introduce in each generation, because they have so much potential and very little of it is shown off.

    submitted by /u/obi12323
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    What is a pokemon that you think is really good that most people dislike?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Mine is Delphox. In pokemon x and y I chosed Fennekin. I'm not sorry, I really like Delphox design even if it's really femminine, I think he's a really cool pokemon, i like the fire/psycho type combination. He have an x2 weakness to water and earth but he can learn solar beam to contrast these weaknesses. He have a really good speed and special attack, and a nice special defense. In conclusion I don't know why so low people likes Delphox, it's not the best starter ever, but imo is really good. Please be polite in the comments, english is not my first language and this is my first post in this subbreddit!

    submitted by /u/your_xenomorph
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    So in many of these games our character is the one writing the Dex right?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Started watching the Indigo anime and something occurred to me thinking about how the anime diverges from the games. In the anime the Dex already knows about most of the Pokemon for that region and that makes sense, given that Oak doesnt charge Ash with completing the Dex. And Ash doesn't have to catch a mon to have the Dex weigh in on it.

    But in the games, it doesnt work like that. Seeing a pokemon doesnt give you any data on it until you catch one, and this also makes sense given at least in the early games part of why you get a Dex is to complete it.

    But where do the entries come from? Wouldnt make sense if someone else wrote them, because then the Dex should already be completed, and it would be a bit convoluted if registering a new catch was communicating with someone who somehow is instantly sending you a random blurb relevant to the mon.

    While it could be argued that you arent actually charged with "writing" the Dex, but just completing it for your own education (which follows more of the anime logic where the Dex is a guide) I think thats more of a cop out and an insult to the intelligence of even the intended audience given how the games present the Dex itself and the Professors that want to complete the Dex.

    But what really clinches this idea for me is the sometimes outlandish Dex entries. Like the various ghost types that kidnap kids or Magcargo being hotter than the surface of the Sun. These entries makes sense as general info blurbs if you think of them as something written by a kid. I could see a kid running into a ghost pokemon and writing a blurb on it based on a scary story they heard once. Magcargo? Totally 18 bagillion degrees.

    submitted by /u/gthaatar
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    Do you think we'll get a Dynamax Band toy like we did with the Z-Rings and Mega Rings?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    I really want one. I have the Z-Crystal one and for some reason I find it so cool that it reacts when you do a Z-Move in the game. Maybe they could make clear tubing in and X shape arount the center of the band and when you Dynamax in game it lights up just like it does on screen? Idk thought it would be cool. Leave ideas in the comments.

    submitted by /u/chaos_chaos_AJ
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    They should just make shiny gengar white

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    I mean, even the company itself knows it's better that way. Mega gengar is white, gmax gengar is white and original shiny gengar is just the same thing as the non shiny one. If i encountered a shiny and missed the sparkles i would just run and never know i missed it. They should just change it next generation and pretend the current version never happened.

    submitted by /u/jao_vitu_bunitu
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    Do you trust me?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    [9/27] Pokemon 2019 Upcoming Episode Preview

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Are there any fan-made games besides Showdown that have every Pokémon?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I'm not a fan of the games having exclusive Pokémon depending on which version you have. It'd be really cool to have a game in the normal rpg style that has every Pokémon. Not sure how the limitations would come into play but I feel like there could be a really big fan-made game that could do it, seeing as Showdown has all of them

    submitted by /u/GunghoSunbro
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    PokeFans, What are your favorite tracks from the games and/or anime?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    I have Sunyshore City from Diamond and Pearl stuck in my head right now. I always associate that theme with summer and beaches. It's so upbeat and exciting, it compliments the thrills of a fun summer day at the beach playing in the sand or in the water. There are so many great tracks out there, I couldn't possibly list them all. So help me out fans, what tracks are your favorite?

    submitted by /u/AboutThatImprovement
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    Missed Opportunity - Clothing

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Never thought i'd be writing a post about clothing in my life. But I'm sitting here playing Sword and looking at my character going, ehh could be better...Then I thought with all the fashion shops in the game how come there aren't any clothing items to look like previous generation main protagonist and rival characters? With all the looks Red and Blue have had, (USUM, and Pokemon Masters EX) they could have picked something, Gold, Silver, Crystal, and the other protagonists. Either outfit or buy piece by piece. What do you guys think about this? Let the past stay in the past or representation for all generations?

    submitted by /u/KageRyuu
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    Given how everyone hates on the new games, would it be recommended to play old games for the first time?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Title. I do not own a Switch, however I do own a 3ds. My first game was AS, second Sun, and my third game, US, I stopped half way. AS I loved, and Sun was exciting because it was a new generation. US was just too much the same, so I fell out of it.

    Did the old games age well? I consider getting X or Y, but for even older gens I wonder if I rather just play games on pc instead of revisiting the Pokémon franchise... I mean I haven't touched my 3ds since probably a month after US's release, so years. Opinions on older gens, including XY?

    submitted by /u/AaronAlison
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    What’s your favorite Pokémon and why do you like it? Bonus: What nickname do you always name your favorite Pokémon?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    My favorite is the Flygon line. I just love how majestic and strong flygon is, with it hiding in the desert, and how it wings sound like singing in a sandstorm. My nickname has always Wyrmello/Wyrmella because the scientific name for the antlion is "Myrmeleontidae", Hence "Wyrm", which is also a word for dragon.

    submitted by /u/BlueBoi178
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    Only a little odd

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Getting back into Pokémon

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I first started playing Pokémon on my ds with diamond and pearl then I played all the others up until black and white which I had but only got to the first gym and stopped. I wanted to get back into it and was curious if sword and shield was worth it. I don't know really anything about types or stats or any of that stuff so any information on that would be appreciated too. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ZombieWelder913
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    Which games do you prefer???

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Gonna stream Gen 1 later at https://www.twitch.tv/mgmtg and wanted opinions!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Music_as_Medicine
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    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    So i was playing Pocket Monsters Crystal (Japan) when i got a call telling me about Pokerus. Sure enough my Blacky had somehow picked it up after a battle against Shiba.

    From what i read the chances are insanely slim, and i never even encountered a shiny before, so i figured i'd ask the experts here: How lucky am i? :D

    (I did spread it to some random pokes which i then put in the PC as per advice from the interwebs)

    submitted by /u/YA6Ijz2gVoR
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    PM2019 39 - Satoshi VS Saito! Overcome Octolock!! Episode Discussion!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Probably going to redownload Pokemon Go. What have the added since I was gone?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    When the game 1st came out I was really into it. It was fun and I played it pretty much everytime I was outside. But a little while after they added Johto Pokemon. It just lost the appeal to me. But for some reason I want to come back to it. I forgot my old user and pass long ago so I'm going to have to start fresh. But still. It should be fun. So I'm asking you guys. What have they added after Johto Pokemon? Are all the Pokemon in the game? Or have they only went up to a certain gen. Please tell me as much as you can because I have no clue what's going on in Pokemon Go at the moment. I still remember when Ditto being added was a big thing.

    submitted by /u/PaddyTheLegend16
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    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:31 AM PDT

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