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    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Pokémon I have my own answer for Mew/Arceus dilemma.

    Pokémon I have my own answer for Mew/Arceus dilemma.

    I have my own answer for Mew/Arceus dilemma.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:26 AM PST

    DISCLAIMER 1: I know my answer to the problem cannot possibly be canon, because it is too philosophical for the franchise, but I still want to share my thought process.

    DISCLAIMER 2: Probably, I am not the only one who thought of this, but I haven't seen anybody talk about what I am about to say, so I am trying to steal your ideas. Sorry, in advance.

    There has been a debate about Mew and Arceus since the introduction of Arceus; which one came first? Because we are told that Mew is the ancestor of all Pokémon, and Arceus is a Pokémon; but also it was implied that Arceus created everything, and Mew is a thing. Many people say Arceus is an exception and Mew is the ancestor of regular Pokémon only. But I have my own answer to this problem.

    My answer to the dilemma of which one is the first Pokémon is;

    YES. Let me explain it further.

    If Mew and Arceus are the first two Pokémon, than this means they both preceed Dialga, which also means they both preceed time as we know it. Time as we know it is linear, so we have the concepts of "before" and "after". But Arceus and Mew might have existed in a non-linear time, before Dialga. So they might be created in a different casuality than we got used to.

    This makes something like this possible;

    Mew gave birth to the egg that Arceus hatched from, and Arceus created Mew. Neither of them are first or second, but both of them are first and second.

    I know this doesn't make much sense, but the fact that it doesn't make sense also makes sense, because they also preceed human comprehension.

    EDIT: Here I will share u/Karmo_ 's theory because I like it more than mine;

    Personally, I've mostly gone with the Arceus we can see or catch being an avatar or vessel instead of the actual god and that Mew could've been the first successful attempt to make a living creature, including even before it's own body, thus allowing Mew to be the ancestor/genetic blueprint to all pokemon (including the pokemon Arceus) while the actual god Arceus still came before it. It also helps that Mew has a really simple design, good for when your trying to get things functional rather than fancy, at least at first.

    submitted by /u/nitsunekoni
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    Thinking of fake signature moves for Pokémon, day 58/59: Horsea and Seadra/Goldeen and Seaking

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:19 AM PST

    Yeah... I missed a day, sadly. Sorry for that :/ To make up for it, here I have a 2-in-1 daily move! Which actually works kinda well considering Horsea and Goldeen are version-exclusive Pokémon in a few games, and could be considered counterparts to one another in gen 1.

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    The move for Horsea and Seadra is called Hydro Shot.

    Hydro Shot is a Water-Type Special move with a base power of 70. It has 100% accuracy and 15 PP. It has a high Critical Hit ratio.

    The reason I gave this move to Horsea and Seadra is... Well, they have this big hole in their snout, I don't know if you've seen it, but basically they use it to use all kinds of moves, and Hydro Shot works very well for it because of it. High Critical Hit ratio is explained by how accurate these Pokémon apparently are. I mean, they can even have the ability Sniper.

    The move for Goldeen and Seaking is called Aquatic Dance.

    Aquatic Dance is a Water-Type Status move and also has 15 PP. It raises the user's Attack and Special Attack stats by 1 stage. It raises those stats by 2 when it's raining. For the following 5 turns, Fire-Type moves deal halved damage.

    I chose this move for Goldeen and Seaking because they are very elegant Pokémon, and what better move to give to an elegant Pokémon than a dancing move? Since they are fish, the dance is of course pretty sloppy, and that causes water to splash everywhere, which makes Fire-Type moves weaker. Of course this does mean that in extremely harsh sunlight (from Desolate Land) this move cannot be performed successfully. When used in the rain, there is of course more water, and that makes this move extra effective. Also, the reason it boosts both Attack and Special Attack is not because of any lore or inspirations, but simply because Seaking can be used as both a Physical or a Special attacker. I just had to make this move do something, and so I went with that.

    Again, my apologies for not having been able to post yesterday.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    A region based on Ireland would be brilliant for Gen 9

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:29 AM PST

    There are plenty of places which can used as an inspiration for the new region in Gen 9, but I think that Ireland (the whole island) would make a brilliant region in Gen 9.

    • Irish region could also connect to Galar (based in Great Britain) and its subregions, (like Kanto-Johto connect). We could also get Welsh places and Southern English places if they improve Galar (like how they improved Unova in B2W2). Galar can get many more towns, caves and castles.
    • Ireland has a great culture, and we can get pokemon based on harps, hurlers and even potatoes.
    • The game could have an Irish language option, which can help against the decline of the language.
    submitted by /u/xXgaypornloverXx
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    Ability Type I made up

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Not sure if anyone has ever thought of this. But I thought of an ability for an ice type pokemon. I call it Melt. So everybody knows that fire is great against ice. With this ability if your enemy used a fire type move, instead of instant fainting the pokemon, it melts them, turning them into a water type, which now the fire type is ineffective against. I thought it would add a neat edge to the battle dynamic, kinda pull the rug out from under them, ya know?

    submitted by /u/PunkinPumkin
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    My opinion about a region in Brazil

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:27 AM PST

    Hello everyone. Today I will give my opinion about a region based in Brazil, and as I am a Brazilian, it will be easier to talk about details.

    Brazil is a multicultural country with a lot of biodiversity, and although it is practically a powerhouse, the country is not so urbanized, that is, here there is a lot of rural areas an nature.

    About pokédex:

    As mentioned above, Brazil has a great biodiversity, that is, Game Freak would have several kinds of inspirations. Here in Brazil we have the jaguar, capybaras, sucuris (snakes) and more. The pokédex could be much bigger than usual.

    About the region itself:

    Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, just as it is very stereotyped. People from other countries usually see Brazil as a country whose samba and soccer predominate a lot here, and yes, you are not wrong. But Brazilians hate being stereotyped like that, so Game Freak could make a region covering most of the real culture of Brazil.

    About the gyms: I think Game Freak would use part of the mechanics of gyms in SW/SH, but in a more dynamic way. And that's it, thanks for reading. :)

    submitted by /u/Adolfo1933
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    How do you teach kids how to play Pokémon effectively?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    My little brother thinks he's the shit because he has a Primal Groudon and wanted to battle me. I OHKO him with a Greninja. He's still in a rage about it because he thinks "legendary Pokémon are supposed to beat normal Pokémon". My Greninja is properly EV trained with 252 speed, 252 sp atk and 4 def. With the moves Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Extrasensory and Dark Pulse. Of course he's going to win against a freshly caught Groudon. Not to mention I have splash plate and he has 0 held items on his team.

    How do I teach an 11 year old about IV's, breeding, EV training, natures, stats relationship to moves, type matchups, held items etc? He seems to be in the mindset that you can level any legendary to 100 and have the most powerful team.

    submitted by /u/ToesyToeNails
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    Why do I lose money when blacking out from walking posion damage, and does it happen in gen 1-4?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:33 AM PST

    In gen 1, my only Pokémon got poisoned, and fainted while walking. So i whited out.

    I lost half my money though.

    Do you also lose money if whiting out from walking in gen 2-4?

    Is there an explanation for why you lose money from this?

    I take it when you white out in a battle, the money goes as a prize to the other trainer. Where does the money go if you faint while walking?

    submitted by /u/Fiksdal
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    Some deep Pokemon thoughts..

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:49 PM PST

    • Is Treecko's tail made of meat, or plant?

    *If I tell a confused Pokemon to hit itself, and it hits itself, is it hitting itself because it's confused, or because I told it to..?

    *If the Regi's were to wink, which set(s) of their eyes would go dark?

    *Do Pokemon ever think to themselves, "when will my trainer evolve?"

    "Why does Delibird have two abilities that do the exact same thing? (Both prevent it from falling to sleep.)

    *If there is only one Arceus that made all, how can there be a shiny Arceus?

    *If Regidrago is just the head of an unfinished project, why does it have legs? Did Regigigas just go: "Fuck it. I cannot do this anymore." And popped some on?

    *Can vegans drink the water that comes from a water type Pokemon?

    *If people eat Pokemon, then does that mean Octillery-Calamari is a thing?

    *Where is Regigigas' face supposed to be?

    *Is Regieleki in pain, since it has those tight wires around its body? (Look at it, the abdomen is squeezed tight.)

    *Can Pokemon die in a Pokeball? If so, how long can they go without food or drink?

    *How do genderless Pokemon reproduce? Do they have their own special set of reproductive organs? Do Pokemon even have those?

    *If you cannot breed a Ditto, where did all the Ditto come from?

    *If you put a Pokemon into the PC, then does that make them a Digimon?

    *Why do some legendary Pokemon look a certain gender but have no gender?

    Why do some legendary Pokemon have genders, but *cannot breed?

    *How do the Regi's eat? Do they eat with their eyes? If so, where does the food go? Does it stay inside their bodies forever? Do they even have organs?

    *Why is Solgaleo weak to fire, even though it's based on the sun? Why couldn't it be steel/fire?

    Is anything real?

    submitted by /u/JuicyGravitas
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    [RAGE THREAD] 19 December 2020

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    So heres my problem with areodactyl,

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:51 AM PST

    So you know how most fossil pokemon are rock type because of the fossil revival prosses? Well areodactyl comes from an old amber, but amber is not a rock, so why the rock type? Also the reason it is not a rock or mineral is that amber has a organic origin, and minerals and rock need to have an inorganic origin. So i think that areodactyl spuld either be flying/grass(because of amber being tree resin) or just flying.

    submitted by /u/Baconlord567
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    In Pokémon X are you able to catch or given a gibble/garchomp

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I'm playing through the whole series. I'm going through soul silver and have some Pokémon transferred from diamond that I wasn't able to use because I got them too late in the game. Gibble is one of them if in Pokémon x gibble is available to use in the early game. I'll probably use another Pokémon for soul silver instead of gibble. And use the gibble I would get in Pokémon x.

    submitted by /u/nano_shrimp
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    Asking for ideas for new pokemon

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:34 AM PST

    Hi. Me and a few friends are in the process of making a Pokémon Region loosely based on Southern Africa (more specifically Cape Cod). While we're most of the way through, we were having some trouble making Pokémon (outside of ones based on the standard wildlife of the area) . While we still plan to do more research on the area, we thought it would be beneficial and fun to ask the community for ideas.

    submitted by /u/maskedKnight0
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    I need your ideas for a theme park series!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Hi, I'm Doody, I'm a graphic designer, and I'm working on a video series about video game genres, franchises and what it would look like if theme parks were made after them. So my question is, what would you love to see in a Pokemon theme park? Think about the restaurants, the shops, the rides, the scenic attractions, etc. Any of the clever little things that make a theme park experience immersive and memorable!

    Your input is much appreciated, I will credit any ideas I use in the videos!

    submitted by /u/doodygaming
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    What’s one type you never have in your team?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    As the question says - what's one pokemon type you never have in your team? Whether it's unconsciously or you actively know you don't want that type. For me it always seems to be rock/ground types - I think I just find them a bit boring as team members, and even if this isn't the case I always feel like their moveset is limited and I like my pokemon knowing quite a few different types of moves.

    submitted by /u/seaofbitterness7
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    Can the Eon Ticket (e-Card), got via E-reader in Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire, transfer a copy of the Eon Ticket to Pokémon Emerald by mixing records?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Hello to everyone 😄! I decided to post for the first time ever in this community to get out of doubt about this subject.

    The fact is that I injected the Eon Ticket from Nintendo Italy to my Pokémon Sapphire (spanish) with "Gen 3 event tool" a month & a half ago. It worked perfectly. Yesterday, I tried to transfer a copy of the Eon Ticket to my Pokémon Emerald by mixing records with my Pokémon Sapphire. However, it didn't work 😯🙁. It seems that the Nintendo Italy's Eon Ticket wasn't from the original event, but a transferred copy of it.

    I read that the only legitimate way to get the Eon Ticket in Pokémon Emerald is by mixing records with a Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire got it in the official events. Knowing this, can the e-Card Eon Ticket transfer a copy to Pokémon Emerald? If I inject the Eon Ticket (e-Card) to my Pokémon Ruby (spanish) and then mix records with my Pokémon Emerald, would I receive the Eon Ticket copy?

    In other words, can e-Card Eon Ticket transfer copies by mixing records or neither 🤔?

    In the following link, you can read the only way to get legitimately the Eon Ticket in Pokémon Emerald. You can translate it even if it is in Spanish: E-Reader information

    submitted by /u/SRussellBash
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    Who is Ash's 6th strongest Pokemon?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    I was curious what Ash's strongest team would be based off of every Pokemon he's ever caught so I checked the internet and the first five are generally the same, including Pikachu, Charizard, Sceptile, Infernape, and Greninja in no particular order. But it's when I find #6 that things get complicated. Which one of these Pokemon, if any of them, would be the final member in Ash's ultimate team?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/dun300
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