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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 21 November 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 21 November 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 21 November 2020

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Can we just take a look at the Galar region for a second?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:01 AM PST

    I'm disappointed by how underutilized Galar is. I get the United Kingdom isn't HUGE, but look at the map! (I'd show an image with circled areas, but I can't unfortunately.)

    Let's take a good look at the artwork of the Galar region on Bulbapedia. On every edge there's additional areas that have nothing to do with anything, but are never even touched.

    - Wedgehurst has islands to the left, and hilltops to the right.

    - To the left of the first Wild Area is an open field that we never visit.

    - Where Hulbury is; there's a path that trails behind the mountains that leads to a plateau split by a cliff down its middle. It's partially obscured by a cloud, but that's just an open area that we would've loved to see.

    - Look at Ballonlea. Now look slightly to the left at that huge beach line. COME ON!

    - And the mountain ranges at the north. Why would anyone want to stop at that ghost town Wyndon, when we can see clearings in between the gaps and valleys?

    DLC helps add more to the world and offers it's own merits (for $30), but the mainland could clearly do it too without needing an extra price tag. I think so anyway.

    submitted by /u/Frozensolidglory
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    Choices should replace Version Exclusives

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST

    The Crown Tundra did this right with the horses and the new regis, and the Isle of Armor before that with Urshifu's forms. It's always been super clunky to have in existence two copies of basically the same game but with minor tweaks between them. I understand why they do it, money to encourage trading, but the same can be accomplished with a single game as long as players are given options. Imagine in the future, when the Kalos games get remakes, the legendary pokemon you encounter is determined by which of the weapon's buttons you press. Things like that would make these games much more replayable and interesting.

    submitted by /u/Frayed-0
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    Pokemon quotes, but after 13 layers of Google Translate

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Some ideas to fix Sword and Shield’s main story

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:09 AM PST

    I want to share some ideas I had, solutions to problems I made simply by rearranging existing story elements to make it better. Here they are.

    Problem: Eternatus comes out of nowhere right at the end of the story.

    My solution: Earlier in the story, have Rose explain to the player the legend of Eternatus, a pokemon with limitless energy that could potentially be harnessed for the good of Galar. As you play through the story, you alternate between hearing about the dogs and the darkest day from Sonia, and Eternatus from Rose, and only at the end are the legends revealed to be linked. Maybe Macro Cosmos dug up the dragon in the depths of one of the mines by following readings of dynamax energy.

    Problem: Rose's argument with Leon makes no sense.

    Solution: Eternatus breaks free of its restraints prematurely, still interrupting the tournament to call on Leon for help. Rose doesn't suddenly look insane and the unpredictable threat of Eternatus is made clear to the player. Rose still battles the player to make sure you're capable enough to stand with Leon, and his battle music is less menacing.

    Problem: The episode with Oleana and MC's Eric in Wyndon is incredibly contrived and ultimately inconsequential to the story.

    Solution: You, Hop, and Team Yell need to break into the tower not to check in on Leon, but instead to share vital intel with Rose about the danger of the fire he's playing with. Rose still meets with Leon, who agrees to his plan to wake Eternatus the day after the tournament, and Oleana (true to her character) wants nothing more than to make sure Rose is not disturbed in his official business, organizing Macro Cosmos employees to stop the player. What needs to be relayed to the Chairman is the connection between Eternatus and the Darkest Day, which Rose does not yet know about. The pieces of this legend were initially put together either by Hop, Marnie, or Sonia, I can't decide. In any case, this change adds purpose to that whole mission in a way that keeps characters and motivations consistent.

    Problem: We never get to battle or even see dynamaxed pokemon outside of their designated arenas, despite this already being established to be possible.

    Solution, in two parts: First, a first-person cutscene should take place as the player exits the tunnel from Spikemuth, showing how Leon handles the threat. Second, Sordward and Shielbert's experiments should take place all over routes and the wild area instead of just all of the gyms. This will bring more variety to the concept of dynamax in the story, and make both of these events much more interesting, without changing anything drastically.

    Problem: The post-game climax with the other game's dog is anti-climactic.

    Solution: Let the brothers succeed in forcing the legendary pokemon to dynamax, and let the player take it down with the help of the other dog. Like the Eternamax battle but harder and with less people on your team (let Hop somehow be incapacitated too). And no catching it.

    These are just my ideas for what would I think would make the story in Sword and Shield better. I'm curious to see what alternative ideas you all come up with!

    submitted by /u/Frayed-0
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    Thinking of fake signature moves for Pokémon, day 31: Poliwrath

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:19 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    The move for Poliwrath is called Bubble Punch.

    Bubble Punch is a Water-Type Physical move with a base power of 90. It has 100% accuracy and 10 PP. It has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage.

    I made this move because I just really want a Water-Type punch move, and what better Pokémon than Poliwrath to give such a move to? I would give this move to Poliwhirl as well but that would mean Politoed could get it too, and I don't really want that. The reason this move decreases the target's Speed is simply because moves like Bubble and Bubble Beam both have a 10% chance of lowering the target's Speed as well. I didn't want Bubble Punch to be left out.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Rutile Ruby, a challenging yet fun ROMhack

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:35 AM PST

    This is gonna be me just sorta spitballing a review out for Rutile Ruby, which is an Omega Ruby ROMhack. If you're unfamiliar with ROMhacks, they are made by fans of the series who want to add their own stamp of difficulty to the series. Some hacks change Pokemon types, abilities etc. Most focus on balancing the main story to be more difficult through some combination of changes. (Note, you need your own copy of the game for Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire to work)

    The creator of Rutile Ruby (and by extension, Star Sapphire, the equivalent ROMhack of Alpha Sapphire) is Dio Vento. The same creator also has hacks for Sun / Moon, as well as Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. According to the site you can find these hacks on, he's also working on a Sword and Shield ROMhack.

    The last bit of info to preface is: each of these hacks has 3 versions you can choose from. Descriptions quoted directly from WordPress:

    • Legit Build: "All Wild Pokémon are 100% legit for trade and will not appear as "hacked" by any legitimacy testers. Post-game foreign Pokémon are unlocked from the start, and rarities and Hordes are adjusted."

    • Leveled Build: "Wild Pokémon are the same as in the Legit Build, but are leveled up to keep pace with RR/SS's harsh level curve. A quick adjustment in PKHeX (editing Met Level) will make them 100% legit."

    • 679 Build: "Wild Pokémon are altered so that every non-Legendary non-Starter species is available, at the same level as the Leveled Build. Legendary encounters are not changed in this or any Build."

    For the sake of this discussion I played through on the Leveled Build.

    What does Rutile Ruby change?

    Unlike a lot of ROMhacks out there, Rutile Ruby does not actually change Pokemon types or give Pokemon moves they wouldn't have normally. It's a personal preference, but I don't like when hacks change the "core" Pokemon lore. So I appreciate this hack for simply being a balance change and difficulty modifier.

    Wild Pokemon tables are flipped. Rarer Pokemon + Dexnav exclusives can be found earlier and more frequently. This gives a bigger variety to team building throughout the entire game. Example, you can run into Zorua as early as the first major route of the game.

    Trainers often have more Pokemon than before, often with semi competitive strategies, held items, egg moves on their Pokemon etc. Gym leaders have 6 Pokemon and several Pokemon of their "type" that cover their weaknesses.

    The Pokemart also has been revamped. Stuff like Pokeballs and medicine is generally cheaper. Commodities like Revives though? Those are through the roof in cost, while Sacred Ash (an item that revives all Pokemon but can only be used out of battle) are readily available and cheap. This makes every battle more difficult to item cheese. It's hard to Revive spam a way to victory when they are a rare, expensive item. Not to mention the increased difficulty as is, and finding effective moments to heal or revive in battle are far and few between.

    So how was the actual balance?

    As someone who often played gen 6 and 7 with the EXP share off, this is not a ROMhack I'd recommend turning it off in. The game leveling has you basically reaching level 100 by the time of the Elite 4.

    Trainers in the wild can mega evolve now, and some have access to it long before you do. There was one early battle where I was legit unsure how I'd get past it when she dropped a Mega Aerodactyl on me between Route 111 and Route 113. Do not underestimate trainers in this game. I think most battles left me with at least a fainted Pokemon or 2, while several left me down to my last Pokemon.

    6 Pokemon in your party is almost a requirement now. Every gym leader, important trainer battle (ie, Brenden or May) and Elite 4 will have 6 Pokemon to battle you with. You can sure try to beat it with less, but good luck.

    I'd personally say the main story was more or less manageable if not fairly difficult. I say mostly because I genuinely almost got rocked a few times. My opinion on this flipped in the post game. I'll just say it now: if you intend to play these hacks to the end, and you're like me who never uses legendaries in a story team, go ahead and use em. Seriously. You won't likely see the end of post game if you don't. I'm not gonna worry about spoiler's for a 6 year old game so don't eviscerate me if you haven't played Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. Lorekeeper Zinnia literally has a team of 6 ridiculously powerful legendaries, including Xerneas and Kyogre. She's definitely not the first trainer in the game hack to have a legendary... But she's definitely the one with the most. Keep in mind, by this point you're all at level 100. You can't just grind ahead of Zinnia to beat her. You just flat out have to beat her through a battle of attrition.

    Closing thoughts

    I know Gamefreak will clearly never take cues from ROMhacks but I really wish they would. It's clear that difficulty is possible to implement into these games in unique ways (ie, my favorite balance change in this game was the Revive - Sacred Ash dynamic). I had an absolute blast playing through Rutile Ruby although several points made me wanna rip my hair out due to the difficulty, especially in the post game where it was clear that the creator was running out of unique ideas for challenges in battles. Overall though, I'm impressed at the way 1 person can balance a game to increase challenge. I know Gamefreak will never do it but with their team size and resources, I'm hard pressed to see why it's not possible.

    submitted by /u/espeonguy
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    Double Kick animation in Omega Ruby

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:29 AM PST

    I've always been a big fan of Blaziken. I chose him without thinking twice when I played Ruby the first time and had a lotta fun with him and he has had a special place in my heart since then.

    So it was obvious that I would choose him when playing Omega Ruby. I started OR a few weeks ago and I've had a great time playing the game. Sure, the story is pretty much the same but it's fun playing it's 3D remake.

    Now, the one thing I looked forward towards the most was the animation of all the moves. When my Combusken learned Double Kick, I was more than hyped up to see it's animation since Double Kick was my favourite Blaziken move apart from Blaze Kick.

    So, when I saw the animation, I was really disappointed, like it was probably the biggest disappointment of 2020 for me. They could have done more better with the move.

    Who else agrees with me?

    submitted by /u/W1zard-101
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    Your Favourite 3 Pokémon of Each Type?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    3 of each of these. No duplicates. No honourary places!


    This may seem easy but I've done this before and I know people struggle with leaving 1 or 2 out. Some types will be easier than others with no having many in. Fighting will be difficult for me I think. I'm a big fan of them alongside another type. Fighting/Bug. Fighting/Steel. Fighting/Psychic.

    Have fun!

    submitted by /u/Konzan
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    Clueless Auntie wants to be cool!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:24 AM PST

    Hi guys, I was in my comfort zone when he was into Lego, but now it's Pokemon. I'm clueless. He's 10 and his mum has asked me to get Pikachu bedsheets, which is cool, but not really all I want to get for him. What are some things I could be looking at, that are more than just the usual stuff - something special, that his friends won't have. Price... up to £70. Preferably not console based - I don't think he has any. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Worrier
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    What would your (realistic) team be?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:57 PM PST

    So I wanna know what Pokemon everyone would have on their team, but you have to take into account where you actually live. For example, there would be little chance of you catching a wild Snom if you never get any snow in your area. This naturally restricts your options, but you should hopefully still be able to choose from a variety. I'll also let you include one of the starters if you want (just say a professor gave it you). Here is a list of habitats and the Pokemon that live in them (you can also choose their evolutions).

    I live right next to a beach, but also in a pretty urbanised area. There are a few ponds near me and there is also a cemetery very close to my house that I often walk through. So I've chosen my team from Pokemon found in those locations:
    Sandygast (beach)
    Chimecho (cemetery)
    Munna (urban outskirts)
    Duosion (urban outskirts)

    I probably wouldn't have a full team of six because I am quite lazy and wouldn't want all that responsibility. Incidentally, the Pokemon I've chosen are all relatively low-maintenance. I wanted to include Masquerain (pond) but the extremely windy and rainy weather I get is quite bad for them so I doubt they'd be common in my area. All of this extra info about caring for specific Pokemon is in their individual bios!

    So which Pokemon would you have on your team?

    submitted by /u/coldbose
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    I get why people want gyms to move away from being centered around a type but type based gyms are the most reasonable for newbies.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:29 AM PST

    If you've been playing Pokemon since the beginning, I get why you'd be tired of typed based gyms by now. Gen 7 had trials but they still revolved around a type. I'm seeing suggestions of what if they revolved more around a strategy like stall, weather, etc.

    Though if you are new to the series, it will take a while to master type advantages and knowing which Pokemon has which type. Yeah some gyms may be pushovers but I believe they're designed more to get newbies acquainted with type advantages. It's not until the elite four that they add Pokemon and moves to cover weaknesses. The champion is really more of a culmination of everything you've learned since they'll have a more diverse team plus different roles for each Pokemon and by then, you should have encountered those Pokemon and have an idea of how to deal with them.

    Yeah a difficulty option would be nice, like if Brock had a Pokemon to set up Sandstorm to boost his Pokemon's SP DEF, though for that to be implemented properly, the game also needs to give you options to deal with it and force you to use everything at your disposal. If Misty had a rain team and her Pokemon had Ice Beam, it would be nigh impossible to beat her because at that point, you don't have enough options to counter that. Gen 8 could have used that level of difficulty option because the wild area gives you so many options and leveling is much easier and veterans would be more familiar with what each Pokemon can do.

    submitted by /u/InsomniaEmperor
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    Small additions you’d like to see in gen 9?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    As the title says. Nothing big and fancy like a new battle mechanic or a new typing, little things that you'd like to see. For me, I want to see an extremely effective text when 4x super effective damage is held. It should help beginners get a better grasp of the game, and would make learning type matchups easier. Of course this would also apply to the move selection screen too when you're in battle. What about your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Asian_dodo
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    More Mega Pokemon in the future?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:57 AM PST

    I can't recall if there have been any new Mega Evolutions since gen 6 ended. Does anyone know if there are any more in the pipeline?

    I just find it strange they only had mega eves for a small amount of Pokemon and picked only a handful of legendary/mythical pokes as well. They could have done the first 151 Pokemon and then all the legendary Pokemon at once then done it region by region.

    Oh well.

    submitted by /u/Newera94
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    Shiny Golurk after 303 encounters!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:23 AM PST

    So I have only recently found out that increasing the amount of encounters with a Pokémon by either catching or defeating the Pokémon in question, you increase your odds of finding the shiny variant of that Pokémon. This has motivated me to try and hunt for one of my favorite shinies on one of my favorite Pokémon, Golurk. That silver coloring with the green lighting of its eyes and chest crack are just so cool-looking and work so well together. And so, about two weeks ago, I started going to the Lake of Outrage, the best spot for encountering Golurk, and started grinding the encounters out. I kept going and going, even used Max Raid battles as as bit if an automatic heal to replenish the PP on my Rillaboom's moves so I could keep going without much of a break. This went on until just now, I encountered a couple more Golurk, as usual, until exactly number 303, and that was my shiny clay giant at last. I carefully used resisted U-Turn to wear it down, and I wanted to maybe waste turns by throwing weak Pokéballs, only that it then stayed in that very first Pokéball I threw! XD I named it Geisgeach, a mix between Geist, the German word for ghost, and gaigeach, the Scottish Gaelic word for hero, because that's what Golurk are, really. They're giant ancient robots that can fly and shoot laserbeams, built to aid and protect humans and Pokémon alike, it doesn't get much more heroic than that!

    submitted by /u/DNN_001_Azura
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    Genuinely wondered this

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:53 AM PST

    What id two trainers want the same starter at Oak's lab? for example what if Ash woke up earlier and him and Gary both wanted Squirtle? how would Oak solve this issue?

    It's implied that oak only prepared 3 starters with a spare pikachu in case one of the 4 pallet town trainers were late. Would he normally have more starters if more trainers lived in pallet town? 3 starters for the whole town is nuts. Does that also mean that in the anime starters are rare and hard to find?

    submitted by /u/ChilledHopPanda
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    The Ace Challenge

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:16 AM PST

    So I playing a challenge that I made, it is called "The Ace Challenge". Its basically you play all the Pokemon Games in order by generation and the Pokemon that has the highest level when you beat the game will be transferred into the next game as its first evolutionary form. Example: When you beat Gen 1 your highest level Pokemon is Arcanine, so you use a hacking device (I use the Universal Pokemon Randomizer) to change one of the Johto starters to Growlithe. The goal is to beat the first two gym leaders with the Pokemon you sent over only. When you beat the first two gym leaders, you are able to catch more Pokemon to train to become your Ace, and you can't use your previous Ace from the Previous Gen as your Ace in a newer Gen. And you are not allowed to use your old Ace when your done beating the first two gyms. Final rules are not cheating or hacking and no held items except the EXP Share. I'm have beaten the first three Gens where my Aces were Alakazam (I regret that), Kenya the Fearow, and Hariyama, I haven't touched Sinnoh yet but i'm planning to tommorow. Have fun with the challenge if you want to play it! (P.S I don't have a Switch so i'm just playing until Gen 7)

    submitted by /u/BruhEmperor
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    Gen 4 protagonist has an older sister

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:55 AM PST

    In platinum, when you're chasing down the grunt after beating Wake, you run into Cynthia. Barry then runs in, says "is this your older sister?"

    This shows three things: first, the player has an older sister than doesn't live with them

    Second either Barry, or the player moves to Twin Lead town after they were born, because otherwise Barry would know what the sister looks like

    Third Barry, a pokemon trainer, who'se dream or was to be one, doesn't know who the champion was, which probably means it isn't common knowledge who the champion is/who they look like

    submitted by /u/Dsb0208
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    Pokemon Challenge

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:40 AM PST

    So I am doing a no pokecenter run and I am in between sixes and sevens if I want to proceed or not because the footage that I have for the first gym battle was so laggy. I saved the game after the battle and I only saw the footage as I was editing it.

    Is it a good decision to redo the challenge to get a better footage or just continue with the game?

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    submitted by /u/BoiLeBeau
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    Looking back on it a year later, is the lack of a national dex in swsh actually as bad as people made it out to be?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Ok so it's basically been a year since pokemon swsh released, the swsh hate has seemed to die down and people aren't that salty about the game anymore. So bringing this up again a year later might bring more nuanced opinions. Personally the lack of the nat dex didn't bother me that much. I just enjoyed the game without needing to be constantly negative about it. Plus the new pokemon aren't that bad either. Like look gen 8 isn't my favourite gen (gen 2 and its remake is.) But people really over exaggerated how bad it is. The game is average at best.

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    submitted by /u/roadrollar
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    Shouldn't Pokemon Fan Games Be Shutdown? Whats Up With This One? Description.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Ive been a Pokemon fan for years and years and every good or big fan based game project has been shutdown by Gamefreak or Nintendo. Today I was browsing Instagram and i bumped into this guy's youtube video. A video about a Pokemon online game that seems to be huge and i never heard of. What's up with this game not being shutdown? By the way it looks awesome!

    The channel name is xegearz and the video i bumped into was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR9gfpDJ6qk

    submitted by /u/gladiusnomadus
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